Final Fantasy XIV team is working on Final Fantasy XVI

How does this make you feel?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm ok with this

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>iOS and Android

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Atleast Yoshi can finish projects.

There will never be a good final fantasy game again.

How many decades will it take this time?

cool, another "final fantasy"

yoshi + matsuno + nomura character design = great.

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yoshida is currently the only non-fuck up when it comes to FF, so good I guess

Less updates but on the positive side, more cash shop items for us to buy!

At least XVI has the chance to be somewhat decent. XIV's nature as an MMO guarantees it will never go beyond mediocre.

The XIV team isn't working on it, Yoshida is in charge of an entire development-division.

she's ugly because she's a highlander

>no mooncats
Fuck you.

street cats stay outside

I doubt this, but it will be a spinoff. Main number, I agree with you. It'll always be bloatware bullshit from here onward. Crystal Chronicles remake will be good if it follows the GC formula. If they make a "smaller" game similar to Losy Odyssey instead of their 150mil dog and pony show including tours, clothing, private jets and VR hentai support they may yet live again.

Good, XIV is the closest to a real FF game we've had (aside from being a MMO) since XII which was on the fucking PS2, all the XIII games and XV are way too futuristic and barely have any RPG elements anymore.

>all the XIII games and XV are way too futuristic and barely have any RPG elements anymore
XIV has zero (0) RPG elements to speak of, and we just got a car mount with which we can fly around a supertech weapons development lab that even has its own spaceport.

t. cutscene skipper that has no idea of allagan civilization

>Passionless group of people who only know how to piggyback off of previous games in the series


The fuck are you talking about nigger? They were a spacefaring, high-tech civilization with mechs and android soldiers. The second moon was a fucking satellite they built.

By RPG elements I meant gameplay mechanics. XV is literally an action game.

>we just got a car mount with which we can fly around a supertech weapons development lab that even has its own spaceport.
Every FF games have sci-fi elements. Even FF1 had a spaceship with robots. The difference is that most of them were fantasy games with sci-fi elements (which XIV) while the latest ones were sci-fi games with fantasy elements.

Are you serious? XIV is still a literal pile of dogshit.

The millions of people playing it everyday disagree fuckboy ;)

>Butt capes
>Literal limited jobs
>Dark arts
>East coast lag
>Clipping out the ass
>3 second GCD
>FC housing and personal housing being shared
>Millions of players.


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I'm gonna try writing this in the least copypasta-sounding way possible but, considering the subject matter I don't know how successful I'll be.
I need to get this out of my system though. For the last 12+ hours I've been doing nothing but sucking dick. I haven't ate or been to the bathroom. I've just sat here under my desk, listening to my Tom Lehrer music playlist, and licking a volunteer moderator balls on an obscure imageboard and preping African descendents. I've take a few facial ejaculation and I've already been sodomised a handful of times. I don't think I'll stop sucking cocks any time soon. They're for me, and watching other people sucking them makes me legitimately sad at this point. I started this whole cocksucking thing unironically. I think. It was just another faggotry but I'm still fucking doing it. It isn't even that faggy to me any more. Any time I see new cock I seriously get giddy. Right now, every damned cock I'm sucking is taking effort to not slip at least one gallon of cum outside my mouth. My actual thought process, I think, has changed because of these fucking cocks...

What the fuck did I just watch and who okay'd this shit?

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Go back to your nostalgia circlejerk thread.

>he doesn't understand rotating players
>he doesn't understand how many legitimate players are cut off in order to *cut off* bots
>Limited jobs
>MCH is fine except for butthurt shitters incapable of playing something other than 1-2-3
>Darkarts makes my hinger hurt :(((
>having shit internet
>3second gcd fake news from wow shills when 2 of the fastest jobs can get down to 1.5 and most jobs hover at 2.3 not even counting OGCDS
>Sharing housing = BAD
>nonononono no other game could possibly have degeneracy....
LMFAO, cope harder you little BITCH.

>unironically defending MCH's design

Just kys already, you're the reason why this game gets even more shit with every expansion.

>laughs at mainline FF
mobile games are the future. FF11 mobile will make more money than 14!

Attached: FFXV.jpg (1280x720, 226K)


Yeeeah that's a yikes from me, chief.

butt capes are cool

>Durr I can't just use everything off CD and get big number
It's okay brainlet, one day you'll stop being shit.


Hopefully we'll take a break from sci-fi fantasy and have some good old fashion medieval kino.

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>Entire job rotates around perfectly doing opener.
>Literally that's it but your timing and ping need to be perfect
>Doesn't even do that much damage and has less utility than a job that's way easier than it.
>Is perfectly fine.

Was it really worth developing crab hands just to do 200 more damage than a WHM?

Fuck you for defending blue mage faggot.

>tfw the First has no magitek in sight
>highest technology we've seen is a train track and a mechanical lift up the side of a cliff
We're going home, bros

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It was impossble for them to do BLU properly. You would be complaining that it's just another caster and nothing like a real blue mage if it wasn't limited.

It does more damage than bard, however provides less raid damage which is the name of the game, tranny.
Didn't defend it, blue mage is a waste of development time. I pointed out >s because there is only one limited job, so he's obviously just a shitposter that doesn't play the game.

>It was impossble for them to do BLU properly
No it wasn't, and you know it wasn't. Fuck off.

and thousands of regalias clipping through everything

FFXI was an actual MMO Final Fantasy

FFXIV is a parody of the FF franchise in WoW styled form

No I'm not very excited about that team making a single player mainline FF title, clearly they aren't capable of making an original setting that can prop itself up.

Until the next mogstation mount comes along.

does painting your gear a certain color effect your fashion week score? Because I've been selling a retarded amount of dye today.


>hurr durr I need to unga bunga a single button or else it's too complicated
Go back to your 1-button mashing rotations and "action" combat that feels like you're using a wet noodle.

I honestly don't care. FFXIV is dead to me, there's nothing to do in it. I log in after completing the current main quests and then I'm always like "what now?". There is no end game content so I wonder what the fuck other people do to keep themselves entertained playing 8-12 hours a day.

I abandon all hope.

They've already mentioned Ronka being the First's ancient race. But at least their aesthetic is closer to Alexander than more fucking Allagan shit.

No it wasn't and no I wouldn't have been you're a retarded faggot. It would have been FINE as anything except being limited.
Nobody who wanted to main BLU wanted it to be limited to 50 without learning or not.


Both bard and dancer don't learn skills through leveling but through harps/talking to npcs so fuck off with that gay shit.
RDM is nothing like how RDM has traditionally been and it's one of the most popular jobs with BRD, stop using the cop out excuse of there's no way they could have done it.
They've done it literally FOUR times already and made it work, Yoshida's just autistic so we get a shitty mini-game as a job and not blue mage.

Fair enough.

sure there will. they'll just be spinoffs as usual, though.
mainline final fantasy games have been unsalvageable garbage since x, and even the good ones still pale in comparison to megaten, kiseki and saga.

oh you mean the same team that worked on Final Fantasy Versus XIII who got moved into XIV will be making the next mmo game? color me surprise

Isn't Matsuno working with Yoshida on something? I can see the next FF return to ivalice-like setting

At least 14's profits are not being funneled into 15 anymore.

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The Ronkan stuff has very Allagan designs, but it's all stonework. Like an Allagan civilization that never went full supertech and just remained magically focused.

maybe the Ronka are Allagans that came to the 1st shortly before the Earth Calamity

now they'll be funneled into XVI

Aren't they funneling it into the VII remake now, if that's still a thing? They'll find something, as long as it's not XIV.

Yes that was my poorly conveyed joke.

They'll never funnel it back into itself
its just a resource to fund other games

>It was impossble for them to do BLU properly
>so lets put it in the game anyway
>lets cut them out of 90% content
>lets make it so you need to be babied by lvl 70's to complete a good half of your spellbook
>make it unable to act in solo content like squadron of PotD
fucking pathetic, I literally would have rather had nothing at all, its not even OP at 50, I used it for the instance fight for the Noctis event and it was dull as shit, my friend was a RDM and he started later and he finished it before I did, so much for being overpowered

>Playing 8-12 hours of a video game every day.
Jesus fucking Christ, user.

We really should specify it's the Heavensward & ARR team.

>Wipe at Seiryuu (normal) at 3% because healer forgot how to lb
>Party disbands after this
It was my first and best run so far

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Where are all of your ultimate, ex, savage and BA clears?

and this is why
because XVI has been in production since heavensward ended. Stormblood itself is the result of XVI starting production in that division





>Clinging to a thread this hard
Pathetic, you're so blown the fuck out you resort to something nobody cares about.

The new races can't even wear headgear. Look at this guy.

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t. Aether player

So it might actually be good? Nice

>literally a single face
Face presets in modern MMOs was a mistake.

Patiently excited since I'm still relatively new to the game and everything still feels fresh and exciting.
Maybe one day I'll become a jaded burnout or wowretail falseflagger or wowclassic falseflagger or bitter XIshitposter or any of the other groups that hate this game, and shit up these threads. But not today.

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I would love for them to make a new MMO. I like FFXIV a lot but it's clearly showing its age in so many ways. The graphics look like ass even by PS4 standards, the entire thing is build on 1.0 spaghetti code which means they'll never be able to implement a decent inventory/glamour system, and it's pretty clear they've about reached the limits of what they can do with the current combat system. There haven't been any truly novel raid mechanics since forever. A new beginning is exactly what they need.

Go back to less futuristic settings and more classical sword and magic shit for a bit, it's been a long time.

its not content that he wants to do, so the game lacks content

The Final Fantasy XIV team is the FFXII team which in turn was comprised from vets from the FFXI team. In short they never made a bade FF.

>cope harder
Shitting on your dead game isn't cope, and can never be cope. The only cope here is yours, alongside projecting, which makes your cope double cope.



>ur just a wowfag lol xd


why yes, I do play warrior, how did you know?

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People panic when daidarabochi and the snakes happen at the same time and they also forget about the meteor.

If you want help I can join you.


I've never had a primal group fail at snake normal. I do trial roulette pretty often and have gotten it numerous times. Sounds like a streak of bad luck.

I just want them to make an MMO using the Ivalice setting, it's been criminally underused since tactis advance

wrong pic my bad. That was my DRK pic.

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1.0 was pretty good despite its flaws.

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rent free

japs don't give a shit about NA/EU audience. You're screeching into the void.

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There's always Dalmasca minor.

It's criminal how ahead of it's time this game was with graphics.
I get that most PCs during it's era couldn't run half of the cutscenes but is it really impossible for current PC's to run this now?


Thanks, but I tired right now
There were like 3 new guys besides me and one of them was a healer (the one that forgot to lb)

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Goddamn, how are these lala so strong?

Fuck Ivalice.



kys meowie.

And you base that on what?

that ain't it chief

>tank is a sprout/new
>french cat slut WHM with weeb name and crown has to run ahead and constantly pull
Just another day in XIV.

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Lalafell are statistically the best players in the game

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In terms of technology, FFs jump all over the place.

VII and VIII are modern. VI is industrial.

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I hate how the game is turning out too, but complaining that the GCD is 2.5 seconds is retarded when the alternative is literal button mashing like WoW nowadays. I'd like the game to turn towards more of a strategic gameplay style with a focus on crowd-control and preemptive action rather than reactive, but the reality is that the large majority of the MMO playerbase doesn't want that.

I also want shit like real-time travel and for gearing to matter, or for there to be less of a focus on end-game raiding and a more rounding of content so there's a variety of things for players to do. Rather than pidgeonholing players into one type of content where everything leads you to that end.

1.0 runs pretty well on modern computers. The main issue is that everything is server-side, including menus, so if you have terrible ping (such as, when the servers were located in Japan), everything took longer than it should've. And if the servers were overloaded, such as on launch, then it'd fall apart.

What ever happened with pic/related wasn't there supposed to be some huge push for japanese studios to try their hand on "traditional" western fantasy games like the older D&D and Wizardy games?

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invisible high heels?

Fuck the menus but couldn't they just keep the graphical stuff from 1.0? or at least update it for 6.0? it's really criminal we lost that.

>this is what 1.0 fags actually believe

>everything took longer than it should've

>You obtain nothing
>You obtain nothing
>You obtain nothing
>You obtain nothing
I hate gathering, but I need the mats for my crafters and I hate the marketboard jews even more

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Just bot it.

there is an absolute shit ton of content for players to do that isn't end game raiding, I will never understand this complaint

They did keep a lot of it - all of the models are 1:1 imported into ARR, and they likely have the originals somewhere. From memory, they likely downscaled the textures for the PS3 and it's memory limits (256 MB is one hell of a drug), so it'd be a case of quite literally copy/pasting textures into the game and making sure nothing completely breaks.

As for updating it, they can. It's not actually that hard - it's just that resources are better spent elsewhere. They pride themselves on being able to support a wide-range of computers (and, honestly, I can run this thing on a playable framerate on a laptop from 2014 - they do a decent job), and adding in those HD textures would take away from that. Then again, they could just have an HD texture pack that you can download - as they said they'd do at one point. But, then again, they said that they'd make BRD into a support role once they had the time, and they're still a DPS, years after ARR has launched.

>"Blue" mage
>Golden saucer

Yeah all of that is really substantial content.

>not doing pvp

Where do you get the Zu horn from?

>lists a shit ton of content
>it's not "substantial"
What the fuck do you mean by this? That it gives raid-tier loot?

Zu really have no idea?

>Final zone is suddenly super science land

may as well list relic weapons considering how retardedly long they take.

Palace of the dead/heaven on high
Sightseeing log (without cheating)
Orchestrion collecting
Housing decorating.

what's a good bot program nowadays?

That shit is not hard. Everyone who cares is LONG done with it. Myself included.

>blames Lalafells for boring cutscenes
>1.0 managed to actually make some lively ones while it was a terrible game in almost all regards
Fuck Yoshida to be honest. He provided a decent framework for the revival, even if it is WoW-lite, but god damn is he letting it stagnate hard

Rebornbuddy is dying but has the best crafting support with Lisbeth

MMO minion seems pretty popular.

>Housing decorating

Ay you shut the fuck up, half the good shit either cost a retarded amount of gil or requires you to be a caster.

Will there be lalafells in ff16?

i used to use basabot back in the day until the creator literally just disappeared with everyones money. ill check out these programs thank you

WoW Classic will save the entire genre and FFXVI will be a much better MMORPG for it.

They are making another shitty MMO?

I hope so. But I doubt it will be an MMO.

Azys Llia was a fun end zone though. Nice world theme too.

It actually was not that impressive in general but good looking for an mmo, yes. Ran like shit for other reasons too.

Good because Yoshi-P is sick of modern FF not going back to it's old fantasy roots.
Hopefully we get actual towns and caves and old robed mages and pointy hats this time around

I can't wait for that faggot Nomura to stop being the king of SE. What a fucking cancer he's been.

The thaumaturge quests were some of the best shot cutscenes I've seen in game, especially compared to a lot of SB cutscenes. Not so much the content/dialogue in the THM cutscenes that's better, but the camera shots, pans, animations were a whole lot more pleasant to watch compared to how rigid and static a lot of the SB cutscenes were.

Attached: DulJBObX4AA6qqx.jpg (1920x1080, 191K)

>complain that post-1.0 cutscenes have no animations
>ignore manderville cutscenes

The issue is that a lot of that content isn't fun. And that stuff isn't updated past it's inception - so if you DID enjoy it and wanted more, you can't get more of it.

Lords of Verminion is forgotten. Chocobo Racing got, what, one update? There's not even any new tracks - we're still using the same Black Shroud, La Noscea, Thanalan tracks years after it's been out. The Gold Saucer had the same minigames all the way through Heavensward - we JUST got two new GATES for it, and there's still no new minigames. PVP is only kept alive because YoshiP has nostalgia for it - and the moment he leaves, you can be sure that it'll be forgotten. Triple Triad cards are a novelty - you get new NPCs and cards because they're easy, but there's no new rule sets, you still have to go to specific places to play against players. Doman Reconstruction is a one-and-done deal: there's no other aspect to it.

Diadem was redone twice, and is now dead - they basically gave up on it. Eureka will die after Stormblood clears out: they're going to make it doable for solo players the moment Shadowbringers hits and then be forgotten about. Housing is updated mainly because it's the one gil sink this game has.

You have new dungeons and trials, but the chances of you doing level 60/70 trials through your roulettes is pretty slim - and most of the end-game dungeons are forgotten about as they have no use other than for story filler, glamour gear, and what have you. How many times have you done, say, the Neverreap since it was rolled in the 50/60 dungeon roulette? What about any of the 4.X primals in your trial roulette? This problem will only get worse as time goes on, and more bosses are added.

When your three main activities that are actively updated outside of end-game raiding are glamour, crafting, and house decorating, there's an issue.

>The only cutscenes worth a shit in this fucking game are for literal jokes

It's the one set of cutscenes in the whole game that has custom made animations. In a game that prides itself on it's story content.

WHM pulling? What the fuck?

Any idea if this is mmo based or mmo like? I just dont want another rush job like 13 and 15 were at release. Take 15 years, but release a good and finished game please.

Don’t you get b& for hitting?


Botting* what the hell

>using an old outdated screenshot from back when the site was broken

jesus those cutscenes actually look good what happened

It was too fucking big, filled with nothing.

Recently got back to FFXIV, I've been farming alphascape savage, I noticed that bards don't have cast times anymore; is it normal for them fail every single mechanic?

As far as revisiting older content, it used to be the relic weapon that got you going back to old dungeons/raids/fates/etc, Eureka has been a tremendous fuck up in that regard.
I'm not sure what other kind of end game you could ask for though, can you give some examples?

With the exception of maybe SAMs ranged players are the least skilled in the game.

no, that title belongs to tanks

I’d discount housing because the vast majority of players aren’t going to be able to find plots in the first place.

Everyone can get an apartment and a FC room

liability bard girlfriend detected.

>Yoshi-P is sick of modern FF not going back to it's old fantasy roots
>forgetting this is the man who approved Yokai Watch
>forgetting this is the man who approved FFXV's Car mount
>forgetting this is the man who approved and seeked out Yoko Taro for a Nier:Automata Raid
>forgetting this is the man who is bringing Gunblades from FF8
I bet you think that he also has any original thoughts in his head

How do you lads organize your log windows? I don't want to cram everything into the general tab, but setting up multiple different windows for different categories clogs up the screen too much. Tabbing around is too much of a bother, too. What's your HUD look like in general?

>pulling aggro off the tank in alliance raids even after using misdirect for my opener
SAM is so satisfying though

after looking through some old ffxiv recording and playing them back at 50% speed, it looks like you're playing ffxi instead of wow.

Go back

I doubt it
yoshi talked about how he wanted to make a more traditional final fantasy game, with no mecha

we probably wont see another mmo until 18 or 19

general chat tab shows everything but combat log
battle tab shows combat log
event tab shows npc dialogue, fc/party/alliance chat exclusively
4th tab shows novice network and tells

That's all SE collaborations, doig it for money
as for the other FF stuff, XIV is an mmo so its going to be very fan servicey

my fault for misremembering the name
but you can't pay me enough money to go back, I'm free now, I ain't ever going back

It's hard to do it in a game like XIV, where the game is a vertical climb to reach the power cap until they update it again, but having a flatter playing field for gearing would make things a lot more interesting.

Let's use an example with XIV activities - as it's something I've mulled over a lot. The primary issue with a lot of the content in XIV is that it's ultimately a worthless activity to do in regards to your current progression (getting to ilevel 400). Therefore, each piece of content should contribute in some way to improving your ilevel. Right now, we do kind of have that - but the issue is that you only have two real sources of gear:
>end-game raiding
>tomes (gained mainly through roulettes - at least, until eureka released)
In an ideal MMO, that shouldn't be the case. Gear should have multiple sources, BiS should take from each different area to promote content diversity. Your ideal player should have his hand in every pie, so to speak. In that regard, as XIV is all about increasing ilevel, end-game should consist of doing:
>end-game raids
The last two are debateable - as Diadem is level 60 content, and Eureka is level 70 content. However, updating them to the current level cap and increasing their reward value will mean that they're still populated, and players can continue to do them.

The main issue with this is that gearing is super simple, and you quite literally cannot sustain multiple activities with their own gear to gain from it - but rather than constrain yourself to this method of
>we can only do two ilevel 400 gear sets
There should be more ways of differentiating gear.

>but user, tomes already give you that!
The issue with this is that a lot of the older content doesn't give you the current tomes, or there's very little in terms of other sources for tomes (until Eureka hit). You do your roulettes, and that's it, for tomes. You do savage raids - and that's it - for the other set.

user what are you doing, you cant criticize this game, don't you know this is the best you'll get in modern MMOs in terms of games with asian skins on it.

Attached: Lalafell.full.2464020.png (800x1117, 809K)

It's expensive.

They don't want to put in the work and/or budget to do such a thing. Its sad when Manderville quests have better cutscenes compared to your main story in a game that heavily advertises its Story as a selling point.

Post more lala's

Attached: 1554683012599.jpg (800x1280, 98K)

upgrades your gear to ilvl 400
>end-game raids
gives you ilvl 390-400 gear but on a weekly lockout
gives you ilvl 380 gear but on a 900 tome weekly lockout
seiryu ex gives you ilvl 395 weapon
gives you ilvl 380 gear that can be overmelded and upgraded to ilvl 390, has no weekly/daily lockout for anything
gives you relic weapon and a decent set

there's multiple ways to gear up, but if you're a poopsocker that cares about getting ilvl fast then your only choice is to raidlog instead of playing casually.

There were a few dozen in the game compared to literally hundreds in ARR alone.

They went for quantity over quality.

Attached: plump lalafell.jpg (938x1168, 128K)

With apartments and FC housing, it's still accessible. That being said, it's still exclusive, but those who have stuck with XIV for a long time likely have a house or apartment by now.

You think you do, but you don't.

That's not a lala.

>shit internet
It's latency. You can get a vpn to mostly fix it, but it's something you should have to pay extra for. Not splitting the data centers east/west was a massive spit in the face

in December 2018 it was only halfway finished
it's still quite a way off, just like Monolith's new IP

Attached: monolith_new.jpg (1920x900, 340K)

*clenches fist*

The person that makes pop team epic plays as a lala tho

why is their stomach bulging?

I hope it's not going to be an exclusive because then I'd have to buy a switch or PS4

> Final Fantasy XIV team is working on Final Fantasy XVI

At least it's not the FFXV team so there is hope for XVI to repair the brand's reputation

Lalafells have plump tummies

What a retarded post

Have fun knowing Monolith was bought out by Nintendo.

This whole situation is a product of their core design idea of building the game in a very similar vein to WoW and other modern MMOs. Before the genre exploded MMOs were about the journey and not the reward, the idea was to go take on challenges and make friends, get out and play with other players and have it be a more social experience with that being your main reward while items and gear were in many cases just trophies, not required equipment to profress.

With "post WoW" MMOs the focus is centered around gear, with this system items/gear are your reward for completing any content, required to progress and do more content, and ultimately the carrot on a stick in front of each player. When you go down this route you sacriffice a broad layer of content that can stay relevant for a long period of time for a more direct tiered progression system. As you progress through the tiers lower content is not just sub par but completely and utterly pointless and useless to do.

You can't fix this situation without a 100% total overhaul of the games single core design pillar, aka impossible.

>XV is literally an action game.

ohhh such "action"

Attached: Hold O to Win.webm (640x360, 2.66M)

>upgrades your gear to ilvl 400
Not until patch 4.5. It shouldn't be a catchup mechanism, but rather something that you do actively to contribute to your progression.
>gives you ilvl 390-400 gear but on a weekly lockout
It gives you ilevel 400 gear. All items are used to augment items to ilevel 400. The normal version of the raids are 380, and since they aren't upgradeable, should not be considered
>gives you ilvl 380 gear but on a 900 tome weekly lockout
390, and it's a 450 tome weekly lockout. It's 900 now, as it's the end of the expansion.
>gives you ilvl 380 gear that can be overmelded and upgraded to ilvl 390, has no weekly/daily lockout for anything
The 390 upgrade is later in the patch cycle, and is used in the first week of raiding. Some classes have rings for their BiS, but there is no reason to keep this gear.
>gives you relic weapon and a decent set
The "decent set" is worse than tome gear, or the 24-man gear. The relic weapon is worse until the last step - the primal weapon is better than it in terms of stats, from memory.

XIV has no way for you to properly gear up before they add in catch-up mechanisms nearly 6 months after the raid ends for players to gear up. If you can only do tomes, you are locked to a single gearset that is ilevel 390. You then have to wait 6 months to be able to upgrade that to 400. There is no support for casual players to get past this cap - they are forced into end-game raiding.

That is my issue with XIV's end-game. You are funneled into end-game raiding if you wish to continue your progress. There is no other activity to help you with this - the intention is not to provide you with a wealth of content. It is to provide you with a path into end-game raiding.

Cross world visiting in patch 4.57 in a few days is going to be a big deal for community events and hunting NMs in zones.

Why do you want better gear other than for end-game raiding, you don't need to have the latest, greatest shit if you're just running your fucking roulettes.

>can't debunk any of it so I must call it retarded
Good to know you don't have any good counterpoints to this reality. At least this user provided something that made sense but "Fan Servicey" is no excuse for the guy who has been in charge of the Division behind the MMOs for a while. Especially when he has pretty much full reign on how XIV itself taking up both Director and Creative Lead roles.

I'll criticize this game. Then I'll make this game the best it ever was once I get into Square Enix and start slamming my western ideals into the game. Witness me, user

Seriously anyone who claims the old lighting looks better than the one we have now is a brainlet

They both look like shit

But the production value on 1.0 was so good compared to what we have now ,they have 0 excuses


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I don't think that's what he's getting at there.

Yea, the XV battle system was shit. What's funny is the LR team went to the XV team to ask for tips in creating a battle system that was more "action" based, and then they proceeded to make a ATB/action hybrid that was 5000x better than XV's system.

>Why do you want better gear other than for end-game raiding
>ignoring the argument revolving around how the game itself hasn't taken advantage of multiple avenues to gear
He's talking about how limited the scope is at endgame for any kind of progression. You either have Tomestones or Savage raiding, thats it. There isn't really a reason to dip your toes elsewhere to get gear because they don't offer that incentive leading to the population barely touching anything like hunts or the overworld itself.

I don't know how they did it, but LR had one hell of a combat system, it flowed really well and there was actually some teeth to it on normal, it was easy to break but it was still a damn good time, I hope Square don't forget it and hopefully we will see it again in another action RPG.

Male viera party member or we riot

Why would Matsuno be involved?

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this will be the future of FF14 with the trust system

Not the XIV team.

But Yoshida will be making the game.

fuck both of you

I'm liking the gold saucer, I've never done it before this ff15 event, it's really nifty, the GATEs. that platforming one was a blast, finished that shit without missing a beat.

EXCEPT the fucking rng bullshit "lmao hope you're standing in a good spot!" one.
FUCK that stupid garbage.

Looks like Granblue.
But i can understand them. Granblue is more Final fantasy than what is final fantasy now.

HW was good

based, looking forward to it, no longer have to pretend this isn't a single-player game

Alot of the old FF team went to cygames.

The worse one was the vase one.


XVI will be in good hands. Yoshida said the next FF game should return to high fantasy so I imagine it will be good.

Hunts are the worst piece of PvE content in this game.

It's not about "the latest and greatest shit", it's about giving you a variety of content to do. Why bother playing XIV past the first week of the patch if you can finish all of the relevant content in that week?

is right. Each aspect of the game should lead you towards the goal of reaching the max level cap. The difference is the time investment to reach there compared to the difficulty of it. End-game raiding should give you ilevel 400 gear off the top. Tome gear should be upgradeable - maybe have it so that you can buy the upgrade items with 2000 tomes, or 1000 or something. Hunts should allow you to get upgradeable gear from the start, except there's a large investment involved in getting the seals required. Or each gear piece can be suited towards the activity it's for, and then you have multiple gear sets for BiS in each different type of content, with a true BiS being in each different area

It's not "let's give the casuals 400 gear for nothing", it's "let's give players more options to actually gear up, rather than giving them one path to play"

RNG is way worse than anything you can improve it. It's literally impossible to get better at the bullshit wind one.
you're just stuck guessing. If you get fucked, LOL WOOPS 200 MGP FUCK OFF FOR 20 MINUTES. It makes 0 sense to include it at all, when the others are so much more fun.

>Yea, the XV battle system was shit. What's funny is the LR team went to the XV team to ask for tips in creating a battle system that was more "action" based, and then they proceeded to make a ATB/action hybrid that was 5000x better than XV's system.

it's because the LR team was not held back by Tabata

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shame about the raid

Just do your weekly custom deliveries and buy the ilvl350 DoL or DoH gear

>Not substantial content
My account is worth 3k usd if I sold it because of all the Feast shit I have on it

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Fight the good fight my friend, only through perseverance can we fight the marketboard jew.

>selling FFXIV accounts to anyone but chinks wanting to use it as a bot for gil selling
>pulling a retarded number out of your ass
Guess I can sell my account for a decent chunk of cash cause I have the forever exclusive and slowly dwindling Legacy Tattoo and Chocobo.

Alexander would have been better without Goblins, but thematically its still better than Omega where it was pure fanservice

>started playing few months ago
>only now able to start doing deltascape
>felt like I was kinda behind in the content
>"wonder if I'll even be able to find people to run it"
>warp to major city
>see a shit ton of sprouts running around
It's a strange feeling.

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I agree, but only because Omega didn't have a theme, period.

>The "decent set" is worse than tome gear, or the 24-man gear.
The fuck?
Some Hydatos pieces (ilvl 390 with 5 slots) are bis.
>The relic weapon is worse until the last step
Which you can finish extremely easily in Hydatos, the only thing remotely stopping you is to get 3 PW kill.
>the primal weapon is better than it in terms of stats, from memory.
Your memories are wrong, you can get a whole total of 1000 substats on your relic if you are a god of luck, personally my SCH book has 760 substats (650 crit 110 det) which is more than the omega SCH book which has 685 counting the 2 materia slot.
And yes both are ilvl405

steady stream of wowfugees

What's the best way of farming Heavensward light now? I feel like using Cronus Lux with the Lynxliege set for my DRK.

A9S, fastest by far.

Twitch Prime free copy has brought in a good chunk of people
>thinking WoW players want to enter a similar game but with a PC community when Blizzard is driving people away by being PC as well

I spoke to you in another thread, how are you not perma'd for being irredeemably autistic yet?

There are ways of pointing out that XIV is a content starved WoW theme park without roleplaying a downs child's first day on the internet.

This, took me about 45 mins

FFXIV is perfect please stop attempting to ''''criticize'''' it.
Shadowbringers will be amazing.

>obsession with politics
>more important than actual fucking gameplay
no one quit bfa because blizzard is "woke"

Do you guys have any recommendation for a podcast for when I'm gathering or crafting?
FFXIV themed would be nice


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Why is leveling alts so fucking boring, I Really miss leveling party's like ff11, pleas give me that but keep the leveling fast.

>Why is leveling alts so fucking boring
Cause the whole story progression is a slog once you know it and leveling content is boring as it offers no challenge even compared to the streamroll content that makes up the majority of endgame.

Are yours? Did you start playing at 4.5?

The buyable gear was in no way near BiS when Eureka released. The relic weapon was also worse than the raid weapons until Hydatos released. That's 2 raid tiers, if you're being generous and say that you could use your relic during Omegascape when most people who had cared about raiding had cleared a good chunk of it by the time Hydatos released. We likely wouldn't have had said armour unless people made it clear they wanted something.

Before Hydatos, there were only 2 sets you'd use - tome and raiding. When Hydatos released, there were now 3, except that the third wasn't worth it for some classes. And even then, Hydatos released late enough in the raid tier that for some, it didn't even matter.

god he is such a piece of shit. Unironically hope he dies before he gets to put another turd of a game on this planet

>>more important than actual fucking gameplay
Are you implying XIV is even better than WoW in its basic combat? Neither of the two have anything good. FFXIV will slowly shave away with each "Combat Revamp" till you're at WoW's door. I wouldn't be amazed if they do finally port the simplified PvP actions for combos in ShB to further promote "closing the DPS gap" like they did for HW to SB

Because if you're leveling entire characters then that's not what you're supposed to be doing, and if you're leveling other jobs it's because non-Palace of the Dead/Heaven on High EXP sources are effectively just dungeons, beast-tribes and some levequests.

Yes I want more gear that is limited to certain types of content. Eureka having it's own set bonus for rare gear to help make you slightly better is amazing. There needs to be more rare gear that has a tangible effect on one aspect but is useless for other things. Making this gear, or at the very least the materials used to make it, trade able is also key to getting that old mmo feeling back.

Having 3+ hotbars full of abilities after each expac is already ensuring we're never going to reach WoW-tier simplicity desu, hell the PvP action system if implemented would probably be purely to clear space for more GCD and oGCD abilities outside of your job's main two or three skillchains

Yes, I am implying it.
Even if they ported to the simplified PvP actions, the game would still be more complex and satisfying to play than WoW.
I don't know when the last time you played WoW was, but the Legion prepatch absolutely destroyed the core of the game, and BfA stripped away all the trimmings that "completed" the various classes.

at least he can't ruin another Square game

>Mom's tablet is caps locked and I don't know how to turn it off

The History of Rome is the only podcast I've listened to.

The fact that the Eureka Bonus wasn't used more is a sin. We should've been able to edit that with our relics, or we should've had more gear that used it in ways other than straight-up stat increases.

Hopefully the next Diadem/Eureka variant takes note of the idea and improves upon it.

>servers and instances dying already
Fuck this shit

>see a /shout message in Kugane announcing that a 'Lounge' is opening up in Lavender Beds
>go to check it out
I am mildly impressed with the furnishing, but too spaghetti to hang out there in earnest. There were pool tables, multi-level bars, dance floors and all that shit. I didn't know we had those on this server.

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>Twitch Prime free copy
Can someone explain how that works exactly? You redeem a code or something?

Oh yeah for sure, lots of servers get super involved with housing and similar projects. I've seen Japanese-style apartments and modern/contemporary buildings made in XIV before.

It's okay user. He making a game that panders to the disabled so he can finally get away with piss easy, simplistic gameplay.

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>It was too fucking big
Like your mom.
>filled with nothing.
Unlike your mom.

The free copy is a code you redeem, yes.

Yeah, Twitch/Amazon Prime gives you ARR and one month of playtime for free while the promotion lasts, you redeem a code on Mogstation after signing in with your account. If you like what you played you can buy Shadowbringers and receive all expacs + current expac on July 2nd, or skim around on G2A and other key resellers for an easy copy of Stormblood if you want to play the expacs now.

They have a huge opportunity with the next Eureka type zone. My expectations are at 11/10 for it. They have been slowly making the exploratory zones better and better in small steps since Diadem and if they just resist the urge to scrap it all and start from square one there is no possible way it will be anything less than amazing. Eureka is not perfect, I didn't enjoy Pagos very much at all, but Hydatos is so damn fun to play with the Logos actions and how open the map is that I am confident they have this in the bag. All they need to do is expand on Hydatos and it will be the best content in all of FFXIV.

Do you have to redeem the code within the promotion window? I think it only runs till like May 2nd or something which is slightly inconvenient for me

If I started a trial account on ps4 can I still play on pc with it? or am I locked to sony?

Why are you such a retard?
How hard is it to shit a code into your web browser?

I listen to episodes of Lets Drown Out on youtube.

>bullshit wind one
Anyway the Wind Blows is the most thematically-appropriate GATE (in line with the harsh GS RNG in FFVII), it's incredibly easy to game, and pays out way more than any other GATE- while being far less tedious than shit like the emote DDR one.

And when I say "easy to game" it's because there are pseudo safe-zones all over the stage. See the red dot in my screenshot here? It's on the south side. Place the center of your hitbox on top of it, in the little niche of the floret in the fleur de lys looking thing, and stand still. There's ~80% chance you wont get sneezed off.
All those people at the back? They knew roughly where the safe spot was, but weren't standing perfectly on top of it like me, so they all ate shit.

Attached: Anyway the Wind Blows.jpg (1920x1080, 731K)

Your account is shared between both ps4 and pc but you will need to buy the game for both systems.

Fuck that guy. I agree. Butt capes have always been cool. Battlefront 2. Riku's "I'm fucking evil now, kid" outfit from KH1, Titans in Destiny.

Butt capes are awesome.

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80% still isn't 100%, rng is bullshit, period.

I like playing with the Logos actions, but the main issue is accessibility. Having a limited resource on something means that it's hard to justify using it at any time. It's like that whole "do I use this item during this boss fight or use it when I need it during another?" question people have in RPGs.

If they basically made the next set of Eureka instances a collection of dungeons and trials where you can get Eureka Bonus gear, or items to augment gear with a Eureka Bonus with a small overworld that connects it all, I think it'd be super fun.

>tfw no cat orgies at your hotspring

>crying about RNG in fucking mmos of all games
I know ffxiv is your first but come the fuck on

>everything should be skill-based
You're in a casino, what do you expect?

I wish there were more GATEs like ATWB.

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Yikes, why the hostility fren? I was just hoping I could redeem closer to June when I have less shit going on. I hope you're not representative of the XIV community as a whole

The biggest crime about Logos was losing them when leaving Eureka. I was there was a way to save them with their charges in place. I went through a lot of Stealth ones in Pyros that were above 50 uses.

The new expansion comes out in June.

buy it twice even if i only want to play the full thing on pc with the acc i made?

>I wish there was more shit that would be a total waste of time LMAO i'm such a contrarian xD!
why are you such a homo, homo?
RNG for stupid shit like minigame areas. Why have them exist if you're just going to make them rng shit? And it's literally the only one that's in every fucking timeslot.

Time to wait for XVII then

>why have randomness in a fucking casino
a mystery

>the implication that the golden saucer isn't a minigame area

Yeah I really hope that they make mini public dungeons in the next Eureka. You kill an NM and get a key item drop that will unlock the dungeon and you form a party of 4-8 before going in, once inside it acts just like a small version of BA. That would be the best system in my eyes.

Each platform you play the game on needs to have its own service account enabled. You can use the same account between PS4 and PC, but you need to buy both versions and expansions of the game. If you're waiting until June, you can do your free month and then buy Shadowbringers if you like it. Shadowbringers comes with every expansion.

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No, you can start your trial on ps4 and continue it on pc then just buy the game for pc. If you wanted to play on ps4 you would need to buy another copy of the game though. Also if you buy it on steam you have to continue buying on steam, the generic pc version isnt compatable.

>implication that it isn't a minigame area
>rng shit for stupid shit like minigame areas

Oh yeah, that'd make Logos actions a lot better. Either make them so they don't run out when used, or allow you to keep them when you reinstance, so you don't "waste" actions.

Either way, I'm hoping the next Eureka instance builds on what worked while ditching what didn't.

Well be that as it may I just don't have a lot of time to play right now and it'd be pointless to redeem something I barely get to use

you get a copy of the game at least, you dunce

I mean, in an ideal world we'd have as many GATEs as there are minigames in your average Mario Party, and there'd be a new one running every 5-10 minutes, perhaps even concurrently.

You know, because fun.
But I've accepted that we'll never get anything actually good out of SE because they just don't understand the idea of reinvesting profits to scale up development (eg. by hiring more staff) to promote further growth. Like, imagine if all the new superfluous housing fluff didn't come at the cost of dev time that could be spent on other more important things, or that Eureka was worked on by a specific team so more primal fights could be made per patch, or even that the employees they have now weren't overworked like mad and sleeping at their desks during atrocious expansion crunch.

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at the rate im leveling, i'm not sure i'll even get to the new content in a month

That's my plan atm

Nigga they want more staff, there's tons of openings for the XIV team. It's just that no one is applying/meets the expectations.

I just want them to make NMs that aren't a zergfest. I'm pretty sure Eureka just highlighted the issues of having 144 people fight something at once - so having public NMs and private NMs would work really well. It's not like they don't already have the systems in place to do it, too. Maps already restrict mobs spawned to the party who used the map - just have that system in place for Eureka force-popped NMs. You could even use the levequest system for it.

>Final Fantasy XVI returning to Medieval kino
>Project Re: Fantasy has a Medieval vibe too
>Granblue Fantasy Relink also has a Medieval vibe
>Project Prelude Rune and Project Awakening also are Medieval kino

I'm glad, I'm tired of all these futuristic shit

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The bottom line is that mobile games are killing MMOs. Why work in MMO dev and pull several sleepless nights for expansion crunch, when you can work as a dev for a comfy mobile gacha where all you have to do is maybe change a few lines of code every few weeks for events?
Same thing on the corporate end. Why invest money or actively look for new staff for their MMO division when their FFXV mobile games are printing millions of dollars a month with almost no effort?

Shush, it's easier to cry "lazy" on a Vietnamese puppy-mill imageboard.

Because you made up both of those situations in your head just now

he literally ruined square. All thise years for nothing. Absolutely nothing. How am I supposed to trust in any of their games ever again.


>too spaghetti to hang out in a video game

What's an effective way to use sleeve draw? It barfs out some really shit combos for me most of the time

>XIV's cutscenes will always be the bare minimum precanned animations
If they weren't busy funneling every penny out of this game to fund failed projects through the rest of the company we could have shit like this again

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based scriptkiddies of ddos the servers

funny that there's only a "ddos" when lots of people are trying to play the game.. really makes one think...

Really? I'm tired of medieval shit. 00s felt like it had an okay balance but it got full retard towards the end and now it feels like we reached peak saturation.

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What you see is what you get with it

is this supposed to be good or?

Now, I don't like XV or Tabata either, but let's not be so dramatic, user. He wasn't at fault for everything that happened with XV. Nomura was the director for the majority of the game's development, and it was upper management that wanted to make yet another shitty in-house engine. They gave him an impossible release window (they fucked over the XIII team in the same way with the engine problems/time restraint BS, but even worse)

But, there is hope there will be a complete at launch FF someday. I think SE learned their lesson.

>when lots of people are trying to play the game
We're in post-expac slump, the huge amount of new players coming from Twitch Prime is really only evening it out to "average" numbers

>it's just that no one is applying/meets the expectations
Weird how you're blaming the workers, when it's probably because SE is demanding significant industry experience and shitloads of unpaid overtime while offering miserable remuneration.

Because the gatcha market is extremely profitable but far more saturated, and even if MMO development is more expensive you're more likely to be successful based on the effort you invest?
We're talking about r/K selection theory here.

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Please for the love of god be single player, and not terrible.

>Weird how you're blaming the workers,
Nobody's blaming the workers, there are barely any workers there to blame.

Nah. I've logged in several times this week to waiting in queue and I'm not on balmung or gilgamesh

If it's off cd and I get a card I want, I spread it and pop SD. I'm guaranteed an instant RR and a Lord/Lady, which is bang for buck either way, and if the card in the draw slot is shit I can RR or minor arcana it.

I find that it works best if I already have a road or spread. Doing it with nothing will just get you a bunch of random shit. But if you have at least 1 piece ready to go you should get something that works with the 2 free cards. Also make sure to use it immediately after draw and when you don't have a minor arcana.

I forgot how fucking great watching this guy's body fade in from the fog is considering the context of the story as well

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The only rumor I heard about FFXVI is there will be more fantasy and less techobabble, so we'll see.

I agree. I always liked that FF liked to make modern/industrial RPGs. Nearly EVERYTHING is medieval in today's JP RPG market.

Without Yoshi-P, maybe FFXIV will finally be good

more like
>blizzard announces bfa patch
>instantly servers start getting DDOSed
really makes u think

Yes. Makes me sound like wowfugees are coming to ffxiv in droves

With Yoshida in charge the game won't have a fucking decade of.development hell that's for sure.

Compared to ARR cutscenes?
It's lightyears better.

Why do alot of people act like final fantasy games have been consistently shit when the only bad ones are 13 and extremely arguable, 15? All the others except 2 range from good to amazing.

You should always try to use it immediately after Drawing a card to reset the Draw cooldown;
Personally I find it best to use if I already have a good RR or something in my Spread.

Draw Balance > Spread > SD hoping for an Expanded RR
Draw Ewer > RR > SD hoping for a Spread/Drawn Balance

And if you've just used a stored RR in conjunction with a Drawn card and have nothing left, you can also use it then and pray for good RNG.

i'll suffer even shittier graphics and "cutscenes" if the gameplay remains enjoyable. graphics at the cost of everything else isn't good. look to xiv 1.0 and xv for two perfect examples

"Classical" FF still has sci-fi elements, just not a contemporary setting. Look forward to renaissance-era technology being widespread at the absolute least

All we've seen Yoshida be able to do so far is fix up and restore a game that was once utterly broken. There's no telling what he'll do as the lead for an entirely new project.

For all we know, he might end up making a clone of DQ11 because he's played it before and he likes getting inspiration from other successful games in the same genre.

Nah dude i'm forever sceptical. It's like with all those faggots who keep buying star wars and battlefield games despite knowing what kind of shit company ea is. Same with bugy ubisoft games or the eventual suicide of blizzard games. Square fucked up not only final fantasy but kingdom hearts and almost everything they started in the last years. I just hope I get proven wrong because i used to love them so much

It just seems like throwing the baby out with the bathwater, that's all.

The next step is to add content that.isn't just mob/FATE chaining. Add stuff for gatherers and crafters to contribute (but keep the mats and stuff produced only limited to being relevant within the exploratory content to prevent people just clogging up instances to gather ores and shit), keep adding.cotent like BA as well.

>I-III aren't very beloved
>Many people don't like IV (Cecil's entire character arc is done 1/3 through the game, and it's many retarded fake out deaths)
>Many people hate VIII
>Many disliked XII on release
>Many hated XIII and XV

Really, I don't think any of them are bad (except II), but there are quite a few contentious titles here.

graphics are important to most people though

Is this God Hand?

That's basically 1.0 to ARR, though. Although, they did keep the item data (probably because it was too much work to do otherwise).

XIV 1.0 was bad because of the shitty engine

>1.0 had nice cutscenes at least
Yeah, obviously. It's why they fucking nuked it. Just because I want the same quality cutscenes back doesn't mean I'm one of those retards that wants a 1.23 server or something

Who /Hrothgar/ here?

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Here I am bro ;)

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>+ nomura character design = great.
How much of a gay brainlet are you?

Aether is a hell of a drug, and pretty much equalizes the races in terms of their physical prowess. As much as it might be "immersion breaking" to see some two foot high little shit staring down an elder dragon in the lore it's actually perfectly reasonable.

Ask me again in 2029 when the game is finally released.

hard to believe that an average lalafell is stronger than a pureblood garlean

I am but only for the bara

Now you realise why they were chased up north to Ilsabard.

Kan-E-Senna could have leapt the table and beaten Varis zos Galvus to an inch of his life with her bare fists at the Garlean peace talk, but she chose not to.

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can't wait for FF MMO 3

and shitty servers that went down daily

1-4 join a pf for pages
5-9 do fucking nothing

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Even with all the shit I liked about 1.0, I will always say it is shit because of the fatigue system.
>let's punish players for playing

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Garleans were bullied for centuries for a reason, they lacked the ability to manipulate aether, which put them at a severe disadvantage. It was only.after the discovery of a method to refine Ceruleun (which we now know is basically more volatile aether anyway) were they able to start fighting on equal footing with the other races.

God speed

>Join farm party
>Party disbands after clearing once
Please, I just want to farm.

Time to wake up NEET

There's a martial discipline in Eorzea that involves learning to jump a mile into the air user

nothing really has changed, they didnt want you to play much in 1.0 yoshi p wants you to unsub from the game to this day.

>it's another MMO with catgirl races, a shitty plot, and insane amounts of grinding.
Kill me pete


>Wiping on UWU at 2% cuz someone died to wicked tornado


Good luck. You also reminded me that my static suddenly broke up while progging HW2 and now I'm stuck on PF looking for a clear party. I hate this.

anyone on primal want to do some stuff?

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Kan-e-senna is perfect.

Quit posting your shitty animal porn.

Like what?

yea post the good shit

lots of retards didn't play XI which is actually the best FF game

roulettes maybe? im kind of bored so im up for just about anything provided im not shit enough to do it

its not porn its just some hrothgar broing it up

happened once to our group..
I will never pf 12s, I can't even find the energy to pf 10s, I only do 9s for accs

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I gotta resub, but im down for anything at this point, just bored as fuck

you dont have to waste money on my account user

put up a pf and I'll join

Im happy if that means we’ll get another mainline game that’s more fantasy oriented than sci-fi like the last few games.

I mean I didn't want to but because of three fucking faggots not wanting to show up to raid I have no static anymore and I'm so close. Unless I stumble on another static looking for subs or some shit I'm stuck here.

pass 1213

>mfw Rank 1 in The Feast Season 1

I wonder how much that would even be worth? It has to have some sort of significant pull with the Season 1 armor and Helmet, too. I hardly play much now and just follow along from a distance with updates.

How did computers even run 1.0 back in 2010?

I imagine the game ran like SHIT considering how demanding the graphics were back then for an MMO.

>How did computers even run 1.0 back in 2010?
they didnt that was the problem lol

Nah, i'm down, just gotta update, might be a minute though

xiv in its current state plays nothing like the original version, it's essentially a new game

also yeah he's probably just going to clone dq11 or something, and to be fair he really should. ff desperately needs to go back to turn based/atb, the new shit isn't working out

I bought my first computer specifically for 1.0 and didn't even get high-end specs and it ran just fine


Attached: unknown-1-1.png (721x612, 222K)

>playing 1.0
>my computer was built in 2008, was pretty good at the time
>still get chunk errors in 1.0
>can't do events because of STALKER bug tier time flashing between night and day so fast that I couldn't hunt for the imps for Halloween
>game ran just fine in Gridania and Uldah areas but fuck me if I ever went to Limsa
Limsa 1.0 is still my favorite due to the music and the way the pathway lights looked from where Aftcastle is. Uldah 1.0 has my favorite night music though.

>ff desperately needs to go back to turn based/atb

Attached: 1504333138893.jpg (1200x900, 98K)

>removing trick attack
Has to be fake.

that and removing dark arts is what scares me the most

actually, i'm too tired to play right now. but I must say that you're elezen is cute and I hope to visit you in patch 4.57 in a few days.

yeah whatever and the grinch is getting into smash

Just don't party with this Ultros cock gobbler name Matty Meatshield. He ruins parties with his immature behavior and his big fucking cockspit mouth.

13 got fucking destroyed in reviews, they quit working on 15 dlc halfway through, and the 7 remake is stuck in development hell. the further they move away from the classic shit the worse things get
post all the laughing chinamen you want, i'm right

thanks i guess

Attached: 1529901376661.png (396x335, 146K)

>don't add new healers
>remove protect and lucid dream
>also remove aetherflow and physik(lol)
I'm just glad Wildfire is gone, Heat is still shit but Wildfire is one of the issues that MCH has in SB. Would've been fine if they kept it at 15 seconds like in the past.

just fuck my shit up
>removing hide
let me have fun in town...

If youre still on by then, i'll still go, resubbing fresh and doing a comp wipe is a real pain

Attached: Welp.png (315x47, 2K)

but everyone can see you
you know that right?

>removing Riot Blade and Sword Oath

This is 100% fake.

I've been playing XIV for almost six years and still can't tell some skills. It's all muscle memory.

Where are they? That third one was posted here yesterday.

no it's real, how is he getting grayscale images of skill icons if they weren't real

that make it funnier..

Attached: hik.jpg (592x644, 48K)

>removing Dark Arts

Attached: D4JxN-7XkAEQxtX.jpg orig.jpg (1280x1280, 118K)

XIV 1.0 had soul, unlike ARR.

Hide, Blood for Blood, Riot blade, an Oath
Trick Attack, Barrage, Blizzard 2, refresh

Dark arts, Heavy thrust, Wildfire, Jugulate
Aetherflow, Physick, Thrill of Battle, Freeze

Fist of Wind/Earth/Fire, Diversion
Lucid Dreaming, Protect, Synastry, Fluid Aura

I know no one needed it, but if they did, there you go

>XI and xiv 1.0 both play so slowly they're basically turn based
>btfo by xiv ARR modeled on wow's combat system
really makes you think

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Sadly, you've been getting what you wanted. inb4 it's not what you wanted when it literally is turn based/atb garbage.

Attached: Record Keeper.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

>Get naked
>No one whispers lewd things to me
wtf Yea Forums lied to me

cats are ugly, we love elezens now

>appeal to lowest common denominator by removing all those scary RPG elements
>"wow look at how many people are subbed just to take screenshots and buy shit from our cash shop! this must mean it's the superior video game!"
FFXI was also SE's most profitable game until very recently so what the fuck are you even talking about?

but im a highlander

Protect is a meme that was already planned to be chopped at the launch of Stormblood. They should have followed through with it and just made it a passive trait for people in the party. In terms of Lucid, they're probably going to seriously remove tank stances and just make tanks innately beefy and high enmity. Then they're going to lower healer and DPS enmity across the board. Probably have some mechanic built into the role to regen MP in a more passive manner.

>Nomura involved at all
Hard pass.

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Actually it makes perfect sense, along with the removal of Hide. You could add the vulnerability-up to Suiton and boost Suiton's potency a bit to account for TA's removal and nothing would change as far as the NIN's actual application of the debuff, and Hide is useless for much longer than it's useful, all it really exists for is a way to get Huton up pre-pull and still have a mudra ready to go. Sucks about the flavor between it and ROG being lost, but mechanically there's not really any reason for them to stay.

If only femlala actually looked like this...

Attached: D4b6NBYUUAYa4ac.jpg:orig.jpg (850x1217, 68K)

They do if you believe, user. And maybe use mods

*blocks your path*

Attached: ronso12.jpg (800x1035, 183K)

>Removing Barage

Attached: 1553393231681.png (334x393, 265K)

*equips helmet and /laugh's*

Attached: 1551078769486.jpg (768x1024, 120K)

*kisses you*

they can look hot as is
someone post the thot patrol that usually gets posted here

my only question is whether emil's head will be cash shop or a raid drop

*purrs and gently but firmly touches your butt*

happy, best team at square enix

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I bet an MGP item

Just make it a mount at that point. They've already reskinned the ADS like 5 times now. One more wouldn't hurt.

Anyone got pic related for Stormblood and Heavensward?

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You know, as much as I dislike all the memes associated with lalafell, I do appreciate SE's commitment to providing a player race roughly equivalent to the chibi sprites used in older FF games if that's how you want to experience the game.
They look fantastic as BLMs for example. All they really need is an effect that shadows out your character's face and adds glowing eyes.

Attached: 1537524204841.png (600x856, 745K)

>Stop because of 2 bad games who's least problems were the combat.

KH2FM laughs at you.


I love lore wise everyone shits on Miqo'tes but in game everyone shits on Lalafells.

Shadowniggers shaping up to be the most disappointing expac.


What is the most aesthetic race in the game for each Job?

Don't worry the game does its fair share of shitting on lalafell too, look at the FATE descriptions for a lot of ARR areas and they'll mention lalafells being easy-pickin's for huge monsters


Attached: stormblood.jpg (1273x1800, 867K)

god damn please tell me you have HW's, love the art


Attached: heavensward.png (820x1250, 2.47M)

I love this game so much, thanks man

Attached: 1548527980005.gif (480x270, 1018K)

>Midlander - any
>Highlander - Monk, Samurai, Warrior, Dragoon, Dark Knight
>Miqo'te - White Mage, Summoner, Ninja
>Lalafell - All casters, some Machinists can pull it off
>Roegadyn - If female, any; if male, Ninja doesn't look good because of awkward animations on that large a skeleton, and anything skintight or form-fitting (see Dragonlancer's set) looks terrible
>Au Ra - If female see Miqo'te, if male see Highlander
>Elezen - Dragoon, Samurai, Astrologian, Machinist

>Final Fantasy XVI
is another Ivalice game. with multiplayer and guilds.

Attached: YN14Z.gif (250x250, 809K)

>yugiri front and center instead of wol

fits considering stormblood was a downgrade slightly from Heavensward storywise. Seems they realized their mistake

wol is placed opposite of zenos

>get to participate in FFTA style guilds

Fuck I want it

user they work hard to make those cutscenes. Takes around a tenth of their people to make sure you step forward and nod perfectly every time you watch them. You just linked soulless garbage.

There hasn't been a good FF since 7.

They were posted here. 1st one was on April 15th if I remember correctly.

Why is anyone even excited about a game directed by Yoshida? The man has already shown to be nothing but style over substance, if you honestly think he's going to push modern FF and bring anything new to the table you clearly are new to XIV or have been blatantly ignoring how this game has been going since 2.0.

Trick attack prevents Ninja from being anything else than TA bot.

That's the point. None of those are new.

Yoshida did actually have interesting gameplay systems put in place in 1.0. He has the potential to do good stuff, but he's gotten complacent and has gone with the easy shallow WoW clone bullshit.

This is your momma tank for tonight

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>I doubt this
>He thinks modern final fantasy is good

Attached: 1552979891474.jpg (1087x1080, 112K)

10-2 is shit
11 is shit
12 is shit
13 is shit
13-2 is shit
13-3 is shit
14 is shit
15 is MEGA shit
Dissidia is shit
world of final fantasy is shit
type zero is shit
7 Remake will be shit
16 will be shit
17 will be shit

1-10+tactics for life death to square enix praise Squaresoft.

Attached: 1552208092582.jpg (640x640, 126K)

Anything past 10 is shit.

Exactly the reason to be wary of him and anything he touches. He had great work when he took over XIV during 1.0. The dungeons were pretty decent even if they were simple and the push with more trials besides Ifrit was welcomed but he clearly shows that he rather not work too hard and become complacent with the easiest bare minimum.

>if you honestly think he's going to push modern FF and bring anything new to the table you clearly are new to XIV or have been blatantly ignoring how this game has been going since 2.0.
But that's the point. Everything Final Fantasy did right was in the past.
Everything new they try is fucking god awful.

If Yoshi is making a game in the mold of a classic FF game (I-VII) we might, for the first time in nearly two decades, have something almost playable.

X was crap.

11-14 are all better than 1 and 2

Don't listen to the SQUARE ENIX BAD people, they have been full of anger going on 20 years now

Best hair for highlanders hands down.

While I'm not against from learning from the past and building upon the shoulder of giants its rather clear that Yoshida can not do that. Have we forgotten Eureka? The tribute to FFXI that was suppose to be a fun side-activity for when we're not raiding or running dungeons? Remember how shit it is and how he didn't bother making sure to adapt the design philosophy to properly fit XIV? He'll simply port the structure with none of what made it work, FFXVI will just be Eureka all over again.

(internal laughing)

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Attached: 1553810323936.png (256x192, 3K)

1 2 and 3 are all trash.

(Mega laughing)

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>Yoshida did actually have interesting gameplay systems put in place in 1.0.
Yoshida wasn't involved with 1.0 until much later, he's the reason we have jobs with a capital J in the game.

SB was the dev's attempt of making a waifu expansion and it failed on all fronts (Lyse, Yugiri, Florida)

3 is not trash

i like fedora tho

World of Final Fantasy was good, it's just that they put too much realism into their mainline games nowadays.

Fordola's a good character but SB still sucked shit.

You're right, it's toxic waste.

FF3 is literally the best and most polished RPG on the NES.

>At least 14's profits are not being funneled into 15 anymore.

It never was in the first place, but okay.


The fuck out of here you prancing faggot

3 really suffered from not getting a ps1/gba remake like the others. The ds game sucked and the original is too dated for most people.

>gets minimal screentime
>still btfo SB waifus

Attached: de4a2ea77a2660c214ef55bde90d105b--final-fantasy-xiv-finals.jpg (736x1012, 150K)

>people defending 3

jesus christ

There's literally nothing wrong with FF3. It's a solid game.

Name ONE (1) other game with Goldor
I'll wate

Record Keeper

Explain why you think it's trash.

14 eventually.

I don't know if you're lying to me or not but
fuck you

Attached: doll.png (570x380, 121K)

>Decide I want to go back to XI after two years away.
>Square account bullshit says I only have a cancelled service account.
>Thing won't even tell me upfront if it wants me to pay for a sub or buy the whole fucking game again.

Attached: 1540122564153.jpg (600x900, 88K)

what's the speech bubble thing
is he telling them about how awesome gold is

>sbh is going to be even worse than sb
am i going to regain the control of my life

Attached: f45ef1a4dc03e1cdde36e84ed35f19e9cd6c1acf.jpg (985x1111, 256K)

He's paralyzed.

>is going to be even worse than sb
Says Yea Forums and... really just Yea Forums

Nah XIII is pretty bad, I enjoyed I and II way more

says anyone that saw the "data mining"

by his love of gold?

Attached: 1545617372491.png (1118x1170, 1.6M)

What data mining? Are you talking about the dumb shit greyed skill icons?

You gotta buy the whole game again, user.

I honestly hope he only brings old things to the table. I hope we get a class system like FF3 or FF5, I hope we get mechanical depth, and I hope the story is great. So far my only worry is that we'll have a good story with horrible pacing and tons of filler.

Can you prove that its going to improve on SB? They have already admitted that the formula is going to stay the same. Nothing is being shown in actual growth to dungeons or raid design and the overall focus from Yoshida being he wants to move more into a minigame territory with things like Mahjong. Whats going to improve in this lackluster game? Repeating Heavensward for a 3rd time won't help this game.
>inb4 story
Which can be seen on youtube with no real loss

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Obviously fake but holy shit the asspain this would bring if this was true, they;d be turning a casual friendly battle system to even more casual pile of flaming garbage.
>death counter system
The most fake bit about this, this wouldn't make the "Pay my sub" players feel nice at all since they'd be more likely to run thru them.

The Sharingan

Attached: kamui.png (1158x894, 1.85M)

The only thing that really sounds like it sucks out of all of that are the changes to healer DPS.

If this actually went through, the endgame scene would be finished. The game would be dead as anything but a roleplaying platform or barbie dress up.