How many times did he kill you before you won?

How many times did he kill you before you won?

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2 or 3, then I just used hit and run tactics

Seriously, only 2 times. He was easy as shit, just hit and backoff continuously. I don't get how Yea Forums got utterly raped by him

1 full death, next time took me a resurrect
although I never fell for the dodging meme, so that might be it. I always jumped over his attacks. the one kill came from getting dropkicked, which I was definitely not expecting. hilarious death tho

the temptation to hit-and-run on bosses and minibosses is so strong, but it makes the game a lot less fun and a lot more stressful
I beat owl 1 by hit and run and i was just stressed out. owl 2 I got gud and it was a blast of being aggressive and avoiding damage

Maybe 6-7

Maybe 5-6

the first one 1 time
but the one thats inside the castle when ashina is on fire fuckin killed me twice because his grab one shotted me lol

Twice, I picked up on the fire weakness eavesdrop earlier and went to Hirata to grab the flame barrel

0 times, why did people have trouble with this guy? Just use fire.

Like maybe 3 times at most? It was bizarre coming to Yea Forums and finding out that he was practically a meme.

I probably died around 10 times. His magnetic grabs were what fucked me over. So far every other boss I’ve faced I was able to beat in 4 or less attempts.

Once. Didn't have the flamethrower but still got him to 1/4 health then fucked up a dodge and got grabbed which one shot me. Resurrected and finished him off. Only found out later he's weak to flame which surprised me because he wasn't that hard to begin with.

One real death but probably a dozen resets at the idol while figuring him out. I didn't have the fire prosthetic at that point.


Probably 10 times, but as soon as I switched to KB+M controls i beat him easily

0 because I refunded the game long before that. If From won't give me respect to add an easy mode or at least more options like Dark Souls did then I won't respect them by letting them keep my money.


I dont understand why everyone had so much trouble. I had WAY more trouble with the Drunkard.

Awful bait. Lurk more before you post.

none because i would go back to the shrine if he took my first life

took maybe 5 tries though

I'm not baiting. After dying five times to that drunk because the game decided to throw like ten dudes at me in the middle of that WHILE SURROUNDED BY FLAMES I realized the game was total horseshit.

I bet

>Here's a fire spray prosethetic! It's super effective against red eyed monsters, who fear it above all else!
>It actually doesn't do that much damage, and maybe stuns monsters for a few seconds. Better off just using sword

>Here's a spear prosthetic! Use it to remove armor from enemies!
>Does jack shit against the heavily armored boss you fight right aftwards. Just use your sword.

>That fucking awful advice it gives you before fighting butterfly

I don't get why the game gets a free pass with bullshit like this in it

The narrative demands you hit-and-run

0, didn't hit me once. Step dodging helps a lot.
And don't give me that bullshit about grab hitboxes, just dodge earlier.

Literally 0 times, no half deaths either. Really was not as hard as everyone made him out to be

There’s a dude by the pond you can talk to who will help you out. Get Drunkard to aggro him and murder all the goons. If you do it quick enough, he’ll still be alive and you can jolly co-op fat boy.

Probably because the game tricks you into thinking you need to dodge to avoid his lunge grab when it's actually a sweep attack that you need to jump over.
Or they don't realize they can just deflect his attacks
Speaking purely from experience


Now speak about your sexual experience or lackthereof haha.

Less than 5, more than 3.

probably 10, i have to grind every single fight.. honestly suck.

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Awful advice? Its literally the best way to defeat her. And the fire does great against red eyes. Did you think it was going to take half its health? No need to blame the game for you ineptitude.

15 or so.

Never understood why this was a casual filter for normies, I beat him on my first try.
Genichiro, Butterfly and Owl were all much bigger filters. Fuck, even the spear mini-boss by the reservoir was harder than chained ogre that early in the game.

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3, 2 of those were him throwing me off the cliff.

Fire stuns them for a while if you use the oil item. Spear removes from POORLY armored enemies (literally in the description). You can literally stun lock butterfly’s first phase if you do what the game tells you. Git gud

2-3 times

0 times, just sneak attack then abuse the ai pathfinding

A good few times. I got way too greedy and way too close. Get too close and he'll mix up between fast/slow grabs and you'll inevitably die

probably 5
my excuse is that the spear guy got me once, and ledge fall death got me like three times

I also admit I was shit at the game back then and didn't even know you could block big enemies

Only once because he grabbed me and threw me off the cliff. The second time i wrecked him by just maintaining distance and attacking him whenever he did the WWE dropkick move. The fire + oil is also very effective on him.

The one in Ashina castle i was much more confident so i used all sorts of moves, even deflected many of his kicks and dropkicks and defeated him on the first try.

>you can block his grabs with the fucking umbrella

This guy is a fucker



this guy is hard, what? he does all the generic moves of similarly sized minibosses. piss easy. one stealth blow for free as well.


5 times. His attacks had me laughin.

his attack patterns are diffrent from most enemies, you have to attack while he's doing the warm up instead of countering like everything else
plus he's the first enemy you have to land mikiri counters to win

I did him after getting past Lady Butterfly AND I had the flame vent, so he didn't.
Why wouldn't you immediately go to Hirata as soon as you get the bell? Why not explore an obvious sidepath before you progress towards the story?

Stuck on that fucking ape

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Umbrella blocks literally everything except sweeps.

From what I gathered many people didn't even get the bell because "hurr, y explore xD"

He didn't kill me once. I already got filtered by Lady Butterfly a dozen times and knew how to play the game by the time I actually met this meme.

unironically one of the weakest bosses in the game
though now I'm stuck with that headless guy
>fear builds up even if you block its attacks
FUCK, i'm bad at deflecting

Alot. I got everyone in the starter area infected with dragonrot, sculptor, old lady, and her son.

I was pretty pissed.

Just in case you hadn't noticed, wolf is a ninja. You're not playing dark souls where you're a badass knight who can poise through pathetic enemy attacks with a gigantic sword, you're an assassin.

Drunkard is simple: you stealth in and take out all their guards and then you fuckoff so you can circle back to steal a bar of HP for free. After that you use whatever tools you gave available and fight like a dirty honourless shinobi by throwing pocket sand and shuriken and making other people fight for you until he dies.

If you play like a retard you'll die like one, sekiro is about playing smart.

this nigga killed me more than any actual boss

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Im the best gamer on this shitty little planet and sekiro was the eziest game ever. Lilke LOL ggez. I never lose.

20-30? Something like that. I eventually figured out you could cheese him by baiting him up the side and having him fall down, then kill him from above without him being able to hit you.

he was pretty simple think he only hit me once

a few. he's pretty fun. obviously telegraphed attacks but also some bullshit grab magnets. thankfully I had the fire prosthetic

Is this the one in Ashina Outskirts or a full boss? Died 0 times to Ashina outskirts (minus a revive)

Kek, i defeated Owl 1 with a cheap hit-and-run tactic, he is so fast that i didn't find any other way of engaging him, just deflect + sprint and then attack tactic was the only way.

when i realized you can dodge every single one of his attacks by dodging at the very last second/frame of the attack/grab

Once and that was from me fucking up a dodge and getting thrown off the cliff for it. Gave me a good laugh tho.

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>Demon of Hatred
Why is there a Dark Souls boss in this game?

how do people even get thrown off the cliff
you literally get the grapple indicator on him when youre in mid air


Surprisingly he never killed me until NG+2 when I got caught by one grab and it killed me in a single hit.

7 times. I then took time. Like observed moves by running around him. When I found best attack where he's exposed(one when he tries to drop kick) I threw fire at him and 3 slashes. Took him down after 8 mins without single hit on me.

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I can hint you on the second phase. Wait for his upperward attack. If you deflect it, he gets stunned.
The moment i discovered this information, it took me two attempts. Because i never knew when to attack during the second phase.

>I can hint you on the second phase. Wait for his upperward attack. If you deflect it, he gets stunned.

You forgot the most important tip: when he gets stunned, use the spear on him to pull the parasite out, this causes massive damage on him and is the most effective way of defeating him.

how many times did you die to lady butterfly?

torch that monkey

The will of the parent is absolute!

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the one fucking grunt samurai that always comes in fucking enraged me just because

Once, then I used a revive and finished her
Just shuriken her whenever she goes in the air you retards

fast? you can just stand in place and deflect everything he does 80% of the time

Over 20 times. Bitch is fast.

>throw oil on him
>light on fire
>first phase becomes a joke

!!! Did not realize this!!! Huge help. Thank you. Does this work during your second encounter when donkey kong joins him?

He is constantly pressuring the player, he is either in your face doing a flurry of attacks or backflipping and throwing shurikens, there's rarely an opening to actually attack him, so by sprinting i could constantly attack him whenever i saw an opening.

like 5-10 I didn't realize you had to get the fire tool but then I beat him first try.

once or twice, but I missed her area until i had already beaten genichiro so I had a lot of health /tools to use against her

Fuck off even that logic doesn't apply. Oh think you're gonna be a sneaky ninja throwing oil on a guy WITH A FUCKING LIT TOURCH WHICH WOULD CATCH HIM ON FIRE?! HAHAHAHAHA TOO BAD FAGGOT NOTHING HAPPENS WOW REAL SMART DESIGN THERE! So sick of your stupid Fromcucks always....ALWAYS defending their shit games. God it's my fucking birthday and here I am just AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK

You can cheese it
If you manage to attract him past the door of teh reservoir entrance, his AI will freeze and he will just stand there doing nothing like a sandbag

Lots of times, but I had only been playing the game for a few hours and hadn't found much yet. I got the bell and did the area immediately. After I learned how to play against her and the purple pagoda ninja, nothing could beat me. Game was a cake walk for the most part, with a few hiccups on learning perilous attacks from bosses.

>Does this work during your second encounter when donkey kong joins him?

same. the game became two times easier when I switched to mouse and kb

you can interrupt him with attacks during his flurry, just don't get greedy. his only perilous attack is a grab that he won't really do unless you get guard broken. i thought he was the fairest boss in the game because you could actually react to everything he does on your first try unlike many other bosses

While I agree oil on torch guy should burn him thats hardly gamebreaking

Happy Birthday!

>flame vent was my last prosthetic tool
>beat this guy in 2 tries
Win some lose some I guess

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The first one was 0 in my first playthrough
in total to all of them in all my 4 playthroughs, it was like 7

you can block grabs with mist raven, too

He wasnt that hard,

The Generals are way thougher

2 I think

I actually thought the oil would work on the torch guys, was pretty disappointed when it didn't.

If you have Mist Raven by the time you get to ogre you probably aren't going to need it to beat him. I didn't know that though, might be neat to try for NG+.

mist raven blocks anything and everything in the game. even the giant snake's attacks. it's quite literally an invincibility button, and with upgrades it's instant cast
mega underrated prosthetic

So, the second time you fight this guy I didn't like the tiny room it was in and was having some trouble. I was frustrated and just ran to the boss room, startling some enemies who chased me. I noticed that once they were in the boss room they just started attacking the ogre more than me. So, I went around the whole level, grabbed two spear guys, two katana generals, and a gunner and they just went to town on the ogre in between me flame venting him. The ogre killed most of them, but I had to take care of one spear guy before finishing off the ogre. I cheesed it, but it was a really fun and unique way to fight the boss.

More then ten. Then I stoped counting.

nice, didnt think of that. the game even says that red eyes attack whatever is around them, friend or foe

He's easy.

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Once or twice.

It's possible to not have fire when you reach him. Fire tool is optional.

How many times did he kill you before you won?

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