Next-Gen Xbox Reportedly More Powerful Than The PS5

>Taking to Twitter, journalist Ainsley Bowden citing multiple insiders has said that the next-gen Xbox, codenamed Xbox Scarlett, will be "more advanced" than the PS5.

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You do know that every time a new system is released, power between Xbox and Sony is always completely up in the air right?
Meanwhile Nintendo is cheaper with their software and PC's don't really give a shit if they got the cash to spend.
People thing it isn't but it do.

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It doesn't matter, Xbox will never have exclusives again which means it will never be a relevant console. Enjoy running multiplats at a slightly crisper resolution, meanwhile everyone with sense will be playing those games on PC.

Isn't the xbone more powerful than the PS4 too though?

How did that turn out?


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on pc

not on PS4

See >meanwhile everyone with sense will be playing those games on PC.


And the NT leak was true as well

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Normalfags wont buy gaming pcs they'll buy consoles
>W10 Store

Again do you not understand reading comprehension?

>people with sense will play it on PC

but Yea Forums said exclusivity is bad

Fine but what’s the cute and funny situation RE next gen

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>people with sense will use the W10 Store

Its gonna be on steam

>Xbots talk about how great crossplay and crossbuy are when it makes them look good
>when it doesn't benefit them, ie when someone points out they have no real exclusives because of this, Xbots talk about how the W10 store is completely unusable and how you should buy The One X for $500 instead

Meanwhile Nintendo will still be making bing bing wahoo for children and man children on their underpowered kiddy tablet and begging for ports. Imagine being a nincel. Lmao

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No it isn't.
1st party games aren't going to Steam.

Power is irrelevant the jumps are less and less pronounced how well a game looks is more too do with man hours and money spent all theses new systems will do is push a higher resolution at 30fps

I don't even have an Xbox and use the W10 Store myself, it's still absolute garbage and you're lucky if you're able to play a game without having to fix multiple errors.

Seething Sony shill detected

it's going to be on steam

hah waaw 2 is probably going to be on steam soon as well

Imagine being such a pathetic third world slum-dweller that you can't afford a Switch, a gaming PC and a next gen console.

There's a huge difference between last-gen and current gen games
you need to stop playing jap games only

lol cope

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So's the current one, it's doing it tons of good isn't it.

1st party games won't be on Steam.

Only 2nd and 3rd party games published by MS will.

It'll be on Steam as well to spite Tim Sweeney, as he's been a whiny obnoxious bitch about Microsoft for years.

Base? No.
I think PS4 and XboneS were equal.
XboneX though wipes the floor with PS4.

How sexy are the lolis going to be next gen?

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OG PS4 has a slight edge on the Xbone and XboneS. Usually 1080p vs 900p


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Who cares, my PC is still light years ahead.

Maybe we’ll get a good halo or ninja gaiden game again.

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>Next-Gen Xbox

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is that pic real?

Triggered nincel, I own every platform except Nintendo because I’m not a child.

Did anyone find the actual thread that is memed on? Really curious

Nice try Pablo. /vint/ confirmed that the console war shitposters were Brazillian favela slum-rats.

>no gook
>no nip
Fucking gooknip, I'm onto you.

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Cope nincel.

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>Owns a Xbox and Ps4

You're pathetic

Lots of salty nincels in this thread. LMAO at your Fischer price tablet.

I don't care, just give me good games.

Yea I have money and freinds that don’t have every platform. I’m sure you couldn’t relate to either of those.

>"haha i have friends and money and give them my consoles"
>Unironically buys a piece of hardware that is worse in almost every way to the PS4
Definitely not projecting here