What child do you hope to see on the bride banner next month?

What child do you hope to see on the bride banner next month?

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I don't give a shit about that game, but I'm glad it exists purely because all my favorite characters that had no good fan art for years are finally getting it. Sanaki is so fucking hot.

I want to marry bride Julia.

I'm calling the cyberpolice, pedo.

Fae or any dragon loli

Tiki, Nowi or Doot would be good.

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Adult Tiki, just to spite everyone.

But she was on the last one. I don't think she needs another one.

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I was thirteen when we got married, so it's fine.

This, although I kinda want them to save Nowi for the summer banner, so they can give her a bikini.

Nowi I hope.

A Bridal Nowi would make me very happy.

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Hopefully a shota for the cognitive dissonence

She'd probably get covered up by the same weird apron thing Tiki has. A cute onepiece would be much better.

I thought the same thing, but after considering Nowi's usual attire and even her current alt, I wouldn't be surprised to see her in a micro bikini. I wouldn't be opposed to a sukumizu, though.

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Elise or Sakura or Myrrrh plz.

Now that the king is dead, she's fair game.

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Who cares? Nobody wants her.

More for me then.

Alfonse does.


WoM Galeforce memes actually make GC kinda fun.

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My wife, daughter and girlfriend are all so cute