Don't mind me just posting the objective ranking of Soulsbornekiro games...

Don't mind me just posting the objective ranking of Soulsbornekiro games. You may not like it but this is what facts look like.
BB+dlc > Sekiro = BB > DaS1+dlc = DeS = DaS3+dlc >>>> DaS1 = DaS3 >>>>>>>> SotFS = DaS2+dlc > DaS2

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dont mid me im givng that list 2/10

your list is shit and your taste is even worse.

"Soulsborne" was a bad enough word.

Why so mad? Where was I wrong?

Bloodborne = Dark Souls > Sekiro > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 3 >>> Dark Souls 2

Poorfag PS4 people are secretly seething about Sekiro blowing their one good exclusive out of the water.

wait until FROM makes another game and we call em "SoulsbornekiroXXXX"

I only played through Bloodborne on PC with PS Now and even I can see that it's a great game. It exceeded my expectations by so much.
And yeah, Sekiro is good as well, but Bloodborne is a whole different beast

t. PSpoorfag

There aren't enough good games on PS4 to warrant a purchase

This slays the mathewmetosisfags

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DaS1 > BB > DeS > DaS3 > Sekiro > DaS2

Anything else is contrarian. Sekiro has a setting that's just barely better than Drangleic. Feudal Japan is boring visually and it's monsters are all too same.

It's almost like the output of a prolific developer shouldn't be hamstrung by 1 or 2 titles they've put out.

>Feudal Japan is boring visually
Cringe. Go back to CoD, westaboo.

the dlc for sekiro is gonna btfo bb so hard

(Before you crucify me I actually like das2)

Japanese armor is shit looking and all their swords have no intricacy to them. Plus their mythology creatures have nothing really interesting about them visually or lore vise.

DeS>BB>everything else
The series became a massive blur after Demon's Souls. They took a refreshing new game and milked the fuck out of it, right up until Bloodborne, where they course corrected a hair, then went right back to the same ol' shit. Sekiro is more of that same shit.

>I actually like das2
Now I'm going to crucify you

Honestly, how come BB looks better and has smoother animations than Sekiro? Did Sony Japan contribute that much?

>I don't like it therefore everyone who likes it is a contrarian

Fug I walked right into that one

Not the same guy but vanilla DaS2 + DLC is one of the better games. The DLC in DaS2 is fucking kino and the best in the whole series. You're an absolute pleb if you think otherwise.

Real objective ranking:
BB > Sekiro > DeS > DaS > DaS2 > DaS3

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>sony japan
Fuck off with this forced meme. It was all FROM and Miyazaki.

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Except BB is a closer copy of Soulsshit than Sekiro.

This is a bafflingly retarded and uninformed opinion to have.
What on God's earth could convince someone to espouse such an insa-
>checks game exclusivity

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Gay and snoycopepilled

This. Everyone cried about SM and some (and this is true) very bad pve aspects and ignored what a giant step above ds1 ds2 was in a lot of ways. This is also why ds3 is a soulless pos and the worst in the series.

no you just played it first

Not a burger, Slav here.

There is a reason why Tenchu, Nioh, Onimusha and others are all swiftly forgotten after the release and become memeniche games.

>DeS better than anything

That's your nostalgia talking. DeS isn't shit, but it's the worst of the Souls games by a long way. The combat is absolute garbage.

this is bait

It doesn't. Sekiro on pc looks miles better than Bloodborne.
t. Fag with 300 hours in BB

>DS3 and DS3+DLC above fucking anything
SotFS was better than that shit

I like das2 but only with the restored lighting mod. It looks bland without because the game was built around the torch mechanic.

DaS1 DLC was mediocre.

Dumb bydlo, kill yourself.

BB > DaS1 ≥ DeS > Sekiro > DaS2 > DaS3

A DLC will most likely make it a tie with DaS1.

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You nostalgic fucking shit I wanna punch you

Tbqh. That being said I enjoyed each and every one of them. Sekiro I just don't feel like I'll ever want to go back to it.

Ok are the animations better? It seems to me bosses like Cleric Beast and Paarl have better animations and effects than say the Flaming Bull or Demon of Hatred

Compared to every other dlc(except 2's) but it was still good.

>BB+dlc > Sekiro
Wrong and opposite since every Sekiro boss is awesome unlike shitty BB vanilla bosses and Living Failures, Laurence in DLC.

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OP is a faggot, Sekiro is obviously top, but he needs to cope cuz he bought the PaperweightStation4

I played it after having played DaS 1/2 and BB. DeS has much better atmosphere than 1/2/Sekiro, the monster designs, the level designs and felt more like an actual RPG than just had a shitty hack n'slash.

Throw in your opinion why Feudal Japan setting is not boring.


I feel sorry for any cunt who didn't play vanilla DaS2. Scholar turned the game to absolute shit. Hell, I even feel sorry for PC players. Shrine of Amana got nerfed before it even came out on the PC.

Isshin and Owl have better animations than Gehrman and Maria.

You literally never played it. The level design actually accounted for shortcuts rather than using the bonfire cop-out. Bosses were designed to be interesting and unique encounters, rather than dodge-fests where you wait for a tiny opening. Carry weight matters, durability matters, dying in stages matters because of the tendency system - it tried so many unique things that have since been discarded in an attempt to casualize the series.

Sekiro is an action adventure not an RPG. Both are different genres and neither is superior to the other.

Will this meme ever end? It has a nicely interconnected world, great. Every path in that world leads to a fucking turd of an area.Gameplay is slow and clunky, boss AI is utterly retarded.

DeS level design was shit.
>every path leads to a dead end
>warping from the start
>literal level select

Sotfs on Ps3/360 still had vanilla stuff, just base game+dlc

So the magic wore off? You can't deny the first time playing DaS is a fantastic experience. Having to actually explore the world around and getting lost was part of the appeal. No other soulsborne gave that pure feeling of finding Ash Lake all on your own.

>>literal level select
Sorry, I don't converse with zoomers.

Quality and memorability of the game are often related, more people distinctly remember enemies/bosses/areas/OST of DaS1 than of DaS 2/3.

It's also:
>The easiest
>The shortest
>The one with the shittiest bosses
>The most simplistic in terms of level design
>Th one with the worst combat mechanics

Even Miyazaki has said he isn't particularly proud of DeS.

He didn't state that. He said he wasn't keen on looking back on his past works, a habit he formed.

>DaS2 >

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>the first time playing DaS is a fantastic experience
Not that user but I can say that for every souls game.

Das2 gets a lot of flak for this but I still enjoyed it. The lack of interconnectedness doesnt directly affect me.

And its still the same thing for me. I rarely change opinion about the same game unless it received game breaking updates

Read between the lines, idiot.

One of the questions in this interview was about a DeS remake, and he basically shot down his own work by saying it was shit and there was nothing to remake since each game since had done everything better.

OP here, not sure I understand why people are arguing when I already posted objective facts desu. Can't you people read?

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Citation needed.


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this is the true partician taste soulskiroborne ranking

>being this triggered by a funny picture
DaS2fags, ladies and gentlemen. Ouch.

If you're the person I replied to then you've read the same interview. He definitely shoots down DeS when asked about a remake.

>mad pcfaggots who haven’t and will NEVER EVER PLAY BLOODBORNE

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>read between the lines
>read between jap to engrish translated lines
He never explicitly state DeS was shit. He stated, however, that he never looks back on his past works.

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>read between the lines
based assumption-making retard

100% accurate and any true from fan would agree

My opinion on DaS changed with time since I played it so much and it just became a bit stale for me. It feels so basic now that I've spent like 500 hours in it. I try to not let it affect my judgement of the game but I have a hard time ranking it high right now despite being blown away by it when I first played it.

But it still has a lot of charm unlike DaS3 that lost most of its appeal after a few playthroughs. Surprisingly DaS2 and Bloodborne are still good for me in that regard.

Didn't play Demon's Souls

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and still look better than izalith.

and worse then ds3



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Sekiro isn't even remotely a souls game you fucking retard.
Like considering bloodborne part of the series is fair enough given the similarities, but if you're going to lump Sekiro in with them you might as well put in Kings Field and Shadow Tower while you're at it.
>DeS = DaS3

Christ you're one stupid cunt.

I honestly couldn't care less what everyone thinks which is better, as long as DS2 is worst.

If you think DS2 is better than anything in the series then your opinion doesn't matter

It's like watching flat earthers or anti-vaxxers talk, just a wait of time

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You're the one that's making baseless assumptions, retard.

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The Father: Dark Souls
The Son: Bloodborne
The Holy Spirit: Sekiro
Bloodborne is my personal fav of the three.
full ranking is:
BB = DS = Sekiro > DeS >DS3 > DS2

Dont care who agrees or disagrees bruvs

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you say plastic souls 3

Maybe if you posted the exact quote

And you're the one who thinks DeS is some timeless masterpiece.

so why the fuck you write this shit attentionwhore?

Bloodborne is unironically worse than both DaS3 and DaS2.

I give it credit that it kick started the whole thing. It also has very neat individual level design and I think the gimmick bosses were pretty memorable. By no means do I think it's flawless, as is every other action game (barring AC) FROM has made.

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because I know im right bud

wow. it's actually fucking correct and not just bait. gj

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That's why its a good idea to call it the souls series. Have different names and settings, but the gameplay is similar enough to just say its one series.

When you play a game for 500 hours you must have realized combat is what carries the game st that point. Dragons Dogma is still being played 6 years later and its all thanks to that combat system.


I really like Sekiro and l absolutely detest movement in Dark Souls.


in your dream where you still being a fag.

It is though.

It's pretty short, the environments are samey, most of the bosses are pure shit, blood vials aren't as good as Estus, etc etc. Not to mention the game has the worst PvP in the whole fucking series by a long, long way.


Nothing on the DaS2 DLC. You've got Ludwig and Orphan. Strangely the only two memorable bosses in the whole game. One because of MUH MOONLIGHT SWORD/OST and the other because it was hard as fuck due to Orphan having an enormous pool of HP.

Trying too hard to fit in, 2cuck.

Bloodborne has some neat level design tho, cainhurst, research hall, old workshop/upper cathedral, old yharnam, etc.

Only BBronies always want to rank shit and put theirs at the top because they’re obsessed. It’s pathetic.


I dont even like BB that much but you are stupid as fuck

DeS is the worst soulsborne. Fight me.

Fuck it I'm calling them SoodSouls

Double retard

I'm trying hard to fit in?

Dark Souls 2 is a straight up better game than Bloodborne is. Get fucked.

fucking KEK

Anyone who doesn't put ds1 first is a contrarian.

Only zoomers disagree with this

Retarded retard2

>Dark "we forgot to actually finish 50% of the game" Souls
>better than anything

Tbh the PvP in DaS2 is more fun than everything in Bloodborne put together.

My OBJECTIVE list coming through

>first 50% is better than every other soulsborne
Rest is just icing on the top

How the fuck are 1 and 3 better than 2 when they don't have Bonfire Ascetics?
You dumb assholes care more about nostalgia and particle effects than gameplay

keep your delusions to yourself, 2kun

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How is bonfire ascetics good? All it does is allow you to instantly make any new build without playing the game again
That understandable though since ds2 is such a shit PvE game that no one wants to play through it again and just want to loot stuffs for their PvP shitfest

I actually agree.

>All it does is give the player more variety, freedom of choice, and customization
Why don't you go back to R1 Souls 3, adults are talking

gj man, next call him a basedboy