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Pirating doesn't hurt anyone
I'm going to pirate Epic exclusives because I don't want their spyware (launcher) on my machine

Here come the ones who say "I don't care because I'm cool"

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pirating games is bad
hey look avengers torrent is out

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Sorry, this is a CYOA thread now.

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>He says as he uses discord, Steam, Google, Yea Forums.

Domino's gang here. Fuck off with your garbage.

It's only pirating if I tell people it's pirating

Supreme and margherita.
I'll have a side of pasta.

No one said that pirating was going to hurt Epic. One of the very first things that was confirmed about the store was that the exclusivity deals were going to cushion developers from any failure of sales.

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The left button is unironically correct. Pirating doesn't hurt anyone when for every pirate there's a whale who's more than willing to compensate for a fuckton of potentially "lost" sales.
Pirating Epic store game is pretty much just a symbolic protest action at this point.

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Supreme, Vegi and a side of Cheesecake my dude

Vegetarian and Cheese, pasta

You wish
>Yea Forums
Heh, nothin persnel kid

Meat lovers, Cheese, and soda.
How is this not the ultimate combo?
>Can have any girl you want
>Own a home
>avoiding tragedies.

Big Cheese, Supreme and Soda are the obvious choice.
Vegetarian is objectively the worst since you can get fit yourself.

>not Little Caesars

I'll take the big cheese supreme and a soda.

Supreme with garlic bread. I'm am the corp.



That's gonna be a Supreme and Vegetarian with a Soda for me

get fucked faggot

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big cheese / veg / soda

villainy signaling

>like to pirate
>think epic games store isn't as bad as newfags on Yea Forums claim it to be
When EGS will finally get some games I'm actually interested in, I'll consider buying them.

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I'm going to pirate this game and there's nothing you can do to stop me

Are you retarded? Discord literally say in their ToS they collect your information. And Google definitely does it given how they use targeted advertising. Please tell me this is bait.

Pirating doesn't hurt sales, but Epic and its supporters believe it does so I'll say my pirating is hurting their sales to make them upset.

Now THIS is based.

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do you think something has to be installed to collect info on you?

He's saying he doesn't use them

pirate fags BTFO'D

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I'm saying I don't use them
I have to give it info to collect, what's it going to monitor? The board speed? The amount I post? Oh well

Wow you’re actually retarded. He clearly means “Nope” as in, he doesn’t have it installed.

Epic will never be on this machine, and I will play whatever games I want. At the end of the day I was never going to be a sale.

It's not about hurting epic you absolute brainlet it's about using a service that's comfy for you as a consumer

I don't believe pirating doesn't hurt anyone I just do it because I don't have any money

The wizard literally did nothing wrong
He copied the bike
The copy is not the owners bike, the owner has his bike
Saying the owner should can charge money for something he didn't legally aquire is retarded

I have always pirated
If they don't want me to they should stop with this DRM laucher cancer

click the left button, no sweat

Last time I check Yea Forums doesn't steal info from installed programs on your PC

>had to label PC gamers
Why don't people know when to stop writing things?
You're already using an established meme's format. Writing more to treat your readers like they're braindead completely detracts from any point you may have had or any comedy.

Can't be a lost sale if I wasn't going to buy it anyway, faggot.

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press the left button and wait for steam versions for those few exclusives I give a shit about like dangerous driving or whatever it's called. no problem.

The thing is, Epic picked some games that people would actually buy but decided not to because it's on epic, so it is actually a lost sale, hurting epic in the end. The argument to "piracy doesn't hurt" is because people would otherwise never buy the game they pirated so it's not a lost sale. So yes, both can exist on the same argument, it's not a choice of one or another.

it could hurt sales, it could help sales. we don’t really know, and there could always be variables that differ depending on the scenario.

>Are you retarded?
Are you?


>Option A
Pay for the game with Denuvo on a cancerous DRM platform with no guarantee that you can keep it forever.
>Option B
Get the game for free with no DRM or Denuvo. You can also keep the game forever.
Choose wisley

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Pirating doesn't hurt anyone but buying help them and why would you help someone that doesn't give a fuck about you?

The problem with the piracy discussion is that people equate not helping with hurting

>implying I pirate to hurt anyone in particular

Why am I supposed to choose between one or the other?
If I pirated, lets say Firewatch, a certified garbage game I had no intention of buying whatsoever, it doesn't hurt anyone
When I pirated Metro Exodus, I did it to spite Epic and the publishers, as I'd buy the game on steam when it'd get a discount, as none of the games are actually worth as much as they're selling them for

>Fighting over stores
Are landlubbers really like this?

You mean pirating a game you would have bought? If I never intend on buying a game and want to try it out how does that hurt these dipshit developers that don’t release demos? If your game is that good I’ll buy it.

I just pirate. I don't need a reason or justification. That shit is for cucks.

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Option 1 - only said by pirates
Option 2 - only said buy legit customers

Sign me the fuck up m80.


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>to hurt epic games
They are pirating because they don;t want to use the store.

Dont forget
>"Console fags are holding back the game industry and graphics"
>"Buy games? lol no I pirate them"


>falling for the double bait this hard
lmao are you guys retarded? like seriously
summer already I guess

I don't care necaise I'm cool

this lol what a bunch of uber fags

Or how about
>consoles are holding back graphics
>as they play their 32 bit indie platformer while shitting on AAA producers

Epic pays publishers for exclusivity so they have already paid for my pirated copy. I see no problem with that.

liberal tier logic