Make an RPG

>make an RPG
>terrible combat
>terrible voice acting
>forgettable story
>forgettable characters
>copy pasted dungeons
>little actual role playing
>tons of bugs
>insulting game design
>release it to massive critical acclaim, multiple "top 10 of all time lists," and re-release it another dozen times without fixing the gane
How did Bethesda do it? How did they make such a mediocre game with little merit beyond exploration, and convince everyone it was a masterpiece?

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>beyond exploration
you seem to be discounting a rather large selling point offhand

It really makes you FEEL like a nord

>and yet still the best RPG released in the entire past decade, including everything Bethesda themselves have released since

Oblivion is the best elder scrolls game. Born in 1990 btw

One strong point cannot save a game that is thoroughly mediocre or even downright bad in almost every other major aspect.

Contrary to popular belief you rarely ever see Skyrim on top 10 best game ever lists. See Pic Related

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I never played this or any other Elder Scrolls games. Is it worth it for a newbie?

same reason you keep coming back to Yea Forums

it's total shit, but everything else somehow manages to be EVEN WORSE

because the game is actually fantastic as evidenced by the billions of sales, multiple game of the year awards, other devs like cd project and nintendo citing it as a direct influence on their games and it still being played to this day.

your shit irrelevant opinion is just that. shitty and irrelevant. now go suck todd's cock and buy his next game like the good cuck you are.

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If you arent too into Rpgs mechanics can be worthwhile.

The best games are those where you can tell your own story, and skyrim lets you do that

Minecraft doesnt have most your listed stuff and was doing good aswell

Because only zoomers and normies bought and played this game, they didn't even know about TES before the first trailer

I'm not big on them, no. Didn't mind the changes they made to the RPG system from Mass Effect 1 to 2.

tell that to the sales numbers
people were thirsty for more elder scrolls after oblivion helped kick the seventh gen into gear
the further casualization made it more appealing for a mainstream audience, plus the sheer amount of lore they managed to stuff into the world (not story, per se, but the bits and pieces of worldbuilding you'd get by exploring the environment and the dungeons) at least somewhat satisfied the hardcore elder scrolls fans
plus, it has one of the best DLC models of any game of the past decade (i.e. not day one cosmetic or gamebreaking bs but actual, full storylines with new mechanics)

>make an RPG
>becomes the game of the decade

pretty based tbqh

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>implying people still play modless vanilla skyrim

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It's open ended as fuck, and that coupled with modding makes basically all Bethesda games prior to Skyrim as well as Skyrim itself extremely good.
The farther back you go the farther you get away from generic RPG fantasy setting.

dragons and vikangs

I completely igored any elder scrolls game until skyrim was released and a friend said its good so i got it and i loved it. If youre into rpgs give it a try

>extremely good
Pick one.

>The farther back you go the farther you get away from generic RPG fantasy setting.


>people don't play Skyrim on consoles
Yes they do.

but WHY would they subject themselves to that?

modding platform

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...And there's still mods available on consoles, so there goes your point

Even consoles get mods now

Oblivion is a middle ground between rpg and “rpg”. Its a good starting point as any, after that you can decide if you wanna go with either morrowind or Skyrim

Just beware the level curve and potato faces. Tho there are mods to fix that. Check /tesg/ on /vg/ for modding guides

Litterly make it first person.

Be able to pick everything up and move things around.

This is why its popular

Skyrims only value is as a modding platform for porn and pretty screenshots.

Morrowind and Daggerfall are both better

Unironically agree

Skyrim is a game anyone game pick up, play and immediately have fun with no matter their background.

it's very mod-friendly, which lets people with actual talent to step in and fix it

>How did Bethesda do it?
Shallow open world design is easy to market and impress consumers with.


It's the combat that wears me down on the game over time. I'm having more fun trying to use non destruction spells like illusion. But the clunky spell switching makes it weird. Mods help here but they only do so much.

None of them have fixed the combat. The best thing you can do is massively increase damage so there is less of it.
I think normals just want to feel part of a community and be 'in' on something above all.

Wasn’t there a multiplayer mod for this being made? What is the current state of it?

I have been recently to get a second opinion on the game

Its one of those games i like to play when i don't want to put any effort in. Its not super deep or anything but i don't see why that shouldn't be allowed, sometimes i don't feel like getting a phd in a game before i can "get it".

>advance a bunch of skills and level up a lot because of it
>increase my mana so i can cast more spells
>spells dont scale with level, skill level, mana or anything else so the spells that were strong at level 1 suck at level 10
>there are very few spells available in the game with only very few spell effects per school
>snow leopards and bears kill me in two hits but take 5 full mana bars for me to kill
>there is no way around it
If leveling up in a game puts you at a disadvantage against pretty much any enemy, your game design and balancing is terrible. Especially considering its a roleplaying game and not everyone wants to exclusivly level up combat skills and health. Oblivion had the same issue, staying at level 1 throughout the entire game was more effective than leveling up even one level.

Go to bed gramps
*dabs outta here*

I've had this for Switch for a long time (have never played it on any platform) but I'm reluctant to start it since it seems like such an unrewarding time sink. I put at least 100 hours into Oblivion but I have no idea why since it was all so pointless and forgettable; is this one any different?

The only bit I did was the intro and it at least looks really nice on Switch.

That's what you get for being a virgin wizard.

...I wish they'd port Fallout 4 (also never played) since while Fallout 3 was much the same thing as Oblivion at least the combat was fun.

Porn mods

skyrim would be amazing if the combat wasnt worse than any other open world game including its two predecessors oblivion and morrwoind

PS360 Skyrim doesn't, and I can guarantee people still play that

>Go back to The Witcher 1 to finish an old playthrough
>Can't play for more than 10 minutes without getting a strong urge to reinstall and mod Skyrim
Fuck man, I'm about to waste another week modding this shit game aren't I?

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>How did Bethesda do it?
easy, came out when every 2 IQ nigger decided that empty big maps are better than linear maps but with stuff to do
also all mayor journos shilling it on 2011(that time when most still believed those faggots) and a sequel to oblivion, the one that was actually pretty impressive at the time.
also baby 1st porn game

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It came out a few months after Game of Thrones first started and it has that aesthetic vibe.

>How did Bethesda do it?

Because is fun, desu.

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this was quite a big aspect, the dragon thing in particular. Lots of people who had hardly even heard of TES before were suddenly interested in a 'Game of Thrones game' with dragons

It has the broadest possible appeal for a game of its type and it's nice to just walk around. Being as deep as a puddle whilst being as wide as an ocean isn't a problem when most people are never going to do anything more than dip their toe in.

>Empty map
Please explain to the class how Skyrim is empty.
Oh, you mean there's more to do in Skyrim than almost any other game released in the last decade?
You can return to your dunce seat, moron.

Nobody gave a fuck about Game of Thrones dragons in 2011.

>you mean there's more to do in Skyrim than almost any other game released in the last decade?
i was gonna respond seriously for a moment there, 1 internet for you user!!

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Combat is far better than Morrowind though.

Dark Souls is better than this game

>Combat is far better than Morrowind though.



Morrowind has TTRPG-like combat with dicerolls etc, it's exactly what it's supposed to be.
Skyrim tries and fails to do action-combat in place of RPG combat. Melee just isn't much fun but spells/archery is okay if a little too basic.

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If I was also blinded by pure bias, I'd understand what you mean, too.

This game has the worst combat in any video game I have ever played, period.

Played it yesterday (unmodded).
I managed to kill a giant with nothing more than a iron dagger.

I don't if I'm good, or the combat's shit.

you boomers have the shittest of taste

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>beyond exploration
What's the point when all the dungeon are shit and what you find level scaled?

theres some enjoyment to be had. such as timing power attacks so you hit them first before they hit you.

The vanilla enemy AI is incredibly shit so that's understandable, but you were probably only on adept difficulty if you could do it within a reasonable amount of time

not an rpg
grimdark zelda is action adventure

>than linear maps but with stuff to do
this doesn't exist

>Skyrim is an RPG but dark souls is action adventure

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people are very critical with this game, but it was still objectively one of the top open world games back then
it has tons of flaws sure, but it was also very ambitious project
and with the right mods it's the shit

I just did, mainly because my modded Oblivion doesn't work on my new computer since it has a crashing issue making the game unplayable even though it had no problem with my shitty old toaster but it had windows 7. I wanted to see how bad the game was myself before making it any decent with mods. I miss Oblivion but I have 2080 hours in that game so maybe I should stick with Morrowind and mod Skyrim to fill in the void Oblivion left.

>boring combat
>huge world inhabited by robots
>simplified AF
>scripts X 10000000000 times to do anything
>dungeons LMAO
>mission/quest structure comparable to fucking WOW
>story L M A O
>your decisions don't fucking matter AT ALL
I don't get it bros... how can someone like this game?

>The vanilla enemy AI is incredibly shit
Yeah, that's true. Even Oblivion's AI was better programmed.

>you were probably only on adept difficulty
I was. I like when the player and enemies do equal/fair damage (relative to character and skill level).

Not gonna lie, that's pretty good. Do you have one of her ass?

well if fallout 4 is any indication skyrim 2 will be better there at least

dark souls is not an rpg

it just has very light rpg elements
in skyrim you have way more freedom, story, exploration, character progression, etc
dork souls is just way more focused on the combat mainly

because it was a damn good game, zoomers who weren't there for its release wouldn't understand. it was fucking revolutionary


based and toddpilled

i wouldn't say revolutionary, since morrowind and oblivion already existed

i think the main thing which people hated about it was the casualization
it's just very casualized compared to morrowind or even oblivion i think
that's rather a problem with the industry than the game though

deciding how to spend perk points is more complex than choosing the top 3 attributes that get the best improvement.
in earlier games there is really no character building during the course of the game. everything is set at the beginning with the created character. skyrim inverts that and is why it is better.

yea, in skyrim you can be a jack of all trades, which is fucking boring
it's much more interesting when every decision counts, right from the start

I think the UI and overall tone of the game played a part in the appeal to casuals.
The UI and tone being bland and "professional" (might be a better word for it) looking means it looks "serious" and not childish so there's not as much embarrassment from playing it.

you could always be a jack of all trades in elder scrolls games. and decisions matter more in skyrim where you are limited by 80 perk points and mutually exclusive improvement to attributes on level up. every decision still counts right from the start. you aren't crafting dragon armor or casting master level spells at level 1.
earlier games you were able to hit 100 in every attribute and 100 in every skill.

I still play modded and unmodded Skyrim all the time. When I'm at work I play Skyrim on my Switch without any mods and at home I have a metric shit load of mods. The game itself amazing and I never modify the combat in any way because it is perfect.

No other game in existence is as densely packed with content as Skyrim. You cannot walk more than 20 feet in any direction without stumbling upon an enemy, some loot, flowers or caves and dungeons. Skyrim is the golden standard of loot based leveling games and I honestly wish that there was even one game released in the last 7 years that was even close to as good.

>beyond exploration
What I want to know is how Bethesda convinced everybody that their games have good exploration. If we're talking about Skyrim, most dungeons have a few possible templates, draugr, bandit or falmer, that are then copy+pasted dozens of times, enemies and loot are scaled, you rarely find quests/interesting characters off the beaten path, most of the enviromental storytelling boils down to insignificant notes or skeletons placed in wacky positions and of course the fact that every interior is seperated by a loading screens making the world feel disconnected (also means that sometimes the interiors are physically impossible when observing the structure from outside)

So how? How did they convince that the game has good exploration?

You couldn't level up by being a jack of all trades though. If you didnt use your major or minor skills you did not advance any levels. Thats what being specialized and having a class is about. In Skyrim you will be level 20 in no time because every thing you do levels you up wether you want it or not

Because no game before or since has ever had better exploration. There are massive flaws with the exploration like the view distance and loading screens but there is no other game in existence that even competes with Skyrim on a superficial level, let alone in actuality.

Please be bait

>since Daggerfall already existed

Are you seriously arguing for Skyrim, a post-2010 release, not being a zoomer game?

Give me a single example.

Instead of sperging, try proving him wrong.

>still no mods to make the combat system similar to dragon's dogma

because the story and characters clearly weren't forgettable, since people talk about them all the time, and because although the pool was embarrassingly shallow, it was wide enough to compensate, allowing people to roleplay in a way that basically no other game was or currently is offering.

also mod support.

>I never modify the combat in any way because it is perfect.
How can anyone reach this conclusion?
Its barely acceptable for magic, but melee is beyond saving

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Witcher III is better. So is Witcher and Witcher II but they're different types of games.

I still thought Skyrim was good though.

you mean repetitive combat fighting damage sponge enemies? totally doable but boring

witcher 3 may be better in vanilla, but the fact that skyrim is so insanely well moddable makes it miles better

any place where people upload skyrim webms?

Last time I played skyrim was like 2014 and there were some combat mods that made you and most enemies, basically such that you both would die in a few hits. Was fun but I didn't play it for the combat if you know what i mean wink

Combat doesn't need to have you flipping around performing preanimated combat cut scenes every three seconds to be good. In Skyrim you have few options for engagement if you just use melee but if you use other skills like alchemy or illusion you have many times more possibilities. You can make enemies fight each other than pick off the lone survivor with a poisoned blade. You can paralyze an entire bandit camp and slowly kill them one by one as they lie helpless. You can set up destruction runes and lure the enemies to your traps. There are so many ways to approach combat that aren't just hit man with stick hard. Also the melee combat is just deep enough that it isn't click to win. You can block, dodge and power attack to stagger which gives you just enough maneuverability in fights to do other more interesting things.

Skyblivion when?

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Witcher 3 is better as a story but far worse as a game. The game play is more limited with less rewarding loot. The character customization is also a big fat zero and there is no first person mode so immersion is also low. I would rate the games as thus, Witcher 3 7/10 story 4/10 game play. Skyrim 3/10 story 10/10 game play.

dungeons are the best they have ever been in skyrim. don't post that fucking dumb cherry picked image in response.
you do find quests and interesting things in the world.
they didn't "convince" anyone. even here on release people were documenting all the cool things found by exploration.

>muh content
The eternal defence of garbage game, dai or kingdom of alamur had tons of content too.

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based boomer

>Skyrim 3/10 story 10/10 game play.

But it has though, hence the thread topic so you're wrong

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modders are insane
they are the biggest cucks on the planet
so much work for nothing, only more money for todd

I was responding to a post calling in to question the existence of content in the first place, so of course I was going to talk about the amount of content. Your argument against my claims makes very little sense in that context and I bet you feel very foolish right now.

as the way it should be. leveling represents getting better at all things. not arbitrarily defined things. and it also prevents the broken system in the previous games of having major skills that make you level too fast and not give enough attribute points to spend. which led to having to create a class that literally had major skills you didn't use so you could actually control leveling.

and still that doesn't mean that decisions don't count from the start in skyrim besides not having major or minor skills. you still have to decide which perk trees to focus on to the detriment of other trees. you still have to decide whether to invest in mana, health or endurance or some combination of the three.

Thank you for agreeing with me friend.

Yeah, Skyrim like all open world game is filled with tons of garbage content

>you couldn't level up
That doesn't prevent you from becoming a jack of all trades. It just meant that leveling was stunted when you pursued some of those other trades. Specced as a warrior in Morrowind, you could be casting 100-skill destruction magic at level 1.

They want to pad their resume, mostly.

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But Witcher has a way more engaging world even of the main story is just ok. It's got way better dialogue and story choices. Plus the DLCs are fantastic.

I do like the mods, but Skyrim melee was nothing great and I don't care for the Skinner box craft leveling.

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the games atmosphere is what gets me. never felt at home in Morrowind at all (due to being an n'wah maybe), the oblivion gates made oblivion uncomfy, but being in skyrim was super relaxing. you dont even have to unlock dragon encounters, so the game stays relaxing for as long as you like.

bethesdas heavy reliance on mods is disgusting though. im glad they made fo76 without mod support. that amount of hubris bit them right in the dick and they deserved it.

what am I in for?
thinking about a fist fighting khajit but idk if that's any good, sounds like fun at least

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Fist fighting in vanilla is locked entirely behind being 30 in heavy armor
at that level you get a perk that adds your gauntlet armor towards your fist damage, allowing blacksmiths to make retardedly high damage spammy gauntlets
khajiit only get a slight bonus to fist damage so it won't matter past level 3, if you've decided to choose your race for it

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>more engaging world
it also has barebones gameplay compared to elder scrolls

skyrim just has way more fun sandbox gameplay, build variety, replay value, etc

Have you ever considered that maybe you do not like open world games? It may seem like a radical departure from the mainstream but I assure you that other people are capable of having different tastes. This is a thread calling in to question the strengths of the game and I am here to iterate my opinions on why this is the best game ever made. You on the other hand seem to be filled with vitriol and less than valid points with a healthy portion of shit flinging. I wonder why you feel that the content within the game feels lackluster or subpar?

>None of them have fixed the combat.
the combat will always be ass, but there are mods that introduce dodges, rolls, and ones that alter enemy ai so they block and interrupt more intelligently. helps a little bit.

this. despite people saying "DUDE IT IS SO ALIEN" for morrowind it is just ash and brown. and oblivion is comfy but the oblivion gates blot the landscape.

skyrim is the one were you can actually go out adventuring for a bit, come back to your comfy breezehome with a giant roaring fire and your wife greeting you. from that perspective skyrim is the best.

How many other games let you become the leader of a mages' guild, thieves' guild, assassins' guild, and mercenary guild on your own time -- while also becoming the world's savior/dragon slayer -- while also becoming a grandmaster at alchemy, multiple magic schools, smithing, and enchanting. Let's not forget that you can either be a werewolf while this is happening or join yourself to a vampire coven as a lord vampire.
Then you have multiple different pagan gods to become champion of, each awarding their tokens of favor, and most of those quests allowing multiple paths to complete them.
Not to mention hundreds of recognizable NPCs with dozens of sidequests that help breathe a little life into the world.
The only games you can even compare Skyrim to, in "things to do", are other Bethesda games.

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>make an RPG
>little actual role playing
the part that gets me the most. to some this game defines that genre

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Skyrim has plenty of role-playing, though. Just not within the context of the main story.

Skyblivion should have become part of Beyond Skyrim instead.

>lists a bunch of irrelevant, autistic "points" and metrics
it's about the whole feeling and style, the overall package. you need a minimum in introspection to be able to realize and verbalize these things.

After you escape Helgen, you technically don't need to revisit the main story outside of a few dialogue points (getting into Whiterun, you need to mention the dragon, for example)
If you want to roleplay a thief that ended up caught in the Imperial's web, then escapes to run to Riften and fix up the thieve's guild, and that's where your game ends, that's entire your prerogative.
They won't stand around telling you "No, you need to speak to the greybeards before you can join our guild."

What is there even to like about Skyrim's exploration? You're just going around a generic vikingland filled with linear draugr dungeons and bandit caves with shitty loot at the end.

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Oblivion is a game where leveling up is actively a bad idea.

role playing is more than just having an autistic copy of dnd's systems.

>Shitty RANDOM loot

because it is fun to explore in skyrim and find things.

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looks like a train

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woah another copypasted linear dungeon filled with draugs/necromancer and filled with random useless shit! what an amazing exploration game

Its a jack of all trades master of none game which normies love for some reason

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I came to this thread expecting really retarded posts, but I didn't expect these. How the fuck is it not an RPG?

is lost odyssey any good?

Witcher 3 is a shit. I'm playing it right now, 40hrs in, and am goddamn sick and tired of solving petty human bullshit with my Witcher senses like a medieval Batman.

The actual monster fights are so trivial they feel tacked on, and none of the quests I have extra questions about-
>fanatical jack-the-ripper-vampire on a crusade to save the souls of his food?
-ever get answered. Geralt just shrugs like, vamps be cray yo, and goes back to his ever-quest to smash more mercurial wizard pussy than any man-mutant has ever smashed before

>story is only good if you give a personal fuck about Geralt, because it is and always remains HIS story, never yours

>the fighting is dog ass. It seems deep your first hours in, and then you realize that the few enemies you can't Yrden+Puffball to death can be ravaged simply by stacking your skill tree all red and winning fights in under a dozen hits
Gwent and Dijkstra are Witcher 3's only saving graces

In Dark Souls I can roleplay as a wizard, knight, thief and more who goes through the story with a single personal decision, In Skyrim I can roleplay as a wizard, knight, thief and more who goes through the story with a single personal decision.

That's called serviceable, not perfect.

the combat is even worse than the elder scrolls games how is that possible

>How did Bethesda do it?
make a ton of low effort content to keep people occupied and make the combat shallow but wide.
basically make a babysitting game and casuals will eat it up.

I had the exact opposite happen to me. Playing as a mage the beginning was too hard (fuck cave bears) while later on I could kill any boss with a few bursts of the strongest fire spell.

so why do you shitter always act out like oblivion and morrowind are hardcore fuck no they arnt there so many exploits its unbelievable

I just finished new game plus god of war and went back to witcher 3, getting really frustrated at the lack of precision with simple controls. I didnt realize how much the combat and investigation gamplay needs to be really tightened up.

because all of witchers combat is bad while spell casting, archery and stealth blade are all perfectly fine. only melee combat is bad.

this. morrowind is tedious crap in the beginning but by the time you reach level 10 everything is fucking trivial.

All Bethesda games are equally broken and easy. Morrowind is better for other reasons.

>terrible combat
>terrible voice acting
>forgettable story
>forgettable characters
>little actual role playing
>tons of bugs

Every single one of these criticisms applies to each and every TES game. Yes, including Morrowind.

Skyrim is amazing with mods. If you played Skyrim on console I feel bad for you.

>wannabe gachi faggot
>having any authority on taste
take your shitty tik tok memes and get

I like good open world not garbage for easily satisfied trash like you

It's okay, those trees are over 18yo.

It runs really well on the switch, gotta give Bethesda that.

Really? What did you do differently than everyone else besides the order in which you completed quests?

>You're just going around a generic vikingland

Some people like that. Skyrim gets a bit samey after a while, but when I first played it I liked the mix of tundra, forest, snowcapped mountain and lush green environments. I liked the distinct nature of the holds, from very Scandinavian inspired ones to ones that were obviously more Imperial. I liked the lore because TES lore is genuinely original and fleshes out what would otherwise be a somewhat derivative fantasy world. I had a mixed reaction to the questlines, but that's the same with all of the TES games I've played. I liked how immersive it was, you can just pick it up after a day at work and fuck around for 2-3 hours without really having to invest much labor into "getting it". It's an RPG designed for a 9-5'er wagecuck, while still providing some beyond surface level depth when you have a day off to play around with it in more detail.

>Skyrim is amazing with mods
I don't get why so many people say that. The issues with Skyrim are so fundemental, you'd be hard-pressed to find a mod that fixes it all. Like the awful progression system and horrible combat. Requiem is the only big mod that properly addresses the level scaling bullshit.

Thank you your valid points against the parts of the game that you dislike. It would be a terrible shame if you exposed your own ignorance by just spouting nothing and made yourself look like an idiot, but it's a good thing that didn't happen. Enjoy your limited brain capacity friend.

turn difficulty down you dum nigga

What mods do I need to make the gameplay more engaging?

Like all the combat mods just change the AI values, tweaks some numbers to make it more""" diffucult""""./ But the game is still played the same way because you can't do anything else other than Left click + Right click and press Z

no it's not

my favourite rpg was counter strike 1.6 non steam

I was always a GSG9 operator, using german weaponry
played it at weekends
it was a mod derivative, but still a game

>inb4 gign or sas

play m&b warband then

The exploration is terrible as well. There is nothing interesting about the game's environments, or anything fun to do in any of them.

I dunno, but first thing I did when leaving the tutorial sewers in oblivion was finding an abode to call home, start exploring the surrounding environment to find alchemy flora and hunt animals, read books for lore and more insight on alchemy locations, and so on. Guess same can be done in sky's rim


> Why do people like things I don't?
It's a mystery.
Sounds like a you problem.

People with your attitude are the most bitter of cuckolds.

It's easy as fuck to play which means millions of brainlets played it and loved it.

>re-release it 5 times
>don't even bother fixing the bugs that were documented by the unoficial patch

>playing bethesda games on console
That's why we laugh at consolefags.

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Why aren't skyblivion fags releasing some of their armor and weapon mods for skyrim prematurely like the FO4NV guys do?

This is one reason I hate Bethesda. People fix their shitty games for them, and they don't even acknowledge their existence. Nevermind financial compensation, they won't even include their fixes and just continue to let players install them manually.

Unless you're one of the idiots who bought it on switch or snoystation, wont get any bugfix patches there.

The pure joy of playing a beth game on console and enjoying it, and then playing it later on PC with mods is a revelation

Can you Bethesdadrones finally kill yourselfs?
How can anybody with atleast 2 braincells believe Skyrim has 10/10 gameplay?
The entire gameplay doesnt involve one ounce of skill or fun its literally:
>Left click
>Open Tab to chuck down potions lmao
Thats the entire gameplay.

>In Dark Souls I can roleplay as a wizard, knight, thief
You weren't roleplaying, you were LARPing. Pray tell, what role-playing mechanics are there in Dark Souls that let you play the role of say, a thief?

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>This is one reason I hate Bethesda. People fix their shitty games for them
The vast majority of sales for Bethesda games happen on consoles, where modding is non-existent.

>say the reason for exploration is shite
>say the destination for exploration is shite
>say the way you explore is shite
>the only merit it has is if you just enjoy walking from Point A to Point B
But apparently walking from Point A to Point B is a large selling point to you mongoloids

Plainly put Bethesda is effortlessly recognizable as bad at what they do.
The sad part is that they're pretty much the only ones who do what they do with anything that almost counts as competency.
There are better fantasy RPGs out there, but you often have a set character you play as.
Few of those games are ever in first person.
Mod support is also few and far between.

There should be something better than Skyrim on every level of what makes it what it is.
But that game doesn't exist or else we would be talking about that.

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billions of flies like shit etc etc

I don't think bethesda is bad at what they do, it's just they recognize they don't really need to put in much of an effort. Look at Dragonborn and Far Harbor, both of those have a load of quality in them

If you criticize Skyrim for having a bad story, characters, writing and gameplay but defend Morrowind then I've got some news for you nibba.

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>If you criticize Skyrim for having a bad story, characters, writing and gameplay but defend Morrowind then I've got some news for you nibba.
At least Morrowind lets you kill the characters that annoy you.

Also, Morrowind was going for a different style of narrative, with a more abstract style of NPC conversation. You can't subject it to the same criteria as Skyrim, because it's not attempting to do the same thing.

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it was a large selling point, to many mongoloids
at no point did that user say that it was good, but rather that bethesda used it for marketing purposes, and it worked
>"see that mountain? you can climb it"
that was a huge part of the e3 presentation that year, and I imagine it sold a lot of people on the idea of skyrim

>At least Morrowind lets you kill the characters that annoy you.
And break the game in the process.

>Also, Morrowind was going for a different style of narrative, with a more abstract style of NPC conversation.

Nibba it reads like a fucking wikipedia entry. It's unreal that you're actually defending Morrowind's conversation system. It completely destroys any ability to create NPC characterization because of the sheer quantity of repeated "dialogue".

This is my problem with Morrowind fans. Their criticisms of Skyrim are often accurate, but they just have this massive blind spot wrt Morrowind. Like "Skyrim had no roleplaying opportunities". Since when did Morrowind offer you ANY opportunity to actually roleplay in a mechanically responsive in-game way in the same way WRPGs like BG2 did? The answer is it had none. All TES games fail when it comes to things like multiple resolutions to single questlines.

>The best games are those where you can tell your own story, and skyrim lets you do that
I read this in Todd's voice.

They both have demonic dicks btw

You can say nigger here, kid.
I'd highly recommend you get the fuck out and not come back until you're at least 18, but this is a blue board so it doesn't really matter.

*horsedicks to be precise, potentially demonic.

>Nibba it reads like a fucking wikipedia entry. It's unreal that you're actually defending Morrowind's conversation system.

>I have never played an RPG made before the 2000's
Zoomer detected. Keyword systems like the one in Morrowind were incredibly common back in the day. And yes, it means having meaningful characterization is much less of a focus. That's not inherently a bad thing. Not every RPG needs to focus on deep characters. It's not like the writing in Skyrim is anything to write home about.

>Since when did Morrowind offer you ANY opportunity to actually roleplay in a mechanically responsive in-game
You can literally charm hostile npcs or become so acrobatic that you can jump over buildings. The fuck you talking about?

Not an argument pal. Morrowind has:

>A shit story
>A shit narrative (they're not the same thing)
>Shitty combat
>No RPG mechanics beyond stats
>Virtually no memorable NPCs/characterization

>Keyword systems like the one in Morrowind were incredibly common back in the day.

You mean in text-based adventure games and MUDs, you fucking moron? I've played all the old Black Isle and Interplay RPGs, none of them used keyword-based systems, and they're incongruent with the sort of game Morrowind was trying to be, namely an open-world RPG with an emphasis on immersion.

>Not every RPG needs to focus on deep characters. It's not like the writing in Skyrim is anything to write home about.

No shit, but the characterization was light-years better than it was in Morrowind, and guess what, if the intent behind the game is at least in part to create an open world that feels believable and lived in, that's a good thing.

>You can literally charm hostile npcs or become so acrobatic that you can jump over buildings. The fuck you talking about?

These are gameplay mechanics which you've added a LARPy roleplay to, by RPG mechanics I mean the ability to make meaningful choices that end quests in different ways, that have a knock on effect in the world and how people interact with you etc. Even NWN2's vanilla campaign had more roleplaying than Morrowind for goodness sake.


Morrowind has soul and Skyrim doesn't, it's that simple.

>You mean in text-based adventure games and MUDs, you fucking moron?

>What is Ultima
>What is Wizardry
You're retarded.

>they're incongruent with the sort of game Morrowind was trying to be, namely an open-world RPG with an emphasis on immersion.
Ultima and Wizardry 8 are open-world RPGs that use keyword/text parser systems.

>I mean the ability to make meaningful choices that end quests in different ways
So letting you play through the game in different ways doesn't count?

It was all on tumblr but now it's gone since tumblr banned NSFW content

>I invent things in my head and pretend I'm playing a tabletop game with people, this means it's real roleplaying

No it isn't. Writing has always been the crux of any decent roleplaying experience, you're the kind of person who thinks a DM who just has you running through "epic dungeons" is a good roleplay experience.

Ultima's keyword parser system wasn't a strength. Do you think Divinity, which is arguably the franchise's spiritual successor, would have been better with a Morrowind-style conversation system?

>So letting you play through the game in different ways doesn't count?
No, because it has absolutely no impact on the game world beyond combat style. The rest of the mechanical elements of the game (questlines, main quest, dialogue etc) are simply not built to accommodate roleplaying.

They weren't going for anything artistic.
They were trying a way to fit info dumps outside of just books.
It worked exactly as planned and it sucked.

Geralt is just such a badass that dispatching monsters ain't no thang. Then you're back so smashing hot sorceress puss and playing politics.


>Ultima's keyword parser system wasn't a strength.
Text parsers allow for significant more non-linearity. In a game with a text parser you're not reliant on designers to implement dialogue trees manually. You can just type in a plot-critical term to an NPC and uncover information very early and essentially sequence break the game.

It's better than Oblivion


It's really not that bad. Just not great.

I thought Dark Souls was clunky as shit too.

Seriously, games from 2002-2007 were doing better than games today.

Bushido Blade is still the best sword play game and it's from the late 1990s.

you're so cool for not enoying things user

>Text parsers allow for significant more non-linearity. In a game with a text parser you're not reliant on designers to implement dialogue trees manually.

Unless you literally have autism, it's immersion-breaking because you end up with NPCs returning the same dialogue string to you dozens of times. And yes, no shit written dialogue trees take more labor, so do hand-placed objects and non-procedurally generated terrain, guess which development option there is more immersion breaking too?

Skyrim is the Beats by Dre of wrpgs. Just functional enough but it's existence is to advertise to the world how many hours you put into let epic rpg for geek cred.

>I'm retarded but it must be everyone else that's wrong

>That first time in Bushido Blade when a routine ninja pulls out a gun and one hits you.
>Every opponent can one shot you if you fail a single block

Fromfags confirmed for Zoomers.

>take oblivion and make it shittier
gee, skyblivion sounds great

funny, i just uninstalled Skyrim because its so dogshit boring. Even the sex mods are garbage because the NPCs have about 3 lines of dialogue.

"it" has a name and that is Jeremy Soule

It's Jeremy SOULe

>defending Oblivion major/minor skills system
It literally meant you should choose major skills that you didn't use. Literally most dogshit leveling system I've ever seen. Oblivion XP leveling was a mandatory mod desu

>Skyrim thread
>Only 2 waifus posted
Honestly amazed

This here

Mods clean up this mess

I honestly don't know. I have tried to like Skyrim not once or twice, but several times and I still don't get the appeal

It's shit, but no game can compete with what it does so we're stuck with it.

you can fuck a child with mods.
case closed.

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new vegas

New Vegas = Witcher 3 > Witcher 2 > Skyrim > Witcher > Fallout 3 > Fallout 4

>witcher 1 worse than 2/3
>new vegas on top

contrarian AND pleb at the same time, a terrible combination

dragonborn has soul

He has to share it with a bunch of old dudes and a schizo dragon god

yeah it was fucking awful
worst 1000 hours of my life

>No it isn't. Writing has always been the crux of any decent roleplaying experience
Awesome, you just described exactly ZERO games that exist on the planet. As your prize, you can fuck off, moron.

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