Other urls found in this thread:
this chess game on the library computer
the clock
some asshole arguing with a librarian about an overdue fee or some shit
this thread
not tonight or ever maybe
had some water in from the fountain in the lobby
fucking horrible. as of today, i am officially homeless. i've spent the last few hours on the computer here at the local library and they're about to close soon. i'm not sure where to go for the evening.
Oh shit senpai. Just missed the last one before delete. Was it the jannies or did it just lose steam?
Will probably buy myself a game, suggestions? originally I was going to buy myself a ton of fun socks cause it's my Birthday, but my coworkers seemed to get word of that and beat me to it.
Rewatched Santa Clarita Diet, Monty Python
The National
A menu probably
Sister is treating me to dinner at Uncle Julio's. It'll probably hurt my stomach but she likes it.
Whatever overpriced Whisky they have
Crashing at her place so probably not
Anxious but loved. Ex sent me a happy birthday text which was weird, but people from work treated me awesome today. It was just me and my coworker (who I'm really into) today She did the whole 'Office' 'It is your birthday' thing at my workstation today before I got there which was cute so we just did projects while watching comedies on Netflix. She's had some issues with her boyfriend ignoring her for a few days last weekend and seems not too happy with him, even if he's going through personal shit. I just let her know that if she ends up not doing anything this weekend to let me know and we can get a drink or something. There's definitely an energy between us but because of the circumstance, I doubt either of us will make a real move anytime soon.
Thanks for reading my blog. Have a fantastic weekend, Yea Forums.
Chain of memories
Classic Simpsons
Not sure
I have no sexual desire
Super odd. I just got my first paycheck from my new job and it’s so much money it feel like I did something wrong. I’m so use to living off ramen because my rent use to take my whole 2nd check for the month but this month I’m still going to have $1200 left.
this post it certified win
Persona 5 Dancing in Starlight.
I bought The Caligula Effect Overdose on my switch so I might start that
New JoJo
New Order and Talking Heads
Killing Commandatore
Pretty shitty.
Starting my new job next week. Can't wait to be somewhere working for 8 hours then get home wanting to die.
Friday Night Lights
Yea Forums
Cheesecake Shake
Maybe some yaoi later
How many times have you posted this copy-pasta, what the fuck.
YGOPRO using an LP gain beast deck
maybe some horror movies on shudder and YouTube recommendations
bone in porkchops on the grill
cute boys
just really comfy warm spring night about to start up the grill
>TFW no bf to cuddle and cook for
Hang in there user. Things will get better. You have any friends or relatives in the area? If so, see about staying with them until you get back on your feet. Otherwise start looking for your nearest homeless shelter. Don’t give up. We’re pulling for ya.
Shamefully playing gacha - fgo, gfl, & dragalia lost. Just beat sekiro and losing desire for Vidya now that summer is approaching.
Newest season of South Park and going to start fate with my bf
No vacation beach bummer
Oyasumi punpun & a true crime book
Getting Korean BBQ for dinner
Pretty good. Starting a new workout regime and cutting back on Vidya to focus on studying and more productive shit.
oh no
Happy b-day
Fuck off meowie
Thanks user!
Best bro lent me Horizon: Zero Dawn, so I’m finally seeing what all the fuss (and hate) has been about. Enjoying it for the most part, but I nevwr hopped on that hype train so I walked in with no expectations
Workaholics or maybe Under Arrest (Canada’s version of Cops)
The Last Podcast on the Left
This thread, I guess
About to toss a pizza in the oven
Whiskey and cokes
Nothin’ right now
Fuck user, my condolences. Makes me really appreciate what I have
when do they partyvan threads start
Mad World and Red Steel 2
Pat Stares at and might binge Jojo part 5
Yea Forums
Black whores getting bleached
Uncertain about the future and might buy a phone so I can get a new job delivering food. I better get my last paycheck or I'm going to leave call the health inspector and file a complaint with the labor department because I didn't get my breaks on many shifts.
Had a donut, not sure what I'm doing for dinner.
Do the Dew.
Holy shit I feel great. I get the whole weekend off and I finally have a proper desktop to video game with.
What area, I could help out
Finishing Up Fable 2. And then Saints Row 3.
Devin Townsend's new album.
Yea Forums, /adv/
The Usual.
Just got to make it too Tuesday. And I get the first 3 of my Birthday presents. And I hope the nice weather stays for my first step into hiking again. I will admit I'm going straight for a Level 3 hiking area that I haven't done in years. But everyone literally everyone will be at the Level 1 hiking area and....Level 3 is just majorly fucking better, more bigger and 0 people around. Make's it even better that everyone will be back at school and work from Easter holiday. So even less people. Can't fucking wait.
Still not meowie
Suck my dick meowie
Trails of Cold Steel. I like it, but for whatever reason I start getting drowsy as soon as I start the game. Like before I even have control of my character. No idea why.
One Punch Man season 2
My frogs singan
Far left meltdowns over the Meuller Report. Shit is gold.
Making some spicy chicken stir-fry
Sparkling cranberry juice
loli, always
My grocery delivery guy brought me tortillas made of wheat instead of corn, and even though I have celiac disease, due to the fact that I'm a lazy fuck I didn't go through the rigamarole of a return. Made some quesadillas with them yesterday, and my stomach has been on fire all fucking day because of it. Otherwise, I can't complain.
Well, right now I'm playing Batman: Arkham Knight purely to clear my backlog. It's stale and repetitive.
Red Faction Guerrilla. Might give Objects in Space or Helium Rain a try when it gets nice and dark.
Babylon 5 S2. The special effects don't hold up as well but the story more than makes up for it.
80s new wave
Yea Forums
Hamburger and tater tots
Diet Coke, iced green tea
Mind break hentai
Better. The meds I got for my lung infection seem to be finally working, and I have tonight off to relax and be comfy. Hope everyone has a great night!
PBS Spacetime on YouTube
My roommates loud rock music
A list for what fits my budget right now (it's nothing but cheap food)
Mac and cheese
Kyle from Fortnite Save the World
Ragnarok Online
Someone recommended a low rate server that sounds decent in another thread.
King of the HIll
Ate some supreme pizza
Milf doujins
Relieved, just got out of a tornado watch.
Come back when it’s a warning faggot
Doki Doki Lit Club. I think I fucked up and one of the girls might've killed herself.
Watched Green Book with my dad. Pretty comfy!
Might start rereading Berserk for upcoming Griffith chapter
Ginger Ale
I feel like I'm on autopilot. Like I'm just doing shit in a dream or something. Its weird.
Enter the Gungeon, maybe some Pokemon later.
Random shit on youtube
Random shit on youtube
Yea Forums posts
Probably Ramen
Blue Fanta
Whatever porn I fancy when I clear through all the porn discords i'm in.
Doom Builder 2, Smash Ultimate. I just learned about pressing jump after firing a shot off with joker to do that quick leap in the air shooting downward thing. pretty neat. He's been a lot of fun to play.
I've also made a cover of The Antichrist by Slayer for the Doom wad I'm working on
Yea Forums, (you) guys
Probably diet mountain dew or monster ultra zero
vanilla gay thoughts. I wish I had a bf to enact all those lovey dovey thoughts with
Pretty good, but lonely.
Happy birthday user! Maybe your ex was just thinking about you and sent a happy birthday text out of good will. I wouldn't dwell on it too much.
Man, I wish I had a job right now. I get so bored sitting around the house all the time. Maybe working won't suck as much as you think it might, try to go into it with a positive outlook.
Why are you depressed user?
Sorry to hear about your stomach user. What's celiac disease? I've never heard of that before.
Actually it was a warning, my mistake.
We had two of them today.
Come back when your home has been destroyed faggot
Why are you depressed user?
Because I have depression lol
Actually i'm dead and speaking to you from beyond my rubble grave. My mistake.
Well, depression sucks the big one, and I'm sorry you have it. I just didn't know if it was that or something in particular that was getting you down. I hope you feel better sooner than later user.
Happy birthday, user!
Thanks my dude
It had such potential but the overuse of the batmobile was retarded and making Deathstroke a car battle was dogshit.
theHunter: Call of the Wild. Got a trainer that's compatible with it and I literally only used it to get past the perk & skill grind - Some of that shit's practically mandatory.
Reactions to big reveals in vidya', I like seeing people get super excited like that.
Ace Combat Assault Horizon Legacy [or just, Ace Combat 3D] soundtrack, shit's stellar. Aside from that, various tracks from Smash Bros. Ultimate.
I barely got any sleep so I'm barely readin' anything.
Nothing but I got pizza I should warm up.
Coca Cola, not a smart choice when you have a sore throat though.
Not right now but might later.
A bit down to be honest, barely any of my friends have been on lately and I have literally nobody to theHunt with.
Deep Rock Galactic's my game vote, been addicted to that shits for a week straight now.
Soul Calibur VI. Played some Smash and MHW earlier, might boot up Sekiro later.
Yea Forums
Panda stuff
Pretty fucking good. I've got 4 days off because of Easter.
>that fappan
To each their own and all that but holy shit dude
Yakuza kiwami 2 in a bit
nothing right now
who Censored Roger Rabbit
nothing right now
Pretty good actually, I got an interview coming up and i feel confident at the moment.
happy Friday anons
Age of Mythology: Extended Edition
Ctaching up on Shinkalion. Might check out RobiHachi and Amazing Stranger later.
Symphogear singles
This thread and some more on /m/, MetaCouncil
Cookies and some chocolate snacks
Lemon soda
Mogudan (both classic and modern)
Good, stress levels are going down. Was thinking about going for a swim today, but there is a bunch of brats on the pool, so will do it tomorrow. Looking foward to a comfy holiday. Also, tfw no gf lapses.
Happy birthday, hopes everything works out with you and your coworker.
What's on the pizza?
>Saints Row 3
Had a lot of fun with this, one of the few games I pre-ordered and was worth it.
While I got enjoyement out of it, it's definitely lesser than everything else (except Origins Blackgate).
Good will for sure, but I wish she showed me some empathy when she broke up with me and started publicly dating someone else immediately.
Thanks user!
I’ll consider it!
What is it, all I get is a panda
Honestly, that's just girls for ya. In the moment, they usually consider themselves first and foremost.
I've been rotating between Smash Ultimate, DMC V and WoW.
Peep Show. I really wish the Switch had more than Hulu
This thread
I had hot dogs earlier
Water now. Might go grab some brews but I'm still pretty hungover.
Hungover. Wish I was better at smash but its still fun to play with randoms
Yakuza 0
I'm only on chapter 7 and have like 40+ hours already. At some point I'll need to finish it, but this Cabaret Club ain't gonna run itself.
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
It's pretty good actually
Rereading No Man Knows My History
A real big salad and beef jerkey
Bang energy drink and Diet Shasta Orange now
NE IPA soon
I'll probably jerk off while touching my wife's ass later.
I do not want Spring break to end. I do not want to go back to work.
Never be a teacher.
Awwwe yeah boys. Reposting from last thread.
Gonna get into modding Oblivion but don’t want to go overboard, just make it a little nicer to play and go for comfiness. What are some essentials?
Last episode of The Grand Tour.tfw it’s over
The Revivalists, William Crighton.
Might start Red Storm Rising later, Yea Forums and /o/ now.
Pulled pork and coleslaw
Water, hydration is continuous
My cousin
Pretty good, weathers been nice so I’ve been spending time outside and grilling a lot. Won’t be long until summer is fully here and I’m confined to air conditioning so I’m making the most of it.
I remember the feeling. Just be sensible with it and don’t start blowing it on pointless stuff. You’re gonna make it user, congrats.
Papi best girl. Kinda in the same position job wise but have something else lined up in a couple months so it’s bearable for now.
>za and whiskey
Sounds like a comfy night in desu
Noice, it’s such a good feeling maxing graphics on demanding games or games you never used to play decently,
Sounds like fun, went hiking for the first time in a while a few weeks ago, had forgotten how comfy it is.
CNN is honestly the best comedy channel on cable. Sorry to hear about the celiac, my sister has it too and I’d hate to have to plan meals around it.
>lung infection
Damn. Had pneumonia once, shit sucked. Glad you’re feeling better.
I always love me some Vigo so I might check that movie out, looked real good from the trailers.
>What’s on the pizza?
Meh, wife picked it out so it’s just cheese, but at least I don’t have to go food shopping
Celiac disease is basically a super-sensitivity to wheat. Eating it damages your intestines and causes all sorts of secondary conditions. Anybody can get it from consuming modern wheat strains, and it's basically a dice roll whether you do or not. Thanks to lobbying and propaganda, a lot of people confuse it with gluten sensitivity, and while there's a large overlap, that's technically not correct as the real culprit is the gliadin molecule (which is part of gluten), and eating gluten-free food, depending on what it is, can and usually will fuck with you just as hard (or even harder, depending on the process) as just shoving regular wheat products down your gullet. If you ever order online from Papa John's and see their gluten-free crust, that's why it says "not recommended for people with Celiac Disease" or however they word it.
For me, eating just a little is enough to give me severe heartburn for a couple days, and has a good 50/50 shot at sending me to the bathroom multiple times to power shit a stream of gassy bile and stomach acid out of my ass. it's fun stuff.
That fucking sucks man, I'm sorry you have to deal with that. Thank you for explaining it to me, that was interesting to read too.
Planning meals around celiac isn't that hard. What's difficult is actually finding shit that doesn't have wheat in it at all. The food industry puts it in everything, because the modern strains are mildly addictive - about the same as caffeine. It's in fucking everything. If nothing else it's made me a better cook though, because I often have to make 90% of what I eat from scratch.
Fellow tornado-alley fag here. I feel your pain, user. Shit’s stressful, especially when they come in the dead of night
Dead by Daylight, modded Skyrim quests, gonna try to fix my Bioshock 2 tonight bros, I feel this week is the week i'll fix it
Bob's Burgers and probably Silent Hill (2006) since it's been forever since i've watched it
Nothin' yet but I might scour some Tinder sluts to cuddle with
Cookin' some spaghetti and meatballs
Either to huge nipple fucking, big areolas, bugs forcibly raping and laying eggs in women, or cumshots on clothed titties or cleavage. I most likely won't find anyone to come over and hookup for the weekend but if I do that'd be nice.
Pretty great, got the perfect storm. It's raining and thundering hard down here and living in a suburban, wooded area the trees look beautiful and it brings me peace of mind. Seeing the rain drip from trees while Total Eclipse of the Heart blaring on my speakers in the background is something beautiful that you should all experience.
>in love with a girl you have really good chemistry with but she has a boyfriend
Fuck does this hit me right in the chest, none will compare to my best friend Alex, no matter how many women I lay with there will never be anyone more special than her in my life, even if we're just lifelong friends. She knows my feelings are there and i've seen her go through some relationships and stuff but it kills me that even though I want her happy, either with or without me romantically, there's a real possibility i'll never have her. It sucks so bad. Huh, instead of me actually replying I turned this into some sort of blog for me to vent, i'm sorry.
>cheesecake shake
Fuck I want one now, CookOut shakes are delicious
>tornado watch
I'm still in effect, where you at? Are you in GA homie?
Skyrim on switch
Calculus concepts and contexts
Good Fiday nofap
Broken-hearted, as always
>Had a lot of fun with this, one of the few games I pre-ordered and was worth it.
Dude its the final Saints Row that is Gangsters and not yeah SR4 is good. But the super powers shit is off putting.
>had forgotten how comfy it is.
It is just the thought of getting lost, with no one around and just enjoying just nothing but peace. Like I said everyone is back at school or work and my holiday is starting when they go back.
Here's the pork chops don't know why some areas of the chops are pink on camera
Armored Core
Mobile Suit Gundam
The Call of Cthulu
Katy Perry
max comfy
>Tornado Watch
I live in Indiana. If I got a week without a tornado watch during the season, it makes me feel weird, like the weather service is missing something.
>call of cthulu
>katy perry
Joker Smash Bros DLC
Some Gigguk
Cheat Codes
Yea Forums
Mints (see feelan)
Water (see feelan)
Gay chubs
Bloated as fuck and at work. I might leave early and trying to clean my system as much as possible
Yikes, just be careful
>Thanks to lobbying and propaganda, a lot of people confuse it with gluten sensitivity
Do you know why that happened or who would gain from doing something like that? Because it's the same for Casein/Lactose and it even got to the point where random people have insisted that my allergy doesn't exist and that I'm just lactose intolerant.
Please vent user, I’m sure Alex is lucky to have you in her life.
Persona 5
CNN (fake news)
Finished crime and punishment this week and am trying to decide what to read next. I'm not sure if i should begin reading war and peace or get into philosophy like I've been meaning to.
Im gonna have some grilled chicken with a baked potato, vegetables, and rice soon.
Great, especially since I've gone back to eating healthier again and i have much more energy.
Gonna get Baba is You. Looking forward to it.
Something with gf later on
Classic rock
Protein shake in a bit
Water and Monster Zero
gf orTHICC ebony goddesses
New job as an electrician apprentice is going great. First paycheck came in and I'm fucking hooked. I'm a walking 24yo Go Getter Wojak. On the flip side, my gf is pissing me the fuck off. She drives to her bank that is closest to me to try and hang out the second I get off work. No notification of this. Just "Hey I'm here at a Target right next to you so do you mind? XD". She is extremely clingy and it is reaching a tipping point. She just does so much shit that makes no sense and is annoying as fuck. The sex is great but not worth the rest of this shit. I'm giving this until May and if it isn't resolved I'm breaking up with her and taking a break from women for a few months. Also thinking on joining the Freemasons and getting a banjo
the pink is only on cam probably lighting don't worry i checked they're at 145
Yoshi's Crafted World
Romeo & Juliet (1996)
JoJo openings
Yea Forums
Durum kebab
Green tea
Almost recovered from a small wound in my dick from masturbating too aggresively. To make sure, I'll wait until Monday.
Easter holidays are a good opportunity to relax from everything. After that I'll have to work on my dissertation but it feels overwhelming to me right now
Yep, I am paying off all my debt then start putting thousands of dollars in savings every month.
CS:GO, World War Z, and Dead or Alive Venus Vacation
Gonna find a show on Netflix for background noise
The Beatles
Going to go to the grocery store in a bit, not too sure what I'm gonna make. Probably teriyaki marinade chicken, rice, and roasted veggies
May get some root beer
Already did
Pretty excited for tonight, gonna play some games with a friend and finally play World War Z
Dude fucked up what happened to Chris. But the show, festival and new album must go on for August.
Dude. You sound like a dick to your GF. Like you think from your first Electrician Apprentice Pay Check you will get bitches. But you are still an apprentice. Just saying.
Dump her and take the 2dwaifupill
Dragon Quest X
Star Twinkle Precure
Gyakuten Meets Jazz Soul
Various Tofugu articles
Pork w/ rice and beans
Feeling kinda lonely, I'm tempted to buy a weighted blanket to make up for the lack of human touch in my life
Considering I haven't listened to that band in years, what happened to Chris?
Thanks user, I know she has feelings but due to her last 2 relationships we just don't feel it's right because she needs to work on herself. She was groomed at the age of 16 and went to live and go out with a 26 year old woman who abused her and basically turned her into a house cleaner and babysitter. The dude she dated when she came down here he seemed nice at first but I saw through that fucker's act when he talked to her a certain way and I came to realize he wanted a trophy wife and sex from her, not a real relationship. She's single and gone from all that drama now but she definitely needs time to herself right now. I might not be her dream but she's mine and I just want her to be happy with a good person above anything else. She's never done anything to hurt anyone or me and she deserves happiness.
seconding the you're a dick comment kek, what an autistic way for you to handle a relationship. your gf wants to hang out?? oh no!
Dude he sued Clown and Corey and they kicked him out due to it. Guess we are another man down again.....
The modern wheat strain the industry uses is mildly addictive as I said in another post. It's super cheap to grow, has very high crop yields, and you can put it in just about anything without detrimental effects on flavor/texture etc. If the food industry had to go back to using legacy wheat strains, they'd be losing out on a ton of that benefit, because those legacy strains don't grow as much and are not nearly as potent in their qualities. So they frame it all around gluten.
There are multiple processes by which you can break down/remove gluten from wheat-containing foods without removing the gliadin and other substances in that gluten. This will show results for the FDC etc. because people who strictly have gluten sensitivity will show positive results when given those "gluten-free" foods, but people with celiac still suffer, people without celiac are still likely to develop it, and all so that the food industry can continue to pump a mildly addictive substance into everything it feasibly can.
Nothing at the moment.
Nothing at the moment.
System Shock 2 OST
Yea Forums, /an/ and /int/
Easter dinner of potatoes and fried cod
Katrin from Paradise Birds
Okay. Nice climate today.
Probably smash or ace attorney, maybe
Stein's gate finally
Fanta apple
Idk, i never know
Exhausted from work, it's like this every day nowadays
I want it to stop
>I might not be her dream but she's mine and I just want her to be happy with a good person above anything else.
Okay now you made it really fucking creepy. You are like the male version of women who want to try and fix their other half. And also saying that after explaining why she was abused makes you sound like another abuser. Just saying.
ohhh. Well, what did he sue them over?
Ganna try out World War Z and if I dont like it then P3
Seinfeld then Jojo and Mob Psycho
Future Funk
My Hero Academia
Water and coffee
anal milfs
Pretty comfy right now
Work is so fucking life draining if you barely scrap by.
pic related, the greatest Z movie
found this new Evan Williams 100 proof at the store, pretty good and coors banquet because I was watching Smokey and the Bandit the other night, also root beer
girl clothes
ok, glad it's starting to get warmer out
have fun with the new deskop
excellent song, I think Dave Mustaine's medieval house is for sale in CA
nice, glad those are starting to show up in most stores now
wow i thought it was over already, theres 4 episodes i haven't seen yet, thanks for reminding me
one of my favorite games but i'm too retarted to use the mod manager and BAIN or whatever and end up just playing vanilla
i miss the double down
why so bloated?
fanta friends
>she's a great girl and i'm contempt with being her friend
>I just want her to be happy either with or without me being romantically involved with her
>that in any way is creepy
I don't at all get how wanting her to be happy is a bad thing. Maybe it was just bad wording.
Basically he found out like the other members of the band have like different businesses e.g. merch, instrument sponsors and such and were getting a bigger pay check than him. But it is due to this happening ever since like Iowa album and he was never told or knew. They he made it public he was sueing them and Clown and Corey just thought it was a big fuck you to them. Especially since new album is in August I think 6th album now.
I get it my man. My ex was with me for 11 1/2 years before she left me and this coworker is the only person since then that I’ve felt any real connection with. But I’m feeling you for sure. I wish you happiness whatever it manifests itself as.
Gonna be at dinner with my sister and these IP range bans are obnoxious. So thanks again anons for the wishes and the conversation.
I don't really "barely scrape by"
I work 40 hours a week and make pretty good money for someone who lives alone, but i've been living like this for a year now and once you have spent money on whatever you want for so long, money isn't that big of a deal, i just want to feel fulfilled or have motivation but i don't feel like i'm going anywhere even though by most standards i'm already in a great place
>I don't at all get how wanting her to be happy is a bad thing.
Because you are sticking to her like glue.
>She's single and gone from all that drama now but she definitely needs time to herself right now.
In a creepy way. Like instead of carrying on with your life. You are now too much in her life. And it is very creepy. You going to end up being her best friend who ruins it for the actual people she wants to date.
Skyrim & a bit of zenki zero
old martial arts flicks
your sister
Anne Karenina
Rum & coke
Relaxed, just got off work
ESO, Pokémon White, BFV
Old South Park, JoJo, O
08th MS Team
Cumtown, gaming podcasts
X-Men, gotta Batman itch tho
Either Sushi and noodles or fish and chips, haven’t decided yet.
Cheap cheap beer
Finally got some energy so I’m gonna lay with the gf tonight
A little good, a little anxious. Finished student teaching and while I love the kids, I’m not sure classroom teaching is my thing. Looking in to getting into higher ed admin. Got a couple applications out right now, I really hope I get a job soon cause I’m tired of my gf being my sugar momma.
Comics or books? Been thinking about starting one of them
>Almost recovered from a small wound in my dick from masturbating too aggresively. To make sure, I'll wait until Monday.
It’s fucking Holy Week user
Honestly user as a guy who’s marrying his GF he once thought as too clingy. As long as she’s not psycho about it, it’s a good problem to have. If you’re serious about having a family, she’s the one you want.
>Mobile Suit Gundam
I work 12 hour shifts every work day and I work mandatory overtime every other weekend. I work hard as fuck and I still get paid less then lazy motherfuckers. I'm so tired on my days off that I can't get outta bed and run errands.
nothin but i just finished mgs3 on EU extreme yesterday
i always forget how good that game is
random shit on youtube
compfy music for studying
fourchan and this math book
cawfee and water
fapped so much today
hopefully i dont fap again
a little stressed because i have a math exam the day after tomorrow but also excited for summer break next week, there are so many games im planning to play this summer
I hope you fail your math exam man
>Sticking to her like glue
We don't even get to see each other often, last time I saw her was a few weeks back, we text each other every few days though when she wants to chat. She'll either text me on my phone to see how things are or we'll talk and play vidya on Discord. I'm not trying to force myself on her or try and force her into loving me. I just want her to find someone who makes her happy is all.
>In a creepy way. Like instead of carrying on with your life. You are now too much in her life. And it is very creepy. You going to end up being her best friend who ruins it for the actual people she wants to date.
I've met the dude she has feelings for currently. He's honestly a really great guy and we've all hung out on multiple occasions. I do carry on with my life, sure I love her but that doesn't change our dynamic or anything. We hang out when we can and we're just really good friends. My feelings are there but she doesn't return the same way. I'm not gonna just drop her as a friend because she doesn't have the same kind of feelings about me I have for her. I think you're looking at this entirely the wrong way. Either that or you're just jumping to conclusions with minimal knowledge of our friendship.
what the fukc man
it wasnt intentional
i dont even think when im typing
I'm working on my setting for my TTRPG and my novel! Anyone wanna see some maps?
Smashing Pumpkins
Tae Kim
Not tonight
A little motivated
is that pug one of your npcs
Dark Souls, and Mario Tennis Aces
A Silent Voice
This thread
Fish and chips
Dr. Pepper
Pretty good
Devil may cry 5, maybe some strange journey later.
Nothing right now.
Ocean man
Pretty good.
sauce on that pic?
>I just want her to find someone who makes her happy is all.
>sure I love her but that doesn't change our dynamic or anything.
Then give up your dream of having her then.
>We hang out when we can and we're just really good friends.
Jesus now you are explaining the subtle shit you are doing. Like you playing the fucking third wheel friend every couple has. That hangs out with them in hopes you can all go on a double date and shit.
>We hang out when we can and we're just really good friends.
>sure I love her
Pick one and draw the fucking line there. You are already placing the blueprints to fuck up who she likes and you don't even know you are doing it.
>i dont even think when im typing
You are going to fail for sure then.
>cheesecake shake
My nigga you at Sonic?
Nope. Pay is better than I expected. Was getting bitches beforehand. That's all I have to say on that
To elaborate: we hangout Friday night, the entirety of Saturday, and a bit of Sunday. Sometimes until 12. Almost every week since we've dated she wants to come over during the weekdays. Not on occasion. Every weeks for the past 3 months. If I say things might be later than a set time she gets upset. If I want more time to myself on the weekend she gets upset. If I just wanna go to the gym real quick like I said I was going to 2 days in advance, she gets upset. All while holding off on telling me things that upset her for nearly 3 weeks sometimes. Now I don't know about you, but that can get rather irritating at times. So much so I'm considering the end of the relationship
Finally beat Fire Emblem 7, I think I'm going to wrap up Cross Code and then maybe start Persona 3.
Pound 2019
I've been reading this book called Shutting Out the Sun about Japanese hikikomori.
Gonna make some turkey meatballs later
Nothing fancy, just screwdrivers
Gay stuff
Gonna go hiking tomorrow but I think it's going to be really hot
have sex.
Something I commissioned that isn't finished yet. Also have a facesitting one in the works. I'll throw them up on r34xxx when they're done.
i mean im on Yea Forums like one day before the exam
the situation is hopeless
Nope. Pay is better than I expected. Was getting bitches beforehand. That's all I have to say on that
To elaborate: we hangout Friday night, the entirety of Saturday, and a bit of Sunday. Sometimes until 12. Almost every week since we've dated she wants to come over during the weekdays. Not on occasion. Every weeks for the past 3 months. If I say things might be later than a set time she gets upset. If I want more time to myself on the weekend she gets upset. If I just wanna go to the gym real quick like I said I was going to 2 days in advance, she gets upset. All while holding off on telling me things that upset her for nearly 3 weeks sometimes. If I call her out she dodges the question. Most of those issues she has only pop up while she is drunk. Now I don't know about you, but that can get rather irritating at times. So much so I'm considering the end of the relationship
Kingdom Hearts II
Futurama, Banana Fish
90s Dance radio station on Slacker.
This thread.
Chicken wings and jalapenos stuffed with cheese
Arizona green tea
TGIF. Feels good having a job where I only work Mon-Fri. I used to have one where I also worked weekends. Fuck that shit.
based user
Been playing Pokemon on my phone. Might play some Switch.
The Last and First Men
If I can find an opportunity
Horrible. Had an episode that spiraled out of control and I was kicked out. Now I'm at my gf's parent's and I want to just be alone.
Hotline Miami 2 and S.T.A.L.K.E.R Call of Pripyat
Sora no Otoshimono
Firelake-Sands of Time
/k/, 8/pol,8/r9k/ and 8/b/(not 4cuck ones except /k/, the infinite one is slow)
Boursin Cheese and Salmas Crackers
Mutant Mass and Creatine
Pretty chill, didn't have to go to work today because good friday
Nothing atm. Haven't started xenoblade 2 yet. Maybe i will. I was thinking of buying tropico or outward since i got paid today
JoJo and other random anime, moistcr1tikal stream
Studied for classes earlier
Had culvers earlier, might make something later.
Beer and water
Hentai, konosuba probably
Pretty good. Hung out with friends earlier and went to the gym. But now that I've been home alone for 1 hour out of the last 9 i'm beginning to feel lonely for no reason
Deciding between going to the bar to watch FC Cincinnati and the Reds or getting stoned and playing Anno/Sekiro.
Screw it, it's Friday. I'll throw you guys a bone with the preview. Facesitting lewd will be small breasted Ryoubi.
Here is a thicc map my dudes. I'm doing sq. mile calculations right now and converting pixels to sq. miles.
Katana Samurai and FFIX
Dororo and futurama
The stuff above
Did enough of this at work this week
Cheesesteak sandwich
Beer and water
At some point
Like hot dog shit. Giving myself tonight to stop the self pity party.
Good shit user.
please off yourself as soon as humanely possible :)
Might start MK11 Switch ordered a ps4 slim that will be here tomorrow to finish Bloodborne finally and finally start Sekiro. I want the trophies, otherwise I'd just play it on PC
Giant Bomb UPF
UPF, Jeff is playing old ass games and its great
this thread and responding, hope others do to, i enjoy this thread every week
Just had some tacos from tacobell with diablo sauce mmmmm
coke zero
annoyed, thought i had a remote position that would have paid great, got an email saying they hired someone with better qualifications, but the listing is still on their site. I'm overqualified and really want to stop commuting for work. Would love this job, and no one is responding to my emails about what is going on.
Minecraft and Devil Survivor
Gonna watch My Conquest is the Sea of Stars and Into the Spiderverse with friends later
Podcast, then I'm thinking some ambient when it ends
Political Theology
Roommate is making borger
Coffee, then milk with the borger
Bleached and maybe goth girls
P good. Need to get back in the habit of doing my homework
yea the original
gl with your job stuff. stay comfy, user
cheers m8
i tried chivalry for the first time in like a year or 2, apparently i'm not even level 15 yet so i had some fun
going to replay max payne 3 and shadow of mordor soon
i've decided to start watching anime so i'll try boku ga inai machi later today maybe
this post, i'd read some other posts but i'm tired
it's almost 3 am, i'm lying down in bed and just thinking about the future
how will the future of humanity look like? i seriously can't tell
on the right you have people screaming about jews and conspiracies and stuff and on the left you have sjws screeching about their feelings, both are very little in numbers while also being very loud on the internet trying to rope in more and more people
i don't know why any of them get to change how things in society work and i don't know what's going on
they're ruining my video games too
it's like humanity is going back to how it's been before the age of enlightenment but with less religion
i've had a fascination with fishing of all things since i was a small boy
golf too, but fishing was more interesting to me
i'd like to learn how to fish one day and then maybe just go live near a pond and fish all day and stay away from everything
i also love eating fish so that's a benefit
also i've wanted to know how to play the piano for a couple of years now but never really knew how to begin, and i keep finding great music with piano sounds which makes me frustrated that i never get around learning how to play
>Gonna make some turkey meatballs later
Sweet, i made turkey burgers last night but regretted not making some turkey meatballs too
>girl clothes
b a s e d
Are you into guys or girls?
The Surge. Why is it better than the DS series? Not by a lot, but at least a decent amount better
Patrice O'Neal standup (rip)
I finished eating some chicken, black rice, and beans. Coffee ice cream for dessert
called out sick from work the past 2 days so I've got a 4 day weekend essentially. Feeling great
dude are u fuckin 15 years old
FF7 for the first time, really liking it a lot Smash, enjoying playing Joker but I'm still trash
Sekiro NG+2
Minecraft with friends
Vento Aureo
NieR Piano Collections
Fruit of Grisaia, Yumiko Route
had some turkey
maybe some Kronenbourg Blanc
been various Fate characters lately
Been in a good mood since yesterday. I was feeling pretty shitty for the past week up until then, but I guess I was able to get over my negativity and work actually served to take my mind off things. I don't want to work retail forever, but my coworkers and my manager make it worth going in.
How's Zanki Zero? Also good move taste
>Gyakuten Meets Jazz Soul
now that's the real good shit user
grills or guys that look like grills
no i'm just venting, i like to think about stuff but those thoughts never leave my mind because if i tell this stuff to anyone i know they'll call me dumb or something and won't want to discuss it
top or bottom
>>shogun 2, Sekigahara mod
>>leaked episode of 'the act'.
>>comedy podcasts
>>dandelion root tea
>>Pic related
>>feeling hungry
>i know they'll call me dumb or something and won't want to discuss it
We still aren't discussing it. Stop literally spewing your life story to us. Jesus that is like fucking overkill man. How lonely are you.
streaming games
shitty frozen pizza with hot sauce on it
beer, captain morgans
jungle asian pornstar named priva
turned 30 today and i cant get it off my mind. it wasnt like this when i turned 20. didnt really do fuck all today. bought my self a cake like I usually do but i dont even really want it. probably just gonna get really drunk tonight and passout
is it one of those rhetorical questions
are you me? sounds like a lot of nights for me after i turned 30
Must be shit to be amerimutt amirite?
>turned 30 today and i cant get it off my mind.
Happy Birthday. Someone once said to me that when you are 30 alot of doors for careers and such will close behind you. And that is just about it. But Happy Birthday.
You must be very lonely then to ask that shit. Like majorly lonely.
i might be you
>He thinks that's alot
DCSS, DMC3 with gold orbs pls no bully, Pyre and OFF.
JoJo, Eva and Mob Psycho.
Yea Forums
Salmon and spinach
Happy it's the long weekend I guess.
Resonance of Fate, haven't had this much fun with jrpg in a while. might start New Game+ on Sekiro after that or try One Finger Death Punch 2
JoJo, finished Zoku Owarimonogatari lately, thinkan what series to watch next
Nothing at the moment, waiting for the next chapter of Spy x Family to come out
Had some pan pizza earlier
Been drinkan mead, beer & coke today
Probably some [Lose] VN CG dump on panda later
Got few days off work and have bunch of vidya to play. Weather is looking to be nice so might visit some relatives. In general life's great.
>readan: Fruit of Grisaia, Yumiko Route
Get ready for some absolutely retarded action scenes, even for grisaia standards
I fucking loved that orchestral soundtrack for MSG. Could not get it out of my head. I’d hum it at work back when I was making pizzas
that was a good thread
dont know only ever been with bbq grills (female)
Smash Ultimate, having fun with Robin recently
Bruins and Leafs game 5
Massive Attack
Studyin finance
Had a coke earlier, first in ages. Coke is good.
Pretty decent lads. Moving out soon with some bros soon. Will be nice being independent.
WoW Vanilla Private Server (In anticipation for Classic
Golden Curry with rice, pork loins
My nigga Sapporo
Decent, feeling the NEETlife of my funemployment after being laid off a month ago
Yuuji is so over the top, he's already beaten up countless thugs. I look forward to more of that.
twitch stream
ate some pizza today
coffee / water
just fine
going to bed, night
Books. I'm on the second one and they're definitely my favorite series from the new canon
Monster Hunter World
Gonna watch the latest ep of Jojo soon
Castlevania music
My old college history textbook
Chocolate cake
Might whack it to Kritika Online female characters soon
Pretty good
gn fren
You bet boi
Some Garry's Mod and Tarkov while I wait for Steam refund to go through so I can get Sekiro with the money.
Black Summer. Was ok until the last episode.
Had a strange craving to listen to Miku again even though it's been several years.
Prime Rib Burger with Tomatoes, Onions, and Lettuce
Cranberry Juice
giant girls
I wish that Steam refund system wasn't so fucking slow. I won't have much time to sit down for Sekiro for a week after today.
Smash Ult, maybe Yakuza 0 later.
Deltarune OST
Anthropology textbook.
Happy desu
Ya know, modern Marvel gets a really bad rap, but lately anything not published by Slott is decent. Not a golden age by any means but War of the Realms has been enjoyable, so has ASM’s Hunted.
I haven't eaten in the last 48 hours
I don't feel like it
All of the above could only mean a break up. "need to work on myself" only means I don't love you anymore
Fallout New Vegas
Fruit of Grisaia
Creedence Clearwater Revival - Lookin out my Backdoor
Metro 2033
Chinese food
Yes but don't know to what yet
Pretty good
>Yakuza 0
My man
Its more than I have ever had
Indigestion, heartburn, constipation.
well it's not that bad i guess
>Fruit of Grisaia
>Vento Aureo
I did play Ultimate and UNIST earlier.
Unbreakable Tie
Black male on white male
Sad. None of my online friends are online or willing to play vidya at the moment.
Kikoskia's LP of baldur, but mostly as background
Nightfall the homestuck fanfic. I actually kind of like it.
SALT AND SANCTUARY on Switch, as soon as I stop hanging around here. Doing an archer/swordsman/light armor run with the forest creed (basically LARPing as Robin Hood). It's much stronger than I expected, bows in Souls and Soulslikes tend to really suck. I killed the Lake Witch on the first try which is a first in my experience, she's my deadliest boss. By using the Taichi, I can use my high dex for insane melee damage and apply strong poison to everybody with my creed pessmud. God, it took forever to get a source of non-poison damage and the dragon was basically hell, but I managed to clutch past him with my last shockstone.
Smash Bros., Yea Forums lobbies
Fruits Basket, One Punch Man, Demon Slayer, Attack on Titan
Overworked. Friends called me up to hang but I dont want to see anyone. Just want to be in my room with my cats.
The Division 2 But been keeping a close eye on the City of Heroes private server threads
Bullshit on Youtube
Been in a Tool mood lately
Shitposts on Yea Forums
Had a ham wrap for dinner
Haven't since March
Pretty good
new vegas
noice, once i get the anti stutter thing to work i will start a new guy. i want to try something else besides guns/medicine/lockpicking
>hotline miami 2
that soundtrack is FIRE, you better be turning it up when playing user
Probably GTA San Andreas
The Sopranos S3
R. Kelly and Lil Uzi Vert
Yea Forums shitposts
Ate a Chick-fil-A spicy deluxe
Chick-fil-A Frosted Lime
not tonight
Tired as fuck from work. But thinking about the bf makes me all warm and tingly
right on, my friend.
heheh. It's my first time through (bit beyond my time) but im luvn. thiz. shit, mane.
rly spicy pairing with the original ac to boot
why do you do this to yourself user.
It's always Sunny
Joanna Newsom and Bach
Also Subahibi
Water and green tea
Bloat & Taxes
Game of Thrones
The Romans: An Introduction
Homemade Pizza
Chocolate milk
Fappin is sin
cats? not a singular cat, but plural?
man get the fuck out of the house and go see your friends, what the hell are you doing
Finishing up Ace Combat 3 then moving onto Dragon Age
GenoSamuel's Chris Chan documentary
Ace Combat 3 music, I guess
Reading is for freakin nerds
Not sure, but here's something from my favorites
Pretty good. Was supposed to work today, but I ended up getting a surprise day off.
>that FAPPAN
The fuck is wrong with you, son?
Holy shit, I'd forgotten about him, Surprised to see he's still making videos. Also
>Homestuck in the current year
>Yakuza 0
>Deltarune OST
Good shit, my dude
>not a singular cat, but plural?
Smash, Pokemon Showdown
Pound 2019
Persona 3 OST
Yea Forums
Mentally pretty good but I feel like I'm getting sick. Body aches a bit and feel lightheaded.
Replaying ninja gaiden black and playing yoshi's crafted world
Whatever peaks my interest on netflix i watched the foreigner last night shit was great
Record of ragnarok and Out
Spaghetti and meatballs
watermelon flavoured water and iron bru
probably some RCTD shit
could be better but nothing i can do about it so not worrying too much
I think you need more cats
Kiko is unironically the best Hearthstone channel. I don't even play the game, but goddamn is it comfy to watch.
i can't believe you'd not only choose to have 7 cats in your home but you'd also prefer to be with them rather than other human beings that want you to be with them
only good type of interracial is white bear on Latino twink
are you the twink, sugar?
Is Subahibi good? Would you recommend it to someone who only has read meme VNs like Sci;Adv series, Grisaia and Yume Miru, such as myself?
Sometimes I wish I was a twink but I need something for the bf to grab on
Hzd and pokemon moon
Rented mule, probably won’t get to it
Phish Hampton 97
This thread
Went from 80 degrees to 40 in one day, so def a good night to be a shut in
Definitely. It's the best I've played so far. I hope you like philosophy.
Blasted through RoR2 for a few hours with a friend earlier. Fuck brass contraptions. Gonna play TWEWY or Fight n' Rage with my bro later. Gotta remember to get my Splatoon on later too.
Got Baby Driver and Metropolis lined up for the night.
JSRF radio.
Waiting for Kengan and Kaiji updates. Just finished Cafe Alpha the other day too. If anyone has any game's similar I'd love to hear 'em.
$3 sanukiya soba store ramen.
Kawaii Kona canned coffee. This shit is my addiction.
Big tits and degenerate dirty talk if anyone good's online tonight.
Not bad, but short on time.
Sounds good, I'll take your word for it user. I'll make it the next VN I read.
Those are some good ass music links. Do you have any full album recs, user? Anything similar off the top of your head really.
math homework
math homework
silver spoon, before i go to sleep
leftover pork chops with broc and rice
roommate is home so nah, otherwise it'd be some to love ru today
GOD SOMEONE HELP ME I CANNOT COMPREHEND THIS HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL MATH AND I'M IN COLLEGE, I CANNOT INTO WORD PROBLEMS I DO NOT WANT TO FAIL SOMEONE HELP ME GOD IM SO STRESSED IF I FAIL THIS COURSE I AM BEYOND FUCKING REDEMPTION. Math is the only subject i just can't understand. the word problems in this linear equation and inequalities part is impossible. worst part is i can't even cheat since they are word problems. god i'm fucked
Just do as I did and give up
don't really have much western music anything from michael mcdonald, steely dan, the shadows, the ventures, bobby caldwell, boz scaggs
>inequality word problems stopping you
This is your brain on hrt lads. Tranny executions when?
Fucking dope. I always appreciate new music, so thanks a bunch.
not a tranny but i probably have autism to be honest. it's like looking at a blank sheet of paper, i cannot figure it out
Videos about lost horror films
Maybe later
Like a colossal fuckup. Every time I manage to be happy I do something to ruin it and hurt people I care about.
Breath of the Wild
NBA playoffs
Super Mega Cast
Differently Morphous
NFL cheerleaders
Alright on a 4 day weekend
the best source for new music is surprisingly youtube recommendation and the mix playlists
Sunless Skies
wish there was every a thread on Yea Forums for this or Sea that made it more than 10 posts
Doom Patrol and NBA
Thread on WoW Classic cause i cant wait for questin
Had venison pepper and broccoli wraps i made
Bulleit as always
This girl who is engaged whos fiance I will cuck Monday
Pretty darn comfy and tipsy, moving to a incredibly cool new city in a few weeks
happens user, gym and social times are best times, stay off the internet and games
also stick to hard liqour straight beer is for estrogen
based Ohio user
stop that pity party, based i wish iw as that ball
>didnt get the job
yea pretty much figure some random douche with a year more XP and stability usually swoops in and takes it
but the Surge is terrible in like, most every way
fuckin weeb
enjoy your anime and tasty salmon
Fuck every boston team
Enjoy your independence user
based classic fag
NEetlife gets old quick be wary
Sekiro dope enjoy
JRE is psudeo intellectual trash be careful
but if it helps your breakup good for you
based food and watchan
You in the midwest?
based drinks and food
Yes sir
Yea I moved from Ohio about 2 years ago, keep the weather on my phone app
Sounds typical
Mostly a repost from earlier but let's go lads.
Sekiro NG+, making excellent pace, already past the Double Monkey Trouble. Just finished some Apex with the bois, shit is fun and the best BR by a country mile, although I realize this isn't saying much.
NHL playoffs, working my way through Mad Men. On S6 and don't want it to end.
Lots of folk-ish music, Fleet Foxes, Dylan, etc.
One Hundred Years of Solitude
General Tsos
Code Red
8/10, seeing family tomorrow which should be mostly fun, but I am excited to be back home tomorrow night to wind down. Should be a fun night tonight chattin' with the the fellas online.
>>didnt get the job
>yea pretty much figure some random douche with a year more XP and stability usually swoops in and takes it
I was in the group interview and they hired another position from the interview. It sucks because it's really hard to get a remote position in my industry unless you have 15+ years of experience. I'm at 8
>It's always Sunny
Nice taste, still need to watch the most recent season.
>The Sopranos S3
Ah fuck, first time through or a rewatch? I ran through it all last summer for the first time and holy fuck was it amazing.
>New Vegas
My man, you're alright.
How is Tarkov? It looks interesting and like the gunplay would be fun as fuck to master.
This is my second re-watch even though I binge on episode clips constantly on YT
>One Hundred Years of Solitude
Would you recommend it so far? I haven't read a book in ages and could use something to dive into.
Tarkov is pretty good, can be extremely stressful if you managed to get good shit on a run and are far from extraction. Gameplay is almost Arma levels of realistic autism and a lot of the guns feel smooth to shoot. You need a shitload of RAM to play though because the game is not very well optimized and you can be killed when loading in.
In Ohio now. I love it. It’s cheap af to live here and perfect if you don’t give a shit about having a social life.
sure isn't cheap in here in columbus, but on the other hand you get a decent and dirt cheap college, and decent neighbors and community. Lots of social shit goes on in columbus. what city do you live in?
In between Akron and Cleveland. Columbus is not bad. A lot of my friends moved there and make a good living now.
not a terrible area yourself. could be worse, could live in Cincinnati kek
Oof cincy is rough. I’ve never seen so many panhandlers and prostitutes wandering downtown and that was in the middle of the day.
The new Jojo ep
drinkable yogurt
Shitty. I made a dumb mistake at work, and I can't stop thinking about it
Splatoon 2.
The game's soundtrack.
Chicken rice.
Ayy im from Cleveland but wnet to school in Cbus
highly reccomend Cleveland as a resting place
DMC4 and whatever else I wanna play. Maybe senran kagura or vanquish
Thinking of eromanga sensei or some other anime. Also YouTube
Mostly YouTube
Probably either gal gohan or azumanga Daioh. Maybe monster musume
French food
Diet soda
Either fat asses or anime girls
Allright. I’m kinda anxious and I woke up at a weird time today. But otherwise I’m ok
nothing, my pc keeps turning off randomly so i can't really play anything
shit netflix shows
elvis, he's pretty good
not today
ate earlier today
shit energy drink
already did it too much for a day
alright but my arms and chest are all hurt because i didnt go to the gym for a while hopefully will be better by tomorrow so i can go again
>shit energy drink
It was rockstar, wasn’t it?
Smash Ultimate
Mother’s Basement
Mother’s Basement
Miyuki Miyabe - Brave Story (see feelan)
Cheese pizza
Too tired to fap
Went birthday shopping for one of my nieces, which explains the book
Played a little of Gungeon today.
About to watch Gozu by Takashi Miike. Earlier I watched Jeopardy with my folks. James has autism.
I fucking hate it when electronic artists play superior remixes live and then never release them formally.
Beef hotdogs and sloppy joes
OJ baybee
Alright. I went into work when I wasn't scheduled, so being able to go home was a very nice feeling, but I go in tomorrow anyway.
Why not DMC5?
>I'll probably jerk off while touching my wife's ass later.
What kind of process is this? Why not just sex at that point?
What are some good zombie games that are cheap on steam
you got this dumb image of a gook bitch saved on the library computer
Was watching Sopranos but the sound system messed up. Not in the mood anymore.
Myself in my head
Sheet music
Self- satisfied
Bout to play some Persona 5 again
Watched the latest JoJo episode earlier. Liked it
Lofi Hip Hop because it calms me
Finished up the latest Jojolion chapter, I like it so far
Ate some meat lovers pizza earlier.
Water, gotta stay hydrated
Gonna look for some overwatch sfm
Okay, wasn't feeling all that well earlier. Had a lot on my mind.
Ace Combat 7
Doom Patrol
The Latro series. Rip Gene, just in time for Easter too.
Working on a pizza
Iced Tea
Pretty good. Scrubbed out at magic tonight, but at least the draft covered its entry fee. Also nice to get to play some legacy.
May I ask: what's the appeal you see in zombie games?
Apex with gf
Watched the Peterson & Zizek debate, Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Crime & Punishment
Had chicken and fries earlier
Orange juice
Not feelan it
Comfy and gud
>Doom Patrol
How is it? A friend of mine said it looked whack compared to the comics, but it didn't look too bad to me having not read the source material. Is it faithful, or at least entertaining?
probably gonna start boogiepop wa warawanai tonight
hardcore syndrome 9
flying witch
leftover chinese food
cute futa
gay shit
Tryna decide what I'll be playan next from my backlog
P4G, in November now and getting pissed that nobody is fucking available.
Might make something
Just water for now
Worried. Probably going to try acid tonight and I'm really not ready.
Borderlands Pre-Sequel
Space Dandy
Nothing atm
Leftover takeaway
Monster girl fiction
Hungover to fuck. Went out and had one too many, woke up like 4 in the morning. Browsing Yea Forums since I can't get back to sleep.
hey bois im gonna break out the onahole tonight
What are some kino hentais i should watch?
It seems like a fairly good adaption of the Morrison run, all things considered.
Brendan Fraser is the absolute perfect casting for Robotman.
Fallout 3, which I haven't managed to fix to work with my modern shit.
Tutorials on how to fix this shit.
To the fucking tutorials
The fucking tutorial
I had a shitty fish sandwich earlier.
If I don't fix the game, Sims 4 modded.
Pretty good actually.
Darksiders, then either the sequel if you liked it, or Vice City.
Chikan Shita Joshi.
Crypt of the Necrodancer. I am still pretty shit at it.
May watch either some more Cowboy Bebop or a Ghibli film. Regardless, I am in the mood for something uplifting. Got any recommendations?
Electric Light Orchestra
Finishing Siddhartha, I am trying to figure out what to read next. Got any recommendations for any novels or works like Siddhartha?
Brisket. Shit was good. May chow down on some chips and sour cream later.
Water, occasionally Jarritos.
Maybe later tonight.
Pretty tired. Just woke up, trying to figure out what I should draw. How are you guys doing on this wonderful night?
Make sure you have Marie maxed soon. Also, make sure not to do acid alone, or more specifically try to have a sober person next to you.
How is it? I played 4,5, and 0. Loved all of them. How does AC7 compare?
What did you do user?
You alright man?
sekiro, maybe darkest dungeon later
mostly game osts and possibly podcasts
water, likely some soda later
decided i'm probably committing suicide sometime within the next month. nothing makes me happy lately, not even games. my friends except one of them basically excludes me from everything due to anxiety/being a downer but i can't leave them cause then i wouldn't have anyone. my death would only upset my mother and one other person but i'm slowly coming to terms with it. i just don't want to feel alone anymore, and i'm uninterested in seeing how worse the rabbit hole gets.
Ace Combat 7 is great. They really do play up the cloud gimmick though.
Smash Ultimate, Tales of Vesperia, might install Soul Calibur VI since I picked it up today
JoJo, Bungou Stray Dogs
All my songs on shuffle
New MHA chapter
Had a burger earlier
Sleeman Honey Brown
No idea yet, depends on what gets me in the mood
Fucking great, finally have a long weekend with a friday off and it feels amazing.
We'll be your frens, user. We'd miss you.
Killing yourself is the most selfish thing you could do, just the fact that you'll upset two people with your death should be enough for you to at least attempt to pick yourself up and push through. Fuck that uninterested crap, go do something else with your life since what you're doing now won't make you happy. Stop playing games for a while and pick up another hobby, even finding a different job/a job at all can help bring you out of this hole. Just don't be weak and give up, killing yourself is the selfish cowards way out and you shouldn't leave this world being a selfish coward
Updated repost from the last thread.
Ys Origin, only beat Yunica's story so far and it was pretty good. Just started Hugos, the magic is a bit weird to get the hang of but I like it.
Just started watching The Sopranos season 3, but unlike this is my first time watching it.
Umineko episode 7, still pretty early on but I feel like this ones gonna be real interesting. Will is pretty cool. Lion is very cute
Had some Raising Canes for dinner.
Root beer.
Boy butt thread on /soc/, found some good stuff on there.
Pretty good, got a 3 day weekend cause of Easter. Gonna try to finish Umineko before its done, I feel like episode 7 is gonna be pretty long but I've heard 8 is the shortest one so I might be able to do it.
Getting destroyed in Bloodborne
Nothing yet, DMC later though.
Baked BBQ chips
Nothing yet. Yandere later.
I've been better but I've also been worse so I'm great.
Just lost steam I think, Happy Birthday mate.
How are you liking the new season so far? I'm a bingefag so I haven't watched it yet and I have OPM filtered on Yea Forums.
Have you seen the hardcovers? Fucking delicious, I can't wait to see Conviction arc in giant size.
seasonal stuff, started watching Roman Empire on netflix yesterday may continue it later
nothing will probably make some spaghetti in a bit
meh, just woke up, it's finally quite
Watched Split
Hip hop
Eichman in Jerusalem: A report on the banality of evil
Stella Artois
Deepthoat compilations
Honestly like I’m ready to uproot my entire life, leave everyone behind and move somewhere far far away and never speak to anyone from my home town again until I’m space dust.
Dark Souls on my switch so I can farm and shitpost here on my PC at the same time.
GoT scenes on YT, hyping up for Sunday.
Second Coming by The Stone Roses.
This Thread
Wife is on period so...Ass licking thread on /gif/
Nice and high off this tasty bud but fuck I need to stop shmoking
>Gozu by Takashi Miike
Alright I just finished it and this is the scariest shit I've seen in a while. Almost the entire movie is deeply unsettling. Its structure kinda reminds me of Lost Highway, but this is more consistently upsetting. The creepiness of the hotel owners. The mystery behind the guy with the white face. It kinda felt like some of these scenarios are based on Japanese folklore, but that added to the unease for me. A modern take on malicious forces against you.
i'm waiting on marie because aparently everyone else needs to be done by november 27th and i know she'll be free every day in december. i think i'm rank 4 with her so i have time.
also there was no acid, just weed. was really awkward, like i just forgot how to talk to my old friends. i didn't even really get high. maybe tomorrow will be different but for now i'm just sad.