Welcome, Sir or Madam.
Welcome, Sir or Madam
*unzips raider leather armor*
Excuse me but tha's genderist.
So uh, what can I get for these 37 gold bars?
>Selling the fruits of your labor
Why are gold bars and pre-war dollars even valuable in Fallout I don't know
Gold has been valuable longer than it has had any practical use
Considering the BoS ass ravaged the NCRs gold deposits I'm sure they're looking for some help.
Techies can use gold for conductors.
Money only has value at Sierra Madre if I remember.
How was the Legion ever able to almost beat the NCR if all their common soldiers use only melee weapons?
>once saw an edit of the picture with purple punk hair and the caption "welcome xir or madirm"
>didn't save it, never saw it again
Because they don't "only use melee weapons" and saying so is a meme repeated by retards
Morale is down since the regular NCR citizen doesn’t give much of a fuck about the Mojave
You're right, but they're still what most of their common soldiers use.
so how tf did it get in there again
>cant lockpick your way into that booth
>nothing of value inside the Gun Runners factory
What shit design
They use repeater rifles,its just Caesar is a retard that purposefully handicaps his troops while he and his bodyguards use advanced tech
They built the damn thing just for him to be inside.
Hes a robot, he doesn’t have to get out of it
Playing the game quickly reveals the majority of Legion NPCs use guns of some kind, even the basic Recruits that have the highest chance to spawn with just a Machete or Throwing Spears
No, pre-war money has value outside Sierra Madre as well. You can exchange all your chips and sell all kinds of crap to hologram vendors, and finish Dead Money filthy rich even without grabbing any gold bars.
"How did you get in there?"
why is there no door to lockpick lmao
Don't Protectrons need to recharge?
There needs to be some kind of access inside, you fucking dipshits. Otherwise how does it restock?
>sell 10 guns
>entire booth is now useless and inaccessible
The Vendortron can clearly pick things up from inside the booth and pass them out to you so they only need a slot big enough to push guns and ammo in so it can put them on the shelf all pretty like
If you can fit a minigun, then you can fit a person inside
I'm at level 43 by now, why is Nipton still burning?
And by the time you're finished cramming through the slot they'll be dead because the Gun Runners aren't blind, deaf or dumb enough to leave what is basically a crate of weapons completely unguarded
>biggest gun manufacturer in the mojave
>next-door neighbours are drug-addled psychopath bandits
>entrust the safety of your entire stock to a fucking wooden shed
>restocking your wooden shed consists of standing out in the open beside it and slowly feeding weapons into it
It's funny how the gun runners think they're invincible because "nobody wants them to stop producing guns" when they'd be bureaucratically or literally enslaved in fucking seconds if they weren't just a gameplay-convenient endgame vendor
The Vendortron is secretly the most powerful character in all of NV.
>open console
>player.additem f 10000000
Yes I'll have one of everything please
The Gun Runners think they're invincible because they're better armed than the NCR Army. Because they make all the weapons in California. Because they're older than the NCR itself and are basically a paramilitary tribe with a product only they can manufacture.
>keeping the fruits of your labor in a toilet
Can I get a Bozar and side of fire bombs, thanks
Why are you going out of your way to think of excuses FOR the devs?
Where is said slot that you could fit into but would die by the time you're inside? There isn't. I wouldn't mind a mechanic where trying to get inside would be high risk but also high reward. Except there's none of that. You're literally making shit up in order to defend people you've never met, how pathetic is that my dude
>not keeping the fruits of your labor in a toilet
It's like you don't want to drink irradiated toilet water
Why not?
>have a shack full of valuable items
>have armed guards in a compound literally right next to it
>"bUt HoW wOuLd tHe GuArDs sEe yOu?????"
You're literally defending the absence of a mechanic to rob a store because Huurdurr 2 dangerours!!!!! in a game where you single-handedly steamroll a fucking army.
Dont be such an Obsidian cocksucker.
But what do they eat?
>7000 caps for an Ant-Mat. Rifle
Because they wanted ONE vendor in the game you couldn't kill or otherwise prevent yourself from selling to you mong. That's literally all there is to it.
You're the sperg who has a problem with that wondering why there's no door or hatch or some way in. Don't sperg out even more when people give you reasons it would be implausible in the game when that's clearly what you're asking for.
Dont they grow crops and trade with caravans?
That's fallout 3 hardcore style
>there's a farm right there in the mural
>they're better armed than the NCR Army.
It's a pity you need actual people to use the weapons, isn't it
and all those people that are implied to exist are nowhere near the woefully undefended headquarters
>Because they're older than the NCR itself and are basically a paramilitary tribe with a product only they can manufacture.
*slave collars u*
And if they refuse to make weapons for you, lock them up forever so they can't make weapons for other people, and hope they change their minds. Or summarily execute them.
>>have armed guards in a compound literally right next to it
Most NV players have killed all these guards at some point, user. They really aren't anything an existing faction couldn't beat, lorewise, not even with the courier's plot armor and mastery of chim.
They're literally just a gameplay convenience. That's it.
There is literally a farm in the middle of the picture retard
Onions. They're all vegetarians
Why not just admit that from the start? "Yeah, the devs wont allow you because fuck you, that's why"
Instead of coming up with all those bullshit excuses like how the gun runners are so dangerous, youd be dead long by the time you fit into that hatch and they're guarding their wooden shack so carefully!!!!!! You're the only sperg here, my man
What do they eat to get that fucking huge?
>hurr why no do X
>because devs no let you
Wow, what a fucking keen intellect on you, can't figure that out for yourself
Some mutated strain of FEV makes them bigger as they get older
Onions (actual onions)
Read up on what the native americans pulled off during the civil war.
A shitty marksman with a slapped-together gun doesn't hold up against a madman rushing you with an axe ready to cut your head off.
based and swolepilled
I only managed to find a thumbnail. The full image must be too old for the archive or something, I just get error 522.
How long are images stored, anyway?
I'm fairly certain the last time I saw it, moe was the Yea Forums archive and not fireden
>finally convinced my bf to play new vegas with me
>he's using a gamepad
How have they not become a bunch of inbred retards by now? That airport isn't really that big and there was literally only one person that had any romantic interest in an outsider.
Incest only has effects after multiple generations of inbreeding. So long as SOMEONE fucks outside the family every other generation, they'll be fine.
It's barely been a generation. They left Vault 34 before it went to shit, like Chris Haversham in Novac, about 30-50 years before the game started
The game doesn't reflect the lore completely. The world is too small.
Small like your penis.
They don't trade with anyone. They're too busy blowing people up.
rubber tyres are a good fuel
>A shitty marksman with a slapped-together gun doesn't hold up against a madman rushing you with an axe ready to cut your head off.
The native americans being almost wiped off the map and relegated to live in reservations would say otherwise.
That's a completely different situation, involving massive numbers of colonists rounding people up and pushing people around. Natives generally died because of disease and poverty, not direct combat. Read accounts of native vs. colonist battles during the civil war. They'd literally just wait for the first round of shots, which would all miss, and then run the soldiers the fuck down with hatchets.
I never knew it was vault 34 they were from.
Maybe NCR should send some blankets with smallpox to Arizona
It was a different time.
You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.
I dunno how, user, they're not very subtle about it. They're wearing Vault overalls with bomber jackets, some of them have 34 on the back. Pearl has the key to the 34 Armory you need to get All American or the Pulse Gun. They mention coming from a vault and they're all gun obsessed nutcases. The terminals in 34 state a bunch of people left before the incident.
Take this pile of legion armor.
Which one of you is bottom?
Because the legion is absolutely mental and rush to the enemy without giving a fuck
Why are GRA weapon prices so absurdly inflated?
You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.
>he didn't sell the gold bars from dead money to get literally anything from the gun runners
[Survival 25/50] People!
Because it's a bunch of overpowered junk added to almost every vendor in the game in a DLC released long after everyone had finished the game and broken the shitty economy beyond repair
Because they're available at level 1 and so it needs something to prevent low level players from getting them early.
How the fuck am I suppose to rob him anybody know?
>open console
>toggle noclip
>find out there's nothing in there and you can't even kill it with the kill command
something, something, deathclaw pussy.