Yeah but its Zelda dude! Come on, its open world Zelda! Come on! GOAT!
I don't even think BOTW is a bad game but the lengths Nintendofags will go to deny the obvious downgrade or missing Wii U features is ridiculous
the game actually resembles the reveal. The pictures below are cherry picked. The game sometimes looks even better than the reveal, sometimes worse.
WW Link is the best Link. Prove me wrong.
>The pictures below are cherry picked.
different time of day/weather
Ocarina exists
It actually goes one step deeper.
You're not proving him wrong.
It was dumb of them to put such an expansive game on such weak hardware. The ambition did not match the technology.
>two years
>Still seething
nintendo wins again baybee
yup, pretty pathetic
I don't think with how early this is that this can even be considered BotW. I mean, nothing here is even in the final. No temples, no Gohma, not the same art style, Link doesn't even wear the same clothes.
Why do people conveniently forget the 2014 Game Awards footage (the actual first gameplay footage of the game), which looks much worse than the released game?
How did they manage to make nature looks boring and ugly?
The wii u was capable of this graphix but they went with the open world meme
97 and rent free
that looks even worse
He said best, not worst
the game actually looks like the reveal if you emulate with increased draw distance, shame about the game itself being so shitty though
This demo was too similar to Twilight Princess but I would like if the next 3D Zelda has a darker aesthetic. BotW completely lacked spooky/dark stuff.
There's nothing to discuss.
the 97 doesn't mean shit, it only got a 97 because
its like how Obama only one because everyone wanted to elect the first black president
all these kike reviewers wanted BOTW to be a generation changing game so bad like OOT was but it wasnt and will never be
It's pretty hard to judge when it was all off-screen footage for some reason.
But I hope someday that version gets leaked.
Guess the same way Nintendo put not effort in BotW
won* point still stands
nice bud just crank up the saturation and think we wont notice
>generic open world game
>but it has a zelda skin
my fucking eyes
It's been 2 years and you are still posting the same 5 screenshots you took of a poorly compressed YouTube video.
OOT is the best though
They're screenshots I uploaded directly from my Switch a few months ago, keep coping bud
I'm not setting it back to 720p foggy cel-shaded just because you're autistic about muh as intended shit
LOD is never as good as what you get when you render what you're close to so this photo is dumb as fuck but I will concede that the game looks no where near as good as the reveal
pineapple hair looks retarded but I really dig the vibrant colors and the color of her dress
she looks cute standing there
The screenshots in the OP that you have been posting for 2 years have YouTube artifacting.
>people who don't own WiiU/Switch and have no plans of buying them can play BotW on emulator
>instead, they are complaining on Mongolian hentai board and wonder why BotW got so many 10/10 scores
Really makes you think.
It's not the resolution you retard, that saturation is horrible and so is Linkle god I hate you faggots.
just emulate the game and fix your colors
Amazing how this game has managed to make people seethe every day since its release two years ago.
Can't wait for the next Zelda to come out for the daily shitpost threads about that game.
>still using havok
Thank god nintendo is making UE4 games now
as I said I am not putting fog back because some gay in denial is triggered
looks just as shitty as the actual game if you ask me
I played BotW at release on Wii U and it's a 7/10 at best.
That looks so much better than the like white pastel filter
the smoother hairs look too weird without cel-shading
I find it funny how you took all your screenshots in a small section of the map. I wonder why you might have done that.
More than TWO YEARS later and you're still traumatised.
It's the same problem here. You tak3 all your screenshots in areas where there isn't much stuff and imply that's how the whole map is. Of course a desert is mostly empty you dipshit. There are about 20 unique areas in the game, most of which have a ton of stuff going on. Next you're gonna post some random rocky mountain and go "see! There's nothing here but rocks!"
The grass in the final game is nowhere as developed as the promised look in the reveal but that OP comparison goes too far and intentionally picks screenshots with no grass and bumpy ground textures to give the false impression the devs went back on their promise of delivering grass and didn't try at all. They tried, it's just underwhelming.
Ditto faggot. Keep on coping. Maybe BotW will suddenly stop being one of the most acclaimed games of all time if you shed enough tears.
>Complain about only one area being posted
>Post another area that looks even worse
Based retard
Maybe you should post something other than a 700 pixel wide image if you want to prove any point about the game looking good.
No I was complaining about why you were posting one area, that it wasn't representative of the overall game then you post another area that isn't representative of the overall game. People going in this thread who haven't played the game would have a very inaccurate picture of what the game is like because of your cherrypicking.
>Running it on an emulator with modded shaders and it STILL doesn't look even close than the fake E3 footage
But this looks like shit and not even close to the E3 footage?
woah so this is the power of the switch...
I didn't mean pineapple, I meant mango
>Biggest area with the most "content"
>Not representative of the whole game
Based retard
Maybe you should get over your butthurt.
Two things to consider:
You will find that literally most people in the world remark that BotW looks gorgeous. Prove me wrong.
You will find that literally most people in the world call BotW one of the best video games of all time. Prove me wrong.
The most content what the fuck are you talking about? The most content is past the twin mountains and none of your screenshots are set there. Have you played this game?
Is this the hourly post-zelda sony-therapy thread?
Most of the map is "green" grassy areas such as the field of hyrule. Did you even play the game?
Pretty much yeah. Its the 4th one I've seen today. We are now in YEAR THREE and the ass-sting is still raw.
Does BOTW emulation still require an 8-core 5-gigahertz CPU to run smoothly?
I like how BOTW looks and I understand if you don’t. I also think that reveal footage looks kinda crappy, I prefer the muted colors of the actual game.
Have a nice day
No it isn't. Now you're just making shit up. The grassy plains make up maybe 10% of the map. You have the ocean, the rocky mountains, the marsh, the snowy mountains, the desert, the jungle, Korok forest and the various towns.
Ah I also forgot to include the volcano, the "fall" area, the tar pits and the huge bridges.
You don't need much to surpass the 30fps with drops on the Switch
>No it isn't
Lmao, literally wrong.
>You have the ocean, the rocky mountains, the marsh, the snowy mountains, the desert, the jungle, Korok forest and the various towns.
All of which take much less place than the grassy areas. The ocean is pretty much empty and not even worth noticing. Desert and rocky areas look like shit as seen in my screenshots and korok forest runs at 20fps. Bravo!
Cry more little baby.
I thought the game was fun and looked good but the climbing got annoying
Wait am I misunderstanding You? Were you actually trying to lump all areas with grass in them together? Are you brain damaged?
You did not play this game, I can say that with certainty now. None of your screenshots were taken on the rocky area which you would know if you played the game. You have some screenshots in areas with rocks, but those are taken in hyrule plains or in the great plateau. The rocky area is the area in West hyrule leading to the bird village, which anyone who played the game would know. So here you are criticizing a game you never played.
>Post rocky grassy and desert are which all look shitty (biggest areas in the game easily taking 50% of the map)
What's your point?
Cry more.
You did NOT post the rocky area and you did NOT play this game. The rocky area isn't an area with some rocks it is based on rocky mountains. You did not post any screenshots from that area but you think you did because you have no idea what it is as you never played the game.
>No rocky area
>Pictures are clearly rocky areas
Based retards
Ah, the classic drone cope. Everyone who has any criticism didn't play the game. Absolutely pathetic
why didn't we get a REAL zelda where you shoot a switch with an arrow to open a door or push a block onto a button to open a door
I can't believe Dark Souls 2 is more of a Zelda game than BOTW
Here is a map showing the areas you have posted screenshots of. The bottom left is the desert, the other area is the great plateau and the South part of hyrule plains. That's all you've shown pictures of and you say it isn't cherrypicked.
You are aware of the fact that almost the entire half of the southern side of the map looks like in the screenshots? Jesus Christ you're stupid
Yeah except the ocean, the jungle, the snowy mountain the dust storm, the ruins, the oasis and the gerudo city.
BotW is one of the most 'Zelda' games ever made zoomer
how does a non-canon book correlate to the actual games
Which are all small areas compared to the entirity of Hyrule Field, Necluda, Akkala Highlands and Faron Grass Lands. Absolutely based retard ignoring facts
First, no they aren't and second you only post screenshots from one small part of hyrule field, none of the other areas.
>no they aren't
They literally are, did you even play the game? The areas I listed are just normal grassy areas.
>only post screenshots from one small part of hyrule field
Yeah no shit you moron, doesn't change the fact that the majority of the game looks like this
No it does not. The left side is mostly rocky mountains, th3 right side is extremely hilly, above hyrule castle is Korok forest, the volcano and fall area are in the top right, you have the snowy mountains in the east above the windmill town, above the Japanese town is a large marsh.
>how does a non-canon book correlate to the actual games
Because its based on them, see? Because it captures the zeitgeist of what Zelda actually WAS to people originally, see?
>No it does not.
Yes it does you fucking moron. The majority of the map are grassy areas, that's a FACT
>above hyrule castle is Korok forest, the volcano and fall area are in the top right, you have the snowy mountains in the east above the windmill town, above the Japanese town is a large marsh.
All of which are much smaller than the grassy areas and the windmill town is a grassy area you fucking idiot. Just how stupid can you be?
so this book overwrites the rest of the series solely because of the time-frame it was released in? does the original Zelda 1 manga where Link and Zelda are siblings represent the 'true' depiction of the series as well?
HURR IF IT HAS GRASS THE AREAS THEME IS GRASS. I guess all areas with trees are a forest, all areas with a body of water are lake areas, all areas with large cliffs are canyon areas.
Yes, yes it is you fucking idiot. Those areas look just as shitty as the screenshots I posted. They use the same exact textures with the only difference being the amount of grass, trees and stones
Should i buy the season pass before doing my first playthrough?
It simply reaffirms that BotW is a deliberate attempt to bring the series back to core design philosophy of the original. Its Zelda in its most distilled, purest form. Its what Zelda was intended to be.
The reveal trailer was taken in a very specific place at a very time with a very specific camera angle that is impossible to achieve in-game. If you go to that location and set up the camera as close as possible to replicate that shot, it actually does look EXACTLY like the trailer. It just happens to be the best-looking place in the game.
It's not a bullshot. Even in that shot, you can see the polygons in the rocks, the immediate drop-off in texture quality in the hills and trees in the distance, and the massive amount of desaturating fog used to hide it. It's all just being covered up by the cinematic lens flare and lighting.
You seem confused
I wonder if a town with a bunch of windmills on huge hills might look a little different from a flat plain. Nope both look the exact same because they have grass.
Yes, the DLC has some of the best puzzles in the game.
DLC is all good, master mode aside
BotW shitposting has now reached GRASS levels of autism.
>the purest form of Zelda and core design philosophy of the original is best represented by a picture book written by people who weren't on the original dev team
The DLCs are disappointing trash but yeah if you have the money there are no downsides. The hardmode is only good for some new enemies, but it actually makes the combat worse.
Yes they do look pretty much the same. They use the same fucking textures aside from the actual town. The natural areas right next to the town looks just like the areas on hyrule field. Same textures, same stuff.
Where is that in-game? I don't even think it exists, there's no where I can think of with a random house and well
It's impossible to achieve ingame because it doesn't even exist like this anymore ingame.
Nor does any of the light rendering, grass density or anything else in that scene.
It's completely fabricated.
You should put some effort into your grammar.
Yeah, the cool thing is that the dlc is built-into the core game rather than being an extra separate quest. I had hours of fun with the Master Trials and Champions Balled contains the best shrines and dungeon in the whole game.
>he keeps posting shots that look like they were taken from Wii games and thinks he's making it look good
is this supposed to look good? lmao
>Appeal to popularity
This is literally the level of intellect that Betas of the Wild are operating on. Why don't you go play FIFA, you NPC faggot?
>metacritic says my game is good so that means it's good please someone in a position of authority tell me that the thing I've hitched my identity to is good get laid incel keep seething babby btfo snoyboy
But its not just popular without merit. Its also one of the most critically acclaimed games ever made.
And this is where you pretend that doesn't count either. Pathetic.
>it's good because a lot of people say it's good also popular things are for middling-to-low-IQ normies but my thing is good because it's popular seethe moar
the absolute state of betas of the wild
There is nothing left to discuss, you faggots have cried about this game every fucking day for the past 2 years.
We all fucking know what this is and what you're trying to do.
So fuck off. No I'm not giving you a thread with your absolute minimal amount of effort just so you can tell some fags who like the game that they are fags.
Fucking "discuss" he says. Just fucking "discuss" and posts a shitty concept art vs ingame comparison image. God damn it what a fucking faggot piece of shit you are. End yourself
so gta5 and rdr 2 are great too, right? sucks that none of these objectively good games appear on the shitch.
It does not matter when your critics are 80% paid for shills who don't even understand gaming and are simply collecting paychecks while they fluff their own egos, and the game in question is coming from the single most powerful entity in the entire industry. And then you go into the actual wild and find that it is one of the most controversial games with opinions split evenly down the middle. That's why you are wrong and I am right.
you cried about the slightest amount of criticism for two years, don't try to rewrite history. kys
No, not at all. I don't need anyone to tell me what to think. I've been playing vidya since ATARI, so I feel quite confident in saying that BotW is an absolute masterpiece in game design.
You can't stomach my opinion though.
It just so happens that most of Planet Earth agrees with me. You can't stomach that either.
It must really sting for you to wake up everyday in a world where BotW is considered on the best video games of all time by literally fucking EVERYONE and there's nothing you can do. Whats that like?
whats wrong with master mode?
>BOTW looks TERRIBLE cause the colors are washed out!
>*emulates it and increases the saturation and contrast*
>Oh yeah, now this game looks great! Now I'm gonna go see an eye doctor now for no reason. Don't ask me why.
It's okay when Nintendo does it.
>Enemies now regenerate health forcing you to use good equipment and disencouraging being creative
>All enemies just get more health and attackpower
The DLC is a disaster and an absolute disappointment. Skyrim and The Witcher DLCs really set the standards too high
>I've been playing vidya since ATARI, so I feel quite confident in saying that BotW is an absolute masterpiece in game design.
Game Of The Year 2017
G̶a̶m̶e̶ ̶O̶f̶ ̶T̶h̶e̶ ̶Y̶e̶a̶r̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶8̶
totally agree, thank God that the shitch doesn't get other critically acclaimed games which are loved by EVERYONE like GTA5 and RDR2, wouldn't want that.
Yup. Literally zero argument from you as expected. Whats it like being in YEAR THREE of your traumatic ass-sting?
>figure out that there is nothing to do
pretty sad that Sakuria had to come out and say RDR2 is the standard his whole country(Japan) has to meet going forward desu
Now for what actually happened
>BotW drops
>Tendies and normos start gushing like a preteen at a Bieber concert
>Refined intellects who aren't totally assimilated into Nintendo's hivemind start saying things like
>Why are the dungeons so bad?
>I mean, the korok seeds are kind of cool, but what the hell do I do in this game besides waypoint flitting and fucking around with the physics engine?
>Why are the cinematics and vo so bad?
>I mean, it's got some really good moments, but it's brought down by so many horrible things.
>Great game, but massively overrated.
And then you faggots proceeded to (you) each of these posts 100 times with
And now at this point we just laugh at you and come to these threads to hackle some tackle.
you had no argument either, how's your butthurt that people dislike your shitty game?
I own two PS4s. A launch version and a Pro. So I'm good thanks. And BotW is still the game of the generation. Everyone knows it. You just can't handle it. Boo hoo.
His argument is that establishment critics all like it. That's literally it.
>how's your butthurt that people dislike your shitty game?
Who? You?
"LOL" as the kids might say.
How does the game look in VR? only thing holding me back is no strap so you have to hold it to your face the whole time.
when Japanse and westerner investors see that in one week a game makes more money than what you've done in 2 years, you gotta say something for damage control
Blow your fucking brains out with a shotgun please.
Missions in BOTW:
>go to one of the major villages conviniently located in the 4 corners of the map
>talk to village head
>do fetch quest for village head
>beat cinematic boss
>beat dungeon
>repeat 3 more times to get game breaking abilities and nerf ganon's health, making the game several times easier than it already is
I feel like I fall inbetween your shilling and the shitposters. I loved BotW, and I enjoyed it mechanically, but I've gotten used to open world design that aims/intends to create worlds that feel lived in and believable. I feel like BotW was let down a bit in that area. I get that Zelda has never been strong in terms of world-building and lore, but I feel like for action-adventure and RPG style open-worlds, I've come to expect it. I'd love to see them build on it for the inevitable second iteration of a Zelda open world, but I just don't think Nintendo have that sort of intent when they set out to make games. In summary, I picked up Zelda for an hour here and there loved each and every one of those hour-long snippets I played, but I never really felt emotionally invested in the game, its world, or its characters.
Can you get where I'm coming from?
Ninten niggers will buy it anyway, even if it is their version of WatchDogs bad. Let them buy it?
The VR for this isn't out yet. You can see what the game will look like in 3d by crossing your eyes on this video m.youtube.com
>hurr durr different graphics between two different areas means game is bad
there's plenty of beautiful grassy areas like in the reveal trailer in-game, user
And you have NOTHING. Seems like most of Planet Earth agrees with me.
Whats it like being you? I'd have committed suicide by now.
That's wrong. He said that when games like RDR2 get put out and have an extraordinary amount of detail put into them, gamers will expect that to be the standard.
>not liking the climbing
what a homo, the main problem is climbing being hindered by the rain all the fucking time
>gamers will expect that to be the standard.
meaning they haven't reach that standard
Those are the best missions in the game. The rest is
>Collect X Y's
>Talk to X
>Take photo of X
>Find X
No, it means your expectations are too high.
>Can you get where I'm coming from?
Yeah, its ok not to like something bro.
Fromsofts's miyazaki also liked it. Never mentioned breath of the shit though
So can someone convince me why I should consider BOTW to be the best game ever made and that no other game will ever compete? Can you also convince me that the game is flawless and that "only those evil snoys would criticize it"?
I mean I get it. It's popular. Alot of people like it. Others think it's revolutionary. Good for them. I just think other games did it all better. Why does this get me labeled as a snoy? And why can't I have small nitpicks about the game that take away from my experience? Who are you to thought police me into compliance like some filthy communist?
Should i do first play through on master mode?
We know what really influenced Bore of the Ubishit
Other games will compete - other Nintendo games. I'm sure botw will get a fantastic sequel in the next 2 years.
I liked it though, I just feel like it doesn't immerse you in its open world in the same way a game like Oblivion did. Like I said, lore and worldbuilding has never been Zelda's strong point so I totally understand why they're not playing to that same market or style, but it still feels like it lacks something.
Based emulatorchads
holy shit, who cares. the game looks juicy as fuck, every modern "realistic" game looks like absolute garbage and you faggots are upset because the game doesn't look like call of duty? come on niggers
It has amazing physics, a godlike chemistry engine and the fact that you can truly explore everything with lots of fun movement options just feeks right. Everything else about the game is shit though and tendies tend to overlook that. It's one step forward and two steps backwards.
Master mode is shit
I have nothing except
And pointing out that the only thing YOU have is
>critics say good
>majority says good
>dude look at this webm of me playing with the physics engine
That's the sum total of the entirety of the pro-BOTW side. Meanwhile, we have:
>enemy variety
>weapon system and how its related to the above and below points
>lack of linear progression leading to saminess and shallowness
>graphics/performance depending on system/bird entrails
>story/presentation (vo, writing, etc.)
>ganon fight
>all bosses, really, you fight the same boss thrice and it's shit every single fucking time
I don't even hate BotW. I put 100 hours into it. It's got some extremely good aspects. Listening to the grass crunch as you walk across Hyrule Field is absolute magic. But it also has a ton of extremely shit aspects, and its good does not outweigh the bad for me, and the fact that you retards essentially position it as a perfect apotheosis of all vidya forever because it gave you some fleeting euphoria at parts, yeah, we call you out on that shit sometimes.
But that's the thing. My GOTG completely destroyed Zelda, and it's a multiplat third party title. Infact, it's destroyed every Nintendo game within the span of 20 years.
BotW isn't perfect. We can all nitpick various aspects of the game in isolation until the cows come home.
But BotW remains an exceptional gaming experience which elevates an entire genre. Which is pretty impressive considering it was Nintendo's first every attempt at the genre and that they coded it on a fucking Wii U - literally 10 year old tech.
What game?
What is with the constant fucking smog that chokes the life out of this game?
You shouldn't consider BOTW nor any game to be a perfect game. You should realize that every game is not just the sum of its parts and that it has positive and negative aspects. To simply just say a game is "good" or "bad" or "flawless" is a reductionist way of thinking that you should avoid.
>Ubisoft, EA, Rockstar, etc. have been making open world games for a decade or even longer
>genre is stagnating
>Nintendo shows up
>having no background in AAA 3D open world development, they decide on a whim "Here, let me try that"
>right off the bat, Nintendo make the best open world game ever made on their very first attempt using a fucking toaster.
This will never not be hilarious.
The graphics are shit and the artstyle is mediocore
>combat, or at least the 99.99% of combat 99.99% of players will ever experience if they don't deliberately try to fuck with the physics, thus turning a 25 second fight into an unnecessary 3 minute long puzzle.
Was legitimately impressed at how good the game looks even on the base PS4.
It helps hide the fact that nothing in the distance has any textures.
>2 FUCKING YEARS of shilling Far Cry of the Wild
Imagine being this autistic LMAO
That is the power of the Swtich.
You already posted that cherrypicked screenshot in this thread.
>get game breaking abilities and nerf ganon's health, making the game several times easier than it already is
That was so so anti-climatic, in my opinion. I would love the scene with guardians attacking Ganon if it were by the end of the battle, like a Power Ranger final shot instead of just taking half of his health out for no good reason. Awful way to end your game.
That whole final boss fight was terrible, honestly
You're never going to win this argument, so I guess all you have left is to keep bringing it up until no one wants to talk about it anymore and then you win by default when everyone eventually tells you to just fuck off and move on.
LOL fuck off ACfag you pathetic loser. More than two years on and you're still choking back tears of rage and smashing your fist into your keyboard. Top fucking KEK
The game is absolutely amazing, one of my favourite of all time. But it is probably the first time, other than maybe Bayo 2, that Nintendo committed the sin Sony constantly commits, and M$ used to. Of releasing a game that does not benefit from being on your console, and would be better on PC. thankfully you can emulate it and run it better that way. I guess the Switch version is still portable so there is that.
>You're never going to win this argument
But they already won. They're the ones making all of the actual points. You guys just share moderately novel webms and tell them to seethe.
>saying that BOTW is okay, but not as good as my GOTG = smashing your first into the keyboard
He's right though.
BOTW has ruined all open world games like Witcher 3 and HZD for me.
I bought Horizon Zero Dawn during a sale, and I've put maybe 15-20 hours into it. I cant take it seriously after BOTW.
I was constantly jumping against random walls to try and climb them
I was constantly venturing into strange and difficult-to-access parts of the map and being disappointed when there was nothing there, not even a Korok Seed OR something to discover
I was also constantly marveling at how good the weather animation is in HZD, but keep expecting to be struck by lightning during every storm. I felt no fear or nothing wherever I was.
And when I go back to MGSV to try and finish it, or Blood and Wine, or Xenoblade Chronicles X... it's the same damned thing.
Breath of the Wild has really ruined open world games for me. Nintendo has set a brand new standard, and it is just too, too high.
Nintendo has literally set a new fuckin standard. Open world skyrim clones literally don't feel the same after this game, this game will be remembered 10 years down the line. Honestly, I'm left unsatisfied by how empty other games are. The focus on hyperinteractivity in the environment has changed open world forever.
Anyone else know this feel?
That's because what I've said has come to pass. No one wants to refute the frankly retarded point anymore because people like OP will just stir the pot AGAIN tomorrow and the next day and the next day until the heat death of the universe.
Can you imagine the asshurt when BotW's sequel comes out in the next two years? People are still shitting their pants over botw and a new one is gonna hit in the next few years.
Based and redpilled
How did they get away with this?
Except Witcher 3's open world is merely a setting, whereas BotW's was a mechanic. If you can't enjoy W3 because you can't climb mountains or cook meals, you're not exactly being fair to W3 as a game. That would be like if I wrote off BotW because of its shit story content because of the strengths of W3's story content. BotW isn't a story-driven game. W3 isn't an open-world-driven game. It's a story-driven game that uses an open world to facilitate it.
Still seething
>the frankly retarded point
at least we're making points. you're free to respond to literally any fucking single one of them listed in any of the above posts. Or you can just tell me to cope and seethe harder and tell me the argument is over. Because that's what the correct side of a debate does.
You are mentally ill lmao
Playing games for the story is like eating soup for the spoon.
and no, I'm not defending HZD, because that game is terrible on its own merits
RDR2 was an impressive looking game.
It was just boring as fuck and meh inexperience after a while.
I know. There are going to be so many SEETHE and COPE babbies when it turns out to be as dogshit as the first one but get a pass from the public anyway.
How can one company be so based?
what's the top from
Good points. W3's world also feels more lived in and consequently more immersive
Fuck you. I'm not having this argument for the actually 500th time because your salty ass is stuck in the past. BotW was a better game than you thought it was going to be and was a success against all odds. Whoop-dee-doo, get over yourself.
And yet I get called a faggot if I hate JRPGs for being story heavy and not having enough quality gameplay. You couldn't be any bigger of a hypocrite.
The Jews' build of BotW before they were sent to the camps and the third Reich took over the project.
Nintendo fan.
That's not what you said before. You said BOTW was objectively perfect and never had one single flaw. People are simply asking you to defend your position.
Way ahead of you my man
Can I get a source on where that top image is from? People keep sharing it like it's a gameplay screenshot but it looks like concept art to me
>I'm a very big retard.
I love coming to BotW threads and watching ACfag continue his meltdown. Fucking hysterical. He'll never recover.
Left: effectively automated, no meaningful fail states
Right: actual game mechanic, with multiple factors to consider
To be fair, climbing is basically removed as soon as you unlock Ravalis Gale making the game even worse
That's not what he said you stupid retard, they'd have to dumb down Zelda and make the game control like shit if that was the case.
>hold up to win
>gameplay mechanic
YAWN! BotU is a vertical walking simulator and nothing more
YIKES! You are mentally ill lmao!
>BotW combat is goo-
>was a success against all odds
It was a long-awaited sequel to one of the most seminal/beloved franchises in human video game history. It was produced by the single largest monolith in human video game history, with the most beneficial media bias of any company in human video game history. They could have printed a JPEG of a piece of dog shit into a CD and it would have sold 3 million copies and received an 82 on metacritic.
And for the record, it was a worse game than I thought it was. I'm a fan of the series, so I expected it to be as good as all the past entries. It's better in some ways, but way worse in many others.
Sorry I couldn't be your straw man.
I beat the game on the Wii U, played about 50 hours in it maybe more.
Bought it on switch and played for 5 hours and sold it. Absolutely zero replay value unfortunately.
You are supremely obsessed, now if only you could be obsessed with making a good argument.
>wow this has never happened ever
watch dogs
10/10, the world is so alive and immersive
>they'd have to dumb down Zelda
been that way for 25 years
He's actually posting his entire webm folder.
??? Do you know what stamina is? And how surface geometry affects its depletion? And how there are various methods for the player to manage its consumption/regeneration?
And I'm this guy. You're just being a dumb motherfucker on this one and they're right.
>boss becomes easy if you just dodge its attacks and use the ultimate weapon against it
No way...
I don't need to make any argument ACfag. BotW is one of the most acclaimed video games of all time and regarded by everyone as the Game Of The Generation.
You cannot handle it. And that is funny to me. And I mean, REALLY funny.
And they'd have to dumb it down even more to match RDR2, you also didin't mention the controls because you know they're unresponsive shit.
That's I don't get, RDR 2 does so many things so simply and poorly but if it gives a good enough presentation it apparently makes it all great.
lmao the fact you fags continue to use this same screenshot in every post is telling. the game looks amazing and you're retarded.
I like how the spear doesn't even have to make contact to do damage. It's especially noticeable if you look at the shadows.
people need to get over the fact that BOTW was not a good game. Having said that I think nintendo probably learned a lot from making it and their next open world zelda attempt might be better.
>Presses X once but doesn't take damage despite getting hit because flurry time is broken
>Spams Y for a few seconds
>Half the healthbar gone
Ebin combat..
Too bad all that is trivialized by one of the gamebreaking abilities the game hands you. OOPS! LMAO
>I lap up the diarhhea from game journalists and cannot form an opinion of my own
I'd love to see you post even once without relying on some form of "u mad". Are you capable of that, champ?
>I don't need to make any argument ACfag. BotW is one of the most acclaimed video games of all time and regarded by everyone as the Game Of The Generation.
They're literally saying they don't have to justify their position because it's popular. And I'm not even using literally in that figurative way retards do nowadays. I literally mean this is literally what they're saying.
>the game looks amazing
Too bad it has a cooldown. But you're right, it was a bad inclusion. At the very least it should have a longer cooldown.
This. BotW was shit, but its open world was amazing. Now that they have the open world part done, maybe they can spend money where it matters and use that amazing open world to elevate the good stuff even higher.
>Too bad it has a cooldown
Doesn't really matter. You can use it 3 times and by the time you'll climb again it's already recharged. Revalis Gale and infact all the champions skill are trash that made the game worse
>*jumps out of the way of attacks*
>*uses the master sword*
>it's another thread of the same autist vehement defending BOTW while a different autist vehemently shits on it
what's worse, the man who takes a shit on the sidewalk every day, or the man who shows up every day to watch it happen?
>defending objectively terrible game design by just narrating what it's attempting to convey and acting as if that at all assails the critiques of what is actually occurring in reality
This is the beta of the wild in its natural state. You will never see a more cringe creature.
Not just the open world but also the chemistry engine. The game would be GOAT if it had Fallout New Vegas tier writing, characters and content you can find in the open world
He literally gets hit by the sword. He dodges like 2 seconds before the sword would actually hit and gets rewarded with half the healthbar
But you ARE mad kiddo. I've been stomping your ass into the ground for more than two years now and giggling all the way. You got NOTHING. Nothing but sad memes.
>They're literally saying they don't have to justify their position because it's popular.
Yawn. Its not just popular. It has critical acclaim from every corner of the gaming industry. But please, don't ever get over it. I don't want you to get over it. I want you to stay seething forever lmao
>flurry rush trivializes every enemy you can use it on
>works on all bosses for no reason other than pandering to idiot casuals
That's kind of a problem.
Inflated enemy Hp and regen force you to play the game in the most optimal way, which is counter to how the whole "play how you want and use the environment" game design philosophy that the game was based around
>chemistry engine
I have 100 hours and I have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
The cooking?
Took me 2 seconds
It's because you're retarded.
>But you ARE mad kiddo.
See, you did it again. You have no argument to back up your position, so you rely on the emotional angle. This isn't tumblr, so it falls short.
>It has critical acclaim from every corner of the gaming industry
Ah yes, because the industry has always been trustworthy, right?
>Another Open World Zelda game but with a lot more inspiration from Twilight Princess, I.E. darker tone/story and darker aesthetics
holy shit I'd actually buy a switch for it.
>It's not just popular. It's popular with the correct people.
roflmoa these people
>damn windows xp wallpaper looks like that?!
why would I google something when I can enthrall you to do it for me?
Reveal was clearly a bullshot and only a brainlet though otherwise at the time.
Because most people are not willing to spoonfeed retards
oh, come on. like i'm supposed to make the connection that a couple of basic bitch if-then elemental effects equals a robust "chemistry engine." Fucking grandiose tendies, I swear.
I wanna lick his little balls
The comparison that honestly makes BotW's cliimbing look like shit is Spider-Man. BotW shamelessly ripped Spidey off while making it 10x slower and adding a half-assed stamina wheel. Not to mention in Spider-Man you can jump off a wall and start web-swinging/zipping whenever you like. BotW's climbing is just so much more restrictive and it doesn't even have any interesting mechanics beyond cheesing some of the level geometry. The rain is an anti-fun stamina tax and Revali's Gale lets you just skip everything.
>You have no argument to back up your position
Reviews don't count!
Accliam from Rival Developers doesn't count!
Truck loads of awards doesn't count!
Praise from gamers doesn't count!
My personal opinion doesn't count!
Coming first place in numerous GOAT lists doesn't count!
Overwhelmingly positive reaction from the vast majority of Planet Earth doesn't count!
The absolute state of you. What a pathetic loser.
And yet here you are. Fetch me some foot lewds!
Why does BotW cause so much butthurt on Yea Forums
Most games don't have this basic shit. As simple as it is, BotW is one of the only games that lets you do shit like this
>My personal opinion doesn't count!
It would be nice to actually hear it besides "it is the same opinion that these other people have."
Your entire list in this post is a series of
>these other human beings think something
You are not at all explaining what that thing is and why it's correct and its opposition is wrong.
And to clarify you can point to any 3D Spider-Man game, the one made in 2000 is just the earliest example. BotW doesn't even give you a good reason for why Link's hands are so sticky and can magically cling to rocky surfaces.
>still making these threads two years later
>this game looks amazing
Why do Zelda fans complain so much about BOTW dungeons? They talk as if the dungeons are the high point of the experience, with those poorly structured puzzles, ridiculous bosses, long-winded situations, exhaustive inventory micro-management, etc.
And it still works. Shitting on BotW might be the easiest way to get (You)s
Y-you're seething!
For me personally I'm upset that instead of actually fixing Zelda, they're basically replacing it with something else.
>inb4 b-b-but it's like the original LoZ!
It's not. Go play it. LoZ does not even approach the modern AAA open world meme design philosophy, it's very condensed, focused, and challenging. It doesn't stuff its world with repetitive filler content, almost everything you find is required to complete the game.
It shows that the game was a massive success
I don't see GoW or HZD anywhere
yep, still seething
Remember when they said it would take hours to complete a dungeon
>"pathetic loser" says the user who still can't argue his own position, and has to dredge up someone else's words
By the way, you've yet to even address how BOTW is better than my personal GOTG. You can't, because you know Terraria completely destroys BOTW. Unfortunately you don't have a game journalist review to pull up for that situation, so you rely on ad hominem and changing the subject.
Sonychads aren't autistic enough to defend blatant flaws like BotW drones. I mean someone here UNIRONICALLY defended flurry rush. I love BotW, but the drones here are just delusional
>Sonychads aren't autistic enough to defend blatant flaws like BotW drones
>Proceeds to defend movies games and censorship
But I thought movie games were good? Look at Xenoblade, people defend it as amazing, despite being 90% cutscenes and dialogue.
>Implying anyone cares about shitty weeb games that sell less than 10k getting gutted
why bother playing Zelda games if you don't like dungeons
>let's go into the belly of a giant snake
>oh it's just a long black hallway and you're done in 5 minutes
>let's show the player a room full of mysterious portals, let's send them through one into a magical realm that looks as vibrant and exotic as they'd expect
>Ok, now make it so that only one of the other portals actually works, and it sends you to generic ice world, two portals send you to lava challenge arena world and brown challenge arena world. Let's also put about 85% of the content in generic skyrim world #113444-b
>let's give you 4 enemy types for the entire game
>let's put walking simulator and oscar bait bullshit that all fails abysmally and looks cringe and laughable compared to the game they were so obviously trying to rip off
>Couldn't give less of a fuck about the BOY because of how badly written everything is
>let's clearly stop this game halfway through and force the player to muddle about for 5 hours just so we can cut the game into 3 parts and sell each of them separately
>let's make the last boss fight an absolutely shittier version of the first one. let's use a binary color matching mechanic
Getting the blades was pretty badass though.
Because dungeons are what give Zelda its identity (yes, even LoZ, the whole game is about finding and conquering the 9 dungeons), without them you have a very mediocre action-adventure game. I have no idea how anyone who's played through the franchise could think otherwise.
No Zelda has perfected dungeon design, but that's all the more reason for the sequels to keep trying and do better. Franchises are supposed to build on what came before, not cut everything out.
The Last of Us is a perfect 10/10. The fact that it was so linear and scripted doesn't matter.
>>let's give you 4 enemy types for the entire game
You realize what thread you're in right?
Gameplay matters more than graphics. I still play Atari 2600 games and old ascii DOS games.
I thought BotW was the best game I've ever played - until I tried to replay it. The exploration is absolutely fantastic. The world itself is amazing and one of the best worlds to explore in any game ever.
However, the actual combat is pretty lame, the story is lame, the Divine Beast dungeons are lame, and really the only thing I got out of the game is exploring the landscape and finding all the shrines. That was an amazing time. Even with all of BotWs flaws it's still some of the most fun I've ever had in a game.
How I'd improve the next Zelda open world game:
>Incorporate some kind of Xenoblade / YS VIII style combat system with multiple attacks you can use for various circumstances. The combat in BotW just wasn't varied enough.
>Have a better plot with more interesting side characters. The whole story in BotW is just forgettable. I know Zelda has never been some super story driven JRPG or anything, but I feel like an open world game like BotW needs a more compelling story and characters you care about.
>Better dungeons. The shrines in BotW were fine. Not amazing, not awful, but fine. They could have been a lot better. I'd prefer actual dungeons to weird puzzle tests. But, I did really love that half the challenge was finding the shrines in the first place. That was definitely a huge plus in the game. The worst thing you can do is have a giant open world but have very little reason to explore it. I'd spend hours exploring the countryside of Skyrim and find very little. What's at the top of that mountain? Well, in Skyrim there's probably nothing on top of that mountain. In BotW there's always something on top of that mountain, even if it's just a Korok Seed and maybe some ore deposits you can break, it still makes exploring worthwhile.
As for graphics, I don't care if they use the exact same engine for Botw2. I thought the graphics were perfectly adequate.
absolutely this
>still defending censorship
the state of snoys everyone
The big problem with BotW's story is that the interesting stuff already happened. Having a 100 year time gap (which is preceded by an even longer time gap) was a mistake. Having Link wake up 100 years later doesn't actually add anything. I guess it's an excuse to not have Castle Town.
Nintendidgeridoos LOVE movie games though.
Why would I give a shit about games nobody plays getting gutted? Call me back when they censor games that actually matter
i liked SS, user
Nobody cares what you think.
I couldn't give a fuck if you think Terrania is GOTG.
But you, on the other hand, are utterly traumatised because everyone says its BotW.
Oh well, stay mad. I can't even begin to imagine the mental anguish you must be in every single day.
*3 piano notes play*
Eh, I'd give it a 6.5/10. I don't think it's terrible, it probably has some of the highest highs of the series. Just some of the tedious shit outweighed it.
>has 10 hours of cutscenes and still has a batter gameplay to cutscene ratio than any ps4 game
>dungeons are what give Zelda its identity (yes, even LoZ)
Tell me all about your favourite dungeon from NES LoZ.
>wiiu > switch
>Nobody cares what you think.
Clearly you do since you've spent 2 years calling Terraria "evil SJW pixel indie shit" while I've simply said that BOTW was okay, but not my cup of tea. It would appear that the more aggressive party here (IE you) is the one that's mad. *chuckles* but that's just my take on the situation.
Fuck you people and BOTW! This is what I wanted!
Well, there's some fucking darknuts and some fucking wizrobes and there's a random block you have to push to reveal a staircase, a random wall you have to bomb, and a room where you have to use the ladder to cross water
>One scene not showing the bare ass
Meanwhile at Nintendo
Why are people even arguing? You realize the sony shitters in the thread have 0 argument, they just ignore everything saying "its irrelevant" or calling the other side out for doing the exact same thing theyre doing because they cant control their flagrant hypocrisy. its always been this way and its not gonna change. they dont care about video games, they care about the company they have dedicated their existence to staying at the top even if just in they deluded minds so they refuse to admit other companies merits.
I mean, just look at the way theyre the ones that have been shitposting non-stop for over a decade yet they act like victims any time somebody else speaks up. they dont care about facts, youre not gonna win them over, they just want to feel superior to others even thought its over a really fucking stupid reason like console wars. Everytime you reply to them, they feel empowered, because no matter what you say, from their point of view, you're wrong, which feeds their belief that they are superior (in their choice of video game consoles, which, again, is fucking pathetic).
Shitposters arent gonna take your video games away, ignore them and move on.
lets be fair brahs
I don't go into Terrania threads and sperg out for years on end trying to convince everyone that they're wrong.
What's wrong with you?
>j-just one scene
move that goalpost, son
looks like shit. fuck this gay franchise.
Death Mountain
>get the red ring in the dungeon, changing Link's dot on the map to red
>get the compass
>full skull shape of the dungeon comes into view with Link's dot lined up as one of the "eyes"
it's not much compared to games now but it's so effective when you've made it that far
I mean, why even reply to these blatant shitpost threads in the first place? Nearly every Zelda thread is like this, talking about whatever Zelda game is "shit".
landscape looks super good and stuff...
Not bad user, I'm the one who posted the one above. You hate ALBW that much though?
A game where you fight 6 enemy types for the entire game
I don't understand the haze / desaturation filter. It doesn't hide anything about distant rendering being bad, it just makes the game look like shit.
>I have no idea how anyone who's played through the franchise could think otherwise.
There are people who play the franchise without considering that it is a masterpiece that has some genial formula.
With very few exceptions, Zelda dungeons lack good level design and you get stuck in them because you need to do long-winded tasks that are neither challenging nor fun.
BOTW suffers from this same problem, anyone above mental retardation is able to understand the solution to the shrines puzzles immediately and all that is left is to work mechanically on the solution (which is the definition of a bad puzzle). The pleasure in "conquering" the shrines is in getting out of them and back to the game.
What makes BOTW tolerable is that shrines are small.
Of course, it is perfectly possible to keep the dungeons formula without them being unbearable. Majora Mask was able to do that. But guess what... it received the same criticism from Zelda fans.
My impression is that Zelda fans are so attached to a bad formula that any attempt to fix it will be cause for rebellion.
Zelda fans just complain about every Zelda game thats not ALttP or OoT.
desu i dislike every single 3ds zelda
>Only barely above even with the Nintendo Bonus
compelling argument
>tfw installing the ghibli music mod
rent free
>WW that low
what the fuck user
suck my balls faggot lmao
majora's mask is the only good zelda game
BotW is an easy 8.5/10. It's the best Zelda game since MM, but isn't on the level on the N64 Zelda games, ALttP or LA.
>playing game of the decade on console
it's a weak game propped up by its soundtrack and artstyle, there are a few good moments like the Tower of the Gods reveal and seeing Hyrule for the first time but doesn't have much going for it outside of those
begone tranny
Play on PC with 360 controller actually , just snagged this image on the net.
I agree tho.
Anyone else really excited to mess around with this in VR. Just going to different biomes and looking around in VR is gonna be cool, and it actually gives me a reason to watch the cut scenes, which I didnt care about before. Zeldas butt in VR!
seething negro
I can not imagine an acceptable experience with this resolution and frame rate.
97 vs 96.
Oh my. Looks like R* made an absolute fucking mockery of Nintendo's best devs YET AGAIN - as they have done for over 20 years now - and they did it all on a 5 year old toaster!
Really, faggot?
>Yea Forums is still seething after two full years
It never gets old how butthurt this place gets about Zelda absolutely destryoing them.
God tier:
Great tier:
Twilight princess, OoT
Pretty good tier:
Ass tier:
Skyward sword
>these are the best games in recent years
Video games are dead.
It's not a perfect game, no game is. But it is definitely the best exploring game ever.
Exploring is more rewarding and more fun than others like Skyrim, TW3 etc.
For BoTW 2 what I want
>Improved combat, a bit more depth to it
>Better story even though it is Zelda
>more use of light mechanics, have caves and mines and other dark areas
>Big dungeons rather than Divine Beasts
I love how you expanded plains now to plains and woods and ignore the fact Korok forest is nothing like the other woods in the game. You also included the huge abandoned castle full of monsters in plains and woods for some reason.
13 hours of cutscene, 130 hour game.
PS4 game, 5 hours of cut scene, 10 hours of "game"
>97.40 vs 96.45
Oh my. Looks like Nintendo made an absolute fucking mockery of R*'s best devs YET AGAIN - as they have done for over 20 years now - and they did it using 10 year old tech
BOTW's map overview legit looks like it was copy pasted from some 12-year-old's first warcraft III custom map
>I love how you expanded plains now to plains and woods
I'm not even the same guy, but to begin with, the other guy said "green grassy areas" and I don't know how you're going to claim that sporadic woods don't qualify as that. Kokiri forest is the only real forest in the game that's more than a few seconds of walking from one end to the other, and even then it's full of gimmicks.
>and ignore the fact Korok forest is nothing like the other woods in the game.
Why do you think I put it in its own bubble?
>You also included the huge abandoned castle full of monsters in plains and woods for some reason.
Why do you think I put it in its own bubble? Are you retarded?
I respect your opinion, despite it being objectively wrong.
that's how maps look you retarded faggot
>according to some literally who's list
MEANWHILE on metacritic's best games of all time ranking...
>snoyniggers dont know what cartography is
The flat plains in hyrule field are nothing like the hilly forests to the east.
>sonygro is so assblasted he retorts to the microsoft version
how much of a cuck do you have to be
all those words to damage control
RDR2 looks unbelievably good but it was boring as shit. thank fuck i didnt buy it and borrowed it instead. i really wanted to like it
They're both green grassy areas you pedant.
>missing Wii U features
Like what?
>literally who
Spotted the underage.
>still crying over this shit two years later
>two years ago
Constant complaining
>one year ago
Constant complaining
Constant complaining
>Looks good
Hard no.
They're both green and have grass therefore they're the same. Autism.
What is there to discuss snoyfaggot? It's okay when Nintendo does it.
>best games of all time ranking...
but why that pic isnt showing the other 7 titles above? :^)
How much of it did you play? Because I thought the same thing until I got ten or so hours in it was the worst game I'd ever played but then shit got good.
>Two years ago
Try three, the complaining started a year before BOTW's release date, when it was first revealed.
it's a wii u game, which had a powerpc cpu
Glad you think it DESTROYED Nintendo Ben Shapiro style. How does it feel when you pick at dirt to get a better pickaxe to pick at dirt faster? If I wanted to create something, I’d either draw or code (and yes I have a non obese aryan gf I fuck on the reg). I don’t need to chip away at pixels to build a retarded looking autism sky tower or some shit. God that game is ugly. Way to out yourself as someone who doesn’t know a thing about art. Terraria’s map design is LITERALLY NPC as there was no soul involved in the map design, just an NPC algorithm.
But the actual threads for discussing the game and talking about findings was comfy as fuck for the first several months after release. Around the time got the GotY choices were made apparent everywhere it became a shitpost magnet.
I know this is bate but why do so many games have color grading issues?
Rent free
This is probably the most unbelievable shitpost I've seen today. Are you implying that that screenshot doesn't look good? Post one that looks better.
>Strawman "argument"
Based retard
>not on ps4
i mean the game is go-