Yea Forums humour thread

Yea Forums humour thread.

Attached: 1540576366483.png (612x838, 335K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1542139777298.png (815x611, 851K)

pretty decent photoshop

You fought in Nam because the military industrial complex wanted more money, you twat.

Attached: 1550520041205.jpg (480x403, 59K)

What would you do if nigger was word filtered on Yea Forums?

Attached: teabag.png (684x1017, 132K)

call you a roodypoo

Roodypoo was filtered

fucking candy ass

It ain't mee


Attached: intredasting.jpg (600x495, 39K)

candy ass

>fought in nam


Attached: 1555165584020.png (824x2000, 588K)


I wish it was still filtered to roodypoo

>fought on Yea Forums
extra yikes

Attached: 1507315430538.jpg (640x480, 170K)

Attached: 1529968280890.jpg (2263x1497, 2.48M)

Attached: Ace Combat threads.jpg (642x2442, 1.54M)

Fought in Nam but you can't beat a 12 year old at a video game. How does it feel to be left behind, gramps?

Attached: fatlus3.gif (800x792, 52K)

Attached: fatlus7.jpg (558x1484, 141K)

Attached: fatlus11.jpg (936x936, 351K)

Attached: riku kek.gif (245x170, 478K)


What game was this?

Attached: 1438988511688.webm (720x450, 2.86M)

Attached: 1471884027102.png (750x548, 767K)

not at all

>hurr durr me fight unnecessary "war" that no one cared about so me important
Boomers should all just kill themselves, and if you respect these "people" you should do the world a favor and kill yourself aswell.

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>tfw you take your dipshit NEET grandkids out of your will and leave everything to your grandson that settled down with a family and works an honest living
feels good man

So the grandson got punished for this, right? Telling a grandparent to "shut the fuck up" needs to result in some kind of punishment.

The story was proven false and she lied about the whole thing.

Go figure.

>things have gotten so bad I look at this and think nothing, despite raging 8 years ago

Attached: doll.jpg (310x346, 25K)

Attached: 1453627157885.gif (250x234, 1.85M)

>especially if she's a woman
why is this appaling sexism allowed

>tfw can't even extract EXIF from images anymore

goddamn I forget that some real stupid folks browse here

Attached: plane kek.jpg (1018x1024, 100K)

Coon, negro, subhuman.

people still think you need photoshop to fake a web page?

Attached: 1539044913476.png (445x99, 4K)

Based grandson

It's already filtered on Yea Forums.

>Yea Forums humour
>bunch of twitter shit
Yep, checks out

>That WiiU

Attached: 1554447337758.png (554x554, 47K)

technically /g/ but still applies to almost everyone on Yea Forums. just replace laptop with console

Attached: 1458900602132.jpg (1765x1000, 535K)


sorry user Yea Forums is an 18+ board

When the nice guy loses his patiance the devil shivers.

Attached: 94f.jpg (640x633, 46K)

meh. tame.

Attached: 1476132557205.jpg (800x600, 126K)


Fatlus comics were such soul
Pity we don't have anything like them nowadays


Attached: raf,750x1000,075,t,fafafa:ca443f4786.jpg (750x1000, 42K)


Attached: 1347124996590.jpg (1586x755, 159K)

WARNING: This post contains material which some Sony console players may find offensive.

Attached: SnoyboyCringe.png (456x772, 108K)

Attached: VIDEOGAMES.jpg (1422x1222, 333K)

At least post the original

Attached: E2591BBE-71F0-4914-A6A7-AD705BC5FCE0.jpg (960x957, 220K)

Attached: 1347125640750.jpg (813x477, 225K)

Attached: 1540488578804.jpg (3640x2140, 1.53M)

as much as I love BTFO threads of autistic anons, it would be too much trouble. The same way that everyone just searches fireden for similar filenames, and assumes literally every single person thats posts the same image is the same person.

tl;dr most of you are too fucking retarded to be allowed to view EXIF data, you already refuse to talk about games, this wouldnt help.

I'm not laughing faggot

Attached: 1540149495765.gif (456x270, 1.7M)

Are those supposed to be haikus?
There's more to those than just 5-7-5

They weren't even good. The least you could've done was screencap the actually good posts in that thread earlier today user.

Cringe. Is this really what oldfag redditors found funny?

small jej

Attached: fatlus10.png (680x590, 301K)

They're supposed to be variants of Chocolate Rain but for some reason he only screencapped those two and they don't even follow the right meter.

How is he agonizing over this? Grindan Adventure is fucking ludo

israel has no right to exist

Attached: mk2-listen here bucko just because i fucked a 14 year old doesnt mean im a pedophile. pedophilia is (752x490, 248K)

This is why children get hit.

Lmao Jews are the scrawniest racist nerds there are

say it in binary or morse code

01001110 01101001 01100111 01100111 01100101 01110010

>elder scrolls 5

Oh god

Attached: fatlus4.gif (925x1155, 42K)

pavement ape

Fucking Google it fag. Your already on the fucking internet.

>especially if she is a woman

Fucking what? This is sarcasm right? The entirety of that article has to be intentionally ironic.

-. .. --. --. . .-. ...

Attached: MEGA GRINS.jpg (474x750, 188K)


Attached: 1529427112289.png (1874x1079, 982K)

It got 404'd before I could click into it. They were on the front page so I capped them

why is everyone on Yea Forums always so angry? i was expecting a light hearted retrospect on some of Yea Forums's funniest moments but its just a bunch of bitter anons

Attached: fatlus9.png (1000x840, 426K)

Considering that was a qoute from twitter I doubt it.

Attached: modern gaming.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

This is literally nanny state logic, user. Please don't be retarded

because vidya gaem is BAD

Attached: 1471142276901.png (880x699, 515K)

i miss fatlus

>millennial humor

Let's be honest here, Grandpa
I can't believe we fought Vietnam, period
Stop acting as a martyr for stupid causes

It went to bump limit so I'm surprised it didn't archive.

Attached: ps3 games threatening a narco.jpg (1372x1245, 575K)

Attached: fatlus1.png (1800x1350, 262K)

Its a meme you dip.

Of course it has a bulge

Attached: B934B51C-F37F-4A0E-9D4E-50F4705EA09C.png (400x293, 181K)

Attached: fatlus6.png (859x1511, 79K)

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Attached: lol.jpg (700x832, 96K)

We all do, user


Attached: 1541530899052.png (1370x856, 148K)


Attached: fatlus8.jpg (600x466, 44K)


>random person posts a picture of something ACTUALLY video game related from their phone
>group of children get EXIF data and post it in the thread
>thread turns into a raid on some random dude
unironically go back to Yea Forums faggot

>nanny state logic
by wanting to talk about video games and not witch hunt you faggots? please seriously go back to Yea Forums, youre the problem nigger. Please actually pretend that finding out an user’s address has literally anyhing to do with video games you fucking faggot.

Attached: 1328811322285.jpg (1172x901, 159K)

It was a different time.

Attached: 021B24DE-B271-4FAC-B1A2-C60A449F3D29.jpg (1125x1726, 986K)

>Can't be manly hero that charges into battle with pecs on full display
Makes me so angry


Attached: Turkish Ice Cream Man.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

Yeah we should go back to when everyone spammed onions onions onions onions onions
Its just so funny right, lmao. i mean everyone says it. lets just not make /vg/ and have 1000 LoL threads. Any jannies interfering must be a nanny state.

fucking lol

Attached: 1555173774514.png (962x549, 67K)

At least he's playing video games instead of warping his mind on LSD and rock music.

>Bare skin under the plate armor

Attached: 40196B88-D6A3-4FF6-B300-66BF7F37F394.jpg (1125x2072, 1.14M)

This. The guy couldn't even be fucked to distort the memes along the folds of the shirts

Attached: Nu v.png (680x810, 196K)

fuck me I didn't even notice

Attached: 1515567732557.jpg (480x480, 53K)

Attached: silk dress.webm (1280x720, 1.17M)



Attached: pol walks down a street.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

>Stop killing the spiders they're bros
A spider made this


use criminal instead

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Attached: jasonschfaggot.jpg (596x731, 118K)

Jesus christ that sounds like the typical boomer parent

Attached: piccolo.jpg (400x400, 29K)

why is this so soulless Yea Forums?

My sides

Attached: EB1E9DB9-410F-4CEF-8613-F37C22A30D06.png (1136x1136, 148K)

fuck furries

Sure you're on a video game-themed board, but the discussion has to come about organically and willingly, not because severe restrictions are in place and video games are the only things you're capable of discussing to begin with. Off topic subjects popping up are a natural part of any discussion
Why not also create a huge list of word filters that deletes anything that has nothing to do with vidya? Why not implement an image-recognition AI that automatically nukes any non-vidya related images? This is the kind of draconian retardation you're arguing for.

>clearly in a fursuit
>pretends he doesnt want attention
uh huh

Attached: 1233256103824.png (100x100, 5K)

Nanny state is appropriate when all of your citizens are on the intellectual level of a toddler.

I can only enjoy vidya when high

Attached: japaneselanguagepacks.webm (640x360, 2.95M)

dead niggers XD

made me kek

Attached: b-but its not out yet.png (680x576, 84K)

baraka is right though

Attached: nu pol.jpg (3264x2448, 1.38M)

>that spitroast

Oh snap
based sega holy shit

it only seems "soulless" because it is referencing things you never experienced because you're a fucking twitter zoomer faggot cunt that uses words like 'soulless.'
if you actually browsed Yea Forums before redditbook told you about it then it would probably warm your heart.

Attached: 1508910245647.gif (350x263, 2.28M)

Attached: dfa.jpg (1024x1249, 192K)

The fuck is this.

Real talk though, gaming just for fun is just retarded and for kids.

Ah, the old days of positive internet humor. It's been so long.

>actually trying to justify personal witch hunts on an anonymous image board about video games
user, you literally have no argument. you dont wanna talk about video games. you wanna talk about trannies and snoy. using big words you dont understand doesnt make your argument any more valid

again, genuinely trying to justify personally attacking people that disagree with you py posting their information. Youre 16. TOPS.


Imagine winning the meme war but losing the real war

Attached: 7B1F7249-36E0-4960-AB47-8539635BED06.jpg (1440x720, 148K)

femoids btfo

The same thing I do with other filters.

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s󠛡m󠛡h t󠛡b󠛡h f󠛡a󠛡m C󠛡U󠛡C󠛡K s󠛡o󠛡y s󠛡o󠛡n󠛡y󠛡g󠛡g󠛡e󠛡r n󠛡i󠛡n󠛡to󠛡d󠛡d󠛡l󠛡e󠛡r x󠛡b󠛡r󠛡o󠛡n󠛡y

>Its ok because you're retarded and Im not :)
Again, that's bullshit nanny state excuses. Why don't I just enslave you right now because you would only hurt yourself and I know better than you? Who even decides these things to begin with

Attached: wrights.jpg (1404x1980, 639K)

Attached: asylum demon.webm (638x480, 2.98M)

And think that posting peoples information has anything to do with video games, youre right. Which is specifically why it shouldnt exist on Yea Forums.

I dont need some underage faggot acting like hes epic by EXIF searching literally every post. We have enough faggotry here.

First season was pretty good, really hope a second happens. Need to stop being lazy and actually read the manga.

What's the name?

Attached: Gentoo power.png (1814x800, 887K)

Watch Asobi Asobase if you haven’t already
I say it’s funnier and might be the funniest anime

Great edit

what the fuck were they thinking?

>little tiny Fuuka

Pretty accurate

nope, it's just soulless. stop projecting, zoomer.

What witch hunts, you goddamn retard? Did you see anybody go beyond btfoing the user in that screencap, and started going after him personally? Going to his house? Harass his family? You can't even do such precise measurement with EXIF in the first place, you fucking imbecile.

And remember, by your own logic, you wouldn't be able to reply to me with this shit because it isn't vidya in the slightest. You should be gagged and your comment suppressed, remember? You absolute dipshit


have sex


Attached: where does it cum from.jpg (2361x5782, 3.13M)

hold up, head transplant

anyone born before 1980 should be banned from the internet

Attached: 53B6F5CF-F123-4778-B364-5F2F3A86027D.jpg (680x531, 41K)

porch monkey

That son is a fucking moron who can't tell Korean apart from Japanese. I would disown him on the spot.

I love this guy

>Yea Forums and Yea Forums used to have a tsundere dynamic going on
>that dynamic, and pretty much every other crossboad relationship, is dead now
What gives? I haven't heard someone mention Yea Forums on this board in years

Attached: 1530097964210.jpg (1000x1869, 314K)

Attached: devilish.jpg (600x760, 59K)

>Qt femboy
>Not desirable
K fag

Attached: 49f32208-a292-48ae-ae9f-5902b2c8bb2a.jpg (880x800, 203K)

>Filename is every bit of text on the image

Attached: 1404933064350.jpg (600x600, 284K)

just make Israel great again. damn the Zionists, Neocons, and magafags who support this blind goy

He's right though

I just want s󠛡m󠛡h t󠛡b󠛡h f󠛡a󠛡m back

damn, this is the most obvious unironic underage post i've ever seen on this website.

>Can't believe I fought in Nam for this horseshit
Well if you at least put some effort towards winning you'd receive some respect. You lost to literal farmers throwing rocks at you, you fucking moron

>tfw nazis become liberals because /their guy/ doesn't bomb Israel day one

based af

Why do you play games user?

I need more of this

Attached: good.jpg (1200x1663, 316K)

quite accurate

God I miss how you'd get thrown out of here for WoW threads.

user he’s their cockslut
Face it, Jews always win

Attached: AA96E1F1-7BBC-4FE2-97DD-A0F38A6E84CE.jpg (750x1030, 389K)

go read about tunnel rats and no you wouldn't come home the same after doing what they did

Keep on seething. I'll let you know when I'm tired of winning.

Porch monkey
There are many, many terms for niggers

Attached: 1551451294128.jpg (2480x5024, 3.61M)

But I’m Israeli and Trump winning was the best thing to happen

Attached: 4086777A-A04C-448F-AFBF-196DA26FB8CA.jpg (750x646, 300K)



>not remembering roodypoo
goddamn newfags the lot of ya

Attached: 1180579407238.jpg (2005x2136, 894K)

Know that Yea Forums is lost and leftists ruined another thing for everyone else.

Ideal male/ anti-hero flawed male x sexy male fantasy
Ideal male/ anti-hero flawed male × non threatening bland basic bitch.

The same exact thing I did when it was roodypoo.

t. furgin tranny

Just look up Chio chan

Go for it, the manga's pretty decent

>he doesn't know Yea Forums is a trap
Please go and stay go.

>he doesn't desu baka manually

Attached: 1199309984218.jpg (432x360, 162K)

Come to think of it, does this play out the same if you pick the female protagonist?

Why do you fucking care? It's not on your computer and effects you in absolutely no way.

Attached: 1201618632629.jpg (650x1300, 570K)


Where's the sequel?

Attached: I feel nothin.png (927x799, 663K)

Attached: 4chan in a nutshell.jpg (1600x1063, 349K)

Attached: fixed.jpg (680x531, 114K)

Is joining the armed forces ethical?
What is your take on this subject?

Attached: tu1jyp6mxvf11.png (1920x1080, 1.82M)

Attached: 4chan in a nutshell 2.jpg (2144x1608, 1.02M)

Boards are bigger and have too much in-fighting between fanbases to care about other boards.

Attached: 1264965478428.jpg (640x796, 264K)


maybe 2008's Yea Forums

Attached: shotgun ass.png (4392x4392, 2.15M)

I'll do you one better
Seen random pages posted here, seems great. I actually read like the first three or four chapters and then found out they mere making the anime and stopped. Just laziness keeping me from picking it back up at this point.

Attached: 1445736581606.jpg (349x314, 9K)

Home turf advantage is a big deal. I'd love to see any army at that time try to handle 'Nam.

>deathscythe and mikushit
Basic bitch spotted. I'd rather go for /d/

>Watching Killing Eve
>can't help but think of Roman every time Sandra Oh mentions her husband
I didn't even play the game that much

Attached: undertale fans.jpg (1280x1062, 301K)

This is exactly why the Jews keep winning in Palestine. Muzzos are easy to ruse.

Mass, unchecked immigration destroys community ties.

>The fuck is that smell
Made me lose my shit for whatever reason

Attached: 1525397958751.gif (200x200, 77K)

>why is everyone on Yea Forums always so angry?
How new are you?

Attached: removed content.jpg (1520x2048, 608K)

>open image
>see the 1
>instantly knew
fuck you user

Attached: 1453961435427.jpg (321x328, 39K)

I'm the opposite, I can't bother with an anime if I can just go read a manga
Might make an exception for that gem show because I feel it's conveyed 1000x better in color

RIP Nacho, the AIDS got him. I love his misogynist porn tho while I listenend to elite pain in the background

>and he has a gf

Attached: 1555163288490.jpg (1024x669, 52K)

Attached: average black couple.gif (391x361, 1.18M)

Sorry for the mobile screencap but I was at work when i saw this and didn’t want to let it go.

Attached: 6D2E859D-3A79-4882-A12B-44C70015D91F.png (750x1334, 247K)

Attached: select your character.jpg (510x1695, 276K)

>this picture was taken 5 years ago
time flies, bros

>not a middle aged man with weird snacks

Probably better than being a gullible grandpa like yourself. The twitter account in OP is a meme account run by a teenager, just so you know.

Attached: SligarTheTiger.gif (400x225, 3.66M)

That was long before Jack became the meme he is

Duo was a fookin legend though


cutting is beyond gay

Attached: 1555627162099.jpg (640x1138, 88K)

Attached: Gamer love note.png (453x612, 440K)

Why are you getting this tilted over a simple observation you faggot?

I was talking about the ck meetups that were all middle aged men who brought odd shit to a potluck

It's damn straight

Deal-With-It Dave main here, your main is shit

the cookies he came inside

Use images

Attached: 1553350561746.gif (607x609, 754K)

>even if we get attacked by mini ninjas or dark souls
now that's just lazy

>I promise I will always let you Dualshock me

Attached: shirou think.png (694x632, 167K)

Attached: buying Ubisoft games.jpg (1280x1519, 277K)

I wonder how much longer the line was on that day, or if men just pissed on the bag

>make anime great again
>image of guilty crown character

how many of those franchises do you think she even knew about before making that, let alone plays

Attached: 1382041105793.jpg (457x381, 50K)

>implying the average Yea Forums console-warrior wouldn't appreciate that "low-effort irony" look on a t-shirt

Baby Sephiroth is gonna be 14 this year.

>I will always let you dualshock 3 for the playstation 3 console by Sony me

Insert a zero-width unicode character? Babby's first spam-filter circumvention

What games let me oppress women and minorities?

Attached: gregor entered the game.png (721x355, 119K)

Nice gatekeeping, incel.
Have sex.

The attention to detail with all the anime shit in this always amazed me

Attached: On Disc DLC.png (851x2820, 2.81M)

dwarf fortress

you know I'm right

How could he prove something he pulled directly from his shitter?

Attached: 6bs0aM6M3CeMrnUYGzzu1gZnftE-1f3RD4iK4BZhM8g.jpg (475x356, 47K)

you amateur.

Attached: CwqhSD6XEAAjQD-.jpg (720x901, 140K)


Attached: 1423107779275.jpg (1800x4478, 3.13M)

Proof that 2016 changed nothing around here

Attached: 1498915750016.jpg (683x795, 140K)

For real though fuck boomers
I don't give a fuck about their experiences, attitudes, or legacy

Nice gatekeeping, normalfag

I would've pissed on the bag honestly.

Attached: 1344499236208.gif (300x225, 2.98M)

Because its from a generator


For intellectual stimulation, thought provoking thematic stories and to challenge myself to become the best at something.

Attached: 1498915349495.png (1080x1920, 1.7M)

actually saw a 14 year old wearing a grey pullover with the npc face on it at my work the other day.
always remember you share this board with literal children.

Attached: 35h4b.jpg (466x466, 15K)

just make an atlus wojack

You mean like already happened 10 or so years ago?

Attached: 400.jpg (488x400, 136K)

Miles better than a reddit meet up.

Attached: reddit meet.jpg (3264x2448, 782K)

That was the /k/ meetup.


at least his posture is good

i never thought the BBC meme was real but it has to be if one of them got it in there

holy... crap

That's a big dog, he needs more walks.

Nice posture.

>those noodle arms

Attached: 1554679661732.jpg (960x725, 266K)

Can you imagine meeting these people and having to be nice to them as if they’re not excrement?

>SOC nipple is sticking out

Call them swarthy monkeys like I always have

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Attached: Tallcity.jpg (1501x857, 567K)

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>he doesn't know how viewing things online works
It actually is on my computer you uneducated, ignorant bigot.

Attached: xcom2 snake.png (800x2000, 474K)

>even the dog is fat

Attached: 1548969189508.jpg (1448x1638, 1.88M)

Yeah but don't forget those wojaks end up on every single social media in a matter of days.

Attached: truth.png (1235x1559, 374K)


>Our relationship is an Marvel Ultimate Alliance
>I will always let you dualshock controller me
>but with you I am in Burnout Paradise

Based Yea Forums

you should see his quads

Attached: cursed (22).jpg (1280x960, 280K)

i knew it

these retards would be so much happier if they found a new hobby. I mean me too probably but at least I'm self-aware

You sound like a candyass

Attached: Hotline Kiwi.webm (640x480, 2.46M)

I miss the bionicle threads

Now post 'that' one

Attached: 1454350542792.png (222x227, 7K)


Yea Forums today is more popular than before, so there are more women here now.

Attached: 1447484881686.png (1250x1158, 707K)

t. zoomer

>doesn't run her over afterward
missed opportunity

This shit cracked me up user

>volunteer changes his mind about having first 'head transplant'
now that's the real article

lol that's fucked up

i doubt giving all the incel thing

I'm convinced that Florida-Man is a shapeshifter that is literally cursed with always getting into trouble.

Absolutely or relatively?


top kek

Attached: thanos.webm (640x360, 2.19M)

That gif is older than u

Attached: scp (12).png (916x1250, 434K)

Attached: 1552877832595.jpg (680x438, 66K)

Thanos in fortnite is the dumbest fucking shit but it makes me laugh every single time. It's like the culmination of mankind leads to this.

Attached: memeshirtkids.jpg (815x611, 401K)

To what Peanut Butter?

Attached: thanos rocket.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

>tfw remember most of these
fuck, i need to lay down and put monster ultra on my shopping list

It's pretty great.

Attached: 1536466188635.jpg (815x611, 126K)

so this is what Yea Forums looks like in 3D

Attached: D22k_cnUcAAVi-d.png large.png (599x600, 303K)

there's like two franchises on there that aren't burning shit
Great read if you're a medfag

He didn't say most, retard, he said all. You're just proving his point.

Attached: 1530820962135.jpg (640x595, 63K)

>thinking that's anything even remotely like today's political threads
Mental illness must be bliss.

Attached: 1533679783690.jpg (1276x1654, 1.33M)

>random person posts a picture of something ACTUALLY video game related from their phone
>group of children get EXIF data and post it in the thread
>thread turns into a raid on some random dude

This is a good thing though. Less phoneposting means the quality will go up even if its by a little.


Attached: 1542150715348.gif (500x281, 420K)

God I miss when people were genuine and not wrapped in a thousands layers of irony

>cwc sucks

except the quality of the posts

I didn't know they were a comic book character until this post.

Attached: 1533329775507.jpg (564x854, 280K)

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>God I miss when people were genuine and not wrapped in a thousands layers of irony

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/fit/ doesn't look like he's even been in a fucking gym before.

Ho God, this is good shit.

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They still have it better since they just need to learn an easy as fuck language like english to play all the games they want.

Is this a weird lens effect or does /ic/ have a size 18 shoe?

oh kek

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How is it humor, if it isn't funny?

What'sironic - ironically enough - is it's the redditors who are most wrapped up in irony, along with twitter.

I laughed harder than I should stupid meme

fuck, now I lost, asshole

Honestly not that bad for how retarded reddit is.

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imagine if he went further into the future

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Fuck you, I'm not reading that shit again.

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spooks, dindus, coons or jiggaboos

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There is a 2018 edit.

The game turned out to be shit anyway
>release date: 2016

That middle guy's fucking neck, woah

Sorry lads this one won't be funny

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>rage faces

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I bet these /fa/ggots are all wearing 90's kid street wear and Off white Nikes now

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Yea Forums looks different faggot
see >>>/

>test is in quotation marks
what did they mean by this?

well that didn't age well

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It's a shop.


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Not afraid to say it, but I will take PC and japanese WiiU fucking on my bed while I masturbate in the closet

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reminder that the Yea Forums reddit has wojak on the front page

It changes nothing to what I said, you fucking brainlet moron

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post it

Please wake up

Thanos? More like Kainos.

i mean those arent korean characters but ok

Lol didnt Israel seize the Golan heights from Syria in 2017?

i been here all day, fuck

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>Yea Forums

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>you may dress me in any slutty clothes you want!
literally the best part of dark souls 2

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I love how the only one who pulls the look off is the shopped-in psychopath

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there's only one good fatlus comic and its this one.

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>you're not allowed to hate on furries on Yea Forums anymore without the furry defense force coming out

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Based long con.

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name one game that does this

XCHADS is hilarious to me for some reason

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fuck that's good

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i didn't save it but i see it in nostalgia threads sometimes

Wrong version

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>he didn't use tumblr when it was probably the biggest repository of 2D porn on the internet with new drawings made every single day

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Well Baraka is right, until very recent times that's how all human societies saw things.


Who said white people invented slavery?

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Been here for way longer than I can remember and I feel like an absolute retard for asking this, but what the fuck does the "t. something" mean ?
Like I know it's a signature, but I dunno what word is supposed to be abbreviated to "t"
Also English isn't my native lang so I dunno if this is even done outside of this place

t. retard

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>ywn get to make your baked fishcheeks on ritz crackers for a /ck/ meetup

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European here, can confirm. Americlaps will never have it this good

Even if tumblr was host to porn its incredibly shit UI also made it a massive chore to find porn on it so it was better to just get reposts off of boorus.

too bad it's fucked now

Fucking based


its ui wasn't the greatest but xkit made it perfectly useable, if you use the native extension on Yea Forums or you use Yea Forums x it's really no different

Every JRPG and MMO in existence.

Its Finnish, it means terveisin

t is terveisin meaning "regards" in finnish. I don't know how it caught on but seeing people keep using it without knowing what it means makes me laugh.

iirc it's a Finnish version of ''by'', like something you would write at the end of a letter or a poem
>by. user
>t. user

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example with pictures?

dude looks more approachable than a woman looking down on her smartphone with a resting bitch face on




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>time to buy a used wii u

I would talk more about dirty knickers

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>terveisin means by
Holy shit just let real finns answer the question. There's more than enough of us in every thread for it.

Grindan adventure, obviously.
Fuck playing movies.

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Every time

I wouldn't be surprised if it's kids like this posting those fucking images every time.
They never have anything to contribute to the thread, just some unfunny edit of a 10 year old ms paint face.

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comes from the spurdo meems, doesn't it?

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fug it all makes sense now, I wasted way too much time thinking of which word it could have been.
Also good to see that I'm probably not the only retard that has used it in the past without knowing what the fuck it even meant .

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No, it probably caught on because enough mongolians shitposted on /int/

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It comes from Finland, where they would sign their messages with t.

The first time I saw it used was with the Alberto Barbosa meme

I haven't laughed this hard in a while.

Also more spurdo shitposting

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It was revealed his neck was even fucking longer.

holy fuck

On the off chance this is real I hope that stepdad is burning in hell

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shut up zoomer

I'm progressive as fuck but this bugs the shit out of me. Every new Star Wars film since the Disney buyout had a female MC, excluding Solo for obvious reasons. Even Battlefront 2 had a female protagonist. I don't see the reason why white women have to be the protagonist for every piece of Star Wars media now.

I still remember all the salt.

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>the goal of the game is to have everyone playing
>whenever you remember the game you have to announce out loud "i lose"
But im not playing. I wont do either of these things.


This is severely lacking in humour, though.