ITT: your favorite weapons in vidya

Attached: super shotgun.gif (500x457, 655K)

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nailin niggas to walls

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Sledges shotgun on bl1 was great for launching skags into space

the dbl shotgun is a crutch weapon. Doom 2 was made inferior for it.

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your a huge nigger faggot kill your family then yourself.

This, and Doom 2's level design is bad enough

bonking things with the wrench in OF is so fucking satisfying

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Worse for higher level PvP, godsend for 90 and below.

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>g2a makes fb post asking what was the best doom weapon
>winner gets a copy of nudoom
>I say super shotgun
>actually win
>I still think those social media contests are fake

you're a fat white bitch with no taste and an xxxl shirt. the double barreled shotgun has to keep showing up in doom because retards like you keep clapping 'weeee! click click gun! weee!'

I don't want you to kill yourself because chances are you're going to die before accidentally injecting yourself into a woman so, whatever. keep shitposting you colossal failure.

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I mean back in the day I won a copy of Super DBZ on PS2 for my answer of what the best fight in Dragonball was (I said Piccolo vs 17 with reasons why), but then that was a magazine contest.

The Sellsword Twinblades in DS3. I tried to get into other weapons, but the twinblades, especially with the sharp gem infusion felt so goooood

I can guarantee that you have never tried looking at Doom 2 with a critical eye

very few people have. they're a bunch of bandwagoning retards

It started the "melee weapon shotgun" meme

A pair of these is all I need.

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I miss getting monthly magazines and giving a fuck about them.

I miss hsu and chan sort of.

nigger everyone knows doom 2 is retarded but it is a fun kind of retarded
the super shotgun is clearly not the silky essence of frame perfect sharpness, but you know what it is? it's fun user. Blasting a big ass group of niggas and seeing a number of them fall, seeing that massive spread, hearing that BOOM. it's fun user. F-U-N.

Suggest me some games in which fun flamethrowers

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think about how much better Gears of war coulda been if the shotgun wasn't a touch range pile of garbage

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Eh...none? I've never enjoyed using a flamethrower in any game. They're always designed exclusively to deal with a bunch of small enemies or weak enemies. Big shit never cares about being on fire, or armored shit. Which doesn't quite seem right, as being covered in armor that's on fire sounds kind of terrifying.

Doom 1 is much better designed.

I absolutely agree

I played the absolute fuck out of the Unreal Tournament demo that was included with this magazine as a kid.

I miss demo discs so fucking much.

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I remember when they would release maps for games like team fortress classic and quake, shit was so cash. I can't remember who released it but the only one i can clearly remember was a giant kitchen map with coconut monkey. Feels like it was Half Life but I honestly don't remember.

Dead Space 3 has a powerful flamethrower if you know how to build for it

Rising Storm 2:Vietnam has a really fun flamethrower

evolve was a pretty fun game

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Turok 2

I miss the amazing gunplay this game had.

That's an unbelievably good animation for its time.

>cerebral bore

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that hexen?