Bobby kotick is a jew

Surprise Surprise, from a article

says the event planner who planned the bat mitzvah of the daughter of Activision CEO Bobby Kotick

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are jews really evil or is it just a /pol/ meme?

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hey hey people

evil, zuckerberg is a jew also for example

So what? Being Jewish doesn’t make you a bad person.

each cliché holds a little bit of truth.
My expirience showed they are clever and ruthless.
But make your own expiriences just be careful.

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>Newfag calls Kotick a Jew even though this very board has known he was a Jew since '07.
Woooooow. Thanks for the update hoss.

im op and i did not know , i just guessed it because of how a ruthless scummy business man he is so i googled bobby kotick jewish to check if my feeling was right and i was right he is a bonifed 100% jew

I want to know this too, /pol/ makes them seem like a supernatural hivemind bent on destroying the world, which seems a bit ridiculous
on the other hand jews have been hated since forever

Its a muslim thing, rooted in their history and passed from parents to their kids. So whenever someone hates jews, you can tell they have islamic ancestry

What is evil just depends on your point of view. They're very nepotistic and view non-jews similar to the way we view cattle. That doesn't necessarily mean that they're evil, it just means that they have a different perspective.

But it isn't news. Hell, we used to have threads about his dating profile ages ago.

Zionists are evil, non zionist jews are alright.

Zionists are selfish and racist, they constantly steal land, kill innocents, and discriminate.

Also there no white genocide, etc. /pol/ is just retarded.

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hated like no other, gypsies are also disliked for having sticky fingers but jews have always been hated differently then any other race

well i just found out he was a jew, not everybody is a oldfag on Yea Forums

Nice try but muslims are jews are the same thing, they are both semitic "people" and the enemy of the white race.

They're most definitely out to make things better for themselves as a collective, but they're probably not the one sole organization that controls the world.
Should you trust them if you're white, black, Christian, etc.? Not in the least bit.

80% of socialist Russia was Jews
yes they're evil

Google most of the business men in gaming and you'll find Jews, Japs, and Chinks.


The thing is, jews control an incredible amount of wealth and power in the world compared to any other race. Thats a fact. you can process this information with the idea that they are corrupt and greedy, or extremelyh smart, or both. but you cant deny there must be something different about the jew that makes him achieve so much

There's a kernel of truth. They're very fiscally conservative but they aren't greedy, per se. It's not even that bad a thing (they know how to make a dollar count, in my experience, hanging around with some Jewish friends born and bred as such).

Then it sounds like your problem is Israel, not jews, and apparently that's okay now.

Yes, Israel should be gradually dissolved and returned the the Palestinians

i find it absurd just how many ceos and owners of fortune 400 companies are jewish compared to how few they are of the total population in usa

Bobby kotick is based, he got rid of most SJW cancer, let's hope he closes blizzard completely

Ironically Israel is the exact opposite of western jewish values.
It's a borderline nazi state with conservative nationalistic values with pride in their heritage and people there don't want to race mix with arabs.

Meanwhile western jews are ultra-liberal globalists that want to dissolve nations and erase our heritage for the sake of race mixing and multiculturalism.

That's not having different values, that's just having double standards.

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people behave differently depending on whether they're a minority or a majority in a country I guess

jews are no more evil than anyone else who believes they're on the side of a single set of beliefs that are infallibly right.

Really jogs the noggin huh?

The problem with the Jew isn't that he is evil. People with power tends to be evil as a necessity of reaching their position.
The problem with the Jew is that he's only evil towards non-Jews. Jews with power co-operate. Thus while the Medici and the Habsburgs were doing more backstabbing than Stranglethorn Vale on Nostalrius, Jews were instead not doing that and were using their power to gain more power for each-other rather than trying to one-up each other for shiggles.
High racial -unity- is what makes the Jew dangerous. Not being evil.

why wouldn't it be?

And if you want to know why the Jew tries their utmost to stop unity among whites, this is why. Though amusingly, their efforts in the League of Nations / UN are one of the reasons why England, France and Germany now view each-other as friends rather than giant enemy faggots and why "white" is even an identity moreso than "English" or "French" or "German".

White replacement has many causes but you can track at least half of them to white men just not keeping good enough control of white women.
Trying to find the infographic of womens' voting patterns that explains white replacement far more accurately than banking trends but I can't find it.

because white women realized they now have options without being outright murdered for choosing them


white unity guys or however they call themselves are generally just scared that once they lose total control over everything (which they've enjoyed since, well, most of time), they have no actual way of reclaiming it

instead of just being people

(nb: am a white dude)

Ah, reclamation is inevitable and women are going to be the ones campaigning for it. I wouldn't worry too much. What's to be worried about though is that it's gonna be quite painful in the meantime.

Jews have been hated by Christcucks and Muslims since forever just because of religious squabbling. In Medieval times, loaning with interest was forbidden under Christian and Islamic law, so Christcucks and Muzzies would have us do their loans and banking for them. And we became rich and accumulated a massive amount of wealth because of it.

We control the world and it's your dumbass faults for using us to circumvent your own holy law.

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It's forbidden in the Talmud too, you just ignored it.

only if white dudes continue to be so fucking terrified that they're secretly inferior that they can't handle people just being people.

honestly the only actual ethnic issues I can recall are tay-sachs and sickle cell

Only to other Jews.

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/pol/ thinks jews control the world in practical icke-tier lizardmen conspiracies

They have deeply rooted trauma in their bloodline from messing around with Canaanite ritual stuff

Why is Kotick hated again?
He was 100% right about le 3.3 man

But it's not?

They're just very ethnocentric.
The contradiction comes from the fact that Jews spearhead efforts to quash any form of White Ethnocentrism or in-group preference as though they didn't practice it successfully for thousands of years prior to WW2.

yes, thats enough to make up for all the satanic shit he pulled in the past.

obviously not you schizophrenic

thanks for the honeypot I'll take it from here

Remember when Tim Schafer convinced everyone Bobby Kotick was literally the devil but then it turned out Tim Schafer is actually a massive shitter.

Of course hes Jewish. Just look at him and tell me he isn't a kike.

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I know you guys like to meme about jews being evil, but you gotta realize it's just memes and not reality