He looks sooooo fucking goofy. Those veneers look fake as shit.
He looks sooooo fucking goofy. Those veneers look fake as shit
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better than the rotten 5 teeth he had before
I don't get why people get those unless you lost all your teeth or something
They look so fucking fake like you're wearing a Halloween costume
Natural imperfect teeth give people character
>I don't get why people get those unless you lost all your teeth or something
he literally did
he had about 6-7 teeth left and they were all rotten on the inside
His old teeth were a lot worse than you would think.
people ≠ americans
post the procedure
He genuienly looks better, so thats good
The only fake tooth I have is from face planting of solid concrete and it's not that metal shit, how the hell do niggas get all their teeth removed
Tom Cruise and Miley Cyrus have fake teeth and I bet you would fuck them both.
did he never brush?
Too bad it only cost his marriage for him to turn his life around. He looks more healthy, but in the way a recovering cancer patient does. Dud must've seriously have been on the verge of death.
You know what at least he fucking did it. He's another talking head talking about video games and making cringe videos on the daily but he lost a bunch of weight , he's getting on a treadmill/walking his dog, and now he's fixing his fucked up teeth
He had fucked up dingdong parents who never brought him to a dentist. That and shitloads of soda intake.
is there some comparison before and after?
what a fat disgusting piece of shit
yes, actually
he said one of the ways his mom abused him was to keep him from brushing his teeth, so he stuck to mainly using mouthwash into adulthood, which clearly doesn't do shit.
Boogie is doing what a lot of people here wish they could do.
This triggers the vtard.
This. He's not going to look perfect overnight considering where he was at, but at least he's working on his condition.
is that mod good
never once brushed his teeth in his life. Only used mouthwash
he looks like vito from sopranos lmao
someone post it
Eh he always looks a little goofy, I dont think the venirs look too bad.
There's nothing better than reading a story about someone at the bottom working themselves up.
hasn't his supposed childhood trauma been confirmed to be fake by one of his family members?
Looks like someone used faceapp on him
Implants are retardedly expensive so by spending a fucking fortune, I'd imagine. Dentistry is a scam.
>must've seriously have been on the verge of death
all you have to do is watch his old video to confirm that. he was basically one of those people on 600 pound life. he didn't have another decade in him.
How is he working himself up? He had a gastric bypass and he's been gaining weight again.
They would look fine if they weren't so white, they would look better if they were an off white like natural human teeth.
Also his face looks completely different, if he got skinny and shaved that nasty ass neckbeard he'd look like a presentable human being
Fuck me, man. My teeth are like this too. My two front teeth look so bad but nobody ever notices because I have a thick mustache.
Reminder that he was conscious during the procedure, no sleeping gas or anything.
Fucking americans
yeah that's roundabout 50k for those fake teeth, paid by pretending to suffer from depression and telling sob stories on the internet. I am honestly impressed.
That is from drinking nonstop soda. He can lie about trying to lose weight but the teeth dont lie.
Why the fuck would you need to be awake for that?
He'd actually look okay now if he just stopped being such a fucking fatass
>Has part of his stomach cut out to stop him stuffing his face
>Somehow still manages to gain weight
Is he injecting pureed doritos directly into his bloodstream or something
that thing on his nose is pumping sleeping gas now way hes awake
What is worse is that we have boogie apologist donators right here in this very thread
What are you talking about WHAT IS THAT
Paid to be a literal fucking fatass
clearly on some sort of gas/anesthesia.
fucking disgusting they don't cover those lines/nose piece up with guards or something.
He looks like MundaneMatt now
Holy shit he doesn't look like a blob any longer
Thanks for making me cry, asshole.
>yeah that's roundabout 50k for those fake teeth
I don't know what dimension you live in where you think partials or even full veneers cost anything more than 10k.
Yea Forums - E-celeb Gossip
She's pretty good but hard to use.Have her at least in the 2nd row.
Guess he can drink all the soda he wants now
He basically has screws in his jaw supporting every fake tooth. You can see them pretty clearly there.
>tfw I look like Mundane Matt.
I refuse to believe this isn't FaceApp. God that looks so fucking strange
Still looks pretty tubby to me
>procedures so expensive he's got a fucking 'rep'/fake friend salesman like women who get plastic surgery
Now that the swelling has gone down, he actually looks completely normal.
The only thing off is how white the teeth are.
did you actually cry? let me give you a hug :(
What about just brushing your teeth \LMAO, it's just that easy
Is there any way to fix that? another procedure or just drinking coffee and smoking? They are too white
tough shit.. i was concious when the dentist drilled into and cracked open my jawbone to remove wisdom teeth as well, how is this any different?
He got a full set of fake teeth implanted
lmao, sounds like bullshit, no kid wants to brush their teeth so bad their mom takes it away as punishment.
boogie has zero willpower
It looks like he stole Gilbert Gottfried's teeth.
there is no need for him to fix them. you barely saw his teeth when he talked before and you barely see them now
>this fat disgusting fuck is getting laid
Crazy they can rip the teeth and put the studs in the same procedure. Thought it would be two for sure.
Weird. Probably because he is so fat or because he is american. Very sure boogie would pass out from the pain.
When they removed a wisdom teeth that had very complicated roots, they gave me a pill and injected some stuff. It was still very painful and took 1 hour to remove it .
whether the backstory is true, I absolutely believe that he never brushes his teeth
Wasn't it covered by burger taxes somehow?
DSP threads get deleted but this BLOB stays up?
If he honestly got implants instead of removable dentures he's a dumbshit retard, those are straight up robbery. So my apologies if that is the case I was hella wrong. Honestly though, even in America where dentistry is retarded I don't see why you would ever get this sort of procedure without first getting dental insurance.
Bros, my right front tooth has a very faint crack running all across it. I don't feel anything wrong, I noticed it in the mirror the first time. My dentist told me there's no reason to do anything right now, it might have been there 10 years.
I'm scared to bite hard into anything, I have dreams where all my teeth break.