Why are gamers so upset at the idea of gay characters in their video games?

Why are gamers so upset at the idea of gay characters in their video games?

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Not at all. Need more

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Faggots are mentally ill and disgust me.

I only like boyslove in my games, "yuri"? get that shit out of my face!!

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there's nothing wrong with hating fags

If the character's only personality trait is their bedroom preferences then the character is shit. Shit characters often denote a shit game.
Little bit like real life, You just know that dildo fairy dancing around in faggot """""pride""""" events is a loud obnoxious asshole with more than one thing wrong with him.

Devilman Crybaby did gay characters right.

your kind is ending soon


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It did only the music right, OG Devilman was superior in almost every department, manga even more so.

says they guy who won't breed LMAO

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Not as soon as you, suicide risk.

OG Devilman (from the 70s Toei cartoon) is fun to watch but its not a better show than Crybaby.
I actually enjoyed the Apocalypse OVA more than Crybaby but many hate it for good reason.

>anime gif

Post more "upsetting" images.

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No we aren't.

What is Star Platinum doing to Purple Haze?!

I only don't like it in Western games because most of the time it feels forced rather than natural.

That's retarded, homos are fare more likely to end than heteros since one naturally creates more and the other is a dead end.

What are some good games with gay male characters? I'm a fan of yaoi if both the boys are cute, are there any games up to par with movies like Doukyuusei? It's honestly one of my favorite movies, no homo.

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These are the only gays I accept. No one else.


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>What are some good games with gay male characters? I'm a fan of yaoi if both the boys are cute, are there any games up to par with movies like Doukyuusei? It's honestly one of my favorite movies, no homo
Persona 2 Innocent Sin

Very few people would care if the people adding gays didn't act like martyr saints who deserve world wide recognition for doing it.

kill yourself false flagger

>Persona 2 Innocent Sin
Interesting, I'll have to look into it. I only tried 3 for the PSP and I didn't really like anything about it other than Junpei so I dropped it.


2 guys is fucking gross. 2 girls is KINO

they're mentally ill and need to be cleansed. Trannies are the bigger threat for now tho, so the gays are just whatever at this point

yuri and yaoi suck.

there should be more yuri games where they're raped with big dicks to have them corrected. These girls need to grow out of their highschool phase

You are in a anime website you literal faggot

How come boys never go through a high school phase?

>not gay
>find twink anime guys kissing to be hot as hell
this is a curse

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it's only bad when literally all the character has is that it's gay
>Pic related

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I've long moved past the caring about if it qualifies as gay stage, who cares if they're cute?

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I don't care actually. I just don't like bad writing. And all gay characters are badly written. That said, its not the faggot characters' fault because all game writing is bad for some reason.

>ywn experience this with your high school crush and always feel safe in his arms

>your kind is ending soon

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He's talking about the manga. Toei Devilman and Akira aren't even the same person.

>anime image
Found the problem. The surge of homos and trannies in the West is entirely to be blamed on anime,

because every franchise gets ruined when they start to pander to faggots. case in point, OP's pic

the issue is i've never been attracted to real men in any capacity, real dudes are just gross as hell

I want to love and protect Doppio

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>not gay
Let's test it. How does this picture make you feel?

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Boys aren't gross, they're cute!

Fuck, wrong pic.

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why my peepee hard

Because they don't look cute and girly.

Make em look like link in gerudo outfit, Bridget, astolfo, Ash, Felix, or any other delicious trap.

But the ones in your pic and these?
Too manly and gay.

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i'm not, in fact male characters like pic related are very welcome in my games

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>draw a girl
>call it a guy
Fuck you

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because they're the wrong kind of gay

erection in progress

I like traps as much as the next guy, but twinks have a unique and also appealing aesthetic that traps (girls with penises) lack IMO. The only yaoi I'm not a fan of is bara.

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i'm a open-minded dude, I don't mind regular gay characters even though I'm not attracted to them

but pic related is how you should design a man, i would turn gay without thinking twice for Astolfo

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There is nothing wrong with faggot characters as long as they're not forced upon you.

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It's really hot, what do you want? Real guys don't look soft and girly like they do.

It'll be the only way to get past Sony censors in the near future. Tiddies are bad but silicone waterbags will be fine.

Westerners are subhuman, Gay characters are based when the Japanese are the ones writing them

Just in western games. Gays in western media (outside of some books) are generally political tools and cringey as fuck (and usually lesbians). Other countries can have gay couples that exist for their own sake and are cute, like the one in your image.

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I'm fine with gay characters
I'm not fine with gay characters whose only trait is to be gay and tell me they're gay and how being gay is best

The same reason I'm upset about any other fetish pushed in a game. I don't want furries or inflationists or gays or anything else.

Nah. Crybaby anime was amazing. Especially the visuals are great.

>having such generic bottom tier taste

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I still fucking laugh whenever I remember JF saying gays will eventually die out.

Says the degenerate genetic dead end that does't breed.

Prison gays, or trap loving faggots as I like to call them, have no place on Yea Forums. You are inches away from cutting off your dick and playing dress up.

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people are only upset at western gay characters where their personalty is nothing but being gay
the only western game that did it well was mass effect 3, where you don't even know what characters are gay unless you try to romance them.

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Stop worrying you goddamn spaz
The West is just returning to Roman rules
With the growing trend of irreligion, a lot of things are going out the window
It really doesn't matter if you want to fuck a trap or twink anime or not
It'll all boil down to who's doing the fucking and who's getting fucked
Maybe while we're at it, we can focus on merit and honor fitness

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Hey, some do. I enjoy the soft aesthetic.
I was into the idea of trapping for awhile but being a twink is much more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing, plus its definitely more acceptable culturally.

nice thumbnail
Slightly masculine twinks with some androgyny are hot too, you don't have to go full on draw-a-girl-call-it-a-guy.

Based and femboy/trap pilled

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Well, I suppose that's good, because I really, really want a body like one of the guys in this thread. Being a thin twink is my fitness goal.

Link is best for this, also Astolfo but less muscular

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>with some androgyny
maybe it's just me, but i love boys like that

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Cute boy. Here's another.

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>Slightly masculine twinks with some androgyny
i sleep
i'll now buy your game

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>cutting off the best parts

You must be confused, the dick makes it better, that goes for the one trapping and being the trap

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I'll take all 4 please, that goes for myself too.

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>Tales of Zestiria

I don't think so.

I don't as long they are not forced.

I think most dudes are not attractive, but every now and then there will be a skinny twink boy with long or shaggy hair that kinda acts girly or shy and it takes a lot of restraint to not just push him down and fuck him until he needs a wheelchair.

4th isn't my cup of tea, but nothing wrong with that either

He's talking about the manga, not the anime. The anime and manga are two completely different beasts. Yusasa tried to combine the anime and the manga but fucked up because of the different story beats not being compatible.

Shit taste detected.

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would you?

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and here comes the shot*fags

What the fuck is this from? Why is dio standing there? Is there a source of this?
I need wholesome dio fatherly support for giorno

My autism makes me incapable of lewding any Jojo's character. Instead it makes me want to drink beer with them. Weird.

Ever since seeing him in the anime, I really want to dress up as him.
I don't know how you'd handle his hair zig-zagging though

Tales of Zestiria was very gay. The creators admitted that Sorey was made to not have relationships with any female characters, in fact the human female characters are just there to either be a bro(Rose), or be a useless cunt that confirms why he swears off women(Alisha). The seraph females though just think of him as a kid brother.

Mikleo on the other hand was created in the manner that they normally create heroine characters. With him being the true catalyst for Sorey's destiny and also his prime motivation to the point where Sorey can't even master his signature ability if Mikleo isn't near him.

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Best FE couple

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>Ywn go to a trap meetup
>Dressing up together, spend some time relaxing after
>Start jerking eachother off, giving massages
>Comparing eachother's thigh highs, and lacey underwear
>Swapping tips for that perfect, soft skin and silky hair
>Helping eachother apply lotion
>All of a sudden the pressure is too much, cute, girly moans escape your lips
>The hand on your cock pumps out several thick ropes as you can no contain it
>You fall back into another trap's arms, heart pounding
>Getting teased for finishing so quickly
>Try to cover your face to hide your blushing, but they pull your arms away
>Now surrounded by all of them
>They decide you're easily the most submissive and girly
>Feel their wandering hands and hard cocks all over you as they hold you down and fuck you into orgasm after orgasm

that's gay af man

cute boy

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Faggotry is still flagged as mental illness in many countries around the world. Just because some countries do not admit it's still disease doesn't change the fact. People hate you degenerates and do well by preventing your cancerous spread.

traps are only good when they crossdress and have girly mannerisms / behavior

more Astolfo or Ruka, less Saika or Nagisa

gamers? nah. Yea Forumsirgins? Because the scum of society gathers on 4channel
friendly reminder that homosexual genes increase the survival chance of a species (or they would not exist across multiple animal groups). Fags aren't mentally ill, they are just purposefully ''wrong'' as a sacrifice for the greater species

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why is Soren crossdressing?

Why not?

VA reference probably.

Better than having trapfags and 3DPDfags.

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>mmm lute...
>your mouth.... it's so warm!

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Pick related is the only acceptable gay representation on videogames.
Anything else is pure faggotry that I will not tolerate

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best boy

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>Homo thread
>It's not just all Barashit

Faggots are the worst to be honest. You're free to never, ever have deal with the curse that is women ever again, yet you choose to actively engage and side with them against other men, at a loss to your own rights, because you value being a fag more than you value being a man. Also, I wouldn't mind you creeps if you didn't have a straight guy fetish, while at the same time lecturing me about SJW bullshit like how "approaching women is rape".

Finally, someone with taste

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what the fuck i just like guys if they look nice sometimes man i dont make it all political


Because most of us aren't white and thus don't like faggots.
Not too hard to understand.
Maybe step outside your bubble every once in awhile.

It's accelerationism, mate. The more intolerable we make women, the faster that "straight" men will decide to become fags.

it's always ok when Japan does it

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Sounds like someone's generalizing. I'm a fag and I haven't fallen for the whole SJW meme

I don't have an issue with gays.
I do have an issue with SJWs.
I don't have any issue with characters that happen to be gay and come without some political agenda being thrust into my face.
I do have an issue with characters that are there simply to be gay and the device of some SJW's virtue signalling political bullshit when all I wanted was to play some fucking video games. This is probably >90% of gay characters in vidya these days.

Homofags are cool. SJWs can obliterate themselves.

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Gay characters are fine in Japanese games since they actually feel fleshed-out most of the time.

Gay characters in Western shit are just the same burly gay dude copy and pasted again and again.

>In the future he becomes more masculine but still beautiful

Yeah because they know what to do

this, cute bois are great, sjw agenda pushers can go 40% themselves

Faggotry is a mental illness, it spreads disease, and it's incredibly fucking annoying in general. It shouldn't be normalized.

It doesn't work, you and women draw from the same pool. The men most affected by this are the ones who aren't desirable to either group. The more good looking a man is, the less bullshit he has to deal with from women. So no, you're not gonna turn any Chads into fags by your bullshit.

Because it's fucking gay

Reminder you will never get to experience a cute gay high school romance and you're just gonna get older and older until you die

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Most gays are pedos who want to fuck little boys

But I did sadly it didn't end well

>implying I wont be picking up those boys n have them call me daddy

Please name one game that does this. Please.

Every romance is a highschool romance when you still look young and cute.

Absolute shit taste my guy
Traps have been ruining yaoi for years. If you don’t actually like boys then stop faking being gay for attention instead of feeding into this shitty “draw a girl call it a boy” bullshit. I can’t even find good yaoi doujins half the time because all the trap and cross dressing shit is garbage where the boys have micropenises that nobody is actually attracted to. Fuck you

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And most of Yea Forums likes cunny too, your point?

Not true. To women, a 6/10 or a 7/10 may as well be 0/10 unless they're rich, but men know how to appreciate a 6 or 7. That's the group we're trying to convert.

>being picked out and teased as the most submissive and girly in a whole group of submissive and girly traps

Hnnngggggggg why is this so hot

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I don't think the problem is characters being fags. I think the problem is being told that they are fags rather than such things coming naturally.
Name me a recent game that didn't show the "I'm/we're gay!" shit in your face despite it being completely unneeded information.

Know what I don't get? Why do loads of yaoi art have one of the boys be barefoot, who the fuck wants to see feet. Is it like a submissive thing to not have shoes or socks on?

Jun is a good character because its not only "im gay", alot of the plot explains why he is in love with Tatsuya and why its natural for both to like each other. If you can stomach old jrpg games play both Persona 2 games

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i'm sure there's a good timeline where all the cute boys take girl hormones to become honorary girls

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I feel conflicted, I like both, but I feel guilty enjoying trap stuff because its legit poisoning yaoi shenanagins personally I find big dick trap on trap the best but I'm a size queen anyways

>not gay

Night in the Woods

How about you faggots stop calling us gay for liking traps so we can finally move those doujins to straight catagory.

Fucking faggots man. The micro useless dick is top tier anything bigger and it's gay as shit. That's how I know you have shit taste.

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You're talking about tops. Tops always have lower standard than subs, as can been seen in hetero relationships. Faggots and trannies have the exact same expectations as any women when they're looking for a top.

I'd give indie shit a pass. They're more innocuous. Name me a AAA game or a game with big marketing behind it.

I'm definitely not, I'm just mad that developers make them ugly

2D is not real

Abandoning masculinity is such a hot fetish but basically impossible IRL unless you are rich and dont have to worry about shit, desu

t. incel

I hate how trap shit is getting popular with reddit and twitter and flood cute boy threads with their stale jokes and "not gay mentality

Now i have to search pages and pages on sad panda cause all i mostly see is just flat chest futas. And no more pure loving between two twinks

because being a cute fuccboi about to be bullied and fucked into oblivion by a bunch of other cute fuccbois means you're an even lower level than they are, you're submissive to even the submissive faggots, you're the omega bottom

The keyword here is "game"

I feel you a little bit. There's way too many doujins where the sub is basically a girl but they have a flat chest and a tiny dick. I don't mind crossdressing though/
The best doujins are the ones where the guy is twinkish but still somewhat masculine and is made into a moaning, leaking bitch by a manlier guy with a big dick.
If there's not a manlier/girlier dynamic it doesn't do much for me. Trap/trap is the most boring shit.


Feet are cute, just like a cuteboys pits
You should be able to enjoy every inch of a boys body. If not you are missing out.

>the idea of having sexual intercourse with the same hole you shit out of disgusts many
>you're called a bigot for not wanting to be reminded that there are people out there who regularly do just that


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Twinks and baras should come together to take down the tranny degeneracy that is trapfags.

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Gaynigga here, the only time gay people in games bothers me is when it encompasses the entirety of their character like Dorian in DAI.

This *POP!*



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Look at this sad sack of shit thinking hes alpha for fapping to traps lmao. Nigger even baras get more respect than you. They go for hairy man ass cause it turns em on

You on the other hand suck so badly you gotta self insert since you cant even fuck a girl irl and still end up fucking man ass. You aint alpha, not even a beta. Your a delusional omega.

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Traps are fine when they are you know,actually boys. Locon has a handful of great cross dressing doujins because he actually draws boys and not girls pretending to be boys
>le penis only makes it le better XD
>lol am I le gay for liking traps???? XD
>lol I don’t actually like penis though I’d rather have traps just be girls with penises so small you can hardly tell they are there in the first place but I still want attention by pretending to be gay for traps lol XD le uwu owo XD
kill yourself

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It doesn't stop straight couples from doing anal

my nigga
Go suck a dick faggots.

Welp, time to beat off.

truly the best feel

Locon's content is great but his style just doesn't do it for me. It's not arousing to look at. Ayato Ayari however, that's some 10/10 fapbait.

why are fags are so desperate for attention and cant live without telling everyone that they like pp up their poopers?
im a fag and i cant understand why im such an attention whoring piece of shit

>Shits on ironic gays
>Suggests locon

this is how you draw a trap

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Ayy look the alpha wannabe is seething lmao. You like small dicks cause it smaller then your baby dick? God your pathetic lmao. I could suck 10 dicks and not be as much of a fag as you.

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I cant fucking understand it either user
I get one compliment on one of my costumes being "sexy"
and 2 years later here I am dressing up as boys from vidya and posting lewd and sexy pictures

because its trendy now, just like how IM SUCH A NERD XD was a phase, now its IM SO GAY XD is the new one

See, I like traps, and shit like this disgusts me. They clearly look like men, low body fat, wide shoulders, narrow hips, small thighs. I find this disgusting and not even remotely attractive. Here's an example of a fit twink that's actually drawn to be attractive to hetero males. This is pretty much as "masculine" as I can go.without being disgusted.

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Watched just a few days ago. pretty good

I need more boys kissing

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Dont post best boi ever again. You retarded knuckle dragging nigger. I may be gay but your a fucking sissy fucking faggot.

I basically have to settle for locon
Cross dressing is hot but there’s effectively no good artists for that shit. At least locon has the decency to actually give his characters a penis and not half a pencil

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He has wide hips and a narrow waist, that's the only difference between your picture and the one you're replying to. It's all gay, get some perspective.

>Be gay and have a lifelong friendship with a guy as ablebodied, intelligent, and emotionally stable as you are, not to mention the sex is way better
>Donate sperm to ensure your genes get passed on

Find a flaw

Gays are rapists

Every character you mentioned is gay and liking them is 100% gay.

paxiti on twitter

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You're a faggot harry

>he's not part of the vers master race

yes YES YES, the ultimate submission

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>Is it gay?
who give a fucking shit, what Johnson demand, Johnson get

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You pic only appeals to homosexual males. There is no such thing as a trap or twink that appeals to straight people.


>Not a gay just a pedophile

Hmm really makes ya think eh?

>peel back foreskin a while after taking a shower
>that smell

Why is the depiction of a gay person always have to be a flamboyant "look how gay I am!!" cock sucker? I have no problem with gay characters but I do have problems with bad, stereotypical portrayals

Why is always a group DESPERATELY trying to prove fictional lines on a screen makes you x? No, lolis don't make you a pedos, anime girls with bulges don't make you gay, playing an FPS doesn't make you a murderer. Do you know why? BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT FUCKING REAL. ACTIONS IN REALITY define what you are, not thoughts.. Get a grip you fucking lunatics. I know it's all different interest groups trying to thought police, but there are definitely some retards out there who go about doing it for free too.


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yes they do.

It seems like so many vidyas and cartoons these days have lesbian characters, and they are still being celebrated as "brave" and "progressive". The truth is that girl x girl is the boring safe guy and they are all just cowards to scared to have male guys. I never cared about having gay representation in media before I realized this, but know I'm mad and want actual gay male characters.

Wait, what if I've just fallen for their 4d chess propaganda?

Life is Strange

>tfw you'll never lick a uncut pp and savor the taste

same but at lest im aware of it and ill stop this shit soon
i feel like i crave attention and complements because im so lonely and have a very low self esteem
all i need is someone to love me and gives me attention ;_;

If you like traps you are gay. You're the desperate one here, and it's pathetic.

unless you've fucked a guy irl then you aren't gay

I have literally never seen a guy that looks that way outside of twitter camwhores who have gone to great effort to look that way. I mean in day-to-day life.

You do clean it WHILE you take a shower, right?

That's stupid, and you're delusional.


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God damn it they're not gay user. Stop this nonsense.

>the sex is way better

If you don't mind shit, sure.

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>There is no such thing as a trap that appeals to straight people.

imagine believing that, "draw a girl call it a boy" traps exist to please the straight male audience

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Are you retarded? They're canonically gay. Everyone involved in making it said so outright in interviews. It's also blatantly obvious and the characters reference it and make jokes about it. Sorey and Mikleo are 100% in a homosexual relationship.

Would gay characters be better if their relationship grew throughout the game rather than a character being like "I'm gay" and that's it?

And would a gay character be better if they were a bit more... monstrous? Like ?
Humans suck and are fucking boring desu. Hot monster boys are way better.

But where are those pics?

God damn you homos are so god damn annoying just fuck a woman if you want that you stupid fucking nigger

Well Sylvando was mostly a good character, but my point remains

it doesn't make you gay, you have to be gay in the first place to seek it out

Prostate stimulation is way more intense than dick stimulation but I've heard most gays don't actually do anal most of the time because it can't be done spontaneously and requires a ton of setup.

You're not straight, you're confused. You're no different from futaniggers.


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They cant. So they gotta settle for ez pickings cause their failed males.

Same. Traps have always been and will always be twinks in skirts. They are meant to look boyish and twinky, not like girls with penises. People need to stop misusing the term.

Desu i'm fine with bjs, frotting and intercrural. Anal is too much of a pain in the ass and just plain shitty.

This is basically just a male child

>can't have a cute vidya boy thread without baraniggers and tranny hrt shills attention whoring
it's all so tiresome

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This. I'm sick of being associated with them by default

There are a lot of gay people on Yea Forums(nel), not complaining but just making a note