GTA IV is better than GTA V
GTA IV is better than GTA V
4 had so much more technology.
I loved being able to go into the dildo store, grab a dildo and throw it at done random online or stabbing all the people in the strip club.
gta iv is kino.
only zoomers play gta v
well yeah, that was never an argument in any regard except soundtrack
gta SA just shits on them both
>arguing over which piece of shit is better
i bet youre going to continue going into shit topics all day on Yea Forums
V only had a better soundtrack after it got ported to PC and next gen, launch soundtrack was trash
except for the west coast hip hop classics station, somehow that managed to be on par, even slightly better imo, than Radio Los Santos
If they just carried over all the TECHNOLOGY aspects into V it would have been a perfect game.
V's driving is just too aracdy, a big map just to look pretty and nothing to do. It had immense effort put into it but it unironically lacked soul.
t. zoomer
Both are fucking trash anyway.
I could never continue playing GTA IV past the first couple of missions. It didn't interest me all that much. GTA V made me wanna play it constantly.
Shame IV runs like shit today.
well i mean, gta V is a console game
GTAIV's driving was trash, and a perfect medium between IV and V's controls would be preferred. I hate steering boats with wheels. It's like most vehicles had fucking waterbed suspension when going around a curve at 15mph.
Pic related is the best GTA. Story is engaging and fun. The main characters had fantastic chemistry, and the protagonist ended the fucking problem the other two pussies had.
Is there a fix for the save games getting corrupted yet?
won't change the fact V is way way way more successful and relevant
git gud
You're brushing aside the apparent issue. Someone post the SUV that's slowly going around corners, or make a new webm of a car just turning left an right.
IV runs like shit on PC though. Even a pretty modern PC struggles with it.
But was Saints Row 3 better or worse than GTA IV?
On one hand, character customization. On the other, missions.
gta5 is babbies first driving physics
gta4 is car chase kino
Runs fine on my machine.
Actually ran fine on my previous machine, too.
Are you sure you weren't doing something weird?
>try to take a corner at any speed whatsoever
>slide across 15 lanes of traffic and hit a tree on the other side of the map
Yeah awesome car chases in that game
There's nowhere to drive, though. The city's fucking boring.
Now, San Andreas, there was a good GTA...
I agree. The driving took skill, the world felt more real, and there was a better balance of making fun of American culture on the radio with what you experience while interacting in the world. V was just over the top nonsense and completely forgettable.
That dumb user doesn't want to post any webms of a car going around a corner. Some of the usual responses falls along the lines of "WELL YOU DRIVE TOO FAST". Didn't know the wheels were made of fucking butter.
>i cant drive this game is too hard therefore its bad
stop taking estrogen and you'll find it easier
Oh yeah the classic masculine car chase technique of "come to a complete stop before making a left-hand turn"
>he doesnt understand racing lines
GTA IV exhibits unpredictable stuttering issues, which don't seem to be a hardware issue. If it ran well for you, then great, for someone else on the same spec it might have had performance issues.
Are you telling me you don't burn rubber every time you go around a cul-de-sac?
I've played games like that. It's horrible.
Especially when you try to look up solutions and all the answers are just "lmao just get an ssd bro".
niggas dont know how to use google
Gotta love that balloon suspension.
God IV's driving makes me fucking sick.
lol so much this, driving in gta iv was shit let's be real
This BTFOs the shitty GTAIV poster. As I said, TBOGT is my favorite one in the series. The driving is inexcusable.
GTAV online was more fun
Out of everything in this thread this is arguably the only thing you could've said that is objectively wrong.
>GTAV online
This is what brings me back to my PS3 to play it. PC runs it so inconsistently that it's frustrating to play. I'm glad R* sorted their PC shit out with MP3 onwards.
ITT: zoomers who are too young to have watched any car chase films
favorite GTA streamer? I love Hugo_One and Joshimuzz
I'm 24 user. The driving is bad.
I dont get the issue. IV is better , just look at that sweet suspension. V feels like a cardboard box.
Isn't he the one that speedruns SA?
I love his glitch tutorials, and I wish I knew that much when I was younger.
GTA isn't a simulator, and the driving is more so exaggerated upon than realistic. You're navigating through tight and winding streets of New York City, and there are only a few roads that are straight enough to 'simulate' enough fast driving.
everytime I tried to do a backflip in GTAIV I would get completely upside down and then my character would spin 180 degrees, there would be no way to recover and I'd end up landing on my skull. would always piss me off.
>Is anything real anymore? This world is just a simulation of an idea someone else had. It wasn’t a good idea. We have developed tools, language, culture, electronic machines, just so you can forget The Journey. Really, try not to be so amazed. Try to focus. It’s about more than barbecue, I assure you. It’s about the great question science can never answer: Why? It’s time to travel to the epicenter of the void. This is where time and space meet… and probably realize they are the same thing.
Who The Journey here?
Only one I played was III and I didn't really like it that much. Do they get better after that one? Should I do Vice City or jump ahead further?
this right ehre. both gtas are trash but 4's driving is exceptionally awful.
>realism = fun
kill yourself
GTA IV was missing too many of the side activites I actually enjoyed
I spent so much of my time on prior gtas just parachuting out of planes for isntance and that's gone in iv because of the city setting
Online kinda overtook it but I like GTA V for having a big ass map to piss around in
Wow you're right, time to add rocket motorcycles and orbital cannons
And jetpacks?
Play san andreas and kill yourself, faggot.
>love the slav station in IV
>they basically remodel it into a shitty electronic/techno/whatever the fuck you call it station with the DLCs
It's not fucking fair.
>GTA V for having a big ass map to piss around in
nothing to do in
It ran better on my €700 PC I bought in 2007 than it did on consoles, so I guess that was something.
Reminder that retards like are the same people who bitch about IV's suspension not being realistic enough and comparing it to V
sounds like you need to stop taking estrogen
>Posts webm of a car fucking skidding at 20mph in order to defend its good driving
>Acts like a retard
Checks out
>pull handbrake and steer full lock
>car skids
NYC is 10000x more interesting as a setting than LA, and I hate NYC IRL. LA is a very generic looking city, NYC has boroughs and areas with unique archetecture and history. LA has south central, Downtown, and rich people areas.
Another thing I hate about GTAV's map is that everything is easy to get to, all the routes are direct. GTASA's map is about 1/4 the size but feels just as big because all the routes are cleverly designed to make it tedious to travel by road, for example you cant take the freeway west past a certain point, you have to go around or use the normal roads below. San Andreas feels much larger than it really is.
>He's never driven a car in his life.
>just look at that sweet suspension.
Cars don't til 70 degrees when you make a slight turn at 20 MPH retard.
>he cant separate reality from fiction
>He thinks that a fictional car should handle like shit and slide all over the place like it has wheels drenched in oil.
I played GTAIV more than any other game and I can't pretend like the steering wasn't like a fucking boat where you had to tokyo drift around every corner just to casually go somewhere.
Cars do not skid like that at that speed, even if they're specifically outfitted to drift. That's not how physics work. You pull the hand break at 20 mph and you literally slide 2 feet then stop.
Niko being a Russian was at least a refreshing change from the usual American characters in the GTA series.
Grand Theft Auto: IV was too ambitious and came off as a tech demo. If they expanded on it in Grand Theft Auto: 5, it would've been an outstanding game. Instead they diluted the gameplay to the point it became casual-friendly (although Online proves that's what they wanted).
If my car skidded at 20mph by pulling the handbrake, I'd take that shit to the dealer and ask him what cheap bizarro world Chinese tires he fucking sold me.
>he doesn't think that sliding cars around tight streets is fun
Stop taking estrogen
>He keeps say estrogen
>Even though real men know how cars handle
setting your tesla to autopilot your fat ass down the street doesnt make you colin mcrae nigger the furthest offroad you've ever been is the fucking mcdonalds drive thru
You're right GTAIV does handle so poorly it's comparable to offroading in slick mud. Hit the nail right on the head there.
I really don't know what point this is trying to prove. The one on the left didn't have a single PIT maneuver performed on the car correctly, which is why it maintained traction. The one on the right got hit with like 5 PIT maneuvers in a row. Of course it would be flung all over the place. Ramming a car from the back is not remotely the same thing.
>"The PIT maneuver, or Pursuit Intervention Technique, is a pursuit tactic by which a pursuing car can force a fleeing car to turn sideways abruptly, causing the driver to lose control and stop."
>nigger the furthest offroad you've ever been is the fucking mcdonalds drive thru
This is a weak insult. You're implying that he rarely goes to mcdonalds, thus implying he isn't a fatass. You're actually complimenting him you moron.
I know.
git gud is all i have to say
seething vtards cant handle pre-V gta
That's because you were holding in the gas pedal, you have to /let go/
So what should I be looking for exactly here? I actually hated driving sports cars in both games, beat up shit boxes in 4 were so much more fun for some reason. Unfortunately in 5 all the cars handle like sports cars.
IV is literal zoomers first GTA, It's an ok game but it's not the best by any means, Dan houser was the one to coin the term "Steering like boats" about driving in IV.
It's funny how desperate they try to prove the game is good
>git gud
I'd rather just not play shit GTA games.
Better avoid 5 then.
SA unironically has a better driving than IV over the driving skill alone
still both bad games
>SA unironically has a better driving than IV
The delusions of SAbabbies
You know nothing.
>still both bad games
I only see one bad game and it's GTA V.
>IV fag talking about delusion
If IV's driving was so good why did they go back to the old arcade style in V?
>start GTA IV Race
>90% of racers pile up on 1st corner and quit
IV's driving was too hard for the children. Now it plays like shit.
To further my point, Even the fucking in game NPC's can't handle high speed, Never mind players.
not even close
I've played every gta up till this point even the game boy and top down pc ones, I know at least more than you fags, 4 and 5 are have the worst gameplay, fuck even rockstars other games like max payne 3 and red dead have better shooting physics both for gun feel and AI
although 4 is a little less retarded in the ai department
how many times is this guy going to make this thread? It's always the same webms and the same topic
Because V is the game targeted towards selling shark cards to children.
37. This is number 12.
>tfw GTA4 was so bad, it allowed SR to become the industry favorite until GTAV arrived
4fags are the reason why we got walking simulator trash like LA Noire and RDRedemption 1 and 2.
Mainly because weak fags like you complaigned
I miss SR1, it was the perfect amount of absurd for me. Im still fucking mad they gutted multiplayer in later games. I miss being in a gang, playing Protect Tha Pimp and Blinged Out Ride
V's driving mimics the 3D era, You can even flip your car like the old ones, All that aside, IV & V both suck ass
webmfag here, i dont make these threads.
>You can even flip your car like the old ones
lol dumb zoomer, that was never in the old games. they added that specifically for V because their physics are so fucked your car flips for no reason
Now i know you're just a teenager who never played the old ones, You can flip cars that have toppled by rocking side to side, You have shit taste.
based retard
I love how everyone's bitching about the driving and not a single person even acknowledged what OP's webm is supposed to show. V has the shittiest ai in the entire series when it comes to the cops.
Pure nostalgia and one of the best radio stations they've ever done
Such a unique and iconic sound I could cruise around Liberty City in the fog listening to it all night
>You can flip cars that have toppled by rocking side to side
No you couldn't, dumbass
>V has the shittiest ai
Why does everyone complain that the cops are too difficult in GTAV then?
because they spawn in front of you
Yes you could, Fool. It was not intended like in V, But you could still do it, Hell you can drive on two wheels in a van by doing the same thing, You lads are really showing your age.
>4 and 5 are have the worst gameplay
Only 5, 4 is the gameplay peak of the series.
Because that's artificial difficulty in the way of giving them a boost in accuracy to cover for actually shitty ai.
Cops can headshot you with a pistol from a chopper through your sun-roof while your going 130 mph down the highway. If it wasn't for laser-accuracy the cops would be useless.
You mean just like every other GTA?
I played GTA IV once and didn't like it as much as San Andreas which is still my favourite, but GTA V is more fun than IV
>ITT: consolefags like OP who haven't played the V modded aka fixed
That isn't the same thing as what the other guy was talking about, that was actually physics based and really hard to do. In V it's an actual feature added for retards like you.
>cops pit maneuvering in the middle of a busy road, one of them even crashes into a pedestrian 5 seconds in already
yeah nah, that shit would never happen irl
4 is dogshit
only zoomers play either game, regular zoomers play gta v and contrarian zoomers play gta iv because crowbcat told them to
boomers play the PS2 games
>IV is bad because it tries too hard to be realistic!
>IV is bad because it's not realistic!
Based flip-flopping zoomer
who are you quoting?
>boomers play the PS2 games
Yesterday's zoomers, literally every little shit with a PS2 owned SA.
IV was straight up more fun to play and mess around in. I put dozens of hours in without touching the story.
V really has nothing besides the story.
Eat my ass, buddy.
I modded the shit out of it and it makes it a bit better, but there are some things you can't fix like the horrible ai.
U are an imbicile
Except it’s aged like milk
you aren't helping your case by posting gta4 webms you zoomer
>in every webm posted you only see narrow streets in the city because that's what the entire gta4 map is, a boring city
>obvious 4babby is obvious
No shit, kiddo. The first GTA you play is the one you mess around with and have fun with. The rest are played just for the story.
Yes you can.
It's turned into an edible product like cheese instead of the casein-riddled fresh milk.
I've been watching a lot of GTA5 RP on nopixel these past weeks and it has opened my eyes to just how shitty gta4 was
all this crazy, entertaining and fun shit would never be possible in 4
GTAIV driving was good in the sense that it made the player practice the mechanics through the story even though the actual physics were really unrealistic. Still better than the Sleeping Dogs tier physics from GTAV ofc. Mafia II was much better though, it was neither too floaty nor it was too easy to master, I don't have any idea why people hate it.
>punching 20+ plus taxies and watching the legion of angry taxi drivers calling me a stupid malaka rush to cave my head in
Gay as fuck zoomer
You 2 are fucking retarded, you could not flip cars back over once they were fully flipped. Except for a couple that had roll cages or rounded tops.
There were mods made back in the day and console commands in SAMP to flip cars back strictly so people didn't always lose their custom vehicles if they flipped.
I'm probably twice as old as you. Zoomers hate GTA RP since the rules are strictly enforced.
No RDM, no crazy OTT shit. Your actions have consequences, it's perfect.
>Really hard to do
If you are a brainlet, Sure. Face it, IV's driving sucked, It's why we have the old arcade style back, No one liked it. In IV, Why is it "impressive" that you can drive down a straight road without hitting a car? Because the driving is so bloated and shit it takes an Autist to master it.
For one, I thought we were talking about flipping cars in the older GTAs?
I never said a single thing about IV's driving but it sounds like you just don't like it because you're bad at it.
>Zoomers hate GTA RP since the rules are strictly enforced.
Zoomers literally adore this, who are you trying to fool? Any idiot who's been on a GMod RP server knows you're full of shit, zoomers whine and cry about "muh rules" and "muh RDM" constantly while you grief the server
>Donald Love
>Lance Vance
>Ken Rosenberg
>The Truth
>Big Smoke
>Mad Dogg
>Phil Collins
Why did the PS2 games have so much better characters than 4 and 5?
>It's why we have the old arcade style back
Even the 3d era GTA games had less arcadey driving than V
I watched this video of tourists driving on a race track in Germany and crashing their cars in the process. It made me think of all the idiots on Yea Forums saying that GTA IV driving is unrealistic. Watching this video it shows that cars in real life act even more sensitive at high speed.
I dont see any of those cars handling like they have waterbed suspension from GTA IV
>zoomers whine and cry about "muh rules" and "muh RDM" constantly while you grief the server
That's the point you fucking retard. The server is 32 players max and whitelist only.
You have to work your ass off for a good car. Getting a better weapon than a uzi is literally impossible. If you give a cop a reason to search you and you have a gun on you it's off to jail.
Cars handle way more realistically and aren't built like tanks.
You need a good reason to kill someone.
wtf? these physics are trash how the fuck are you supposed to take corners?
yet no planes so it loses automatically
lighting seems better, is it edited?
that video isn't anything like GTA4 at all
it has grass and trees in it
>I thought we were talking about flipping cars in the older GTAs?
Yes, It can be done, Worked most of the time. Very easy in an ambulance and other large vehicles, My point was V mimics this, Not an exact copy.
I asked a genuine question " If IV's driving was so good, Why did they go back to the old arcade style in V?" and got meme tier responses like "Bcuz sharkards" You lads cant even come up with a rational answer, I guess millions of people are wrong and you must be right? Delusional.
It being too hard for the average normies is the correct response.
yes its pc version with console versions lighting
>If IV's driving was so good, Why did they go back to the old arcade style in V?
I wasn't the guy you asked that, so idk why you're getting upset at me over someone else's response. Even though they did have a valid point, just like this guy Use your brain, it was too hard for retards like you and a ton others who threw a fit so bad Rockstar had to change it to be even easier than the 3d era games.
This thread is very evidence of that, just a bunch of losers whining about how it was "too hard"
People claiming that IV's driving is difficult are probably the same faggots asking for easy mode in Sekiro
i hate how the camera isnt centered in 4
You were complaining about tricks with the physics in the 3D era being "really hard to do" like 20 mins ago pleb, If that's hard for you then shitty old V must be hard for you too, So in theory, You are a gigantic faggot, I'm done.
>So in theory, You are a gigantic faggot, I'm done.
Lel You're Such A Seething Zoomer
God I wish that were me
Zoomey needs a diaper change
The truth is that both GTA IV's and GTA V's driving sucks. GTA IV's is too floaty and cars simply roll over just by going slightly sideways while GTA V's feels like you are playing Top Gear 3000 back in the SNES.
Everything else about GTA IV. From the basics of interacting with the world, to the way peds interact with you and each other, to the physics system, to the car deformation, the shooting, the cops who can't headshot you from inside their cars while rolling down a mountain, the much more dense map, the better story, etc.
GTA V was a huge step down, it was so bad most people aren't even looking forward to GTA VI.
4 had awful gunplay everything was sluggish as fuck cover shooting was around for years and somehow rockstar found a way to fuck it up
4 also had awful sluggish movement that prioritized physics over actually being able to play the game, gta 4 is an amazing tech demo, but it's fucking unplayable as an actual fucknig game
>4 had awful gunplay
It's the best gunplay in the series you nit. What, do you honestly expect VC or SA's shooting holds up? That shit awful, especially in SA considering how terrible the guns looked and sounded along with the slow as hell manual aim.
>Here's your HD SanAndreas bro
are you on glue? Yea Forums isn't "most people". Gta5 is the best selling game of all time. Most people are looking forward to 6. the only people who aren't are the literal autists here
>playing missions in 4
> got so used to nico tripping over literally anything that any time there was even a slight incline i would jump
>spent the rest of the game jumping over shit until i beat it for its lame ass ending
> interacting with the world, to the way peds interact with you and each other
way more fleshed out in 5
>the shooting
better in 5, also more weapons
> the cops who can't headshot you from inside their cars while rolling down a mountain
4 doesn't have mountains you're right
> the much more dense map
this isn't a good thing, you can't even reach max speed in cars before the map ends
it's the worst map in the series
> the better story
this is just so wrong, I don't even know where to start
This board is full of 17-20yo zoomers whose first GTA was IV, that's why it's the only place on the internet that likes the game.
Not that guy but if you're gonna respond bullet by bullet you have to actually explain yourself instead of just saying "itz better!" Dumbass
>not that guy
There's a cancerous place known as GTA Forums, Place is a leftist shit hole older than Yea Forums with a hard on for IV, Think there might be a few refugees.
I will never understand how people defending V call others "zoomers" in the same post
Yes? I am indeed not the guy you were replying to
Saying GTA4 is worse than 5 doesn't mean you're defending 5.
V is literally the most zoomer game of all time though
Why is GTA V so anti-fun? I just wanted to have some cops n' robbers action but it's made for you to get fucked.
You literally can't enjoy a simple police chase.
>multiple police helicopters spawning literally faster than you can take them out, all of them with sniper accuracy shooting at you non stop
>police cars constantly bump at you literally exactly like in Driver for the PSX
>they also constantly shoot at you, headshotting you through your car windows at high speed
>you can't even be the cop since they removed vigilante missions
>Place is a leftist shit hole older than Yea Forums with a hard on for IV
Or people here actually like IV. Either way, you're a massive faggot.
In a thread dedicated to comparing the 2 games, that's exactly what it means
They are both shit. Last good GTA was vice city
It will be late gen z or early gen alpha, IV is core zoomer, First console was most likely an xbox 360
>Last good GTA was vice city
Who the fuck but delusional VCfags think that? It's not even the best game set in VC or the second best GTA in the 3D era.
> I just wanted to have some cops n' robbers action
join literally any decent RP server
the best one right now would be nopixel but I think it's very hard to get whitelisted
GTA went down hill after 2.
>v had nothing besides the story
lmao story was trash as well
it would be the best GTA game of all time if you could swim. water deaths are the only major flaw of Vice City.
You are talking to deaf ears with these zoomers, 4 and 5 is all they know.
>water deaths are the only major flaw of Vice City.
It's not just the water, it's the map too. The game was made in a year and it really shows.
chiliad too small
>critic of VC means you're a zoomer
It's the only GTA game with decent vehicle controls (on PC using KB/mouse). Every other game is a mess to control as soon as you step into any fucking vehicle. Even the dreaded fucking VC helicopters are easy to control after a moment of getting used to them (and using keyboard controls).
GTASA shooting was on pc is totally fine for its day, I literally booted it up today because of this thread, and even IF 4 "has the best shooting" it's still awful, 3d gtas never really had good shooting 4 included, when putting 7 rounds into a cop won't kill them, most of the guns are just awful to use and feel like toys, you reload slower than it takes an old woman to shit, the cover system only works when it wants too and even then is still sluggish (5 does this too but they're both awful so who cares) and the sound design is just as bad for 4 as it is for every other game so that's not really a point, aside from that everything else about 4 also still sucks, most of the missions you play a fucking slav taxi driving simulator. I'm not a nitwit you're just a faggot that wants to nostalgia over another overrated game, that's the issue here, GTA SA is old as fuck, it should not hold up at all next to 4 or 5, that's the root of the problem, the new games have such dated fucking gameplay, even SA had mostly working stealth, the new games can't even decide how cars should fucking handle.
The GTA 3 era games shit all over your shitty edgy slav simulator lmao
That's a large generalization with no basis.
At least there is proof that V is zoomer shit, all it takes is 5 seconds in an online match to realize it. Not to mention the missions are hand-holding cinematic garbage that are impossible to fail.
>loved V when it came out
>just replayed SA and decided to play through V again
>can't enjoy it anymore
Yup, Second best GTA next to SA.
>the sound design is just as bad for 4 as it is for every other game so that's not really a point, aside from that everything else about 4 also still sucks, most of the missions you play a fucking slav taxi driving simulator.
Wow, that really convinced me. Nah, points till stands, faggot.
>Yup, Second best GTA next to SA.
Sorry VCuck, but the awkward in-betweener is shit in comparison to SA and VCS. Get better taste.
SA is king, No doubt. But VCS would be better than VC if it got a PC port, Or an anniversary "Remaster" like LCS, So we can emulate it properly
cuz the game was made to sell shark cards to annoying 14 year olds, they already have massive brand power, why put effort into it when you'll make the money anyway?
this is a widely agreed upon reason for why the game sucks, not my fault you're too retarded to play other games so you know what the fuck fun is, even saints rows sound design for guns is better and that's basically one of those comedy central "cartoons for adults" but if it were a videogame, gta games are bad and getting worse being delusional to reality isn't the best way to refute a point.
fuckhuge map is a big meme, should have just used all the tricks SA used
>this is a widely agreed upon reason for why the game sucks
By fucking who? Zoomers like you?
holy shit I played gta3 when I came out try again kid
>IV fags
Reminder, This is who you are speaking to, The timeline matches up.
He was Serbian, not Russian.
But it looks like shit so it doesn't matter boomer
Still no argument, but expected that from zoomercucks.
>people play videogames when they're kids
There's nothing to argue about, IV is shit and a literal zoomer game with no soul, It came out in 2008 sure
>give real reasons
>get blasted like a fag
i think we know who the real zoomer is here
>game with no soul
>last GTA Rockstar put any effort in
>even gave it two dlcs to build on the world
>no soul
What did the zoomer mean by this?
Anybody have the edited version where they're holding boxes the 20lbs of ass sex toy?
>>give real reasons
Bitching is not a real reason, zoomer. This, , this is bitching,
>So barren it required 2 DLC's
>Grey ugly mess
>Shit driving
>Shit level design
>Shit writing
Shit game, Seethe
>But where's the ultimate high definition blueray cheese graphics? Man this game sucks I'm going back to Fortnite!
>>Shit driving
>>Shit level design
>>Shit writing
We're not talking about V, zoomer.
fucking zoomers
>zoomering back and forth with no real conversation
this site needs to be shutdown so you niggers have to talk like real humans
Yeah were talking about IV and what a mess it was, Almost as bad as V, And that's low. Why do you like the inferior GTA user, is it because it's your first? Babbys first GTA?
I bet you don't even have a driver's license.
midnight club 3 is the best rockstar game
>Babbys first GTA?
San Andreas
GTA 4 is automatically better than GTA 5 by virtue of it actually being a complete game. GTA 5 has locked half of it's content behind online only paywalls in the ultimate form of jewry.
gta 4 is complete trash and I just completed that game last week
the mission variety is ass