Assassin's Creed Unity

It's better than Black Flag

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Mmm crash simulator france was really fun.

I haven't heard anything about it after the initial release of the game when it was a horrible unplayable buggy pile of shit.
Did it get fixed?

I guess
The only bug I had was my character sometimes floating in the air during parkour, but that's rare
I played for 6 hours and never crashed

Litteraly playd that shit last night and the first time I went up on a rooftop It clipped me back on the ground, I shit you not.
The game is just less broke

better than AC:4?(AC parts) yes
better than AC:4?(pirate parts)fuck no

>game takes place in France
>characters and enemies talk with English accents mixed in with a few French words
>meanwhile literally every civilian speaks French

PIrate part gets boring after a while
I prefer the story and characters of Unity

Why for the love of god did they abandon the conspiracy assasin/templar stuff and esthetic European cities for fucking pirates and naval combat? And somehow people seem to like this shit.

Playing it right now since it's free and runs fine, maybe some slow texture loadinng in the distance, that's it.

>tfw no Napoleonic Wars game that set up an conclusion for Arno, Connor and Shay

>game takes place during French Revolution
> you are a member of a secret group of anarchistic freedom fighters who have been waiting for humanity to create just such an uprising for centuries
>game ignores this and follows a bourgeois kids personal revenge story instead

>any assassins creed game is good.

asscreed is zoomer shit

Finally, someone without shit taste. Ship combat is the worst thing to happen to Assassin's Creed.

>play game in english dub
>wtf why's it in english???????

>haven't played unity since release
>ubisoft giving it away, decide to try it again on my PC
>still buggy as shit, npcs clipping into arno during cutscenes
>pop ins out the freaking wazoo
>overall still looks very dull and bland artstyle wise
It's still shit, no surprise.

going on 5 years later and NPCs still glitching out in the opening cinematic + training level, so

Somewhat. But they also downgraded graphics.

>accidentally fast travel to dlc-land
>get spoilered in the opening cutscene
>can't get out of dlc-land, no way to quit the mission
I don't understand how a vast team of multicultural people of various religious beliefs can't do basic play testing
>google the issue
>official forum response is 'it's not a bug, be more careful when using the map'

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>8 years old CPU
>60fps on overcrowded places
now that's what I call optimization

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>Inter pentium G4560
>Stable FPS at almost max graphics
What are the complaints again?


if this isn't bait, explain how please
>paris is boring as fuck
>the missions actually focusing on the french revolution are coop
>unlockable outfits locked behind some phone app
>character is a lame french copy of ezio
>perhaps the most broken climbing ever in ac

>paris is boring as fuck
its the best AC map

This happened to me. I had to go through bushit in the dlc just to travel back, lost my will to play for a few days

i found ac brotherhood rome far more interesting



i have a 1050ti and i5 4590 and i keep getting below 50 fps no matter what settings i used

I have a GTX 1080 a i5 2500K, playing with everything at max
Be sure to disable vsync because it's triple buffered and fucks your performance

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>perhaps the most broken climbing ever in ac
Might as well just come out and say you're bad at videogames, scrub

Use fxaa and shadows in high not those nvidia shadows.

wtf this looks better than their new games

Is there any way I can mod it so that I only ever play as the girl?

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>All the little kids that blindly hated on the game without ever playing it now come out of the woodworks after the game have been gifted to them for free
Fuck off, nobody needs your praise now. I was patrician before it was mainstream

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Because it's better, user

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>switch audio to french
wow that was fucking hard

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I feel so vindicated after all these posts of mine. Still want closure to Arno though. I guess Desmond and Ezio are the only ones to get a full arc nowadays.,

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You can unlock everything from the Companion App without a phone.
They updated all the content into chests you can just find in game.

bugs r fixed retard

Ubisoft worked hard on Unity with the crowd and make it look really good, it's more like a technical test more than a game. It came out in the first years of this generation and it was supposed to be the new standard for AC.

Though the game release on every platform with really bad framerate and some of the worst bugs in any games. It got trashed away and forgotten.

I tried it a few years later of XONE, and I actually enjoyed it, more than most AC games, the combat is actually okay and graphics and physics really good, parkour is good also in this one.

After Unity Ubisoft made Syndicate which the graphics, crowd, etc. got turn down and then took a break from the series to come back with Origins and new line of gameplay/story.

Nah Rogue was better than black flag, Unity was like 2 but for a different generation. Still fun tho, id say like a solid B-

Seriously underrated, yes.
Better than Black Flag? No.