Favourite fromsoft bosses

What's your top-5 favourite boss list in the games from Demon's Souls to Sekiro?

For me:
5. Ivory King, Dark Souls 2.
>Love the fact that you and a group of NPCs band together and gang up in a mini battle for phase 1
4. Highlord Wolnir, Dark Souls 3
>Here's a weird but, but it's the spooky atmosphere and a huge, creepy skeleton crawling out of the darkness that makes me really enjoy it
3. Lady Maria of the Astra Clock Tower, Bloodborne
>Just a really fun, balanced boss fight
2. Ludwig the Accursed, Bloodborne
Again, the music in phase 2 really makes this fight great for me, together with it being fun to fight with his erratic movement in phase 1 turning into a controlled, focused knight in phase 2
1. Owl 1, Sekiro
Now, I haven't finished Sekiro yet as I'm stuck on Demon, so my opinion may change but this fight is pure kino for me. You are fighting your equal and it's so much fun

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Fucked up formatting, sorry. I'm super tired and just wanted an excuse to see people's favourite bosses.

You can cause the demon to fall of the edge and die if you stand on a building

I'm slowly learning him, and I'm really enjoying it so I want to kill him fair and square.

slashy souls boss was kino

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Haven't had Sekiro for long so I can't say any bosses from that yet but
1. Ludwig
2. Gael
3. Champion Gundyr
4. Orphan of Kos
5. O&S

In no order
>False King Allant

sword saint
demon of hatred
orphan of kos
champion gundyr
lady maria

1. Demon of Hatred
2. Ornstein and Smough
3. Dragonslayer Armour
4. Laurence
5. Darklurker

Fire cleric in the small room?
Yeah what a great fight

Was that really such a great boss? The only memorable thing was his ridiclous dash. I don't think any AC boss was good or memorable. Maybe Leos Klein from AC2.

By game:

DeS- Maneaters
DaS- 4K
DaS2- Fume Knight
DaS3- Twin Princes
Bloodborne- Ludwig
Sekiro- SS Isshin

1. SS
2. Ludwig
3. Midir
4. Ape
5. Owl Father

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I guess I'll do by game

DeS: Either astraea or allant
DaS: Sif or O+S
DaS2: Alonne
BB: Orphan
DaS3: Either lorian and lothric or demon prince
Sekiro: Too early to make a call but i'm leaning towards sword saint or genichiro

5. Phalanx
For some reason I really liked it. Thought it's probably because it's a climax of the best first area in Sekiroulsborne.
4. Ancient Wyvern
DS3 bosses are samey and boring as fuck so finally fighting something that wasn't just a dude in armor doing some stupid anime combos was actually a pleasant change.
3. Orphan of Kos
2. Owl 1
1. Fume Knight

5. Storm King
4. Ludwig
3. Khalameet
2. Orphan of Kos
1. Rape ape

sekiro ss, owl, demon of haterd, ape, fountainhead dragon cause its just fun.
bb ludwig, cos, maria
ds3 gael, tnk, friede and dancer cause set and hot.
ds2 alonne, ivory
ds artorias, manus, gwyn and priscilla cause she killed millions millions and I haven't harmed her once.
just got ps3 with des, so I don't know who I will like

I'm low iq, I never had top list of anything cause low iq I guess. top is prolly priscilla cause she caused char wipes.

forgot to mention actual favorite, abhorrent in dungeon bb

5. O&S
4. Sister Friede
3. Slave Knight Gael
2. OOK
1. Ludwig

Nothing in Shitkiro comes close. Not even Sword Saint.

5. Ludwig
4. Storm King
3. Manus
2. Isshin The Sword Saint
1. Owl (Father)

Fuck guys, if you would make a top 20 or even 30 boss fights in this decade more than half of them will be made by From Software.
What could compete with memezaki's mind? DMC5 got few very good bosses, what else would you put on that list?

Gael is #1, that's all that matters.

lunastra, vaal hazar without stun memery.

5. Divine Dragon
4. Lady Maria
3. Maiden Astraea
2. Artorias
1. Sif

i didn't fight lunastra, only teostra, but yes, those fights were good too, i think i can put them on this list

lothric n lorian
abyss watchers
champ(chad) gundyr
twin demons

DS3 bosses were by far the best fromsoft ever did

I agree
I'd give an honorable mention for Midir for being the only good monster boss they've made, also sick music

Here are my favorite bosses
5. Pinwheel
4. Deacons of the Deep
3. Prowling Magus and Congregation
2. Folding Screen Monkeys
1. Witches of Hemwick

monkeys were actually fun, and you get rice waifu for spanking them.

for witches they should have used chalice ones.

>Maiden Astraea
>Orphan of Kos
In no particular order.
Still digesting Sekiro though, would probably include Isshin or Guardian Ape

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based, gael is by far my favorite boss in ds3, he is challenging but not in a way that feels unfair, every phase of the fight was enjoyable imo and the setting is perfect.

>lothric n lorian
might be my favorite non dlc boss in ds3 desu

>abyss watchers
abyss watchers was the first boss i really struggled when when i was playing ds3 for the first time so they do have a special place in my heart but overall it's kind of a meh boss imo because of how easily he is to stagger and parry

>champ(chad) gundyr
really easy boss once you learn which attacks to parry, still kind of a fun boss fight i guess because he is very aggressive

>twin demons
i fucking hate this cancer boss, the first phase is only difficult because you are forced to juggle two enemies at once. also the second phase is easy af as long as you aren't too greedy.

overall based list though.

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It's a pretty normie list.
>Knight Artorias
>Slave Knight Gael
>Ornstein and Smough
>Nameless King
>Pontiff Sulyvahn

Thematically and/or storywise
>Divine Dragon

>Owl 2
>Sister Friede

t: PCfag, so no DeS or BB

Ivory king
Old man ishin

1. Sword Saint Isshin
2. Slave Knight Gael
3. Ludwig
4. Artorias
5. Ornstein & Smough

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>bed of chaos
>prowling magus
>mist noble
>King Allant
Imo tbqh

Top 5, in descending order:
>Abyss Watchers, DaSIII
>Allant, DeS
>Rooftop Genichiro, Sekiro
>Sif, DaS
>Champion Gundyr, DaSIII
By games since DeS:
>DeS: Allant
>DaS: Sif or O&S
>DaSII: fuck if I know
>BB: Logarius or Maria, maybe Ludwig for the music
>DaSIII: Abyss Watchers, literally the only good part of Farron Swamp and the fight I look forward to the most
>Sekiro: Rooftop Genichiro, followed shortly by SSI

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>tfw never had a chance to save Gwyndolin and make Irithyl great again
It's not fucking fair

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1. Ludwig (OST and phase transition was stellar, great lore build up, great dialogue)
2. SS Isshin (great build up, and mechanically fantastic)
3. Orphan (mechanically complex, great lore reveal, most grotesque boss intro)
4. Gwyn (a great emotional high point, felt like you climbed the world, best boss OST)
5. Gonna cheat, Maria or Owl 2 (both were balanced and fun bosses)

Honorable mentions: Gehrman, Genichiro, False King Allant, Twin Princes, Great Ape, Maiden Astrae, Gael (in that order)

Fuck, I have too many bosses that I loved.

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