Six more days before this gacha is saved. Discuss.
Dragalia lost thread
>Six more days before wyrmprints are removed from the gacha pool permanently
>Six more days before eldwater for getting dupe is increased
It just sounds too good to be true... how am I supposed to be a payfag now if this game keeps making good stuff so easy to get?
I wish notte was my gf
FEH or Dragalia Lost? Which is the better gacha?
Epic Seven Chad here, good for you Dragalia won this time, enjoy your game.
Dragalia won
>patiently not summoning while waiting for guilty gear event
Feels good
March estimated sales (in JPY)
FGO - 10.890 bil
Puzzle & Dragons - 7.519 bil
Knives Out - 7.317 bil
Monster Strike - 6.937 bil
Granblue Fantasy - 4.367 bil
DBZ Dokkan Battle - 4.229 bil
Pokemon GO - 2.822 bil
Bandori - 2.244 bil
PUBG - 1.237 bil
SinNoAlice - 1.085 bil
Idolmaster Cinderella - 1.067 bil
Shadowverse - 0.809 bil
Princess Connect - 0.762 bil
Tales of Ray - 0.551 bil
FEH - 0.521 bil
Idolmaster Theater day - 0.388 bil
Dragalia Lost - 0.302 bil
>fonz is the freebie
At least the event type is new.
Yeah, Pretty much the one thing I enjoy about Dragalia is that their is no pvp or guild system. It somehow manages to utilize co-op without going into full blown MOBA in a way that is fun. But I have to wonder though, how the heck does this game make any profit at all? If there is nothing to whale for besides limited and with all the free summons the game gives? Won't people have no incentive to pay at all?
They need to separate dudes from girls. Seriously, I see a cute girl, roll for her but I keep getting baras and furries, kinda piss me off.
Got bored of it at the beginning of the event with the wind spear girl. Might try it out again to see what fe
characters get in, has there been any improvements to gameplay since then?
It's a good thing I quit when I did since there's no way to delete adventurers so I would've been stuck with fucking blue Astolfo
I'm surprised GBF didn't pull in bigger numbers, it was hitting record player numbers during the anniversary and WMtSB part 3. Though I guess no one is gonna spend money on a game that's shoveling a billion free things at you.
A sharp contrast to the old days of monkey draining everyone's bank accounts and causing people to fling themselves off bridges before new gambling/mobage laws were introduced.
>I'm surprised GBF didn't pull in bigger numbers
That's only a small fraction of GBF's total sales, that list only takes apps into account and GBF's is the least used way of playing the game by a large margin. Given that the last time they talked about it the app was like 15 or 20% of players, you can expect the real numbers to be stupidly higher than that.
Haven't gacha/mobage laws stayed the same? Brave Exvius is still as cancerous as ever. I thought it was only lootboxes that were changed because of the "EA bad, they killed Battlefront" incident.
They can't really separate the furries because then it'd be way too easy to snag the 4* dragons, but yes they should separate the adventurers
If only this game wasn't such a huge fucking chore. I love the characters and the devs are really into communicating shit and providing apologems for every little thing. It's the grind though - cant fathom playing this like a second job, and I'd need to do that in order to clear all the highest tier stuff.
>But user, just play at your level and take it slow
Seems I can't do that for some reason. When I see something uncompleted, I strive to complete it and it would suck me back into that 2-3 hour daily grind I want to avoid.
You underestimate how old GBF is. During the early days the game was very different, there was no sparking and gacha pull rates were hidden. One guy literally spent his entire life savings pulling for one character
there were laws made over that incident, including requiring pull rates to be displayed somewhere.
>4 billion yen (40 million USD) in one month is a small fraction of their total income
Jesus Christ it's no wonder Cygames is such a big name now, their net worth has to be in the tens of billions.
>fund games they personally want to play (Project Awakening, because Capcom refused to make a sequel to Dragon's Dogma)
>give away thousands of dollars of real money and cars/vacations to fans with no strings attached or purchase required (the grand prize winner was F2P)
>buy Ronaldo just because you can
They're literally too big to buy out now, even for Nintendo who wants to and already has a very small share of the company.
tell me when you get a good crossover
I already did:
They've just shown off the Fonse so far, right?
GBF gets the best fucking crossovers. It's neat because the characters meaningfully interact with the cast too and some amazing shit like this Bahamut theme remix in P5's style.
Granblue Fantasy - 4.367 bil
Shadowverse - 0.809 bil
Princess Connect - 0.762 bil
Idolmaster Cinderella - 1.067 bil (divided with Bamco)
Dragalia Lost - 0.302 bil (divided with Nintendo)
Thats some of their games.
Not really it doesn't really DO that much but sure its not listing other platforms like DMM which is used a lot and also was top ranking there but chinks don't use that though just to put an example. Expert suggest they are still far behind FGO
Well, duh. It's not like they're going to give us the dragon loli & waifu for free.
I was hoping they would because everyone tells me Cygames makes collab units free.
Never played FGO or got into the fate franchise but I do know that many revere it as the king of gacha. What does it do that all the others don't?
Sadly this year they dropped the ball. Code Geass and one Love Live idol announced when before you had a way more.
yes but he's only the welfare, they may put other units in the banner but nobody knows because it's the first crossover
I mean, you are getting a collab unit for free. It's just not the waifu's and dragon loli's.
Yeah but they told me that Cygames never makes their collab units gacha.
Nips love their SI and FGO is the ultimate SI gacha.
I'm gonna laugh if Dragonia gets Anna.
Very little powercreep
Story-focused so no pvp or guilds
No autobattle
VERY shit rates, but the game is pretty easy so even the f2p low stars can finish it
Generous with good free servants from events
It uses characters from history, legends etc so you instantly can put a story to the face.
Since it's one of those friendship events there's still going to be a free dragon right like Pele right?
Dragalia... Won...
We don't know since this is a new event type, not a Raid (which give a free character and a free dragon).
are they unbanning emulators?
People like Fate since its about summoning heroic spirit from our history, and its a giant visual novel. One of their longers chapters its like 10 hours of reading combining all cutscenes
Aside from that the combat is not that bad but farming can be boring and shallow, story battles are cool with unique music and some special mechanics. It threat their characters, most of them very well, with development, lore (taken from history book with some original twists) and special events where for example in valentine everyone want to suck your mc.
actually they lost
>yfw Euden is revealed as the next dlc fighter for smash and BTFOs smashfags for eternity
>freeby is Alfonse
>he is a light sword
>Granblue's Albert already got there before him
WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?! Seriously, only way fonz way he could be different is if he has curse resistance! And considering the fact that Dragalia always give welfare only 50% resistance, he's practically useless! UGH!
Couldn't they add girls instead or the fujo fanbase is that huge in this game?
I still find Lelouch the weirdest character for a crossover. The guy is essentially an anti-hero and doesn't seem to be that can come back from all the BS he pulled in Code Geass.
He's a Dark character. Dark is full of ambiguously moral characters. He's also a fucking saint compared to some of the characters we're getting now, look at the Oracles, especially Lobelia and Nier.
The important bit is that he cannot even fight not even in his robot, what is he going to do? summon robot for attacks, use CC? call Kallen or spinzaku?
Stop being a fag. The chances of pulling Albert are very slim considering his banner is already over. Plus the wyrmprint Heavenly Holiday gives 100% curse res either way, so any unit can have 100% curse res(at thecost of a wyrmprint slot) .Considering the fact that they will be making a wyrmprint shop for all the previous Gacha prints besides limited(which heavenly holiday is not), it's safe to say that Alfonse is placing Albert instead.
It's that huge. Unlike most gachas, This game is not a waifu only simulator.
>Unlike most gachas, This game is not a waifu only simulator.
GBF and FGO has plenty of fujo shit already.
He uses his Geass for skills and shit, to debuff/status enemies and "motivate" his allies. He calls in a Knightmare Frame for his ougi.
So like Lyria he won't have normal attacks?
I don't give a shit about FEH characters, why couldn't they give us Lucina bros....
Finally improving the gacha doesn't fix the combat being boring, the story and world being more shallow than a Neptunia game, the cast being completely unlikeable, and 8-4's godawful localisation.
Dark is the cute girl element as far as I'm concerned.
They even have the best looking versions of many of the cutest girls in other elements, for example Zooey, Jannu and Cog.
>Feh doesn't get anything from the crossover
Why? Pocket Camp has had multiple crossovers, Dragalia already is getting one, and FEH is still sitting there alone.
No one else mentioned that it actually has a good UI which automatically makes it look a million times better than most mobage and especially Granblue with its browser game design.
>how am I supposed to be a payfag now if this game keeps making good stuff so easy to get?
I've genuinely been wondering about this too. What the fuck is the plan to make money with this model.
shes shit
I doubt fonzie there has a kit like Albert's. I'm going to use him simply because my Light team needs a second melee unit, but Albert can wipe through an overdrive bar in seconds. Alf seems more like the kind of unit they'd orient around skill damage.
I love that bampy is relevant again, giving her that dagger pref was a huge deal. She now slots into the best meta dark team.
>not liking a loli and her awesome dog
For some reason they're stingy about letting things into FE, but not as much lending FE characters to other stuff (e.g. Codename Steam, these mobages, etc.).
Pocket Camp has Nintendo collabs because even the console games already had tons of those, it's built into the series. I'm surprised this is DL's first collab though.
I making a Ultima dagger for dark. Eustance, Nier, Vampy, Veigh, Tanya, Ferry, Azasel are all dagger prof and with the right team very good to have.
join the /drag/ discord friends
>red riding hood analogy
>they're heavily implied to be fucking
wulf is cool but reine is shit
Not every girl has to be for (you), Wulf is a cool guy, he should get his own loli.
thanks for confirming to me that the general is still an unsalvageable shithole, you saved me a click
me getting squished
Where's my Earth element, you fucks? I want to comfort Chthonius and tell him everything's going to be okay.
Every single general is full of discord faggotry now. That said, /gbfg/ is spared from it fucking up the actual general much by virtue of everyone having their own crew discord. You get fucking disowned from the serious ones for being an ERPing tranny and the crews that are all about that generally die.
I'll pass regardless. I'm not touching anything with a discord.
Have faith fellow LucinaChad! They still haven't shown the banner yet so there might be a chance(which is still reliant on RNGesus godammit). Lets just hope Camilla fags don't get in over us. There unbearable, I can understand why they hate us in smash considering the "only sword FEs allowed law" but come on... this is gacha... I already have a fuck ton of alts for her in FEH. I don't want her to show up in Dragalia considering there are already two good dark axes...
There are so many not for (me) in GBF that its literally trash, of course not couting men because the fujo audience have the upper hand.
>Conqueror of waterlets
>Alfonse is free and useless
Sounds like they made him accurate to the source material.
Who? I can only think of a handful of girls who have a canon or implied love interest. There are girls like Vira who are hostile to you, but even they can end up danchou sexual (see: Chevira)
She'll be a dragonstone user in FEH for the crossover.
Wyrmprint are being removed from gacha and becoming buyable with eldwater after console babby complained about getting printed
They are also increasing eldwater from dupes for that reason
Does FEH even do crossovers? I thought IS had their head up their ass
It's a really strange situation, I'm glad Dragalia and by extension FEH specifically are getting some love but man. I was really hoping they'd pull something from Dragalia and put it into FEH, or at some point go for the home run swing and do a FEH x Zelda crossover.
Ah well, not that it's important, just weird.
>playable Alfonse
Literally WHO cares
>Does FEH even do crossovers?
Nope. They're really set on making FEH a strictly Fire Emblem-only game. Mind you, they won't get off their lazy asses to actually INCLUDE all the Fire Emblem games, but they're dead-set on not letting anything but Fire Emblem and FEH original characters into the game.
The general IS an unsalvageable shithole, but the Discordfags are basically one or two tranny shitposters, and the links usually get mass reported and deleted fast.
Cygames loves their cross-franchise crossovers while IS loves doing inter-franchise crossovers. It's just how it's always been.
Alex or Europa don't give a shit about you as oppose to Grimnir or Shiva, Socie and Yuel are like kinda flagged as they have cutie valentines but the wind version is full yurishit, Grea and Anne or Silva and Sorn are yurishit, Olivia is completely uninteresed and that only change to slighly interesed which is nothing. Vira they are baiting their fans or the faggs really badly the last Vira, the wind one, is really muh onee-sama braind dmg again but chevira as well her last valentine (4th year one) is like trying to bait danchou.
They are almost like the most interesting characters as shit normies don't count.
If you enjoy cuckolding, feel free to stop by /drag/ on /vg/! We love black men fucking our waifus.
Albert is for killing single target fast while Alf would inevitably be made for multi-targets given the event raid he's in.
Melody N_____f_____
Lets predict the rest of the FEH banner
>water lance Sharena
>wind axe Anna
>dark staff Veronica
>dragon Loki
I'm just so tired of people shitposting in the general. Why couldn't we have a decent general? Its state is just saddening.
Tell me more, does that happen?
After Dragalia started Winning, the general really started Losing.
>>dark staff Veronica
Wand or bust
Did you perhaps reply to the wrong person? We were not explicitly discussing DL specifically.
But Veronica doesn't have that
That's why she needs to be a wand, bro. Then all that's left is a fire loli wand to complete the set.
No, black dude is part of the Dragalia's zodiac characters. Meaning limited and irrelevant to permanent character story such as the maido. He is in the Boar Zodiac Ieyasu's harem and even there he has fierce compition from the females: Botan and Sazanka.
This, you can't really talk about anything there.
I was expecting a fire sword Alp, but we ended up with light instead. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw some unexpected elements, although lance/axe/staff are still expected.
Then again, while Alp is the freebie unit, we're more likely to see the more pimped characters on a banner. People are more likely to pay for Lyn, Ike, and so on than they are for Sharena and Anna.
I agree, but still different roles. Given how heavily balanced DL content is towards boss-killing (since almost all mob-based content before this is autobattle central), I think Albert will still be the more desired unit in higher level content, like Void Battles or the future High Jupiter Trial, but for general purpose Alf will handle it fine, assuming they don't pull an Elias/Melsa/Su Fang on him.
Hopefully nothing, this is my first Cygames thing and I really want to believe the people who tell me they make collab units free or at least only have more "special" versions of the same free characters in the pool.
>Cipher took a while but at least have representation of all FE games including spin offs.
>Nearly 3 years and those retards are dead set in wanking Fates again.
I really want punch the retards in charge of that kusoge in face.
drag cant clear hmc
>He is in the Boar Zodiac
glad i never started drag
Too bad for them I guess, but I'd honestly expect them to be too busy flinging vomit and feces at each other to actually play.
I want to fuck that fairy
This game has too many fujos
He is part of whole zodiac mofit, but Marishiten is the dragon and actual boar.
Zodiac are very good wives at least. I like this gyaru has actually a good heart and is kind.
Post greenteaneko comic
Marishiten is top cute
Didn't they have the dream summon deal a while back? I can see that even with this model, there are still ways to make some cash if there smart enough but if they introduce pvp ,then they lose their soul. Guess it all depends on if they can maintain the quality of their events for the next 12 years.
Fucking embarrasing, you deserve it with that shit thread too.
It really shouldn't be all this hard. You have your seasonal banners where you can jerk of Camilla, and you have your regular banners where you can toss in some less common characters for some representation. They just fucking forget the second part and so we end up with five different Tiki, two seasonals and one a legendary at that.
Roll tables soon or later will get bloated, thats how you make money.
Also I really doubt that removal of prints going bump the banner rate to a decent rate. Current rate is 0.5% my bet is 1.5%
Mym a best and all of Euden's brother are shit. Chapter 8 was actually better than I was expecting. Props to Cygames for making me somewhat like a big titty dragon with human form.
W-whats that dragon looking?
Isnt this the game with the stalker sister?
>what a cute fairy what's she from?
There goes any hope I had
Hit me with games with cute fairies pls
Releases are way too slow and chapters are somewhat short.
But yeah pretty decent, but i think that they going speed up things a little since manga needs go somewhere.
You have got to play this one.
dont be cheeky, I already know the flying fairy aint cute
user, that bait was relevant 7 years ago. The impact is already lost.
They had to make Mym look good in chapter 8 after they made Mym look like a piece of shit cunt in chapter 7.
Alright Alright. Geez can't a guy go fishing and atleast see if something bites? Here's an actually game with an actual cute fairy. Play Star allies or dream collection if you want to see her and don't have an n64.
Firefly Diary is kind of cute.
And kind of terrifying.
>Isnt this the game with the stalker sister?
Not really. You do have a twin sister, but she's working with you and you're working to rescue her during the first part. She gets possessed later on which is what you might be thinking of.
Ok so what is this game all about?
The fe crossover got me kind of interested
Entirely PvE game.
i remember playing dragalia lost the first week and dropped it. Is it good enough to get back into?
You transform into dragons and have to save your sexy sister when an ancient evil awakens
Just your basic Fantasy role playing game. The main character is a prince and hes has to save his priestess sister from the forces of darkness with the help of new friends and dragons.
there is actual gamplay, not turnbased.
co-op is great, no pvp or guild/ranking sytem system
the devs are generous and give out good stuff very often
every character is useful, yes even three stars.
Tons of different events and modes so you don't get bored easily.
Still a gacha
the grindfest is cancer even with weekly/daily bonuses.
Endgame is a nightmare
PVE action game, it have a big focus on coop so expect need some proper teamwork on harder content.
>the grindfest is cancer even with weekly/daily bonuses.
What? Everything besides T3 weapons are piss easy to grind. Only annoying thing is wait wall for halidom.
Endgame isn't that hard though.
Yeah it's pure pattern long as you have proper stats.
Now tell that to pubs.
Takes a while for a new player to get there. I guess if you abuse coop for dragons and IO then you're fine until a facility event happens and you need level 30 buildings
Brunhilda is cute, CUTE!
No. it's just a joke because the black guy is a better unit than he has any right to be.
Euden fucking Zethia should be the goal for him