Console or PC?

Guys I don't want a flamewar thread. I just want to camly discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each platform.

Which do you think is best for gaming, if you were only going to buy one?

I would like a gaming PC, especially since you can run emulators on it. But you can get an Xbox One S for £190 ($250 USD) on Amazon. Even if you spent DOUBLE that on a gaming PC, it might only barely be able to play the same games (e.g. GTA V, Sekiro, etc.).

Is there an affordable way for a gaming PC though, e.g. buying all second-hand parts, or buying a used Dell Optiplex (business / education PC) and throwing a graphics card in there? Has anyone actually done these things, and did you manage to get something for the same cost as a console which could still run AAA games?

Attached: console vs pc.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

Other urls found in this thread: gaming on couch 3 souls Card - Nvidia-_-N82E16814500454&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4-XlBRDuARIsAK96p3Cbi0IknyZ5qGR1JbvpL5u-z3at4Dt6LR3PvotokIubOQEq0utyJTEaAoY6EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds



Console if you're a brainlet and just want to play some exclusives

PC if you want the vast collection of just about every game ever made and aren't bothered by having to tinker a little bit to get things perfect

My PC isn't built for gaming but it runs all the games I enjoy well, IE tf2, rocket league, CSGO, etc. It really just depends on money.

pc because I can get games for free and use cheats to make them more palatable

The problem with using the value proposition as the benefit of consoles over PC is the fact that it ignores all of the other things besides outright build price.
>don’t have to pay for online on top of your internet bill
>can take advantage of steam sales/3rd party resellers
>can pirate
If you take those costs into account then you can justify upping your $500 build to a $750 one. Better yet, upgrade the PC you already have, I mean jesus consolefags need a computer anyway to shitpost on Yea Forums. I’ve been using a shitty prebuilt office pc with a card slapped into it for 4 odd years now.

I just don't understand manbabies like

who get so upset that consoles even exist and act like you can't own both a PC and a console or two.

Buy second hand parts. It doesn"t matter even if a GPU was used for mining nonstop, it will perform the same as a new one.

Console if you like games, PC if you like pretending you do.

Their hasn't been a must-have PC exclusive since Age of Mythology.

>act like you can’t own both a PC and a console or two
Of course you can do that, but PC is still superior. Why should I waste my money on a console just to play one or two exclusives?

The OP said "if you were to buy one", faggot. Consoles are okay, but a PC is a significantly better choice.
t. idort

>there hasn’t been a worthwhile PC exclusive
Fuck off retard. If you port a game to PC that version automatically becomes the definitive version of the game on basis of hardware alone.

I don't understand how exclusives have anything to do with not liking games
PC has the biggest library by far

? OP asked which is better if you can only pick one why are those posters manbabies for giving an answer?

>being poor
If you live in a first world country, improve your life situation before investing in to gaming. Then buy a TR+titan or don't even bother.

>If you live in a first world country

But I live in America

Fuck off retard
You can have a top notch PC experience even if you're a poorfag.

Any PC is affordable if you have a job.

Depends. If you like games and are willing to put in more effort then PC. If you don't want to troubleshoot shit every other day than consoles. Consoles are obviously inferior but easier to use.

>Then buy a TR+Titan
You can fuck right off. People saying you need the best of the best fucking hardware is what makes consolefags think they even have a platform to stand on. A mid-range build that can run games at 60fps1080p will be like the second coming of christ for somebody who hasn’t experienced that level of fidelity before (consolefags). Yes 4k144hz on a fucking supercomputer would be fantastic but it ISNT NECESSARY. And fuck off with your poorfag bullshit too, people look for relaxation and enjoyment especially when they are experiencing hard times.

Why is playing a handful of exclusives better than getting the best version of 99% of all other games.
Id rather play all my games at 60 fps than get to play 4 extra games but everything event those 4 extra games is locked to 30 fps.

Space Station 13

Troubleshooting is only ever an issue if you dont know how to install and update drivers.

Not him but tricking poorfags into trying to make a PC when they'll have to pay twice as much as a console to play games at the same quality (you know they take a loss on the console sales, right? what makes you think you'll get better prices) is cruel,
PC is for people with jobs.

TR isn't even that good for gaming. For most games, single-thread performance is all that matters.

Consoles just feel too limiting to me, and even games that insist on using a controller still feel more precise with a KB/M. But this is probably just because I've used a PC most of my time.

Attached: 1454454556770.png (406x849, 23K)

Pc has everything nowadays.
Sooner or later all games come home.
Companies know about emulation nowadays so they try and beat emulators to the punch.

Attached: Capture.jpg (1114x790, 133K)

I have an ultrabook that can play the majority of those games ever made (since most of them are old ones and I can play them). But for playing AAA titles, I think an Xbox One S would make much more sense than a gaming PC. Because a gaming PC would cost at least twice as much just for a basic one. Also the Xbox One is backwards compatible with loads of Xbox 360 games too, which you can pick up for dirt cheap these days (even many Xbox One games, pre-owned, are pretty damn cheap). Think of Halo for instance - yes MCC is coming to PC, but it will probably cost an assload as a brand new release. And it's going to take a while for all those games to be released. Meanwhile you can buy MCC for Xbox One right now for £15 pre-owned ($20 USD), or indeed you could just buy the original Xbox 360 games for dirt cheap prices. E.g. Halo 3 costs only 50p pre-owned ($0.65 USD).

Nigger I'm a poor slav fresh out of college and I could afford a gaming PCs since I was 15, even considereing our parts are more expensive than in america due to shipping.
Long term PC investment is still much lower anyway compared to consoles because

>paying for xbox live
Sorry bud, it’s still cheaper on PC. Look at the long-term

We don't need more Eurotards on PC, so please stick to consoles.

if you're a brainlet sure
if you want to play shooters at 60fps with a mouse as intended xbox doesn't cut it

Dude, just build a low-end PC and play old games.
There's nothing good coming out anyway.

PS5 will be sold at a $100 loss, you will literally not be able to spec out an equivalently powerful PC for less than $799. I say this as someone who has always built his own PC, it just isn't worth it anymore. The virtual GPU/CPU duopolies, the buttcoin miners (among other inflationary pressures) have rendered it pointless to build your own PC these days. The other factor is 4k. 4k monitors below 32 inches are utterly pointless, whereas 4k TVs above 45 inches actually provide a noticeable fidelity improvement to the naked eye.

Just wait for the PS5, the next Xbox will also probably be sold at a loss.

>don’t have to pay for online on top of your internet bill
Yes that's true, and that is an advantage of PC gaming that I would like. But does it justify spending like £500+ on a gaming PC versus £190 on an Xbox One S? I probably wouldn't even buy Xbox Live that often, maybe just the odd month here and there when it's on sale. Microsoft is currently offering 1 month for just £1.00 ($1.30 USD), an offer which lasts for the next 23 days.

>can take advantage of steam sales/3rd party resellers
That's true, but the former aren't always so great (GTA V is currently £25 on Steam, versus £10 for a pre-owned Xbox disc from Amazon), and the latter can screw you over. I just looked up reviews of, and while the vast majority of people seem to get the product they ordered, there are still lots of people saying that they keys they received were already used, and refused to refund them.

>can pirate
True, but then you can't play online. Also consoles have the advantage of being able to buy pre-owned games for significant savings. I'm not sure modern PC games are even released on discs? Meaning this isn't an option for PC.

>Better yet, upgrade the PC you already have, I mean jesus consolefags need a computer anyway to shitpost on Yea Forums.
I have an ultrabook that I can't add a GPU to (and eGPUs are way too expensive, and I don't think my laptop would support them due to no Thunderbolt 3). So for me it's probably much more cost-effective to get a console than a gaming PC.

I would like a gaming PC, for the emulators and the free online, sure (although I can already run many emulators including Gamecube games at full speed with Dolphin - it's just more demanding emulators like Cemu for Wii U, Yuzu for Switch, Xenia for Xbox 360, RPCS3 for PS3 that I can't run). But I just don't think I can justify spending 2 - 3 times the amount compared to a console.

I live in slav land too and prefer PC over consoles.
But to be fair one big advantage over PC consoles have is that physical copies of games can be sold.
I got a PS4 last year and already beat many of its good exclusives and sold the same for practically same price i bought them or like a 4 euros loss.
Only thing stooping me from switching to Consoles exclusively for all my bought games is not free online and shitty performance and grafics so i only use my ps4 for games not available on PC.
Got Dad of boy for 40 euros sold it for 38 got Spider-man for 30 euros sold it for 29 etc got KH III for 30 euros sold it for 30 euros.
I also have a friend who is a console fan boy so i just borrow games from him also such as Horizon or Uncharted.
Only game i never sold and kept is Blood-borne.

>4k meme
Why should I buy a ps5 to play games at ~20fps4k when a similarly priced PC can hit 1080p60? I’m not buying a 4k tv for such a shit experience, fuck off shill.

Get an Xbox. Despite what faggots here will say it is objectively better than other consoles and even PCs.

>Consoles are obviously inferior
That completely depends on whether you're comparing like with like. If you compare a PC with a similar performance level to a console, then the console is clearly better, because it will cost less money (just a consequence of the fact that it is mass produced). Whereas if you compare a £1,000 PC to a £200 Xbox One S, then sure, the PC will get better framerates, but you have to spend five times the amount of money to get them. And so it's no longer necessarily a "better" option, because frivolously spending money on things you don't actually need is a pretty bad idea.

Depends. If all you do is playing games, go with a console. I personally can't justify buying a console anymore because I do too much shit on my PC anyway, so why not get some nice hardware and be done with it.

Not always. There's a myriad of problems that can happen. Fucking metal gear rising has slowdown when you use an HDMI cable with a TV or some shit. That's fucking annoying

It depends what kind of game you're playing, I'm mostly indifferent to 30 vs 60 fps outside of FPS games, and I find myself less and less interested in those the older I get. My point is more about value for money though, 10 years ago I'd have told the OP to get a PC as a no-brainer. But a lot of the value argument has been eroded by component-price inflation over the past decade, and the fact PC games on Steam are now more or less as expensive (new) as they are on console.

Even comparing a $400 PC to a $300 Xbox One S, the PC comes out on top in every way.
As someone who owns an Xbone I literally don't even use the damn thing because it's utterly worthless.
I've spent more time playing ports of mobile games on my Nvidia Shield than I have playing Xbone games.

Ps4 is not acualy 4k.
Its 1440P stretched across 4k resolution.
I think its called checker-boarding.
Its literly false advertisment.
kinda like how last gen PS3 was advertised as true HD gaming but it was 720p most of the time.

Attached: 1553966026211.jpg (749x780, 114K)

Xbox Live is currently on sale for £1 ($1.30 USD) for 1 month, and that deal will last for the next 23 days. And I only really buy Xbox Live when it's on offer.

The 2 - 3x price of entry for PC does not make it worth it.

Nothing could be more brainlet than wasting your hard earned cash on something completely frivolous and unnecessary. I worked in a computer factory once, and there was this kid that spend thousands of pounds on his PC. But it just meant he spent his entire time indoors. Not socialising. Not meeting people. Not being a normal person. Pissing all his money away on frames per second. Comparatively, one could buy an Xbox One S for £200, play the odd game now and then, maybe play it with friends sometimes, and enjoy a normal life as well.

It's mostly the same games but if you own a PC you become an insufferable prick. Plus it costs more, so I'd say go with consoles unless you've already contracted PCMR.

Not paying for online adds up more than you think, I used to pay for xbox live too. Your argument against pirating is that you can’t play online, but you also said you only occasionaly pay for live, which makes me think that isn’t really a factor for you.

That ultrabook was likely $750+ to begin with...Do you use a laptop because you move around a lot or something? If that’s the case then there’s no reason for you to get a desktop in the first place, I’d understand.

>dude just buy a PC
A gaming PC is way too expensive, I can buy a PS4 for a fraction of the price.
>well yeah bro you’re supposed to build it yourself so it’s cheaper!
I really don’t want to bother with that. I’d prefer to have something that can be played out of the box.
>your loss bro. You’re just throwing money down the drain.
What about all the peripherals you have to buy for a PC? The cost of a good monitor alone is enough for a whole other console! And I already have a TV!
>o-oh well uh... games just look way better on PC! You just have to pay the premium for it! Trust me it’s worth it...
I’ve been playing consoles my entire life and have never had an issue with graphics or framerates. I’ve been playing since the Atari. Gameplay comes before graphics anyway so who cares?
Yeah that’s what I thought.

>and the fact PC games on Steam are now more or less as expensive (new) as they are on console.
Not really.
DMC 5 on launch on PC was $45 on GMG, compared to $60 on consoles.

>Even comparing a $400 PC to a $300 Xbox One S, the PC comes out on top in every way.

Complete and objective horseshit. Have you taken a look at prebuilts or component prices recently?

Mate, I don't usually do this but I must tell you that that was a really funny picture! Thank you for posting it.

>I really don’t want to bother with that. I’d prefer to have something that can be played out of the box.
You've also missed the crucial counter-argument here. Component-price inflation means that build your own PCs are even more expensive than equivalently specced consoles these days.

Even prebuilts are a far better long term investment than consoles, if building is too hard for you.

What is this poorfag cope? Think of a 4K frame frame like the luxury it is. It's like a Ferrari, while a puny 1080 frame is more like a Fiat. Would you rather have 20 Ferraris or 60 Fiats? I know my answer.

I'm a britbong, it was 50 GBP on Steam and 50 in store for PS4.

>lives in a world where component prices aren't massively overpriced

Must be nice to come from an alternate dimension I guess.

Are you retarded?
This PC is $100 more and it takes a giant shit on an Xbone and even competes with an XboneX (in games like pic related)
Bear in mind that I don't give a fuck about your irrelevant bongland shithole.

Attached: FH4 benchmark.png (1323x2566, 115K)

1. You can get an Xbox One S for $206.80 on Amazon right now.
2. The $400 PC might not even be powerful enough to play the same games as the Xbox (GTA V, Sekiro, whatever).
3. The $400 PC is still TWICE THE PRICE of the Xbox.

I just don't think it's worth it spending twice the amount of money to get the same experience. But if you like being cucked into overspending then be my guest.

>I'm a britbong
Opinion discarded.
A $400 shits all over the Xbone.

It will if you lower the graphics settings on the games you play, they are already downgrading on the xbox.

All the consolefags ITT need to fuck off

Acess to 99% of games ever released. Mods, porn, free multiplayer, performance, ability to choose controller, ability to patch games or cheat in them to save time

Blooborne and zelda lmao, fuck the pc bros repeating meme about anti-customer practices, they dont have bloodborne

Attached: pc has no games.jpg (3928x3465, 3.96M)

That's why I said long term
>no pay for online jewry
>billions of online game stores
>sales all the fucking time
>or just fucking pirate
You'll actually save money

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a reply as stupid as yours. Could you delete it please?

You guys don't seem to realize that it's 2019, not 2014.

>shitting all over an xbox one x

Opinion disregarded. The One X runs Forza at 60fps, the 570 does not AND your build is more expensive. What a fucking brainlet.

Also, don't dive into PC gaming if you aren't interested in the tech aspect. You'll have a shitty experience if you expect someone holding your hand through every step. Software/hardware problems will happen and it's up to you to solve them. That's just the price you have to pay on an open platform.

Don't go buy an XTREME SHITWARE GAMING PC prebuilt from some OEM vendor, build your own PC. You don't have to spend ~$1000 just to get a taste for it. Buy some scrap parts and do a shitbox first. You'd be surprised how far you can get with old ass hardware.

I grew up with handhelds mostly (GBC, GBA, PSP, DSi) until I got my first decent PC so while I have a powerful rig I can't go anywhere without a portable console.
I think it all boils down to how you grew up gaming wise. My country used to be much poorer before so a considerable amount of the population didn't own consoles but rather old toaster PCs.
We live and breathe football though, PES/FIFA are the main PS4 sellers here by a LARGE margin, if not for their platform pros (couch mp, etc) consoles would might as well be dead here.

Console has nothing that interests me.
All the generes I like are on PC.

>the 570 does not
It literally does.
And the build is actually slightly cheaper than an XboneX here in the states.

Anyone who is not a phone normie needs a PC.
You dont compare console prices to PC price.

You compare a price of a console to the extra money you spend to turn your pc from a internet word work movie machine in to a gaming PC.
So its usually like 300$ for a internet machine but if you pay 400$ extra you get a Gaming PC that surpasses consoles in evry way.

People fail to realize a gaming GPU is not just a shitty chip on your PC.
PC Gpu is literal a tiny commuter inside your commuter tat only does grafics and sometimes physics.

Attached: i4tzniu5.jpg (749x780, 118K)

>no pay for online jewry

I don't play online games.

>sales all the fucking time

PSN/Xbox Live game store both have sales all the time now, and in case you've been living under a rock for the past decade, Steam's sales aren't what they used to be.

Yes I only occasionally play online, when there are discounts on Xbox Live (which is more common than you think) - I still want the option though. Whereas a pirated copy won't have that option.

>That ultrabook was likely $750+ to begin with...Do you use a laptop because you move around a lot or something?
Yeah it was. Yeah maybe I didn't need a laptop necessarily. I bought the same model that my company provided in my last job (web developer) and I thought I might use this for freelance stuff. Maybe I'm not mobile enough to justify the mobility, but it's still awesome having the mobility when you need it. And this thing should last me a good while, I specced it with 16GB of RAM to try and get some longevity out of it.

>If that’s the case then there’s no reason for you to get a desktop in the first place, I’d understand.
Mobility isn't a reason why I'd discount a gaming PC. Price is the main issue I think. But I'm still looking at ways to make it affordable. E.g. buying a used Optiplex from eBay and throwing a GPU in there. One day I'll probably get a gaming PC, just not right now I guess.

>It literally does.

Did you even read the benchmark picture you posted you stupid PCMR redditor?

>And the build is actually slightly cheaper than an XboneX here in the states.

Another lie, One X is $370, your build was >$400. Why lie?

So that's $300 for CPU and a video card. Now you'll just have to find a case, ram, a mobo and a PSU for less than $400 and you'll have a worse, noisier and bigger Xbox One for a mere 100% premium. PCMR BABY

Shhh! Don't aruge facts with mustard race. They're too high of their own ego to listen.

>Did you even read the benchmark picture you posted you stupid PCMR redditor?
That's at 4k you dumb fucking nigger, the XboneX runs Forza Horizon 4 at 4k30.
How stupid are you?
>One X is $370
Show me an XboneX for $370 in USD, not your shitty monopoly money.

>I don't play online games.
Then just pirate nigger

>Literally posted an entire build in , complete with KB+M
Jesus, are all Europeons this fucking stupid or is it specifically a bongnigger thing?

You're literally arguing with teenagers from Reddit who are so devoid of an identity that they've built one around the fact they hate consoles and own a fucking personal computer dude, it's not even worth it.

Again, for the last time so the faggots here get it: Component price inflation has eroded the value for money argument that used to make sense. I can't wait until the 3XXX series comes out from nvidia and you morons actually defend $3k+ premium GPUs.

^yeah and then you realsise that console games cost a fortune

Gonna take a wild stab and guess that that benchmark test wasn't running on a fucking Ryzen 3 1200 like in your build.

>stop liking and caring about the thing you like just buy this retard box instead

Considering there's already a video of a Ryzen 3 1200 and an RX 570 running FH4 at 1080p60 ITT, it doesn't matter.
Not like it'd be CPU limited at fucking 4k running at ~36 FPS.

Blatantly untrue. I know for a fact PSN has constant sales of it’s biggest hits. They don’t do this anymore but they used to have flash sales where tons of games were only 1 to 5 dollars each. I built a tremendous library off that.

>they don’t do this anymore
Ok? You just killed your own point.

>First response
You really flat out should not be spending money on online at all.
If console fags stopped paying that price and basically just played singleplayer titles for a while they'd stop fucking charging you to use your iternet. Your not going to but it's bs.
>I just looked up reviews of, and while the vast majority of people seem to get the product they ordered, there are still lots of people saying that they keys they received were already used, and refused to refund them.
I've been using key sites for a very long time. I don't even buy the shield protection shit for an extra buck or two. I save like 75% - 50% 9/10 and never had a used key nor a stolen key on my end.
The problem is the retards that actually use the website will buy from shady key holders. Then when they get ripped off by a 2 key fag they complain about it.
>Pre Owned games
Technically yes and no. Older titles like sims 2 and 3 yes you can buy preowned and even use the same cd-key. Of course you can always patch out the Cd key if you'd like to and hell it is your game modify it to your liking.
It doesn't really matter because we can keep a hold of our Cd key and as long as it's not used can sell that instead. Hence the key sites. We even have something console fags don't have via the steam traiding systems.
It's not uncommon for people to spend maybe 10 bucks on cosmetic keys and get 100's of dollars worth in steam cash.
>I have an ultrabook that I can't add a GPU to
Why did you buy a laptop that pricey and maybe get a decent priced laptop for work and a good desktop for home? I mean the pc itself is an all around entertainment box. It's perfect for poor school fags like me and you.
>But I just don't think I can justify spending 2 - 3 times the amount compared to a console.
Try looking into ryzen 2200/2300 builds user. You can get those for around 300 - 400 and outperform both xbone x and ps4 pro.

yeah I am sure that the new hot shit is discounted to 5 dollars

>Considering there's already a video of a Ryzen 3 1200 and an RX 570 running FH4 at 1080p60 ITT, it doesn't matter.
One X also does 1080p60 though. Also take it easy my man, we're just discussing hardware. Here, I've found your favorite song. You can chill out to this:

post yfw GPU prices are getting higher every release

Attached: giphy.gif (500x281, 2.64M)

>One X also does 1080p60 though.
You do realize that we were originally talking about a $200-$300 Xbone vs. a $400 PC, and how they'd be getting the same performance (and not double the performance on the PC, considering FH4 runs at 1080p30 on the base Xbone), right?
And I'm still waiting on that $370 XboneX in a currency that matters.

>You can get those for around 300 - 400 and outperform both xbone x and ps4 pro.
Hahahaha, the absolute bullshit posted here. You will absolutely not find a Ryzen 2300 build for under $500. End of story.

That seems to be the only reasonable way to play on consoles desu.

Console. Let my PC turn into a "work" machine once a lot of games I looked forward to started getting busted ports. Going back to 30fps was terrible... for like 5 mins, then it never bothered me again. There are great aspects to PC gaming, but for me, its more hassle than it's worth. Almost every game in my steam library has at least one of the following:

poor compatibility with modern systems
lack of support for modern displays
only controller or m+k controllers
intrusive DRM
broken online play
dead community
bugs that affect enjoyment
erratic performance
non-functioning graphical options
plagued with cheats/hackers

Switching to just sticking to my ps4 has taken stress out of my hobby. I just download a game a play while sitting back and relaxing on the couch.

Like I said here - - the Xbox One S is only $206.80 on Amazon right now.

So your build costs DOUBLE the amount of money. I don't see a huge amount of point in spending twice the amount of money to play the same games. And that $400 PC is not remarkably powerful.

PC cuckold race don't care. So long as the marketing is good and flashy, and the spirit of TotalBiscuit lives on, they'll keep parting with their money for diminishing marginal returns.

Threadly remind that the PS5 will be sold at a $100 loss and that combined with Sony's economies of scale you'd be a fucking moron not to snap something that offers that good value for money up.

got an rx 580 8g for $180
>but muh nvidia
sucks to be you

>A gaming PC is way too expensive, I can buy a PS4 for a fraction of the price.
You can get a decent gaymen rig that out performs the console counterparts for maybe a 10% markup.
>I really don’t want to bother with that. I’d prefer to have something that can be played out of the box.
It's really fucking easy to do so and honestly just get a faggot friend to build one for you if you flat out can't be bothered.
>What about all the peripherals you have to buy for a PC? The cost of a good monitor alone is enough for a whole other console! And I already have a TV!
Use your tv....I bought my 1080 monitors for like 50-60....shit man really?
>I’ve been playing consoles my entire life and have never had an issue with graphics or framerates. I’ve been playing since the Atari. Gameplay comes before graphics anyway so who cares?
You have no idea what your missing. It's like literally a league above consoles. Not to mention the fact that consoles frame rate is fucking garbage. How do you honestly play fall out 4 with that much dipping m8? What the fuck?

From best to worst:
Windows PC

>You can get a decent gaymen rig that out performs the console counterparts for maybe a 10% markup.
You're living in the past m8. This simply isn't true anymore.
>Use your tv....I bought my 1080 monitors for like 50-60....shit man really?
From where? Find me a monitor for $50 that isn't some 60hz garbage.

I'm saying you shouldn't be spending hundreds of pounds / dollars / euros / rupees / whatever on playing some fucking video games. Get out in the real world like a fucking normal person. Playing games occasionally is fine, but spending hundreds and hundreds of pounds / dollars on it is a complete waste of money. You could invest that in a car, or on socialising, or on nicer healthier food, or a gym membership, etc.

Many others did like me. Over the years of sales we have built a huge library for a very respectable price. I don’t know why you PC fags insist that all console games cost $60 at all times.

Oh yeah I forgot how brand new releases are only 5 bucks on PC right? Fuck off.

>Threadly remind that the PS5 will be sold at a $100 loss and that combined with Sony's economies of scale you'd be a fucking moron not to snap something that offers that good value for money up.

I predominantly play on PC but I think it's a good thing we'll actually see a real generational leap this time around. It can only be good for PC gaming.

My only concern is that the baseline standard for development is now going to be 8 cores/16 threads, which fucks those of us with 4/6 core machines over in the long run.

I bought that 460 for 80$ a month after it's release. I'll upgrade to a 580 once I can find one for 100 -120 maybe later down the line but i'm getting my games medium 1080 50-60 so i'm peachy. (Then again I don't play alot of modern games due to the fact that I don't like alot of them.)

Attached: 1554699636390.gif (1372x1024, 800K)

more like nothing if you want to

This, Consoles set the curve.

Get a job.

Since you're speaking in damn pound shoudn't you wage be something like 1000 pounds at least.

Are you that petty that you can't spare one single wage on your hobby to get like both a PC and a console?

>Gameplay comes before graphics
You’re absolutely right, so why are you okay with 30 FPS on consoles that severely hinders gameplay?

PC because no console has games that can satisfy my autism.
As a kid I put thousands of hours into the early Civs and Space Empires. Sim shit like Farm and Ant too.
Then thousands of hours into later civs, Dorf and Minecraft. Emulators and Morrowind/Oblivion too.
As a 30 year old, I've put hundreds of hours into Rimworld, Factorio and Kenshi.

I put hundreds of hours into console games too, but gun to my head, there's a clear winner.

>You're living in the past m8. This simply isn't true anymore.
user here just posted a pc that literally is that. (Maybe not 10% markup but still not much more then an xbone x)
>From where? Find me a monitor for $50 that isn't some 60hz garbage.
Uh yeah 60hz is standard for most people even on pc. I mean I doubt any console game can even run that high. Even then again just your fucking tv if it runs at a higher frame rate. Nothing stoping you from doing that m8.

nice argument there
new releases are a magnitude cheaper on pc

What is rimworld, what is factorio, what is anno 1800 etc...


I have been a console player for years until I got fed up of the continuous costs. People have a point when they say that consoles are cheaper. But in the long run, consoles drain money from you like nothing else. You have to pay for online, and the they become outdated, so you have to buy the new model.
A gaming PC is way more expensive, but is gonna provide with years of gaming and overall better performance.
I firmly believe consoles are worth it if the games are worth it. PS4 isn't worth it for me, since I don't really care about its exclusives.
But you can definitely have both.
I usually advice people who want a bigger games library to go for PC tho.

inb4 all shit those don’t count

>Is there an affordable way for a gaming PC though
You get what you pay for.

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I have both a PC and a PS3 and PS4. I haven't touched my consoles ever since I built my PC.

every new release?

That's false then.

you do realize console run the game on lowest or lower than lowest settings? If we lowered the settings on pc games, you could build a pc with parts from a decade ago and beat these shit heap consoles.

If cost is a concern then get a console if not get a Pc but if you are going for a Pc don’t cheap out too much the low cost gaming Pc is a meme

That's exactly what will happen next generation.
>PS5/XB2 release
>Suddenly every game is developed for 8cores/24+gmbram
Yes, you'll probably be able to buy better PC "specs" after that happens but everyone will not mention the fact that an entirely new CPU/GPU build will be needed and it WILL DEFINITELY be much more expensive $$$, at least the first couple of years.

>user here just posted a pc that literally is that. (Maybe not 10% markup but still not much more then an xbone x)

You mean the pic with a Ryzen 1200? lol.

If I’m playing multiplayer, then everyone must experience the same fps, making it fair. If I’m playing singleplayer, I can safely say I’ve never had an issue where I thought to myself “I wish the fps was higher, then I could beat this boss!”

Your fps argument is a literal non-issue for me as well as 90% of gamers. It’s just for eye-candy and you know it.

PCbros have been doing the exact same thing, and it happens multiple times a year. Ever heard of steam sales? I wait a year to buy AAA games because 9 times out of 10 I can get them for dirt cheap during a sale.

show me the cheapest you can find sekiro

It's double the money for roughly double the performance, not to mention tons of games that aren't on Xbone like all the Yakuza games, DQ11, Nioh, and pretty much any smaller Jap game.
Plus any of the games that aren't on consoles.

This is was a huge point for me too. All the advantages of consoles just disappeared over time. The PS4 Pro was the last straw for me. It was a fucking betrayal and no one gave a fuck.

If you just want something to play new releases on get a console.
If you're going to play online a bunch, pick whichever your friends have. If your friends don't play online then go for PC since free multiplayer.
If you want the top of the line specs, or to tinker with things or use mods go PC.
If you only play single player stuff consoles get cheap as fuck mid way through a generation, especially since you can buy physical games at clearance prices, used games, rent games or borrow games from others.
Games practically come out on both platforms at the same time (or a delayed PC release by a few months) so no matter which you pick you're not really missing out on anything.

Right now is a pretty bad time to buy a console though since next gen is 18 months away and will be backwards compatible, and there hasn't been a price drop yet on current gen meaning the Slim consoles are still MSRP'd at $300. That money would much better be spent on waiting on PS5/Xbox4.
If you're thinking of making a PC then be careful, especially if you're making a low end, or mid-low end build. Next gen will bump up baseline specs so you very well could be building something today that costs a bit more than a next gen system will be and be playing them worse than a console will be in under 2 years time.

Watching the p cucks get cucked is gonna be fun though.

>lowest settings

They run them on medium settings usually. Again, you will not find a $200 PC that will outperform a $200 xbox.

Are you retarded?
Do you know how garbage the CPUs in current gen consoles are?

>Coming from someone who has probably never experienced FPS higher than 30...

>just werks

>lightyears faster if you have the dosh

I've got a 4k 120hz screen and let me tell you pushing games along at that frame is really, really nice.

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>They run them on medium settings usually.
Mmm no, not really.
Most of the larger AAA games are running on low-ish settings on consoles nowadays.

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Xbox is very cheap to play on these days thanks to GamePass and EA Access. These cost few bucks per month and fill your library with some good vidya, both old and new.
If you want to go on budget, go Xbone. Building a decent PC costs money and nets you lesser bang for your buck. Also, it's often worse to play multiplats on as they are often unoptimized.

Again, you're living under a rock. Steam sales in 2019 are not what they were in 2009. They have market share now they don't need to do loss-leading sales anymore. There's still some great bargains, but as user said, PSN and Xbox Live also have some great lightning deals.

Exact opposite for me. The price inflation of components has completely soured me on PC gaming as a whole. I don't know how anyone can defend premium GPUs being launched at $1500+. I remember when we used to pay $400 MAX for a top-end GPU (remember the Voodoo 2 3000?)

Buy a $200 PC and try running the latest Assassin's Creed at all mate. You won't even be able to afford a discrete GPU at all.

Sounds like the ultimate combo

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There lower then low settings. They commonly remove foliage and certain effects to get them to run even better.

Also, keep in mind that you can buy physicals for AAA games you want and get at least some of the cash back after you finish them.

>I remember when we used to pay $400 MAX for a top-end GPU (remember the Voodoo 2 3000?)
I also remember said $400 GPU being obsolete and unsupported less than 2 years later.
Meanwhile I'm still running games at decent settings on a 4 year old R9 Fury that I got for $260.

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I don't really want a switch. The only game on switch I want to play RN is odyssey. Hell I might be able to play that soon though.

Console life cycles are responsible for that.

>I don't know how anyone can defend premium GPUs being launched at $1500+.

Because they've bought into PC gaming as a surrogate identity rather than a thing to do because it's good value for money (spoiler: it hasn't been good value for money since the buttcoiners imploded the market and Intel/nvidia became virtual monopolies with price-setting powers in their own right).

I blame TotalAsscancer, unironically. The guy was a poisonous influence on all that.

>EA Access
Ever heard of Origin Access?

>I don't know how anyone can defend premium GPUs
Me neighter. High end GPUs always had a terrible value reserved for literal boomers who don't do shit with it, people with mad money and kids with lenient parrents. The rest always buys midrange which will carry you for 3 - 4 years easily.

would you build a $400 "gaming" PC, complete waste of money.
With PC gaming you either go full retard with your money or you shouldn't bother at all, the performance curve sucks at those prices


In fairness, it was the other way around.
Games would target tomorrows hardware to max their setings because it would make it look beautiful. And people would buy tomorrows hardware. Now making a game that utilizes even todays top end GPUs would be fucking pointless because nobody has them. Its not like you couldnt still run new games on old cards, just at lower settings.

>I also remember said $400 GPU being obsolete and unsupported less than 2 years later.

Huh? I had my Voodoo 2 3000 for 5 years, what are you talking about zoomer?

Gaymen PCs have the best price to performance ratio at around $600.

Why are all consolebros so painfully unaware of the long term cost benefit of PC?

If we're going to talk about outdated shit tier hardware then I could easily just go get some shitty refurbished office PC and stick an RX 550 in it (or an older used GPU) and outperform a base Xbone for $180.
You are aware that consoles were a thing back in 1999, correct?

Why do piratefags suck Richard Stallman's dick so much when he's a literal Jewish pedophile?

That was easy.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-04-19 14-22-17.png (1495x758, 416K)

No, this is just zoomer shit, most of the time GPUs became obsolete because they only supported a specific API that made use of specific effects and forms of acceleration in games (like Glide, which is fucking dead).
>I had my Voodoo 2 3000 for 5 years
And you definitely weren't playing games released in 2002 or 2003 on it, especially something like UT 2003.

meant for

This. It really does boil down to buying a high end PC if you have the money for it and console if you don’t. Plus most people with friends just stick to console because it’s easier and more inclusive.

A 3rd gen i5... jfc

>used GPU
>actually buying used GPUs

LOL. You've been reduced to arguing you should buy a refurbed PC with a USED GPU that is STILL MORE EXPENSIVE than an xbox.

>own everything

Dance monkeys dance!

I've never heard of him outside of /g/ memes


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Phones and game streaming are the easiest and most inclusive, so why would I not just do that?

I do, but multiplats weren't as common back then. PC gaming was a very different beast in the 90S. Now that most games come out on every major platform, they almost always develop on the weakest link/ what brings in the most revenue, which is the consoles.

>they don't have bloodborne
and thank god we don;t
dont wanna play 24fps game
aw hell naw we care about quality user

>A 3rd gen i5... jfc
AKA a CPU that still takes a giant shit on what's in the Xbone.
And if we're talking about using outdated hardware then yea, I don't see the issue with the comparison.
A $130-$140 PC paired with something like a $60-$70 R9 380 would easily shit on an Xbone.

Yes I did. Even GamePass is available on PC. I know that. So?


Degenerate porn-addled P-Cucks lmao.

How are consoles "cheaper" when you have to pay $60 a year to play online and games cost much more? Specially when you can build pcs that are actually cheaper than consoles? and if cost/performance is an issue than you can easily build a better PC for cheaper than the Pro/OneX, unless you mean the base PS4/Xbone which are garbage nowadays anyways.

>R9 380
Where are you getting a non-used R9 380? GPU mfgs discontinue cards almost immediately after a new range comes out these days. Gotta make sure people can't pick up a bargain after all! PCMR!

For me, it's Xbox One X with a 55" Sony X900F 4K tv

It has a hard to beat price/performance/simplicity ratio

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I have an Xbone, a WiiU, and a PC.
Got the Xbone for free and I don't even use it.
I am utterly baffled as to what this damn thing is good for, even the controller is shit for anything that I would want to use a controller for outside of maybe racing games thanks to the fuckawful shoulder buttons.

>(like Glide, which is fucking dead).
Praise unto Nglide anmd DGvoodoo.

Attached: 1998 never looked so good.webm (720x405, 2.86M)

>j-just plug a PC into it...
Sorry fags, your setup will never be as easy or as comfy as this this guy's is.

You know game prices drop on console, right?

>games cost much more

Simply not true. Plus you can trade games with friends and sell games you get bored of

This. A lot of games require you use a keyboard at some point, even if it's just to launch or enter your name.

Cost to functionality.

Even if you get 1500 dollar pc you get a tremebdous amount use. Meanwhile a console is couple hundred for just a few games and inferior triple aaa multis

I built my pc right before the buttcoin gpu spike. I settled on the brand new 8700k (had trouble sourcing one, but I'm glad I did because the delid was easy af), a semi-premium z370 mobo, an asus gtx1080, and 16gb of 3200mhz ddr4. I bought it to run almost any game I wanted to play at 1440/165. Sometimes I sit and think about how my 1080 was overkill for mostly just playing rocket league (a 1060 would suffice), but when I boot forza and get to play at 120ish frames on 1440 ultra my stupid bitch ass wishes I bought the 1080ti.

My xbox one s is now a $60 a year netflix and amazon video streaming box. Thank god I bought it on sale for $210. It is literally unplayable. Going from less than 7ms response time on pc to over 200ms when on xbox is jarring and makes the games feel like shit.

I grew up on a dreamcast, got a ps2, then an xbox, then a 360, then the one, and quite honestly my pc is my favorite. Sure, a console gets you the most bang for the buck, and if you're a kid most of your friends will be ps or xbone fags, but I'd say get a pc if you can afford it. Call of Duty is absolute dogshit compared to CS:GO. Rocket League is an entirely different game. And PUBG, if any of you fags dare play it, is actually halfway decent on pc, everything renders in immediately, and you can actually aim.

Yes, there are cheaters, but I know there are also cheaters on xbox.

Buy a PC. If you really like to play vidya, you won't regret it.

Nowhere near to the same level. Largely because of deals platform holders have to keep physical retailers in the loop.

>hard to beat price/performance
That is a myth. An Xbone X is only about 20 bucks cheaper than a PC with similar specs and that's only if you have to build it from nothing, if you already have a decent psu and a case than you can actually build a much more powerfull pc for way cheaper. And that's not including the fact games cost way more on consoles and you have to pay $60 a year to play online.
That's a dumb argument, there's nothing more complicated than buying a game on steam and let it download and install automatically. It's the same shit, only difference is that PC isn't a drm machine that doesn't let you modify anything so if you're a kid and like having daddy microsoft stopping you from doing anything else other than playing the games at whatever arbitrary settings devs shit at you then be my guest.

If you're poor pc for sure. At first you might think that console is more expensive but add 60$ for every game. If you play even just 10 games a year that's 600 each year. Now Pc you might spend 1000 At first but then you never ever have to pay for a game again. This is why all slavs and 3rd worlders are pc gamers and not console gamers.

Steam games are almost always same price a retail for the same game. The others go either way.

Not everyone plays online and games go on sale on all platforms at the same time. All PC gets is maybe a ~15% off at launch discount if you buy a Steam key from a third party site before release. Consoles make up for that by physical copies that get consistent price cuts as time goes on as they try and move stock.

Console, not even a question.

This. I only resub when a game all my friends get a game to play together. I also could count on one hand how many games I've paid $60 for in the past 3 years. most of the time I wait for price drop or sales to get them for

>An Xbone X is only about 20 bucks cheaper than a PC with similar specs
Lies and slander from the thread's resident reddit and TotalBiscuit subscriber.

That controller automatically works on PC.
That mouse won't automatically work on console.

My PC is used for
>general multimedia. multi screen setups are fucking dope
>learning shit like python and languages
>emulating old console games
>general gaming
Maybe I'd get a console if all I want is playing games. PCs are just too versatile for me though.

>Steam games are almost always same price a retail for the same game
They are also discounted much sooner, oftentimes as early as day one with things such as Fanatical, GMG and other keysites. Sometimes even earlier with 20% preorder discounts. Then the backcatalogue of games to go on sale goes much further. Aditionally even EGS is selling shit for $50 day one, and Origin offers a service that gives a 10% discount on all games, that literally pays for itself and then some with your first purchase. I have not paid full price for a PC games in years, yet I dont use any sketchy keysites and buy games near release all the time.

I'm a consoletard, but PC is superior in every way, no matter how you look at it. Sorry bros

you typing that from console right?

my pc (1070, 144hz monitor etc) is literally a torrent/shitposting machine. i play games on pc that i can't be fucked to buy however if there is any game i really want to buy i buy it on console because i like to have a physical copy of games i enjoy. sometimes even steelbooks and stuff. if pc still had physical it would be a no brainer but that's never going to happen as long as gabe has anything to say about it

He's a mobilenigger, so no.
Thankfully, mobile will kill consoles in the next 10 years.

any1 who says console
shouldn't use computer then
(you)s being here typing here
PROVES console is inferior

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I built my machine around Black Friday 2017. GTX 1080, Ryzen 1700, 16GB RAM, 24-inch 1440p 144hz G-Sync monitor, 525GB SSD, 4.5TB HDD. Came out to roughly $1400. No regrets. I can play pretty much anything maxed at 1440p, at buttery smooth framerate, and no screen tearing or input lag. Plus I can emulate consoles up to the PS3. Plus all of the Xbone's "exclusives" are pretty much on PC. PS4 "exclusives" have made their way to PC as well, such as Nioh and Yakuza. Plus, between all the different storefronts (and key resellers like Humble and Fanatical), games are on sale literally all the time. And even if you're too poor for sales, you can just pirate. And you can use any controller/input method you want. And you don't have to pay for online play (unless it''s an MMO).
I wish certain third-party exclusives got native PC ports (like God Hand on PS2, Ninja Gaiden series on OG Xbox and 360, Lost Odyssey on 360, Persona series on PlayStation, Jet Set Radio Future on OG Xbox, etc). But as long as emulation exists, I'll be good. PC + Switch for Nintendo's exclusives is all you need.

Unless you are a female. You probably need a desktop computer anyway. It doesn't cost that much more to make it gaming ready. Then if you still need a laptop, you can save a tonne by just getting a cheap shitty one.

This. I preordered Devil May Cry 5 Deluxe Edition from Fanatical, and it was like 20% off. I got the Deluxe with all the preorder bonuses for cheaper than the official MSRP for the Standard Edition.

I buy games on PS4 or Xbone, but then leave them in the plastic and play on PC. I mean my PS4 is on 5.05 and I even do this with exclusives, same as Wii U and Vita. Id do it with Switch too if shit wasnt so fucking expesnive

off topic, but with the legit keysites is there a way to lie about where I am from for sales taxes reasons? I got the idea cause nintendo just fucking asked, and now I save 7% on all eshop purchases by saying I am from Alberta.

I do feel bad sometimes though, like I am encouraging console faggotry, but not PC gaming. So when it is a game that is a borderline port or something I buy it on PC.

If you're in the US, I don't think Fanatical charges sales tax. Same for Humble. Think they only charge tax if you're in somewhere like Europe or Australia.

I am in Canada. I should probably check though, I just kinda assumed they did.

>triple aaa

I have both but the PS4 will be my last console. I'm a weeb gamer and all the Jap devs are jumping ship to PC. I was surprised how well the Sekiro port is considering how fucking terrible Dark Souls was when it came out. Same with the Devil May Cry and Yakuza. There's not much which holds me at this point. Plus I have a job so I can pay a bit more money for my hobby.

>he doesn't know about AAAAAA games

come into 2019 grandpa

>And that's not including the fact games cost way more on consoles

I just checked Witcher 3 complete edition, AC origins and DS3 deluxe; they are all much more expensive on steam

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you gonna sell that xbone?
it's pretty useless now save for a few multiplats and retrocompatible games



huh, they dont seem to at all. Neat. Should start using them when it is the same price as steam even.

That's only double AAA, my friend. You meant to say AAAAAAAAA

All of those are free on pc

now add your mandatory online tax you shit eating console pleb

is this a shouting thread? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>being this mad

I own a gaming PC. Until component prices come down to a reasonable level again, that will be the last gaming PC I assemble.

PC people say this, but then they also say how they spend $200+ on a new graphics card every 2 or 3 years in order to still play the latest games, so excuse me for being a little sceptical.

>AC Origins
Literally part of this month's Humble Monthly. You can get it (plus like five or six other games) for like $12 altogether.
>Witcher 3 GOTY
$15 on Humble right now, plus it's DRM free.
>Dark Souls 3 Deluxe
just over $20 on Green Man. Even less on some other key sites.

As opposed to paying another $400 for the "Pro" edition of the console 2-3 years after the base model?

I mean besides the fact that you are cherrypicking games on sale, that are only available at those prices to people who pay an annual subscription. You are also wrong.

Consoles are cheap and have games. PC is a meme.

>Bulldozer amd cpu
seems legit

Wait until PS5 comes out OP. Best bang for your buck is a new console release that's attempting a generation-leap, is selling at a loss and is hoping to recoup the cost through attachment rate. There's also the fact that 8 cores are going to become standard once that comes out, so you're essentially cucking yourself if you buy some budget-end PC without a modern CPU.

Oh shit, why didnt the autist CD key sales sites point me to humble over fucking Kinguin!?

>Bulldozer amd cpu
Well that's pretty much what's in xbox/ps4


Yea Forums love it because if fits into their contrarian kit. I promise that if PC was top dog in the games market they'd all be loving consoles.

>budget-end PC
We're in 2019 6c/12t cpus are cheaper than most games.

So about the same prices then (mine are CAD) The user said games were much more expensive on consoles

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Just use
They are a price aggregator that lists/compares prices from only legit storefronts/resellers. They don't list shit like Kinguin or G2A.

PC is simply superior. The only problem is exclusives. Mainly the Playstation ones.

>AC Origins
thats a good deal
>Witcher 3 GOTY
was $15 a few days/weeks back on psn
>Dark Souls 3 Deluxe
got it for $2-$3 more on psn months ago

>cherrypicking games on sale

There always 100+ games on sale at any given point on Xbone though. I own 50ish titles and the only full price game I paid for was REmake 2

Not 8nm ones. Garbage Bulldozer shit, yes.

Saying all console games cost $60 forever is like saying PCs cant be plugged into a tv in the living room.

Attached: sm.jpg (600x525, 53K)

But again, those Xbox sale prices shown are on the condition that you have Xbox Live. Sure, games still go on sale even if you don't have Live, but it's not as deep of a discount.

>So about the same prices then
No because you forgot Those games would cost you an aditional $70 canuck bucks for access to the """sale""" costing you $136 CAD.
Whereas on PC it would cost you $60 CAD. (AC is actually cheaper dude must of used CAD price himself). But other than that you are 100% write, buying the 3 cheapest possible sale price games you can find on XBL is only TWICE the price of buying those same cherrypicked games on PC. OFC I could cherry pick really good PC game sales going on right now, but I imagine when your own cherrypicked list is cheaper on PC you will concede the point.

There are no 6c/12t consumer Bulldozer CPUs consolenigger, he's talking about Ryzen CPUs.
Just like when the PS4 was announced and consoleniggers lost their shit over "whoa, 8 GB GDDR5 and 8 cores!" the hype will not live up.
If this gen taught us anything, it's that corecount alone means nothing.

consoles are for slaves

Any game with online mode will literally cost 60$ forever, every single fucking year.

>16 bit color
>chiptune sound
>wired controller

too weak. wouldn't play,

Attached: Neckbeards.png (345x337, 127K)

>and did you manage to get something for the same cost as a console which could still run AAA games?
If you're that poor, stick to consoles. I enjoy the complexity and price of PC, its a great filter for children and retards.

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This. I just want to play fucking everybody's golf. But that price is way to fucking high, especially when you consider I would have to update past 5.05. Fuck you Sony. There should be a PC gamer discount for if you just want to play one exclusives, and updates should be optional.

There's been times when the entire trilogy was bundled for about $15. Witcher 2's only console port was 360 (which I guess is backwards compatible on Xbone), and Witcher 1 remains PC exclusive.

was that complete edition though? not arguing, just curious cause I am debating pulling the trigger on the humble sale.

>the hype will not live up.

Keep telling yourself that. PS5 is using 8nm Navi cores, 24gb of GDDR6 and a one 1TB NAND SSD. All of this will retail at $499. If you're going to be able to build a PC at an equivalent price for equivalent horsepower, I have a bridge to sell you.

They do that because the older titles arent selling anymore because people have moved on. it makes it enticing, but likes not pretend they have much real value anymore.

2/10 bait, almost had me, but not quite.

As a rule i don´t buy any console unless it has at least 10 exclusive titles that i can´t play anywhere else. PS4 sadly did not fulfill that criteria so i went with PC and the only game i am missing is RDR2. I expected to resign Nier Automata and Dragon Quest XI but both came to PC, as it did Ni no kuni 2.

I really can´t think of a reason that´s not exclusives to buy a console. PC has retro compatibility, MODS and even though the price is higher you can pirate enough to get even if you want to. Not to mention free online, getting some titles that are not on both consoles and that you can use it to do other stuff besides gaming.
In the past consoles would have enough exclusives to make this a more difficult choice but now... Xbox is dead and PS exclusives are lackluster. The new uncharted games are subpar when compared to the original trilogy, Bloodboner is just another souls games, KH3 was dissapointing, Horizon was meh, GoW was ok but nothing that merits they hype it got and Spiderman´s been forgotten. Every new title i want is coming to PC.

Still, if money is an issue you should wait till the PS5 releases. If it ends up having retro compatibility you´ll be able to play the above mentioned + whatever library they come up with for the PS5. You´ll be covered for 5 years? 7 years? (is that what new generation consoles last these days?) and your library would be of more than 12 or 15 games almost certainly... or at the very least once the PS5 is here PS4 prices would go down.

I'm a console fag, but even I could tell you that gap will be closed and surpassed shortly after it launches. just how the tech goes. Not knocking the ps5, just saying...

I'm sure the irony of saying this in a thread that's largely about the Xbone is not lost on you.

>Xbox is dead

Attached: 1547164546821.jpg (639x239, 57K)

besides a lot of this being rumours, Navi actually being 7nm and you being all round retarded. I can yeah, because
A. PC's are modular, you can use existing hardware
B. The CPU is gonna be clocked to like ~2.5ghz
C. it is going to be midrange Navi
d. You dont need that much graphics memory.
I will probably just buy a $500 GPU the same year it releases, and my computer will blow PS5 out the fucking water.

Nah. GOTY and Complete Edition are literally the same thing (Witcher 3 with all the DLC). Not sure why they have two different names for the same exact thing.

>entirely missing the point
The point was that it has been possible to get THE ENTIRE SERIES for the same price as you're getting ONE GAME, and you guys are claiming getting the one game by itself is a better deal.

Building a pc will be more expensive specially if you want better framerates and eyecandy but pc games on my region costs much less than console games and since you buy more games than buy console/PC upgrades, it stacks up

1. Microsoft are currently offering Xbox Live for £1 ($1.30 USD) for a month. It's only a temporary deal but it's lasting for the next 20 odd days, and they often have deals to be honest.
2. Games can be extremely cheap. GTA V is currently £25 on Steam, but you can get a used Xbox One disc for £10. Halo 3, backwards compatible one the Xbox One, can be had for just 50p ($0.65 USD).
3. If you build a gaming PC it's probably going to cost twice what an Xbox One S costs, at least.

It's not. I think bc is neat, but it's really a non-issue for the vast majority of people. It sound neat on paper, but it really isnt utilized if people have the means to buy the new hot title.

PC is the better investment but is more expensive short term. There really isnt much else to say about it.

The point is that BC is literally the only thing the XB1 has over, say, the PS4.

But I would never do that because that's a complete fucking waste of money. The Xbox One S is still going to last the entire generation you fucking moron.

The jaguar cores are actually worse. despite the minor IPC increase they lack an L3 cache and are clocked much lower. Bulldozer's only true strength on desktop is the obscene locks it could reach.

Fun fact: the highest overclock ever was achieved by a 6100 with only 1 core running - iirc it achived just under 9ghz.

>The Xbox One S is still going to last the entire generation you fucking moron.
Just like the HD 7790.
A GPU that released a year before the Xbone.

>besides a lot of this being rumours

It's literally confirmed by Cerny in an interview with Wired, foolish p-cuck.

>B. The CPU is gonna be clocked to like ~2.5ghz

Who cares?

>A. PC's are modular, you can use existing hardware

So now you're comparing the cost of a brand new machine to the cost of a new component? I thought you said you could build a new PC cheaper, with more horsepower, for cheaper than the cost of a new console? This represents a change of tact.

>C. it is going to be midrange Navi

We'll see, it's still an entirely new SoC with 8 cores, 16 threads and 8nm architecture.

>d. You dont need that much graphics memory.

It's shared pool you moron.

>I will probably just buy a $500 GPU the same year it releases, and my computer will blow PS5 out the fucking water.

lol @ buying a GPU for the same price as the entire PS5 just to spite people who want to play games. What a fucking moron you are. Maybe you'll be able to play Rocket League or on some dead TF2 server full of cheaters LOL

I agree unless the exclusives are what they're after, in which case that is reason enough to get it over the ps4.

The exclusives are also on PC.
Hell, some of them (like Cuphead) are on Switch.

idort here, I strongly disagree

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You can currently get RDR 2, pre-owned, for £25 here in the UK ($32.50 USD, or $43.50 CAD).

PC needs a better couch setup OS or UI than Big Picture. Sitting at a desk isn’t good for myself for too long.

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I mean, your opinion is pretty irrelevant.
The Xbone doesn't really do anything for games that the PS4 can't do, outside of BC.

Meh. it plays multiplats at high resolutions and maybe a little bit better fps.

Why is it that every iOSnigger posts inane, random shit all the time?

That's the XboneX, not the Xbone.

In fact does anyone else get really autistic over UI? I think the number one reason I like the using the sketch the most is because it has the smoothest UI. Every time the Ps4’s stutters I wanna turn it off. The xbone’s was so bad I returned it.

Is that in reference to the image or comment?

The image.
What the fuck does it have to do with the post at all?

>It's literally confirmed by Cerny in an interview with Wired, foolish p-cuck.
Actually a small fraction of it is. I even read Lisa Su's statement.
>Who cares?
You i'd imagine given your fascination with PS5 specs. It also means a part with worse IPC can make up for it with the drastically increased clocks. And considering how poorly multihtreaded games can be. I wouldn't at all be surprised if it can be outperformed by low end CPUs with half the cores/threads.
>We'll see, it's still an entirely new SoC with 8 cores, 16 threads and 8nm architecture.
What? 8gpu cores, damn it is gonna be a huge downgrade from PS4. also no, Navi and zen 2 are both 7nm architectures. Why do console retards try and talk about PC hardware like they have any idea what the fuck they are talking about?
>It's shared pool you moron.
Cool, your point?
>lol @ buying a GPU for the same price as the entire PS5 just to spite people who want to play games.
I will buy it because, it is probably what I need to upgrade next, and I want to max the fuck out of games at 4k? I dont care about consoles at all. Nice thing about PC is, I wont have to throw away my entire rig just to buy it.

fucking THIS
not to mention Steam is getting cucked recently, Big Picture will become even more obsolete now

I use BigBox. It is really good. Especially with the new "loading" screens they have. You can have it just start at launch. But I have an AHK script so I can just have my PC switch to my TV and automatically launch it. I agree steam big picture fucking sucks.

Just like you don't need to upgrade GPUs to the latest every two-three years if you're cool with just reducing some settings and/or playing at a lower res. Even after reducing settings/lowering res, it'll still outperform console.

Just use a wireless M&K. The pc's UI is 100x better then fucking any console UI on the merit that it's almost fully customizable and near limitless frontends that can be installed. Have fun browsing the web without a mouse fag.

>buying a $500 GPU
>buying a 4k monitor

> Even if you spent DOUBLE that on a gaming PC, it might only barely be able to play the same games (e.g. GTA V, Sekiro, etc.).
What the fuck? Do consolefags really believe this?

Consolefags aren't too bright.
I'm convinced that most of them are genuine McJobbers, including the people who swear up and down that they're not.

>spending money on your hobbeys
How dare I.

I wish half the console fags never got into gaming. There just muddying the water with there ignorance.

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part of it is PC gamers can be a bit melodramatic.
Like, when PS3 and Xbox 360 ran everything at 720p. Most PC gamers basically said if you couldnt run it at 1080p you couldn't run it, so it was a bit of an asymmetrical comparison.At the tale end of last generation for example, if your PC could run a game at 720p medium settings 30fps, it was basically saying it couldnt run it. Even if the ps3 version looked worse and cosntantly dropped below 30fps. Kinda like how when a Console port only looks slightly better, or locks at 60/30fps Or something and PC gamers bitch (which is fair) about how bad the port is, console gamers get confused and think they are saying the console version is better.

Not him but buying a 4k monitor is essentially pointless unless it's >32 inches.

just use your TV as a monitor and use a controller on the PC

I'm probably gonna go about 32 inches. I am at 27 inches 1440p now. I also wanna upgrade for Variable refresh and HDR as well. I am just waiting for decent HDR1000 monitors with quality panels in that size.

The 2400g is an apu that gives you performance equal to the base consoles and it costs $150. Fuck off with this "entry level PCs are too expensive" shit.

HDR monitors are obscenely overpriced at the moment though. You may as well just buy a 4k HDR TV.

PC gaming is for enthusiasts, console gaming is a cheap way to plug and play+exclusives.

I don't need cutting edge graphics and like the simplicity and having a physical collection. But if gaming is more of a hobby and you are not interested in those exclusives, PC gaming is the better option if you are willing to spend to money

anno 1800 is so fucking fun. I played 8 hours straight and it told me that I have family that I should see

>console gamers get confused and think they are saying the console version is better.
They usually lack the technical expertise to identify the problems of the games. I used to work with an absolute retard who unironically bought into the cinematic meme and yet he couldn't figure out why games like CoD usually feel so much more "fluid" compared to other games without even drawing a connection to the frame rate.

>You may as well just buy a 4k HDR TV
I have one.
>HDR monitors are obscenely overpriced at the moment though.
Only the actually good ones. But yeah I will wait a year or two. I don't mind spending a decent amount for a long term monitor, but every monitor these days seems to have some compromise I dont want to make. I also havent decided if I am going to fall for the ultrawide meme instead.

I went 32 for a 2k and I didn't like it. The PPI was super noticeable. I then got an IPS 27' 144hz for 1440p and it's WAY better. My 32 is now my side monitor for watching shit while I game and is hooked up to my consoles.

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That's a pretty good way to put it. My PC cost about 3000 but I don't want to even spend the cash to get a Basedstation. They just don't appeal to me anymore.

I fucking loved Sony back in the PS1 and 2 eras, though. I'm old enough to have had a NES and SNES, but that PS1 era was my golden era of RPGs.

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yeah I wouldn't do 32" at anything below 4k. 1440p maybe. but ehhh. I also wouldn't really go above 32 inches either else it starts getting too large.

>I fucking loved Sony back in the PS1 and 2 eras

Agreed. Consoles had a distinctive identity back then. PS3/Xbox 360 turned them into locked down PCs.

Yeah, I meant 1440p when I said 2k. It didn't look that good but moving back to a 27 inch made it look amazing again

I disagree. 8th gen was when consoles became gimped PCs. PS3 did some stupid shit with its exotic architecture but it at least attempted a non-x86 gamble that had its moments among first party devs. PS4 and Xbox One were massively disappointing, which is why its good to see Sony attempting more of an actual generation-jump with the PS5.

nah it was when they made the jump to 3d they just became shitty attempts at PC gaming.

mid-range gpus that came out the same year as the xbobe/ps4 can still run shit at console settings though.

Oh nothing. It is a console vs pc thread so o thought it was tangential enough.

user he said Xbone S. That was fucking 2016. Same year as the fucking 1050ti.

Join the idort master race

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This is how I know you're a tech illiterate retard.

OP literally says
>Which do you think is best for gaming, if you were only going to buy one?
cool that you wanted to show off an all but completely irrelevant to the topic of the thread

renovating your kitchen costs 20k
a pc that can play anything costs 1k
pc gaming isnt affordable only if you are a child

If you must have multiple machines this gen, all you really need is PC + Switch. Xbone is literally pointless since all the "exclusives" are now on PC. PS4 only really has Bloodborne and Gravity Rush 2. Not getting a console for only two games.
The only reason I'd consider getting an Xbone for is the backwards compatibility, but since emulation exists, we'll hopefully soon see shit like Ninja Gaiden, JSRF, Lost Odyssey, Otogi, Panzer Dragoon Orta, etc, playable on PC.

I used to be massive into consoles during the 8/16/32 bit era. I still have fond memories of pulling a one nighter together with a friend to beat the first Resident Evil. I was obsessed with my PS1. That all changed on Christmas 1998 when I got my first PC though. Games like Star Craft, Half-Life, Baldur's Gate, Diablo 2 and Deus Ex changed everything for me. Nowadays it's pretty much all the same across all platforms but PC games back then had something special. They were rough around the edges and often pretty clunky but always pushed for innovation. I think I played Deus Ex alone for half a year without even touching anything else.

A few years later my PSU broke down and I thought it would be the end, turns out I just have to screw open the box and replace it. The maintainability was something which made me never look back and got me into hardware. I've accumulated so much hardware over the years I sometimes just build some crappy PC with it for the hell of it. PC becomes a hobby into itself with gaming only being a part of the package. If you aren't interested in that aspect, stay away though.

Thanks for reading my boomer blog.

why the fuck does that matter, it's just a slim version of the base xbone.

The Xbone S is just a slim version of the base Xbone. It didn't have a new GPU or anything.

Consoles are only getting worse, PC is getting worse too but it's a slower process.

Total War
Most grand strategy
Moddable Mount & Blade: Warband
Soon to be Bannerlord inb4 never ever
Anno Domini
Mod-ability in general
Divinity Original Sin

The day consoles get these is when I reconsider PC superiority. Until that day comes it's not even close between which is better.

>PC becomes a hobby into itself with gaming only being a part of the package
Thats actually part of the reason I dont like playing games on P.C. I love hardware and tech and so I get distracted benchmarking and tinkering rather than just playing the game.

>Even if you spent DOUBLE that on a gaming PC, it might only barely be able to play the same games (e.g. GTA V, Sekiro, etc.).
Lies. You could get great bleeding edge even at 700$. Just look at this video below.
This is technically a 500$ build nowadays. And it basically does everything better than a PS4 Pro and will easily be nearly on par with what a PS5 will bring. If you spent just a few hundred more you could get a nearly 4k 60fps experience. Just look at this
This person is running a 2070 on ULTRA settings. Highest graphical settings compared to PS4 Pro's medium graphics settings and the future PS5's high settings.
>Is there an affordable way for a gaming PC though, e.g. buying all second-hand parts, or buying a used Dell Optiplex (business / education PC) and throwing a graphics card in there?
Basically long story short. Building your own will always be the cheapest to do and you can get better parts compared to prebuilt PC's. But if you think you will fuck it up I would suggest going prebuilt or pcpartpicker and YouTube for build guides and help. But I would highly suggest to get a 16gb of ram(multitasking and video games), SSD storage(at least a 1tb) and finally a 1660 TI if you want to budget or a 2070 if you want to go all in. There is lots of options out there but do not be afraid. There is so much PC has to offer including Mods, Communities etc.

Half of these games CAN'T run on consoles nor are gamepads suitable to play any of these games with. Good luck playing fucking arma with a gamepad. There's key's for turning your fucking head and a bajillion for which position your standing.

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PC is The Platform if you like strategy games, keyboard and mouse is the only proper way to play them. Well, FPS should be a PC only genre too, but somehow console kiddies started buying all the Cawadooties in ps3 and 360.


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That only happens to me when I get something new. Once I'm done with benchmarking I start playing and forget about it.

once you get a gaming pc you won't want to play video games anymore

To be fair my man. If you like Japanese games there has been more reasons to do so. Considering Yakuza, Monster Hunter and various other stuff has been released the last 2 years.

>Which do you think is best for gaming
PC, obviously. There is no debate.
PC is technically superior. It has all the control schemes, customizability, graphical options, modding support, free online, various storefronts and other options that I might be neglecting.

There's only three real reasons to own consoles.
>If we ignore how much money you're going to spend on online acces and the games themselves, the console unit itself is cheaper than even the cheapest acceptable PC build.
>Exclusives that you do not get on PC, but this is also a downside in that you'll suffer from the moral dilemma of financially supporting corporate kikery on account of getting the game you want.
>It's a handheld

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Because GPUs got better and cheaper between the launch of Xbone and when he actually bought one.

PC Expensive at first, but you conoles cant pirate and greenman gaming and cheaper regional pc prices so consoles end up being more expensive in the end

>all this shit for wannabe genius
kek fuckin subhuman pc-oward

>If we ignore how much money
are you retarded nigger? PC shit is too expensive even in the long run

So, what was the point that was being made? You could also get a GPU made when the Xbone was first released for cheaper after a few years on the market.

>If we ignore how much money you're going to spend on online acces and the games themselves, the console unit itself is cheaper than even the cheapest acceptable PC build.
This is accurate. Usually it's a huge upfront cost to get a PC but you can do so much(video editing, streaming) and get games on Steam sales for far cheaper. I saved more money on Steam than I did with Consoles.
>Exclusives that you do not get on PC, but this is also a downside in that you'll suffer from the moral dilemma of financially supporting corporate kikery on account of getting the game you want.
The downside also is that it will be ported to PC much like Nier Automata and FFXV was not even a year later.

>Free online
Jesus i forgot about this, why do console cucks have to pay for something for this simple feature?

PC because it's easier to pirate games on.

Do you want to play vidya? Console.
Do you want to shitpost about FPS and graffix? PC.

To cover the cheaper unit price and marketing.

How so? I never have to pay to go online and the sales are always better than what the competition offers.

>So, what was the point that was being made?
that comparing mid range graphics cards from 2013, is unnecessarily gimping the comparison. By the time user bought an xbox, there were GPUs blowing Xbone out by even more, for even cheaper.

>Paying for online
>Depending on region games are less expensive by as much as 50% on pc
>Can pirate for muh free games

>Peaople defend this
Jesus christ

I agree with that. I thought you were the guy arguing in favor of Xbone/consoles.

Objectively there's no benefit to consoles and there would be no reason to have a single console if it weren't for exclusives. As shown with shit like CEMU, it's possible for even average PC's to completely emulate even current-gen consoles with the only limitation being source.

Consoles are designed solely with consumerism in mind, they are designed to cater to people who do not research their product before buying it and do not put care into saving their money because they're either cattle-brained or rely on another for cash and as such don't appreciate it's value. Although a lot of business practices have been made with unsavory prospects on both consoles and PCs, and neither are exclusive in their jews, PC allows you to more freely pick and choose what companies you're feeding while consoles do not. You will not only pay for what you use to get for free with consoles, you'll pay more every generation.

What the fuck? What is this even?

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Pc if you want to just make shit work through brute force if need be. Any controller you want on most emulators and games, modernized controls on older games that don't even have control binding options, etc. Literally throwing $$$ and/or time at the screen to make shit work.
On console, if it doesn't work and you aren't willing to hack, you're just boned.

>You will not only pay for what you use to get for free with consoles, you'll pay more every generation
I would love to see a cost analysis only to see how the Console fans get pissed off. Even maintenance and getting new parts is inexpensive in the long run I am guessing.

Just get a console only poorfags buy a pc

And what, pray tell, kind of games do you think I should be enjoying instead?

T. Phone poster that has to buy the next Bing bing wahoo.

Based gaming on couch

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Yeah, only poorfags spend 2000+ on a set up to play 4k@60+


A computer, a laptop even, can last you over a decade if you properly take care of it (and in my case it has).

My PS4 started having issues over a year after I bought it and games started to constantly crash. You have to deal with games being downgraded to perform on consoles, expensive monthly membership fees, the only major benefit at least in the long run seems to be exclusives.

Even a substandard computer can run some decent games on low settings like WoW, Vindictus, CSGO. It can be expensive but you can customize your own rig and for slightly more than what you'd pay for a new console you'd have a better long-term investment.

I'd use steam controller personally.
Works excellent in city sims and 4X games at least. Even browsing web is good with it if you don't need to write anything.

I'd use steam controller if it had more that one analog stick. Thing is fucking worthless for anything that isn't a fighting game and the input lag makes it worthless for that too.

I agree. Steam controller is better on the strategy games. PC gaming always provides players more options.

Attached: CouchmasterCycon-1555517973196[1].jpg (1500x1000, 368K)

It has zero analog sticks.
It does have two trackpads that you can customize in multitude of ways.

>Does not use a wireless mouse + Keyboard setup.
>Does not have a couch master
I am not surprised at how retarded and bad the excuses are and they are starting to get worse and worse. Even 4k HDR TV's are getting better at supporting PC gaming for 1k or less. It's becoming easier to setup.

Literally depends on what you want to play. If you want to play the latest exclusives or mass market AAA titles, do console. If you like strategy games or older titles, do PC.

>Literally depends on what you want to play. If you want to play the latest exclusives or mass market AAA titles, do console.
Do you not realize that Exclusivity is becoming less and less now thanks to PC gaming?

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You probably don't need a super high end PC. My 2015 MacBook Air runs low end games and dolphin perfectly fine. If you only care about old (pre dreamcast) emulators, you can get an Xbox and unlock dev mode on it and install retrix

If you want bleeding edge I would get a 1k prebuilt if not then a 700-900$ build would work honestly. But why would you get a MacBook air when you could get a actual gaming laptop for less nowadays.

It really isn't. I pay so fucking little for my games and I have a boatload of them that I could probably be playing for the next century and not run out of content.
Plus my dear god there's so many free titles that are beyond amazing that I could probably play them for aeons.
Fucking just looking at open xcom extended and getting a raging erection on all the content I have in store for me in my next playthrough.
Seriously my god that game. Don't even get me started on shit like doom and quake modding. All those fucking source ports too.

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>It has zero analog sticks
What is that directly to the left of the face buttons?

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If I ever get a room theater room you bet your sweet ass I will have a 200-300 linux box set up with a kodi like front end.
Once I get that fucking house man...

I didn't recommend he get a MacBook Air. The point was to prove you don't need a super fast machine for emulators and low settings games

Post your battle station.

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The only answer is idort. Also console for short term and PC for long term.

Oh absolutely. You are right on that respect you could get a cheap 500$ gaming PC and it would run it with ease. Except the RPCS3 that needs higher specs.

this isn't even 1/50th of all the games available on pc

Why do people call it a battle station when you're literally wasting years of your life playing games and never accomplishing anything or improving in a meaningful way?

ITT: reddit


This. Stop being poor.

Because it’s a station you battle at in video games, dipshit.

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$370 Build with a gpu equivalent to a base xbone/ps4, more ram than a base xbone/ps4, (consoles share ram between the gpu and system, so that 8gb the ps4 has is not 8gb of system ram) a faster cpu, and a faster hard drive.

$530 build with a gpu evquivalent to an xbone x, ram equal to an xbone x (consoles share ram between the gpu and system, so that 12gb of ram the xbone has is not 12gb of system ram), a faster cpu, and a faster hard drive.

Remember that consoles are never a better deal unless it's some kind of big sale like black friday.

Consoles are for physical copies, PC is for piracy.
The "PC master race" cucked out to Valve and digital only years ago. I only play on PC but at least I can pirate, I've been pirating ever since PC went digital only because of Valve. Sometimes I buy a physical copy for consoles of a game I pirated on PC to support physical copies.

PC for an enthusiast that knows what they want or to broaden their library reach/tastes/go for unconventional methods beyond most normalfags (emulation, modding scenes, fangames, doujin games, etc.)

Console for exclusives (my rule of thumb is personally 4 or more) or if you aren't as tech savy/willing to assemble or budget for a decent PC.

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Reminder that you save more money on PC in the long run. I pirated $600 worth of games this month. Zero risk to me, if the game is shit I lose nothing.

Meanwhile consolecucks have to budget which games they buy. They can't just get 20+ games on a whim like me just by opening up the torrent client.

>expensive monthly membership fees
It's like $60 a year

250-500$ for a ps4/ps4pro

20-60$ for a game on the ps4 (PC sales go way cheaper than 20 for even triple AAA games most of the time the only series I've never seen it happen is Call Of Duty.)

60$ for ps plus

sounds like you could've just bought a PC use humblebundle and istheranydeal and had a cheaper better time

This. Posting on a decade old rig myself. 3

AC Origins is 12$ on humblebundle right now. souls 10$

>$500 at launch, same price as low end pc that can run the same titles in 60fps 1080p on higher settings
>pay $60/yr for internet access you already pay for
>$60 for every new game
>continues pushing exclusive title cancer to strongarm you into buying it
>no more portable than a laptop or m-atx case
>hardware too weak to run games like arma
>no mods except for 2 games, major mods don't even work on those games
>much less mature playerbase
For $500 you can slap together a 1050ti/budget cpu and it'll still run everything better than a shitbox console.

PC: for elitist nerds who watch anime
Consoles: for normal people that have a job, work out at the gym and enjoy couch gaming on a big screen

yeah ontop of internet bills, that 60$ could go to a fuckton of games on PC since there's so many markets competing to just try and sell you a steam key.

My fucking man. This is exactly what I was hoping to see in this thread. Anyone who says that PC gaming is too expensive or that you can not defeat the consoles near the price point. You just got BTFO by this guy.

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Get a PC and a Switch instead.

You can connect a pc to a tv with an hdmi cable and play with a controller if you really wanted to.

How do consolefags deal with load times? PCs with an SSD have load times

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Emulators will always make PCs better. I have every game worth playing from the NES to the WiiU on my PC. No console can ever hope to compete with that.

My consolefag friends made me get rdr2 and the initial load screen for online ranges from 1-2 and a half minutes. It's fucking insane. The hardware can't handle it.

>1050 TI
You can even use a 1660 TI that is basically the same price and is the equivalent of a 1060 with real VR for cheap. Combine this with the new AMD CPU for cheap and you basically have a monster for 500-600$.

Go used if you want to be ultra cheap with PC. The used market is flooded with great hardware for cheap prices because everyone always has to buy the newest shiny thing.

t. rocking a 6 year old CPU and 4 year old GPU which still destroy everything.

PC, hands down. Most stuff comes to PC eventually if you wait long enough these days. Price really isn't much of a factor unless it's the beginning of a new console generation where the specs can actually rival contemporary PCs at a lower price. But like right now you can build a PC that kicks the shit out of a PS4 or XB1 for less than you can buy either.

I don't plan on ever really ditching consoles though, because I like to be able to play everything. But if I were forced to choose only one I'd choose PC.

Why do consolefags continue to regurgitate the same untrue talking points? Yes, you can play PC games on your TV in the living room on the couch, with a controller. It's been this way for years.

> for unconventional methods beyond most normalfags (emulation, modding scenes, fangames, doujin games, etc.)
I can imagine some normalfag saying you can do this on a cell phone but will never understand the glory of seeing it on a full screen and having everything being able to be browsed and downloaded with ease. They just can not understand the PC master race.

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Yes it's true. But even more so nowadays thanks to TV's supporting the better framerate at HDR 4k like LG(Nanocell)

This screenshot is of a torrent site for games. When you get a gaming PC, you get instant access to 50 THOUSAND games for FREE. Literally 0 (zero) dollars for FIFTY THOUSAND GAMES.
Console peasants will never have a comeback for this.

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Niche community/scenes (fighting games usually), exclusives from respective companies, barebones modding scene, Guaranteed running expectations without much options for performance or graphical customization, couch co-op if you still play any that offer it, general ease of use, physical copies, online communities/social profiles you already are largely invested in (PSN accounts, Xbox profiles, etc.)

Customization at your fingertips, vast library of games, console/handheld ports are becoming more common by the day, modding, better sale deals, adult content, no paid premium or online paygate (PS+, Xbox Live Gold, and Nintendo's online can go fuck themselves), emulation of other platforms and console generations no longer supported

Best of both worlds, don't be a poorfag

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>Console peasants will never have a comeback for this.

I mean. You can just hack the drive to have those games on console. Not like it’s impossible or hard to do.

It baffles me how consolefags try to be smug about their 3 exclusives per year when PC has 30+ years worth of a backlog and emulates about 40 different gaming systems.

Must be shills.

Litetally no one does that besides basement dwellers and neets

>50 000 games

I own about 60 xbone games and have beat less than half of them. What do you need 50 000 games for???

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Console all day babby


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Why would you willingly settle for lower quality for the same price?

Those exclusives do eventually end up on the PC eventually. Remember Yakuza, Nier Automata, Dragons Quest, FFXV? They did end up on the PC not even 6 months to a year later.

There is no nicher of a community then what you'll find for some pc games. I can't even think of a community that isn't fightan on console that's niche anyways.
PC also have more exclusives and couch coop games. Especially if you take into consideration of emulation. Plus that last advantage isn't an advantage.

>can only play games up to 5.05 on ps4
>can not pirate xbox one games
Kill yourself consoleposter.
You are to casual to post here.

>not owning a PC and all three major modern consoles
Why even live

Good taste

Just be careful that you don't buy a beat to fuck miner gpu.

PC sales are not sales, you have been brainwashed by that fat kike Gabe, a "sale" on the donation amount on a download license which is the only legal option on PC because PC cucked out years ago to Valve is not a sale
Hell you can't even buy games on PC, paying for a download license, which is the only legal option on PC, is not buying a game
Pirates are the only real PC gamers

>throwing 100s of $ into a dumpster fire so you can play a handful of further $60 exclusives that aren't even that good

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Assuming next gen consoles comes out next year, how do consolefags justify the cost of gaming over this 7 year generation?

>$400 for the console
>$420 (60x7) for online
>$500 for games assuming you buy 7 games per year
=$1300 total

It ends up more expensive than a PC for worse performance. So in the end you paid MORE money for:
>30 FPS
>worse performance
>worse graphics
>longer load times
>no mods
>no free online
>no emulation
>no piracy
>can only play games while computers can do everything

How do you justify it in any way?

Just use gog. You have permanent rights to all your purchases unlike steam which will take your entire library and disappear if they ever shut down.

Not to mention another $400 for the "Pro" model of the console 3 years after the base model.

>same price

Build me a 4K-capable PC for the same price as XboneX and I'd honestly be interested. Don't forget to include a Xbone controller and 4K bluray player in your built

Most people with a console already have a pc that can play most games

>wasting money on anything else in this pile of shit life
Might as well

I don't play online and don't buy games brand new at full price.
It's only more money if you assume the person constantly keeps an online subscription and only pays full price for it, and only buys games when they're brand new while PC users pirate or wait for sales or whatever.

gaymens not my only hobby. I can put money else were instead of spending it on a console I won't use often.

>he actually fell for the 4k xbone meme
Enjoy your checkerboarded """4k""" at 30 fps with framerate drops you fucking mong. You consoleplebs are so tech illiterate, and you bought a 4k TV to play console on, educate yourself so you stop getting scammed by marketing tricks.

patrician's choice

>he actually thinks the Xbone X is capable of playing current gen games at true 4K without resorting to dynamic res or checkerboarding, at a rock solid 60fps, with no frame drops!
Look at him. Look at him and laugh

Not all games are checkerboard though, and the ones that do are usually 60fps such as REmake 2 which ran 1600p I think

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This really doesn’t matter unless you’re a poorfag

>4k 30 fps
Who cares? 30 fps is unplayable dogshit

How many fps on PC for rdr?

I recouperated the entire cost of my pc and then some by investing in CSGO crates back when they were 2 cents. I sold them all when they hit 50 cents and made over $2500 from it, then cashed in skins and sold them for real money.
Meanwhile console prices just rapidly deteriorate as time goes on so if you sell it at the end of the gen cycle you lose like $400.

Higher than your shitty outdated hardware just like when GTA V came to PC, and it will look better too because your console masters don't even let you change graphics settings. And we will get mods. Thanks for beta testing

It's not even 30. The normal xtoaster runs at like 25fps and drops to about 10fps in the bigger towns/cities, especially Blackwater. The XboneX runs it at 28fps and also drops in cities.
Once it gets ported to pc when they port it to the next gen of consoles like they did with GTA5, 60-90 on average builds and 144 on higher end ones.

I wish I was smart enough to invest in crates instead of gambling all my shit away. I lost close to $200 meanwhile this smug asshole on my friends list has an inventory worth $13000 because he bought a fucking billion crates and sticker capsules for pennies back in the day and they're worth over a dollar now. The capsules alone are like $4.30 now.

Honestly this, +you can just get a console at the tale end of the generation hack it and pirate everything for like $100~ if you want to play exclusives. Consoles are expensive if their are your primary system. But dirt cheap if you just want a bloodborne machine.

>once it gets ported to PC

How many years after console releases did they port RDR1 to PC?
>b-but GTA5 did well s-so they'll port this one for sure

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>S runs worse than ps4
Fucking why? I thought it was the same shit?

I had to stop playing BB because the 24fps and chromatic abberation were just eye fucking me so bad it gave me migraines. I liked it but all I could think while playing it was how much better it'd be running on a pc instead of a plastic shitbox that can't even manage to hold 30fps.

RDR1's code barely ran on console because it was a jumbled fucking mess. They'd have to completely remake the code to get it to run on pc and would probably lose more money in the process than they'd make back from sales, which is why it never happened. GTA5 is also still doing really well on pc to this day and if there's one thing cockscar loves it's their precious shekels. Double dipping made them a lot of money because everyone bought it on 360/PS3, then they bought it again on Xbone/PS4 and also PC. It'll happen with RDR2 as well.


>They'd have to completely remake the code to get it to run on pc and would probably lose more money in the process

You're saying like 10 programming nerds working at 100k each a year couldnt get the job done within one year?

>buy 400 katowice capsules for 30 cents
>9 days later sale is still happening
>over 600,000 capsules on the market
>shit bricks and think i just blew $120
>sell them all for the price i bought them
>check price a couple weeks later out of morbid curiosity
>they're at a 30% profit
why must i be so fucking retarded

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that's not the image i posted wtf

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The development budget for the game that barely worked was $80-$100 million. It'd be a huge gamble to try and completely remake it for a pc release and as has been established, r* only cares about making money and nothing else.

A 1060 6GB is $230~ and will give you actual 4k, not stretched checkerboard bullshit, at 30fps~ on high settings on most games. Pair it with a decent cpu that won't bottleneck and you're good.

I think a 1060 might get you more frames on certain games/turning off certain settings.
Plus I think I can find a 1060 6gn for a bit cheaper. Hell maybe even a refurbished one. Card - Nvidia-_-N82E16814500454&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4-XlBRDuARIsAK96p3Cbi0IknyZ5qGR1JbvpL5u-z3at4Dt6LR3PvotokIubOQEq0utyJTEaAoY6EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
Yep...not even refurbished....
Plus if you want you can even OC certain parts to make your games run at higher framerate.
Yeah almost like PC having more options == a better product but fuck it you can bring the horse to the water but you can't make him drink it.

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What do you mean barely runs? I own it on Xbox360 and it was fine

>30fps, drops regularly
>game itself was buggy as shit
>it was fine
Raise your standards.

PlayStation of course, PlayStation has the best games, most the games I'm looking forward to are PS4 exclusive and PS5 exclusive. PS5 will definitely be the best


Sounds like you played the PS3 version

PS3 version was indeed worse, yes, but the 360 version was also bad. The only thing that salvages the game in retrospect is playing it on an Xbone X, so it gets a locked 30fps at 4K, but even then, you're locked to 30fps. Even playing at a lower res doesn't increase the framerate.

Consolefags who defend 30 fps are unironically holding the gaming industry back and making Sony/Microsoft push the 4k/8k meme instead of having consistently high framerates.

Pc niggers btfo again