Don't mind me, I'm just pirating this fish

Don't mind me, I'm just pirating this fish.

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This is actually a pretty good example, maybe Jesus wasn't such a bad guy after all.

Jesus was pretty based


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It's good Friday, you aren't eating meat today, right?

I had grilled chicken for breakfast, yeah I'm pretty BADASS, I know.

Let me know how hell is

Based Jesus the first pirate

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Eating leftover (not passover) meat lovers pizza when I read this post. Maaan!

This is the end of all piracy arguments lol.

Its pretty awesome here desu and theres all these cool demon people.

Nope! I'm fasting too!

I haven't eaten red meat since wednesday

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Ate a hot dog just a while ago. Dammit.

I has hachis parmentier, oupsi.. I pretty much eat meat every single day though, so jesus can choke on my meat.

Jesus was a pirate, and he kicked all the moneychangers out of the temple because there should be no marketplace there. So he was anti-mtx as well. Praise Jesus.

I've already messed up, but I'm trying to think of filling fast food to eat that does not include meat.

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i havent eaten meat in 7 years

Shit, I just remembered I had bacon for breakfast.

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based jesus btfoing buycucks

Having some nice fish and fries later

He triggers merchants and cattle alike. I'm thinking he based

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Why is this even a thing?

We already talked about this a million times.

Stealing from a company hurts the average joe. The average joe is republican voter. Ergo are you not only hurting/stealing from small families, but you are also stealing from America.

I dont get it

I want to slam this slutty mutt

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Think of all the store owners Jesus fucked over. What about their families?

Where EXACTLY in the Bible does it talk about not eating meat during lent Fridays? And how isn't fish considered meat? It's literally the same thing

You fast from red meats during Lent.

Yes but why

Face is busted but I'd still smash like the incredible hulk

It shows that Jesus didn't copy anything, and pirates latch on to Him to justify their criminal activity

Nice try

Matthew 21:17

I'm a coast spic, so I eat fish almost every day
We're having some shirmp tacos with cheese

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First of all, "store owners" don't own anything. Nor do they possess families. Everything belongs to God. Jesus has the absolute divine authority to do whatever he wants.

>And he left them, and went out of the city into Bethany; and he lodged there.
Epic trole post

It's never stated on the Bible but as a catholic rite in honor of Jesus.

And not even vegans care about fish

>The average joe is republican voter
Which planet do you live on? The average Joe doesn't even vote. Let alone for Republicans.


Jesus stole those two fish. It's why the last underlined thing didn't mention those fish.

whos catholic church and why should i care

Yep, and fasting as well.
Probably going to pick up a fish sandwich from a local place later though.

You're supposed to fast in as a signal of mourning or some shit, but modern folks are a bunch of weak willed fatties so they changed it to that retarded ritual.

This is exactly why nobody takes religion seriously except rural and suburban retards


Fishermen weren't doing so well awhile back so the Pope said "lol now you gotta eat fish on Friday."
There's no real religious reason.

The only acceptable alternative to being Orthodox

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>Where EXACTLY in the Bible does it talk about not eating meat during lent Fridays?
Stupid protestant

Haha wowe dude, what an obscure reference! Shame on me for not knowing every single line of The Simpsons. A big upvote for you, good sire

Based, but to be fair, food are natural and therefore belong to Him. Europa Universalis on the other hand belongs to the company. Render to Caesar and all that.

Don't listen to them user become a protestant CHAD

Well he was Jewish...

I had shrimp and eggs for breakfast, that's ok right?

But jews hate him, which makes him a pretty cool guy.

>dude all of these man-made traditions are just as equally important as the teachings of Jesus

son of god or not, jesus was the most admirable person to ever live. if there is a heaven or hell or if any other religion ends up being right in the end, emulating his qualities should be good enough to be in any divine being's good graces. and if they are a petty or wrathful being, they were never worth worship in the first place.

It's the first thing that pops up on google.

>Jesus is the lord of all creation
>"pirates" fish that was his anyway, effective stealing from himself, which doesnt make sense in the comparison
>somehow this is related to someone stealing a product produced for a profit by copying it, simply because the medium allows it to be copied

It's still stealing, regardless of the medium piratecucks. It is a virtual product designed for profit, and regardless of whether you were going to buy it is irrelevant.

>guy steals luxury car
>tells police "they didnt lose a sale, I wasnt going to buy it anyway!"

This is effectively you. Not to be confused with real pirate bros, who dont give a fuck and dont have to justify themselves for doing whatever the fuck they want. Those bros are based, and dont have to "morally" justify their actions to absolve their own guilty conscience.

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>You're stupid because you don't do what this MAN said in the 500s
Whatever helps you sleep at night, pedo-enabler

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>implying protestants know anything about the teachings of jesus

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Shrimp is gay, but it's according to the rules.

American fundamentalists and televangelists aren't protestants. They're American.

You haven't broken abstinence, but you're also supposed to be fasting so that should be your only meal today

Based and Greekpilled

And they love Israel too!

Gonna have some fish n freedom fries here in Dixie. Gonna compensate for that later with my dad with some spicy crawdads.

Not on mine. The only thing popping up is my erectile when your sister sits on my lap
Who are you quoting?

>American fundamentalists and televangelists aren't protestants
they literally are by definition though

Im roasting pork belly for dinner and there's nothing you can do to stop me

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Do you have brain damage?

Hanging with Hitler

What does Interior Semiotics have to do with this?

>Jesus stole those two fish
He literally did not

why would anyone try to stop you? enjoy damnation