
Looking at the lack of discussion I assume nobody liked this game right?

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Bastion is better, even if Transistor's battle system is cool as shit.

Yea Forums doesn't talk about good games

Yea Forums liked it back then.
Now fuck off Epic shill

I loved it, loved Bastion. Not happy with their early access bullshit they're pulling now with their new games. Transistor and Bastion are definitely some of my favorite games, both story wise and from gameplay perspectives.

transistor was a great game that I actually liked more than bastion. Super interesting in depth fighting system, great artstyle, amazing music. If anything, it makes me feel guilty that I haven't played any of their games since.

never played it but Red is cute

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Lack of discussion on Yea Forums usually means either little to no waifus, and/or that the subject matter is good.

Pyre is the best game they made and no one can convince me otherwise

The game is like four hours long and released five years ago
what is there to discuss

fuck off insect chinaman

It was a really solid game, fantastic visually, great soundtrack, and a lot of build options you can cheese.
I recommend it

>Yea Forums liked it back then
wrong, it was endlessly mocked for having less than 4 hours of gameplay when it first came out

It's one of my favourite games.
But because it's relatively old, short and most of all there's 0 controversy around it.
90% of Yea Forums doesnt care.

More like there's zero point having threads consisting of
"Hey I like this game"
"I agree"
"Me too"

Now then, who gets to go first?

basically. Guess it truly is a flawless game

It's was really good. But i'm not a fucking subhuman who got it from the meme platform.

Its fucking shit.

Combat was interesting but never went anywhere or reached the heights it could.Story was absolutely terrible and pretentious as fuck.Whats the point in red as a character if she cant speak and we're just told by a disembodied voice "hey remember that time we did that thing yeah that was fun right?"

Jesus could not give a shit by the end of the short 4 hour game nor her shitty mono tone boyfriend that we know nothing about.

all my friends and my brother liked it

I didn't though, still not totally sure why

t. didn't actually finish the second playthrough

played 4 times for the plat still shit.

Great game great ost

it's their best game

>played a shit game 4 times to get plat
opinion fucking discarded my retarded friend

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I still keep the song of the first chapter in my playlist.

Good game, fantastic OST

Shitty game but played 4 times? Okay

Bastion>transistor>pyre>whatever the epic one is called

that's what i always find bemusing ive played the game more than the people that loved it.I take my time to gather my thoughts on the experience and yet others have played it half arsed once proclaim how great it is but never play the game again.

