Can we have a Nioh thread?

Can we have a Nioh thread?
Favorite build?
I'm using STR for odachi, but I only like using light armor so I feel I'm gimping myself. Thinking about swapping to dual katanas and whatever benefits light armor

Excited for Nioh 2?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nioh was fucking great. It has so much replayability with DLCs it's insane.
I used odachi at first too but started having trouble in DLC with bosses, so I switched to 1kat, learn to parry and never looked back.

>Can we have a Nioh thread?
No. Yea Forums doesn't like Nioh and someone already tried to have a Nioh thread a couple hours ago going 404 after a couple replies.
Honestly, just don't bother.

Light armor quickly becomes garbage in high level play, especially when you get poise in heavy armor


I actually got the complete edition for 30 bucks like a year ago and I'm finally playing it. I have no idea what the dlc is about but the base game is really well done so far. I'm on the water jelly boss level. I love how the spirits of the dead give you hints on what to do or a piece of lore. It adds to much immersion
404 or archived?

Tall hat a best, blacksmith loli a cute, ninja slut a shit


Favorite build: didnt have one, generally enjoyed using every weapon except for the chain blades and tonfa. But I was also not autism enough to really grind through the higher difficulties, so I got maybe 100(?) hours or so out of the game and I was done, which was enough.

Very excited for the Sequel which allows you to customize your own character. I played through a very vast majority of the game transformed as Gin and I hope I can make an equally good looking waifu.

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Heavy armor is also dead sexy.

DLCs are the best part of the game. Progression is also built around multiple playthroughs with more stronger enemies and better gear. Also there is an Abyss which essentially is 999 floor s boss rush with different debuffs.
I suggest you to not bother with builds until you reach something like NG++.

>the guard break attack were you just fucking roll right over dudes
God I love odachi

That too. The best part of nioh is you can make anything look like anything, fashion game is perfect in nioh

Man I love 1 kat and spear so much but it always makes me feel like some basic bitch so I end up never using them. Odachi is really fun as well.

>No nioh characters in DoA6

>Favorite build?
Double Blade + Lance
Kato + Saoirse for Yokais
Raiken + Saoirse with Evoke Talisman for humans
Living Weapons buff up my ass for all equips
Sloth talisman and elemental talismans

>top grill got raped by monkey man

Maybe if they remove the RPG elements


Some of it is ok, but fuck forge rng bullshit

It's literally the best part of the game you dumb nigger

>I'm just a brainlet who keeps putting points in strength and vitality, and poking things with a spear

I'm on the second land, but I think this game might be too complicated for me

This. Fuck rng forging. Honestly I’d like the game a whole lot more without all the loot explotation.

When do you unlock cosmetic transformations?

It’s just like ds but all stats are tied to certain weapons

I have a hard time choosing between one katana two katana or the BIG katana.
I just want my weeaboo William to have three little katanas and one big katana.

Why the hell haven’t they made a game of the year edition?

There's a complete edition. Isn't that the same?

The rpg and rng elements adds a lot to the game imo. I don't play diablo loot games often so this is very welcome
Complete edition

When you beat the spider castle and open up the tea house

Then you need to grind some Glory, not sure how active online or the clan battle system is now. But when I played, I PvP'ed like a madman for two days and basically got enough for Ginchinyo on Day 3 of owning the game.

Duel kat and single kat have pretty similar movesets, but single kat and big kat pair well stat wise and give you more variety, duel kat decimates in pvp tho

>still doesn't have nude mods
i think nobody likes this game user

One katana if you like cute sprinting animations and cheesing dudes with parries.
Two katana if you like stabbing a lot.
Big katana if you just want to bash everything into the ground with your big stick.

All of the weapons if you're a patrician who enjoys fun and not arbitrary self-imposed limitations.


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Am I the only one who will miss William-sama? I liked playing as a western guy in nip-land and grew affectionate to him and Saoirse, he didn't even get any development in the game so it's not like his plot is over, after all Maria is also still on the run

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I'm sure they only started development AFTER the E3 announcement. The E3 2018 trailer was something Sony forced them to show to have something to show besides the embarrassing flute dude.

Sony had RE2 and LESBIANS

Nioh was a fucking shit game. Boring, repetetive levels, enemies and also shitty diablo loot. What an absolute turd.

I don't have ps+ so I'll have to rely on summoning the ai players. I really miss the days of free online

You're not alone.
William may be a generic gruffy serious male protagonist with almost no dialogue of his own, but he still had charm.

You seem obsessed with feces

Buy the complete edition on PC

>he still had charm

No he didn't. You literally just wanted to self insert as a generic le white guy and live that generic white savior in foreign land fantasy.

Nice image. I am now interested in this game. I've played all soulsgames and sekiro, maybne it's time to check out nioh now.

Considering Sony doesn't do games anymore and they bailed out of E3, is Nioh 2 even going to be there?

literally the best feeling in the entire game

My amd card sets ablaze. Its 5 years old and I dont want to upgrade because I hardly game on pc
I'll miss William too

Game is at least 2 years away. They were talking about Nioh 2 way before E3 trailer, so don't trust other Anons.

Nah, the whole story/protag was pretty much for a checkmark.

that with weaken melee weapons and maybe the other melee weapons debuff makes you too tanky

>character creation
fuck yes i'm excited

I want this onmyoji to exorcise the semen out of my balls.

Also Nioh's cool

I'll miss him a bit. But if there's a point where you have to fight him, even as a friendly spar, I'll smile like an idiot.

This tbqh.

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>these fucking broken wooden floors in the flooded temple level

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I want Yuki Onna to wrap her lips around my dick and freeze it

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You wouldn't cuck Nobunaga.

Who cares he's dead

You will be too, if you touch his wife.

Yeah, what is the cuck gonna do. send me the nigger Samurai from his grave?

>Kill Hino-enma on Way of the Strong
>Her dying dialog changes,
>Kill Hino-enma on Way of the Demon
>Her dying dialog changes again, this time clearly complaining about William ruining her plans
That was pretty cool.

Can I go with something like a faith build in Nioh? I don't know much about it, I played it at a friend's house ages ago and it looked fun. I liked those talismans and shit.

Yes, you end up with this,

>7th try on this boss
>Find out the tortures are there for more than keeping the adds away
Oh yes

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>Excited for Nioh 2?
Only if they add kanabos.

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Nioh was fucking shit. It has no replayability with DLCs it's insane.

>Nioh was fucking great.
If you have clinically confirmed autism and enjoy endless loot grinding, sure

Keep your Diablo faceroll garbage out of my action games

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yes I enjoy playing the game and keep progressing in gear and fight stronger enemies.
Obviously I'm talking about Nioh not Sekiro

I definitely like Billy a lot, but I'm still glad that I get to make a cute waifu in 2.

I'm struggling with umi bozu way too much

how is that even possible?

Buff yourself with fire, anti-water, and light the three candles in the stage

An awful lot of butthurt faggots complaining about the loot system in the game when the entire game is balanced around this system. Get fucked, braindead gaikokujin. I hope Nioh 2 is even more complex and in-depth regarding loot variety and possible builds just to make you retards weep every time you see some numbers.

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Some of his attacks one shot me and the holes in the floor

If you're on PC I can help you.

Nop. Also I'll be playing single player the whole game. I got to his last face and fugged up

How the fuck do I kill things efficiently in Way of the Nioh?

Where do I find builds that are not outdated or nerfed?

I remember having some trouble with him, honestly.

>game is balanced

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I swear if the Tonfa aren't in Nioh 2 I will not be happy. Kannagi is so god damn fun, being able to cancel any string or technique into an iframe-laden dodge which then follows up into that flurry of attacks was the best shit ever.

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The around the loot part is important.

I see.
About his second phase:
- When it stays "flattened" on the ground and exposes its core, only hit it twice because it always follows with an one hit kill.
- When it rises its core into a single, big tentacle start running counter-clockwise without stopping; it won't hit you.

try making your own you dumb redit refugee

It's only important in the fact that it's LITERALLY the most unbalanced aspect of the game. This is why you can't have Nioh threads, because of faggotry like this.

Being able to refashion weapons as well was just the tits.
pic related: Favorite armor

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you should go back

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Your idea of balance is absurd. Unbalanced in this context would imply that you can ignore the system and beat the game, or you need to invest way too much time into the system to beat the game. Neither one of these is true. Progression is steady and you have multiple ways to mitigate bad luck with your drops in order to continue without too much trouble. That's balanced around the loot.

Literally a copy pasted Ninja Gaiden move but with the animation reversed

>but muh Sekiro
Grow up kiddo

On NG and NG+ you don't even need to care about loot; you only need to upgrade your equipment with ones with higher ATK / DEF values, not unlike other action RPGs. So, if you want to play it like a Dark Souls game you can do such.
Way of the Demons onwards is when you need to start planning your build, but to that point you're willing to play the same game a third time so build obsession is to be expected.

read faggot

true nioh is wayyyy too ableist and video gamey... fricking yikes!

mad little fromtranny
worship daddy miyazaki's little chode some more

Kinda, I still prefer the pickups and map from souls. The combat is really good though.

I got it now. I fell in the hole like 12 times, and died to his laser maybe 4

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Shut the fuck up fanboy. Stop peddling absolute garbage game design or rather the lack thereof

>This is why you can't have Nioh threads, because of faggotry like this
No, we can't have Nioh threads because people like you consider gameplay design that doesn't confirm to the From Software / Platinum Games / Capcom Devil May Cry team action game templates to be garbage.

There is nothing wrong with having Diablo-like loot. There is nothing wrong with not having a single continuous world. There is nothing wrong with not having ranked-based stylish combat. There is nothing wrong about not having invasion-style PvP. There is nothing wrong with having straight narrative.

Does Fuku have the biggest tits in the game?

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God, what awful proportions

As expected from some stupid ass retard that can't handle looking at numbers. You have no fucking argument so you resort to shitposting. I clearly and simply explained to you why you're wrong and you can't refute a single part of it. You lost this argument because you evidently play games you don't like and insist the games be changed to suit you. Nioh is fine. It's just not your type of game. Make better decisions about what games you play and you won't feel so fucking angry all of the time.

Good job user
On later difficulties you can't cheese him with the Hyottoko mask as easily because he retaliates with the laser attack when you're in the middle of the animation, unless you time it with moments where he's recovering (like when he changes sides).

based gay cuck

This game needs more lewd stuff. All girls are top tier

>Favorite build?
Exploding Tonfas.
>Excited for Nioh 2?
Of course.

I liked the battle scared medium armor, the black and red one wirram had in the cgi trailer. Also the legendary elemental swords all looked cool as fuck

If there was nothing wrong you would not have to force these threads constantly and still have them devolve into you having to defend your game from the myriad of criticism every single time.

You are a delusional fucking idiot. There's things that work and things that don't, if there weren't every single game would be good. NO ONE but the most autistic loot grinding faggots wanted Niph to be the way it is or Nioh 2 to follow the same route. This is a fact, everyone wanted an action game with RPG elements, a balanced experience with skill based gameplay that's not cheapened by this trash. Faggots like you seem hellbent on making sure Nioh 2 is as much of a mediocre footnote in gaming as the first one, you're fanboyism is cancer.

Beat the water blob and then quit because the gear system was out of control. I was spending more time figuring out what would be better upgraded or scrapped than I was playing the game. Weapons and armors are probably the one thing that Dark Souls has over the game

>everyone wanted an action game with RPG elements, a balanced experience with skill based gameplay that's not cheapened by this trash
That's exactly what Nioh is. Now I'm sure you never played it.

Just don't pick it up, it's worthless anyway

kill yourself you mongoloid

This to be honest. Dark Souls itemization was much better for an ARPG if we're actually ripping it off.

Are you for real? Gear doesn’t even matter until new game besides bigger damage numbers and armor, you only have to bother with sets in the dlc and new game plus

>NO ONE but the most autistic loot grinding faggots wanted Niph to be the way it is or Nioh 2 to follow the same route
You don't speak on behalf of everyone.

>This is a fact, everyone wanted an action game with RPG elements, a balanced experience with skill based gameplay
That's what Nioh is. Once again you don't speak on behalf of everyone.

I don't know why imbeciles like you try to insist Nioh 2 should be different from Nioh. We get it. you don't like Nioh. But you come into these threads to bitch and whine about how you don't like it. Enough is enough, faggot. Nioh isn't supposed to be different. It's supposed to be exactly what it is.

Did an Odachi and twin sword on my first playthrough with the Yatagarasu. Found out about the absolute fun that was spear moveset and went all in with the deer spirit coupled with solo katana. Might be a bland build but I find spear way too fun with how many varied moves it has.

>not just dumping what you won't use
Are you dum

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Diablomloot is what made Nioh stand out. The fact that you could get your favorite weaponnwith diferent perks is good. Plus farming for the perfect roll gives you an additional goal when you've done all the levels 50 times.


I was a good chunk through the game when I lost my save file (long story). I was running axe/sword, pretty much just pure STR/END but I'd like to try something besides just unga bunga smashing my way through the game. How hard is it to make a magic or ninja build work? How viable is light armor over heavy? How do I get over my fear of using items?

The way the game shows the damage/armor values is fucking with my primate brain and makes me want to automatically just equip the heaviest slowest shit available. I love the game but it seems like way too much work to bother making a build that's anything more than 'hulk smash'. I'm assuming that post-game/NG+ you get a lot more freedom to just tinker with weapon effects and experiment with different playstyles/strategies, is that right?

Nioh is just mindnumbingly boring. I hope 2 is different enough to be enjoyable

>You don't speak on behalf of everyone
I was here in the alpha and i was here to see the aftermath so yeah, actually i do. I know what people wanted as it was often expressed just as i know why people quit the game. Loot faggots are secondaries and they are the only ones that have stuck around in the end because that aspect ruined the game.

>That's what Nioh is
It's hopeless to try and argue with fanboys since they are not interested in the truth. Again, this is why Nioh threads are the same garbage over and over. You can try and throw sand in people's eyes all you want, the only thing it achieves is either them leaving or getting louder and you will be stuck on sand duty for the rest of your life.

Nioh wasn't what i is until literally weeks before release. The lack of cohesive vision for the game is blatantly evident to anyone who wasn't born with mental blinders and it is literally supported by it's development process. Nioh 2 has a chance to correct it's mistakes but faggots like you are intent on ruining it.

Light armor is superior on first playthru, after you get to new game heavy armor is required, magic makes you op early game with sloth and weakness charms, and ninja has some really helpful stuff to dip into, and through autism grinding can make op builds

Saying it doesn't matter until later doesn't make it better, it'll still be a lootfest trying to get the most optimized build AND the best aesthetics

>I don't like it
I know. You're not arguing a point. You're trying to insist that the game should have been different. That's retarded. It's not the game you wanted. Get over it. Trying to act like the sequel is going to not have the same loot system in it is a joke. You're a fucking joke. It's a core part of how the game plays, and removing it would be too far of a departure from the original. Shit heads like you wouldn't give it a shot because you didn't like the first one, and fans of the first one wouldn't like the sequel because it changed too much. They won't remove the Diablo-like loot system for Nioh 2. That would be throwing money down the toilet.

>Favorite build?

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shit nigga just use any odachi and steamroll through the game

>loot trash is one of the most common negatives pointed out in the game by the vast majority of people
>faggot pretends he's voice is the one that matters


Why would anyone play this shitty and bland Souls rip-off with Destiny/Diablo garbage loot system when Sekiro exists? Man, Team Ninja drones are truly brain dead.
Dropped Nioh when I killed that ninja girl btw. Boring and repetitive trash.


Also if Nioh 2 turns out like 1 then it will fail and i hope you enjoy more years of threads like this.

>Comfy nioh thread devolving into shitflinging due to it's loot system mechanic

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OK. Yeah I used talismans like that but I was debating whether or not to just go full magic. It really seems like dabbling in a little bit of everything is the way to go though, which is great. I hate how Souls and other RPGs force you to commit to a playstyle early on before you get a chance to get a feel for the game, or otherwise you end up gimping yourself. I guess I gotta just stop trying to run before I can crawl, finish the damn game, and put some hours in to just try shit out and learn what works.

Maybe if the game wasn't such a massive pile of shit we could have comfy threads.

You're acting like the people who agree with you are the majority. You're acting like you speak on behalf of all of the people who played the game. You're literally misrepresenting your argument as if it has clout of credibility when it's clear people like you who don't like the loot are the minority; at least among people who played the game. This is because it was clear what the gameplay was actually like. Most people aren't acting like they were fucking hoodwinked or swindled because the game was not what they expected. They're not coming into Nioh threads years later and bitching about it.

>Also if Nioh 2 turns out like 1 then it will fail
It will be just as successful if not more successful than the first if they keep the core systems in place. One of those core systems is the loot. You can kick the ground as much as you want, you idiotic little child, but you're not going to change how Nioh 2 will end up. Like I said before it's just not your type of game, so write it off and let it go. Pretending like the sequel will be exactly what you want despite what you want being nothing like the original game is indulging in delusional fantasy. Since you obviously don't care about the game then how successful the sequel is or isn't shouldn't affect you, but it does. You're asshurt about this and I can't understand why.

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Why are some people so autistic about hating this game?

>we could have comfy threads about a game
>call the game a massive pile of shit
You're the reason the threads aren't comfy, retard. Stop going into threads about games you hate and act surprised when people don't feel the same way.

People like you are ruining the threads. The game is good.

Why the fuck does Nioh trigger so many people? You'd think that this was going to replace the Soulsborne series. Sure it's not for everyone but it's stylish and comfy.

This is what happens when you get defensive about blatant flaws. The loot system could easily be kept in the game and made enjoyable and non disruptive to the real gameplay pleasing everyone that matters but that's not the same as pulling the wool over people's eyes and telling them it's fine and it's definitely not gonna be achieved that way.

Take your comfy and shove it up your ass, i want a good game, i want Nioh to be the gem it could be.

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You know you can make any weapon or armor piece look like whatever you want at the blacksmith right?
I usually grab a few from ninja and magic, then spec two weapons, but full magic or ninja is still viable
We would have comfy threads if people who hate the game would leave and bother someone else

Why are Niohfags like this?

It's the same pathetic shitposting cunts that come into every Nioh thread they see. It's not their favorite FROM game so they act like any difference between Nioh and Dark Souls is a negative against Nioh.

I'm done reading your trash

Bored retards have nothing better to do once they finish the one 20 hour game they enjoy yearly

>wants a comfy thread about criticizing a game as being a massive pile of shit
You're legitimately retarded. You are the reason the threads are shit. Bottom line.

You'd think wouldn't you? But the reality was that they fucked up. That's why Nioh "triggers" people.

Just because it's a flaw in your eyes doesnt mean it is one in everyone's. Grow up bitch.

This is you conceding the argument. When you willfully put your fingers in your ears it's because you can't stand how the truth you're hearing is changing your mind. You want your mind to remain unchanged. You don't want to be educated. You want to continue being angry because you're mentally immature. You go into threads about games you don't like to start shit. Your opinion is invalid and irrelevant because you do not allow it to grow or change when presented with rational logic to the contrary.

Refer to you dumb fuck

It's bland and repetitive. I dropped it after Yuki Onna because of annoying samey loot system, repetitive enemies, uninspired bosses, bad level design and nonexistant atmosphere.
Can anyone who likes it explain what they see in it?

>i want Nioh to be the gem it could be.
What you want doesn't fucking matter. You don't want Nioh. You want a game that looks like Nioh but plays like something else. Nioh is not the game for you.

Why can't you take criticism?

ITT brainlets confused by in-deph loot system and being stunned by amount of choices you have in the game.
soulsfags are dumbest faggots alive

See you next Nioh thread, and the next, and the next because you're hopeless

It's just shitposters baiting for (you)s. Ghosts of Tsushima will suffer from "Nioh/Sekiro was so much better" when it comes out too. It's just the same old cycle of shit with a new, half-assed coat of paint.

That's not an argument. That's claiming a lot of people agree with you. You don't speak on behalf of everyone. Stop acting like there's millions of people who agree with you. Where are they? Why aren't they here?

>Why aren't they here

They care even less about this game than i do

There's a lot of reasons to criticize Nioh. But saying the game is a massive pile of shit isn't criticism; it's a conclusion about your feelings. You don't want to talk about the game. You want to shitpost. When people reject your shitposting it's not because they can't take criticism.


> Full Ginchiyo build
> Transformed into her
> Got Raikiri to max level with lots of bonuses to lightning damage
> Got full Grace of Takemikazuchi armour for the +50% lightning damage
> In the Tachibana clan for extra lightning damage
> Still don't even come close to Ai Ginchiyo's lightning damage

Also holy hell her damage against those rock people in the "Request for Ginchiyo" mission in WOTN is insane, she like two-shots them. I don't have a pic of it, so here's a cup of tea.

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>using sloth talisman

>complain that you can't have comfy threads
>while also making threads like this
Hypocrisy much?

>Loved this game, finished the first DLC boss and the second one was giving me a challenge
>Want to play it again

It has a cool Samurai aesthetic that until recently we weren’t getting much of, I personally find the bosses really cool, the classic Japanese oni was refreshing after nothing but western fantasy, the combat was familiar enough after playing souls but so far is the most unique out of these types of games, the stance system in general was great, along with the different weapon types. The levels were a bit boring sometimes but not enough to sour the experience, plus some maps were great. The grind for armor in new game ++ was excessive but at the same time you could very easily use the phantom system to gain equipment members of the community had found/made. Also having dedicated pvp is a huge step forward over what souls had in my opinion

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Just compress it bro.

Nioh fags think they can be defensive snowflake insular faggots like DMC cucks but you don't have nearly numbers to support that, not even close. All you're achieving is making sure any interest and discussion on your game dies a slow death while living a miserable life.

The thumbnail for the OP image looks like the batman penguin

That's not an argument. It's argumentum ad populum which is a logical fallacy on top of being unsubstantiated. You need to get it through your head that your opinion is not the only opinion. Your opinion is valid because it's based on your tastes. My opinion is valid because it's based on my tastes. The difference between us is I'm not trying to act like my opinion is MORE valid because other people agree with me. My opinions stand on their own through their own merits and they can be backed up and explained with some semblance of logic or reasoning. I don't try to shut down dissenting opinions simply because they're different by claiming that other people agree and other people can't be wrong. It's a childish way to conduct yourself.

Like I've said many times before it's fine if you don't like Nioh. Not everyone does. But you're acting like you know what's going to happen in the sequel regarding some of its core mechanics when you have absolutely no logical or feasible reason to do so, in addition to not having a single source to back up your claim. Nobody can logically conclude that Nioh 2 will not have the same or similar loot systems. It would be just as absurd as claiming a new Diablo game will not have Diablo style loot. It's such a fundamental part of the game that changing it would change the game itself so much that it would be disingenuous to still call it Nioh or Diablo. Do you understand?

If you don't like the loot system in Nioh then don't hold your breath hoping it will change in the sequel. Just abandon the series because CLEARLY it's not meant to appeal to you. Trying to state that only autistic people enjoy it is paradoxically a statement a legitimately autistic person would make because autists become angry when confronted with the idea that other people feel differently than they do.

>bringing up DMC out of nowhere
Well, that clears up where this shitposting is coming from.

I recently got back to it to play dlcs that I have been saving. Kinda hard to get back into after a long break but still had fun with dlcs. Fuck extra difficulties to artificially prolong the game. Odachi was fun.

>out of nowhere

Not only do you not understand how comparisons work but DMC was already literally mentioned in this thread. You're a fucking retard

>William won't return
Thank the fucking lord. Honkeys don't belong in my samurai games

Sekirokeks. They constantly try to pit DMC against everything

>he's still writing walls of text

I know you're not smart being a rabid fanboy but there's a time when you need to cut your losses

You lost the argument. When you refuse to engage it's because you know you can't win. Winners don't run.

If you don't want your shitposting to be so obvious, you really should drop the whole "trying to pit fanbases against each other" thing. It's more stale than Wojak at this point.

Bitching over Nioh's loot system puts you in the same category as the journos demanding Sekiro to have an easy mode and / or being able to adjust enemy properties.

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This. They're terrified of numbers and can't wrap their heads around the idea that they'll need to plan to make easy progress.

Yea Forums does love posting news articles

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From dumbed down Sekiro for a reason. Gamers don't want numbers.

Is this anime good? 02 2.0 looks very cute

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And you don't even need to do that.
I'm not a fan of that system and the only games I've played with such a loot system are Diablo and Darksiders 2. Still I managed to reach Way of the Wise by only equipping the weapons and armor with the highest values to keep my damage values with the game and not caring about everything else.
I had no trouble jumping into Sekiro because while the combat system of both games are vastly different, the bosses work under the same principle: be aggressive, find an opening or create an opening, punish.

Season one is good enough. Franxx is garbage

Nice to see a Nioh thread pop up from time to time.
Unfortunately there will always be faggots complaining about them.

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Or maybe this discussion means a lot less to me than it does to you and i already acknowledged that i am talking to a brick wall and not a sentient being. Once you lie to me you forfeit the right to have a discussion with me at any level. I don't give two flying fucks if you shout you're the winner from the mountain tops, i don't value the opinions of anyone who would perceive you as such either. I like talking about video games, it's why i attempt to engage in these discussions and why i'm always honest about them unless i make it clear i am speaking in jest. Telling me Nioh's loot system is fine , good and balanced is lying straight to my face, and that's really as far as the thing goes, the rest was me being naive yet again.

So many of Nioh's flaws are so blatant, i in all my literal who glory can fix them right now on the spot. Hearing some mong fall on his sword to defend them is just...discouraging.

TLDR: You made me not care.

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Yes, face rolling bosses because i put the right helmet on is the ultimate hardcore experience.

>flawed game mechanics can be sidestepped by calling players bad
Niohs loot and crafting system is mobage tier

Not him but
>writes a small wall of text
>d-dun care

So is this game literally Dark Souls but better?

>Soulsbornekiro threads
>people civilly discussing the games and mechanics, lore, etc.
>Nioh threads

Oh, I know you.
On a Nioh thread days ago I asked you to explain me what changed between the alpha design of the game and the commercial release. You replied first with "just google it" and then with a tantrum; you never engaged on real discussion with me.

You should put a triipcode so we can filter you. You have nothing to say after all.

>Telling me Nioh's loot system is fine , good and balanced is lying straight to my face
First of all I explicitly stated that the game is balanced around the loot system which is a fact. The progression of the game relies on you picking up different gear that drops and figuring out what will work well and what will not. This is not stating that this will always result in a balanced game experience. The system relies on RNG so obviously balance on results can't be guaranteed. That variety is what gives the game replayability and why you're given so many difficulties that expand the gameplay even further. As more loot possibilities open up you need to make more decisions and have more knowledge about the system in order to continue making easy progress.

Also expressing my opinion isn't lying to you. Your insistence that nobody can possess my opinion and be truthful about it is you actively refusing to engage in the discussion despite your claim that
>it's why i attempt to engage in these discussions and why i'm always honest about them
You're literally trying to claim the way you feel is the only way anybody can feel, and anyone that disagrees with you is wrong just because they're wrong and you won't listen to them because they're wrong. This is not how correct people who hold correct opinions behave. It's how ignorant people who don't know how to argue behave.

I'm at the spider tea house. How do I start face rolling like these anons said?

No, it's Surge but worse(yeah I know, that's somehow possible)

>all the builds guides are for ng++
>they're all about 1 hitting the enemy or spamming sloth or other magic
>can't find one that's just about styling on the enemies
I did find a combo video that didn't revolve about 1 hitting the enemies, but that's about it

>try all types of weapons
>settle on 3kat build because I love the aesthetics of it and am a sucker for iaido attacks
Anyone else 3kat here? Sometimes I feel like I'm missing out on other weapons but none of them really clicked for me. Occasionally I'll switch one of them to odachi if I need some reach

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I love most games though.
It's really different so saying it's better isn't right. That's like asking if MGR is better than DeS. It doesn't make sense

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You're were a new faggot then and you're a new faggot now. Nothing changed.

Yes, google it you fucking mong. Do your homework if you want to participate in class.

>bragging about going into threads about games you hate and shitposting non-stop
You are cancer.

>I used odachi at first too but started having trouble in DLC with bosses, so I switched to 1kat, learn to parry and never looked back.
That's because 1kat parry is fucking op, especially if you stack extra damage on items and every humanoid boss becomes a joke

But that is symptomatic for Nioh. Super fucking op parries, super fucking op Iai, super fucking op spells (at least in lower difficulties), super fucking op spear juggling, super fucking op tonfa gunning (otherwise tonfas suck ass), super fucking op throwing weapons (those are actually true easy mode since they work all the way through abyss and require 0 timing.
But then you got weapons like odachi, axe and all the others that can't juggle or parry or have some op fast ability and suddenly you gotta play through the game like in dark souls.

Bottom line is, if you used magic, ninjutsu, living weapon, parries or abilites like Iai, you are a fucking scrub.
If you played through all of the game and the abyss only with regular weapon attacks and dodging, you are decent at games.

I rolled with 3kat on PS4 when it first came out, but switched to spear/odachi when PC release came around.

>soulsborne threads
>reeeeee sekiro isn’t exactly like dark souls it’s shit
>ds1/2(lol)/3 is the best the rest are garbage
>og gamers recognize the superiority of demon souls
>dex v str
>bloodborne never ever sony wins again
VS nioh
>reeeee this isn’t souls how dare you like it

3kat is cool but when are we going to get 8kat

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Well in the highest difficulty even with the heaviest armor and like 7k+ hp you will still only be able to take one or two hits more than some guy wearing light armor, depending on the attack.
The real benefit is stacking until you are invulnerable to projectiles, which at least allows you a few more opportunities to attack since you don't have to constanly dodge all the projectile spam from almost every boss.

>First of all I explicitly stated that the game is balanced around the loot system which is a fact

It is a blatant lie. There is no balance at all. If there was any balance you wouldn't be able to faceroll bosses in seconds and people wouldn't have to resort to using gimped setups to get any enjoyment out of the game's mechanics while beating the exact same content.

As i have stated innumerable times i am not alone in my assessment, it's one of the most common flaws that is pointed out in the game from layman to actual fans of the game and not fanboys. It's that way because it's literally a fact, I'm not putting forward my opinion, I'm putting forward a widely recognized fact. The loot system in Nioh is bloated and counterproductive.

Bruh axe deletes everything, oni and things you cant parry get instantly murdered and bosses get spin to win. Odachi let’s you smash through humans instead of going for parries. Basically just use a big weapon with a fast weapon and get the best of both worlds

iai is overrated, I used flowing shadow.
>need to play like dark souls
no, axe and odachi are just too slow and their skills mostly suck. They are pretty bad for lategame stuff on WotN

Who are you quoting retard?

Yeah but at that point you get the same dodge as someone in light armor with the amount you should have in the armor stat so there really isn’t a benefit to using light armor

Higher difficulties like wise and nioh just becomes living weapon builds and one shot builds for bosses. For normal NPCs it's all about stacking as much damage as you can. Fuck survivability and just try to not get hit.
Make sure you use tempering and get stats like familiarity bonus, close combat attack bonus etc.

Well in the highest difficulty even with the heaviest armor and like 7k+ hp you will still only be able to take one or two hits more than some guy wearing light armor, depending on the attack.
The real benefit is stacking until you are invulnerable to projectiles, which at least allows you a few more opportunities to attack since you don't have to constanly dodge all the projectile spam from almost every boss.

LobosJr dislikes Nioh, therefore I dislike it too

I just started playing this game a little while back, and I don’t think I’m doing it right.

Full disclosure, I came for the action game shit, I never really played any Soulslike game, the closest being Hollow Knight. And, despite being unable to jump (and I hate stamina management), the action game shit is honestly pretty cool.

But I’m still at the first shrine on the beach, like the very first stage, and I’m level 7 already. And I don’t think that’s how I’m supposed to be “progressing”.

So you're just grinding? Why? What are you even doing?

>This is a fact, everyone wanted an action game with RPG elements, a balanced experience with skill based gameplay that's not cheapened by this trash.
>I want an ARPG without anything ARPG because I want to look cool in front of other Dark Souls kiddies when I beat bosses!

stop crying about it in every Nioh thread you unproductive pussy, get a fucking life

I've played the game to competition twice.
One, using katana and axe. The other just using the odachi. On both builds I leveled up the stats that I felt I needed and nothing more. Never grinded for scrolls or armors sets, never used Sloth or even elemental talismans on my weapons, only grabbing whatever the game dropped at me.
I enjoyed the content the game had to offer immensely, the regular enemies and the boss fights. I learned the bosses' patterns, when to punish and when to go in the defensive, not unlike any action game. I strategically got rid of enemies using the rifle / cannon so I could have an easier time with mobs. I found that, for example, the safest moment to retaliate against the Kurama Tengu is after it swings his staff because it has the longest recovery time of all of his attacks, while he can follow his other attacks with said high reach, heavy damage swing.

So, you're factually wrong.

lol just beat the level friend


?????? get to the boss and kill it??

So I kill everything in my path, until eventually I fuck up and die (usually in the little fortress at the top of the hill where there’s like 9 dudes).

So I respawn, and I do it again, and I claim my lost amrita where I died, and I die again. And I keep doing this until I notice that my amrita bar has gone gold, at which point I sprint to my downed corpse, grab the amrita, and run back to the shrine to bank it. And then I resume my process of killing everything.

Like, I don’t think of it as grinding, I’m not intentionally beating down the same 3 enemies and running back to the shrine just to level up, but the way experience and gear stacks when you die, and the fact that it feels wrong to just run past enemies and not fight them, I’ve leveled up 7 times in the course of getting my ass kicked in that fort.

>How the fuck do I kill things efficiently in Way of the Nioh?
Git gud.
Like literally evade their shit and hit them and repeat.

Also there is no need for ''''''builds''''''.
Pick a weapon.
Make sure you roll some damage bonus correlating to your stats on it and go.
Equip is almost neglectable until you start the abyss.

also don't be like this retard
>hurr I suck at game so I have look for the op skills to use


Cool anecdote sibling

>It is a blatant lie.
You're intentionally misrepresenting what I'm saying and refusing to read my clarification. The game is balanced around the systems of loot. This is not stating the game is balanced. This is stating that acquiring and using new loot that drops is what the game is balanced around. It's the random nature of the loot that makes the game feel unbalanced.

>I'm not putting forward my opinion, I'm putting forward a widely recognized fact. The loot system in Nioh is bloated and counterproductive.
This is literally an opinion. Your opinions are not facts. Stating that people agree with you doesn't give you opinion more weight or credibility. Calling people who are actual fans of the game fanboys is not a legitimate point of discussion. People who enjoy the game are fans. People like you who dislike the game are obviously not fans. Don't reply to me with this kind of low effort shit again. The loot system in Nioh is what gives the game replayability. Without it there would be no reason to continue playing once you hit the credits, and obviously the developers want you to continue playing the new difficulties considering they made each of them distinct in some way instead of simply making numbers larger.

Your distaste for the design choices in the game doesn't mean the game was designed incorrectly. It just doesn't suit your tastes. You need to graduate from this juvenile way of thinking, bro. You don't like Nioh. We know. We understand that. But you disliking it doesn't mean Nioh needs to change. Plenty of people enjoy it exactly the way it is. Acting like those people are wrong for enjoying something you don't is shredding any credibility you want to possess. You're not arguing in good faith if you're pretending like different opinions are objectively wrong. These people value different things than you do. The difference between them and you is they don't go into threads about games they don't like and bitch.

7 piece Tatenashi + 6 piece Oyamatsumi for that 70% damage reduction

Holy shit, who would thought that soulsfags will become such an annoying bunch.

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>So I kill everything in my path, until eventually I fuck up and die (usually in the little fortress at the top of the hill where there’s like 9 dudes).
Find different paths. Explore. You don't even have to fight them if you explore.

It's not an anecdote: it's an actual proof of your statement being wrong.

Tatenashi has 5 pieces sweatie


Worst part is that Nioh's lore is actually good because it's based on history and not "just make up the connections we swear there's a meaning :^)"

Right, it has been some time.

Is that the idea?

I’m trying to play it like Ninja Gaiden, keep trying to kill everything until you manage to do it without dying, then go to the checkpoint. Leaving enemies not-dead seems like cheating, is that really how it’s meant to be played? Just run past shit and don’t fight it? Because I know from experience I can comfortably bypass all but like 2 of the dudes on my way to the top of that hill at the very least.

>because it's based on history
So it's an unoriginal ripoff then?

Why wouldn't you use those skills I mentioned? It makes no sense and it's part of the game. I'm saying why stack survival traits when enemies one shot you already. I mentioned I mentioned those armor skills because lw builds get boring as fuck.

I have 83 hours in Nioh and only ever had to grind for one thing and it was the Izuna Drop
took only 2 hours as well
If you have to grind then you're shit

It's up to you. You don't need to kill every single enemy, but if you want to fight them go ahead.

So you're just sucking hard at the game then? I thought you said you came from an action game background lol

There's nothing wrong with what you are doing, you're just literally not progressing in the game, period. Nothing to do but to get better and stop dying.

Yes, it does feel wrong that you can just run past the enemies. In the Alpha you could not do this. It is commendable of you to always fight them, i do the same, but if you keep dying in the same place over and over it will get grating really soon.

As to how you play you just explore the level, get items, open shortcuts and get to the next shrine at which point the process repeats. it's no different than moving from one Dragon Statue/Falcon to the next in Ninja Gaiden.

But what’s it balanced for? Skipping fights in an RPG is generally a recipe for getting your ass fucked into dust at the first truly mandatory encounter because you’ll be grossly underleveled. I honestly just assumed the idea was to be infinitely better at the game and kill everything without dying, which I am not able to do (I blame stamina)

it literally is not, i can't even fathom how you make this conclusion.

To all the diablo loot complainers:
While the loot in Nioh might be random, the overall item progression is tied closely to content progression and while luck plays a role, everything is just a short matter of time. You can realistically have every item you need of the highest possible quality after 250 hours of Nioh. Yet you can play 1000s of hours of diablo and its clones, while still not having half the items you want for your character.
So the loot system in Nioh is extremely fair and it lets you build everything according to your characters need.

Obviously the game has some balancing problems, especially since you can just stack +x% dmg to skill / something and then you can just faceroll the whole game with Iai, parrying or knife throwing. But that isn't a problem with the way loot is made.

Ultimately the loot in Nioh is much more fun, because you can find stuff for your char from the first minute of playing to the last minute of playing for easily around 300 hours. In games like Dark Souls, you can play the game once and have all the equip you need after 50 hours and never make any kind of progress with your character or items whatsoever for the rest of the game. In fact, you will already have most of your equip like 20 hours into the game and you will wear that shit with minimal upgrades for-fucking-ever. In the end there is no point to ever do more than NG+ in DS, because everybody will realize that it's just the same shit with slightly more hp on the enemies. In Nioh you get new item qualities, new areas, new items, no stats for each difficulty and it's super motivating to play from NG all the way to like NG++++ and beyond

Not him but paths allowing you to skip enemies is your reward for gaining knowledge of the area. It would be frustrating if these paths did not exist when you are stuck on a boss

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>So you're just sucking hard at the game then? I thought you said you came from an action game background lol
That’s what it feels like, and also fuck stamina management, I’m not used to playing games in this way. I can ki pulse well (and the first skill I unlocked on level up let me bonus ki pulse with a stance switch, and I can low-med-low pretty well to slow the rate of decay) but the way ki pulse recovery is limited playing defensively/dodging often will just kill you.

Your post is correct.
You can skip fights but you're going to be underleveled and underequipped. You fight the enemies to get better at the game and to get the experience you need to get stronger.
Also, learn to use ki pulse so you can recover stamina.

>Why wouldn't you use those skills I mentioned?
some people just don't want to play the game on easy modo
but lel fuck you can't even into op
if you want to use anything stack throwing damage and you literally only have to press a single buttong to win everything

I'm not misinterpreting anything, What you are saying is literally just not true if it's to be interpreted literally and means nothing if it's not. it's like saying "the game is balanced around combat" or "the game is balanced around finding shrines". The loot is just one of the many facets of the game and in fact it's not even one of the main ones as it could be removed entirely without affecting the basic structure.

The rest of your post is literal drivel, well even more than the first part i mean.

There is a skill that you can get that is described as letting you ki pulse while dodging, but what it really means is that if you dodge with the ki pulse timing it will do it

i never played this game but you can use spears
how are them?

>Jumping from Way of the Strong to Way of the Demon
>Red enemies on the levels,
>Everything OHK you changing how the game plays
>Bosses recover faster and use new attacks
That was a pretty pleasant surprise

>playing like ninja gaiden

think of encounters as more like Tekken, where you want to juke past attacks or get them to whiff so you can hit the opponent in the side or back. You are definitely doing yourself a favor by learning the patterns for everything early on, because the enemies are just going to hit harder but not necessarily get more complicated later.

in NG it doesnt really matter what gear you like, just find something that fits your play style. I wouldn't even mess with the blacksmith besides selling stuff. what I did to avoid loot fatigue was lock about 3 sets of gear that you want to use, 2 or 3 of every weapon, and about a dozen of accessories. sell or disassemble everything else that isnt a usable item. once you have your gear sorted after a few missions you're good to go.

make sure to find Kodama, so you can set the blessing at the shrine to receive more elixirs, and feel free to summon help for bosses, you're going to see each of them many, many more times and will have time to learn them.

what the fuck are these walls of text lmao just run behind boss and iai him wow grats u beat game

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Yes you can use spears. You can be a Monkey polearm boy

Though you can become quite tanky with the heaviest set, allowing you to take some combos from bosses that would have killed you before.
Also you can stack projectile damage reduction to the point that you become immune and everything becomes much less of a hassle.

Like half of them is a dude reeeing over nioh item drops

>niohfags still trying to ride Sekiro's coattails
Embarrassing desu. When are you guys going to admit that your game was just a solid 7/10?

Incredibly good against human enemies.
Pretty good against yokai.

Spears have really good range and some of their attacks make it incredibly easy to break the horns on oni, which stamina breaks them and knocks them down, opening them up for finishers and more hits

I can ki-pulse pretty competently but it’s only rushdown-viable because dodging doesn’t leave red-bar ki. It’s a cool mechanic (and a great incentive to switch stances) but when you’re fighting two guys it’s a huge limit on your ability to evade.

It’s still a cool game and I’m having fun, but I guess I need to disabuse myself of the idea that it can be played like a traditional action game, where your reflexes alone will carry you.

>I'm not misinterpreting anything
>What you are saying is literally just not true if it's to be interpreted literally
You're intentionally trying to interpret it "literally" by removing the context I included specifically to help you understand that it's not meant to be interpreted literally. I've included other words on purpose. You're getting so triggered as soon as you see the word balance you put the fucking blinders on and just start typing without reading.

>The loot is just one of the many facets of the game and in fact it's not even one of the main ones as it could be removed entirely without affecting the basic structure.
This is false. The resulting game would not be Nioh. The resulting game would be unplayable if no loot was dropped. The game would need to be CHANGED after the fact in order to make this new game playable. You would need a new way to make progress, or the game's balance would need to reflect that Willy can't really improve beyond leveling his own stat points.

You're not arguing the points. You're evading them, sideskirting them, and running away from them. You're doing anything you can to avoid addressing them. The game I'm talking about, Nioh, is balanced around the loot system. The game you're talking about, NOT NIOH, isn't balanced around the loot system. This idea you have that Nioh is supposed to be something else, and failure to be something else is a mistake, is asinine. We're talking about Nioh here; not your imaginary idea of what Nioh should have been instead. Nobody has played that game in your head; not even you.

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Op doesn't even mention sekiro and the thread started off good

Pick two weapons to stick to, 1kat is probably the best beginners weapon, and learn parry timing for humans, they all have easy parry bait attacks

>Op doesn't even mention sekiro
He implied it


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Enough of this pointless arguing already.


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>implying talking about samurai games=sekiro
>implying implications

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Can you parry for free? Maybe that’s what i’m missing. Blocking drinks Ki like a fucking fish. My current melees are katana, and dual katanas. Both default to low stance because the attacks come out faster than the enemies’ do. I switch to middle stance on the first ki pulse once they’re staggered for the bonus ki, then switch back.

Mai waifu.

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You're a god damned moron. Are you aware of that fact?



Can’t find a better picture but aesthetically Juzumaru is my favorite, the gold and prayer beads look 10/10 with the purple blade, also afro samurai has a kickass sword

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>single katana shitters
Do you even /MiyamotoMusashi?

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you're pretty dum

I only played the demo but I was getting tired of getting two shotted by that boss because I didn't have good enough gear. Or maybe I just sucked.

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kek nice scissors, anyway here is a real mans weapon

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What are even the physics of this shit? No way that handle can endure that head

>dual "katanas"

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200 STR baby

Well, yeah, if it's a limp wristed faggot handle. MEN can handle any burden

lmao two kat

I'm running a Onmyo heavy Tonfa middle stance + Kusarigama High stance, and I'm litteraly breaking the game by how stupidly OP that is.

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>read description
>red dragon goddess inhabits the sword, technically making it a Living Weapon 24/7
I call hax

Onmyo is broken with every weapon really, the only thing against it is how horrible accessing to your set via the menu is, but every single omyo item can potentially make you OP as fuck, and even only using the elemental talysmans to apply confusion is already OP on its own

Can’t you get the fucking dragon sword from ninja gaiden? I feel like that and the grass cutter are both more op

Am I the only one pissed that the actual 2kat style in the game looks nothing like Musashi's Niten-Ichi-Ryū style?

translator's note: katana means sword

I have no idea why people keep comparing Nioh to the souls games, if anything it's more like DMC, just try to look cool while beating the shit out of anyone in your path and finding extras by exploring

Which one is that? I thought heavy stance was that one

Grass Cutter was wielded by a full blown god so that makes sense. I forget the dragon swords deal, what makes it OP?

Nah I've been pissed off too, and it's okay, Musashi only would think of it some years later, he even appears in this game as a single-wielder

Attached: 414px-Musashi_ts_pic.jpg (414x600, 75K)

It probably looks nothing like it because Musashi appears in the game when he was young

fuck off turboautist, take your meds and get some water in you holy shit

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For the third time you've conceded the argument. Everybody knows how full of shit you are because you demonstrate it constantly.

Its a sword made from I think the tooth of a dragon imbued with the souls of the last dragons, when at full power it deletes legendary demons and the dark dragon, the most op dragon out there

The loot system and how it was going to play out was abundantly clear even from the Alpha, and the balance issues that arose have far less to do with the loot system and more with the general fucking around with the game's stat values, enemy placements and controls, to name a few things that were changed instead of them focusing on balancing the game properly. It can appear that they focused too heavily on the Diablo angle of the all-important triangle that forms Nioh when looking at the number inflation and difficulties. While to an extent that is true due to how things ended up with the haphazard changes, it's not really the full story as the difficulties change enemy placement and behaviour and your build and playstyle options remain just as open as they have been.

I rolled in red demon set pretty much the whole game because I played on mouse + keyboard with no mouse support and spear was the only thing I could reasonably use

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there is also the weaken melee weapons debuff you can attack to melee weapons to make drastically reduce the damage if it can be effected by the mod

discludes any enemy who uses fist as a main attack

It's close but not quite his style. Musashi's was all about keeping the opponents weapon in check with one sword and attacking with the other. All of the 2kat styles are about attacking with both either simultaneously or in sequence.

>Musashi is the most legendary swordsman in history
>no one has once made a vidya about his life
Hell I'd settle for a Vagabond game at this point

thats because you meet musashi before he was the legend

and washing pole man lives through their duel and challenges william too

>This artist did art of the Firekeepers for Dark Souls 2 & 3 but not for Demon's Souls.

Being a Maiden in Black fag is suffering, I wonder if any Anastacia of Astora fags exist, surely they are beyond suffering.

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the shrike and that one move that blocks+thrusts (both mid stance only) are pretty much that

>>no one has once made a vidya about his life
Literal 250 years of peace, the whole game would be just him being a hobo and getting duels by triggering proper Samurais

I love the Maiden in Black's voice

Yes, parries are a skill that you can just do once they're learned and equipped. Ki cost on blocking is mainly based on your Toughness stat, which comes from armour. Assuming you're in light armour, while blocking is still decent and important for certain attacks, you shouldn't block more than necessary so remember that you can immediately dodge or use a skill after a block. You should also learn to make use of each stance for it's own advantage, low may be fast and cheap to dodge with but it's also short and weak. Sounds like you already have an idea of how freely you can swap stance though so that's good.

So like a Yakuza game but with Musashi?

Back the fuck off m8 I claimed her since the Alpha.

This is the ideal shrine maiden, you may not like it but, this is what peak performance looks like.

She's got a cute accent

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Actually it's a little of both. 2kat Musashi and Kojiro are the final boss of the Grand Tournament mission. I really appreciated the mission where you first meet him at Sekigahara though.
You say that like it wouldn't be great.

How would you make it work in vidya form? I can only think of Furi style boss rush, but even then it'd go against his principle of having fights done as fast as possible