Does Half-Life 2 deserve to be the highest rated Western game ever?
Does Half-Life 2 deserve to be the highest rated Western game ever?
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not when this exists
No. Though I still enjoy the game, time has revealed it has a number of deep flaws. Its predecessor was better.
Yikes, imagine thinking that irrelevant piece of shit is good
My favorite western game ever is honestly Jak 3. Fight me.
No, but it should be in the top 20 or so.
somebody post the one with the blowjob slider
Portal & Journey are unironically superior in every way
Crysis is a way better linear FPS.
yeah, the gameplay is pretty much at prototype-stage
Overly scripted, heavily reliant on emergent gameplay, fandom dicked over by corporate greed, muh nihilism.
Yeah sounds like western gaming epitome.
Too much bugs
>heavily reliant on emergent gameplay
>Emergent Gameplay
Did you think you were being super original when you stacked cinder blocks instead of using the see saw?
I don't understand, what is emergent about Half Life 2's gameplay?
>Overly scripted,
>heavily reliant on emergent gameplay
Does Half-Life 2 deserve to have a cute hapa on the cover when most Valve fans are overweight racists?
I'd genuinely argue the original Half-life is more important and more deserving of the title and I don't think the original deserves that title either
I wasn't racist in 2004, but now I am.
Honestly Alyx should have been the protagonist instead of Gordan, the entire game is about her & nobody cares about Gordon anyway
what the fuck did he mean by this
half life 2 basically created the cinematic shooter craze.
half life is a quake clone
>it's half-life but with unwarranted cutscene durations, and scripted moments that may as well have been cutscenes
Truly revolutionary! How sad that things turned more gameplay-orientated with Halo and all the rest!
Call of Duty 4 created that. In particular, Call of Duty 4 couldn't have happened if it weren't for Halo.
shit gameplay though
>shit gameplay though
The campaign is meant to be played co-op. That puts it on the same level as its classic successors like CoD 4 etc.
Halo was a fucking setpiece fest.
whatever. i eat my own shit to survive.
They are more interactive in Halo.
it's pretty shit compared to HL1
Nope. It's a great game but wildly overrated.
Except Half-life did that shit before, It was a story focused FPS with scripted sequences and environmental story telling. What did HL2 do that the first didn't in that regard? An aesthetic?
as someone who played it recently for thefirst time. no. its boring and cliche, seems more like a tech demo than an Actual game. hl1 was good
Honestly no
It's good not the best
Probably doom or hl1 or something idk
half life never had any of the gay walking talking cutscenes
once you disembark the train it's all gameplay
She should have not survived hunter attack.
Honestly she should not have had survive the citadel explosion.
Fuck Vortigonts, the episodes were a mistake.
What? Are you forgetting about the test chamber scene?
yeah I am lol but that's still the intro
I'd say this is mostly accurate.
As for which one "deserves" to be the highest rated? Probably DOOM II. If not that, then Starcraft: Brood War, HL2:E2, Thief 2, GTA:SA, and Hollow Knight could be contenders.
This, however, is an exercise in braindead enemy AI, a buggy crashy engine, movement so slow you spend more time walking to things to interact with than actually interacting with them, and combat somehow less engaging than Clicker Hero's.
Great story but a story with 5 minutes of walking between scenes is worse than just an above average story that you can fucking access without falling asleep.
HL2 is not emergent gameplay. If you want emergent gameplay, look at Starsiege: Tribes or Counter-Strike's custom gamemode.
>half life 2 basically created the cinematic shooter craze.
What is Goldeneye 64.
>San Andreas
>PC game
Because when your game is a movie tie-in focused on setpieces and not focused at all on aiming, I'd say it counts as a cinematic shooter.
So HL1 but with less playing, more watching. Truly groundbreaking, no wonder the critics rallied behind it.
runs on PC
What, does it have to literally be PC exclusive? Then best knock DOOM off that fuckin list.
>half life never had any of the gay walking talking cutscenes
The intro sequence is one big long one.
There's two before you get to the test chamber.
There's another one before you get into the teleport to Xen.
Nigga pls
No but it clearly wasn't designed with PC in mind first. Your other games were
>it's all gameplay
>And if they find the body?
>Body? What body?
>Heh heh heh.
lasts like 10 seconds
No, HL1 is better.
If it lasts for more than 83milliseconds (5 frames at 60Hz) and you can't progress the game during it regardless of input, it's noticeable waiting.
If it's noticeable waiting that tells you part of a story, it's a cutscene.
I really hate Alyx.
She should not have existed.
Also that woman who was a traitor.
>something bad happens in fiction
>muh nihilism
This. It relied on too many gimmicks that at the time seemed cool and inflated its score more than it deserved. The first one is a better game at its core, but its story is way weaker.
at least you canskip it
No, it's overrated shit that aged like sour milk.
Only reason it was rated so high was because people were excited about new-ish technology, but now we can see these were all just gimmicks to fluff up tedious hallway shooter.
We're going to do the same thing in ten years when we look back at Witcher 3 and realize how fucking boring and dull it really is.
Yes you stupid faggot. It still holds up today 18 years later and still beats out most games in the physics aspects.
el goblina...
These mods were always so fucking stupid. They just made the characters look worse.
HL1 had the perfect amount of story. It was better in every way.
HL2's story was fucking stupid.
What is the highest rated eastern game?
It has a better atmosphere but it doesn't really have much of a story. The characters you meet all say 2 lines and then die, there's barerly any lore, and the whole progression can be summed up with "accident happened - aliens came - government cover up - close portal - weird ghost guy abducted me - the end".
HL2 is more complex but don't get me wrong its story kinda sucks too.
This. Narratively and thematically, HL2 had nothing in common with the first, and felt more like the beginning of some new IP.
I'm glad there isn't a HL3, because no doubt it would be full of fucking Portal nonsense as well.
No, but GTA IV does.
Cuckarina of time
not even the best fps of its era. F.E.A.R. is better
Ocarina by all metrics is the highest rated game of all time & Guinness Worlds Records declared it as such
I absolutely love it but it's too story focused to be considered one of the greatest games
A good game has infinite replayability by design, not narrative driven one and done (or a few times and done)
But it had all it needed.
Agreed. But I like Portal. It also didn't have too much story, just dialogue, which, no matter how much reddit loves it, remains funny.
>I was 8 years old in 2004 and then I started parroting memes
yes hl2 was phenomenal for its time
anyone who hates it is obviously a zoomer to young to have experience the glory of source era
Source "era" got nothing on Goldsrc.
sure but 00s were nice as well
I liked it then and I like it now. I don't care how many times Yea Forums chooses to flip-flop on the issue
this gun always looked like a pencil to me
Question, was the original storyline and art direction better?
It's impossible to tell because that game was never made. From what I know, I prefer what we got because it's more grounded
Don't listen to betafags, they're in love with an illusion
>outstanding art direction
>great gameplay
>very good atmosphere
>the citadel