server soon
leo is STILL a faggot
Other urls found in this thread:
imaging playing a hero
i hope all you guys used LastPass or any password generator, never trust argies
so did he give up the source code or what
Where do I sign up?
imagine using black and red as your color scheme
First for give me longer Katanas and more Tattoo options
That fishtank character actually looks pretty cool.
Yep, server is being built NOW.
Secret Cabal of Reverse Engineers. Formerly Leo's codingbase, but since we essentially held Leo at gunpoint it's becoming our serverpass until we can get the binaries and other information on his server onto our own.
I BELIEVE it's temporary. Don't quote me on that.
Reposting my Kamen Rider for feedback. Also I have Tequila, how do I get the client for the new server?
post your heroes
Having a hell of a time recreating Static Shock
Checking the wiki, is Scrapper okay if I go Shield + Electric Melee? Will it suck or will I pull through?
If you have Tequila, I think you are good client wise.
Pretty good.
Red Cape best cape, nice work user!
Everything is viable, you wont be super min maxer, but no one will deny you a mission group spot.
Shield/Electric Melee was meta throughout all of Issue 24 in terms of burst AoE clearage all the way up to Archvillain ranked minions.
You'll be fine, but you'll not be a Fire/Fire Brute/Scrapper.
where's the download link?
Zoomer here. I love when old MMOs come back through the work of fans. I never played COH and was stuck with Fusionfall and Toontown because I was a poorfag, what was it like. Downloading the launcher right now for the character creator because making a superhero is fun, but is the game itself fun as well?
Overwhelming JUSTICE present
Also finding a good legs-piece is annoyingly hard
Might also make my visor black again....
Not him but what is Tequila
im going to make a busty vampire gf villain
It installs the CoH client files
Okay, thanks.
Damn, yours looks damn good too.
Thanks, I'm usually pretty bad at making stuff like this, but the character creation in this game is just fucking amazing. I wish I had played this game when it was still live instead of wasting my time on WoW.
A Spanish drink
can you catch up to people with travel powers or can people outspeed you?
I only have villains
So basically it's viable as long as I don't turn my brain off and actually start doing shit? Goddamn.
I just wanted shields, so I'm pretty okay with this.
Accepting all criticisms.
Except for anyone who dislikes the color orange.
Orange is the patrician's choice of color.
>Leo is a mod
>That first sentence of the registration agreement
Really makes you think
Make your own superhero/villain. Fight bad guys (or good guys) that ranged from street gangs to alien invaders. Tons of different power sets. More costume options than a Paris fashion show. Game was unique and I always considered it fun.
Nice toon, babe
based orange boi
reminds me of when I made a peacebringer named Nurse Hot Titsname was almost immediately changed by mods to GenericHero and I got a warning good times...
Who's ready for misundertsandings?
>character creator has a "Tails" tab
the horror
Fastest travel power is super speed and it's capped at 92.5 mph if i remember correctly
how did i do fellas
okay Yea Forums i am going to bite
how the fuck do i download this shit, and can i have a link this isn't dolphin porn or lostboy.exe
He is not a mod of the community. We are using his resources to get our own servers set up.
I will play my heroes but I am tempted to bring back my Hobo Harry villain. I had a blast with him. His costume looked like he was in tightie whities, a stained wife beater, and his cape looked like a torn towel. I really liked RPing with him
Mods when?
>Orange is the patrician's choice of color.
There better not be any humans -or subrobots as I like to call them- ITT
>Where can I play?
You can't yet, but it's going to happen very, very soon.
>How do I into Paragon Chat?
>How do I plan my character?
use Mid's Hero Designer
>How do I watch what's happening with the server creation?
>What the hell is going on?
A fuckload of drama about a secret private server happened, we got the source code LITERALLY TODAY, work is now being carried out to create public servers.
>Is Leandro still a faggot?
flight and super jump are slower than superspeed or teleporting. I don't remember how fast chain porting is compared to superspeed but im pretty sure superspeed is the fastest.
Shield/elec melee is one of the most synergistic combos in the game. Lightning rod and shield charge are the perfect match. They are both targeted AoE burst damage, so together you can nuke a whole group.
Fuck freedom
Hol up, I can make this guy?
Whats the difference of creating a hero or a villain?
was chasing people fun?
wow that's great news
>tfw lost all the screenshots of my dark/dark edgelord
he will jump again
HEROES and villains
Not 1:1 of course, but yes.
As a person who never got to experience this game, is it good?
So the tequila installer from here is what you need to play on emus when they start going up?
Recap for those out of the loop
>some guy (leo) was given source code for CoH
>he made a private server for him and his close friends
>he made sure to keep the server a secret (to avoid c&d and lawsuit) so he made the server invite only
>he was a moderator to both the CoH forums and subreddit and used this power to his advantage by convincing everyone that the server wasn't real
>he successfully ran the server for 6 years until he invited an eceleb/youtuber who immediately outed him
>community he kept safe is now is danger
>leo is now at risk to be sued
>people are legitimately trying to murder him
Tl;dr based autist hid a server, now people are assmad they werent in on it
really cool, but i feel like the skirt needs to match with the headdress
Whenever I try to launch Paragon chat I get the error "some critical i24 files could not be found". I've revalidated all the files on tequila but still keep getting the error. What am I doing wrong?
>there are people ITT that didn't participate in the CoV beta and quite possibly one of the best beta closing events of all time.
Running down and beating the shit out of the heroes with the big name villains was fucking great.
PVE content mostly. Heroes save the day. Villains rob banks.
Who's ready for everyone to pour onto the game at once and for the server to constantly crash in the first 48 hours due to the amount of traffic?
Different story and zones at the start
>so together you can nuke a whole group.
Now I'm really motivated
Whatever you say Captain Mumps.
I'm gonna be one of the ones jammed in the door frame furiously trying to force my way in.
Do you make your villains with your heroes in mind or vice versa?
Locations and content. Heroes are in Paragon City, Villains are in Rogue Isles, they don't tend to cross over until late game.
Heroes stop bank robberies, villains rob banks.
nevermind I'm retarded. I figured it out
Yeah. Be warned download may take awhile as it has been hit hard today for obvious reasons.
was thinking that as soon as i posted it, thanks for the feedback my man
Would I have better luck trying to shove myself into praetoria or should I bite the bullet and just start as a hero?
t. Leo
warhammer bros show yourselves
You're forgetting how he actively took funds from other projects, and stopped people from making any successful successors to CoH. Nice try Leo
goodjob retards you just downloaded a RAT, better format your hard-drive now.
I'm very impressed that people got this dude to actually hand over the data. I imagine at this point it was either "have some literal sperg murder you in your sleep" or "risk NCsoft suing his ass".
Is the server code publicly available? I wouldn't mind taking a crack at it to work on other games I'm helping reverse engineer (SMT Imagine, which is nearly done anyway now so not as important, Neo Steam, Fantasy Earth Zero, Wizardry Online) so I wouldn't mind seeing if anything can be salvaged.
Nearly there but yet so far.
I got a crap costume set up now, should be ready to go
It's genuinely pretty decent. It will probably feel dated as fuck for someone with no nostalgia for it but it's good. The character creator is top-tier and the power sets are very enjoyable, even the ones that aren't metagame minmaxed.
Don't forget your install music.
It makes me have little faith for day one of the server, there's just gonna be too much traffic, gonna be a ton of crashing.
I would start as a hero. Thats where most people will be when we are able to get in.
Was this confirmed?
>not releasing it publicly.
This makes me wish there was a super offensive archetypes that would let you take Broad Sword + Dual Pistols.
Destroystroyer isn't an e-celeb and he played on the server for years before leaking it. This is obvious b8
>still won't spread the code
>listing everyone so NCSoft know exactly who to pursue
For fuck's sake.
Every single power combo is viable, EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.
Definitely. Anyone who thinks this is going be smooth right out of the gate is delusional.
The discord has the full source code
What does it mean?
oh god
Warpstar alien spirit that fused with "speed force" now residing within an eletric suit
Explosivo, cowboy inspired undead demoliton experr
Lightseid ruler of the planet Genesis and master of the Alpha Beams, fights for truth and justice on his hunt for the Pro-Life Equation
I'm literally throwing it into 50 different places the moment I receive it, m8.
So they're still going to hoard it for themselves instead of publicly releasing it. You'll have to kiss ass and play nice to be on their servers. This sounds terrible
Biggus Dickus
How are they gonna get you to pay them money on patreon for how difficult it is to keep it running if they don't limit it so people with actually knowhow could make it all work in an hour?
>the code won't be public
>at Platense's request
What's the CoH filesize at now anyway?
when you physically cant clap cause your muscle titties are in the way
The source code is totally public. I25 is I24 (the final version of the game) + Leo's OC donut steal additional features.
Was that all there really was? Just... fight dudes and dress up? No Justice League type shenanigans?
there was super groups and bases too
Which side is better?
Bad Idea. There was thing in COH called weapon redraw. Having to go back forth between hand held weapons would destroy your dps.
I take back what I said about you being a bootlicker. You're the real hero we need
If they cant have their secret clique, may as well have their open clique.
Is it only stored on discord? That's a terrible idea because they hand over your information to whoever asks, and it's how my first attempt at a ROSE online pserver got nuked into oblivion, since the only existing one is garbage that takes money.
So he is going to control both his mini fiefdom and the new server being made? The fuck?
based but you shouldn't have posted this
Can an Argentinian tell me what Platense is supposed to mean?
it depends what you mean by "justice league shenanigans", you can form "Supergroups", which are like guilds from other MMOs, if that's what you meant.
delete this
Sort of. i25 was already on the test server before the game closed. It had stuff like Savage Combat and Wind Control and a partially done new area. Thats what was released next, then his OC donut steal features like the Sentinel which is apparently bad.
>two anons picked the same face independently
wew lad
Been looking for old school games from early days to share with my wife's son.
10/10 would party with
Platense is a denonym, "from the Plata" or something along those lines. I'm assuming it's also the name of a football team or some shit.
Of course. Bases were a thing for awhile until the devs broke them. Supergroups were CoH's version of guilds. There was the AE where you could create your own content and share with others. There were taskforces(dungeons). All the standard MMO fare.
Neither, its preference. Its basically the typical MMO faction shit you see. Alliance or Horde, Republic or Empire etc.
I don't think he's using the same name on here as he is in the discord. He would have to be a retard
No it's stored everywhere, It's being propagated left and right.
how about you do it first and then post the links tripfag
Jesus christ, why are CoHfags so autistic. They'd ruin a man because he didn't share his toys? Lmao
At least WoWfags didn't sperg out when Nostralrius was invite only when it started out
Now all I have to do is think of a name.
He's a superscientist from an alternate dimension's Mercury, I think.
Well you're wrong on your first assumption
They have everything they need and could set up a server similar to leos one.
it's a good face desu
since tequila is getting hammered, you can use this torrent instead:
he is lol. literally /ourguy/
So do we have everything now or is Leandro withholding more shit?
I'm the headmin of the community, and I've been one of OurGuys since the start. The coders are fully aware I am pro-distribution. Everyone, and I mean everyones responsibility is to take this code and duplicate it onto whatever the hell can contain it, and put it into something watertight and bury it for safekeeping.
delete this jannies. pls. someone is going to tattle
If it wasn't viable there'd be no reason the game would let you do it.
The whole point of CoH is the hero fantasy. Unless you're a PVP obsessed faghammer, it won't matter in the end as long as you actually do shit.
I like how Leo suddenly turned around and admitted he was "liking" the idea of a public private server the second he realised he was getting his dick sucked for it. Then he realised he didn't have to run a mini dictatorship for his own power trip, he could run a far bigger one.
Wasn't the request to just give the code, not run the server?
his name is literally in that announcement
>according to the discord, this game was made for maybe 200 people per server
Oh boy, shits gonna crash so damn hard
holy BASED
I just want you all to know that despite having never played these games, I am glad to see people passionate enough about the games they like to keep these threads alive. I hope the best possible outcome for you.
maybe because wow is a shit game ?
Imagine if WoW didn't even exist anymore and no one could play it except the sekret club. They would have sperged out way harder. Nostalrius wasn't even the only vanilla server and you could just play retail
I just checked it out and you are wrong. Very wrong.
>Tattling on the boss
You guys should just hop into the server, it's infinitely faster to get info here than anywhere else.
Public servers means that nobody will ever again pester his private server. Means he can keep rules as they are, keep his community relatively unmolested and have an easier time moderating people without having to be a paranoiac about it.
Based. How do I download this shit, I'm a CoH virgin.
there's a bunch of people working to revert his jank-ass I25 to an I24 compatible with the source code
Not the same situation. There were other private servers for WoW besides Nost. Perhaps not as stable. Leandro had the only working server that we know of and for years he kept it to himself. He even made forum posts saying it was nearly impossible to make a server without the source code WHICH HE HAD.
Nost wasnt' invite only for 6+ years. It was obvious as soon as the leak hit, that Leandro had no intention of creating a public server. It wasn't a test server, it was a sekrit club for the initiated.
Weird seeing a reasonable thinking human being in a place of authority for one of these things
wait how the hell are you nerds playing COH?
No, that was usual population of Leandro's server. The game hosted way more than that back in the day.
the man is a manipulative retard. if he didn't have the code no one would give two shits about him
are you seriously so retarded as to use the same name on discord and here when the whole point of Yea Forums is anonymity?
on the Yea Forums server will i be able to make my character blackface and name him nigger?
>Oldschool Runescape
>WoW Classic
>now City of Heroes
A-are we finally going back?
>At least WoWfags didn't sperg out when Nostralrius was invite only when it started out
Not even comparable. WoWfags would have sperged out even harder in this situation.
ok leo
We aren't. But we will. VERY SOON.
XMPP account is only for paragon chat. If that's what you're looking for, you need to make a titan network forum account. If you want an XMPP account for the private server they have nothing to do with eachother and it's already been explained 50 times why.
He also plays SS13 so we're all actually insane.
This was the first and last hero I made, before the servers shutdown. Speed/kicking hero.
Not sure what to call him that wouldn't be blatantly referential, though.
Just please act like a human bean.
If you've been banned and promise to not be a stupid cunt, just DM me.
I made this community to prevent that shit from happening. Trust me, goy.
>The Nefarious Homosexual Agenda
Are you seriously so retarded to bitch about somebody actually using a secure trip correctly?
for the love of god just don't let leandro admin the fucking server
no repeats of this fucking nonsense
if you wanna get into paragonchat, you have to create an account on the titan network
on the Yea Forums server will i be able to name my character nigger
but he's just a larper user
did somebody say
What server?
There is no exact English translation. I guess the closest is its slang for when a when a man disrespects his harem.
Based and open codepilled
Leandro nor any member of COHTitan is ever going to be allowed anywhere near a moderation or administration role. That will never happen again.
I don't know but the character creator is fantastic
while it's cool that you're here you should probably make sure you actually have the goods before potentially upsetting someone
Thank you, you rock.
Should Senator Armstrong be a hero or a villain?
they're just gonna kick you genius
Thank you my bruddas
tfw no big black bull bf to give you his big black bull beef
>He even made forum posts saying it was nearly impossible to make a server without the source code WHICH HE HAD.
He was telling the truth you piece of shit. It is nearly impossible to make a server without the source code.
Haven't been keeping up. So did Leandro finally find the native american man of his dreams?
You could call him something kicking related but replace kick with hoof
*stifles laughter*
he's an admin
Vigilante or Rogue. No question.
>>>They're just going to kick you
>Discord owner
>Head admin
The Kicker.
are you bros on paragon or just making heroes
why the fuck am I getting this mapserver disconnect error
Can you post your discord number? I'll PM you to get unbanned and be a good goy
If Leondro back out now he is legitimately in real danger of being murdered by a crazy Venezuelan
>they're just going to kick an admin
what the hell did I miss? when did all of this happen?
I sided with Yea Forums until I learned the truth, I honestly feel bad for the guy.
Made a server for him and his friends only to get thrown under the bus for inviting an e-celeb.
Youtubers/reddit is cancer.
Guys, which secondary power set goes well with Martial Arts for Scrappers?
>There's a Leandro appreciation thread on the savecoh site
No shit. This bootlicker is a fucking retard. One bluepilled motherfucker.
Yeah and he kept a flowchart of who invited who so that if anybody leaked information he could ban them and everybody with any relation to them, poor guy just wanted to play with some friends
Better get used to that. We are all going to seeing that for awhile.
All of them as long as it isn't regen
I'd say neck yourself but it's hard to get a rope around a triple chin.
So wait WAS Cohtitan in on it?
Source code dropped yesterday, data dropped a little later, people have been working like mad to get something working
It makes me mad just by reading how this game looks great and I never had the chance to touch it when I was a kid. I really hope this Private Server really happens so I can experience it for the first time. And the fact thr game is kinda clunky because its age does not bother me since I play Project 99 and Vanilla WoW
>He even made forum posts saying it was nearly impossible to make a server without the source code WHICH HE HAD.
If you spin it certain way, it was correct statement. Tzeentch would be pleased
Android whose AI is patterned after a legendary swordsman from a devastated alien world, hunting after the race of evil shapeshifters responsible tentatively known as "demons" before they may cause more harm to the galaxy.
I plan to make him titan weapon/super reflexes.
6 and cripplechan fucking murders leo
Super Reflexes. Regen or Willpower are also good.
Listen here you bunch of faggots, I never played this shit, and trying to read the wiki is too much information all at once on powers and shit. Where's the quick outline on what each is about. The wiki gives you outlines for the base classes, but not the subpowers you pick, you have to go through all the moves individually rather than giving an overview like "earth control gives a bunch of -def and -acc shit and a pet m8"
but Regen is great
That isn't even kind of what happened. Stop shilling for him.
Rider bros where we at?
>I pay people money to suck my cock
COHTitan was gaslighting the community and blatantly lying to the community, and joining the mourning and lamentation.
They attended the kings funeral after looting his coffers, and had the audacity to wear his finery while attending.
How do I make him better?
Damn, you are alright tripfag, keep posting and update us when you have got it
sent from freeheadcrab. thanks dude
nevermind the fact that Tony admitted to coining the name SCoRE, or knowing about the existence of the entire project before he miraculously forgot and then never checked in again
>Gender: Huge
the shadow knows
He's already perfect.
Maybe drop the diarrheous pores.
there's dozens of powersets in the game, no one's going to do that for every single one just for you. Pick whichever sounds coolest, pretty much everything is viable
Horns? No....Antlers.
To be honest I really didn't think Leandro would give it up. I figured he'd just go underground until all of this blew over.
WoW has a million other emulators
this faggot and his circlejerk forum warriors from the CoH forums kept the one and only emu under wraps for years while actively discouraging and sabotaging other attempts to make/look into an emulator
all because the fucking gooks in Korea demanded a popular MMO be killed, in favor of Reddit Wars 2 and Carbine's Wildstar (was still early on in its development, maybe when it still had HOPE of being good)
The joke was on them since both those games were shit though, NCSoft korea lost their footing in the west.
This reply doesn't make sense.
This one makes even less sense.
You are both retarded and more than likely the same person.
Muh nigga
use one of the monstrous heads, the beast ones with the lips curled back
>At least WoWfags didn't sperg out when Nostralrius was invite only when it started out
Maybe because vanilla private servers had already long been a thing by the time Nost came out? Nost wasn't even all that exceptional script wise either. Scriptcraft 2 was better. Also, fuck off Leo we know it's you.
Separate bathrooms for huge-identifying individuals when?
We literally cannot fit through the doors.
What's the pronouns for Huge
Based Shadowbros. I'm going to re-read In the Coils of Leviathan, while I wait.
Or I can storytime it on Yea Forums, if Yea Forums wants to read.
Super Reflexes is what I wanted to pick first, but the first half of the skillset seems kinda meh, while the second half seems strong as fuck. Willpower was my second pick, so I guess it'll be between those two. Thanks guys.
You don't go underground when a handful of anons are willing to rape and burn the entire continent just for some lines of code and a server.
OwO wots dis
Bruh just turn sideways
Over here.
I might bullshit a humanoid costume Zanmato can shapeshift into through weird nanomachine super technology.
He was never the villain. He didn't know there was such a huge demand for it. To be fair, whenever he learned there was a superfan out there he invited them to the server with no strings attached. Now that he has learned there are a lot of us he is giving us the code.
Based AF. His pills are red.
Wouldn't paws make more sense than claws for the feet?
>Leandro's name is highlighted in red under users online
SR is extremely strong, it just suffers a bit against larger groups because of Streakbreaker
>it was this easy
>he never did it
>he denied having character data
>he has character data
Fuck off Leandro.
Based Leo
>tfw creatively bankrupt
He was never the villain, just a huge idiot.
>Netcode in CoH is something i really really want to look at
why even bother, it's outdated mess
He didn't know there was a huge demand for it, which is why he held psycho memorial services for the game in his paragon chat client every year on the anniversary of the game's death and gaslit thousands of people for years to convince them there was no private server. lmfao.
Mob is getting restless and he knows it.
wait what does this mean
fuck reddit
Is there a mega for the source code?
Just make one of your favorite video game characters or something
>ice/empath controller
>excel spreadsheets
>Where's the quick outline on what each is about
on the fucking character creation screen nigger
it means he never once planned for a wider release in 6 fucking years
what a fucking lie
he was a member of 3 large projects aimed to make an emulator for CoH, and he HAD CODE the entire time
not to mention he and his cabal spreading narrative it's impossible to emulate at this state
Is there open world PvP?
The data that the dev gave to him all those years ago contained personal info and credit card info for all subscribers of CoX. He is trying to scrub all that before turning it over to us.
So is the source that was pastebinned legit?
Is there anything new worth downloading? Or is that just the original leak?
Nothing wrong with ice/empath. Might be a bit slow solowise but no one on a team says no to an empath.
So there were exactly 3,400 people playing on that server. Huh
>make private server
>keep it hidden so NCsoft doesnt fuck you
>invite those who love CoH
>get exposed by someguy fishing for clicks
>lose it all
>get vilified
What a shitty world
>He is trying to scrub all that
you realize that's some top tier bullshittery right my dude
you don't have to go over every source code file to scrub a single database of customer info
But that's where he draws his powers from.
There's more than two genders sweaty
No. There is the arena and specific PVP Zones.
There are "arenas" that allow Hero vs Hero and Villain vs Villain PVP, and then there's PVP zones (three I believe?) that are open world PVP and have various objectives that can be contested. There's no PVP outside of those zones, however. This is crucial because PVP was an unbalanced shitshow from the start, but it's still ~fun~.
>3400 people giving him huge money and forced to deny the server's existence
Thanks mate.
Thats the most recent mega.
I have yet to receive full i25.
Maybe you don't. Leandro is not a developer. He is waiting for someone to do it for him and stalling everyone. Relax.
What is paragon chat? Do you need it to play?
I don't think there will be pvp in the private servers. Leo's server didn't have it and we're going off what he gives us
ok leo back to work or the venezuelan will do the job
Guys can i make a Werewolf hero?
is there a hoodie?
jesus dude, learn a little something about anything
is seriously NO ONE here a coder?
Male, Female, and MAN
>bara gay
Donations were never expected and you could play without giving a cent.
Yes, you can be all sorts of werefurfaggots
Yes, 6 years, thats over two thousand days and then some. He had time to pick any of them to come out and be venerated as savior, messiah and true hero.
Alas, and I quote here, "Sometimes, hand of the fate must be forced!"
it had tho?
I'm pretty happy with it.
Server WHEN
Id be great if Leo just burned the code in spite of everyone
What power sets are you justice bros rocking?
I don't think there are literal werewolf powers, but yeah you can.
>as a coder I know a thing or two
just fuck off pal
If the in-game costume switching is as expansive as the character creation costume creator, you could even switch between fully-human and beast forms on the fly.
I like it
rip his dog then
I think it's "The hand of fate must be forced"
it had the PvP zones, but the Arena didn't work
Street Justice and Invincibility
Anyone else keeping up with these discord updates?
Why do we need a savecoh login now, We're already inside the server with the titans one.
You can indeed use the costume parts from the nazi werewolves to become the degenerate furry you desire instead of the ubermenscht of the Fifth Column you were destined to be.
IIActual lore.II
Martial Arts and either Super Reflexes or Willpower, not sure yet.
I thought they were running copy of db in the first place. Whole server is up and running next door, just do CTRL+C and CTRL+V. its not that hard Leo.
you could!
Did it? could have sworn they said reverse engineering all the pvp zones like Warburg and RV would be impossible...
>tfw Twixt will find out and begin hiding in RV to gank everyone that dares exit their base
Its a different DB from the titan one
And I would fly down to Argentina, rent a bulldozer and proceed to demolish his house if that happened.
Titan weapons and super reflexes.
I want to wield a massive sword of evil splitting justice.
Can anyone give me a quick rundown on what the game is, how it plays and why should I bother trying it?
Probably that it did have personal info so he's doing a panic scrub.
Go to paragon wiki.
This doesnt match the record. When he personaly ruled over several community hubs hoping to have playable game again one day. But Im willing to forgive him if he hands over the copy.
There's no paw option sadly.
I am gonna be dumb and go Dual Pistols and Martial Arts assuming you can on this release
Cause the best Justice is a good Offense
Giving out source code to a dead old game is one thing. Giving out the credit card numbers of the hundreds of thousands of people that played that game is something else entirely. Just wait for it man.
Savage Melee was going to be a thing but I don't think it made it into the up coming issue and it didn't have animations.
You can still have a normal guy base costume and have a big dickwolf costume you could change into when zoning into a mission and do claws or super strength.
Yeah don't get upset just because you know literally nothing about this process.
>melvin melvin brother of the joker
he can't extract clean scheme from sql database because he's dumb
fuck off we're full
He doesn't have credit card info. The data Leo was given didn't have any personal information. Just characters.
Oh shit I won't be allowed to play because I'm not a coder
>furfag profile picture
every single fucking time
you can do Dual Pistols and
how soon?
i got tequila and have already signed up, when do they expect the test server to go up?
Thats only the excuse he put up today. Yesterday it was that he always intended to release it on its 15th anniversary, the day before it was that the game wasn't functional enough to release, the day before it was that he couldn't release it as he'd get a cease and desist. The excuse changes every day.
He knew the demand. He was an admin on every CoH community thing so he could control and scrub any sort of trail to the server. He hosted memorial services every year on Paragonchat and saw how many people logged in.
It is possible to make a gun ninja ala Snake Eyes? or how about a massive powerhouse like the Hulk or Juggernaut?
G o o d
Because I really like how the lazer sights+arm glow kinda make flashing lights in hectic combat
Buckethead was never quite the same after the Brexit Apocalypse
>>Doesn't know how to code
>>wtf give me the server code
>>Ok but you can't really do anything with it without knowing how to code/compile it
Any moment now
>only to get thrown under the bus for inviting an e-celeb
he was no e-celeb, just someone butthurt about a ban. no one was paying attention to his juggalo ass before the leak
Villain... or hero?
>He didn't have a plan for how to do this already which means he never intended to go public like he claims
>This reeks of "Yeah the data I have has your card info and address."
Staff fighting and stone armor
It's up!
what ever the client needs.
There actually is.
In Pocket D, theres a male, female and a huge bathroom.
Can Yea Forums help me think of a good name for my fashy robot Mastermind?
Incredibly based. Can you please make sure that none of the discord mods have any power at all? They're all massive retards from what I've seen
jaw needs to be stretched out a bit
When you cant decide between space marine or templar knight
a hero, have you seen his works?
Every single bathroom in City of Heroes has a third door marked HUGE.
This has been a thing long before SocJus took full swing.
get ready to get fucked up, heroes
He is a virgin neckbeard not an e-celeb
Fuck Leandro and Fuck Leandro apologists
You niggers ought to fucking hang alongside your precious dictator
G.E.N.E.R.A.L., figure out what that stands for later
Commander Geir
>villain only fag
Milos Robolinski
with invention sets you can reach the effective defense cap with willpower and get all its regeneration stuff. SR is a relic from before inventions changed everything
I think you are mixing the very first original live data and the data of his private server.
It's a superhero/villain MMORPG. You can select from a very wide variety of powers to fight and whatnot. I suggest looking up videos of the gameplay on youtube.
Il Robitano
If you know 40k you know there ain't a difference
this is your necromancer for the evening, say something nice about her
So do we actually need a Titan account? I'm getting mixed signals now. I have Tequila and Paragon Chat installed already, I just want to make sure I'm ready once the servers open.
Is this the titan account site they're talking about?
>Even Paragon Chat is getting laggy
>The sites going slow
Oh god, when the flood gates open it's gonna be hell. The next 24 hours are gonna have the server down for 80% of the time.
I still don't trust him at all
>willingly playing the easier half of the game
I haven't felt hype like this in years boys even if I play this game for a week and realize why i stopped playing i still get to be a part of vidya history.
Those are the villains I made for my heroes to beat them up in their backstory
is street justice any good for tanker?
Why does she wear the mask
She has big tiddy
y-you too~
how do I change the aspect ratio? Also I tried signing up on Titan Network but keep getting a 500 server error. Also what the fuck do I do on the tutorial. It won't let me talk to the cop which im guessing I have to do
Imagine being this unhinged over a videp game
>gift nitro classic in the discord
>heroes just stare at it
ya'll wild, claim that shit next time.
The titan account isnt needed for this server that is supposedly going up for testing. Its needed if you want to log onto the Paragon chat server where you can look at and talk to other people. Theres an offline mode for it otherwise.
Isn't Willpower a +Res set, not a +Def set?
Meister Malware
It's a good set, not sure for tanker specifically though, I don't usually play tanker.
I hate the color scheme, but the rest looks good.
Fuhrer Stack
Adolf Gitler
Luckily he isn't the only one getting the code
Honestly go to Paragonwiki and just do some exploring, explaining the entre game mechanics will only make you more confused because there's so much.
>choose origin like Science Mutation Natural this determines what enhancements (think gear) you will need to get in late game
>then role like Defender (support/healer) Blaster (ranged dps) Scrapper (melee dps) Tank (you already know) and there's Villain versions of these classes
>start in either Atlas Park or Mercy Isle where you take missions from contacts, you should have waypoints to each
>you also can up the difficulty of missions, join other players (up to 8 including yourself) to do missions, or join a Task Force (think a raid or a dungeon) at certain levels. If you do missions for contacts they will usually suggest another contact for you either in the same zone or a different zone
>there's also paper missions you can get like "save this guy" and sometimes these missions can lead to different contacts for you
hope that helps, but I'm probably leaving some stuff out
lewds when
>fuckton of normies flooded discord/reddit today
>most of them are either newfriends or just forgot the game after shutdown
>they perceive the release as unexpected gift and think leo doing this because he's great dude who did nothing wrong
>even if they know what he did they don't care about coh, paragon chat, SECS and everything else at all
They gonna crown him GM on the one and only server and make the statue of him. You gonna pay him patreon money and get banned for accidental edgy humor
Such is life.
Yes, how how to change the aspect. Help him REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
He's damage controlling. He's desperate not to lose his clout.
Because she probably looks like she fried her face in feces.
I-I-I-Is i-it?
Server may be up tonight boys, get fuckin hype
It has a mix of everything. Some decent resistance, strong regen, the regen power comes with an enemy -to hit debuff to improve your defensive powers later on.
Only if they brought their aura and Fortitude, but 90% of empaths were fags that rocked their heal on auto and thought they did their job. If it's the last slot I'm taking just about any other support
Der Uberroboter.
That looks more like captain jihad.
btw 4+Yea Forums has all the files needed to host your own server
imagine being a jew
For me its that sense that it was never thought to be possible. We were told it could never be done. Granted, we now know that the people saying that were trying to hide a private server under everyones noses. But everyone thought it was a done deal. I hadn't thought about CoH in years, cause I thought it was over.
but you get a cookiepoint for geting the reference
I was just joking, but that's hilarious.
s there a like bulletproof vest cosmetic?
there's already plans for multiple servers to go up very soon, and multiple coders are working on converting the I25 data so it's compatible with the source code so anyone can start a server.
Instructions for how to set up for the TEST server: 1.) Download and install the Tequila client from the Titan network or the magnet link.
This doesn't even feel real that we'll be able to play again soon.
Yeah I'm wondering why this fucking guy is heading it and why they're calling it SCORE again, this is him trying to seize power knowing everyone will leave his private server for the public one since everyone talked about how boring the private server was cause it was only like 100 people.
If Leandro causes more problems then a based nigger will wreck his pathetic ass
nigga, ppl got killed for less. i recall one after dispute about some mega rare sword and that was just item
I'm honestly most excited to just run some sewers groups again. God I've missed this game.
And down in five minutes I bet!
There are tons of items of clothing when making your character. If theres not a kevlar vest there will surely be something you can make look like a kevlar vest.
How do I access the settings? This shit is too fucking loud
Commander WannaCry. With his army of nanobots, no man or machine is safe from his ransomware!
that's because it's not, this is all a dream, wake up
>score forums
Wait a minute, what? Is this going to be Leandro's server?
I dunno. If 1,000 people try to log in at once it's done for, but I bet it can handle 500 or so
there has got to be a slimmer face than that, but still 9/10
>People in Paragon Chat already calling it Leo's server and thanking Leo.
>Test server's called SCORE
Wow, he won. He kept his power. He's good at the whole deception thing.
undead didn't care who she was until she put on the mask
dark magic is stored in the tiddy
yea, I couldn't decide on colors but I wanted to finish it up and start on something else so I just kept it white/white for now
My fave memories were zombie hunting in the sewers popping up bubbles for my team mates. I can't wait to experience it again
Getting a real Gunmycraft vibe from this lmao.
I've literally pressed "Re-Validate" on Tequila right now
Rate my hero
Settings are on the title screen. I fucking hate the Freedom music.
Please tell me you'll ban/blacklist Leo as soon as he's no longer needed
it's because what's going up RIGHT NOW is a copy of the SCORE server, and will basically act as a Proof of Concept. There are plans in place to put up multiple SCORE copies so people can play, while coders work to make Leo's janky I25 data work with the I24 source code, all while also waiting for Leo to clean his original I24 data that has a load of account data.
Fully-independent-of-Leo servers are coming, they'll just take a bit longer.
Something simple, catchy and German. 'Eisenkopf'