have you regretted your purchase yet?
He's shit
u mad, snoy?
Not at all. He's really fun.
>mfw didn't purchase
Imagine taking smash seriously and not treating it solely as a fanservice game
why would it? we got some persona music in smash atleast
Wasn't even planning on using him, I just wanted that sick stage and its music
feels so good farming free GSP off of you jokerfags
Not at all, really. He's looking to be my main, and he was my most wanted character. Sorry he isn't broken, tierwhore.
keep cope and seeth joker-kun
I wish his gameplay didn't center so much on not approaching. Just another character that is a pain to play against.
>hype up the gun and grappling characters
>They both fucking blow
Nah, but I was pretty seething when Final Fantasy only had 2 music tracks, to be honest. Thankfully Persona didn't suffer from that.
He’s fine shut up fag
I didn't buy because I don't really care about Persona
The nice thing about DLC is that if you don't like it you don't have to buy it
Hows it feel making the same post in the same thread on the same board?
Imagine being such a poorfag you regret spending $6.
Nope. I really wanted him in Smash and I think he's fun.
I got the fighter's pass for $15, but Joker isn't bad.
imagine playing p5 and not burying your dick in kawakami every time
Or $25, for that matter.
fucking LMAO stay steething joker-kun
he's the only character I've actually been excited for
tell me when the add a "dont match against DLC characters" button.
until then have fun with your P2W game, ninten drone
I could kick most of your asses.
Not all of your asses because I know that would sound overconfident and if I did ever lose to anyone in this thread I'd be BTFO'd to all eternity.
But I could definitely kick most of your asses.
Kick my ass, daddy.
>no blooming villain
I sure do regret it.
he's decent. Its not the best character but the stage and music easily redeem him
>not buying him for the stage & music
Kick my ass with Joker? Or with anyone in general, because you probably could. Or not, who knows.
>some scrub on Yea Forums says he's shit
>meanwhile pretty much every top pro says he's very good and potentially high tier
How does it feel to be a complete idiot and a garbage Smash player?
No because he's a fun character and you just suck at playing smash bros or you're mad at Joker being in smash bros so the only excuse you have is saying he's a low tier
Who here /yumii/
>he's shit
Good. Now I don't have to buy that overpriced crap.
>not calling him Narukamii
just how poor are you?
So which is it? You can't say that Joker is both shit and broken
$6 for a single character is not worth it. I don't give a shit about the stage, sprits, or music and have no option to skip buying those.
time to evoker myself
But he didn't get tricked by Akechi.
>Implying I bought reused assets the character
Maybe if he actually used his persona I would
>sets his own bedtime
ok, you changed my mind
Fuck you and fuck your tiers, I will play who I want to play, the main goal is to have fun and there's nothing you can do about that.
>reflect AND counter? Is that even allowed?
>Boasting about beating people online with a character that came out two days ago and nobody knows how to use yet
You're the kind of guy that will challenge a cancer patient to a boxing match
>Camping out opponent until comeback mechanic kicks in forcing your opponent to avoid you until it's over
yeah good luck with that goal user
>Implying I'm stupid enough to waste 25 dollars on a blind DLC
Once all fighters, stages and music are revealed I'll evaluate if it's worth the money, not before.
>tfw Joker is the only way I can pretend to play as Hei in anything.
>Joker is shit, enjoy your wasted money!
>DLC makes Smash P2W!
So which is it then?
I think its time to go bed
drink piss and kiss ducks
>No Life Will Change even though it played over Joker's reveal
since when do cats do tricks?
You thinking about looking for a job today user? Oh I’m sorry I didn’t realize you were still streaming from last night.
Remember how the general consensus when Cloud came out in Sm4sh was that he was never going to be above mid-tier due to his terrible recovery, with some people calling him bottom tier? Or the fact that in the final Sm4sh patch, people said they "overnerfed" Bayonetta, and that she was completely gutted as a result of that?
Maybe let the meta for the character develop past the first fucking week and maybe we'll have a better idea of how good he is.
Otherwise, keep your dumbass uninformed opinions disguised as fact out of this, doubly so if you only play online and don't actually compete in tournament.
Have sex
wtf are you talking about you retard
It's great how 3 and 4 have mandatory timeskips where you couldn't do anything during but watch story cutscenes or watch the calendar flick by. Yet all they had to do was have a character say "lets not do that today" to infuriate everyone on the internet.
>Implying I bought this literal who that nobody asked for in the first place
They can if you train them.
I made my cats stand on their hind legs and "beg" for food before I'd give it to them, at some point they'd just do it by themselves when I was approaching with food for them.
Cute, loving little bastards.
alright then spread your asscheeks then fucboi because I am going in R A W
A lot of people on Yea Forums are casuals or wannabe competitive people who can't even make it into Elite and go 0-2 at locals, these people unironically think there's nothing wrong with giving Ridely 5 jumps and making him a superheavy, and call anyone who doesn't intentionally gimp themselves with a bad character a tier whore.
There's no point in trying to convince them that Joker is a developing character, they're going to see that he's not stealing tournaments in a month and keep screeching that he's shit tier, even though if he actually were OP like Smash 4 Cloud they'd flip sides and call him P2W bullshit. There's no winning here.
He's whatever I say he is to fit whatever agenda I have.
>I don't like something therefore blah blah blah
>If he was good
>He's bad
Maybe they just shouldn't do paid character DLC at all.
A good Joker is a real threat. That f-smash is ridiculous.
this but unironically
people who also bought smash before it came out got nintendo gold coins which you can basically buy joker for free
I play more with my Sword mii door kun the stage changing with mass destruction already made mu season pass worth it
Two sentences too hard for the little Joker babby?
I hear all kinds of opinions about Joker. He's either okay or busted
>"You regret your purchase, SHILL?"
>"No, not really, the character is fine."
How do you retards even fucking function? You seriously must never even talk with other people, I don't get how you can be so confrontational about stupid shit like this.
>He's not completely broken braindead like Cloud/Bayonetta from 4 so hes bad
Hes a solid mid high tier character
I'm just disappointed that Sakurai didn't play up his wild card gimmick. His moveset is pretty lame.
This is a lot of ppl mindsets on this board
>no, no it is not allowed
Understanding what I was saying too hard for the bitchtit shitposter?
no, his stage is neat
Easy, they're trolling for replies. Notice how no matter what you say to them they either double down on it or immediately switch to some other retarded line of attack.
Probably because his both forms fall cleanly on those two spots. The work was already done for us. As of now, it's the rebel's guard that's going to be the tipping point when it comes to actual tiers in tourneys.
Not really because I'll get the other fighters too
This is about the mental capacity I'd expect from someone who finds Joker's gameplan enjoyable.
He's bad because he doesn't represent Persona whatsoever. Wasted potential.
I don’t care about competitive viability as much, but his move set feels completely lazy.
It’s especially apparent in his special moves, where he just steals moves from Robin, Ivysaur, Bayonetta, Palutena, Pit, and Cloud depending on his form. and even when changing forms, only his down and up special really change.
I would have rather seen Joker be more like a Pokemon Trainer+Rosalina combo, a Shulk with personas, or like he was a fighter from the Jojo games.
But instead we got a weaker Cloud with a form change replacing his limit.
I regret not kicking your ass in high school
Who's forcing you to play that way?
I regret it because he’s OP and Nintendo is fucking braindead when it comes to designing characters.
Every single character gets called this when first release,d then everyone does a 180 after a week and cries about the character sucking ass.
>I don't know how to fight this brand new character, they must be overpowered.
The actual thought process.
how is he OP when I am farming free GSP off of every jokerfag I go against?
Literally Inkling, Ike, and Chrom in a nutshell
nope, but i'm regretting playing this game. you people are fucking babies. fucking manchildren pieces of shit. stage builder threads are fucking disgusting repulsive nerds making retarded braindead stages and you're all seriously fucking autistic. i hope one of you at least dies.
le yikes!
The fact that he can kill you at 50% with Arsene out while being as fast as Shiek.
Weaponized autism
He represents P5. His "inaccuracies" are on par with most other character inaccuracies.
Because you’re sub 100,000?
You probably just suck cause he can't do that
i swear this is some assblasted jack frostfag mad because hes not in
hello new copypasta
Spin offs don't treat persona changing as a canon ability you fuck.
In Arena and Dancing everyone stuck to their main Persona (except Margaret in Arena).
In Q everyone can change Persona.
It's literally just a gameplay contrivance.
Try his Arsene side smash for yourself and see.
le yikes x2!
lmao i didn't pay for it so no
As a Ridleymain, I'm finding Joker pretty fun to use. Probably gonna pocket him right behind my secondary Samus. Been trying to find a good rushdown character to pick anyway
That's a pretty fucking retarded analogy, but at least it didn't involve food
How is winning evidence of being bad?
>no Life Will Change
>no Blooming Villain
>no Willpower
>no Yaldabaoth
why tho
>no Light the Fire Up in the Night
>no Pull the Trigger
It's "don't purchase DLC until you realize you're matched against them regardless and you get your ass kicked by them then realize you're pretty much shit with it and the reason it's even bought is because of some fucking ass A tilt" side.
Not that user, but it's not so much that he's inaccurate, it's just that they could have made his actual playstyle infinitely more interesting than a glorified limit break. It's underwhelming as hell, especially after the four month build up.
You'll be posting in a week how broken he is. Faggot.
At least we got an extremely good remix of Aria of the Soul. And Beneath the Mask for that matter
But idk, I really like the P5 opening song and all but I dont really think it deserved to get in over Willpower
>At least we got an extremely good remix of Aria of the Soul.
>*buttrock guitar kicks in*
Hes fun but not OP
Cats love to smile more then anything
Of course! As it should be. I don't regret a cent if what I buy pays back in my enjoyment.
>"Hey cool Mass Destruction is in it at least"
>Morgana Car going "MEEEEEEEEEEOW" every ten fucking seconds and driving me insane
I would be having more enjoyment if I was winning matches with him..
Try to learn the character maybe?
He's actually pretty decent if you mix up with aerials on shield well. Cross up dair and delay fair is really nice, especially the latter with either hits being useful. It's really helpful that any aerial links into grab so if they guess wrong once you just get a free 30 and advantage state. I've been experimenting with killing and so far using dair to catch jumps from ledge and bair in every situation, especially edgeguards works really well
Stop being bad
Right? But personally I could say that about going against anyone really. All my friends and people at college (and online) have stopped vs me.
It's lonely at the top bros.
it's pretty good
This, tbqh
>Bayo, Cloud, released and top tier
>Yea Forums - PAY TO WIN FUCK THIS GAME 599!!!!1
>Jokester come up high mid tier
I hate you people.
The perfect formula for DLC characters is for them to be top tier for the first week. Then either have their matchups be learned or nerfed to be mid-high tier
How would you regret spending pocket change?
My parents cleared over $47k before taxes last year. This year thanks to the tax cuts we'll be even wealthier.
I feel sorry for poorfags who cannot afford DLC.
Remember when Smashfags actually shat on these tourneyfags when they would spout shit like this?
>He's shit
Yeah, just like in P5
He doesn't have personnality, he's literally a silent fagget protag
A wasted slot, any of the other Phantom Thieves would've been better, if you're keen on promoting P5 (btw I don't have Smash, fuck Smash)
>game with fucking everything
>they add even more every few months at a bargain
>fags so pozzed by Jewish DLC scams from EA and Activision that they
get triggered the moment they hear DLC
Your parents are rich, you're just a leech user.
>He's not bayo or cloud levels of busted so he's bad
lol 47k? Do you have to suck cocks to pay for rent or is that just your mom's job
imagine not making over 150k a year like a fucking pleb
Stop being racist and blaming jewish people to things unrelated to them.
>bragging about 47k/year
Is this the cool new Yea Forums meme?
Just shorthand for exploitive profit-driven decisions. Don't read too much into it, nigger.
>Every dlc has to be braindead autowin
I know we are talking about smash but develop some skill please.
I'm kinda disappointed the background isn't Tartarus but it's still a really cool looking stage
>if you win with jokers final smash it ends just like if you beat a fight in the game with an all out attack
thats fucking COOL
Literally just git gud with joker, because he isnt that hard to understand
Still racist.
wish more characters with cinematic fm could do this.
I don't even know what is the point of buying the fighter pass without knowing the characters that are in it.
It's five bucks cheaper and I personally need a complete roster. Plus the potential stages and music additions and spirits.
It's like some of you want his down B to work like limit so he can charge his persona constantly.
He is good though. He's high tier and high-mid at worst, for compfags. Decent tools that become even better with Arsene. He's pretty great at edge guarding as well and you can go pretty far with him.
Sadly, overall he just feels like a better Sheik with a side of Cloud.
Not OP, but If someone plays the game competitively/high level (as in, they go to tournaments and stuff), they would have to keep up by being able to play as and against all characters. That includes the DLC characters.
Some people get all the DLC characters for their friends and family to play as, if not necessarily for themselves. Some people want all the content in general.
>Try to look up gameplay of Joker from good players
>They suck ass
I just want to see people style with Joker
I was hoping for that too, but the moon and clocks were more effort than I was expecting when they said "the color changes" so I'm happy they went a little distance to make it more than just a pallet swap.
>DLC character is good
>DLC character is bad
Hey, I also want all the content and will probably buy the pass in the future, but I want to know what that content is before I buy it.
> (OP)
>Not at all. He's really fun.
autismo profundo...
So, you're waiting for the second fighter to be announced? You'll have to wait a bit for e3, a new Direct or even the FE expo in may. I'd really prefer if they didn't add an 8th FE character, but if the way he/she plays is different enough, then whatever.[/spoiled]
Understandable. I trust sakurai enough to buy e full package. The newcomers will for sure get the same amount of love as the other characters not named cloud if square isn't involved.
so are any of you wonderful people going to explain how he's bad or am I just supposed to guess?
>impossible to do anything stylish in normal mode, dair doesn't even dunk
>punts characters across the screen in persona mode, also making freestyle impossible.
Most players don't think he's bad at all. Even without his power up he can still land and set up kills
>no magalor soul persona mode
What do you have to do to get into this kind of physical condition, Anons?
What pisses me off are the mii costumes sealed behind a paywall
they're just 75 cents. I had enough gold coins left over to get the persona 3 and 4 ones
I got him for free
I'll probably wait for the second character and buy the Fighters Pass if it's as interesting as Joker. Anyways I expect all of the DLC content to be as greatly designed as this first pack.
I'll probably but the Fighters Pass in a whi one of this days, since the console is dead and Smash is also dead, specially considering the poorly made online.
i bought the fighters pack day 1 not realizing i will only ever have fun with just one character
i think youre in the wrong place bud
He's fun but without Arsene I just feel fucking limp, all the attack ranges are Juuuuuuust short of what my subconscious thinks they should be, and I can't really use the gun's jumping moves cause I don't have jump on up stick.
Anyway I think it's more about me being shit than him, I can feel some kind of potential halted by my own performance.
shut up nigger
But as you all love to say. You can't get banned here for having a different opinion.
take off that white square friend
who uses tap jump? You can easily do the jumping gun attacks simply by holding a jump button after the first shot
yeah but i can still call you a faggot kike nigger
Some of his moves could come out slightly quicker too, but yeah I think it's mostly just me. I also wish you could angle the grapple
I hope the rest of the DLC is announced soon so people shut up about their leaks
what? his speed is fine. He's sheik if she had damage and kill potential and that's before arsene
Then I just need to change my whole mind set, I run into shit and get punished often.
>>no Yaldabaoth
Shit song
It's Isabelle, isn't it?
>forced to buy content in bundles to inflate the price
>forced to buy characters if they're good
It's the same shit as EA.
Blame Atlus, they’re the ones that give the okay on what songs Sakurai can use, same with skins. Its why Cloud only have with 2 songs, Sonic’s alts are just various shades of blue, and Pacman’s alts just change his gloves.
>No Backside of the TV
>No Heaven
>No Will Power
>No Whims of Fate
>No Tokyo Daylight
the only thing I would change is having his Persona be something that didnt auto summon at 100% meter and was something manually summoned, he is the only fast character in Smash to ever connect with me
After playing joker for 3 hours tonight, I actually got a good hang of him. At first his gun seemed really shit, but it's actually a really good chip damage tool and it's really good at close range cancelling random attacks from the enemy. The jump shot is a good edgeguard tool and against some horizontal recoveries you can use the normal shot to knock them out of some moves.
He also has really good strings, like dTilt->uTiltt->up-b/u-air->u-air/up-b -> tech chase. With the persona out his edgeguarding is really good and the character becomes really strong with it out. Down-b also charges the meter really fast and can be mashed against most multihits. Side smash is pretty nuts also.
>it's another Yea Forums pretends they're good at video games episode
make an arena right now, I'll whip your fuckin ass
>Come back home from school on the bus with your friends to play some Melee, unlock Mewtwo after leaving it on all day. "DUDE HOLY SHIT YOU GOT MEWTWO NICE"
>Come back home to your one room apartment after wagecucking all day to buy a new DLC character. "DUDE THIS GUY FUCKING SUCKS HE'S NOT TOP TIER"
Imagine being the latter.
I remember unlocking Mewtwo just from about 20 hours of single player smash, and it blew my mind because I didn't know he was in the game. Then seeing Mr. Game and Watch right after was crazy, I hadn't even heard of him at the time.
>be something that didnt auto summon at 100% meter and was something manually summoned,
I'm going to have to stop you right there and say no. Smash 4 has already proven how absolutely terribly balanced this is. Jokers persona lasts 30 damn seconds if he doesn't get hit during it and it also charges passively.
I would but I actually like Joker and think he's good which would defeat the point
he's fine
either get good or realize that enjoyment in a game isn't directly correlated with seeing a victory screen
A man can dream cant he? otherwise I would just like his spinning shot to have the same endlag as the downward one and give him a tiny bit more jump height
So how do I hit him? Serious question.
I've had a few matches with him at around 4 million, but my opponents usually roll spam for a dash attack/grab, or are just invincible to my attacks because he's so limber. It was a chore to beat him as Villager cause he's hopping around all the time, but it wasn't as hard when I was Donkey Kong or triple D which is strange cause heavies usually have slow down smashes for punishing rolls.