How can Jack Fatlus make SMT more popular or just as popular as Persona?

How can Jack Fatlus make SMT more popular or just as popular as Persona?

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Do something to try and make it popular. They seem very hesitant to make a big push in that direction while giving Persona pushes constantly.

It's not really that hard to make people like things.

This, Atlus could actually try to promote their non persona games but they always just milk the latest persona game as much as they can.

Why do you think Persona 3-5 are popular, but SMT and P1 and P2 aren't?

Add more pandering weebshit and waifushit. Would that make SMT better as a series? No, but if all you care about is popularity, that's the way to do it.

Well, we'll see if they actually give a decent budget to SMTV. SMTIV even for a 3ds game was clearly very low budget at points (like the almost unreadable npc sprites).

I mean they can make SMT more known and possibly popular if Fatlus actually tried without going the soulless waifu and weebshit route.

Who are all these characters? I only recognize the girl from code geass.

actually she's from yugioh

It's because pure turn based rpgs with random battle aren't fun. You need something else in your game besides that. They went in the correct direction with 4 by at least removing random encounters.

>Persona 6 and possibly smt5 will do the typical nu persona formula
>Comic relief bro character
>Harem route while pushing the basic bitch
>Annoying animal tutorial mascot

That something should be extra gameplay mechanics, not more cutscenes. Etrian Odyssey is a good example.

They won't, stop trying to sell the soul of the series for something you won't get

Only Strange Journey Redux had random encounters recently, and that was a remake of an older game.

Is this a best Yu thread?

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why the fuck would you want smt to be just as or more popular than persona? are you aware of the retards persona pulls in due to its popularity? let it be the cancer lightning rod of the series god dammit its better this way

Spin-offs being more popular is literally how SMT started in the first place

>world is more of a character than the alignment representatives themselves
>relatively challenging turn based gameplay and dungeon crawling
>story/plot generally takes a backseat to the fucked up happenings of the world as you continue your journey
>cyberpunk wasteland aesthetic
>mythology from all over
None of this shit is even remotely mainstream enough to draw enough people for it to be "popular."

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Remove random encounters.
Add environmental considerations (weather? moon phases? lighting/time of day?)
Increase demon customization (skill cards, buff items etc)
Make demon negotiation more systematic
Increase the demon skill limit
Try and make fusion slightly easier to understand (you need a chart to do it right -- this is a lot of work): maybe use colors/symbols?
Make SMT4's "death is not the end" system more visible, since Souls games are so hot right now
Maybe give combat some variety by blending the various spinoff styles into one game, kinda like how Final Fantasy Legend handled its different races: some people turn into demons and eat them to evolve, some people summon demons, others manifest their own psyche as demons, and what about those anti-demon robots that keep showing up

That's not the right atlus.

You sure?

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Not really. The point of "S"MT compared to "MT" was that MT was an adaptation of an original work and published by Namco, only developed by Atlus, while SMT was fully Atlus owned. That's why all demons are redesigned between MT and SMT.