Castlevania Anniversary Collection full lineup

>Castlevania (NES)
>Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest (NES)
>Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse (NES)
>Super Castlevania IV (SNES)
>Castlevania: Bloodlines (Mega Drive)
>Castlevania: The Adventure (Game Boy)
>Castlevania II: Belmont’s Revenge (Game Boy)
>Kid Dracula (NES)

Thoughts on this list Yea Forums?

Attached: Castlevania.jpg (554x554, 74K)

Why not Rondo or Dracula X?

for $19.99, it’s ok, hopefully it has concept art and design docs too

No X68000 no Rondo no buy

>digital only

so just emulate it

>mega drive
>not genesis
Fag detected

>original game boy games

It's not even a truly cohesive collection or physical. why wouldn't you just emulate it

they already have two collections for that

Belmont's Revenge is unironically good. I agree that they should have used Adventure Rebirth though.

Why are emulation-fags always fun hating whiteoids?

>Bloodlines in
>Kid Dracula in

This is cash money

>No Chronicles
>No Rondo
>Original Adventure and not Rebirth

This is not cash money.

>people actually expected gba and ds games

I grew up with a gameboy and I hated that fucking thing. The GBA is when it started to get good.

I already have 1,3 and 4 on my 3ds. So pass.
Hope the contra collection is good. If it doesnt include hard corps ill be pissed.

Arcade was full of them. Old school castlevania art is gonna be fucking sweet.

Amerimutt detected. Burgerland is literally the only place in the word who calls Mega Drive by the wrong name.

Look fag, it's easy as fuck to release a physical version. I bitch about it because I would've bought a physical version and most of the games have been released digitally 700 times already.

We like our consoles to be biblical.

>$20 and it's still got shit games like CV2 and Adventure
>those games got in over Rondo, Adventure Rebirth, X68000, Haunted Castle, Vampire Killer,
>that $20 goes to the company that killed the franchise in the first place

Get mad.

>Kid Dracula
>They changed "first collection" from the description
Not so nice. It's solid, could be better (as said, Rebirth, Chronicles...)

Not an argument


Haunted Castle is in the arcade collection.

>no sotn
why bother


Why not put every single retro Castlevania game in this collection? It's not much of a collection when you artificially limit it, they could easily fit everything on the disc. GBA games, OG Gameboy games, Rebirth, Haunted Castle Arcade game, Rondo, Chronicles, fucking everything.

I’d rather be an American than a fag like you.

Get mad.

Needs Rebirth
Why no Rebirth? Did they lose it?

simon's quest and the gameboy games suck.
they should've included adventure rebirth and rondo of blood

Remember that when the collection was first announced it was announced as a "first" collection.

It's also interesting how they're going to go with 8 games for everything, what relevant 8 Contra games are there even?

If this is a hit is it possible we could get a Metal gear collection next? God I want MGS on PS4 so bad.

I will, enjoy your $20 roms

Get mad

They mentioned they're doing this in parts. They want to ape Capcom in every possible way with Megaman, most likely to check how sales are.

Getting it anyway. Not that Bloodstained making millions on kikestarter and the Netflix show being a success makes it obvious that people are starved for Castlevania.

It's just a 20$ compilation of the Classicvania games, Bloodlines and the NES version of Kid Dracula make this worth a buy in my opinion, and i bet that the shit Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 was more expensive than this one.

I'd rather anything else from Konami tbqh Suikoden, a proper remaster of Silent Hill, Goemon...

>what relevant 8 Contra games are there even?
Super Contra
Contra III
Contra 4
Hard Corps
Hard Corps Uprising
Shattered Soldier
Neo Contra

That's a fucking insane collection.

That's cool, but it would also mean that they give enough of a shit to renew a possible contract with Arc System Works and to use a PS2 emulator, which is highly unlikely imo

They could just go by the western PS1 games lol

It's missing Rondo and ReBirth

Rondo was re-released last year, they won't put the same game in two diferent compilations.

This collection would be worth it if The Adventure: Rebirth was in there. It should either be included with the list as we know it, or replaced with the original The Adventure, or replaced with Simon's Quest. However, it's not in there because all of these 8-bit and 16-bit games are extremely easy to emulate, while porting a Wii game would take more effort. It's the same reason why that recent collection included Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night, but not the PSP version of Dracula X Chronicles. Regardless of what your preferred version is, Konami is being extremely lazy and doing the bare minimum in this case. I will not be giving them money for such a piss poor port; I refuse.

>PS4 exclusive

Calling bullshit on that one.

yeah instead they should just give us fucking Castlevania 2 for the fiftieth time

When it was announced it was argued that when Dracula X Chronicles was released, the PS1 emulated version of SOTN was also available at the PSStore, and a port of it was in Xbox Live. A translated version of Rondo was also on the Wii. They can be like that.

>It's the same reason why that recent collection included Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night, but not the PSP version of Dracula X Chronicles.
Actually it's worse than that, the PS4 collection is literally a PSP emulator running the DXC versions of SotN and Rondo, Konami just didn't include DXC itself because they're jews.

>while porting a Wii game would take more effort
They might have to port either PS1, PS2 or 360/PS3 for the Contra Collection. It'll be seen.

Those last three Contra games are not happening. Instead, it'll have Operation C and Contra Force. That still leaves one more slot open, and I'd be shocked if it ended up being a PS1 game. Honestly, I believe some stupid alternative version of a previous game gets in, like the GBA version of Contra 3. But anyway, PS2 games in this collection, or the downloadable game from last gen? Fucking forget it. Way too much effort to port anything that's actually good.

I'm okay with paying to emulate IF they offer me something I could just do better by emulating it myself. A good example was the Mega Man X Legacy Collection having the wacky boss fight cross over mode. That was worth the price of admission

Does this do anything I couldn't otherwise for better for free?

Lucky for you, you can have it both ways.

Maybe, just maybe, they are planning to release Requiem later for other platforms, you need to remember that they problably rushed that PSP ports to PS4 to cash in the Season 2 of the Netflix series.

Decent Classicvania list, though the Famicom Kid Dracula sucks (Game Boy version is way better) and should have been swapped out for Legends so we could have the complete Game Boy CV trilogy and no ReBirth is extremely lame.

You must be fucking kidding me. It's not possible. That goes beyond retardation and greed; that's just fucking absurd.

See this:
The lesser known NES and Game Boy games are more likely. It still leaves one slot open though.

It's true. Sony's "remasters" of PaRappa, Patapon, and Locoroco do the same thing, it's just a PSP emulator with higher quality assets swapped in.

They were never going to break up the NES trilogy. Anybody who thought otherwise is a goddamn idiot.

>Adventure Rebirth is still stuck on a dead service
Fucking retarded company

Fucked up the quotes by one each.

See this:

Mega man collection at least has some reasonable regional pricing. Kikenami's arcade collection asks for 60 fucking US dollars here. RIP local sales.

maybe too recent for an Anniversary collection. maybe Nintendo owns some parts because it's a Wiiware game?
I don't think we're going to see Contra Rebirth or Gradius Rebirth either.

I hate to be that guy but why wouldnt you just emulate

It'll be seen. I was pleasantly surprised by the Megaman 2nd collection or X2 actually having last gen downloadable titles or PS1/PS2 games; and Konami's clearly following Capcom in this.

I don't think the PS2 games are as impossible as some people are saying, Mega Man X Legacy Collection did it for fucking X7 and X8.
Contra 4 would probably be the harder one due to the dual screen gimmick, though playing it on Switch with the Flip Grip would be pretty sick.

>Buying emulators
Call me when they remake them in widescreen taxman style

It's not unusual, that wii super mario annversary release was just an emulator running an All Stars rom, not even the All Stars version that included yoshi.
Shit like Megaman Perfect Works happens once in a lifetime

I wouldn't pay for this, but if it was a pack of the SOTN era style games, I'd love them all together and not having to worry about saves

That'd be a lot harder than you think due to the way enemies spawning offscreen works.
I'd probably kill someone for a proper remaster of SotN that includes both translations though.

I can see that being the case for Nintendo because they re-release their stuff all the time. Either way, Super Mario World is easily accessible so it's not too big of a deal. Dracula X and Adventure Rebirth are exclusive to their respective platforms, and both games are over 9 to 10 years old. The Wii's shop is also dead, and I'm sure the first round of PSN store content (PS3/PSP/Vita) will all be gone within the next five years. This was a nice chance for Konami to help preserve these games for at least this current gen, and they didn't bother. It's absolutely fucking insane to me.

Not a big of a deal 1 minute of google and you have a working emulator and fully working rom of Adventure Rebirth and it won't go away, same with all the older konami shit, it's already been preserved, if they don't care with these releases you shouldnt as well.

By all means pay to play games you can find in a ten second Google search.