EDF Iron Rain is set in USA and not Japan because japanese people think in the west we only buy Ubisoft crap

>EDF Iron Rain is set in USA and not Japan because japanese people think in the west we only buy Ubisoft crap
>EDF Iron Rain has less missions and more dudebro guns because they think we are all addicted to FPS trash
What went wrong?

Attached: 37ADDDE900000578-0-image-a-79_1472469698031.jpg (962x668, 161K)

Is your pic related in any way?

btw another great pic I found

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Ace Combat did this too.

I can literally SMELL this photo.

didn't we already do this with insect armageddon?

rule britannia, amirite lads?

Iron Rain is literally and unironically better than 2025 and EDF5. I won’t count 4.1 since that was a remaster with a bit extra content.

Tbh I've been interested in trying it due to its more edgier design but I'm kinda afraid it's going to be another Insect Armageddon.

Last one

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>Men partying good
>Women partying somehow bad, evil, slutty and the downfall of our society

This is what you get for chasing 3D

LMAO fucking plebs

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go use voat if you want to be around people who think male sluts and female sluts are equally garbage

Those women have in their forehead: "We raised putrid and rotten kids"

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Where can you find slags?

So much fetal alcohol syndrome

Those women look like they smell like vomit

Far right one looks hot

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Men being masculine is good, women being masculine is bad, there's no contradiction there. Men and women are different, and they should aspire to different ideals.

Never fails to make me laugh

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>Having fun is a masculine trait
Tell us more.

They remind me of pigeons

Not gonna lie, I adore drunk party girls. Women drinking alcohol is my fetish

Why do women get jealous so easily? At work this week I went to visit a girl I like in another department and I brought her some chocolate. One of her fat co-workers complained to my manager by sending an angry email saying to stop her workers from coming over to the department.

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Protip: the vast majority of women out in the real world aren't radical feminists.

Whoa there buddy, you're in the wrong place for sensible lines of thought.

The top Chinese woman's videos are comfy