Is NieR: Automata really the 7th best game ever made Yea Forums?
Is NieR: Automata really the 7th best game ever made Yea Forums?
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Hell no, game is overrated as fuck. The shallow combat makes it no better than an 8/10
It's a good game but not really that special
I played it before Gestalt and I think Gestalt was better even if the gameplay was mediocre
no, it's an incel bait game.
Why are Critics so in love with this game now?
I thought it was just anime tiddies and ass but it turned out to be much greater
What were you expecting the combat in an action game to be like? Chess? Retard.
You have got to be fucking kidding me. When will this meme that N:A was actually "good deep game!!!" die right off
It's easy and trannies love it so much that you can almost always find a trannie cosplaying it at your local convention or little tokyo.
I liked the characters, soundtrack and boss battles better in gestalt/replicant but automata had better controls/combat, sidequests and story imo
I may have been indifferent had I played this blind but because I went in with so much hype, I was left dismally disappointed.
I don't know, post some picture of its female protagonist
Never, it's going to be the Bioshock of this decade.
because the game is neat to perfection
only downside is the combat but is not that bad desu
(also hard mode is fucking 1-shot mode until you have chips enough to not get 1shoted to death and is fucking frustrating at the beggining)
Yea Forums poisoned this game for me. They made out that it was some philosophical revolution in gaming.
It wasn't anything close to that and it wasn't even a good game but I could have maybe had some fun with it had I not been fed bullshit.
When Yoko Taro makes his next game, of course.
Gestalt is better and Automata single-handedly ruined the western DoD fanbase
it has some fine ass in it
i went with all the hype like you and i wasn't let down
but hard was frustrating af
What's 1 - 6?
There's two kind of people regarding this game.
The first kind if the people that overhype it.
Those people, i really dislike, and i wish they would stop.
The second kind is the people that are not the target audience for this game, yet played it anyway because they're retarded and listen to anything Yea Forums says, like this subhuman , and straight up contrarian retards like Now THESE, are people i genuinely despise.
It's nice that you signed your post, makes it that much clearer what kind of person shills Nier.
No, it's the fucking first
I want to know as well
I really liked it but 7th seems like a big stretch. Is this the type of list that lists games only of the past 10 years or something?
It’s higher than 7th.
lol no
have sex
literally how
Yorha was retarded
The Yorha commander was retarded
the machine network was retarded
Adam and Eve did literally nothing
A2 was barely explored
2B is really underdevloped
anyone not retarded realizes humanity is dead while everyone makes a big deal out of it
the first half of the game is HURR TOOBIE MACHNES DON'T HAVE EMOTIONS even if it's obvious they do
The main twist of the game about 2B killing 9S in the past falls flat because it's dropped 5 minutes before the ending of the game and the only reaction you get form it is an already insane 9S REEEing
The twist being handled poorly also ruins the romance since their previous and tragic romance wasn't shown in the game at all beyond being mentioned once and implied with 1(one) 2B smile and her being worried about 9S which would be a normal reaction anyway
The only good things about the game were
>the music
>9S going crazy
>Devola and Popola
That's it
You're more mentally ill than the people you're making fun of, you know that?
higher than 7.
Trying way too hard my dude
People who rate this game highly have never touched a naked woman.
t. people who didn't read the concerts
This, but ironically
The only thing that was signed were your adoption papers.
Look, I love the game, but 7th place GOAT? Get real.
>Not le target demographic or just ""contrarian""
This game is irredeemable trash. Played through the whole thing. The only good points are the OST and some boss designs.
Despise me all you want, faggot. This game sucks. No changing it.
Aren't most of the people who overrate this game complete normalfags?
>dude the story of the game is good, you just have to read lots of extra material
Not an excuse
Sure, it fixes it but the story of the game itself is still terrible
Making a game mainly about a romance story and then leaving the entire romance outside the game is absolutely retarded
>only downside is the gameplay
best game of the year maybe. Nowhere near top 100 video games of all time though
>Making a game mainly about a romance story and then leaving the entire romance outside the game is absolutely retarded
it's implicit if you don't like to pay attention to the story then don't wine about it later
What are you trying to say about OP's journalist?
>graphics 95%
Come on. It had some nice aesthetics but it's definitely not a fucking 95% for graphics
>shallow combat
>he doesnt know
oh boy i love this part
Name 100 better games then.
Yeah, it's anime thighs and hips too
It's the #1
i'm pretty sure this user think ocarine of time is the number 1 of all time
Hell ye
Not that guy, but video games can be entertaining in more ways than just the aspect of pressing buttons. The soundtrack, the atmosphere, the story etc. They can't enitrely replace horrible gameplay, but definitely make up for it to an extent if it is lacking.
>make a game with a combo-driven combat system
>you don't ever need to use combos to succeed in combat
>not only that, but you're encouraged to never deviate from mashing the dash+heavy attack from start to finish because of a glitch that causes the attack to deliver insane damage output
>remember, Platinum made this game, so there's no excuse
Casuals and new fans to the series worship the fuck out of the game, largely because of the story and the world design (and 2B because they're raging incels), but the combat is objectively terrible. It's functionally broken. Skipping sidequests/grinding and trying to play the game as an action game instead (which you probably would want to do on a replay) causes you to become so underleveled for the C route that - unless you abuse the damage glitch - enemies take an eternity to kill.
Gestalt was unironically a better game, not just from a story perspective, but because while the combat was utter shit as well, people didn't try to pretend it was good like they do with Automata.
Donguri could make DMC2 look cool.
Oh fuck off. I highly doubt you can even think of 100 video games you played in your lifetime.
You can do the exact same thing for the first game
>Devola and Popola character flat out contradict 90% of all their actions
>the plot twist is literally infodumped to you in a text file
>Grimoire Noir is obtuse for the sole reason of hiding the plot twist as being straightforward would spoil it, there is literally no reason for him to word it the way he does
>80% of the game is going from Point A to Point B to pick up some random treasures which have no reason to exist other than to drive the plot again. Tell me again why the Shadowlord's Keys are in some completely random locations, or why a key even exists when there is nobody who you'd want to get in?
>especially in the early and middle part of the game a lot of emotional moments just kinda happen awkwardly. You have Kaine asking who Emil even is while beating up the book and then literally 2 minutes later she's trusting him with her life and giving him life changing advice
> 1. Zelda: Majora's Mask (Revised #1)
> 1B. Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Original #1)
> 2. Red Dead Redemption
> 3. Final Fantasy III (VI)
> 4. Super Mario Bros 3
> 5. Shadow of The Colossus
> 6. Chrono Trigger
> 7. NieR: Automata
> 8. Metroid Prime
> 9. Portal 2
> 10. Tetris
> 11. Resident Evil 4
> 12. Super Metroid
> 13. Super Smash Bros. Melee
> 14. The Last of Us
> 15. EarthBound
give me a few days to get back to you on that. Determining a best game of all time list takes time if you're not some clickbait gaming news website that throws random high rated games together and calls them worthy to be in a top 100 list
Sounds like dmc
Notice how all of the people defending it are using stupid nintendi/anime reaction images. Really makes you think.
>you know..
>it's almost as if..
Yikes, buddy. Go check with your wife's boyfriend if it's okay to be using his computer.
I mean, it's same case with DMC: you can mash your way through and win. But that's not the point of DMC, is it?
Beat through it to Ending E once, and it left a good taste in my mouth so I deleted my save for someone else's sake.
i didn't said the combat was bad it's just not good in comparision to tittles like DMC or bayonetta who are action games too but also
combat =/= the whole gameplay
2 replies and not a single argument, are you trying to prove his point?
> 2. Red Dead Redemption
This is completely out of place. Boring open world trash that I even got when it launched. That doesn't belong there at all.
It's a recent 6+/10 game with a nice sexual appeal.
It's not close to that position, but it makes sense that some plebs rank it that way.
normiest normie list
I grew up playing Red Dead Redemption & unironically remember nothing from it, what exactly do people see in this game?
possibly the worst major platinum game
>anime reactions
>on a weeb forum
huur duur i dunno lad
>people really listen to the opinion of game journos
Get a hold of your life
Okay, I'll wait.
>A dog is an anime reaction image
>A dog is a nintendo reaction image
Get out normalfag
i remember rpg fan bitching about jokes regarding fat people in some vn
what a joke
I feel like I'd put FFVII on my top 10, but its kinda normie
>worse story than Nier
>worse combat than most of Platinum's games
It's mediocre all round
I get that, but it means it doesn't deserve 97s or belong anywhere near top 10 GOAT lists. Maybe not even top 100.
Hell no.
2b got a nice ass though.
>old ass jrpg you have never played but put there anyway for internet points
every time
Fuck off tranny
>Only downside is 95% of the gameplay
Admit it you only liked it because you play as a robot whore.
> DMCfags seething about a more popular game
Don't be mad because you're the idiot who thinks a dog is related to anime and nintendo, faggot
I love this comment.
Literally the only downside of the game is the RPG system because you eventually become too strong and the enemies don't scale up at all.
It's definitely a top 10 game for me.
I mean it's a good game, but it's really overrated by the same faggots that refuse to actually play Nier and Drakengard because a YouTuber told them it's bad.
>>DMCfags seething
why would they be seething? They literally JUST got a 10/10 game
Everyone has fucking played FF6 & Chrono Trigger, they are the faces of the RPG genre
Persona suffers from this same problem.
>one good game
journos don't form opinions for themselves anymore, they just put that shit at 7 because the public likes it and say it has a deep plot, even though the gameplay is fucking terrible and its yoko taro wank
Here's your (you) contrarian
Most of these games are good though.
I like Nier and haven't played a DMC since 3 and I agree with both of them
Donguri is a god!
Journalists are no different from anyone else, stop seething
ok faggot the gameplay is not top tier notch BUT it's not bad it's just OK
i liked the game for the story
>but user games with story are not games
see if i fucking care the game was fun and the story was top tier shit why would i look for more downsides?
BUT if you're a DMCfag thirsty for keeping the enemy on the sky for hours then ofc you wouldn't like this game
>being straight up dishonest to prove a point
You could be right, but you chose to be wrong.
>literally only 3 good games in this
i fucking hate zoomers
Nice to see MM get a higher place than OoT, for once.
Kill yourselves
These journalists are only in this business because they got rejected from tabloid reporting for celebrities and drumpf. When VIDEO GAME journalist complain about video game difficulty, you know they don't actually play games.
Have either of you played any DMC on anything above the easiest difficulty? Your style in combat influences the red orbs you get. In DMC, you're rewarded at the end of each chapter based on your style, speed of completion, and damage taken. These are games about killing enemies quickly and with taking as little damage as possible, which is why juggling exists. You juggle because it grants style, grants orbs, and keeps you safe from the other enemies. The people that mash in DMC are the ones that play it once through and drop it forever.
In Nier Automata, there's no score, no style system. You're not rewarded for playing well. You're PUNISHED for playing fast because it's an rpg and you can be underleveled. In fact, you're rewarded for standing back and mashing your bots' projectiles because it's safe as fuck, and there's no downside to doing so. It's a broken game.
sorry that nintendoshit isn't top 10 material, faggot
What are you talking about, zoomer? Most of these games are old.
The combat was unironically better than God of War's. The two are not held to the same standards. Don't A me you fuckin homos.
How is that even possible? I'm trying to look at that list as cynically as I possibly can, but I can't say I like fewer than 10.
That just means you have shit taste
I already got my personal top 100 list, pretty sure nobody is interested or wants me to share it though
I'm not saying they are the best games ever, I'm saying they're good. Being broken and jaded doesn't mean you have good taste.
What the fuck are you even on about faggot?
I'd say the first 15 playthroughs are 985-1000 best games of all time, but the 16th playthrough really is 7th greatest of all time.
I guarentee you the people who work there are millennials
they're all shills, failed journos that couldn't get into a more "respectable" position and cling onto to their worthless degree by joining tabloids
how can anyone take them seriously anymore?
many have even openly expressed that they'd rather do something more "productive" than playing and critiquing games
they literally don't care about vidya beyond their monthly paycheck
you literally never played any of those game, child
Weebs will always pretend their flavor of the month DEEP anime is a masterpiece. Hell Yea Forums still pretends Madoka is good. Mindboggling
These are the same people who gave BOTW a 6/10, Seikro a 4/10, RDR2 a 7/10 & MHW a 6/10. They are the furthest thing from being shills
Unironically the best game of all time.
who? IGN?
they handed out a 10 for botw, a 9.5 for sekiro, a 10 for rdr2, and 9.5 for mhw
literal shills