Literally the hardest boss ive ever fought in a video game.
Fuck this shit. Im never replaying this game again because of this fuck.
Literally the hardest boss ive ever fought in a video game
Took me like 5 tries. Do you not understand the basics of the game?
Hesitation is Defeat
I think he's my favorite boss in the series. The perfect final boss.
How my blood boils! Face me, Sekiro
DSP beat him in 3 tries. Git good.
I just did him first try in 11 minutes last night.
I wish I was joking about this.
he was my favourite boss because of how hard he was, and the fact that it incorporates every lesson the game has taught you so far is great
he is the final exam, and he's a fucking good one
>mfw most of the time i cant even get past Genichiro, let alone beat Isshins first phase
I have no idea how i managed to get this far
Can someone explain me how slicing his own throat with the second mortal blade made isshin body's emerge out of genichiro's?
he makes every last boss in prior souls games look like a wet fart
the red mortal blade's true name is "gracious gift of tears" because it can cut and extract the divine dragon's tearduct
the black mortal blade's (what Genichiro had) true name is "open gate" and it can open a path to the underworld, you can find a note on it near Isshin's tower after beating Owl
Genichiro knew he was way too bitch to beat you, so he instead used his own body as a gate to the underworld and summoned his grandfather back from the dead in his prime to save Ashina, Isshin just rolls with it because and doesn't want Ashina to fall (and he also craves combat secretly, hence why he was going out as the tengu)
In a way, the red blade is the sword of death while the black one is the sword of life.
Much like how the red blade needs to take the life of its wielder to work, so does the black one.
Geni, after failing, sacrifices himself to the sword to bring his granpa back.
Please dont steal my theory, vaaty
>cant co OP with Isshin
Maybe in the dlc
So genichiro is the ultimate pussy who will never make his ancestors proud due to how shitty he was and in a desperate situation used the ultimate "grandad please help me I'm faggot who can't fight for shit'
nightmare king grimm was harder for me desu
So could Sekiro resurrect everyone ever since he suffers no drawbacks from the mortal blade?
I think Isshin was hoping Genichiro would hone his own skills rather than relay on shit like the bull, giants, cursed water etc
god i hate how that faggot bong talks.
Bull. No one beat it in one try
>red mortal blade
>can kill undying or immortal beings but will kill the user once upon being drawn
>black mortal blade
>can resurrect anyone in their prime as an undying
>can also kill undying unless this property is exclusive to the summoning ritual
What's the point of the red one?
How do I beat Magikarp?
give the special bait to the carp feeder AKA the old lady's father.
cry more literal who cringy american
I wanted genichiro to execute you and give you no revive if he killed you with the mortal blade.
haveitation is sexfeat
Demon was harder but they're both easier than most DS3 bosses.
Only his music theme is lackluster compared to others, hirate owl is great.
I was in your position yesterday. Isshin's first phase is unironically easier than Genichiro. Good news is that the second and third phases are nearly identical to each other.
I'm not even mad I couldn't beat him, he deserved the victory more than Wolf.
Tried it a couple of times and then gave up, let Ashina rise again, the divine bullshit is all fucked anyway.
Can't find the dude.
I've met the old lady twice now. The second time I meet her she just tells me there's an underwater cave where the giant carp lives. I've tried numerous times to kill it/bait it into lunge attack to destroy some of the scenery, but to no avail. I'm a bit stuck desu.
Complete horseshit, there is no boss in all of DS3 that is as hard, whole DS3 is disappointingly easy.
Orphan of Kos is way harder. I beat Sword Saint third try, and have since beat him on ng+ with kuro's charm and demon bell pretty easily. He is super overrated. Orphan meanwhile probably took me more than 40 attempts
what exactly are you having trouble with?
I only beat Orphan by parrying him to death, could he even be defeated normally?
Nameless King is legit fucking hard.
Sekiro is easier in every way.
>blocking is more effective
>two ways to kill any boss, hp or posture
>you can die twice or more times
>you can pause during battle
I'm willing to chalk it up to you playing Sekiro more recently but there's no argument to be had here.
I refuse to believe anyone struggles with this fight. If you beat Genichiro you should be able to one or two shot him. He's basically the same fight.
Genichiro took me like 3 tries. I beat Isshin first try.
literally git gud
I beat him without parries but its rough. First phase is pretty straightforward but his crazy flailing and jumping around in phase 2 makes it so hard to get damage in. Best boss in the entire series imo
the OST for this game is so god damn overtuned and obnoxious.
Why can't From ever compose anything clear and subtle it's always ten million orchestras and chorus blowing over eachother with a hundred additional noises shitting into the mix, just topped off with Boss screeching or attack trumpets.
Especially when you can make fucking awesome OST with traditional Japanese themes and instruments
another example
meanwhile fucking Sekiro:
it's like they create a base theme and then just keep adding shit on top of it until you can hardly even make it out as music.
Seriously all the From OSTs are like this, and pleb retards always jerking them off because "muh ebicc latin chorus" fuck you retards, Sekiro OST is literally the same shit as DS1-3 with very little Japanese flavour
>There are people in this thread right now who seriously don't think Lud and Zallen (2 cats) is the hardest boss in the whole series (Sekiro included)
Fucking kek. Not even close. These faggots are easily the hardest thing in the whole series.
BASED double ichimonji finisher
>Literally the hardest boss
Let me guess, you've never heard of Hibachi?
They're part of the area that's designed to be cooped though
>Double ichimonji
Why? The second strike is pure garbage and leaves you wide open to attack.
>Designed to be cooped
Not really. Also, you could say that about everything except Vendrick in DaS2 (Who you can't summon for). If you're gonna solo then 2 cats are the EASILY the hardest boss in the series. I'll take Nameless King or Orphan any day over those two faggots.
Only because of the camera requires masterful piloting during that fight
No it isn't.
>blocking is more effective
Not on hard mode it isn't, since you take 50% of damage through blocking, which means you die from blocking few hits from even any trash mob. Blocking is completely non viable on hard mode.
>two ways to kill any boss, hp or posture
And? Both are hard.
>you can die twice or more times
And the difficulty is adjusted with that in mind... Literally balanced around the mechanic
>you can pause during battle
Not that big a deal.
You haven't had a single valid argument actually, while there are many to 100% confirm that Sekiro is harder, for example:
>you can not outlevel bosses because your life and damage level ups come from killing the bosses - in Souls you can farm levels and faceroll through all content
>you can not summon NPC or player help - in Souls even if you play offline you can summon an NPC for nearly every single boss fight
>you have to actually read the enemies attacks and react in time with the correct action, but in Souls roll is a viable action against any and every kind of attack in the game
There is no argument to be had here, Sekiro is by far their mechanically hardest game.
Demon of Hatred is easily the hardest boss in the game
Just wait until you go for shura ending and have to fight the true peak form of isshin. He won't need a gun there like the bitchboi sword saint, because he harnesses the power of a fire god.
When you get to palace grounds, look up and grapple onto the roof, you can then get onto the roof of the building that originally had it’s door locked, you will be able to grapple some trees and head left to get to the area on the other side of the spoopy warrior. Carp Dad is over there.
It's the prototype
What I like is that he doesn't have some cosmic bullshit motive - at the end of the day, he's just in it, and was always in it, for the fight. He just wanted to be the best or die trying.
Didn't think I could could even get onto the roof where the door is locked. I'll give it a go. Thanks.
This game NEEDS and easy mode!
Demon of Hatred was harder.
>tfw got rekt by fire isshin so many times i learned emma and isshin's first stages so well i could perfect them
thank you... sekiro
Yes really. Like, every DLC had an area where you were supposed to summon. Besides, you *could* summon for Lud and Zallen, meaning that they were only difficult if you wanted them to be, whereas Isshin fucks your shit up regardless.
sounds like you haven't fought Demon of Hatred yet
>assuming you'll take the hardest difficulty for Sekiro and the easiest for souls by grinding and summoning
Even then, exploration and most fights are still easier in Sekiro since your character is infinitely faster and more agile.
I'm starting to think that these people make the game harder for themselves by trying to become parry masters despite not having the skills or reaction time for it, they should've just played it down to their level like I did.
Exploration is easier because the zones are smaller as well, and virtually everything save for plot-bosses can be skipped. You first playthrough might take 25-40 hours, but once you know enemy placements, and the fact that static loot is all shit, future playthroughs will all be 4-8 hours.
>trying to farm skill points for the last trophy
Yea I’m at the best possible spot but fuckthis. What are the chances of dlc or exp gain rate change so I can wait and do it later?
>"b-but demon of hatred"
>spam dodge to stay near his ass
>press jump when he grab rushes
>don't chase after him when he hops away because he's gonna throw fireballs and punish you for your retardation
>slash him when he's not stomping
Demon is ezpz compared to Isshin. Isshin requires more precise timing and actual mechanical skill whereas Demon just has a couple tricks you need to be aware of to trivialize them... namely the grab rush that you can dodge by jump and the fireball that he chucks to two-shot you but only if you rush after him.
>Isshin just rolls with it
I had assumed because it was Genichiro’s dying wish that his Grandfather defeat Sekiro, Isshin had no choice but it honor his grandson’s wish.
To be honest, ever since I saw the first "Sekiro MUST HAVE AN EASY MODE STOP OPPRESSING ME REEEEE!"-article I figured these people just couldn't be fucked with a game where you had to make a bit of an effort.
No prob user
That's completely true. The reason they're journalists in the first place is so they can write braindead articles about nothing from the comfort of their homes and still be considered of a certain social class.
you might be bad at video games
Prosthetic Weapons costing Spirit Emblems actively discourages experimenting with the Prosthetic Weapons. I think that is one gameplay mechanic I would change. It’s just another nuisance that requires the player to either farm emblems with the balloons or money to buy emblems, even though the price seems too high at Statues.
>isshin dies
lol Isshin is easymode. At least you have to do different shit vs oni
Read the lore on the attack.
>let Ashina rise again
Ashina is absolutely fucked either way. It's already in flames. Isshin might've been revived in his prime but he has an army of zero.
Calling them journalists is a bit generous.
I'm gonna repeat myself one time for you.
In DS3 you can only die once. It's harder.
>farm emblems with the balloons or money to buy emblems
That's completely false. I did not even think emblems were a finite resource despite using shurikens and crackers all the time even on the lowest of the enemies.
The only way I'd see you running out of emblems is if you spent 50 attempts at every single boss.
The game needs its easy mode. If demon bell + no charm was the default it would be too hard for casuals. So I think the way it is now is better.
How would you change it though?
And that's why you should fight Owl 2 fight. Fighting Owl 2 and succeeding will make SS a cakewalk considering you should be VERY comfortable with parrying and dodging if you haven't by then.
In my opinion, Owl 2 was the hardest, and most fun too.
Not having Kuro's charm gives you more EXP. I just rushed through the game until I got to NG+7 and farmed there. Didn't take too long especially since the main bosses give you a lot of EXP as you go through the NG+s. I do agree it's still a lot of grinding for useless skills though.
i beat him my first try after struggling with SS ishin twice
In DS3 you can tank substantially more hits from bosses and enemies before you die.
kek at you pathetic babies that don't even know what difficult means. THIS is the hardest action game boss ever conceived by a human mind. Sekiro is a walk in the park compared to the relentless speed of Shinobi.
I call the blogposters and opinionists "journalists" and the actual professionals "reporters".
But reporters and journalists deserve respect. What you should be calling them is "wankers".
i can agree with you that there's a lot going on but it's mixed really well, not muddy at all.
is it that bad? I planned on going 100% on this since most achievements seemed really simple.
Is it something that could be done with like one evening of XP farming or is it even more?
But saying "i hate journalists" is much clearer than saying "i hate wankers"
I feel retarded, I keep getting caught put fucking up a parry or rolling DS-style and getting caught. I made it through genichirou and rape ape, but I'm stuck at Owl 1 now, and I'm not quite sure why, besides inconsistency
Top of my head? Another meter for the prosthetic abilities and special skill moves. Though honestly I’d rather just take out Spirit Emblems altogether. It seems like another element of resource management that doesn’t really add to the game. One could certainly make the argument that it makes the game more tense because you have to keep the amount/cost of emblems in mind, but the combat is already fast and tense enough.
He only attacks in 3s or 4s once you figure that out he's ez
git gud
woah dude you are so fucking cool where do I subscribe
You can kill him in one hit
I think its bullshit, but I believe you since I happen to beat 2ape in first try out of sheer luck
Same, but with SS Isshin's first phase
The best part is he can get stuck in it for a long time if you are good enough
am ebin mad my dude
can someone explain to a retard like me how the jizo statues and revives work? I was under the impression that if you get killed by a boss, you only get 2/3 revives, and if you want more you either use the tooth before or use a Jizo statue after you resurrect. But during Owl, it greys out my Jizo even though his healblock isn't active. How does it actually work?
>actually staggers his attacks sometimes
>requires you to press each of the game’s 4 buttons during the fight
He’s legitimately one of the easiest bosses in the game if you bothered learning how to play the game at all. I spent more time on lady butterfly than I did on isshin on my first playthrough
Here you go. Too bad they dropped the ball with Sekiro, even though it's the same(ish) damn setting.
You get two revives spheres that can be filled by killing enemies or by using Bundled Jizo Statues, and a third revive sphere that is filled whenever you rest at an idol. When you die, you're locked out of your other revives until you deathblow an enemy. However, if you die by using Bite Down or Hidden Tooth, you aren't locked out of your other revives. You can restore resurrection use without a deathblow by using Dragon's Blood Droplets or Bundled Jizo Statues. Dragon's Blood Droplets can restore resurrection use at any time while Bundled Jizo Statues can only be used to restore resurrection use if one of your first two spheres are empty.
go at least to NG+5 or it wil take forever. At this point I'm sure you can get shura ending in 2-3 hours
Took me 3-4 hrs to get ~35 points in NG+
makes sense, thank you
ds3 gives you a button to instantly and completely negate all damage regardless of any other factor. you can ROLL in LAVA and it's safer than jumping or running.
>if you keep pressure on him he doesn't even pull his spear until phase 3 and his sword only technicks are piss easy to deal with
>phase 3 is harder because spear plus lightning plus pistol, but his mikirable hit at the end of his combo and posture that never goes down with each perfect parry you do make him far from impossible
git gud
I actually miss this boss fight and the dance of countering his dumbass.
imagine being a little bitch quitter
You just have to overpower Genichiro. Besides his huge sweeping force attacks there's like one move he does you can't attack him to interrupt. Keep on his ass and punish him.
Isshin first phase is amazing, just stay in tight and bait him into his easily deflectable hits and mikiri counters. This limits his moveset and doesn't let him use his insane gap closers and combos.
Get those two phases down pat if you want any success with the last two.
there are people who take *days* on him lmao
>the red mortal blade's true name is "gracious gift of tears" because it can cut and extract the divine dragon's tearduct
No its not, its because it can wound immortals, making them feel pain therefore gracious gift of tears to those who cant cry.
>mfw he used 5 or 7 lightning attacks in a row and at that moment i just figured out how to pull of the reversals
Get all the endings before you farm
Spirit Doku with ghost fish is harder. Basically any boss on Very Hard or higher is harder than bosses in other games.
Funny how people complained the OST was extremely generic Japanese music as well
Second and third Ishin phase took me 1 try idk how
genchiro and first phase took me 20+ kek