How come most mentions of this game is from edge contrarian retards who never played it...

How come most mentions of this game is from edge contrarian retards who never played it? Do they just lump it up with X7 and call it a day? The game has new game plus and playable waifus for crying out loud.

Attached: rockmanx8.jpg (378x541, 47K)

It's absolutely terrible.
I've actually never met a genuine, unironic fan of this game, you're the first one i've ever seen.
What a strange creature, they should preserve you in a zoo.

X2 > X > X8 > X6 > X5 > X4 > X3 > X7

Ok, now explain why it's bad.

going from X7 to X8 is almost a blessing, despite how poorly it compares to previous X titles.
X6 > X4 > X1 > X2 > X8 > X3 > X7 > X5
ANyone that likes X5 more than anything else is a complete casual shitter

Attached: Zero gets fucking roasted.png (634x1260, 920K)

>6 on top
Otherwise you've got a fine list.

X4 > X5 > X1 > X3 > X2 > X8 > X6 > X7.

X8 is decent overall and amazing compared to X7, but movement was too stiff and most stages were too gimmicky (the bike one was a pile of trash)

X5 is way better than 7 in every way I can imagine.

X6 is the only game in this entire series thats a challenge to play. its the only one that fucks you if you decide to treat it like any other X game. its the only game that you cannot beat in one single route, you must travel back into them multiple times if you want everything
its also the only one where your choices actually fucking matter since if you decided to not save reploids but instead travel around as if youre able to do anything, you will get fucked hard for it. it doesnt hold your hand, it beats oyu with a bat when you fuck up and thats what makes it the best

Textbook Stockholm Syndrome.

You don't know what makes X good.

i hate myself and need more artificial difficulty in my games to feel challenged. eventually it wasnt enough so i enabled hard mode

I mean yeah but three of the levels are fucking shit. X1 is easily the superior game despite being less difficult.

Not them but X6 > X3, 5 and 7 because those games are both ass and easy.

I think most people got fucked over on their first playthrough. You need to know that you have to get Tunnel Rhino early as fuck or else you can't get like 70% of the upgrades, and if you don't, Bit can be an almost impassible wall since he hits like a fucking truck, like so many of X3's bosses and even some basic enemies.

Sure, fair, on replays.
But who plays Mega Man games just once?

I'm never touching X5 again, that's for fucking sure.
At least X7 is good for a chuckle.

it's the only X game I played and I thought it was fun
but 11 year old me was easily entertained

I defended X8 for years, but after replaying in the collection, I realize the game just isn't as fun. All but 2 stages are tied to some screen auto scrolling gimmick, or a pace breaker gimmick that slows down the action these games are known for. Outside if Bamboo Pandamonium, and the Intro Stage, name a single stage that you can blaze through with fast paced platforming and combat. I'm not saying these gimmicks didn't exist in the other games, but they were usually contained to one or two stages. X8 built an entire game around it. X6 is a far more enjoyable game even with that cunt ouroboros. At least it isn't X5 where you have to play the same boring slow stage 3 times to 100% it.

Attached: 0t0eani3jwq21.jpg (750x526, 56K)

I haven't played any other X games but I don't like it that much. Both vehicle stages, the rooster stage, the elevator, and the second half of ant's stage suck to play through.