When was the last time you went into a game completely blind and were pleasantly surprised?
When was the last time you went into a game completely blind and were pleasantly surprised?
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Switch dark souls
EDF 2017
The Macross game on Saturn
mgs V
Metro Exodus
I bought Drakengard 1 and 2 literally just based on the name and case art and marathoned Drakengard 1 for 2 weeks straigth
never finished 2, but 1 was amazing
yakuza kiwami
Shovel Knight.
Didn't care too much for it because the artstyle wasn't really my thing.
One day it was on sale, so i purchased it.
Ended up playing the everloving fuck out of it and having a blast.
I'm finishing it, again, on my switch right now.
Somehow i'm having exactly as much fun as i had the first time i played it, too.
Alundra. I was on a rom downloading spree when I got a new emulator and I saw the name before so I decided to download it. What I was expecting was some generic turn based jrpg#14523 based off the one screenshot I saw but instead what I got was an amazingly challenging and well designed adventure game. It's like Zelda if it was designed as challenging and for adults instead of puzzles and encounters meant for 8 year olds to be able to solve. Best dungeon design I've ever found in a game, actually challenging puzzles, and amazing boss design.
It’s been years, I research everything now.
nuDOOM. Even got it for 10 Bucks.
Nice. At launch or recently?
Alundra is great.
The characters were fucking tumblr cringe but it introduced interesting concepts when it came to adding subliminal depth in a video game with very basic gameplay formulas.
Got this on sale for $1 a week ago.
Kinda shallow but great for 5-10 hours at least.
it was a little after lauch for 2, because i remember drakengard 2 being like $50 while 1 was like $12
back when gamestop always had the buy 2 get 1 free for used shit, drakengard 1 was my free one. can't remember the third game for the life of me though
Pic related. Overwatch wasn't around but I stuck with it even when OW was released. Game's shit now though.
Recently? BOTW. Didnt watch any trailers
I have Sekiro up next, and havent looked at anything on the game besides casuals whining its too hard.
Before that, probably MGS5, MGS4, MGS3, and Wind waker.
Sleeping Dogs
I really liked the music from the radio stations, the arcade feeling and dark but humorous plot
The kind of man that just sits down and plays trough Drakengard 1 and actually thinks on his very first experience with the game "this is really good" radiates pure big dick energy.
If you grew up to be yet another contrarian shitposter on Yea Forums later on i'll be so disappointed in you.
Battle Chasers Night War
I tend to buy random games that are cheap so I'm frequently surprised.
like 3 weeks ago with Snatcher
Came for the melon tiddies, Came away a real fan.
I just have to say, I love this OP pic a lot. The sheer wonderment and amazement in his eyes, you can tell he's been waiting a long time for the Game Cube, and getting to see it up close must have been incredible knowing soon he'll be able to hold it himself, without any glass seperating him. I hope the little dude enjoyed the GC, it was a great console to grow up with. The kind that shapes you with the experiences it provided.
Ys 8
Play some stuff in the series like one of the remakes and a PSP release but figured it looked like a decent action RPG and was pleasantly surprised, wasn't much a fan of the late game story to be honest since I was digging the humble down to earth feel of being stranded on Dino island
YS 8 was fantastic, but that Doctor Murder Mystery arc was retarded. Thankfully it got better from there but I was worried.
>it was a great console to grow up with. The kind that shapes you with the experiences it provided.
It shaped most of Yea Forums into mentally ill reactionaries that want to shoot up people.
Xenoblade 1
Beating the everloving shit out people is the best part. Roundhouse kicking random niggers never gets old
Metal Gear Rising
God Hand.
Had never played a Souls style game and just dove right in. Other than some bugs, it's pretty fucking great.
Lisa: The Painful
Always saw it recommended by anons and bought it during a sale
It was...an experience. My words cannot do justice to what i felt while playing it, fastest 50 hours i've ever dropped into a game
>that monster on the right
please don't tell me this is a drumpf is bad allegory game
talos principle blew my socks off
Persona 3
No, it's just a random blonde mutant
Go play the game, i didn't believe people either when they talked about it and boy was i wrong
It's supposed to be Lucas from Mother 3
it has nothing to do with trump
ori and the blind forest
when I bought 360 is came with gears of war and I could choose 1 game to go with it in addition. I picked dead rising without much knowledge of what kind of game it was other than it had zombies in cover and it was by capcom so it cant be that bad. still easily one of my top 10 all time games I've played while gow has fallen into obscurity. funny how it goes sometimes.
Far Cry 5
Haven't played any FC game after 2nd. It was cheap and I was for some stupid fun and it delivered.
Gameplay is varied in a weird way. Sure there are like 5? enemy types and they don't pose a challenge - but who cares if you can fly aeroplane or go fishing or go hunting or other shit.
Don't get me wrong. Game is braindead to the point of being silly but it's pleasant as fuck. It's experience closer to fucking Stardew Valley than Quake.
Project diva
did not really know about miku outside of memes but now learned to enjoy rhythm games
Jesus christ user, massively rent free.
>and it was by capcom so it cant be that bad.
Fuck what a time. It was 06 when that came out right? So that still rang true.
Rain World.
DOOM 2016
Basically every Far Cry you play today is a repeat of Far Cry 3.
If you play Far Cry 3 you'll be like "huh this is exactly the same".
4 and 5 are just a repeat of 3.
Wich is a good thing if you like what 3 has done for the series, but it really isn't evolving in any meaningful way.
>Dark Cloud
>Xenoblade Chronicles
>The Last Story
>Beyond Good and Evil
>Song of the Deep
Vampire Masquerade. All I knew is that there were vampires and one hot chick in a schoolgirl uniform, but maaan, was it a fun experience. Combat was off, but that didn't stop me from playing for 8 hours straight when I started. Wish I played it earlier.
Tokyo Xanadu EX. Knew literally nothing about it and impulse bought. Had a surprisingly good time with the battle system and story.
Kindred, we are of one.
well they had just released dmc3 and resi4 around that time so mightve been the peak of their popularity.
Wich is why it pisses me of when Yea Forums is like
>oh what's up with the trailer, combat in bloodlines 2 is gonna be shit
It's like everyone DIDN'T play the original at all.
The combat is ALREADY submediocre at best, this is the one area that they can't fuck up, even if it's generic.
>went into a game completely blind and were pleasantly surprised
absolutely never
Pokemon pearl. Got trashed by rock gym every time
I never touched Far Cry 3 nor 4.
I generally dislike Ubisoft. Assassin's Creed is garbage. For Honor and Siege are wasted potential. Open world bore me to death. I only bought FC5 as it costed like 20$.
It's definitely not the kind of game that moves the medium forward. It' like cheesburger. Flat and without taste but you still like it.
I went in with no expectations and ended up pleased.
I also played it like a decade after it released for the first time. On the positive side of joining the cult so late, you're over halfway closer to the sequel than the poor souls who played it upon release and have been waiting ever since.
TES: Oblivion in 2006 or 2007 because a classmate recommended it.
Eexactly. Just thought it was funny because even though none of my friends called them this they really were capGOD from the Early 90s to about 06. I am happy they're coming back strong with DMC 5, REmake 2, and MHW.
Pretty much every pokemon game, even LGPE if that counts even though i've played R/B/Y and LG/FR
I like pokemon games but i'm never hyped for them, I never follow the news or leaks on them, I never watch anything about them
I usually just end up buying the latest games on a whim when I've got nothing else to play and end up having a really fucking good time with them
Objects in Space off GOG
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
World of Final Fantasy. It's the lets go of the ff series but far less brain dead
Resi 7
Katamari Damacy.
Conan Exiles. Tried it on the free weekend and it ended up being one of my favorite games. It's got so many cool things I like.
The Alliance Alive. Some user on /hbg/ spammed it constantly and I tried it solely based on the box art. It's now my favorite 3DS game.
Same aside the audio
Seiken Densetsu 3, having a lot of fun with it
Pony Island
I actually had a lot of fun with the game for the five minutes I got to play it. For some reason, though, on my build, the game's framerate tanks to 0 once every two seconds on a rhythm. Couldn't ever find a solution, could barely find anyone else complaining about it into the void. Oh well.
This, decided to try it on a whim when I was looking for a game to emulate in 2013, later became one of my definite favorites.
Metro Exodus
I never really look into games I get hype for. If I know in advance I'm going to buy it, I intentionally avoid all information I can.
I played it a couple months ago, only knowing that people regard it as complete garbage gameplay wise, and I kind of enjoyed it. Nier was almost a downgrade to me.
God of War PS4. Had no interest in the series whatsoever but one of my friends convinced me to get it when it was on sale at Christmas. Loved it. My second favourite game this gen after Witcher 3.
Deus Ex Human Revolution
but then you can't participate in shitposting threads before launch
Binding of Isaac. Played it way later than anyone else.
Conan exiles. I was expecting any other kind of "pre release" survival crafting simulator. But they pulled it off because the company isn't a gaggle of college program students in some basement.
It's pretty nice actually. It's annoying at some points like when you die, but the titties are very nice and the barbarian aesthetic is very nice.
Last year. I have the really unfortunate tendency to read up on games before playing them. Because Furi was something I bought cheap during the summer sale I really didnt bother reading about it beyond bullet hell
demons souls
Nier automata since i played that game halfway into 2017 and wasnt paying attention to any Yea Forums threads at the time, i was too busy shitposting about the Switch having a successful launch with everybody sucking BOTW's dick
>Persona 5
>Ghost trick
>Danganronpa 1 and 2
The past 2 years have been alright desu
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
bought dishonored at a local game store for $3.99 a few weeks ago with little knowledge about it other than it was made by the same people who made dark messiah but published by zenimax. Really enjoyed it despite its length had a lot to explore and worth multiple playthroughs to take different paths
went into because of the raving fanboys on Yea Forums and got a boring gta clone with boring combat, decent but short as hell soundtrack, and fuckall to do outside of the main missions.
Still cant wrap my head around why I see so many posts praising Sleeping Dogs
i thought it was an coral reef simulator
i thought that the aurora was part of the skybox
I remember buying it after not liking halo 4
How blind is completely blind? I played Baba Is you simply due to seeing a .gif and got pleasantly surprised, but if that's not enough, I guess Elite Beat Agents from buying it for the cover and name.