OK so in TF2, I can use all classes and use them well enough so I don't become a burdne on my team.
Except for this guy.
I literally have no idea how to use his grenade launcher, the only weapon with which I can deal damage is the Loch'N'Load. That's it. I suck with the stickies (they never fall in my traps), I cannot use the eyelander for the life of me and let's not start on the shields: I cannot correctly choose the direction.
How do I get good as Demoman?
OK so in TF2, I can use all classes and use them well enough so I don't become a burdne on my team
Other urls found in this thread:
dont make "traps" with the sticky. throw one and blow it up at the enemy. throw like 2 or 3 if they arent paying attention.
DONT make a trap hoping they run into it. HUGE waste of time.
keep using lockNload. nothing wrong with using it.
try not to care about using melee.
one sticky bomb still does a lot of damage so you dont always have to hit them with your total 8.
Nowhere near as effective since the nerf.
Grenade launcher is the single most satisfying weapon in the game, learn to use it.
loch'n'load is fine, try the loose cannon as well, it's kind of similar. The standard grenade launcher isn't really too different, it's just slower projectiles. All it takes is practice.
Treat the shields like a rocket launcher where you're the rocket. If you don't want to use stickies you can always just wear the targe for the resistances and not use it
Hitting with grenades mostly comes down to practice but the rule of thumb is usually to aim further ahead and a little higher than you think you need to. Grenades travel faster than stickies so they're good against enemies that are really close to you like Scouts/Pyros and their high direct damage makes them good for quickly killing Heavies or clusters of enemies.
Stickybombs are a super versatile tool, you generally use it for mid-range fighting and area denial. Typically for the stickybombs you want to Always Be Charging if you're not in a fight so that you can loose a long range sticky where you see or expect an enemy. For fighting you should use stickybombs to either close off an enemy's escape or toss bombs on the ground where the enemy is going to be and detonate them quickly. You can also detonate then shortly after firing them midair which is good for harassing or fucking up people in tight corners. For traps the idea is to not overcommit; often one or two stickies will make an enemy think twice about walking over and if they do you can det and soften them up. For proper kill-traps you'll want to drop 3-4 bombs in spots where they're not obvious like around corners or on low ceilings. A useful thing to remember is that if you shoot a sticky at someone and it misses you don't always have to detonate it immediately, since enemies will often forget about those bombs which means they'll sometimes walk/backpedal into them.
Demo is really a high DPS class that excels in midrange and indirect fire so it's usually not a good idea to be running right into the enemies' faces like you would Soldier or Scout. The Loch and Load imo is a bit of a crutch since you'll learn to relying on the extra projectile speed to actually hit stuff and the stock launcher's extra grenade can come in handy because Demo played well will spend a lot of time reloading.
There's likely more to it but YouTube and practice can explain it better than I can
- use iron bomber, it's a straight upgrade to stock in ever way and only butthurt faggots claim it's bad or a crutch
- hold m2 when firing stickies and just fucking spam it, you'll topscore with even moderate aim
- melee on demo is a meme, if someone gets close either spam at your own feet or don't let them get close to begin with
>use iron bomber
Lead your shots. Stop using the Loch'N'Load, it's a crutch that's only making it harder for you to get used to stock/iron bomber. Practice leading your shots in walkway or something. Just use the goddamn stock or bomber and nothing else until you can reliably hit your shots.
I don't play Demoknight much, so no comment on that.
play a bunch of soldier to get used to prediction. go for more direct rockets than you normally would. eases up the time it takes to get used to it. also low ping helps
There's no downside, the aim is so predictable it might as well be a rocket launcher and less rolling means fuckall and actually helps when spamming chokes or nests
It's actually M2+M1 for the spam.
Your sticky traps can work if you slap them on ceilings or around corners. Somewhere they won't be looking, even some props work. Why wait for them to come to you if you can deliver them under their feet though?
Airburst stickies deal like 50% less damage, but if you det as soon as it touches the ground it's a normal 100-something hit. If you land it nowhere near the enemy don't just hold m2 hoping for some miracle, keep shitting them out, they will run out of room to dodge soon. There, that's most of the skill demo mains use.
Aiming pipes is a different story, it's easier with lnl because of the faster projectile but if you miss there's no rollers to save you. Very respectable weapon, but it's not really the most efficient. Use stock. And tr_walkway is your friend.
For knight, you hit a guy with the shield bash (you should hear crowd cheers) and then swing your sword. Yellow bar = minicrits, red bar = full crits. Your tactics also switch to sneaking and trying to 1v1, like a scout. Eyelander with 4 heads lets you get out of anything unless you're on your last point.
Don't trust the crosshair, the projectiles shoot a bit higher and to the right than the crosshair shows. Also, don't aim where the enemy is, aim where they're going. try and read their strafes.
Let's do this Texas style
Demoman thread? Finally an excuse to post frag kino
thanks doc
>6 gunslinger engineers in the intel room
>nobody can even walk past the door without getting lit up
>even spies can't stealth past
>plant stickies on outer door frame
>launch nades into intel room at angle
>6 engineers pour out
>6 engineers need to be glued back together IN HELL
I don't know anything about roblox, why did they recreate tf2 in it? Why would I play roblox that looks and plays like tf2 instead of tf2 which is free and already installed on my pc?
Roblox has more hats
follow this diagram for positioning
always be charging stickies
always think two steps ahead
never use up all your ammo, fallback to reload frequently
put down a sticky at every blind corner
if you see a scout/pyro coming for you immediately place a sticky straight down and backpedal
learn advanced sticky jumps and rollouts
don't det stickies early, the enemy may walk back over them
stickies will only do max damage once they touch the ground, aim low
aiming low will also make it difficult for pyros to airblast back at you
stickies are great at cutting off escape routes, very effective with a pyro/scout
stickies are great at forcing enemies off high ground
find a balance between placing traps and pushing with your team, occasionally you'll do both
save grenades for retreating enemies or bouncing around cover
if you have to use grenades for self defense you fucked up
if all else fails just go soldier and bomb over and over