Who else is looking forward to Samurai Shodown? Who's your main from previous games? Charlotte here

Who else is looking forward to Samurai Shodown? Who's your main from previous games? Charlotte here.

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I play haohmaru in every game. Am I basic? He's even my team in CvS2.

The cunt destroyer surfer ninja

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Yoshitora is nice so I'll try him first.

Basic, sure. Nothing wrong with that, though. Haohmaru's cool.


Looks cool. I mainly play anime games so I'm excited to play something that isn't oki heavy or focused around strong pressure into mix.
Granblue will probably be interesting too.

Considering picking up Koihime RyoRaiRai as well.

I'm excited although I will admit that I've never played a sam sho game before. It just looks too cool to pass up

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>Mina is winning the DLC poll

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i interested on it but i suck ass at every fighting game i played. even the ones i put some serious time on it. There's also not many players in my region so it is 95% guaranteed to die in 2 weeks.

So i'll pass but if i didnt live in this shithole i would probably play earthquake.

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What poll?

Not surprising, to be honest. I'd be for Sieger, though.

I actually never played any SamSho, but the high risk/wiff punish thing really interest me. Not fan of the SF4-ish art-style though.

What's the best entry to the franchise ?

2 and 5 Special.

>What's the best entry to the franchise ?
2. Especially since 2019 is going to be foregoing a lot of the additions made to 4 and 5S. 3 is underrated, but it's still the black sheep.

Dengeki Online, Iroha was first then somehow Mina got past
Sieger is #8

I’d say 2 and 5 special are the best samsho games.

be real with me, how quickly is the community gonna die? Been trying to get my friend into fighting games, and he wants to try out this one

Thks user, will try those.

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Kof 14 is dead outside of Japanese arcade, Mexico, and the Chinese speaking countries.
SNK Heroines is shit
New Samsho will die in a couple of weeks.

If the fighting game is not made by Namco, Capcom, or Arc Sys its gonna die

Impossible to say. Samsho has always been a bit of a sleeper, but SNK seems to be pushing this one harder with more marketing and EVO and such, so hopefully it'll catch on a bit more.

>not shigeru

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>both waifus on top
Fucking Japan.

>have to wait until pc version is released
yah this game is dead on arrival

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crossplay for all fighting games when


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I've been thinking about it, I never played one before because Last Blade had a similar setting but I liked the look of it more so I'd just play that instead, but I like playing fighting games when they're new because I get to win and SamSho looks pretty fun.

i play my main while listening to the bleach soundtrack from the first three seasons

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Nakoruru is the patrician choice.

Waifus and fujos, Basara and Shizumaru are high too

I am
This'll be my first game in the series

Play V Special on Fightcade if you want a nice introduction to the series before the upcoming game.

this game literally just looks like SFIV

what is the appeal

Is it a 4 button fighter?

Can't wait. Glad they didn't tune down the crazy damage the series is known for.
Nothing wrong with being basic. Especially with someone as cool as Haohmaru.

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>Dengeki Online, Iroha was first then somehow Mina got past
Here's the top 10.
1 - Mina
2 - Iroha
3 - Shizumaru
4 - Cham Cham
5 - Basara
6 - Rimururu
7 - Suzuhime
8 - Sieger
9 - Genan
10 - Kusaregedo

>10 - Kusaregedo

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>Rimururu that low
>Asura actually isn't in the poll at all
>Cham Cham that high

>7 - Suzuhime
Literally who? I seriously can't even remember this character.
>it's a Sen waifu

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The only good character from Sen

Rimururu is one of the worst characters in the franchise. It's embarrassing that she's on the list at all.

>tfw voted for mina

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>7 - Suzuhime
This is the defnite proof that Japan has good taste.
They would have even better taste if only she was ranked higher.

>Gen-an that low
>all that waifu shit

Fucking tasteless. And how is Kusaregedo even making it on the list but Katsuki and Sogetsu aren’t on it at all?

In the franchise that has two entire games of absolute trash bottom of the barrel characters that nobody likes, how can you make that claim?

Because Mina is high in the poll and her only value is being a target for Gedo's finisher

I used to main Charlotte and Tam Tam

Going back in on based Tam Tam and probably going to try out Darli. She looks really fun from what little they’ve shown. I want to know more about Wu

>Rimururu that low
Weird. I want Nicotine though.

21 - Asura

16 - Kazuki
22 - Sogetsu

69 - Nicotine
He got the last place in the poll. Poor old man.

Rip exploding pants lad.

because nicotine is a bad thing to get addicted to and can lead to lung cancer

Where the fuck did they get 69 characters
Did they include all from Sen and Shinsho?

>Nicotine in last place

What the actual fuck? I'm not the biggest fan, but he's still a good character. Should be top 20 at least.

>your character gets a full redesign because the hair and the cloth will cause massive clipping issues

Would have loved the older design but I guess this will do nicely.

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Enja got 15th at least.

I think the poll has all characters from all samsho games.


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Was Sen garbage in the gameplay department or just hated for the ugly graphics?

Yes, I'm looking forward to it. I've messed around a little bit before, with mainly 2, but I've always gravitated towards Galdford and Hanzo. I did try Haohmaru for a little bit.

Bad but I don't think it was unplayable.

They're the one's who fork out the most cash and buy the most merch, so can't exactly blame them.

Both, in spite of being one of the most violent SamSho.
It was a not-SoulCalibur.
Suzuhime is unironically the only good thing in that game.

I've never played it but the matches I've watched look just awful. But the game had an actually neat ost (at least from what I've heard) and good character artworks.

Genjuro and Basara were my gotos when I was like eight.
Looking forward to actually playing one of these properly.

>when mina dies in samsho 5 and that little mascot thing cries her name out
I know it burned her village down but still

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I guess I will play this cute girl.

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Both. The only thing people will say is good about it was Suzuhime, but she’s waifubait trash

Somebody post the webm of Gedo eating Mina and Chample still cheering

She's the only character most people remember from Sen because she's the only one who didn't have the green/brown/white color scheme everyone was using in that one.

i'm gonna main all of the waifus.


Since there must be at least one Male (I would guess), that means Shizumaru's a gaurunteed entry.

I doubt it's because of that, they managed to do it mostly perfectly with Earthquake's chain so there's no reason they couldn't have done it.

And I am going to play the fatfuck who bisects all the waifus

I feel you man
that game has some A+ voice acting and a lot of the characters sound shitty compared to the older games

Why not play the fat fuck that eats all the waifus?

no Iroha
no buyha

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>that game has some A+ voice acting and a lot of the characters sound shitty compared to the older games
I don't think any of the characters they showed sound bad but I hope the VA of Saitama that's doing Yoshitora's voice in this game don't fuck up with the Nadeshiko move.


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She's 18.

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18 year olds arent all titcows example a

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On a picture not for ants she has visible boobs (even though in 5 she's supposed to be younger). You have Rimu for all your loli needs.

literally has a size 73cm bust

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where is Wan Fu!?

It just works.

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3D samurai showdown?
no thanks


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Going by Nak's ending in that game she can go from adult to spirit loli so it's shaky

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who got the best normals in samsho?

t. Wasn't going to buy the game even if it was sprite based. Probably would'e just pirated


So apparently Darli's weapon switching is just an aesthetic thing that happens for certain moves. A shame but it still gives her some versatility as the type of moves she can have. We still don't know what her secret move when unarmed is

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get out of here galford

Maybe Ukyo.

What this i hear about Nakoruru being a guest character in Smash Ultimate? I keep hearing about it lately.

I guess overall it would be Haohmaru or Ukyo. Ukyo just being top tier bullshit forever, but Haoh has a decent balance between most aspects while having insane damage potential

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Unlikely, I'd bet more on Terry or Geese. Samurai does like SNK though, not sure if he is buddies with anyone working there.

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japanese board rumor listed her and a tales character

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What does this mean??

Ukyo for sure. His B attack is forever bullshit. I love it.

The guy just knew who was publishing the game in Europe and made some other shit up

The guy has legit info about what SNK is doing in multiple regards, him being correct about Focus proving this.

Side note: Focus never published a non European game before this, was pretty much a nobody so very unlikely he made a lucky guess.

A very likely legit leak, so the DLC characters are Iroha, Rimruru, Basara and a new guy.

Heroines also got its DLC leaked ahead of time so.

gookshit doesnt count

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Would be nice to have her there.
They already are in other games so I don't think so.

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Unlikely yes, but more due to the relative obscurity of SNK games, but she's just as popular/mascot-tier as those characters. SNK pretty much treated her as such for a period of time. Other than what you posted, I don't recall any other time he's referenced or mentioned SNK despite some of the similarities in some mechanics to SNK games.

>people saying ukyo is bullshit
I refuse to stop playing my husband for any reason.

Where are the Darli fanarts!?

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Just because he's BS doesn't mean he's not fun. He's one of my more played characters.

even if he is a cuck?

he's literally ivan ooze tier and all you need to be able to do to play him to his fullest potential is be able to hit a 3 frame link and do a tk consistently

Instant overhead into tsubame gaeshi is pure cancer tho

>no Kusaregedo
>no buy
Sorry Shodownbros.

Just play Earthquake, pretentious cunt

Nakoruru getting into Smash would be the final blow too the Smeleefags heads.

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How would Nakoruru in Smash even work
Wouldn't she be able to recover infinitely because she's got Mamahaha?

this anatomy is so bad

That's actually a good point. But it'll make Smashfags cry either way.

Give it a limit like she usually has, just like dunk hunt.

>B Amube Yatoro
>Up B is Fly
>Side B is Annu Mutsube
>Down B is the reflect

>>Side B is Annu Mutsube
Oh my god you can make fsmash Kamui Nisse
Fund it

I think having an angled projectile alone would really mess with the game. Especially if Mamahaha sill acted after she got hit.

It would be hilarious as she is always shit in the main series

>>Down B is the reflect
This would cause a lot of buttdevastation
>reeeee another character with a counter move reeeee

>It would be hilarious as she is always shit in the main series
She was good in 3 and 4.

>Nakoruru becomes the guardian of nature in like 1789 or so.
>nature proceeds to get deep sixed by humanity for the following centuries like it never has before

Is Nakoruru bad at her job, or does she just hate nature and just lets things get screwed up on purpose?

She is taking revenge against nature for not letting her get laid

>Nako turns into nature spirit
>Nuclear meltdown occurs

Is this the making of a new character, or does she just turn into Rera again?

You're making her sound like a Godzilla.

>not on PC
don't care. Not paying another $70 just to play an already $60 game online.

Well Fukushima was caused by an earthquake, so she kind of would be there.

Wait until December then.

I need Nakozilla art

The second super that doesn't cost anything seems a bit unnecessary. Should at least be a low health thing

Can't get for free at launch hmm

>giantess nakoruru

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Broshiro and Tam Tam are my go-tos.

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Nakoruru's existence is suffering
>lost her parents
>has to travel and fight for her life at a young age because she was tasked with protecting nature
>sacrifices herself
>must live forever as a nature spirit
>sometimes regain her physical shape to be stabbed, dismembered, bisected

delayed PC release kills it for me.
the game will be mega dead by then. happened with kof14 already.

shes happy in some worlds

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She is now a interdimensional time traveling nature goddess, so it was worth it.

She's happy now.

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Because she escaped from the shithole that's Samsho's timeline where every year there's a demon outbreak

I need more delicious brown waifu fanart

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So how fast do you think it will take to die? I'd say one week.

>what is the appeal
The fact that it plays nothing like SF is one thing

out of all fighters around it plays like SF the most.

Did they fix supers having long startup invul and fireball invul?

I’ve been so hype for the game, I drew my own samurai based on Yasuke. Haven’t picked up the pencil and paper in years. Creating a timeless design is easier said than done.

Too bad Gen-an isn't Mai's antecessor because that could explain her personality

i'm really curious on see how Yoshitora translated to 3D

>paris syndrome

I hope he still has the move that you only can use after hitting all his other attacks before.

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The fact that it's already turned a profit is encouraging, I'm hoping it encourages the revival of other dormant fighting game franchises. *glances at Capcom*

The Chinese who are keeping SNK alive.

My dream is Rival Schools 3 with Incel school shooter character.

Gotta stop you right there, that's an outright myth. The chinks didn't do shit except buy them up and bark an order here or there basically telling them to stop sucking at 3D during the IPO meeting before the most recent one. They never gave them cash or anything like that. It's all their mobile games and licensing of IPs that's funding them. If the chinks had given them any cash at all KoF XIV maybe would've had some sort of a boost, but it didn't, even the devs mentioned they had a small budget for it. Even the death of the pachi arm wasn't the chinks' doing, at the time SNK was losing money and changes in Japan's gambling laws would've forced them into more debt. That's a bigger effect than anything the chinese have done. The chinese barely did shit.

I used to play Haohmaru and based Tam Tam, but I was a complete scrub back then, it would not be weird if I end up maining someone different, my execution is much better so i tend to play SPEED DEMON type of characters this days

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If Shiki is like in NGBC she will be a speedy character

Both Love Heart and MuiMui are going to be deleted from KOF history K9999 style and tehre's nothing she can do to save them.
Real happy indeed.

Stop parroting shit you see idiots read online. It's true that love Heart is owned by another company now, but Mui Mui and Alice aren't going anywhere. They will never not acknowledge their pachi part of their history. The developers even stated that one of the reasons the pachi girls were included was to acknowledge that period of the company's history, they will not sweep it under the rug. Those IPs are still owned by them and are still listed on their main website under the list of their IPs.

Now that she can time travel she will bring Haohmaru and Galford with her in the next game.

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>Cant remember the sam shodown I played at round 1
Anyone have the name of it?


It was never time travel, it's been bouncing between dimensions/worlds. The Nakoruru in XIV isn't the Nakoruru from 200+ years ago. In KoF XIV she's already been around for a long time. In her conversation with Chin he calls her a young lady or something to that effect, and she replies that she's much older than he is. As far as the Nakoruru in KoF is concerned Haohmaru and Galford are probably already long dead.

I'm pretty hyped for it, I only put time into SF4/SF5 and Sekiro makes me want more sword clashing fighting action.

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Well, SNK did consider doing a SamSho team with Nako, Haoh and Galford as far back as KOF 95 & 96, but time constraints stop them from going forward with the idea.

>Implying that SNK won't just bullshit their way though by bringing Haoh and Galford to the present.

Fuck the waifufags. I hope Sieger, Genan and Basara make it.

I want Galford in KoF just to see how broken he would be in the release build

Charlotte , Genjuro or Hanzo

This dark skinned waifu

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Wait what?
I thought it was?

I think that the game will be at 50$.
The pc version will come later. The first are the ps4 and xbox versions.

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Consider this: how many other modern games play like SF4? Not even SF5 plays like 4.

Got this with audio? It isn't right without Galford's engrish.

nope, pulled it off /gif/

How long does it take to get super?


>If the fighting game is not made by Namco, Capcom, or Arc Sys its gonna die

You mean NRS, no one cares about Cuckken, Shit Fighter, or Guilty Gay

Kyoshiro best boy.

We're talking about dedicated competitive player bases here, not overall sales.

/gif/ or /wsg/ lol

i think that's the super everyone can do anytime once a match

my technically mexican blonde ninja Galford

I gravitated to Galford as a kid in SamSho II but later moved to Haohmaru, who is also my top main in CvS2. Honestly gonna see if I can main Darli though, since I love her heavy weapon switching thing and her whole design.

Haohmaru is the only fighting game MC I enjoy using on a main level. As a big body player he ticks like 80% of my boxes. Earthquake never gelled with me and this game lacks Seiger & Gaira so Haoh and Darli it is.

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>Haohmaru/King of Dinosaurs/Maxima team
Please make this happen SNK

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Who /iroha/ here?

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Reminder that Samurai Shodown 3 is the GOAT
Reminder that 5 Special is a shitty anime game made by Examu
Reminder that 4 is a shitty game as well

Reminder that Samurai Shodown Sen exists

2 and 1 are also good

Avoid 4/5SP/6, they're trash games and anyone who recommends them is a tasteless nigger.

3 is the best one.
4 is fucking trash. 5sp is a shitty Examu anime game.

Yeah but everyone agrees that game sucks, just like with the Hyper Neo-Geo 64 games.