>normal enemy dies with 3-4 parries
>mini-boss take a fair challenge
>bosses takes twenty interrupted perfect parry to die
>miss once or twice and your balanced is fucked
>window for attacking messes with the parrying timing
>take a sip, boss whole fucking balance his restored with no damage done
>check youtube if I missed anything
>"boss defeat easy only 17.5 perfect parries"
>decide to focus on dodging and damaging the boss
>bosses are full of openings but game design made evading bad on purpose
>damage is minimal but at least it doesn't come back
>30% health left, parrying finally is effective
And that's how I learned to never take advice from Yea Forums
"this isn't dark souls, bro! you can't dodge and attack! you have to parry"
Bosses are not hard, you just have to learn their animations and patterns. If you're struggling because you're a brainlet and you can't learn their patterns and animations watch a YouTube video and have someone else point it out to you.
The game gave you a prosthetic arm for a reason.
Use it.
You mongoloid.
If you do it right most bosses posture bar can be filled with minimum damage.
Genichiro and Isshin first phase for example can be posture broken with no damage at all just by parry/makiri/double jump
Not a single thing you read on this message board is reliable wrt video games.
This, pretty much every boss has a combo that, if properly deflected, builds almost the entirety of the posture bar
Okay, let's see a video of you deflecting all bosses without dealing vitality damage. Would love to see it.
I never said it works with every boss, for example I don't think it can be done against Oni of Hatred
What the fuck does this have to do with china ?
You know Yea Forums is banned over there right?
flamethrower burst thingy is great, too bad fire DoT doesn't exist
And firecrakers, wich are a coutner to 99% of anything in the game.
Or hell, sometimes even just the axe and the spear.
Seriously why the fuck do people go trough the entire game without using their prosthetic tools and then complain that they're forced to only parry and dodge and boss posture takes forever?
You have options, people, goddamn.
It's a nice change but ultimately the combat system is a failure.
I've played third person melee focused action games since Die by the Sword and i consider the combat system in Sekiro to be a resounding success.
Since i have more experience than you and am also overall smarter, my opinion can safely make your insignificant by comparison.
Give me frenzy over terror any day
See OP
OP said to never take advice from Yea Forums. Good idea.
Absolutely gay.
You have to parry and damage the enemy obviously. This is what the game explains to you. You keep swinging to build up their posture and get damage in, parry when they decide to swing back.
Were you seriously just deflecting every attack and NEVER counter attacking?
I find terror easier to deal with personally
>taking advice from OP
Now you've done it.
What are you talking about? If it's Terror, that's more like Curse which existed in all the souls games, and isn't really that bad. If it's Enfeeble, yeah it's pretty bad but thankfully the only enemy that uses it is a pushover. Frenzy was definitely worse than both of them since it built up simply by being in the brain fucker's vicinity.
Parrying is fucking easy
Frenzy was easy because all you had to do was visceral something, and then you could iframe trough the damage spike.
And to not get affected by terror, you just avoid/deflect the moves that cause it.
For the headless you deflect their swings
For the warriors you just avoid the aura, and deflect their laser beam
For the monkey you hide under your umbrella
>For the headless you deflect their swings
Early on this will destroy your posture, tho.
It's never just as simple as "ok just deflect perfectly", you'll still have your posture eaten up if you're not prepared.
Way more reliable to use tools, initially.
You don't have to worry about posture if you're deflecting. You literally cannot be posture-broken as long as you're deflecting properly.
It's definitely better to come prepared, but if you want to avoid Terror that's the best way, or just outright avoiding their swings.
>For the headless you deflect their swings
You still gain it for deflects, don't you?
Terror won't build up if you parry correctly but you still take some chip damage
Blocking will build terror, Deflects won't from what I recall.
It's probably best to wait until you get the purple umbrella regardless, since nobody's perfect.
>Were you seriously just deflecting every attack and NEVER counter attacking?
There's no opportunity to attack if you counter, you will awkwardly stagger for two seconds and land one his, just the time for the boss to jump back
I'm supposed to perfectly parry AND attack between parries, that's too much rhythm tengoku bullshit for me
user, you're supposed to just keep attacking them until they deflect, appropriately counter their follow-up, and then keep attacking again. You'll naturally be exploiting their openings and getting vitality damage in, as well as posture damage.
>It's more action oriented
>Yet you're always short of Blood Vials
>Those don't refill like Estus when you respawn for some reason
>You have to farm them, sometimes they never spawn, other times spawn needlessly but you can only carry a limited short amount so you don't cheese the game
>Game is balanced around that hard cap, yet as said above, they don't refill you with each death without a solid reason
It's the most dumb thing about BB. There's no why they shouldn't be just there all the time.
It's pretty doable once you get the purple gourd
>You have to farm them
Oh my fucking god.
Use your coldblood and echoes you gain from killing enemies, idiot.
the game is flawed eventually people will realize that is barely any better than ds3 and ds2
I know, but you want to take a sip or get your focus back, you have to take your distances and ... posture recovers ...