Who is the true alpha?
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Mage < Wizard < Sorcerer
t. demon
Necormancer, obviously.
Dear /tg/, I'm an idiot. What are the differences?
Out of my bitches, official paladin business.
Fuck off, slav subhuman
Wizard is the true alpha
Mages and sorcerers are too tied down to "codes of conduct" and other arcane bullshit. Wizards just run around and throw fireballs at shit they don't like. "The Chad Wizard" vs "The Virgin Spellcaster" if you will
Sorcerers have a Source.
Wizards don't need one. Mage could be either.
If I remember right, Mages are normal people who study Magic. Wizards have some inherent Magic power but study, and Sorcerers just are Magic.
So, Sorcerer.
Wizards, learn magic, sorcerers are born with it and mages don't exist.
Sorcerer because charisma is their casting stat.
For those confused:
>Wizards do wizardry
>Mages do magic
>Sorcerers do sorcery
And please do not confuse them with Spellcasters, those cast spells.
Clerics are more often necromancers than arcane casters.
Wizard is that guy who is a nerd and studied really hard to the point he can break magic down into a formula. Sorcerer is that guy who just naturally "gets it" but normally doesn't try as hard because of it being just second nature to him. Mage depends on the game.
eat a Ⰴ
Paladin whom multiclassed for evasion.
You arcane fools cannot touch me.
You sound confused.
Mages are just anyone using spells.
Sorcerers have inner magical power.
Wizards have external magical power.
If Warlock counts then that means Cleric and Bard also count.
Student of the arcane and explorer
Virgin studying at Mage school for all his life
No sense of right and wrong
It's hardly out of the question though.
Mystics do mysticism
Arcanists do arcana
Conjurer's conjure
Necromancers have boners
>You sound confused.
No I don't, get your head out of the muggle sand
Wizards are the ones who hold themselves to academic rigor.
Sorcerors were born with their power, they do whatever the fuck they want with it and nobody tells them what to do.
Your wive will eat mine
Yiff in hell, treehugger.
Sorcerers are still virgin spell casters though. They are often tied down by personal vendetta or some other arbitrary bullshit. Wizards know how to fucking party mate
Dick ass rogue/thief. As it always has been, and always shall be.
>Your wive
Necromancers are the truest casters to themselves. They don't let ethics and philosophical quandaries hamper or impede progress. Methodical and passionate, they ply their craft for a higher purpose. True immortality without the rot or ostracization of undeath. To never lose those you love and to preserve great minds and paragons of life forever after.
>Tfw 5e Ancients Paladins have an aura to halve any spell damage period
>Multiclassing into Rogue for seven levels and any successful Dex save against spells is no damage, halved on failure
>Shield Mastery feat let's you add shield AC if it targets you alone
DM said to make the best build and hated me the rest of the campaign because our Barb took half damage from everything except force damage which my aura covered, could shit out damage on command, and our wizard and cleric kept shit knocked out of the sky to deal with us or nothing. Good times.
Now listen here you littl-urp
>Student of the arcane and explorer
If you're going by D&D, which you should, then sorcs basically have the magic autism - especially wild magics
>No sense of right and wrong
More like their lifetime of study and dedication to magic has revealed to them truths that only they could hope to understand and the pleb notions of what is right and wrong are forever altered.
Spot on with the mage part though, just a middleground for gimps that want the best of both worlds: Born special but also learned. People should just accept that you have to be gifted and volatile, or be masterful and old.
Sorcerers are objectively the best single class casters as long as their arsenal of spells all consists of top tiers.
>b-but versatility
Magic items and scrolls if you need them. Now excuse me while i'm drowning your ass in time stops.
Cleric/Mage is the true alpha of multiclasses.
when your bloodline is full of pure arcane energy, you're bound to have vendetta and enemies, sweet summer wizard
What is the difference?
sounds like a bunch of words for same kinda person who cant hold a sword or they'll break a nail
Sorcs cast using pure charisma, and usually can also hold their own in a fight. The time they save on studying and memorizing spells can be spent lifting weights and banging wenches.
Sorc is the obvious answer.
Sorcerers are faggots who never earned anything, they dickride their family bloodline.
Wizards earned their power through study, practice and hard work. They will also have a deeper understanding of the world and their power than a Sorcerer ever will.
Mage is just a generic term for spell caster.
Sorcerers start off more alpha as they are natural-born chads but get overtaken by the wizard in old age as his knowledge of magic grows to the point that he doesn't give a fuck and can do whatever he wants.
You're mixing up wizards and sorcerers. Wizards are the ones studying and rigorously practicing magic down to a science. Sorcerers are the naturally gifted Chads that just run around throwing fireballs at shit while having no actual idea how they do it.
I think I'd rather be a sorcerer, it's honestly the best sounding word of them all
>explodes your lich with Turn
Sorcerer of course
>natural mage
>high af charisma, fucking all the bitches, always the boss
>didn't waste his youth in a tower reading a trillion books, knows how to fight
Not even a contest.
I like “warlock”. Sounds BRUTAL.
It we're going by titles
Warlock > Necromancer > Sorcerer > Magician > Wizard > Mage
> D&D shit
>Out of my bitches
>play sorcerer
>wizards laugh at you
It depends what fictional universe you're in.
low INT/CHA basic bitch martial class detected
The really old DQ game i had on NES as a kid says that Wizard was the best one, sorry.
You sound like a brain bypass.
I had a good chuckle, thanks user.
there is no clear difference between either of them, except semantics.
your discussion is retarded.
t. magelet
what can be more alpha that maximizing CHA?
>summon monster
>tensers transformation
>come at me bitch
Fucking how? Bards don't usually use MP.
wouldnt he absorb the summon or something like that
Necromancer or any of its upgrades.
It's not targeting him. He could probably try to disspell it.
They are only laughing until you drown their asses in time stops.
This is the only person in the thread who knows what's up
Eh, between a Wizard, Druid and Cleric, the question of who's boss is moot. They're all god.
It depends on what area the mage has studied extensively in. Sorcerer is more of a jack of all trades and the wizards ned too long to cast anything worthwhile.
Time mages could fuck up everyone's shit without them even having a chance to fight back.
I will never forget the one shot campaign I did in uni where the druid in our group, being played by this otherwise normal looking second year girl who was VERY enthusiastic about wolves, failed a charisma "howl" check on an alpha wolf and almost got humped to death by it.
We'd been tasked with culling wolves for a farmer. She argued we needed to relocate them because her "wolf spirits" would be upset, so we reluctantly spend too much time and too many resources downing and then stabilizing about 15 wolves ready to move them away from town, just for the big-bad-boss alpha wolf to show up.
We argued it needed to die, She convinced us to let her handle it, Beast shapes into a wolf, howls at it and rolls charisma, DM rolls his dice and snickers, and next thing we know we are all in combat with her prone and the wolf mounting her. She was taking it surprisingly well until the rogue, who was first and also had been clearly less-than-pleased with her antics all evening, argued that he couldn't use his turn to help her because he had to use it putting down the wolf he was carrying.
Myself (bard), the rogue, the paladin, and the DM (who clearly knew her from the way she starting having a go at him at this point) all lost our shit, so much so that she eventually started to laugh too. The rest of the campaign was great after that, if not a little bogged down by us pissing about more than we otherwise would have.
i hardly ever get to tell this story, and every time someone mentiones a druid now, regardless of context, I instantly see the that DM's face in my head from the moment when his dice hit the table on that char check. What a LAD he was.
Whoever isn't cosplaying as Gandalf.
Wizard. Big ass beard and blue conical hat with moons and stars required.
Touche, warlock is certainly the coolest, but between mage, wizard and sorcerer I've gotta pick sorcerer
user.. that was rape. You and your nerd buddies all ganged up on her and emotionally raped her character.
Honour among wolves
Weak bitch.
True nigga.
Druidic power sounds fun but I couldnt stand living alone in some shitty swamp like that without technology.
feels like I've read this before
Like Asians, they're all the same.
Whichever has Summoner aspects.
Probably an Enchanter
>Being a Druid means you have to live in a shitty swamp full of insects and other mangy mutts
>Being a Cleric/paladin means you have be a religious nut in order to have half decent powers
>Being a Warlock means a demon is gonna make you gargle mayonnaise after you die
>Being Wizard requires years of tedious study
>Barbarian or Warrior requires a strict regiment of GOMAD and at least FOUR SCOOPS of monster mass with each meal
>Being a Archer means you are a faggy elf and orc cocksleeve
>Being a Lich/Necromancer means you become a walking skeleton with no method of stimulation
What's the winning play again?
>he doesn't wanna leave his humanity behind and join pianoman
It's clearly Sorcerer or Bard. Bang chicks, con morons, cast spells.
>Being a Archer means you are a faggy elf and orc cocksleeve
Well, or that, if you're into it.
>not wanting to be a skeleton
That’s almost the OPPOSITE of Summoner.
A chad professors of magic, both an eternal scholar and an adventurer.
They cultivate their powers through decades of practical and theoretical study and experience.
Usually wields a staff or even a sword, but can be deadly unarmed.
An exemplar of wisdom and power.
Booksmart nerds, probably has to speak incantations and carry a shitload of books, scrolls & potions in order to cast anything.
Most likely incapable of doing jack shit without their tools.
Often physically frail, as their obvious lack of exercise suggests
Autistic "gifted" children,
Truthfully, they are just brainlets that wouldn't last a day without their powers as they rely on their magical 'birthright' too much.
Socially awkward or an overconfident douchebags, either way, these faggots aren't going to make friends easily.
Likely turns in to a villain due to lack of discipline and morals.
>time stop
>mirror image
>summon mr.cutty
exploding corpse mage
>not having a dick
>not being able to feel
>is an undead
no thanks
>Cleric/paladin means you have be a religious nut
Clerics get their powers directly from a god and therefor are at their total mercy. Paladins gets their powers by staying true to their oath, which can be fucking anything. Sure, you can swear your sacred oath in the name of a god, but that god has got nothing to do with your powers other than being your own personal drive to keep to it. It's the reason there can even be oathbroken.
Last time I played a paladin I played oath of vengeance. He came from a group of mercenary "knights" that took jobs and became adventures because part of keeping their oath meant fighting evil things soley to prove to the other mercs how strong they are, rather than "muh lawful good".
based skelebro
In fantasy novels wizards
In vidya whichever one gets to use melee as well as spells, so most of the time so weird cleric thing
In whatever version of d&d I played once sorcerers
warrior with zero magic skills except health / damage buffs because every game is designed around it. RPGs basically suck.
>game lets you be cleric/priest/whatever holy magic character
>sorcerer/mage/whatever is objectively the better option
Souls faith builds need another chance
Sorcerer is Nintendo. Naturally stumbles upon neat party tricks and surprises people with hidden talent despite ostensibly being just some random guy.
Wizard is Sony. Ages of careful study have resulted in an old man who is both the pinnacle of his craft, yet at times laughably out of touch with worldly things.
Mage is Microsoft. A jobber that, on some level can call itself a magic user, but is not noteworthy in any way and spends all day in a guild hall or tower assuring others he can do lots of cool things but rarely puts out. Exists to get bodied by the hero or villain.
Honstly wizard has the highest potential of power. A wizard with high INT, WIS, and half decent CHA to high CHA can become a very powerful being.
Sorcerers have no use of INT other than some skills they cant use very well. Mages are a cross between sorcerers and wizards [and possibly something else like fighter].
Wizards study and acquire magic internally or externally. Sorcerers have a natural ability to get magical abilities from external sources without using techniques or study.
There are exceptions for instance warrior is the weakest vocation in dragons dogma and really suffers from the lack of skills and range
What's Atari and Sega?
Warlock and Necromancer, respectively
Well fuck man, what the difference between wizardry and sorcery?
>cant play any class in mmo's unless there the mage/sorcerer type
who knows this feel
Who needs technology when you can potentially communicate with animals, shapeshift, or use some cool ass nature magic to pass the time .
Wizardry is an old-school, hardcore dungeon crawling RPG, Sorcery is a series of choose-your-own-adventure text-based games.
Sega is a Necromancer. His only power exists in dredging up the souls of those long dead. The older they are, the more powerful they become. Surrounded by his faithful dead, hes unstoppable. Deprived of corpses, he's a guy that can do little but stew and scowl angrily at his magical betters.
Atari is an old battlemage. Back in his heyday he slaughtered thousands by the magic sword. Today, he can barely lift it and spends all day in taverns regaling the lads with tales of his past glories, despite doing nothing of merit for decades.
Mage sounds like a wizard with bad memory, or wizard in training
To know the difference we have to see how each actually cast a spell.
Sorcery are people naturally casting fireball like a fart in the wind.
Mages are looking in their books for the right incantation, usually dead by the time they find it.
Wizard knows what's causing a fire ball, has memorized the spell, but has to retreat to study on occasion, summons his own fireball, or put a stop to another's magic with knowing the workings behind it.
you must mean comical
Experienced wizard>sorcerer>=wizard>mage.
>communicate with ANIMALS BRO
I'm sure you would have some enthralling conversations with animals the brain power of a nickle.
I just look forward to talking meaning of life philosophy with a bee.
the only animals worth talking too are pretty much aquatic like Dolphin or Octopus maybe.
the ONLY reason to have druid powers would be because having plant growth/acceleration like Poison Ivy or Swamp thing would be hella fuckin rad super power.
Alchemists are the True Chads
Persecuted throughout History because majority of Alchemists have a God Complex and want to attain God like powers as fast as possible.
Wizards, sorcerers, mages don't even think of getting rich quick through gold or think of Gods that much as Alchemists do.
Alchemists also dabble in Science/Tech while Wizards, Mages, and Sorcerers prefer Mother Nature
Mage is short for Magician. It refers to anyone that can use magic. A Fighter or Rogue can use magic if they study enough.
Alchemists are the paint huffers of any fantasy world
Sorcerer: from Medieval Latin sortiarius "teller of fortunes by lot" literally "one who influences fate or fortune"
Wizard: "philosopher, sage," from Middle English wys "wise"
Mage: Englished form of Latin magus "magician, learned magician," from Greek magos, a word used for the Persian learned and priestly class as portrayed in the Bible
This manlet is clearly a sorcerer
>equivalent exchange
Because pyromancers can quite happily use swords and flame together for whatever the situation requires. Basically Red Mages.
*Throws polymorphic potion/poison/acid/disgusting alchemical-reagents at you*
Wizard of course.
Based dick-ass thief, never fails to entertain.
>Forgotten Realms Demon Stone
He'll probably come back to kill her, that game was incredibly shit.
>No need to dedicate entire life to not being a worthless human
>No need of big allegiances and hierarchy shit, just naturally casting magic
>Biggest dick/tits
Mage - A magician. Some minor spells but mostly just illusions and trickery.
Wizard - A true Practitioner of the Art.
Sourcerer - A Source of Magic. Hence the name. Able to do unbelievable stuff on the fly.
Is necromancy or alchemy the final frontier for an aged Wizard?
Bards in D&D get spells just like Sorcerers do. They get less and they get them at higher levels, but still. So do Rangers in fact.
Frankenstein's monsters, life essence transfusions, and soul-powered machines and potions.
>Wizards, sorcerers, mages don't even think of getting rich quick through gold
>Implying any of those care about gold
Alchemy is a hobby for wizards. Alchemists are just the rejects that couldn't get a grasp on the arcane and cope by pretending that their acid vial and fifteen potion recipes that mimic a novice's casting of actual spells are totally just as good. The only reason they were even persecuted throughout history is because they smell like paint thinner.
>god decides you shouldn't have magic anymore
>you lose it
Wizards are better if only because they are not subservient to deities. As long as the general magic itself functions, they will have power.
This. Necromancy+alchemy resulting in true undeath, eternally beautiful, never aging, never rotting, capable of reproduction and growth with zero downsides and advanced healing/replacement of parts.
You're thinking of Paladins or Clerics. A Sorcerer's power comes from within.
That skeleton still has half a healthbar.
That's not the case for all sorcerers if we go by D&D sorcerers origins. A favored soul would lose his sorcerous powers if he pisses off his deity.
yes, but the unga bunga slam tho
Conjurer or Voodoo Priest
>a class
I read all these book that taught me of OPs faggotry
I was born with OPs faggotry in my blood
the spirts of the world taught me of OPs faggotry
I sold my soul to the devil to know of OPs faggotry
This isn't table top. Sorcerer always comes out on top in video games.
I see you used Google as well.
A wizard obviously
They learnt everything about their chosen magical disciplines with hard work and dedication
they didn't have daddys precious magical jizz like sorcerers
They didnt sell there souls for cheap parlor tricks like a warlock or suck a dogs dick to learn how to talk to trees like a druid/shaman.
Sorcerer ez.
Yeah, but that's not your typical sorcerer and even then it depends on how exactly you get your powers in your backstory. You pretty much have to outright ask your DM for it in order to actually be beholden to a specific God and risk losing your powers.
top kek
You do know Druids can awaken animals, right?
I knew it was coming and elf still spooked me.
Based Battlemage
Damn this is the most underrated post on Yea Forums in weeks.
11/10 bro.
Sage is best class.
Sageru this shit thread.
Based nigga.
Who here Enchanter?
Best spellcaster ever to grace an RPG, that being Everquest
Brainlet mage that can't use magic without a tool.
Fireballing 24/7. Is the chad when there's no sorcerers around.
The chadest alpha there is. Doesn't even need to try to do shit. Already mastered all magic there is while they were a fetus.
clerics dont do that
clerics look like this. middle.
What about psionics?
battlemage isnt a system of learning. its litteraly just any kind of mage mixed with any kind of weapon.
>No other game will ever have a ghost BFG
Just because you're a skeleton doesn't mean you can't dance and play jams.
Raise a gang of skeletons to terrorize the town with hip hop
thats a school/discipline of magic, not a source of aids
Tabletop, wizard. Can have a full party of them and still come out on top damn near every time. Lots of different spells, offense, defense, support, utility.
Vidya, sorcerer. Utility magic doesn't mesh well with concrete systems that don't allow for imagination and creative application. Blaster casters and summoners, on the other hand, do very well in vidya.
>has to hide behind skellies because he's too much of a pussy to fight for real
You come to my woods, why?
Wizard. They are more masters than students, also engeniers. They learn all there is about magic and can engineer new spells.
Sorcerers are stuck with their birthright, likely never to change. Powerful, but a weakness will be found and overcome by a wizard.
Mages are just students.
>Necromancer goes about bringing back famous musicians to have the greatest band of all time
none of them exist because magic isn't real lmfao
what's a mage?
When you live by the sword you die by the sword. And If you want to be the best killer you need to enjoy killing more than anything, if you want to be the best.
I doubt any fantasy characters give a fuck about living a normal life. They shouldn't be motivated with a retirement plan, they are going to fuck bitches and get money until they die. They're going to burn the candle on both ends, they don't give a fuck.
>argued that he couldn't use his turn to help her because he had to use it putting down the wolf he was carrying
>not having a dick
>not being able to feel
>is an undead
Kinda good, but turn undead is bad.
Straight outta Nogwarts
>European druids
thats fucking pussy shit
gimmie an Australian bush druid anyday over gayarse nature lovers
Actually playing a Warrior right now.
It's such an awkward class but the Unga Bunga damage is too good
>Don't kill me
I want to play it at some point but I know deep down that I'm not good enough at abusing iframes to survive with it
>Ausbong druid
>Drinks VB until he thinks he's a wereroo
>Scorns technology unless it's used to make hunting knives or cigarette lighters
>Take a walk in the forest, see "Fuck off we're full"-sign
>Can huff gasoline and commute with the indigenous tribespeople
>Cast Summon Spiders XIII on will, or against his will
>His noble steed is a gator named Commodore
>Can forage and craft Vegemite in any woodland area
>So tan he's mistaken for a leb and attacked by his own grove members
>Wears dingo skin tank top and rare drop bear budgie smugglers for maximum comfort and freedom of movement
>Favored enemy: Lebs and anyone that spill mead on his shoes
I could see it
Rune Priest
Middle East-Themed Vizier Sorcerer.
Subscribe to pewdiepie
A wizard arrives precisely when he means to
forgetting about the inherent pyromancy of eucalyptus magic
Don't correct me or i'll summon a magpie swarm and shift into the form of a bikie
not bad
m8 I am Australian.
living in a SA paddock right now.
Gumtrees fucking sick man.
smell good and burn good
i got some spooky shit for you user
>bush druid
is this aussie slang for someone who fucks a lot?
i feel like it should be
Skeles are chads
>Wasting your time fighting people when you could be fucking bitches
A wizard uses magical spells through scrolls, incantations and sometimes deals with foreign entities.
A mage is much like a wizard, but they are students of magic. They attempt to create and improve ways to cast spells.
A sorcerer is born with magic. They don't need rituals, incantations etc. to channel true power, and can utilize much more of it than a wizard or mage. They know fewer spells and still need to train to become proficient though.
My fucking man
Wizards and mages have to study like fucking nerds.
Sorcerers are naturally gifted Chads that don't have to spend decades in a library just to learn how to cast a dinky fireball
>top tier Chronomancer
>doesn't just reverse time problems out of existence despite showing he can literally wipe things from all planes of existence.
fucking nigger could have stopped the one decent Gatewatch member from dying
>>Cast Summon Spiders XIII on will, or against his will
I lost it
But you forgot about his most feared enemy, the emu.
>ctrl + f
>this fucking far in the thread to find anyone mentioning spellsword
jesus christ
DR: 5 / emu
Fuck magic and fuck mystery
>Chad classes
>virgin classes
Dark knight
>asshole classes
>beta whipped cucked faggots