Crash Team Racing

Who is your main

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Other urls found in this thread:

Just Crash but I'll likely experiment a bit with some others

N. Gin

N. Gin

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cortex if they'll release it on pc


N. Gin mains unite.
I pray for Brio bros out there with hope.

Don't forget to vote on tracks! this poll is one thread old.
Should we be able to pick bosses (except RageAlien) in adventure? say, you pick Pinstripe, Cortex will face you in Cortex castle as boss instead?


sewer speedway all day every day

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any tracks you truly dislike? For me it's turbotrack / slide colliseum. flatter than sun-scorched soda.

maybe tiny arena

Pura has a Serval skin as seen in the OP's pic taken at the demo event going on in NA.

cocos pusy

So the trophy girls might be in after all.

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But that's naughty.


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My fellow rocket heads.

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Of course they are. I bet that fag that yesterday was saying they aren't won't show up now.

Beenox haters BTFO'd

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Hoping for CNK N. Gin as an alt. I always liked the Terminator-esque eye more.


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>not Blaze

Why was it ever deemed ''ok'' by the ESRB that N. Gin's coat is literally full of bullet holes? How the fuck did he survive? I doubt he can perform surgery on himself while in critical condition.

Easy: cartoon violence.

>bullet holes
more likely plugs
lore says Gin was on heavy life support after his accident. Presumably they are leftover from before he rebuilt his missile into a pacemaker.

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that makes far more sense, ingame they look like a bullet flattened there. So, why didn't he take out the explosive fuel in the rocket? How robust is he anyway? Can he take as much physical abuse as Cortex?

IMO the most tragic character is Oxide. His only passion is racing but he's so insecure he think he'll be ostracized by his home planet, then gets a near-death incident and when he tries to rehab racing on a trikey…. again. If only the guy wasn't so insecure he'd be likable even as he sure has talent, even with track design.

I hope Reddit wish list comes true so that we get mascot crash

I still don't understand why N.Gin covers like 70% of Pixiv's Crash fanarts.
Why japs love him so much?

Yeah, you'd think they'd have a deep-rooted fear for bombs. Especially nonconventional.

where my obj_motherfucker bros at?


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>ingame they look like a bullet flattened there
most likely the result of low poly textures. It carried over into CNK since they had mostly ND assets to work from, but never appeared in subsequent games.

>So, why didn't he take out the explosive fuel in the rocket?
To be fair we don't know what kind of fuel source the missile uses. It seems sustainable at least.

>How robust is he anyway? Can he take as much physical abuse as Cortex?
Can't say. He survived two mech explosions and was relatively unharmed. Small comforts that his boss fights rarely involve any physical contact

He's just my favorite looking speed kart character

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>That face

what's the matter N. Tropy? Crash CLOCKblocked your machine?

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>demo event in NA
fuck I almost forgot about that, how do I check which locations are trying it out?

Penta for stages with lots of sharp turns

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can't wait to get my ass fucked by a speedrunner online in this

Anything interesting/concerning from the demo? There's no locations near me running it. Does it feel exactly right?

Whoever uses the Penguin is a faggot by default.

To be honest, when doesn't Yea Forums try to make doom and gloom out of every little uncomfirmed detail? And for what? easy replies? I didn't know Yea Forums was the biggest breeding ground for attention whores.

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so you're an asian or arab?

but why no downloadable demo?

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>I didn't know Yea Forums was the biggest breeding ground for attention whores.

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I want my switch gameplay

I wonder what happens if she realises that she must hand it to Oxide....

RIP lust object #677

either that or charmingly oblivious.

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We better get Evil Coco skin.

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Who will you intentionally lose/win for?

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she looks reminiscent of carmelita fox from sly cooper

the green one

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Reminder she was intended to appear in Twinsanity and was fully voice acted and modeled, not just this unlockable art.

The madlads were actually going to put this into a game that kids would play, fishnets and all.

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Don't forget the sexy sass.

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gooks love the rocket

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The right answer.


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>tfw no tomboy gf

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>Velo references

Would be cool but I want N. Brio, Tawna and Koala Kong

They'll probably be saving that for last.

remember, not ''Vellow''
but ''Vee-Loo''

also, how would they segway adventure mode from CTR to CNK?

Unibasically ronicased.

where did you get that pic from

Its from the gamestop demos

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nice, thank you
do we know of other new skins?

Why. Eurofag?

The only skins we know are the retro and the electron skins for Coco Crash and Cortex
Here's a pic of kart customization

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>they nailed not only the aesthetic but the music as well

I'm not ready

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>live more than 100 miles away from any gamestop that offers the demo
I swear it's not like I live in Bumfuck, Nowhere.

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kart kino


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Do you think CTR’s eventual success will jumpstart kart racers being mainstream again?

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oh fuck

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Where are my nonantromorphic animal bros

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CTR and TSR releasing one month away from each other will certainly help, I think

If you pick a boss you should face Crash or Fake Crash

top 15 CTR player in the world here
Have we tested all of the character stats on the demo?
are they keeping normal, green, yellow, sacred fire techniques? USF?
I assume theyre getting rid of saffi fire.
Has anybody tried froggying?

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They gotta make Dark Souls skins after the journalists compared N. Sane trilogy to it.

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A real top CTR player would know that the stats are actually divided into 6 and that Accel characters actually have slightly higher speed than Balance characters

im just posting random pictures, my question is still posed. Also there are only 5 classes, and accel have considerably higher speed then balanced

We must get the medieval frog as playable for maximum PTSD.

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Out of the threads on Yea Forums, Crash threads seem to be the most civil out of them all.

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By divided in 6 I mean that the stats aren't "?/7" or "?/5", but actually "?/6"

So Crash for example would be 3/6 3/6 3/6

I wonder if they'll keep Oxide cheating at the final boss race.

Didn't mean to reply there.

>medieval frog
Is there a Crash meme I am missing?

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I want a 1/1/1 character just for the masochism. what would happen guise?

There isnt much to get heated about with Crash
Had some great games good games then not so good games
I think the only time a crash thread turns to shit is when they bother with the soul vs soulless crap

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It should be Rilla Roo.

Just a funny thing that only I find funny.

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that would actually be based, imagine shitting on the entire lobby with a 1/1/1

barring 30 fps posters

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I love the rapey vibes too, but with crash he actually has his face changed into ugly and it's gay as a prince rises.

is it mathematically possible to win with the hardmode cheat enabled? with those stats.

Rilla Roo as a joke shit character would be amazing

Is this how a jewess looks?

You sure he wouldn't be 4/6?

Really conflicted if I should buy the game on Switch or wait the PC version.

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this is the actual data mined stats, all other lists are mathematical models based on experiments that werent perfect

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why did the game lie so fucking hard

who is the most reddit character and why is it Pinstripe?

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why are oxides stats in balanced?

ERROR: you may not use fractions within fractions. Remedy this image by multiplying everything by 2!

Because he steals bandithots.

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Is it really that impossible to make a demo that doesn't have any spoilers in the code?

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Are these tested at max wumpa?


More because ''look how refined and badass I am!'' If he gets an optional fedora and I see it used, I swear to god I'm taking you to 7th/8th with me.

Only in Japan.

Didn't an image leak where he did have a fedora on the character select screen?

there is no need to be upset

in game stats were based on how the developers thought the players would play the game how it was meant to be played, not the actual abstract values they actually hold when we autistically test them in physical experiments.
he was actually originally supposed to be playable, and you can look at what his stats would be if a player selected him

I guess that the game would break if they just deleted large amounts of code to avoid spoilers.

I need to fill my folder with some Crash reaction images.

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they arent in fractions
max wumpa is proprtional to stats by some arbitrary scalar i dont know the value of

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>Here's your alt skin, bro

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I love Crash himself, unlike most people apparently, and I will definitely play adventure mode with him, but I prefer speed when doing time trials, and I end up with Dingodile.

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A lot of thought went into that.

as kid I Always thought pinstripe was a butchdyke due dutch female voice actor, that non-masculine suit and his hair. I was surprised as fuck he took Tawna. I mean, I can't be alone to say that Pinstripe is a massive flamer. Maybe he prefers dick on the side?

FFS test shit instead of memeing about le skins

use accel, best overall. speed and CTR challenge on hot sky speedway? enjoy the pain.

Neo Blanco.

You can change kart colors now

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esto es el fin, Crash

Why did they bring out a tablet to explain the controls instead of printing them?
Aren't they worried about some nigger stealing it?
Besides, it looks like one of those really expensive ones.

if they made tawna flat they've made these girls flat to
there's going to basically be no boobage

speed characters are shit at everything except time trials, adventure mode and online you want accel or balanced, battle mode you want handling

could you kick that bear out for me while you're at it? also I want left bottom.



and crystal grab cancer? that shit was pain. Battle mode is firmly in ''don't play'' for me outside adventure.

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maybe this helps for your little croctail.

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They deflated Tawna a bit but she still has tits. It could have been a lot worse.

>trophy girl inspired alt


Reserves are in, multiple people confirmed it today.

She's lost maybe one cup size at best, she still looks pretty good

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>crystal grab cancer
i assume balance or turning, i forgot that existed

whats there to spoil about a 20 year old game with additional characters and tracks we already know about lmao

How many fires?
ultimate sacred?

You really think they'd keep Saffi? even USF could potentially bust online lobbies.

Sliver duh
Blue hair, medium-small breast stripped underwear with frills. Cute as hell must want

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So far:
>reserves (not strong without SF though)
>sacred fire
>super turbos (short duration though)
>usf is likely

thats what i want to know, i hope they remove saffi and nerf ultimate

my fear is this game gets overly casualized

>alternate skin
>looks 99% identical
that'd would be $5 dollars, thxkbie

Shrek colored Papu Papu

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More like Blanka.

A crossover DLC is announced for the game that's not Spyro-related
Who and what is added?

Every furry's main

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That cocky fucking look.

Jesus how terrifying, show me the Polar & Penta Pingu skins

They're doing literally everything right

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Bronze is the perfect size
Some twitter user's review of the demo.
>10/10, Beenox nailed it. All the old boost strats you used to do? They work. Reserve system? Yep, it’s here.
If all that is true then we have nothing to worry about.

>girl I used to like used to be good enough to play this game with her feet

Sly Cooper
Skins for Papu Papu as Murray N.Brio as Bentley and Tawna as Carmelita Fox
and a track I suppose I dont know what since its been a bit since Ive played the games

No penta or polar pictures but apparently polar's alt skin looks like a red panda.

>Sonicfox has his own CTR skin and the game isn't even out yet

Well... we can't knock the game's esport presence at least...

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Bloodborne Kart


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You better fuckin' be right, Anthony.

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It's time. Fund it Activision.

Fund it now.

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Raced and redpilled.

I hope Penta looks cute, or has an unlockable classic skin

So, is it 60 fps on pro or not?


I'm going to take a wild guess that these aren't the only alt colors. Hoping for a classic-toned Cortex


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> they're actually remaking the best crash game right
This all seems to good to be true, I refuse to buy any of the early impressions til it's out

What did the penguins look like in the remake?

In N sane Trilogy they had weird human eyes.

Guys. What if...
Crash Bash remake.

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Not very cute

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There's a demo going on at some gamestop stores, if you're lucky enough to be near a supported location you can try the game for yourself right now

It's just amazing how such a small name studio is actually listening to criticism better than Vicarious Visions did for N.Sane. I don't even hate the remakes, but you're seriously telling me it was impossible to listen to criticism about physics/pillboxes? Yet here these guys are doing their hardest to replicate CTR to a tee.

Well, that's disappointing.

If anything, smaller studios tend to listen to the fanbase more than big studios.

I'm a yuropoor but I'll call up the nearest ones tomorrow, thanks for the heads up user

What if...
Crash Bash remake is included as a bonus for the next mainline Crash game.

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Then again Penta in CTR has his eyes closer together compared to the penguins in Crash. And he has a scarf because it's cool

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Pakistani cortex should be a skin in nitro fueled

Reminder this game is turning out so good because of French-Canadian autism surrounding CTR and its top racers for the last 20 years.

...and those are the same people currently within arm's reach of Beenox or perhaps even work there.

I will give Vicarious visions this: They aren't bad at all when it comes to level design. Future Tense was an enjoyable level.

You better not be fucking lying Robokai

He better have a clown/circus skin.

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the perfect antithesis of fake crash

Switch/Xbox exclusive

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>look at me and tell me there's a god

Get in and fuck my butt!

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>Diddy Kong for the Switch version
>Banjo for the Xbox One version
>Jak or Daxter for the the PS4 version

Perfect timeline

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Dante from the Devil May Cry series

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whoops, meant

>2 hands
Oh fuck


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looks like shit

None of you losers will beat my time on polar pass.
Game feels spot on aside from a few physics bugs that robbed me of my speed or hang time boost for going too fast.
Hopping 8nto powersliding is a smidge touchy, I wound up not sliding or sliding the wrong way but I'll chalk that up as rustiness.
Cant comment on hitstun since I didnt get hit. I lapped the AI
Kart decals, wheel, colors, and stickers and of course chassis customization along with character skins.
Polar pass, tiger temple and crash cove playable at gamestop demo, best buy demo, and all future in store demos. No hope for digital though.

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Unironically soulless.

>"Oh look a CTR thre-"
>coco/tawna fags invade with the same image spam again

only if you post more skin

>oh look some anonymous pos-
>tripfag invades the with the same attention whoring again

I can't wait. I wanted to play Crash Team Racing for a while now and am thinking this is the best option now. It looks like a really fun game based off the video I've seen. I hope this remake keeps it fairly untouched. It looks like whoever is in charge of the Crash games has been doing a good job of remaking things while keeping the designs close to the original source material (compared to Spyro). Is that true from a fan's perspective on things?


Be the change you want to be and span Nina or talk about crash

Scroll up

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this makes him look exactly like a Guardian of the Universe

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>not ignoring that stuff and just reading the posts about the demos and skins.
Enjoy the thread, at least there's no soul vs soulless stuff eating it up.

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based and spitpilled

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fuck off back to the draw threads

I want to fuck that smug tiger

What's the appeal of Crash Bash? It's shit, it's same mini-games but in different areas and mechanics. Mario Party was better.

Some more things to add now that I'm back at a PC.
>Triangle adds/hides speedometer, minimap is always visible. Wasn't able to find out how to activate that other meter that was seen at PAX, presumed to have been a menu option that I couldn't access.
>Dingodile's tail is gone again
>repeated boost charges at the starting line don't work, only a single rev boost can be attained
>reserves are definitely fucking back. the sony rep that was watching me play was impressed by how long the boost lasted.
>none of the other people who played managed to break 3 minutes on Polar Pass, but also the time for the demo was pretty bad with it being noon to 5 on a fucking work day. It'll be the same hours at best buy too.
>local LAN play doesn't seem like an option. but local LAN hasn't been a thing since gen 6 so I'm not surprised
>powershields have an ambient SFX that I could have easily mistaken for a missile/warp orb targeting since there were no other sfx other than my engine and the road being so far ahead of the other racers
>powershields when fired don't have gravity like they should. I had one careen into a cliff instead of falling with the ramp at the end of polar pass
>demo was single player, couldn't verify if the warp orb targeting reticle was made blue
>all characters from the PAX demo are playable in the demo. everyone has 1 alt skin
>for some reason some of the kart chassis were locked in the demo. Only classic, trance, and bandicoot karts were available.
Those few bugs notwithstanding, my extreme autism surrounding the game is placated and I have the painful decision of actually buying a current gen console. This is the game that's pushing me over the line and I don't know which one to get it on.

They were apparently bolts and stuff but I always thought them as bullet holes

It's not meant to be comparable to Mario Party. There's not many minigames but they're all fun, especially when you're playing with a full party. The only bad part about the game is that there's very minimal content

Any news on 60 fps?
Only thing left to make it perfect.

>Dingodile's tail is gone again
I understand why since it'd probably be even more of a bitch to determine positioning with additional carts, but that's still kind of fucking lame

It's an outdated build, that's why the tail is gone and icons are the old ones.

Supposedly Pro/XboneX versions of the game run 60fps.


That'd be nice at least.

Gonna be honest, other than a cursory glance at the customization options when I first got into the store to see what's what, I paid no attention to character icons, models, and track decor, and entirely focused on the racing and how visceral it felt to play despite not having actually played the original since Christmas with my younger sister.
If it's outdated, then I was still pretty damn satisfied with even that. Only thing I can really look forward to is the general in-store demos running a more-current build since that seems to be all that's left other than the full launch.

I used to main Pinstripe but I will definitely play Brio if he's in


I never played that Nitro Kart game. Are the maps pretty good? Are there new weapons in that game that they're moving over?

Nitro Kart's problems were not the tracks (Even though a lot of them were remixed versions of CTR tracks), it was the physics of the game. It was... off. Having CTR physics with CNK maps will make a lot of difference.

What is the highest skill cap track if we exclude Oxide Station?
Hot Air Skyway?

Skill cap as in showing off your skill? Probably hot air skyway or n.gin labs.

The CNK weapons were pretty bullshit
>missiles are slow and awful at tracking
>added an electric orb that spins out and kills acceleration. When juiced it homes in and it also reverses controls
>warp orb replaced with a slow-moving tornado
>TNT sfx were fucked beyond belief
>replaced brio beakers with ice physics: the item
>powershields cannot be fired as a projectile, they stay and you can use other items while they're up. Except aku/uka/velo masks you can't be double-invincible you faggot
>the tumbling animation after being hit by an explosive is jank as all hell
also on top of that they fucked up juicing
>wumpa crates only give you 3 fruit each
>every time someone gets hit, they drop 3 fruit onto the track to be picked up

Is Oxide Station really that difficult? It has like one of the easiest skips in the whole game and the rest of the map makes powersliding for the entire time very easy. N. Gin Labs is probably the most treacherous, but Cortex Castle also has some bullshit turns and hazards

it was a differant time

also Crash dies violently in his own games, literally flattened and dissolved by acid over and over again. Violent horrific deaths.

also the time clock fucking pierces through shields and mask invuln

>IMO the most tragic character is Oxide
I disagree. Reposting

>be a respectable scientist with a high-paying industry job
>get screwed by suits, maimed in a horrible accident
>now branded a freak and a failure, shunned by all
>suddenly your childhood friend contacts you and offers you unlimited money and resources
>a chance to rebuild yourself, and to get back at those who foolishly cast you aside
>turns out he's not only an asshole, but laughably incompetent
>you live with constant headaches and the knowledge that greatest failure is now the only thing keeping you alive
being N. Gin is suffering

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>Beenox is in Quebec
>they speak French and English

I should have believed bros. No dev with any French background would forget the trophy girls.

Attached: DsJpnyhUUAAokUR.jpg (2048x1152, 376K)

>i hope they remove saffi and nerf ultimate
>my fear is this game gets overly casualized

Attached: really makes you think21398345774067.jpg (720x480, 51K)

Did you try the skip here

Good to see the thread's still up.

Isn't the blonde the one who always gives out the 1st place trophy? Or does it vary by character?

Attached: image.jpg (720x720, 229K)

how the fuck did I forget to add this bit
>the speedometer maxes out when you've reached your kart's top speed, pointing straight up.
>the needle goes past the speedometer when you've hit REAL SPEED
>I wasn't able to pin down what specifically gave me blue exhaust flames. It only ever happened after I touched the turbo pad at the end of polar pass, so it's probably not related to reserves but instead to certain turbo pads since it didn't happen anywhere else in the track. Weird
>Characters are a bit more talkative than they are in CTR, but part of that is probably because I kept triggering massive speedboosts the whole race. A lot of my time was spent hearing "Gooooooo! Baby go!" "Go, baby! Go!" and "WHOOOOA BABY!"
>Demo allowed you to pick 3, 5, 7 laps in arcade mode. Nothing special but worth mentioning that you have some degree of gameplay customization in the demo outside of simply picking different tracks.
Fuck trying to do double jumps that shit's hard as hell without any prior practice. I did try the u-turn variant of the skip and I couldn't get enough height to clear it properly. I won't be able to go to the gamestop tomorrow but I could probably give it another stab at best buy next weekend. My expectation is that the area above the barrier is either clipped or that there's a checkpoint flag closer to the big u-turn so trying to skip it doesn't progress your lap.
Also I tried that skip at the end and I wound up flying straight into the pit instead.

>Fuck trying to do double jumps that shit's hard as hell without any prior practice. I did try the u-turn variant of the skip and I couldn't get enough height to clear it properly. I won't be able to go to the gamestop tomorrow but I could probably give it another stab at best buy next weekend. My expectation is that the area above the barrier is either clipped or that there's a checkpoint flag closer to the big u-turn so trying to skip it doesn't progress your lap.
>Also I tried that skip at the end and I wound up flying straight into the pit instead.
well fuck looks like the game is shit

It varies by character.

Forgot to say chibi forms of Jaks and Daxs would b great

Pretty touch choice actually.
So much that i cant even think of something that would be pretty cool like Mario or Sonic.

Did you honestly expect for unintended shortcuts to stay?
Do you remember trying to play Grumble Volcano 10 years ago? The moment that the unintended shortcut was discovered, races devolved into nothing but people attempting the shortcut rather than the track if it ever came up.
CTR's unintended shortcuts were never that egregious (aside from Papu's Pyramid 5 second lap time), but I enjoy hot air skyway and would hate to see it devolve into everyone trying to hop the fence instead of actually playing the track considering how easy it was to make that leap.

They already confirmed that only intended shortcuts are staying. I don't care what any CTR purist says, unintended glitch shortcuts should never exist in an online game.