Maybe Sony is right and developers should tone down the sexualization in games where the only game saving factor is the sexualized females.
There are too many cheap fap bait games already.
Maybe Sony is right and developers should tone down the sexualization in games where the only game saving factor is the...
They're at the beach. You're right, they shouldn't be wearing bikinis. I wonder what girls actually wear to the beach? Oh yeah...
Maybe they're fucking not.
Aren't the guys in DoA just as sexualized as the girls? Never played it.
Dont hit the door when you leave.
The whole game is about girls being on the beach and wearing skimpy clothes, why is this even a game?
>how do you do, fellow posters? I mean come on lets be reasonable here :)
Not really, but there are none of them in this game.
That’s all just a veil for their money-making agenda you brainlet.
Not everything has to be for everyone, and it's OK to appeal to a niche market. If someone doesn't like it, they don't have to play it, they don't even have to look at it. I fucking hate sports games, and think they take advantage of the stupid. Doesn't mean I think they shouldn't be made.
>let's not turn video games into literal porn
How the fuck is this not reasonable to you?
wtf I hate females now
>550 replies
>this thread has been archived
That's like saying Kuroinu isn't a porn game because people have sex in real life.
This, fuck girls and fuck beaches. Every game should be a generic fantasy RPG like Witcher 3
>every art form in history has been made into porn
>Video games should be exempt
People like looking at naked people. Stop being a fucking prude.
>literal porn
No nudity. Try again tranny
This is SOA that's making these calls.
Japan still has a baby problem.
It's like the people calling the shots are trying to stop gamers thinking about sex altogether
no it's not
I don't negotiate with trannies. I would tell you to kys, but you're already going to do that in a few years anyways.
I just want my fap games and actual games to not have interspecies sex. I like Senran Kagura because it's obviously all about the fanservice. I hate MGSV because it's not meant to be exclusively about motherfucking Quiet but that's all anyone talked about.
>Maybe Sony is right
They aren't.
>generic fantasy RPG like Witcher 3
this is how i know you are a retard
Fuck SNOY and fuck Valve.
I love fap games but hate Quiet in MGSV. It's so fucking stupid and corny the way it's handled in a serious gritty military/stealth game.
>Dude she's almost NAKED! Isn't that badass!?
Yes it is; user tried to claim the game isn't sexualized because it depicts a sexy thing that happens in real life. Unless you're saying user is an ascetic monk who doesn't find bikinis sexy.
Honestly, FPBP
>and fuck Valve.
What did Valve do to you? Last time I checked they don't care what kind of trash gets posted on steam and if not the public outrage the Rape Day would have been released on Steam too.
Forgive me, I didn't realize I was talking to a casual.
U-um yes, Witcher 3 is a totally original and fresh experience. GOTY, amirite? Did you play the new Call of Duty by chance? Very cool!
how does censorship make them more money?
Careful, you'll piss off the redditors
>U-um yes, Witcher 3 is a totally original and fresh experience. GOTY, amirite?
Trying to be a cool kid huh user?
it's literally not the same thing, prove how it is
It doesn't, they just think the SJW market gets them more sales than their current one. The monkeys at the top have no clue.
Surely OP didn't leave to call for backup...
user, a metaphor is used when two situations are comparable. It does not mean the person using the metaphor is saying those two things are literally the same.
>prove how it is
Respond to an argument once in your life before asking for a second one.
I can see the future and this thread is gonna hit 300+ post of some idiots getting replies from the same fat feminist that can't get laid and that's why is jealous of fictional girls.
Ha GAY!!!
>knowing kuroinu
let me guess, you're a self-hating weeb who faps to hentai and is a shamed of being a raptophile
W3 is generic as fuck. Only kids who are still impressed by pretty graffix disagree.
Not a bad game by any means, but definitely not ground-breaking or original.
>yo yo guys listen this GOOD game is actually BAD game lol xD
Metaphors only work when they're not retarded. Try harder or don't respond to me with your banal non-arguments.
They randomly ban games with no real reason and logic behind it.
>tried to remove VR Kanjojo
>since it's one of the bigger VR titles they got a lot of shit for that
>Suddenly it was an "accident"
And many other games just got silently got removed.
Also the whole "child expoitation" shit they babbled about.
They have no integrity and can't be taken seriously as a business since they flap around like a sail in the wind.
>yo yo
Even using that vernacular ironically just goes to show the kind of brain-dead monkey casuals who play witcher 3
>GOOD game
You're surely not referring to Witcher 3
I jerk off to DoA (though who the fuck pays for porn lmao). I am not stupid enough to claim that it wasn't made for jerking off to because women on real beaches wear bikinis.
witcher 3 babbies are so easy to trigger
>There are too many cheap fap bait games already.
What's wrong with that?
>babbies first wrpg
I hate having CHOICES!
nobody faps to the DoA games user, especially in this day and age
you mean skyrim?
Skyrim has more content than that walkie-talkie movie "game" lmao
They make people think than video games are nothing but fapbait
Kinda like what happened to Anime when a lot of it was lolishit and hentai
It also breeds incels, there are plenty of them in this thread for example
Right, everyone is playing DoAX for the volleyball and appreciating the artistic expression of the pole dancing.
The correct response to OP is to tell him he's a retard and to fuck off, not to act like an even bigger moron.
Who cares what boomers think?
>Oh no, an unpopular opinion! Quick, spam it with downvotes! We did it, reddit!
Doesn't work like that around here, faggot.
>They make people think than video games are nothing but fapbait
These games are pretty rare and are so niche that's there's no chance they'll ever "corrupt" the mainstream.
>It also breeds incels
They also keep incles away from real women. Isn't that a good thing?
If there is demand, why try to stop the supply?
>Oh no, an unpopular opinion! Quick, call him a redditor. We did it anons!
Personally these kinds of games just get me riled up while I bask in the ambience of these perfect 2D female forms
You're the only one trying to police unpopular opinions, retard. Lurk moar
Except you trannies would like if games were turn into LITERAL porn. As in the DOA guys getting blacked
There is nothing better in life than busty anime girls, so fuck Sony and fuck you OP
Haha, nice redditor normalfag impression user!
I never said it was bad, you fucking idiot. I love Witcher 3, but I'm not going to sit here and pretend like the setting is totally original and not a generic retread of the same psedo Game of Thrones setting we get in every wrpg that isn't sci-fi.
>trying to fit in this hard
i fucking hate faggots like you
And I hate little faggots like you, so it all works out. You mad?
Once again nobody plays DoA to fap. If you do and are not teenager, then you have some mental issues. It's softcore porn and fanservice for collectors.
All of those girls look exactly the same except for different hair colors
This. Everyone just plays these to add to their Marie Rose collection.
i don't expect you to love me but maybe you're down for some hate sex? i'll be the bull
An exaggeration for sure, but yeah a few of them do
literally no one cares about fitting in on a website where there are no accounts or ways to build reputation
no u
real women dress way sluttier than that nowadays, maybe they are afraid you would be fine with 2D females and spend your money on pillows instead of expensive dinners and furniture on someone not obligated to be with you by the law and that will most likely cheat on you and ruin your life out of boredom, but personally now that I'm almost 31 I'm getting more and more back into 2D females, I'm watching a lot of anime, namely 100% Fragola and Gabriel Dropout
The idea is that you virtue signal a whole bunch and then people who agree with your rhetoric buy your shit.
It doesn't actually work that well at increasing sales though, traditional advertising campaigns tend to be drasticly more effective for brainwashing people into buying stuff. Most of what it does is dodge a percentage of clickbait articles about how 'X game is problemetic" that get thrown in all directions for maximum advertising revenue.
The fact that even 2 of them look the same is too much
This. Not to mention real women are bigger whores than the DoA cast will ever be.
Too much, yes, but unrealistic, no. Asians are like that.
A good point I honestly never considered.
mega yikes the post
why does a game need a reason to exist?
why haven't you killed yourself?
Wrong. Asains don't have bodies like that. The fact that you don't think that's unrealistic is alarming. Aside from that your comma game is on point--keep it up!
After first saying they're not going to be content morality moderators to garner goodwill, they silently reversed their stance and now they randomly ban games, even non-erotic ones most likely based on who happens to be reviewing it without any sort of consistency.
Epic meme friend, but if you weren't a virgin you probably wouldn't be offended by the female form.
Have sex
I'm talking about the faces
because if gay fucking in the street and getting touchy with children is okay, then me enjoying some 2D titties in the comfort of my own home should be more then acceptable
What are you, gay?
I'm offended by not being born a female like I was destined to
>There are too many cheap fap bait games already.
Nobody force you to buy and play them. Just as I wont buy sjw infested stuff.
No they aren't because these games are already niche.
come over then faggot
that's like saying it's ok to kill people because abortion exists
>why is this even a game?
Fuck off Tina.
Go away. Back to your basement cave you incell virgin.
>nobody faps to the DoA games user
>replying without sage in the hourly bait thread
When are you going to learn?
Sony is just doing this as part of a long term ebb and flow strategy
Cut off the stream of ass and titties and starve the audience for a year or two while pleasing idiot feminists and gay idiots
1-2 years later: full on nudity and porn games and the sonyboys and games journalists will go nuts and they'll make record profits
Prohibition is always temporary throughout history, even bestiality and cheese pizza will be legal again some day
It's a good thread. Don't you like it?
At least people talk about video games here.
not even close
Because there's a market for it and it makes money don't like it don't buy it and most importantly don't censor it
OP is a tranny fag
>starve the audience
no they just go elsewhere
Fanservice can make a bad game playable.
But it won't make a good game better.
If anything. it can make a good game worse.
>If anything. it can make a good game worse.
This is so fucking true for a lot of good Anime.
That's sexist.
>Complains about censorship
>Posts a game on a Sony Platform
The DOA girls are literally based on Japanese Gravure models though.
>They're what real women look like. They modeled porn stars!
>But it won't make a good game better.
Thats completely wrong. A game with good mechanics and some gorgeous girls? Thats a 10.
Yeah, a fanservice game has its characters modeled after attractive people rather than the average fatty. Cry me a river roastie.
Because I guess people are willing to spend time and money for sexy things they like in gaming. And VV is not even good.
ur dumb, like reelly stuped
>you guys are all p-perverts!
>you need to have sex
>you are all incels!
>creepy, disgusting people
>stop objectifying women!!
>you horrible terrible bad man!
You are all over the place with your retardation
Commit suicide, tranny
you puritan niggers are all over the place with your mouth-breathing
Maybe they're not right at all because the rating system already exists. They're not protecting anyone, and the people who don't like "weeb fap bait" are not playing any of these games.
Also, for some incomprehensible reason, Snoy fans like to defend games being censored when they're only censored on the Playstation. Just remember, every time you see someone posting goldface and celebrating "weebs BTFO", he's really celebrating the fact that his Californian nanny corporation is cutting content FOR HIM ONLY, while the people he belittles are able to get it completely uncensored on PC/Xbox for the exact same dollar value (or free, if you're a pirate). It reminds me of people who were circumcised as kids who spend hours trying to convince strangers online that it's healthy.
>gays wave their assholes and penises at pride parades in front of each other and in front of other children which are foolishly brought to them
Grown-ups being treated like we're hormonal teenagers by corporate cock-sucking bitches and faggots is NOT the same thing as abortions being legal and murder being illegal.
Gorgeous girls and fan service are two different things though
>mad at gf so witholding sex
>just chilling on the couch with a game
>hear her come in, ignore cus still mad
>she sits down beside me, i turn to look inbetween levels
>she looks completely like pic related (cosplay), just with a bigger butt, so i jump in shock
>she giggles then goes off to prepare dinner
What the fuck do i do now? She's seen me play DoA as a serious fighting game but might have also have heard about what kind of game it is in the media and how all the characters are underage and banned in the game's own subreddit. I kind of want to stop witholding now but at the same time i don't want her to think I'm a sex criminal pervert. Fuck this stupid game series and its fanservice.
Sounds like you're projecting. How would you know about it otherwise.
You can say the same about violence.
It's like cigarette companies saying weed is the worst thing ever. You're doing the exact same thing.
fuck her brains out.
>There are too many cheap fap bait games already.
And who is the arbiter of this? and why are you so interested in what people do with dicks?
>stuff that never happened
I don't like trannies
Nice hot take there incel. Take your insecurities over the female body elsewhere.
then why did you become one?
>Most titties games are on PS4
>Start censoring games now that they're in California, an SJW henhouse
>Even force delays so some games can be modified to adhere to Sony's "Global Standards"
>Start making JAPANESE devs/publishers submit reports of their game in ENGLISH and on California time
>Don't hold Western devs to this (so far they haven't)
>Even uncensor a game (US version of DMC 5) after a patch showing bias towards bigger Japanese studios
As Sweet would say, "Nigga, what the fuck is this bullshit?!"
I'm actually a Sneedsexual
Honoka's face is so cute
You're fucking gay.
She's cute during limit breaks.
The rest of the time, she's kinda derpy
What is the story of this game?
Maybe you should be able to make what you want and people should just respect that.
>the same psedo Game of Thrones setting we get in every wrpg
Also, Game of Thrones is a show from 2011. Why would it suddenly have some profound influence on wrpgs, a genre that has existed since the 1970's? Heck, the Witcher PREDATES A Song of FIre and Ice, the book that Game of Thrones was based on.
No, what if I look like a pervert?
>but it did
This is bait but I'm taking it.
Maybe people should just buy what they like and stop worrying about shit they don't like. The market will take care of itself that way.
maybe you should fuck off and not buy it if you don't like it.
"I DON'T LIKE THING" does not automatically mean "THING SHOULD NOT EXIST." Why are retards incapable of comprehending this simple concept?
Then don't play them? No one is forcing you to buy it
The entire apeal is that it's this wacky over the top series. I agree quiet wasn't handled well, but by no means is it completely out of place. The issue I think is that her being a fanservice-y character became overdone because of the nature of the game being a base building open world thing, she wasn't relagated to just a few missions and cutscenes like previous games might have done it.