jesus christ, why does every game suck ass? wtf happened, really? is it lack of ideas or just greed?
Jesus christ, why does every game suck ass? wtf happened, really? is it lack of ideas or just greed?
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let me guess, pc player?
You gave up.
Your personal standards have exceeded what the new corporate owned devs can produce. They want to make money and money is made by shoveling shit down kids throats. Play old games or give up.
Increased graphical demands means shit has to get more and more widespread.
>Every game
Nah either your taste is just shit or you meme-hate on everything like the rest of Yea Forums
Just stop with the AAA third person experience and play some real games
You're the problem. You grew out of games but didn't grow enough as a person to find something to replace them. It's honestly pathetic.
play underrail
Play Custom Robo Battle Revolution.
play original tetris you mouthbreather
They want that cheap shitty mobile game money that retards keep falling for.
>make a shitty match 3 Candy Crush clone in a day
>rake in millions in microtransactions
>spend years of resources making AAA title
>barely earn half that
Can you blame them?
>only play bad games
>wtf bros what happened EVERY game sucks now
I'm the same way. I haven't enjoyed a single game after the GameCube/PlayStation 2 era.
This, probably.
99% of games always sucked. just like everything else. movies, tv, anime, porn, music, food, 99% of everything we consume has always sucked. ur supposed to find the 1% that is good enough to make it all worth it
Everyone is sick of video games, even the developers.
>he's not in ultra comfy mode of happiness while making his citizens happy
I weep for you, friend. Other than that I've been having a blast lately with DMCV and Sekiro. There are games for those who want to play them.
source? looks comfy
It isn't the games, it's the proliferation of soapboxes for every dumbass who now have easy access to a public recycling bin for all their garbage opinion. It's easy to have an opinion, effortless even, and the internet makes it all the easier for people to group together and develop a census on what's good or bad or what direction is acceptable for the medium to take, which subverts people's ideas of where games are right now and where they're going even if they don't take any stock in what other people think--just knowing that they're out there saying what they're saying. So in the 80s and 90s it was just you and the game, not only in the absence of the internet per spoiling or adding multiplayer to games but in swaying people's taste. Like be honest, how many games that Yea Forumsirgins constantly shit on have those same Yea Forumsirgins actually played themselves for even five minutes?
There's diamonds in the rough but multiplayer games seem to be permanently fucked now, devs tripping over eachother trying to make their shitty game the next twitch esports competitive gaming experience franchise
most likely, Anno 1800
welcome to the AAA era.
enjoy your stay
social justice
when workers control the means of production, they stop producing stuff the bourgeoise want to buy
Anno 1800
I mean, fuck commies, but no
its jewish brainwashing creating goons who are programmed to infiltrate society and ruin it
T. Oldfag
the west
outrage culture
>t. oldfag minus 10 years
Stop looking at western AAA games.
Stop looking for shooter games.
If you can endure the lack of pursuit for photorealism, you maybe can find a japanese game that fit to you.
Outward is pretty good. Especially co-op.
I'll tell you the secret user
You grew up
Games haven't changed, you have.
this picture makes my cock hard
I think the biggest reason is that the people you have played games for decades now are no longer the target audience. the typical white male gamer has been replaced by women, gays and minorities at the targeted customer
Dark Souls and Bloodborne unironically made me like games as a medium again.
>match 3 Candy Crush clone
Is this the "Halo invented fps" of this generation? Have you never heard of Bejewled?
Nothing happened. The problem is you.
nope, not the jews
the jewish socialists are just the most dangerous ones, like slaanesh to the eldar
but the jews that didn't succumb to the lure of socialism are our own best hope for victory
>tfw poorfag and waiting for torrent to play Anno 1800
:') fug im turning 30 soon
nobody born after y2k has heard of bejeweled, king has been quite ruthless in suppressing the trademarks of as many other puzzle games as they can
>Only checks AAA EA garbage
>Only checks mainstream pop music
Fuck off kid
>every game
they don't
United States is still fucked from the 2008 recession so companies based in North America tend to just copy other trends instead of putting in the money to make a risky and creative game. Retards blame liberalism because that's a really half-assed "risk" that companies say they're taking that doesn't involve hiring skilled personnel and making ballsy management decisions.
In all fairness, most games have always been generic shit that just copies trends. It just got a lot worse after 2008 and it mostly affects AAA studios.
psychopathy is the biggest problem
jews are practically a race of psychopaths, if not literally
I gotcha senpai, these are the games I play when all hope is lost in current games (31yo boomer who played them all)
>Stardew Valley
>Rune Factory
>Borderlands 2
>Don't Starve
do you even know what a "psychopath" is?
it doesn't mean "I DON'T LIKE THING," which appears to be how you're using it
jews, as a race, exhibit the traits of psychopathy
psychopaths rise to most of the positions of power in a society over time, increasing their percentage of the population by breeding too much, a too-high percentage of psychopaths (and their retarded leadership) causes everything to be shit
I know all about it. Triggered?
>like slaanesh to the eldar
You don't quite understand this reference based on this comparison.
>success equals psychopathy
sounds like the sort of thing an assblasted social justice warrior would say
its greed. take the early access pill
psychopathy/sociopathy tends to breed in certain areas, especially in regards to upper-business structures, because one has to be ruthless.
To be successful you have to not give a shit about your employees. You will lay off thousands on a whim to save a dime. You buy a company, sell its assets, and then golden parachute to safety.
But to do any of that you basically need to have no care about anyone but yourself.
AAA western games suck. There are plenty of good indie games and Japanese games. Not that I'm a weeb, their industry pumps out a lot of generic shit too.
Stop playing western games
Not OP, but can confirm. I spent all my childhood and teenage years doing basically nothing but vidya in my spare time.
I had no friends.
I didn't play any sports.
I didn't join any clubs or volunteer anywhere.
I had no creative talents.
All I did was distract myself day after day by escaping into these virtual worlds so I wouldn't have to think about my problems.
Now I'm a burnt-out NEET in my late 20s with nothing to show for it. I have a gaming PC and a backlog of Steam games and no motivation to play anything.
At this point I just want to go to sleep and not wake up.
The only good games are made by a single guy or a small team of equal stakeholders in their bedrooms.
If the solo bedroom dev is active on twitter, it's still shit.
short-term "success" that makes everything worse, including their own future, sure
typically jew and nigger shit
yes, but largely only because they're competing against other psychopaths
remove psychopathy, and practically every other problem humanity faces will solve itself
This but I'm just starting my twenties
>yes, but largely only because they're competing against other psychopaths
That's never going to change because that is all business is anymore.
Unironically take the normie pill and clock in.
Its actually pretty great, I've become much happier, wealthier and better disciplined since cosplaying as a normal fag and now I make my own dream game on weekends.
Try it.
I'm also basically this. Last new AAA game I bought was either Skyrim or BF3. At least I have a decent education and a lot of money saved up. You should probably get a job since your life at this point is guaranteed not to go anywhere
you're jaded.
take a break and explore other hobbies
buy less games and finish(not complete) the ones you do.
don't neglect you basic needs(nutrition, exercise, outdoor, social interaction)
Society changed
I've thought about it, but wageslaving is just so damn mentally and emotionally-draining. I've had a couple jobs in years past, as a grocery store clerk and a call center rep, and they both made me want to go on a killing spree.
I also live in a college town and have no degree so I'd be competing with all the hyper-competitive normies that were competent enough to get their degree.
It just feels so hopeless and pointless.
For me, I just need a good fightan to practice, maybe some fun exploration/adventure games to enjoy, and Minecraft since I like to build shot every now and then. I’ve also found a lot of joy playing older games. Expecting new releases to be your salvation isn’t good enough these days, but you can still make it work.
I can't say if it will change or not, but it *could*.
Psychopathy is genetic; we're able to mess with genes. You can identify a psychopath with a catscan. All it would take is enough redpilled people being sufficiently organized to take action and force all leaders to get tested, and from there find a way to rid it from our gene pool (wouldn't even need to kill them, really, just keep them from breeding or somehow change their genes).
But I'll grant you that it's pretty much the most difficult redpill to push; people just aren't interested or it scares them or something, and every psychopath who sees it shills against it, and they're really good at that.
I kinda know that feeling user. What I did to get out was teach myself javascript and learned how to automate website testing, got me a junior role at a tech company, writing e2e tests.
Maybe you could do something like that? Learn some sort of vocational skill so you don't need to deal with the public anymore?
Not all psychopathy is genetic user. There are genetic factors that can lead to it, but it isn't 1:1.
Video games are now the same as movies,music, tv ect.
Most of the stuff that comes out is generic boring trash designed to appeal to as many people as possible. You have to dig harder to find the really interesting original stuff. It can take years for the hidden gems to emerge
Just play Rainworld.
they're pretty sure it is (not 100% confirmed, but like 95%)
psychopaths are born, not made
*sociopaths* however, are probably epigenetic, meaning they would have been normal (or close to it) but something triggered their condition
For the most part they are seen as synonymous.
The dangers of psychopathy are not much different from that of your typical sociopath.
The functional lack of empathy is what enables one to do terrible things. Neither are considered 100% genetic. There are risk factors, but neither are death sentences, so to speak.
Videogames were always a consumer product, but the principle behind their creation has changed. Earlier they were created by enthusiasts that were willing to risk it all to make it big while at the same time creating videogames they would themselves want to play. Today the formula of safe approach to mass audience appeal has been near perfected, creating absolute dull, "safe-for-everyone" pieces of shit that anyone can pick up and play. Games are being made to sell well now, not to play well.
No same user, but I know how that feeling goes too. I actually started writing a book on top of finding a wageslave job that I actually joy. I have a family and have found better ways to make Vidya more enjoyable. Took up 3D modeling, animations, texturing and materials, made several 2D Sprites for a game I never did. But ended up landing freelance work on several small projects. You have to find a happy medium. I still enjoy my Vidya albit I play less of them. But I appreciate them more now.
Just pick up a hobby that's Vidya related or not. Dedicate a little time to it and pre occupy yourself of what you think is important.
I've tried learning programming; I just don't think I have the right mindset for it. I took a C++ intro course at a computer camp many years ago and it was utterly baffling to me. I could not make the leaps in logic or whatever it demanded.
I also tried learning Python and ended up the same way: baffled and frustrated. It was boring and uninteresting, just like C++.
I accept that learning programming is a good way for most people in my position, but it just doesn't seem to click with me.
>video games are a product
>but also a service
>we want to have customers play the same game continuously
>while releasing a new version every year
This. TES modding community was the best example of that.
>No money involved
>People producing shit for themselves and sharing it with others if they feel like it, the reward being fame and acclaim
>Monetize it
>Immediately the worst of the worst, that were previously controlled by mechanisms of social behavior show their faces in a mad pursuit of satisfying their greed, claiming works of others as their own to sell it, if only for one cent more
>Victims of this become discouraged and either retreat into privately guarded communities or quit modding altogether
>modding scene begins to die because talented people that did it are no longer there and the only ones left are hacks and jews that want to peddle their shit, second rate garbage
>For the most part they are seen as synonymous.
the experts (like Dr. Hare) believe what I said; psychopaths are full blown, sociopaths are damaged normies (with maybe a genetic predisposition)
>2017 doesn't exist.
Greed, I have a feeling they are saving all the good shit for when the "bubble pops"
greed and normalfags flooding the hobby
Name a single thing that dosen't suck ass now
>Games suck ass now
>Movies suck ass now
>Music suck ass now
>Books suck ass now
stop playing western garbage
>Yea Forums
>the Future
This user knows
>AAA industry is functionally Hollywood
>the Indie Scene is full of shitty cover bands that swear they are going to "make it big" if they get that one label
congrats, gaming is now like every other artistic pursuit in existence
The jews flocked to it pretty quick once they noticed it was a more lucrative industry than movies.
>tfw all the good AA companies either went bankrupt or were cannibalized by the AAAs
That's one of the problems I see; it feels like there's no middle-ground between pixelshit indie roguelike sidescroller #145245 and soulless MTX AAA cash-grab #321521. All the innovators in the early games industry either switched to mobile development or retired or switched to a completely different industry.
This is a huge issue, 15 years ago you could go to a game store and there would be 20+ middle ground AA games in any genre you wanted, now it just feels like it's endless AAA garbage and indieshit trash
Not really? The reason why you think this is because game stores still stocked older games as this was, largely, pre-digital sales.