What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Unironically everything

Faggots complaining

>nothing but shitty PvE bullshit
>warmode dead on arrival
fuck this gay shit

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also the PvP and the classes are fucked beyond repair.

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I would be able to live through most of the problems of BfA if at least classes were enjoyable to play.

This man ruined your favorite MMO, please say something nice about him.

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Developers that hate their community

It's weird how they thought it's a good idea to make every class somehow feel the same.

Pandering to casuals instead of making the game worth investing in

But he wasn't responsable for TBC


PvP is now so slow it takes 3 mins to kill anyone

Fuck you, swifty

Almost everything. One of the biggest offenders however is implementing GCD without anything to back it up and make it work, like what ffxiv did, and simplifying classes that were already simplified in Legion.

Literally every class plays the same and has like 1-5 buttons that matter at most, one of these being responsible for the majority of the damage. It's braindead easy, complete faceroll.

Removing 90% of the skills/bonuses artifacts and legos added, and what blizzard had spent a few years balancing our classes and specs around is one of the biggest problems.

People don't buy enough pigs.

But seriously, what said.
The people at Blizzard should hang for commiting this atrocity imho.

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The classes themselves are easily the worst part of the game for me
It could have the most fun content, it would still be ass to play because every class plays like shit

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not enough pandas

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Also completely fucked balance. They really should learn from FFXIV, that one has classes that play entirely or mostly different from eachother with added stuff like combos, positionals and other mechanics to make it more complex and interesting rather than just hitting everything on cooldown.

Yeah, or how removing interesting abilities like DfA and replacing it with generic ones was a good idea as well

>""""pvp focused"""" expansion
>shitty pve content that is island expeditions and warfronts
>vanilla alterac valley felt more like an epic warfront than actual warfronts do

It's 15 years old and has had like 20 expansions

You could just take every active talent, play unoptimally, and pretend frost is fun.

7th expansion

Nah you're talking about the state of Everquest 5 years ago, Wow has had only had expansions at half the rate!

Current WoW doesn't pander to casuals. The only people who seem vaguely pleased are the hardcore Mythic raiders, who've been enjoying that content. Raids are consistently considered in the very least "okay," or "pretty good."

All the casual content however is being railed. Warfronts are an absolute failure. Islands are the monotonous zergfests, whose only purpose are to gear up the hardcore raiders.

But they aren't expansions.
It's like they are sequels replacing the base game.

>Islands are the monotonous zergfests, whose only purpose are to gear up the hardcore raiders.
Based retarded who hasn’t played the expansion

This has been a problem with TBC and was the reason I abandoned FFXIV when Heavensward came out. This idea of "expansions" resetting the game is absolute cancer

the only thing bfa improved over legion was the soundtrack
everything else is worse, i guess

Are you actually defending islands? I'll admit, I haven't played 8.1, but as a "casual" I fucking hated Islands. They have "Exploration" in their name, but they 100% boiled down to rushing to collect as much AP as possible, with no time to breath. And what's your reward? Just more AP.

I know they've added a few trinkets or whatever now, but that doesn't change how fundamentally bad they are.

lets make legion boring and now you hit less even if you are high ilvl.

No, I’m challenging the part where you said they’re used to gear up hardcore raiders.

I actually agree. Legion had Anduin's Theme, which is genuinely one of the best pieces of music ever written for the game, but the majority of the OST was weirdly disappointing. I fucking love BFA's stuff so far, though.

Someone post the clip of the shaman afking in arena and not dying

I think we can consider the optimal way of gaining artifact power part of the gearing process.

"went wrong" implies that the wrongness started during the development of battle of azeroth which was before then going to be a good game.

people use islands to lvl, they are a waste of time once you hit 120

It is sort of amazing when this actually is true. Yet somehow it is.
Nearly every single thing they added or changed from Legion to BFA, was a change for the worse.

The only thing i can think of that is better in bfa, is how mythic+ scales a bit better, rather than having a huge jump at +10. Everything else is worse.

By gear up, I mean grind out AP for the Heart. You're not not getting actual gear, but, at least back in 8.0, Islands just served as you putting in time for the Azerite system.

Nothing inherent in BFA, it's just the latest iteration of a decade of bad choices.

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They nerfed island leveling. If you wanna AFK and get your ass boosted you go to Freehold.

You missed out on a great expansion then, FFXIV also does a much better job at keeping old content stay relevant at least in some regards compared to WoW.

I won't pretend that it hasn't lost importance, but there are reasons to do that stuff still.

read that in his voice....(brutal)

Hogger was actually a girl in a costume the whole time! haha

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>stat templates gone yet there is still no pvp gear vendors
>pvp'ers forced into doing mythic dungeons/raids now if they want to be competitive
the raid trinkets and the new Crucible drops are so disgusting too... really sucks to que into mythic raiders knowing you lost because they have raid gear and u don't

Neither compare to the pure horde kino of the WoD soundtrack.

I want to marry and impregnate a Draenei.

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WoD's music is seriously one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard. They went balls to the wall on that one, and it was amazing. I don't know why shit expansions seem to get great music.

>Kazul was a participant of the BlizzCon 2017 costume contest who dressed as Hogger.

They made an RTS into an MMO.

Hello lorelet, Hogger was real, and a gnoll, he was just killed.

Hogger "returned" but it was actually just a girl in a (cute) fursuit

They've been around long enough to attract cock gobbling retards that "just wanted to work at blizzard".

Took too long to get Vulpera out

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Fake news, that could be a pandaren thumb.

>Mag'har one looks like the Big Sip Grommash poured out for his homies in the WoD cinematic
what did they mean by this

You can clearly see the foxtail (i forget what the flower is called) that vulpera plaster on everything, plus no one assumed it was vulpera, its literally named vulpera.

oh shit im sorry

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Honestly I think it was a fun way to address the fact that hogger was killed millions of times but still existed somehow

Playable vulperas is not enough to save BFA lol

its enough to get at least one more sub out of me

yeah weird.. just like literally every other major boss in the game.. huh

The one thing I want to know if what they're going to do with Sylvanas. I'm sure it's going to piss everyone off no matter what.

Cry to blizzard not me

That shit was going to end in a huge shitshow the second she became warchief. Can only really end her story in 2 ways, and people are already making fun of both.

>she was being controlled be le evil corruption monsters!1

You'd have a shorter list of things that didn't


Nigga what didn’t do wrong

Naw its going to be starwars purple hair bitch all over again

>I had a plan to deal with the true enemy all along you just had to trust me!

wow story was always trash.
And one of the reason is because they always listened to the wow players.

Cause they are cute with nice VAs and I want to play one

They're not listening to players for anything with BFA.

>Class design is fucking awful
>No player choice
>Nothing feels rewarding
>Having to "Re-earn" azerite traits
>Feels more like a theme park than it ever has with none of its systems working together
>grand story that doesn't feel like it needs your character rather than smaller stories that feel realistic and immersive.

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I wish they would bring back full scale skill trees, unique effect weapons/trinkets and bring back class slots like arrows, librams, thrown etc...

because he is a furfag

It's hard to say when people ask this EVERY FUCKING EXPANSION. I missed out on MoP because people kept talking about how shitty it was on Yea Forums.

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They can't do anything to redeem Sylvanas. Burning Teldrassil is the single most retarded thing Blizzard's ever written, since it poisons the Horde forever. They have it on record that the Horde committed "genocide" on a bunch of civilians, and made it so it wasn't even some weird sub-faction of Sylvanas loyalists. It was the main Horde.

Like, you can meme about "elves not counting" or whatever, but from a sheer writing standpoint Blizzard screwed themselves. They can never maintain that the Horde are good.

Please no. The new talent trees have much higher potential than the old shitty ones. 5% extra chance to X, have and never will be an interesting choice.

>And one of the reason is because they always listened to the wow players.
>literally everyone shat on SoO since its existence
>"ohnonononono don't make her another garrosh"
>"please, DON'T make her into another garrosh!"
>"sh-she's evil b-but there's a reason, they said the ending will be nothing like mop and-"
>datamining is the alliance and the horde going together against sylvanas huddled in orgrimmar like garrosh did
yeah, sure

you are the reason the game sucks now

This has been in the game longer than vanilla Hogger, how are people just now finding out about this?

Wanna know what's funny? Nazjatar is a total retread of 5.2. Jaina and Lor'themar building bases on an enemy island to take down a big bad.

Good, I hated world of warcraft when it was released for ruining the MMO genre, and am happy to have a hand in its death.

haha onyxia and rag are just 10 dudes in a huge gnome invented mech suit! lmao dude very FUN, thanks blizzard!

unfortunate everyone skipped mop because DUH HUH KUNFU PANDER because it was the last good expansion. legion wasn't awful but it sure as hell didn't top mop

The Zandalari themes they added to the city in 8.1.5 are incredible.


I guess I'll never know the truth because WoWfags do nothing but bitch.

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If there was a boss rush in mechagon with mechanical replicas of previous bosses id like it.

Just about everything. They rehashed the garrosh plot but did it really badly. They took the gameplay of Legion but did it really badly. They're just redoing things from previous expansions with added incompetence.

I legitimately enjoyed MoP

I feel bad for you user. You missed the last good expansion that will ever release because of memes.

All the more reason to just keep playing.

Legion was awful, just not at the level of WoD levels of shit. I'd honestly rather play MoP than any of the last 3 expansions and some of the previous expansions too. I miss my MoP classes

Because most of us quit in tbc

The pvp is the fucking worst it's ever been.

legion was fine for the first patch. you had goals and the first two raids were ok and there wasn't a dumptruck of green shit everywhere. 8.1 and the 2 decades that followed it were worse than wod
also daily reminder wod's problem was LACK of content, not content quality. I'd take 10 more years of the fucking garrison over the shitty mission table we have now

>legion was fine for the first patch.
Legion was dogshit until they nerfed artifact power.

>Jaina and Lor'themar building bases on an enemy island to take down a big bad.
and the dialogue they have when they save bane is literally the same as the dialogue in the vault when they see gorehowl
I was sure they'd put some shit show like a kerrigan 2.0, I never expected them to be this lazy, it's a new low

min maxers are cancer and ruin every game

ignore my wording was shit
>legion was bad until they replaced unlocking actual things with a +1 to a passive
I actually liked all the various things I unlocked while grinding ap, it felt like I had a goal. After it became "here's your 200 str bro" i lost interest

Legion was dogshit all around.
>You get an ashrbinger!
>And you get an ashbringer!

>The new talent trees
they are not even talents anymore
literally just baseline spells cut an added back as "new content". Select one of three because retail babies cant handle more than five buttons

I hated how the class halls sucked your cock and made it out like you were the greatest [Insert class here] who ever lived. That was really cringy.

>dark simulacrum locked behind pvp talents now
I'll never not be mad

Its all happened before, and it will all happen again.

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I'm starting to wonder if the writers are doing it to spite Dave Kosak. Like, he was the guy who handled the main plot beats in Cata and MoP, and we know there was some confusion about the direction for Garrosh's character. Maybe some back then were fighting for Sylvanas to go on the chopping block?

"legion was fine for the first patch"

unless you happened to get two of the garbage legendaries, or worse yet, none until after the first raid

or played a tank that wasnt prot warrior

or rolled an alt

or bought consumables

>MoP was shat on
>"It was actually good"
>WoD was shat on
>"It was actually good"
>Legion was shat on
>"It was actually good"
>BfA is being shat on
Nice fucking cycle Blizzdrones.

Yep it really is... I que'd into a UH dk / rsham earlier in 2's and the dk did more healing than his actual healer did thanks to overpowered raid trinkets/gear
Really fun game, thx blizzard! :^)

this is actually the biggest problem with the talent system. it should be that the passive talent is the easier but les optimal choice, but because of the GCD change anything that doesn't take up a GCD is better for most specs.

The only people who gave MoP crap didn't play it. Everyone who played WoD knew it was terrible, which is why it gets zero praise from anyone.

I know they are garbage now. Most are just old skills that used to be baseline, or useless trash far worse than other choices in the same line.

I am just saying that the answer isn't to nerf everyone with 5% less crit chance, and then put it in an old style talent tree instead.

let me reiterate then, artifact weapons were vastly better in the first patch than every following patch
i forgot about the legendary nonsense. I legitimately got every single legendary except cold heart on my dk before the expansion ended and i didn't get the breath build legos until 14 seconds before it was nerfed

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bruh I played through the first 2 raids without sephuz, quit and came back halfway through the last raid and got it on my first emissary

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Nobody said legion or wod were good though? Wod's content was passable but how little there was was unforgivable. Highmaul and Blackrock were FINE but there was literally nothing else to do

Oh boy, where do I start?
>Thinking MMORPGs should be endless treadmills - which is partly true, but only when its well made and gives you something in return.
>Making 95% piss easy, completely soloable and 5% extremely hard with no middle ground.
>Shit lore - Golden is a talentless hack.
>Stupid design decisions and direction
Fire Hazzikostas and his "yes" man Lore.
>No character growth.
>Fear of taking risks.
>Factions in 2019 when all PvP content is instanced, besides world PvP which is dead and will be even more so when flying gets reintroduced.
>Professions are non-existant.
>Split-runs and fucking everyone over while trying to stop them
>Old engine that limits in-game interactions/physics and mechanics.
>Detachment from reality and fanbase (see -> Diablo Immortal)

And so on.
FFXIV is an unironically better MMORPG in the year of our lord 2019. The amount of FFXIV threads vs WoW threads (even counting Classic "we're coming home" faggots) says it all.

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that's how the game always worked when you fags claimed it was "good"
you constantly ran into retards with raid trinkets, 4pc set bonuses and warglaives/shadowmourne/etc at the top of the ladder

desu theorycrafting is useless now because wow is fucked up beyond repair

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Hey i liked WoD for the first 2 weeks. Yeah the story made no sense at all, but it was an interesting place to explore and level up through. That they then decided not to make any more content for the entire expansion is what made it so bad.

haha. im just salty cause i mained arms warrior and got the pre-buff speed boots and whirlwind belt as my first two leggos, and it took forever to get them to drop

>TFW none of the warrior weapons were good
We literally have a Sargeras wounding axe that we weren't allowed to use. Fuck them.
>Everything involving Legiondaries
>AP shit making it Maw of Souls, the patch

>>Old engine that limits in-game interactions/physics and mechanics.
This is the one that gets me the most. The tortollan world quests would've been outdated on the fucking nintendo 64 why the fuck does blizzard think it's time to add this shit now? If you're going to add mini games you HAVE to update the fucking engine to support that shit. Look at xiv's newest minigame air force one or the old pso2 shooting minigame. both are light years ahead of what wow is capable of by design

people just realized roleplaying is smoke and mirrors and very soulless

Only Yea Forums shat on MoP
WoD is still known as the worst expansion
Legion was better than WoD at least but still a fucking dumpster fire with its RNG legendaries and AP grind.
BfA is on track to overtake WoD as the worst expansion imo

meanwhile my warrior alt that I didn't really like playing got the gloves and execute ring as his first two.

sadly the fucking rube goldberg code still runs on dead bunny triggers

roleplaying isn't even smoke and mirrors, you're essentially reading your own spark notes on someone elses book. i'd rather just LARP than try and legitimately roleplay in a game I didn't create

>BfA is on track to overtake WoD as the worst expansion imo
Disagree. BfA is shit, but its not WoD tier shit


i'd rather have an expansion with no content than an expansion filled to the brim with awful content that i'll have to grind next expansion anyway

At least in WoD I didn't have to actively wade through the shit just to raid.

you're reffering to constructed roleplay
im just talking about immersion, i.e. roleplay
once people realize their character doesnt actually mean anything people start to unsub

>wod is known as the worst expansion
im pretty sure cata is known as the worst expansion because most peoples knowledge of wow ends there

So MoP was garbage then. Because that was nothing but dailies and rep grinding.

I don't think it's ever been possible to get truly immersed in wow with the way it's structured. Even in BC you had a lot of moments where you were just the important lore character's henchmen rather than a meaningful thing. You can't make a "YOURE THE HERO OF THE WORLD YOU DID EVERYTHING" character in a game with millions of players

dailies were better than world quests because there was a very clear end point. I'd rather do 5 dailies a day for 500 rep than 40 world quests an hour for the same amount of rep

It's not at the moment because they're trying to do what you just said is impossible
They used to make stories where your character was important but it wasn't the Champion/Commander/Whatever and those were quite immersive, you don't always need to be the big hero.

>dailies are good

Jesus Christ

It's feasible to clear the map of WQs in a normal 5 hour play session if you ~really~ care about farming rep.

I knew that'd happen after what they did in MoP.

>last good expansion

you mean the expansion where they gimped all the classes and made them variations of each other?
The content was pretty good but it was way worse than anything before it

It’s so weird. What’s their fucking problem? They have all the money and talent in the world to make every class and spec feel super unique, yet they shoehorned the whole fucking system and just gave everyone bars and resources which all amount to the same thing. Are they scared to make shit fun? At this point they should really stop worrying about breaking the game with crazy class abilities. No one gives a shit about raiding

dailies being better than world quests =/= good

>you mean the expansion where they gimped all the classes and made them variations of each other?
Why are you talking about bfa in your response to a mop post? My dk still had more than 3 moves in mop
30 minutes for 500 rep > 5 hours

Don't forget that when hitting a higher rep level with dailies sometimes included quests that were part of the rep and sometimes you got a neat little reward at the end. You don't get that with world quests and now they stick rewards beyond exalted that you have to pray to get.

Aside from the art department this game has been maintained by interns for the last few years, everything is total shit

>Are they scared to make shit fun?
It...kind of feels that way, doesn't it?

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this pisses me off so much, RNG rewards are fucking awful, especially when it takes so long to get the box of shit for filling up your bar after exalted

>t. retard who never pvp'd in previous expansions.

the fact is previous expansions you either didn't need gear (legion stat templates) or you had PvP gear sets, which were very easily obtainable. The PvP sets were made to be better in pvp environments than pve gear because of things like resilience, pvp power, and set bonuses that were preferred for pvp.
The old pve legendarys were indeed broken but its nowhere near as bad as the recent raid trinkets and crucible gear in BFA.
PvP participation is at all time low and the reasons are obvious. Gearing is an unfun nightmare and class design/balance is a shell of its former self. (RIP mop class design)

they're not scared to make things fun, things are exactly the same as legion but worse. They're scared to innovated. What's the point of m+ seasons when all it does is change the color of the aoe? you either make the entire dungeon randomized like a diablo rift, or not at all like they had with challenge modes. none of this halfsies bullshit where you do almost nothing to change the formula because you're scared of backlash

>ok guys what if we took the artifact system....
>but made it way way worse
Then everyone got raises.

There's always around 8-10 world quests at 75 rep a pop sitting in each zone, You could easily log on and clear just one zone in well under 30 minutes. My 5 hour recommendation was for farming other zones and doing other things while logged in as well. Not to mention emissary quests at all.

class balance is one of the reasons pvp is so ass right now too gear aside

>Hey, Blizzard, could you please fix XYZ Problems in this game?
>lol who cares, you nerds will buy it and play it anyway
>expansion comes out
>Hey, Blizzard, could you please fix XYZ Problems in this game?
>lol who cares, you nerds will buy it and play it anyway
>expansion comes out
>Hey, Blizzard, could you please fix XYZ Problems in this game?
>lol who cares, you nerds will buy it and play it anyway
>expansion comes out
>Hey, Blizzard, could you please fix XYZ Problems in this game?
>lol who cares, you nerds will buy it and play it anyway
>expansion comes out

>Hey, wait a minute, why isn't anyone playing our game?

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You know how shit like coding is usually the last thing one would point to in the long list of shit that is wrong when it comes to overall game design?

Even that's fucked m8, it's all fucked, top to bottom. I don't even think Monster Grills could save it at this point and that shit can save nearly anything. It's just a waiting for Classic simulator at this point.

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M+ seasons was invented as a solution to the insane power creep during the expansion. So that they could increase the base stats of enemies and increase the ilevels along with raid content.

>ok guys, what if we took legion
>and took everything good from it out

BFA in a nutshell

yeah but that doesn't mean diddly fucking shit when the dungeons themselves are the exact same. Nobody wants to do the motherlode 800 times an expansion because the ilvl went up by 5

WoD was blatantly rushed and unfinished, so the main criticism of it was the lack of content because so much ended up cut. Whereas Legion introduced outright badly designed systems which the players hated.

One of WoD's big problems is that it just copied those systems of Legion and they did little to fix them.

Idk even their art department sucks balls these days. The recent blizzcon art panel was just three 3d artist, and the one guy was showing off a landscape painting that he already made. Wow USED to be made by doing high quality 2d concept art first and then modeling it in 3d. Now I can’t help but feel they just mix and match assets till it looks right

That would require work and ideas.

I want to make half-elves with a Night Elf.

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>blizzard legitimately learn from their mistake with legiondaries at the end and make a relatively good and simple system for getting them
>feels satisfying for new characters
>instead of carrying that system over just remove it
>instead of carrying over any form of artifact weapons just remove it
>instead of carrying over curious coins just remove it
>make the mission table even worse
>make world quests even more monotonous with shit like tortollans not giving bonus rep to other factions like kirin tor
>don't add paragon reps in at the start because ??? and then also not make them give mounts
>make the daily reward for world quests range from 200 resources to bis weapons because ???
LITERALLY what the fuck were they thinking

mmm i bet their pussies smell like sandalwood

>WoD copied from Legion
You may have gotten confused there, buddy.

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He probably meant to say BfA copied from Legion, which it did, but forgot the good parts and only copied the shit ones.

That makes much more sense alright.

This board is classic country. Talk about classic or get the fuck out.

Oh. Oops. Yes, that should have been BfA copied from Legion.

And that's why I can see it going down as the worst: WoD had the excuse they didn't have time to make it good, with Legion they had to iterate through several systems to find something that worked. But with BfA it's like they've gone out of their way to make things bad.

Ion cares too much about data, participation rates don't say if the content is good or bad.

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lol look at this faggot

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i just wanna know how my choices as a horde player are gonna turn out. i went all in on sylvanas

It's amazing. When you think about it, EVERY FUCKING TIME they say "we're going back to Horde Vs Alliance" and/or "we're putting the WAR back in Warcraft!!!" is a herald of them fucking up the game even further

Talk about classic.

Or get the fuck out.

analytics ruined online gaming for real

>cant get expansions right

state of Yea Forums wow critics who cant stop talking about the game for free

You'll get a different toy after Sylvanas gets killed.

While Neither of the two should be proud of getting fought over which is the worst, I consider BfA to be worse so far. Classes in WoD were a better despite how way overboard they went with pruning, and they didn't force shit systems like AP and there wasn't fucking Scaling everywhere.

Wow has been eclipsed in all aspects by other games. Blizz took too much time playing it safe while FFXIV did raids and story much better and ESO did exploration and questing better. Pretty much any online game does PvP better, and single player games have all copied it's loot system better.

There's no reason to stay.

It was a really good Hogger costume.

Only complete fucking retards would say WoD was good. Legion was also terrible. It started the world quest grind, overtuned dungeons using the godawful m+ system, and RNG loot tiers.

I would try this game if it wasn't so weeby and the long gcd's look boring

they take some getting used to but at max level half your abilities aren't on gcd

>MoP was shat on
>Best expansion for pvp
>WoD was shat on
>It was actually shit
>Legion was shat on
>It's alright because at least it wasn't WoD
>BfA is being shat on
>rightfully so and is on track to being worse than WoD

>not the vastly superior sethrak
>not the vastly superior Mogu, ogres, or literally any other race
>just more "cute" furbait
legitimately the final nail in the coffin

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I'm more upset at the Alliance getting more Gnomes

Currently playing it for the free week campaign and XV event, my level 50 NIN that I haven't touched in 5 years still has more to do than my 110's before I left.
Meanwhile, Blizzard thought it would be a good idea to throw abilities on the GCD and were met with majority shitting on it, and they still went forward with it.

>long gcds
it's actually more interactive than wow now because well over half your moves AREN'T on the gcd, unlike wow where literally everything is on the gcd. unholy's full rotation takes like 5 fucking hours to get all your buffs in place before you spam your 2 buttons and going from that to SAM in xiv is like going from molasses to clean water

I wanna be a junker gnome DK so that I can be a ghost in the machine.

> throw abilities on the GCD and were met with majority shitting on it, and they still went forward with it.
blizzard didn't get the memo that a long gcd is fine as long as you still have actions to take
Not the first point they missed when copying other mmos, and it won't be the last

>bfa was bad because my favorite twitchfag tols me so!
it was really not bad. but the game is dead and revolves around cosmetics rather than game play.
they've been saying this since cataclysm, it's standard click bait at this point

we arent getting new dk races until after 9.0 at the earliest

Junker gnomes just confirmed that the majority of the races will be literal reskins despite blizzard claiming otherwise
Why the fuck would they make junker gnomes when gnomes are the second least played race outside of allied races?

>were met with majority shitting on it, and they still went forward with it
The same can be said for seemingly every decision they make now. It feels rare for player feedback to actually make any sort of difference.

If they can add playable void elves then you can make the argument for making almost any race in the game playable. Where the FUCK are my playable (high) arakkoa, instead we get literal fucking yiffbait.

Not wanting old fashioned Skettis arakkoa

ur opinion bad

I want both.

No amount of races will fix the game. Blizzard's literally added eight this expansion, and what has that done?

>what has that done?
Presumably made Blizzard a ton of money from people race changing their characters.

The entire development philosophy is built around abandoning lesser mechanics/quest lines in favor of maximizing conglomerated play time vs dev time.
Anything that can hurt player retention gets sanded down. If it doesn't meet the projected playtime/devtime it gets dropped. No more legendary feats, no weirdness or interest, no finish lines with unique payoffs, the only achievement to be had here is mainlining an endless drip feed of time gated garbage.

this and only this. don't forget the 5 cash shop mounts since launch, more than every other expansion

>locking races behind rep gates
they would have more subscribers if you could just play them after doing a questline

>the game isn't casual enough
People like you ruined this game

they would have more subscribers if they were just barbershop options like golden/black elf eyes. there are a billion race combinations they could add in a few hours with no effort but noooooooooooooooooooooo we gotta do the war campaign we gotta do the rep we gotta level a whole nother character we gotta lock their classes

In TBC onwards, PvE gear made it easier to PvP in some scenarios, but it didn't make or break your performance in arena. Now it kind of does. The game is a boring, grindy, unfun mess.

I didn't like MoP class design at the time it was out, but man do I miss it now. I still prefered classes in WotLK, but I'll take any version of WoW over this shit fest. I had miles more fun in WoD.

it stopped being a RTS game

WoW 1.5:
>Story rebooted in new engine
>Basically classic with small improvements
>Everything is hard and time consuming
>Only exception is Rated PvP, you can participate at level 1 and get scaled up in lvl/gear
>Balance PvP separately from PvE so neither side gets too retarded
>level cap is 60, but you can keep going past that to gain paragon levels by completing raids, mythic dungeons, achievements etc to replace the ilvl hike and give you abilities that specialize you for different content instead
>Amount of items dropped should be low as fuck, not everyone gets Ashkandi, drop crafting items instead so professions can make a playermade economy of gear
>in order to do raid 3, you have to do raid 1 and 2 first
>2 raid difficulties: normal, hard(with hardmodes)
>Less zones, but bigger, think vanilla Barrens/STV. When new expac hits, just cram more shit into them instead of making them outdated
>Rewards should be directly tied to the amount of effort put in, if all you do is dailies, all you get is pennies.
>Player homes and guild halls for cross character crafting and achievement whoring e-penis show off, start with a tent, upgrade to inn, eventually stronghold.
>Less cartoonish models and skins, no more monster energy drinks riding disco dragons that shoot rainbow lazers every time you buy a wow token
>You only get titles and mounts for doing really badass shit, like gladiator/world first/timely clear after world/server first
>Island Expeditions scrapped and turned into randomly created mythic dungeons
>Add lots of really difficult shit like mage tower, puzzle quests, proving grounds v2 nightmare mode, etc.
>Have better level scaling for questing/dungeons so you can level with your slow ass friends without feeling like a chump for being held back.
>Destroy israel, gamer time!
>FF14 style roulettes to help fill demand for party members in all content, the bigger the demand for a role/participation the greater the reward, NO DEAD CONTENT!
Fight me.

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MoP was great, sorry user

how is that casual? they did it with every expansion before, but this time they wanna lock cosmetics/appearnces behind a rep grind just to add up your playtime. rep grinds are fine when its actually rewarding like vanilla/tbc, not fucking races which they lied to their fanbase about being at launch not half a year ahead, fucking zoomer

>Come back to WoW right at the end of Legion after not playing since roughly the end of Cata
>Still enjoying it
What am I supposed to get angry about here?

New player from september, still enjoying the game, but from what i see it's just gameplay issue with the classes and raids being the only relevant content. I think.

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>horde does some interesting proactive attacks on alliance
>"omigawd my character wud nevar dew dat! :((("


Horde are doing retarded things that make no sense.


Yep, and you're still new, you haven't got the jaded feeling that all your effort progressing through raids being made pointless by welfare loot.

Fuck I hate wow but nothing else scratches the transmog itch. FF14 kind of does but the gameplay is just as miserable and I hate guild wars 2 with a passion. Its a hard life bros.

Lorefags are the worst, the lore is retarded and so are you.

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I'm excited to see the undead and worgen allied races then I'm done with this game.

WoD's raids were pretty good, even if there were only 3.

>FFXIV is better
That game is complete fucking garbage, early game is a slog through hour long cutscenes between quests and end game is just playing DDR between boss attacks.
Sound design and class design both make classes less fun to play than even Modern WoW where it sounds like you're just bapping at enemies with tissue paper and they will not even play a hit animation.
If you want an actually pretty good version of WoW in the modern day you have to go back, play stuff like LOTRO, DDO even, or SWTOR if you want something still being supported. All are both closer to WoW in design, and closer to WoW in actual gameplay

Of course it's retarded, but you end up following it if you play the game. It's like a z-grade Game of Thrones, and a train wreck like that is hard to not look at.

The expansion feels more like Horde vs Horde and the Alliance show up occasionally to poke the bear and laugh at it.

Yeah, no. WoD was miles better than this garbage. I'd rather play the dog turd that was WoD than the radioactive steaming horse shit that is BfA.

Christie Golden

Lightforged Undead, and possibly Worgen Night Elves. The former will be Alliance, and the latter Horde.

Times into Eastern Kingdoms becoming Alliance only, and Kalimdor going Horde.

I'd agree up until cata, at that point the story was just background noise to me. I have no idea what goes on in WoW other than reading the odd Yea Forums rant

>scaling PVP
That shit has never worked in games that do it
Lower leveled players are always handicapped because of a lack of skills or proper stats that a full on PvPr has

Hope it's not as obvious as that or the vampire elves or undead elves.

This expansion will probably end with Blood Elves land being taking over by Void

Mythic+ and arenas. At most, they should have been non-competitive side content.

The story is more in your face than ever though. Tons of cinematics, with three full on CG ones just this expansion. It's hard to ignore.

Plus they're doing retardedly provocative things, like burning down Teldrassil.

I'll never not be mad that mythic+ replaced the infinitely better challenge modes

I thought I would like competitive M+ but holy shit the balance in that is worse than fucking Arena and that's saying a lot.

They were trying to dumb the game down for consoles and mobile to get into those markets like with Diablo, but they're retarded so they ended up just destroying the game.

mop was the worst expansion to date at launch, and it eventually became "the best" JUST because of the last patch.

this trend of an expansion starting off shit and becoming playable only on the last patch started with cataclysm, with the exception of wod which was consistently bad, just like every other expansion that came afterwards.

you could say mop was the last good expansion, but ONLY because of its last patch.

??? the last patch of mop was the worst one though. 400 days of siege

What the fuck does Blizzard have against shamans? Why do they have to try and reinvent the wheel every xpac- or just give up on it, like they seem to have done in BfA? Gimme back MoP shaman and I'd be a happy camper.
>tfw you manage to consistently outheal a holy priest in Megara stack phase with conductivity and the power of thunder punches

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I think he means what Guild Wars 2 did, where a level 1 can do pvp and have the same exact playing field as a max level character. Bretty gud system actually.

The separate pvp thing wouldn't work well. Look at FFXIV's pvp.

they're even fucking adding waterwalking thing for mounts making Shamans even more useless. I'm 100% convinced it's a meme at this point

Every expansion made the game worse over time.

BC is the only expansion that did end game expansion right, but even still it had a ton of fundemental flaws, but releasing with 3 tiers of raids available and not making them piss easymode made BC one of the most endearing expansion.

Still, BC
>Flying mounts
>badge grinding
>recycled dungeon content "heroics"
>ezmode versions of raids
>recycled versions of both ezmode and normal mode of raids, also called 'heroic'
>welfare loot became too easy to obtain, made entire teirs of content obsolete even to fresh 80s
>3.2 in general becoming the template for end game content from then onward, forcing players into rep grinding and repetitious dungeon farming for badges
>random dungeon finder added
>dumbed down the vanilla world, removing all its charm and hub based questing and enviromental storytelling with long zone based quest chains that were mostly memes and popculture references where you're forced to do 1-2 quests at a time, instead of doing 5-10 quests at a time and turning them all in at once
>Mana revamp made healers unplayable, along with trying to make heroic dungeons 'hard' and forcing the random dungeon system on players to farm their valor points made pre-raid progression a shitfest until they nerfed dungeons so trolls couldn't wipe your group and tanks demanding pre-raid players be kicked so the dungeon clears faster
>looking for raid, already taking an ezmode version of a raid, and making it easier
>Took everything wrong with WOW added from 3.2 onward, and turned it up to 11
>linear as fuck questing
>not only was the leveling questing a fucking pain thanks to the linear follow the dot quest system, but the end game daily content was forced down people's throats by locking valor vendors behind reputation
>not only that, you needed to grind rep, so you could have the privlage to grind another faction's reputation
>worst dungeon content in WOW's history, designed entirely around speedrunning

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Why are these fags so butthurt that someone is going to level to max before them? Who fucking cares. Either play the game for your own enjoyment or neck yourself, because you are still an autistic child at heart that refuses to lose at a video game (a game with no clear winner at that). This is the type of motherfucker that ran over and turned the N64 off when he was getting btfo in mario kart.

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I'm convinced one of the higher ups at Blizzard got legitimately cucked by a dude who mained Shaman and he purposefully keeps them shitty as a form of petty revenge.

I really want to go full merc, both factions are bad, i can't play alliance well with this new king and with the rp also alliance is not comparable in competitive like horde, and with the direction that horde took. Also I get angry a lot in seeing orcs with fixed posture, it doesn't fit.

I hope they take the path of making a third faction with sylvanas so i can kill ally and hordies.

>doesn't mention class deisgn
>doesn't mention boss fight design
I'm not saying you're wrong, but not mentioning all the good things just to make it all seem bad is flat out false

Ion mains shaman he's a self hating cuck

see this guy That is exactly what i meant, and exactly the game i was thinking of. I loved being able to play any character i wanted in PvP to offset the amount of time i spent PvE'ing on my main.
I mean stuff like overpowered abilities getting nerfed in rated PvP, and removing tank/healing trinkets and other OP shit like that.
I wouldn't mind seeing a mad max reboot without factions and just a shitload of chaos and temporary alliances instead.

>daily quests were dumbed down to a farmville facebook style minigames, no end game content what so ever outside of dungeons and raids
>Dungeons were slightly better then MOP, but again, were still designed around speedrunning, thus were poorly designed
>An entire patch cycle for twitter integration and selfies.
>Added another fucking difficulties to the already retarded 3 raid difficulty system, bringing them up to 4 total difficulties, during a time when WOW was bleeding users making it impossible to keep a raid guild going
>Artifacts and artifact power resulting in everyone farming maw of souls for months
>Best itemization design in WOW's history with the random legendaries, but the acquisition system being tied to pure and random RNG made it cancer
>Mythic dungeons and mythic+ added in to justify making dungeons more grindy and repetitive and speedrun oriented, even they're supposed 'mega dungeon' was just a speedrun dungeon that had two wings

And this is nothing to say about the various fuckups with basic RPG mechanics such as class design and niches, itemization, and other things that make an MMORPG fun, WOW at this point is a paint by the numbers boss rush game, everything outside of raids is an afterthought left to a bunch of intern diversity hires who think collecting mounts and pets is fun and the definition of casual play, while the rest of the dev team thinks that everyone wants to play the game like fucking method, who are a bunch of autistic poopsockers who blizzard keeps trying to shotgun nerf their progression methods such as forced personal loot, which only fucks over everyone else playing legitimately.

Class design has only gotten worse over the years, and boss design has been cancer since BC made every single boss a DPS check, adding more and more and more ground fire and instant death mechanics to a boss fight doesn't make it more interesting if you remove every classes ability to interact with the mechanics and replacing class based mechanics with more and more boss mechanics and DPS checks.

>even they're supposed 'mega dungeon' was just a speedrun dungeon that had two wings
Karazhan deserve better than this

Kharazan started off as a pretty spooky Dungeon that made people take thier time for a bit, because there's pulls that just slaughter you if you went in.

Then people discovered all the speed run starts because of the Nightwing Mount challenge, and so Blizzard decided to turn it into a M+.

And to be fair that didn't happen until after people really over geared it, when it first came out that mount run was fucking difficult to pull off, and the boss fight was pretty mental too for a 5-man.

Stop repeating talking points from e-celebs who do nothing but raid in this game, you fucking imbecile.

This retarded focus on raiding and combat shit is what destroyed this game entirely, and what brought the worst and most pernicious aspects of this game to life.

The last patch was the best one because it had cut down entirely on the amount of bullshit gating retardation that was added into the game at the start of the expansion.

They addressed leveling needing work in one of the last QA's so maybe the next expansion will make Allied Races worth a shit. But I mean let's face it, WoW will never be worth anything ever because it's old as fuck and can't do anything unique.

The only way they can make leveling remotely interesting is replacing cataclysm style leveling with dynamic quests.

Cataclysm royally fucked the flow of the leveling system. The only way to make it work again would be to revamp the entirety of the process.

Can blizzard just skip 8.2 and 8.3 and release the next xpac? since blizzard only wants to make relevant changes with new expansions for some reason..


Why the fuck did they never make a World of Warcraft 2, or why did they drop World of Starcraft? Imagine how much money retarded blizzdrones will drop on that shit but I guess the retarded blizzdrones were still dropping money on shitty expansions so they didn't care

What can be done to address the state of this game in general that will not make everything exponentially worse in the process?

There's absolutely nothing that can be done at this point, other than burning everything down and starting over, that will make this game any remotely playable. The more they try to "fix" anything the more that jesus restoration painting analogy makes sense.

Vulpera-shitters are so pathetic. Almost makes me forget how bad the game is.

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don't tell anyone but blizzard isn't going to make tbc servers after naxx
remember how atiesh opens a portal to karazhan? yeah

Good. TBC was WoW's first big mistake.

by 2009 every single dev that worked on originial world of warcraft had left Blizzard


nothing they do content wise will ever matter because the classes have all been raped in WoD, and then assraped of biblical proportions in the Legion prepatch literally removing 50% of some classes spellbooks.

There is no recovery for retail WoW unless Blizz invents a time machine.

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>raid naxx over and over again forever
gonna be real boring if they don't add TBC later on and then finally Wrath

then finally cataclysm, then finally mop, then finally wod, then finally legion, then finally bfa...

people like you are the reason this game is shit.


it would stop at ICC because wow died with the lich king.

guys please, I was obviously implying post-naxx content

What killed it for me was the Nathan's tyrande standoff, that showed me that no one gives a shit about the writing or the people in charge are so incompetent they let that level of fanfic writing go into the main storyline.

I can't waste time in a plot and world that's in the hands of retards

if you want this ">le content" meme bullshit, go play BFA. There's plenty of ">le content" for obnoxious and irritating faggots like yourself who seem to never be satisfied with anything.

fucking millennials.

Making Ghostcrawler look like a genius. I give WoW another two years max before it goes ftp. It's on life support as it is.

The same instance with five levels of difficulty isn't content.

>wow goes free2play
probably the only thing that would get me to play again desu . unless they unfuck classes it's not worth the sub

It should have been Cataclysm 2: Electric Bogaloo. It should have revamped the entire world to be larger and brought up to the standards of a 2019 RPG. They should have gone back, redone Azeroth again, give levelling alts and newcomers something new to do in old zones, progress each zones story to the current timeline, and add a smudge of new high level zones. Instead, it's just more timegate subscription milking shit.

I am so fucking tired of Cata content being fucking everywhere. None of the story or timeline makes any sense because everything is happening all at once, and once you finish levelling one character to 120 you've seen everything the expansion has to offer. There is no replayability and if you make an alt, enjoy going through content nearly a decade old AGAIN.

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Ghostcrawler WAS a genius. WotLK was the peak.

someone make a classic wow thread

god whitemane makes my pp so hard

says the guy begging for TBC because vanilla is too boring.

kill yourself.

Nice cherry picking. People were very excited by Legion. It remains one of the top 3 expansions.

>rep grinds are fine when its actually rewarding like vanilla/tbc
>95% of rep rewards are cosmetic or equipment that you won't use either way

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>top expansion
The fact this type of homosexual feels comfortable posting outside of their reddit shithole makes me nauseous.

I think it’d be more effective to ask what went right

>Mana revamp made healers unplayable, along with trying to make heroic dungeons 'hard' and forcing the random dungeon system on players to farm their valor points made pre-raid progression a shitfest until they nerfed dungeons so trolls couldn't wipe your group and tanks demanding pre-raid players be kicked so the dungeon clears faster

This was great though. Cata launch dungeons were fucking fun.

yes I was very excited to see that every class lost 50% of their spellbook in the legion pre patch


literally nothing.

the game got objectively worse and slower, without any good quality to justify its existence, which is a new low considering the absolute garbage expansions that preceded bfa.

the only people excited about legion were e-celebs and braindead morons who parrot everything they say.

At this point it's worse than WoD. It's time to put WoW and Blizzard out of their misery.

Blizzard.... this company used to be so highly regarded... anyone remembers the wotlk peak days? Fuck what happened. Oh i know... activision merge. You can see the trend how this once beloved company went into subtier trash filled with friends of a friend internfaggots. Its not enough they have to sabotage themselves. Just look at every game of theirs. Its fucking dumpsterfire.

Why aren't WoW threads banned on Yea Forums? It's not a video game anymore.

This is the real answer

>artifacts and their abilities/passives removed
>90% not even worked back into their specs
>nothing to replace them
Honestly, what the fuck were they thinking? They legitimately gutted every spec

At this point i just hope this company dies because the insane amount of support and hope WoW got from the commjnity yet the game has been trash since MOP.

>what happened
WoW. Excess and indulgence leads to incompetence.

I was watching the recap of the 8.2 patch. Nothing but mounts, pets and transmog for idiots to collect.
Retail is done. Only the soccer moms and ultra casuals will continue playing. The rest of the playerbase will move to Classic.

>The art is nice, troll city and Drustvar in particular
>It took them 14 years but questing gear actually looks good now
That's about it

Ion said something that its for the long term health of the game. Yikes.

good luck with that.

basedfaggots and incels will keep shoving money up blizzard's ass for as long as they keep adding more reputation grinds, patch-only gear, and recolored mounts, all wrapped with a colorful "new expansion" label in it.

All of those are shit

I hope you guys bought the new pig mount from the shop.

It's just retards bitching and crying as usual.

furryfaggot piece of shit

They managed to make everything worse than Legion. I dont know what kind of people work at blizzard but they dont know shit about game development thats for sure. These people are full of so;y and they dont work on anything. The company is fucking rich yet they spend their money on retarded overwatch league etc nobody fucking cares about. Cancer.

Just give WoW to Yoshida.

Sold my account for 800 bucks. Now waiting for Classic to start fresh.

didn’t they put higher in the storm wind stockades



>Instead of making interesting content, let's just make a social media buzz campaign to get sales
>Let's introduce zero new exciting features
>Let's introduce trashy features that everyone hates
>Let's not change the classes at all

I got a legendary from blingtron

mop was peak wow in gameplay, and classes/specs still felt different.
it was the expansion where my unholy dk had the most complex/engaging rotation(still quite easy) and abilities to use. also frost gameplay was/felt different(only 3 buttons though)
nowadays a destro lock and a fire mage only differences are graphics.

>tfw you will never get to play with glyph of dark apotheosis ever again
how have we fallen so far

>battle for azeroth
>not actually fighting on azeroth but these literal who islands
like if you play the game your followers are sent on missions back on the main land and it sounds fucking awesome. Shit like the undead trying to build a new city in the alterac mountains and having to handle supplies while the alliance raid them and assault the city under construction
but lolololol nvm enjoy these FUCKING ISLANDS

Come home white man.

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There's playing it smart like capturing Darn and using it to get resources and then there's torching the place and killing countless innocent civilians while also losing your leverage just because some random NE hurt your feelings

Sylvannas is shit but you know they are going to pull some sort of stupid Kerrigan shit with her and make her a surprise hero or some shit

So next expansion will be the last one right? black empire and old gods/voidlords

>World of Warcraft
>Whole appeal was that is was supposed to feel like a single, organic, shared world
>No loading screens unless absolutely necessary for technical reasons, entire world shared by all players at all times to give a sense of community except for dungeons and battlegrounds, but those required teamwork and community coordination anyway
>No named NPCs in more than one place at a time because that wouldn't make any sense

no. the incels who play this game will keep giving blizzard their parent's money for the rest of their lives. there's no end to how bad this game can be.

If it wasn't free to play I'd probably stop

Somebody at the top is making them develop the game as accessible as possible so grannies can play. That's it.

you got all this from a minute something cgi trailer huh

how the fuck do you from this badass demon
to this boring ass shit
>shadowbolt; shadowbolt; shadowbolt; hand of guldan; shadowbolt; shadowbolt; shadowbolt; call dreadstalkers; demonbolt; shadowbolt; hand of guldan shadowbolt; shadowbolt; shadowbolt; hand of guldan; shadowbolt

this, if they are still playing wow they are never going to stop. It's a flat out addiction

they made a new class that centered around the demon transformation (demon hunters)
also the top video the rotation is even simpler than the bottom one LOL

I like that aesthetic of summoning a horde of minions but yeah outside of that it looks insanely boring. They should have kept the demon form too.

As to why, the fanbase likes it watered down for the most part. Even simple games like XIV they see as impossible to understand. Actually adding any sort of complexity to the game would obliterate the fanbase

I mean for fucks sake, they still use that addon that warns them what mechanics are happening and what to do. They are literally told what to do in the game. Add onto the simplistic class design and it's boring

that's not an addiction, it's an obsession.

these people are mentally ill, they are not normal. i mean look at this thread?

>how the fuck do you from this badass demon to this boring ass shit
the same way you create pic related

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It is morally reprehensible to still be playing WoW, let alone buying/playing ANY actiblizzard product in 2019.

its easier to reskin an existing animation skeleton than it is to hire a competent animator to finish the arakkoa's animation set i suppose

also the races they gave us were insanely simple to make and were still late. Like half a year late

Warfronts are pve instead of pvp

it's fucking RETARDED. This should've been some like vanilla AV tier shit instead of this saturday morning cartoon where no conflict will be resolved until patch 8.3 or 8.4.

I like the heroic version of the new raid. If you plan to do progression in this game then it's worth subbing for a month or two.

They didn't know how to solve problems like Loatheb or Heigan that could be 3 manned for eternity so they just added a soft enrage to every fight to wipe you for having more than one dead dps

what is the point of progression if the game resets your entire progress every time a developer opens a bottle of s-o-y?

the fact that mods exist to warn players of boss mechanics means the whole thing is a trivial joke


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>Abuse of timegating
>All classes feel the same
>Balance is out of the window
>Retarded plot
>"This expansion is about the WAR" Blizzard says as they announce Nazjatar and muh old gods

I mean progressing to beat hard encounters up to mythic. Not gear or prestige from having it.

>they made a new class that centered around the demon transformation (demon hunters)
yea, the class fantasy shit that keeps ruining the game.
>also the top video the rotation is even simpler than the bottom one LOL
that is the inital burst only, after that you only spam 2 buttons for 3 minutes and repeat. In mop you had to manage way more stuff all the time.

>we're focusing on making the classes all feel different

>we're focusing on making the classes all feal similar

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Guys i played Vanilla on a private server and i didn't have fun. What do? Am i now a doomed boomer?

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who the fuck gives a shit about following an addon that tells you what to do while you keep pressing the same 5 keys for 10 minutes straight, walking back and forth in a circle, until the loot pinata breaks so you can do it all over again but against a scripted dummy with 10% more health and who does 10% more damage?

you're being played, you fucking moron.

I'd so much rather bring back the "class fantasy" meme than deal with BFA's shit.

Pandering to normies and adding a selfie mode

Faction wars should of been destoryed long ago. Merge everyone to let them play together, focus on better story bigbads and let the pvpers queue together so they can pvp. Really fucking simple stuff.

one of the biggest reasons I left

Unironically Heroes of the Storm is their least terrible game outside of the ones made before 2004.

What do they need to do to fix it up?
Seen many complaints but not many suggestions.

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makes classes how they were in MoP
bring back gear vendors
remove titanforging and other RNG / timegating stuff that nobody likes

Almost everything. Quit giving Blizzard money, let them sink.

I have a dream. That one day every person in this WoW will control their own destiny. A game of the truly free, dammit. A game of dungeons, not transmog contests! Ruled by neckbeards, not ERPers! Where the player changes to suit the game, not the other way around. Where skill and gear are back where they belong: in the hands of the people! Where every man is free to think - to grind - for himself! Fuck all these limp-dick developers and chickenshit community managers. Fuck this 24-hour in-game spew of transmog and mount bullshit! Fuck LFR and LFG! Fuck cross-realm and titanforging! FUCK ALL OF IT! WoW is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it - we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes, a new WoW will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged and the strongest will thrive - free to play as they see fit, they'll make WoW great again! In my new WoW, people will die and kill for what they BELIEVE! Not for pets, not for mounts! Not for achievements. Every player will be free to fight his own wars!

We’re going home.

pretty much this for pvp players.

burn it down and let something better come along.

holy shit the anatomy in this image is pissing me OFF

The game has been fucked since BC

considering it's world of warcraft fan art I'm not too surprised they know jack shit about female anatomy

Vanlla = TBC > The first half of Wrath > power gap > The second half of Wrath > MoP > Legion > actual shit > cata > WoD > BfA (currently)

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