>Apparently genuine and light-hearted game gives you a feeling of creepiness and evilness
Which game comes to your mind?
Apparently genuine and light-hearted game gives you a feeling of creepiness and evilness
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Trolls - dos
Terranigma on the bloody mary segment
That fucking dude is spot on. Creeps the fuck out of me. As for games, I got that feeling of creepiness when playing GTAV sometimes. Not always, not even often, but sometimes I could just be driving around the city in daylight and get this feeling of despair.
What's the deal with this guy?
>apparently genuine
I don't know how to prove it to you but I know with utter certainty that guy is a non-feeling psychopath.
here we go again
I guess the underwater segments of mario 64
It's because he's white, isn't it?
He's probably a ginormous obvious creepy Pedophile. Or an actual good decent person. IDK but im willing to bet on the Pedo story.
nah its the eyes dude
pretty sure hes a jew anyways
This is not okay
He's a Jew, faggot.
why is he stating everything that's happening
so precisely
why does he feel like some sort of alien wearing a human's skin
Surprised no one posted it
Isnt this Thor guys bro?
Yea is someone gonna give a quick rundown or what?
No, it's his vacant, creepy stare and the way he rarely blinks. His body language screams he's forcing it and it's all around extremely eerie to watch him. People tell me I'm imagining shit but I'm not. I have extremely well developed intuition and getting an idea of how someone is from looking at them is straight up a real thing. It's a survival mechanism as well. I don't get how anyone can watch his content for more than 5 seconds. He's unsettling to the max.
But Earthbound IS creepy. Did you miss the part where they go on a fucking drug trip and all the unsettling comments NPCs make?
>The way she's apprehensive.
>She tries to kiss him.
Is this some former sex laborer he snatched from a musk filled bamboo dungeon in the rainforest or is she just slow or some shit?
viva pinata, stardos was straight up murdered and turned into an evil ghost
God I wish people liked me as much as this potato likes this man
all the people he has on his channel have some kinda disability
basically it's a channel run by a jew who makes money off of showcasing people with disabilities
Man I know what you mean. I always thought everyone had this, but people told me they don't understand what I mean. I get what you mean, I can like see how someone is and in what things they can be trusted.
hes some special ed guy. he knows how to wrangle retards. apparently it's a sin to know how to interact with disabled people.
find yourself a woman that looks at you the way she looks at him
I can do this as well holy shit
I just look at someone and I got a specific impression of his character and he turns out exactly like I predicted
A woman who's always keeping an eye out for someone else?
Why are people so obsessed over race? Literally the last thing I would have thought here
He's a tard Wrangler guys, reason he's so creepy is because he's being soothing for the downs kids.
I don't know.
I have that kinda feeling when I see bible related games.
Same. Thought everyone had this shit and was surprised to find out it's more like 1/10 men and 1/3 women. Sucks for them I guess, because I've successfully avoided a few psychos and convicted murderers/rapists thanks to this. Rarely am I wrong in my judgments and feelings about other people.
Are... Are you new?
A hat in time
shut up kike
i've been around tards and acting the way this guy does is not required
staying around your family is different than strangers
>have this feeling of creep radiating from my professor
>two semesters and it still hasn't subsided
>get the feeling he's a pedophile/general sex deviant, almost go into fight or flight mode whenever he's around his young children
I want to be wrong but my track record tells me I'm most likely right. I don't know what to do. We're supposed to be going down a few states at the end of the semester to visit a research station and I genuinely am considering not going because I don't trust sleeping anywhere near him.
you must be 18 or older to browse this site
Oh, I gotcha now. I can see why he comes off as so off-kilter because it's the easiest way to interact with the mentally handicapped. Still seems a bit unnerving, though.
I get the feeling from this video that he's probably genuine and perhaps a little on the slow side as well. Spectrum maybe.
Fuck off. This guy and his wife help disabled and terminally ill children.
That's not it at all. I've seen people who are awkward around the mentally/physically handicapped. They don't act like him. It's in the eyes. There's evidence that men don't have this kind of intuition because it wasn't as necessary for them to develop as it was for females, so that could be why some people don't get it and some only partially get it.
is this guy autistic?
he uses them to make money
he has no other skill except being a creepy jew
Whats the impression this man gives you?
Yea Forums has ruined me beyond all salvation, hasn't it?
Christ, that's a fucking Patrick Bateman smile.
Those aren't the eyes of an autist or a slow person.
>that stare
thanks i literally almost punched my fucking screen
Not them but exactly like what the rest of his stock photos give me, which is an ever present sense of "really, faggot?" and "it hurts to live" No creepo vibes though.
Raw female instinct in action here boys.
>Those aren't the eyes of an autist or a slow person.
I mean, it makes more sense than not. Monster psychopaths are just mentally retarded anyway.
he lived a good and easy life
when he gets annoyed or mad by something he tries to hide it with a fake smile or pretend to not care
cant believe Yea Forums is jealous of this gigachad who's just doing what he loves.
He have seen some shit
It's the eyes that do it for me. But also because it seems like he's controlling every single muscle in his face. It's not just a natural smile that you don't even think about, you just react instinctively. But for him, it's like he's actively thinking "wider smile, show a bit more of those baby blue eyes, blink in the next two seconds"
The garden in Super Mario 64
>no music
>boos that chase you
>that secret jumpscare
Fuck that section
my take:
Light colored eyes always make someone seem creepy and subhuman. Dark eyes are more trusthworthy
Second thing:
The display of teeth in this case is threatening because the eyes are not smiling so his entire face looks off, on top of the beady pupils
Damn, I was always skeptical of this guy just from the pictures people meme on here but this guy makes me feel like a piece of shit.
That’s white.
Baba is you
kingdom hearts
I fucking love sbsk. Best argument against abortion.
People's been fed /r9k/'s propaganda for too long that they really think attractive "chads" can't be good people
jews don't consider themselves white even
>Light colored eyes always make someone seem creepy and subhuman. Dark eyes are more trusthworthy
most american thing ever
t. lacking intuition
Don't be a bunch of misjudging fags, some people just have weird factions
>ITT: autismos that don't interact with people but think they know how to spot psychopaths.
Real life isn't some t.v show or movie.
he has intense eye contact because it would be rude to look away from a disabled like you were disgusted or some shit. it builds trust. it also is a clear indicator of having someones attention and retards need very clear signals when you interact with them.
shut up kike
he looks pretty normal
the problem is he never fucking blinks
its like watching a stephen king movie
Is it wrong that I watch this guy's videos just to feel better about myself knowing it could always be worse?
so, manipulation
the only thing kikes are good at aka fooling people
The kid with the skin blisters always gets to me.
Anyone ever fuck a retarded girl?
Dude isn's a Jew, he is a conservative Christian.
After seeing some of his videos. He has to make those strong facial expressions to better connect with the autistic kids who can't pick up subtleties. And the pain he has behind his eyes is probably due to the empathy he has for those kids who have to go live the rest of their lives in misery.
>tfw genuinely like kids
>tfw want to help them grow and prosper
>tfw find clever kids endearing and want to tell them good job and reinforce good behaviour
>tfw paternal instinct woke up and now I just find them fucking adorable too
>tfw have penis so all of this good and wholesome behavior will be seen as pedo shit to strangers
We live in a society
he's a jew the nose and ears give it away
That's in Mother 3 you dingleberry
You fucking zoomers don't fucking know that you should never judge a book by its cover?
Yeah I've seen it before
gta isnt a lighthearted game. although the air of creepiness might be a valid point.
I think most of us understand that, I'm sure there are people who are, ironically, retarded and don't see it that way. It's just fun to joke around.
That Piglet Winnie the Pooh game that gets posted now and then had a vague silent hill like ominousness at times. It may have been called Piglet’s Big Game?
You just know...
>Paternal instincts
It's literally all the onions and estrogen in you. Men interested in kids will always be fucking creepy because Men have no buisness in children unless it's THEIR OWN kid or they're trying to fuck them. So fuck you creepo.
Jesus fucking Christ.
That fucking smile.
I knew Chris in college. He is absolutely not a psychopath
Links Awakening is about genociding everyone you meet in the game just so you can go home
This scared the living shit out of me
I feel really unsettling when I interact with the characters of Stardew Valley for some reason.
i knew him too
he is definitely a psychopath
They shouldn't be helped, they should be disposed of to eliminate the chance of them creating more of their own kind.
i fucked him
holy fucking shit hahahahaha
>The way he suddenly moved his head to continue watching her
Chris walked up to me in College and whispered into my ear about how much disabled little kid pussy and butt hole he was getting on the regular. He said a decade from now when i tell everyone on my stupid little chinese cartoon image board they won't believe me and he'll be victorious.
Weird facial expression aside, objectively this youtuber has showcased to me the myriad of genetic misfortunes that children have to grow up with and still innocent enough to not know how much hard it will be growing up.
It really puts things in perspective.
Be careful not to put down those who do good Yea Forums!
Imagine being so deep in /pol/'s incel meme bubble that you think men can't want to be fathers
This guy reminds me of a bioware character where they take a little pause between conversations to choose their dialogue and have bad facial animations.
>when you activate big head mode cheat
>eyes are not smiling
How does a eye smiles?
You know what I think it is honestly?
When being given advice on how to seem social and confident people are told to smile and give direct eye contact. But that's not how people talk to each other 100% of the time even as extroverts.
The smile is not always a toothy grin the eye contact breaks from time to time. The face relaxes and shows how comfortable you are.
It's really odd to talk to someone who is staring into your eye unblinkingly with a full grin that obviously seems to strain the face like a child taking a "cheese" picture.
The kid next to him has a natural smile and face the guy on the other hand seems like some one who read what you should do when talking to people and has no idea what it looks like in execution
Same. What have I become?
I didn't say anything about not wanting to be a father. I said you're a creepy faggot if you're a man who has any interest in kids that aren't your own.
I'm sorry, but I have a very, very hard time thinking this girl loves this disabled genetic dead end in any conceivable way. I feel sorry for the guy.
Literally just work as a teacher in asia or something for a while have some fun help some kids and make easy living.
Splatoon because I think of the player base.
Little Nemo on NES
Like bumper cars I think
just imagine all the people that love and admire him.
Why else would she deal with all that ? she has no obligation to. No one is forcing her.
Eldritch horror kino
my sides
Because he's talking to a literal retard.
Literal retard.
>t.jealous and jaded incel
remember that attraction for some people isn't just about appearance.
Felt like I was using some kind of parasitic species to exterminate the endemic life and steal garbage.
She has just has a sick fetish bros. Like she wants a disabled man slave.
but user. shes the one slaving for him because hes so immobile....KEEP COPING! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!