So it's dark souls with good combat?

so it's dark souls with good combat?

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I wish it was as good as Dark Souls

>Good combat

Attached: 1547055070095.jpg (620x744, 90K)

dark souls combat is way superior to this garbage. especially the newer soulsborne games like bloodborne,dark souls 3 and sekiro.

You wish kid

Found the dumb souls drones that were filtered by Anjanath

>Filtered by Anjanath
I didn't say MHW was bad, friendo. The combat is just nowhere near comparable.
>Stun the monsters
>Hit some of their weak points to deal more damage
>Try and knock them over or ride them if you're bored

How retarded do you even have to be to believe this? Souls/Sekiro are literally just standing on a spot and pressing button for dodge/parry, then attack button. You have have to reposition, hitzones usually aren't a thing, all the weapons play the same or you only have 1.

Attached: deep combat.webm (960x540, 2.57M)

Dark Souls combat is absolute fucking trash compared to MH, kill yourself already.

>>Stun the monsters
>Hit some of their weak points to deal more damage
>Try and knock them over or ride them if you're bored
You are breaking it down like crazy and it still sounds more fun than Souls, which is literally just
>lock on enemy
>dodge when enemy attacks with 50 iframes
>attack enemy twice

Fucking idiot

Attached: shagaru GS hammer tult.webm (640x320, 2.84M)

Don't compare MH to that NeoGAF trash

That's better than rolling and spamming R1

Iceborne trailer when?

Attached: shaggy.png (800x803, 413K)

You're getting upset. Are you perhaps stuck on an enemy in one of the "Dark Souls" games developed by FromSoftware, and are looking to lay the blame on design choice by comparing it to an entirely different game?
MHW is not bad. I played more hours of it than I did any other game last year. But calling the combat "DeEp" is laughable

Attached: bloodborne again.jpg (1435x2560, 772K)

Yes, desu I don't understand why people still like DaS now that even casuals on Playstation got a taste of MH which actually has some depth and dosen't just inflate enemy damage to give an illusion of depth

>You're getting upset. Are you perhaps stuck on an enemy in one of the "Dark Souls" games
That didn't take long. Disqualifying yourself and literally proving that "le difficulty" meme is the only reason you dorks even care about Souls in the first place, because it gives you a false sense of achievement.

Funny considering the endgame quests in MH are 100 times harder. I finished all From games, good luck with level 140 Zinogre or Extremoth though.

MHW = shit

Play 4U instead


They're only harder because the enemies you fight are made more powerful. You've repeatedly fought an anjanath or whatever as you go through the game, so by the time you're fighting an arch-tempered version all you need to do it make sure you've got the right armor equipped, know how to jump out of the way of his telegraphed attacks and where to hit him and with what. Maybe equip a flashpod or two.
There is no further depth. Dark Souls is by no means perfect but calling MHW "Dark Souls with good combat" makes literally no sense

no replay value really. once you beat the game, the only thing there is to do is just beat up health and damage inflated versions of old fights. big yawn. building equipment is so grindy and boring as well if you do anything but raw damage

Cope nintendie

Why are you so obsessed over Souls games, user?

>no replay value really.
We aren't talking about Souls. MH has like 15 completely different and deep weapons that make the game feel like a completely different experience, especially LS -> GL -> Bow which is why the average person plays these games at least 200 hours while you can drop Souls forever after 30.

Stop being a window drooling neanderthal