Other urls found in this thread:
Once sold me a piece of macaroni
Will Western games ever not be hideous again? Graphics have technically gotten better, but games are uglier.
>meme realism
>everyone has ugly faces
>women are hideous
>uncanny valley animations and faces
>aiming for photo-realism when we have nowhere near the capacity for it
only 1 of these is even a thing
>don't want to support censorship
>don't want to support 3rd wave feminism propaganda
>don't want to support casualization of core fighting game mechanics
>don't want to support Denuvo
>don't want to support loot crates
>don't want to support micro transactions
>don't want to support preorder locked characters
>dont want to support homogenized cast
>don't want to support Injustice stylized equipment system
>don't want to support always online
>heard OG MK song
>get hyped
>want to buy it
I'm conflicted bros
she was lookin' kinda dumb with her finger in her butt in the shape of an L in her anus
Stop spamming this in every thread anytime shill.
Have sex
Is this star wars or mortal combat?
Injustice 2.5: We don't want to make MK edition
Well the shitpost keep comin and they don’t stop comin
Fed to the jannies and I hit the ground runnin
Didn't make sense not to live for fun
the brainlets get smart but your head gets dumb
So I took a bite out of a tree
It seriously takes effort to make sheeva that much uglier than the last game
Stop letting issues you have no control over dictate your life. The world sucks and there is literally nothing that any of us can do about it so whenever you find something that brings you joy hold onto it with all your might and forget about everything else.
Normie ncp here on Yea Forums
lol what did the king of jobbers expect going up against the canon winner of armageddon
at least there's always disembodied head chan
I would enthusiastically buy a new Mortal Kombat with like a 100 motion capture characters with new(fun) finisher types.
how did kotal khan ever even become the leader of outworld
motherfucker lost to some teenager who started training like 2 years prior
Fuck this thread let’s all go to
The comic kotal is actually based, he ripped off fucking goros arms, but the writers of mkX wanted to wank the kombat kids, who only lose to subzero
Don't be. Have some principles and refuse to support companies who engage in behaviour that you do not approve of. Doesn't really matter what your principles are. You need the courage to stick to them and not just shell out money to people who are insulting you.
NRS problem is that they told the comic guy to kill every 3D characters and they ran out of potential plots. They hate MK and the fans and it shows. was it really THAT hard to remake Shujinko and Onaga storyline?
I LOVE Mortal Kombat and I wont buy this, they are totally disrespectful with the fans and play the contrarians (kill Kenshi, Takeda, insist with Jacqui, troll Rain and Mileena fans, mocked Ermac fans, shat on Smokefags...) they dont deserve the money.
Everyone that worked for Mileena thought she wasn't very nice so they betrayed her and worked for Kotal instead. Kotal literally staged a coup because Mileena wouldn't help earth fight the netherrealm and then when he got control he immediately sided with the netherrealm to take over earth.
They should just make all the characters be palette swaps of Shrek at this point, I would actually buy that game
>reset timeline to make alternate universe
>why didn’t they just do the same thing again
That was so stupid, netherealm had all the best fighters, they should have been a great enough threat on their own instead of getting btfo’d by children. Nevermind kotal and his whole army getting dabbed on by the subzero
>king of jobbers
there's room for two on that bench.
Does shao khan job in mk11? Respond with yes or no, only one who comes close is mkX quan chi
fucking god put the mask back on
This is what you Sheevafags get for thinking even for a second that your 4 armed monstrosity is actually attractive and fuckable
>but muh monster fetish!!!
Fuck you, you fucking weirdos
>Imagine having your gf's friend beat up the guy who bullies you
Why is Kotal so cucked?
Ogre Combat
i'd play it
Don't do it user. You mentioned the song. That's EXACTLY where they want to cash in to help advertising their Injustice game: in your nostalgia.
But remember that the game you loved back then, and continued to play in the 00's, is FAR gone now. Boon has become a joke, Tobias was the one who mostly contributed in MK's success. This is not MK anymore. Even the fatalities have lost their charm and have become plain, repetitive butchering. Boon doesn't have a clue STILL on what to do with the game and just continues to throw shit to the wall and see what sticks in for the time. He can't even make up his mind on characters' appearence and ethnic background.
The difference from before is only that the shit ideas he is throwing on the wall now are specific, thanks to commiefornia pandering.
Google "Mortal Kombat: A Forced Hero" - a story based on MK9, the last real Mortal Kombat entry with actually attractive women - and no, there are no black women in the story. Sheeva for example is not some ugly assed nigger
Boon barely has creative control anymore, there are other powers at play holding this game back.
If neither Boon or Tobias have creative control now, at least on paper, then who has?
Must I remind you what Boon said about the direction that he wants the series to go from now on?
Unironically cute
How do you make that with this concept art?
What a faggot
The concept art is always better than the final model for MK.
It's on other sites
You don't seem to get it
>fanfiction smut
What a faggot