Why does Japanese studios wanna be Rockstar and make games like them so bad?
Why does Japanese studios wanna be Rockstar and make games like them so bad?
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What if everything that made Souls amazing were done not by Miyazaki but his employees and he's just a hack?
Japan Studio pretty much showed that already
Sekiro leading a ragtag band of outlaws aka suidoken with mangoes
Nowhere it is said that he wants to make a reskin of any of rockstar games
doesn't have the team to do it anyway and never will
>Kojima wants MGSV to be like GTAV
>it's shit
when will the cancer of western gaming end?
Miyazaki is not a good enough writer to do that.
The only reason his games from Demon's to Sekiro now has never been criticized for their writing is because it's so vague and mysterious, but simple so that the pseuds feel like they're smart.
Rockstar makes high quality games on a scale nobody else can come anywhere near, not surprising at all.
Probably has something to do with GTAV being the most profitable game ever.
Japanese story telling has to actually catch up first. Their ability to produce is only marred by their constant necessity to sell product to mouth breathing Otaku morons who stink up their demographics.
Japanese want to be like the West.
West wants to be like China.
China wants to fuck everybody.
It's a lose lose lose situation.
He's tired of making irrelevant games i guess and getting looked over
Name a westacuck game with a good story
Japanese can't write for shit. They lack fundamental understanding of subtlety, thus their writing always end up crude and childish in the western eyes.
nah hes just sucking up to his white masters
>try to kill a hooker
>need to dodge 4 times and party her slap before I can land a hit
Please, no. Don't look at this open world trash just because it's profitable. Just keep doing what you're doing.
I guess RDR2 since japan sucks it's dick so much
bullshit, they make shit games for retards such as yourself
has nier fans thanked rockstar for being the primary inspiration for the series?
What the fuck are you talking about? Have you ever read a book by a Japanese author? Mishima, Kawabata, anyone?
Japan has become more western centric so they adopted the bombastic style of western fiction.
Every studio wants to be Rockstar.
I have, and my point stands, higher than ever. I'm not wrong in the slightest.
more controlled by white supremacy you mean
Rockstar games being high quality and good is not up for debate, it's the objective truth that you are forced to admit even if you happen to not particularly like them for whatever pleb reasons.
>the only reason Miyazaki would like it is becasue it's made a lot of money
bias and pride is a hell of a drug
you realize that all these media are made by otakus, even the "exceptions" that SJWs keep jerking to
god i fucking hate how rockstar is still defining game structure.
here's rockstarts plot in greentext
>new guy comes into new town
>no connections
>meets somebody
>that somebody teaches you the ropes around town
>your both best friends plotting to take over the city
>best friend betrtays you
>you start from 0
>you rebuild everything
>you kill the bad guy
i hate this stupid fucking meme every GTA iteration did this, bully did this, Red Dead did this.
Only Manhunt didn't do this. Oh wait both Manhunts also had you kill your only/best "friend"
t. pleb who doesn't know how to read books
Full circle
Never. The only hope is that gaming gets so big we can just segregate like the movie industry. Right now the issue is everyone thinks they can make big bucks like the soulless big budget AAA titles the west puts out. The best result is big western games get so exponentially large that "normal" people stop caring about foreign and niche productions altogether.
nope rdr 2 was shit with sjw bulllshit no nudity faggot shit.
so you lose again cuck
Literally means nothing. That's like a filmmaker saying they've been influenced by Citizen Kane and E.T. there's no substance to the statement beyond, "these are successful and influencial products".
Me want to enter new firthy gaijin trend and make billion yen! WITHO PIGGU GO- i mean yeah Red Dead Redemption is hontoni great!.
>Why does Japanese studios wanna be Rockstar and make games like them so bad?
idk but it hasn't been working out for Square Enix. FFXV is joke of an open world game in every regard.
Howdy Y'all, my name is Kenichi Smith!
I'm a 27 year old Japanese Toonaholic (Cartoon fan for you foreigners). I draw cartoons and comics on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior American games. (Halo, Gears of War, Call of Duty)
I train with my 1911 every day, this superior weapon can shoot straight through steel because it kicks ass, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my gun license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.
I speak English fluently, both the Midwestern and the East Coast accents, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about American history and their Constitution, which I follow 100%
When I get my American visa, I am moving to New York to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Nickelodeon or a game designer!
I own several cowboy outfits, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to America, so I can fit in easier. I keep cool to my elders and seniors and speak English as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.
Wish me luck in America!
mmhmm mmhmm mmk partner. Best of luck for ya
Literally the opposite, common knowledge considering Miyazaki up to very recently was low ranking in the organization, yet they gave him the position of director because they recognized his skill in writing and directing. He literally started as a coder at FromSoft.
Absolute nonsense, Japan studios did zero content for Bloodborne. They only helped in creating the engine, nothing else.
Based Miyazaki realizing story-driven games are the higher tier of gaming, instead of decades of milking bingbing wahoos or spending years developing autismo simulators.
>they only helped in creating the engine, nothing else
That's already 60% of the work.
Cope harder weeb. Your precious Japanese developers admire the fuck out of what Rockstar does.
I’m all for it, as long as the game has actual mechanical depth, unlike RDR2 or any other AAA American open-world title for that matter.
thank you america for showing them the way
no they dont, they have to be obedient to their white masters, also i like how you ignored thisfaggot ass cuck
they have nice graphics, and somewhat okay storyline but the gameplay is terribad.
Miyazaki, Kojima, Sakurai and Taro love them. Drop the immature bias and pride shit faggot
hopefully to show everyone how it's done
RDR2 was a shitty fucking ''''''game'''''' and rockstar has its head way up their own ass. They're building all that tech to showboat, but I'm pretty sure that even gone homo has more to offer in terms of meaningful interaction within the gameworld than it.
because GTAV sold a hundred million copies
Don’t listen to those idiots, I completely agree with you. Japan’s strength lies in technicality, which is why their games are superior. But they can’t fucking write for shit
>RDR2 was a shitty fucking ''''''game'''''' and rockstar has its head way up their own ass.
Such a shitty fucking game jap devs can't take it off their mind for one minute and stop beating off to it?
Don't forget our based bois Itsuno, Kamina and Suda51.
why are you ignoring how i said they HAVE to be obedient to their white asters? why do you think they all said the same exact thing?
you inbred cuck just spewing the same lies over and over.
It feels like they already took a step in that direction with Sekiro. It had much more of a story focus than previous games
Just watch a movie, kiddo
Is it because of the almighty fujoshit market?
You can have shit taste and still make good media
japs always have had shit taste when it comes to western media, this is nothing new
>higher tier of gaming
Fucking kek
>You can have shit taste
like miyazaki, kojima, sakurai and taro
>and still make good media
like rockstar
I'd be 100% down to a cutscene and/or story-heavy in other ways game from From Software, be in the style of Armored Core or of Soulsborne/Sekiro. Watch them pull a necromancer and ressurrect Echo Night instead.
it earned a metric fuckton of money
maybe they're thinking that, 'if the bar is set so low, we can do better'
So Miyazaki is an Iwaata-lite jack of all trades master of some? Based
Cope, even your rice overlords have forsaken you lot. Next trend they'll follow will be "more racial diversity" and Yea Forums will have to deal with it.
Japanese devs admire the high production values, efficiency of production, and critical praise that western games like RDR2 get. They don't however usually see gameplay and game design in the same way. Like how Itsuno took a shot at God of War's latest outing in pic related.
>’if the bar is set so low, we can do better’
Casuals/normies are wow’d by good graphics and (seemingly good) storylines rather than good game mechanics. If they do go through with it, here’s hoping that FromSoft can bring AAA ‘narrative-driven’ games to a higher place by actually making the gameplay good. Hopefully then, normies and casuals might appreciate games with deeper gameplay.
As gaming evolves, gameplay matters less and less. That is something Japan doesn't understand and why their games don't get the reception Rockstar does.
>here’s hoping that FromSoft can bring AAA ‘narrative-driven’ games to a higher place
Never going to happen, they don't have the team for it. They'd have to get these other 2 games they have planned out the way, and then put A and B team on one mega project that would span for like 3+ years
>DS4 but curse is replaced by TB and you can't get rid of it
>As GAMIng evolves GAMEplay matters less and less
This is precisely why I like older games better. Thank God for indies.
>As gaming evolves, gameplay matters less and less. That is something Japan doesn't understand and why their games don't get the reception Rockstar does.
I sincerely hope you do not believe this. What this essentially means is that games will become literal movies at some point in the future.
>Thank God for indies.
fucking soi shit
I just want games with gameplay, not movies with forced diversity
You jaded boomers are nothing but relics. You don't matter.
Your days are over.
>DUDE RDR2 is a movie game becasue the story is long and uh there's like a lot of cutscenes!!
>Don't mind the fact you can do literally 40 hrs of side shit where there's no cutscenes before even starting the story after the tutorial
fucking brainwashed depressed boomers, I swear
>2 million copies sold
They should really stop morons like you from posting. Jesus Christ
>dunno what a movie game is
>Implying side quests are what make a game good
Fuck off zoomer
Try Pokemon or FGO, faggot.
walking slowly while some fag talks to you is a cutscene
no single pokemon game beats GTAV, neither does FGO yet
sekiroborn wild west
>Souls games literally influenced a generation
Just fucking kys immediately, holy shit.
RDR2 sold 12 million in a few days. Think about that for a moment. Weeb games are irrelevant to the wider gaming audience.
>red and blue aren't a single game
Pokemon is the biggest franchise on Earth, they can literally buy, sell and shit on cuckstar all day everyday.
The "wider gaming audience" is the 50 million people that buy fifa every year.
ywnstpto bro!
22 of the top 50 best selling game franchises are Jap developed. 23 if you count the WWE games by Yukes.
red and blue combined don't come close to gtav
most games come out good at large by the top percentages of your codemonkeys
the director is only essential for direction and pushing back against the publisher, they do often take credit for doing everything but nonetheless souls is amazing because miyazaki wanted to recreate the feeling of being lost in a fantasy world he didn't understand as a kid. difficulty was merely a byproduct, it helps gives the world a sense of danger and importance.
if demon souls and dark souls had selectable easy modes, the games would have never taken off.
japanese devs aren't capable enough to match the best the west can offer. they should stick to making their shitty hack and slash games and panty quest sims.
bunch of ancient garbage.
yeah, Japan used to matter. 30 years ago.
Then his name would be Hideo Kojima.
the japanese still do not understand that their handcrafted engines and brand new core systems is what makes the games fun.
the japanese do this because they actually cannot manage workflows in scammy ways yet, they are awful with computing. but most japanese studios want to be like bethesda or rockstar, and actively believe their titles are superior to any japanese game, or oldschool western game.
basically, just what made a lot of the old school western games good: lack of 100% tight and formulaic structure creating FUN elements instead of predictable smooth drivel. it's not on purpose. but it works because it reflects the roughness of a painting or real life, that has that sprinkle of nonense/overdone element and underdone element to it. it gives it flavor.
in a way, it's something you can only get if you are partially bad and partially genuinely making what you want to make. just like paul verhoven or john carpenter movies movies.
when art is fully predictable and follows a flowchart from start to end, it stops being art. that's about it.
Who wouldn't?
>they actually cannot manage workflows in scammy ways yet
what is pokemon
>to the wider gaming audience.
and what is the wider gaming audience relevant to, for enthusiasts exactly? should i pretend to enjoy stuff normies enjoy so i can fully fit in like a good drone?
pokemon has so much potential for rehashed scam it wouldn't even compare to mobile match3. for gen 8 they used a lot of the budget to make a shit corridor tier story that made the game worse, with mostly new alolan assets. they didn't need to, the game was criticized for it, they still spent the effort because they are retarded when they could just rearrange the x/y tilemaps and shit out the same exact thing as a map editor and the games would have sold the exact same, minor the cutscene critiques.
gamefreak is a bad example because they are not good japanese devs regardless, but their workflow is still very much japanese, as in, inefficient.
>and what is the wider gaming audience relevant to, for enthusiasts exactly?
He ask, in response to a post stating that the game sold 2 million.
>low bar
Imagine thinking this
Maybe the hour long credit sequence should have queued you in on the fact that it's not all that low of a bar.
Japan studios alone never made a single good game tho
What I find really funny is that despite the fact they have been milking the Easy Mode topic endlessly they still have to say "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Creator" instead of Miyazaki or FromSoftware because their readers care THAT little about what they actually say and people wouldn't have cared otherwise.