Why does this image offend Yea Forums so much? Does it hit too close to home?
Why does this image offend Yea Forums so much? Does it hit too close to home?
Other urls found in this thread:
shit list
Because it's a shitty edit of an Yea Forums version where the guy who made it at least had the resolve to draw everything. Yea Forums doesn't even have 3x3 threads.
You really are a worthless idiot.
Does it make me more or less boring, if I haven't even played most of these games actually none except New Vegas?
Yea Forums isn't mad, you merely want Yea Forums to be mad
the truth is no one gives a shit because it's a weak bait
3x3 thread? Rate me Yea Forums, do your worst
i only like 2 of the games in that pic and have not played a bunch of the others
It doesn't make you more or less boring as much as it points out your utter shit taste in games if you haven't played any of those other than the one that is by far the worst on the list.
Please keep posting your 3x3 so I can filter you attention-seeking faggots
Needs SotC, Deus Ex and VtM:B somewhere. Replace with RE, SH and Dark Souls I guess.
0/1 i don´t like the prime games
Thats a shame, they're my favorites even on that list
Both of these images just make it look like someone is butthurt that people actually enjoy things.
have sex
>literally Yea Forums in a nutshell
Oh no! My precious Yea Forums reputation...
that's literally just a 3x3 of the best games of all time
SoTN, Dark Souls, Disgaea 2. The rest doesn't matter.
2/2 I love Starsector.
Its so good, I put tons of hours each release
What was the other game you liked?
Sounds like you're butthurt they highlight your taste. How does it feel to be a braindead moron that conforms to whatever Yea Forums or Yea Forums tells you to?
If they truly like those games they should not be offended
Possibility of precipitation.
I recently reinstalled Starsector and modded it to shit with the likes of Nexerelin. Having a fair bit of fun with it doing odd jobs here and there, surveying uncharted worlds and generally exploring. Still a bit unclear on the late game though since never got that far. Looking forward to trying out planet management. How fleshed out is late game in 0.9a?
>How fleshed out is late game in 0.9a?
Just like every other release, end game is getting a fleet big enough to slap everyone else in the sector. The inclusion of raids and disruption at least now give you the option to majorly fuck with major factions now, and you can treat getting the top colony in the sector with good schematics as endgame.
I'm talking about vanilla btw, I havent tried nex but I imagine the endgame is taking over everyone else
Pretty much what I thought. Great fun regardless. I love the combat
Combat truly is what draws me back everytime
Cant wait to see what 1.0 has in store for us
2/2 Metroidbro!
Is Rain World on the Switch good? Seems like my type of game, but swore to never buy it since they decided to release it on the PS4 and PC first for some stupid reason.
I'd love to see more development for the overworld. Actual goals for late game. That's my only gripe with this Mount and Blade style gameplay. I just end up floating about doing missions from one fight to another. Not asking for anything as complicated as X3 just a bit more to do.
back when we started making 3x3s Yea Forums was still anti-facebook with the anonymous non-point based interaction
now you have some (you)s and groupthink memeing to ruin the purity of it all
I heard it can be pretty rough technically. Lower fps and some stuttering in some areas, but it's still solid and shouldnt give you much issues.
Playing rain world on portable does sound pretty comfy.
6/7 btw
Yeah me too, thankfully the addition of quests and some secrets scattered in the sector in the last update seems promising.
We should be getting all that soon™(in starsector time)
I'm yet to see a shittier 3x3
Hmm, any reason why? :/
based cho ren sha 68k bro
i couldnt get far in rain world, just didnt grab me really. does the game get any more direction moving forward or does it keep up w the whole feeling of wandering kind of aimlessly?
>does the game get any more direction moving forward or does it keep up
You get a yellow helper at the start, he should be helping guide you towards your objective.
Unfortunately its possible to still get lost, and sometimes he just dissapears in some areas if youre going the wrong way.
But yes, after the halfway point you get very clear directions to follow. At the start of the game, you should try going to shorelines to start with
>Yea Forums doesn't even have 3x3 threads.
yes it does.
>cringe of the wild
>pokemon *snap*
>literally nothing that isn't nintendo
imagine how butthurt the person who made these was
there is a drawn version
People try too hard with these in an effort to seem le patrician. They're video games. Get over yourself.
>All the butt blasted responders who have the same shit generic taste that this image mocks
God I love it
So sick of seeing you bandwagon fuckers with basic bitch taste in vidya
"Uhuhuhu I play dmc and dark souls, am I hardcore yet???"
It's a crime now to like actual good games?
Not all day every day like Yea Forums
How does it feel to be a braindead moron that allows Yea Forums or Yea Forums to influence your taste in the first place?
What is top left?
New Vegas
This imagine is unironically on to something. There is an overabundance of these types of people and it's really annoying.
These are the type of people that brag about being a gamer as embarrassing as that is, and they think these games define that title so they force themselves to like it. It's really pathetic.
Sounds like you're butthurt they highlight your taste. How does it feel to be a braindead moron that conforms to whatever Yea Forums or Yea Forums tells you to?
3x3's like that get created because the only currency people value on this board is replies, and nobody is going to reply to you if they've never played your favorite games or think they're shit, so posters are incentivized to fill their post with games that they like AND that they think everyone else on Yea Forums will like. There's room for like 2 or 3 personal picks to make it "your own" but for the most part everyone's just incentivized to pick the stuff that they know everyone else already likes.
>and they think these games define that title so they force themselves to like it
what did he mean by this
What's top right and bottom left and right?
>New vegas
>Weeb Shit
>Deus Ex
What games are top corner right and lower corner right?
>nobody is going to reply to you if they've never played your favorite games or think they're shit
Extremely based
Everything you just said couldn't be farther from the truth other than
>the only currency people value on this board is replies
Top right is Planescape Torment
the bottom left is Paper Mario
Post your 3x3 then
bottom left is tatami galaxy, right is welcome to the nhk
Top right is texhnolyze
I post in 3x3s because I like getting shit on for my opinions
metacritic 3x3
I thought it was one game per franchise
bully my taste and recommend me better games
yeah thats a pretty rough chart
I wish God Hand was as popular as this post makes it out to be, maybe we'd have God Hand HD by now
Posting the trilogy is cheating!
i hate cuphead now
Probably good taste but I've only played Prime 1. Using a Collection is cheating though, I'd have Megaman Zero Collection in the core 3x3 instead of Kirby if it wasn't.
A bit too Nintendo-heavy but good otherwise.
I find that there is no consistency among Postal fans. Something about the game seems to appeal to anybody.
Reads like a B-Tier gaming news site's Top 9 Games of All-Time list.
I never enjoyed LittleBigPlanet. I think the obvious recommendation if you like Cuphead is the Contra and Metal Slug series.
I need to play Blood Money. Thief bounced off of me for a number of reasons even though it's a great game but I think Hitman might be my kind of Stealth. Also solid wrestling game pick, they're always better arcadey than "realistic".
God Hand is a cult classic that has its biggest fanbase on Yea Forums. That's why it's there.
I know, but then the trilogy would just take 3 spots
If I HAD to choose, it'd be Prime 1 then
Yea Forums is more interested in hating each others 3x3s to farm for replies and (you)s than posting genuine ones of their own. Case in point OP is just an edit of pic related which in itself is just a shitty edit of Yea Forums's
so are you mad you didn't get a (you) last 3x3
which games would you remove to make it 3x3?
basic af
it's a 4x4 because i couldn't decide
only soys like zelda games. Shit series
people that make 3x3s are probably involved in Yea Forums discords
>liking legitimately good games is bad because it's popular
uhhh ok? Why should i care
You all lack RTS in your life.
im on a /cm/ one
sad we can't even have a 3x3 thread without bait anymore
Original metroid?
>fucking X
>Dragon's Dogma
4/6. I think Persona 3's pacing makes it a terrible game, and Revengeance felt shallow. Still fucking great though.
Fucking nice taste even if Zero Collection is cheating. I really should play Gravity Rush 2. I tried the first and thought it was pretty good. Rhythm Thief is also a nice game, although I only played the demo.
>new vegas
>planescape: Updated Journal
>dork souls
>purse owner
>doos ex
>sm63, probably
Pretty damn good taste outside of Xeno X
it should be updated to reflect modern Yea Forums
MMZ Collection is only on the because if it was a collection I'd like ZX more
*if it wasn't
I'm a big retard
You can pick any 3x3 square from this chart and it will be better than every 3x3 in the thread.
I like how that faggot didnt respond they never do
Oh shit, people using my OC
>Thief bounced off of me for a number of reasons
its a short game, just finish it dude. you have literal brain damage from playing baby games. you need to recondition yourself to play something that doesn't constantly hold your hand and bombard you with action.
Nothing wrong das2 you dumb bitch, the witcher 3 however is inexcusable and makes me think this is some sort of retard bait
Where it comes from? I have been following that chart for weeks and it got me into video games again.
>shadow man
i found it on resetera
Demons souls
>western shit
wew senpai
Yea Forums 3x3 threads are just bizarre. Same people posting the same images over and over. The only purpose I could imagine for them is recommendations but they don't have names on them and if you ask you get shat on.
>OG Unreal
Just looks like it was made by someone asshurt that no one liked whatever garbage they were jerking off to.
I asked for suggestions of Japanese games to try/put on there for weeks and you guys could only think of complete garbage.
Too lazy for a 3x3 so ill just list em
>Demons Souls
>Wind Waker
>No More Heroes
>Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked
>Dead Space 2
>Luigis Mansion (This might be pure nostalgia but i replay it every year and dont get tired of it so whatever)
Rainbow Six Siege(Fuck Ubisoft tho)
I like that it doesn't hold my hand. I think I just found the third mission really uninteresting compared to the first two and the fourth. I much prefer the breaking and entering of a guarded area to some catacombs shit with zombies, and I've heard that I'll get more of the latter the further I go. It's a great game and the sound mechanics are really cool, but it just didn't grab onto me. I want to try out some other stealth games to see if it's the genre as a whole or just Thief being first-person (I've very rarely enjoyed first-person games, no matter the genre).
Thief 2 removes the zombies but tbqh they are really just a casual filter and there is virtually no difference between them and the harder stealth missions which are very large and complicated.
>I want to try out some other stealth games to see if it's the genre as a whole or just Thief being first-person (I've very rarely enjoyed first-person games, no matter the genre).
check out
hitman blood money
splinter cell chaos theory
styx master of shadows/shards of darkness
mark of the ninja
shadow tactics (if you like this one, also check out the commandos and desperados games since they were inspirations to it)
Blood Money and Mark of the Ninja were on my list already. I have a pretty sizable backlog but I'll try to make time for them eventually.
>copies the same comment word for word
Sure you're not the one who's mad?
You're going to have a tough time selling me a load of shit like "A majority of people's favorite games are ALL on a top 100 list", those games ARE good, but if you taste is ALL games that get cocksucked relentlessly on Yea Forums, you either haven't played a lot of video games, or you're a liar.
Some aren't going to want to invest 50 hours in a fucking RPG
Some find 6 hour action games too short, some don't like classic RE style gameplay.
There's not god like being out there that enjoys every single genre and understands exactly what makes every single game good.
People have specific palettes and taste, and to pretend all of your favorites are endlessly circlejerked shit tells me you have 0 palette or taste of your own, and you merely ape shit some other retard posts 3 months ago.
My 3x3 by the way, feel free to psychoanalyze me and subscribe to my patreon
>There's not god like being out there that enjoys every single genre and understands exactly what makes every single game good.
literally me
Shiet, well I'm essentially retarded when it comes to RTS and strat games and can stomp in any other game I touch.
Revengeance, DMC3, and JET SET RADIOOOOOOOOOOOO are all fantastic. I really need to get around to playing Ghost Trick one of these days.
I love Deadly Premonition.
That Japanese System Shock art looks rad as fuck.
Wow you wrote a fuckin' essay because I made an observation.
Sorry I have a nuanced opinion, on the matter, nigger.
I tend to think about shit for longer than 30 seconds
Killer 7 was dope.
If it had better gameplay(thats more than just serviceable) I'd call it a masterpiece easy
Fuck you nigger
>6 games set in space or about aliens
ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lamo
Based 3x3. Any list that contains Nocturne is a good list.
Link to the past is more enjoyable than Majora's mask.
Aw yeah, jerk your ego off even harder over video games. You're so smart, I oughta microwave you some tendies you little genius.
Is there anything that Yea Forums doesn't get offended by these days? This board gets butthurt about everything these days.
>can stomp in any other game I touch.
Can you 'stomp' touhou and dustforce? Because your 3x3 seems to indicate you only play very casual games. Maybe you don't play strategy because the barrier for entry is beyond what you are willing to do to git gud.
these are the same retards that think microtransactions are SJW propaganda
I've beaten Dustforce, never tried Touhou because I never was into the character designs.
I do clean up nicely in bullethell games though.
>how to spot a post-fappening poster
based but 3x3pilled
Sadly, I can't appreciate old games
>skate 3
My fucking nigga. I miss that game so much
Making a 3x3 to show the internet how good your taste is peak faggotry. Rating and circle-jerking over each other's 3x3 is embarrassing to watch.
By the way, check this 6.
what about circle jerking over how much better we are than reddit?
>I never was into the character designs
what does that have to do with anything
If you like hollow knight try out symphony of the night or super metroid
Because the gameplay itself doesn't look like anything special?
>when you're such a fucking faggot that you have to be a contrarian on a board of people who are already contrarians
>It's now been 7 years since "Check my dubs" has been replaced with "Check this single number"
>the gameplay itself doesn't look like anything special?
Well it is. Most of the games have pretty nutty gimmicks. Try 12.8. Nothing else like it.
I love it and it, and it was my first Fallout game. I easily could put 1 or 2 in this 3x3, but I thought it might be boring. Still one of my favarite trpg
DMC3, REmake, Godhand, and MGS3 are on my list. Don’t have any of the other games there, though it’s not cause I dislike them it’s just cause I have a more personal connection with the other games
is this the thread
How does one play Yoko Taro himself
Here's what a 3x3 looks like from someone who actually doesn't give af and actually puts down the games THEY enjoyed the most
I am the definitive Millenial/Zoomer hybrid
imagine being such a contrarian faggot that you feel the need to save that image
rate me faggots
that's a lot of bing bing wahoos
just like play game
Just putting my favorite games.
Nice taste my brotha!
It takes a certain kind of man to like MGSV.
The type of man that use the tools at his disposal to keep his experience interesting, instead of using the same 3 weapons and methods to bitch about how repetitive the game is.
4/5 based
I feel like I'm about to hurl
What website do I go to for 3x3s?
this but only semi ironically
every 3x3 in this thread is bad. why can't you faggots just play good games
You're alright
Thanks my dude
post yours
Give me recs
>tfw no one rates you
havent played them/9
what did you think of the remake of shadow of the colossus?
+bloodborne and meh for skyrim. it was ok.
"we need you to disable the bombs"
i need to play e.y.e./9
+hyper light, muh negro
-sekiro, hollow knight. sadly these just arent my favorite. wish i could like hollow knight, but it was a drag for me. the game is way too long and similar
Yea Forums can cry all it wants, but these are unarguably the best games ever made
look at literally any top 10 games of all times list or whatever the fuck and most games will be japanese, retard newfaggot
Top 10 with honorable mentions
FC was far superior to the Trails in the Sky SC
>3x3 thread
>posting top 10s, 4x4s
I dont even like enough games to make one of these things
Tell me about neo scavenger
And heres what I enjoyed playing the most in the 90s when I was like 6 years old or something...with picture this time
These were my favorite games growing up, surprisingly i grew up in the mid 2000s
Whats that monster girl game?
who else /zoomer/
mostly fueled by nostagia
Shit, I should've put Gold/Silver as well in mine. I mean, fuck who didn't like pokemon in the 90s?
Hex-based survival game that doesn't suck. Crafting recipes make sense, combat is options and text-based, and the desperation for plastic bags and shoes you can wear is real. It's got a demo if you're interested in checking it out.
I like video games
top 10 lists are usually made by failed journalists that don't play video games and 12 year olds
>Terra Nova
I want to check it out some time, how is it?
I haven't touched the SOTC remake and probably won't, despite the PS3 version being my favorite game ever. I'm super autistic about the original to a point where I probably wouldn't be able to enjoy it.
Bloodborne to me is near ludonarrative perfection and I think the hate surrounding Skyrim is derived from a fundamental misunderstanding of its appeal (and a lot of people who really loved it being indoctrinated into not liking it by Yea Forums)
please don't post on Yea Forums any more
nah they're alright
i like these threads because they help me to find new games to play
Memes aside, that 3x3 has some good shit
all of the games in there are garbage except for god hand and SH2
In every other artistic medium it's totally fair to criticize or praise something for congruence between it's many facets (atmosphere, dialogue, plot, character development, morals). There's no reason that can't apply to vidya.
Sorry you're a pleb
> All of the games are good except Niche Trash like God Hand & New Vegas
i liked it for liike 25 hours when i was 14 until i realized how boring it was. all the dungeons are the same, the armor and weapons are all boring when you realize how similar they are and how easy it is to get them. not to mention if you get a weapon you like too early it just sucks later cause of level scaling. the dragons suck and the combat is awful. what it has going for it, is a giant sandbox that does a lot of stuff but none of it very well.
By exercising our will within a digital simulation we mirror the futility of life, the state of mind art is supposed to carry us away from. Video games can never be art. Now please go crawl back to Yea Forums, you pigheaded nitwit.
If you have even a single Nintendo game in your grid your opinion should instantly be discarded.
There is lots of new games on there.
I thought that game was generally liked
Imagine being this much of a nintendo cuck and still having shit taste for nintendo games.
Probably the most psuedointellectual thing I've read all week.
your assertion that art is supposed to carry us away from the futility of life is incorrect. theres tons of art that tackles the futility of life, and some that even makes us active participants in it, and some that challenges the notion of that futility. rather than carrying us away from it, it forces us to confront it. Whether that be directly or through the authors characters.
your assertion that exercising our will within a medium invalidates vidya as art is wrong. art is meaningful because we assign it meaning. art is meaningful to us because of how we relate to and interpret it. We are participants no matter the medium.
You're fucking dumb dude haha cool image though I saved it
I always assumed 3x3 is just 9 of your favorite games but I can't help feel like there is more to it than that. Also i'm too shit to spend 10 minutes in paint so i'll greentext it.
>Enter the Gungeon
>Halo 3 ODST
>Dota 2
>Hitman Blood Money (haven't played Hitman 2016 or 2018 yet.)
>Pokemon Soul Silver
>Xcom 2
>CoD: Black Ops
also your notion that life is futile is very philosophy 101 and not self evident in the slightest
A lot of shitties hated it becuase they took the same exact approach for 90% of missions and wondered why the game felt exactly the same after they snuck into every outpost.
To be fair though the same loud crows were complaining that the game was "built around" slo mo, so they were probably people that were awful at video games anyway
>art is whatever I want it to be!
Guess your opinion is worthless then.
Do something that isn't futile right now. I'll wait.
sorry for my shit taste. i just really like these games
you just sound like a pretentious prick when you say that
>art is whatever I want it to be
very autistic strawman, and I mean autistic in a literal sense. if you need a little genuine clarification, part of what makes an artist talented is his or her ability to create something that thousands of other people will be able to relate with.
>do something that isn't futile right now. I'll wait.
Sure. I'm about to close Yea Forums and work on some jobs apps. I really turned my life around a few years ago and am now about to graduate from a really good college with an amazing girlfriend, who I might marry. I'll get a job here, then work my way up doing something I enjoy (a process which I will enjoy), have children who I'll raise to be good people, then retire with my wife, and maybe move to a rural area and start a homestead. Along the way there will be thousands of moments that remind me how fortunate I am to be alive, that help me appreciate the totality of the human experience. Then I'll die and become part of an infinite cycle of life and death, God. And I'm fine with that. That's plenty meaningful for me.
>everyone posts but no one wants to rate
fuck you guys honestly
i dig it, except for the last of us
>that cuphead
cant, i dont have cynicism in my blood. im genuinely happy that every one has their own personal favorites rather than a set and stone "these are the best and only the best"
except xenoblade 2 fans. those weebs can burn in hell
the art looks cute
>entire life boils down to working and reproducing
>not futile
>part of an infinite cycle of life and death
Life is a very temporary anomaly as the universe steadily progresses towards entropy.
>entire life boils down to working and reproducing
Spirtually bankrupt reductionism
>life is a very temporary anomaly as the universe steadily progresses towards entropy
wow you're such an intellectual dude, it's not like you just proved the universalist nature of my point by admitting that the universe too will die and come back to life
How does it feel to literally be the doomer meme hahahaha
>and come back to life
that's not how entropy works
a yikesposter doesn't have permission to look down on anybody
>Gundam Zeonic Front