Am I really supposed to believe that the people who are against Sekiro having an easy mode just wants to preserve the...

Am I really supposed to believe that the people who are against Sekiro having an easy mode just wants to preserve the "artistic vision" of the developers? Let's be real here, we all know the true reason why.

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Other urls found in this thread:

He should take the easy mode for life and kill himself

What the fuck does equal mean? However we still don't need this thread again. Literally everyone here believes From should keep with the one setting.

He is though, that’s why he’s fat

see Not even top r8 b8 m8

>Reduce every enemies' health so they die in one hit
>Give myself maximum health
>Make the game slow enough that I can dodge everything on reaction
>"I didn't make the game easy, I just made it equal"

Attached: Touhou-Easy-Mode.png (882x667, 149K)

there's your dark souls easy mode
>stealth attacks
there's your sekiro easy mode

If only you real life let you adjust things like your weight so easily you fat retarded bitch.

Okay, what's the reason why? I trust you have a well-reasoned explanation that doesn't rely on sweeping generalizations and the evidence to back up your claims.

The true reason being that there should only be 1 difficulty setting so everyone is on the same playing field? Yes.

i saw this based AF image over 10 years ago and never picked easy mode again.

But people are not equal.

How does a game become 'equal'. The fuck does that even mean?

you can modify your health by collecting 4 prayer beads. also you can in a sense reduce your enemie's health by increasing your attack power through obtaining boss memories.

The same people who say games shouldn’t add easy modes because of artistic vision are the first ones to ask for Hard Mode if they feel a game is too easy.

Change my mind.

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In 1776 SJWs took up arms and fought for liberty while anti-SJWs wore red coats.

the true reason is that casuals need to take the easy way out of life and stop shitting up vidya, they are the reason we can't have nice things anymore

imagine being fat as fuck and still being trash at video games.

he's wasted his fatness by never gitting gud.

Am I really supposed to believe that the journalists who are for Sekiro having an easy mode really care about disabled gamers? Let's be real here, we all know the true reason why.

>Women should suck my limp disabled cock for free with no questions asked, it's not cheating it's making things equal

I don't have to explain what's understood.

> "using der games mechanics is ez mode"

if i games is too easy i just beat it and move on with my life and play something better.

He's a quadriplegic, can't move his limbs. He still wrong about this though.

*clap emoji* You're *clap emoji* not *clap emoji* entitled *clap emoji* to *clap emoji* easy *clap emoji* mode *clap emoji*

why not save yourself the sixty bucks and watch the game in youtube?

>blue checkmark
didn't read lol

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Nobody has ever said that

But that's not equal. People don't come at it from the same background and lived experience. For an incel like yourself to has done nothing but play videogames for decades and can spend all day doing so sekiro is easy. For an adult who has friends and a job, perhaps physical ailments like an workplace finger accident it can be very hard. So you see the same challenge is not equal.

>play chess
>ask for a do-over of my last turn
>bitch about it in my blog online

these people don't even enjoy games for the sake of it. They are just passive consumers and addicts of mainstream media.

>Make game
>These are the rules of said game.
No wonder only intelligent people play games like Chess.

>we need to make gameplay experiences unequal in order to make them equal

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Yeah. At some point you need to come to terms that being handicapped imposes certain limitations on you. Anything requiring manual dexterity and reflexes probably falls under that. Life sucks and you drew the short straw, mate.


>Let's be real here, we all know the true reason why
I don't. What's the true reason?

I don't actually care about people asking for an easy mode. It's the flawed, disingenuous reasoning that's annoying.

newsflash video games aren't a commodity they are a luxury. if you cant play video games fuck off. just like you wont see this fat fucker mountain biking or rock climbing.

>difficulty settings is controversial

But that literally makes it not equal anymore.

>or an adult who has friends and a job, perhaps physical ailments like an workplace finger accident it can be very hard.
maybe that someone who doesn't have the time to invest should be playing a game like that. it would be like me complaining I didn't have time to raid in everquest and expecting the game to cater to me.

Putting limitations on yourself is much easier than demanding your toy manufacturer to add entirely different features. If you want a hard mode, give yourself less.

A fucking quadriplegic beat it

>play sportsball
>real athletes run circles around me
>"Could you guys slow it way down, and maybe stay away from me while I have the ball?"

Equality of opportunity>>>>Equality of outcome

Dude, fuck off. Just play God of War or something that caters to your very western attitude of being mediocre and expecting everything to be easy.

This campaign is purely political and has less to do with this game being a "must play" and more it being a socio-political spat over another non-issue.

Sekiro isn't even that grand an experience.

So it's always been right to be anti-sjw?

>making the game different for everyone makes it equal
So his disability is retardation.

>golden age of games
>games are remembered for being harder
>cheats are practically a standard feature

>games are generally more casual
>people freak when you suggest adding built in cheats

Cheating never ruined the fun before. People are just posturing because durr epic gamers such as myself don't NEED cheats to beat the game so nobody should have them.

Yes you do, I don't have to explain what's understood.

Pic related is an "accessible" puzzle game. That's reasonable, like adding remappable controls. But the creators of Rubik's Cubes shouldn't be obligated to add a button that solves it automatically. And that wouldn't be an equal experience even if you suck at them.

It's cool to watch one solve itself though.

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Does anyone remember that short story about how everyone had to be equal. handsome or beautiful people had to wear masks, strong people, weights, smart people dumbed down artificially....
It has an old story from... the 80's or 90's... or even older, and the was a dancer who had to get her leg's broken I think. i thought it was retarded as a kid, and it's still retarded now OP...

This is how I think of it. You know how after you exercise you feel accomplished? or say you're a drawfag, and you spend hours working on a piece of art, and you're happy with how it turned out, or you decided to plant a garden and do some landscaping, and make a nice big display surrounded by rocks, greenery and flowers, and you're happy with your work.

Now imagine instead that you just instantly have the benefits of exercise with no effort, you just printscreen and copy paste your picture and its instantly made, and you just get someone else to pop the zen garden into existence for you. No work required.

dunno about you fags, but I feel satisfied when I have to work hard for something.

Do you have ONE fucking post citation to back up this faggotry? While people posting about wanting an easy mode are using the handicapped, minorities, and every excuse under the fucking sun to say an easy mode is needed; I can see ZERO fucking examples of people demanding a hard mode and using some minority as a scapegoat to get it.

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literally would not be an issue if it was PC exclusive because trainers exist
Consoles are perpetuating cycles of oppression and erecting arbitrary barriers to inclusion

Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut?

I just started playing sekiro this week and I don't see what's so bad about an easy setting. That being said, I hate when groups try to pressure a creator into doing something. More importantly though, from soft is a dumb as fuck and stuborn dev that still can't figure out after 4 games on pc how to do basic shit like coding the tutorial text to show the keyboard key instead of the controller input, so I wouldn't expect too much

That's the one.

If you're a wageslave with no time, then don't seek a time intensive hobby. Even an easy game needs time to complete.

Accessibility is a great discussion to have in gaming, but expecting every game to cater to your outlier case is ridiculous. Devs shouldn't receive flack for lacking accessibility options nor does that make their game lesser for not having them. It's frustrating that grown adults are throwing fits when something's not specifically made for them.

I don't mind people asking for that. I just hate the whole philosophy about games some of these people have. They act like we should strive for a world where every game would appeal to everybody equally. It's a lot better to have a huge variety of games so everybody can find something that appeals to them. But apparently saying not every game is for you is "gatekeeping" now.

The new God of War is pretty difficult

I sliced up my thumb at work the week I was playing sekiro and that didnt stop me from beating the game in about 25 hours total. stop being a fucking bitch. fucking casual sois need to fuck off from my video games.

If you just want cheats I don't think you have to bug the devs for them, if you don't want to learn a cheat program I'm sure other people make convenient trainers you can use easily.

Question: Is there any way to add input lag to a controller/game? I'm half tempted to record myself playing Sekiro with 0.5s-1s input lag just to prove that "m-muh reaction times" is not a valid argument.

It’s only tough for someone willing to put it on give me god of war

I don't know what you mean. However it was surprisingly difficult, much more so than the previous ones. The valkyrie fights came near soulsborne boss difficulty. Not quite as hard but certainly not an easy game.

Just watch movies if you're too stupid to manage controller inputs. That's the end goal here, to remove the last bits of game from video games and make them movies that cost $60 to see.

So with all these faggots on easy mode

Who here /hardestmodedefault/?
>That feeling like no other when you beat a game that is skewed so far against you through unbalanced garbage or cheating AI
Its almost as good as sex

Pic related
>Bane : me
>Batman: hard game

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if the dev really wanted to do it, then they did, Im fine. probably I will be not welcome to the idea of just adding easy mode fro catering to more broader audience, but thats ok. but what irritates me most in this discussion is that they pejorate the creators intention, what they want to realize in their games without any hesitation, saying "it should be", "not adding easy mode is just a sing of ableism" etc. this forced narrative is stupid, and the toxic one that eventually destroys creativity of developers and variety of gaming culture. just let them do what they want.

>breeze through game
>tell everyone how good you are at it anyway
>write review under false pretenses
This is why.

I almost exclusively play on hard mode except when all it does it make enemies take forever to kill.

the real easy mode for life is being a white women in the west.

Lower your framerate? Thats as close to a delay that I can think of

Either that or increase the deadzones through controller apps.

always hardest mode but like said if its boring bullet sponge shit I go down a notch until its not unfun.

Explains all the trannies

Didn't this guy already say disabled people didn't want easier games just accessibility options? If so, why the change of heart?

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>every game should be inclusive to every person on the planet

They really don't. If they are getting themselves into a From game, they should already have some expectations about difficulty and if they can't handle the artist's vision of the obstacles they want the player to experience then maybe it's time to switch games.

Nothing will ever be equal. Anyone who is striving for equality instead of embracing inequality is either a retard or an intellectual charlatan.

>I want to be able to say I beat the game without actually putting in any of the effort to beat it!

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People who argue that there shouldn't be an easy mode are morons.
People who argue that there should be an easy mode are morons.
The creators created the game the way they wanted, if you don't like it, don't play it, you're not entitled to be able to finish games, and you're not entitled to have particular games be difficult.

I rarely play games that don't have some kind of hard mode already.

Give me God of War mode was the hardest mode in GOW2018
>Made you die in 1-2 hits from ANYONE for about half of the game until you get upgrades and proper armor
>Enemies became damage sponges at start but less so for above reason
>Health drops are rare
>More enemies
>More attacks
I did it and all I got was some fucking shields. I didn't even bother with New Game + by the time it came out. I also only couldn't beat three Valkyries. One in Niflheim, one in Midgard, and Sigrun because I didnt get to her.

The hardest bosses by far were
>The first set of enemies at the beginning of the game when the bridge breaks
>The Elf King
>Some of the valkyrie
Many times had me rage quit because of the damage you receive. I got great at parrying but fuck was not getting a trophy underwhelming

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People born with a disability or who develop one should be euthanized asap

Why? I thought Yea Forums liked having lots of settings and being able to mod games.

Videogames is a privilege, not a right. You can't make privileges equal.
Why stop at disabled gamers, when non-gamers don't even have a chance at not-having-a-chance at beating sekiro?

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The nice thing about having a semi-free market is that a developer that comes in and makes a game of equal quality can profit.
>make a game as good as From
>add accessibility options
It's that simple.


this. there are ricefarmers in vietnam who will never play sekiro. what about their accessibility?

Equality to a lefty means bringing everything down to mediocrity so that even a wheelchair bound retard can achieve somthing

My gripe is that they already have so much in life that caters to them, left greed has no end

Hold on there user, it's like you're saying a product should be how the creators want it to be. This is some grade A bullshit you're spewing, it needs to be to MY tastes.

Pokemon had a hard mode in BW2.

Non gamers should be forcefully strapped to a chair and made to watch a full play through of the game with a controller taped to their hands so that they can experience it in the name of equality.

Start with yourself then.


YouTube is the only easy mode anyone needs.

Yeah, from should add a accessibility mode so those people that think they have no disabilities can realize they are actually fucking retards.

That is why there was cheats in old games, to please casuals and people who just want to mess around.

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And people have asked for it every game since.

Can these people fuck off to other hobbies? If they cannot appreciate something if it's too hard for them they should leave immediately and find something else to do. I don't see anyone trying to dumb down any other hobby except games and videogames

What he's saying here is an insult to the entire disabled community. I work with the disabled and the dude in the OP runs a charity that gets somewhere around a half to one MILLION DOLLARS a year. And it's not like the fucker doesn't already have and use the hell out of cheat engine. Hell, hire out cheatengine to make a universal disabled and journalist mode.

They have in the past. It's bitching about how paintings aren't accessible to the blind. Now we can actually DO shit to let blind people experience paintings, and that's great, but that's not on the painter, and it's not the same thing as a painting, and most importantly, it's not fucking oppression if the painter doesn't do it.

Which is more a matter of every game since BW2 being completely and utterly inferior in terms of content and features.

why is it always a fat ass?

Cheats in game or with Gameshark were always fun for messing around. I just dislike the argument that games all need to appeal to everybody equally.

Attached: dk mode.png (565x443, 217K)

You have to unlock those

You're a bitch, a moron, an ass, and a bitch ass moron, but you've lead me to a brilliant pivot.

Denuvo blocks cheat engines and mods that do ALL the shit that's asked for here.. DENUVO IS ANTI DISABILITY.


sure I cheated in gta when I jsut wanted to dick around but I never cheated my way through the main story. only kids cheated through the missions.

>hard game is hard
>hard game is inaccessible
>hard game sells 2 million copies on opening week
>hard game doesn't need to be easy or accessible to be successful

Wow that was simple

Also if you take the difficulty out of sekiro it's about 5 hours long, so yeah

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Yeah, blocking cheats for single-player games is idiotic.

Speedrunners have it down to 25 minutes.

Reminder that fat people are worthless and should not be paid any heed.

Glitch runs don't really count retardo

>If you're a wageslave with no time, then don't seek a time intensive hobby.
wageslaves are just cucks, it's not that they don't have time they make up bullshit excuses as to why they're not good enough to do something. These are teh same people who don't have time to workout and try to shit on bodybuilders for accomplishing something. These are the kinda faggots who would say "dude working out is too hard, PATCH FOR MUSCLE GAINS WHEN GOD?"

>have to beat the game on another cartridge or know somebody who beat it so they can transfer a key over wifi to your file to unlock hard mode
What the fuck were they thinking

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What pissed me off is that they say "some people just want to enjoy the story" but for some reason a LP is not good enough for it.

Glitch runs are more accessible and disability friendly, patching out glitches is anti-disability

You make a fine point

And real life should be altered as well to accommodate for the incels and no longer shall they be ostracized and prohibited from roastie sex

We're all about equality after all right?

If my grandfather of almost 70 years old can learn to play street fighter and black ops online, journos can play on normal.

Make prostitution legal and a government run utility. Getting sex needs an easy mode.

Would like a hard mode for pokemon, but I dont go on a social media crusade just because it isnt there.

>I should be able to win EVO with the health handicap turned up because I am disabled and that is equality

why is game design not treated as an art?

So, if racism can only come from a place of power, wouldn't it mean that games journalist are oppressing gamers since the journos have the power.

>Beating a video game is an achievment

A single player game too, these people are sad.

It is these days.

Why do fat people think their opinion matters?

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are these retards going to start complaining about the virtual console games on the switch for not having easy modes and pandering to the disabled?

Even without glitches it's barely an hour.

>solving a hard puzzle not an achievement.
That's how retarded you sound.

looks like ol' thunb head needs an easy mode diet

No that's how you sound.

Are you going to fight for the rights of pedophiles and rapists?

Everyone draws a line somewhere

Lol no

Of course, I bet my life that there is some compilation of all dialogue and cutscenes from sekiro already posted

>I never learned to read
It's okay user, I'm sure your family is proud of you for pushing the envelope this generation. Maybe next year you'll be able to go out for sports.

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Evidently enough of one that people want them made easier so they can say "I beat it!"

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Thanks, I do my best.

I suck at action games and I still managed to beat it. What the fuck are their excuses?

I just don’t play or warn people away from games I think are unsatisfyingly easy.

literally lives life on easy mode with government assisted money.

>bragging rights
Man, I agree that forcing the devs to put in an easy mode is dumb but beating a Souls game is not a fucking impressive feat of skill. It's a pattern recognition and learning game, it's fun but it isn't something you should be particularly proud of.

Why does every single game have to be for everyone? Why can't these people accept that if they don't like how a game is made, they dont have to play it?

But it is protecting the artistic vision. The difficulty is the only thing this damn game has. Strip it away and what do you have left? A mediocre story, decent visuals, and a weak climbing mechanic.
Why don't we just remove the need to jump in Mario? People who don't want to jump shouldn't have to jump to enjoy the game.

All games should have "Journalist Difficulty" where their character takes 0 damage from anything and they 1 shot every enemy in the game including bosses. Just lean all the way into the complaining about difficulty and create a new mode that makes it laughably easy and boring.

>You shouldn't be proud of winning at any recreational activity that is less than professional level difficult.
Do you have like, tax accounting matches with your fellow Semites or something? Is that fun to you?

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>tax accounting matches
How would that work? Sounds interesting. Like, how do you make tax accounting competitive between two or more parties? Are you optimizing for lowest tax paid? Highest money retained?


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You can have some internal sense of accomplishment or whatever, but "bragging" about it is comically fucking dumb. You sat on your ass for an hour or two memorizing a boss, great job.

This is the guy who stands for accessibility for crippled people, right?
From his standpoint, his argument is valid. He's not a games journalist who hates games, but a guy whose body will not move in a way that allows him to play the game.
His flaw, however, is in asking for the game itself to be modified. Merely going from start to finish is not experiencing the game. It sets a bar, and you're challenged to pass it. I can see his argument for modifying game speed, but not for inflated health pools. The best option is an improved human-to-game interface that makes the game accessible. Instead of blaming the game, he would to better to blame the controller.

Summoning is easy mode though. You're literally calling in someone else to beat the game for you like the Super Guide in a lot of Nintendo games.

have some more chicken
have some more pie


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>stealth attacks
You mean firecrackers, right?

Yep, that’s resetera.

>hit boss
>chip his health
>boss hits you
>almost dead
>boss has multiple healthbars
>you have 1 and 1/2

Dark souls 3 started this shit and its still going now

These things exist, its called a trainer, and you can download it for free on your computer to play your computer game.

What is his honest fucking argument, that games should come with a hud to just cheat willingly?

So what if he cant play these games, he isn't missing anything, and if he cant do the inputs that tough shit. Just watch it on youtube, I have limited access to my hand since I lost most of its use in an accident, if I cant play a game well I either stick it on easy or just watch on youtube or finally overcome it.

I play RPGS with my feet for fucks sake.

>bosses should take as much damage from you as you do from them
Just go invade if you just want to fight a different version of yourself.

no shut up and let people tell you whats in your best interest.

>you have 1 and 1/2
Doesn't the Estus max out at 15 in DaS3? You've got ~15 health bars then.

>not wanting to fight a different version of yourself

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Memorization is a skill.

Why can't they just git gud?

i'm all for giving souls games an easy mode, as long as they also make a hard mode. otherwise fuck off

>use banned for thread whining and drive by trolling, repeat offender
how right am i?

>they also make a hard mode.
It'd have to be actually good though, different movesets for bosses rather than just increasing the numbers. I can do level 1 runs if I want everything to one shot me.


yeah tweaked movesets would be nice. faster attacks would be essential because most of the bosses are slow as shit. fewer healing items and fewer bonfires would really help make the rest of the game more tense. also prevent bonfires from resetting enemies, but still allow them to respawn enemies. that way you can't just sprint past enemies and quickly hitting the next bonfire

Food for thought: If you can't progress in skill-based games, then stop playing them and go after something much easier, something that does not require reaction time or frontal lobe, like movie games.

>food analogy
Fuck off.

That's called capitalism, brother.

>if a game is skilled-based it needs ways to be made easier, negating said skills


But being a gamer is hip right now so they need to play video games.

You are no more entitled to an easy mode than I was entitled to a better ME3 ending. But since you're a baby cuck who can't beat a game despite it being fair. I'll cut you in on a deal: I'll beat Sekiro for you and it'll be our little secret but first.
*whips out dick*
Get to sucking and say "Please beat Sekiro for me, Daddy Yea Forums"

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i dont know who this deformed american is , but cope NO SOULS GAME will have an easy mode are they so stupid to believe any of the soulsike who will come in teh next few years will have just to apease stupid americans? ffs move on that will never happen

this is literally double speak

>but beating a Souls game is not a fucking impressive feat of skill
it matters to the game journalists tho
it affects their credibility if they have not gone through the game
its similar to film critics not being able go through the entire movie

to everyone else its meaningless but for them its a part of their livelihood which is why they want that bar lowered down

>Wanting an easy mode because a journalist told you to.
Pathetic as fuck, not going to lie.

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>ha video games don't even matters have sex incel
So glad From made the right call and is just ignoring you spastics until you tire yourselves out.

If a game is too easy the design is shit to begin with (or just aimed at children), the dev clearly had the intention of making every interaction something to breeze through, creating a hard difficult option wouldn't solve anything as the puzzles, level designs are overall challenges are toned down at its core
You cant change that on some options menu