Who can actually stop Sony in the next gen?

In a bad place right now and only American's actually buy them
Switch is doing well but it now panders to a different market now
Was never relevant in the first place

Literally no one gives a shit about weeb games that barely break 10k.
You barely even hear about this in click bait articles. The average consumer just doesn't care.

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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/PlayStation-Plus-Month-Membership-Digital/dp/B004RMK5QG/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=playstation plus&qid=1555694340&s=gateway&sr=8-1

Atari, I got a good feeling this year.

>only americans buy them

yeah im sure the PS5 will be real successful in japan with their war on all things anime

>implying any console is surviving past 2020

Mobile has stolen the casual market and the hardcore market is more PC than ever. Consoles are DEAD.

Havent you people been saying this since the PS1?

No. PC wasn’t as good as consoles back then.

This is the average Sony thread. Just a circlejerk where every rebuttal is met with "shut up incel" or "seething"

its not like they care about xbox. ps5 can do that because they dont have any competition to worry about.

>no ape escape 4
don't forget littlebigplanet's servers being closed only there

me because i'm not buying one (too much focus on soi games)

The only one who can stop Sony is Sony, and so far they are doing a good job of it.

Wii U2

The traditional home console market is now Sony's market. Microsoft is moving towards becoming a service and Nintendo is doing portables with a dock.

Sony will hopefully wreck itself.
I've been on the Sony side since the PS1, but I'm jumping ship with all the censoring.
If MS explicitly comes out against censoring as a way to attack Sony, I might get an Xbox. Otherwise, it's PC only for me.

There’s a reason companies are jumping ship from the console market. Things like Stadia and mobile are changing demographics and interests.

This, us incels need to stick together

It's literally because they can't compete with Sony. Mobile and Stadia are practically separate markets and the home console market is doing fine.

You are grossly underselling how popular PC gaming is becoming, especially with consoles becoming nore PC-like than ever.

Regardless, you can't just pretend Nintendo doesn't exist because their niche is different. It's still conoetition about who will grab more consuners: lighter, more fun games or the usual AAA trash.

No no you see if Yea Forums just keeps making threads about how pedo games dont translate into real world child abuse Sony will definitely meet their demands! I suggest Yea Forums take the next step and launch a social media campaign about it so everyone can see just how rational and totally not-gross weebs are

>Who can actually stop Sony in the next gen?
Themselves. Cockyness always ends badly for corporations.
Ps2 was a booming success but the Ps3 launch was an absolute joke, it's a miracle they ever recovered.
Xbox 360 was a booming success but the XBONE launch was a massive blunder and it hasn't really recovered since.
The Wii was a booming success but the Wii U was... well... you get the idea.

They're just popular everywhere else in the world.
Why do weebs keep forcing the meme that Japan is hugely relevant?

The only reason things went this amazingly well for Sony with the PS4 was because Microsoft and Nintendo both shat the bed at almost the same time. I expect them to maintain an edge with the PS5, at least in the beginning, but I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft and Nintendo both start to edge into that marketshare now that they've gotten their heads out of their asses and sony is starting to go into its own. As much as you want to downplay their censorship shit, that's going to potentially tank the fuck out of them in Japan, and negative word of mouth from a fanbase you've traditionally catered to is not a good look for Sony. They're basically giving Nintendo free business with that shit, instead of being smart and shutting the fuck up and just doing what everyone else is doing. I've been a sonyfag since the PS1 era and even supported and shilled the fuck out of the Vita, but what they're doing now is infuriating. I legit do not understand why the company in first place always goes full retard.

>not pandering to pedophiles is a war on anime
lmao the absolute STATE of weebs. Sonys doing Gods work by triggering you mutants into delusional hysterics desu

Normies(90% atleast of gamers) is where the money is at
Basically Sony with less exclusives,becoming irrelevant worldwide
little kids and basedboys
Too expensive,too difficult
Current king,favourite console of teens and normie adults,also 2nd most popular amongst kids

Microsoft and Nintendo, Sony will stop themselves next gen.

>343i (Halo)
>The Coalition (Gears 5 and 6 to finish the NuTrilogy, Gears Tactics, after that new IP)
>Playground Studio 1 (Forza Horizon)
>Playground Studio 2 (Fable ARPG)
>Compulsion Games (small scale story-driven adventures)
>Relic Entertainment (Age of Empires 4)
>Undead Labs (zombie survival)
>Mojang (Minecraft, who cares)
>The Initiative (Quadruple A "AAAA" third person action games [so far hired a bunch of devs from Rockstar, Sony Santa Monica, Crystal Dynamics and Insomniac)
>Ninja Theory (divided into 3 teams, all working on games on scale of Enslaved) [3 teams]
>RARE (started working on a new IP and will let other studios work on their older IPs like with Battletoads atm) [2 teams]
>Turn10 (revolutionizing sim racers with Forza Motorsport 8)
>Obsidian Entertainment (new project directed by Sawyer already in development, best version of Outer Worlds in native 4k and 60FPS and possible sequels are exclusive) [2 teams]
>MSGP funding more 2nd and 3rd party games like Sunset Overdrive, Cuphead, Killer Instinct or Ori
>new Xbox Division in Asia
>inXile Entertainment (CRPGs) [2 teams]
>close to buying IO Interactive (Hitman), Deck13 (The Surge) and Asobo (A Plague Tale: Innocence)
>the best versions of multiplats
>native 4k 60fps
>backwards compatibility
>GamePass ($1 a month to play almost 200 games)
>they're not censoring games unlike Snoy
>using the W10 store means you're in the Xbox ecosystem

Sony is LITERALLY on life support next-gen

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btw pcfag


You can't see the larger picture and the precendent that has been set, you fool. I don't play visual novels with titties because they aren't my thing but I don't want consenting adults to be policed by a bunch of blue-haired Californian cunts under the guise of "think of the children!" while simultaneously endorsing half-naked homosexuals marching on the streets.

Unless Sony goes back to its roots in Japan, it's doomed.

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>Xbox absolutely dominated with the 360
>Wii U was pathetic
>PC was "never relevant"
>PS3 was extremely overpriced most of its lifecycle and had less exclusive appeal to Bros

Who can actually stop Microsoft right now?

Fucking moron all it takes is a good exclusive lineup and misteps like Xbox's initial disk policy, 2013's recapture of the market by Sony makes that clear. Sony can easily fuck up and Microsoft can easily dominate if it has worthwhile exclusives again,

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How so exactly?
The censorship thing obviously isn't.
No one outside this shithole cares.

no, it's on hentai.
which is skeevy shit that no one but hyper otaku in japan actually buy.

>they're not important
>xbone 2 launches for winter 2019

whoops haha

>How so exactly?
If you read the entirety of the third post then you might know. It has nothing to do with censoring.

Well if Sony pisses off enough weebs they might shoot up the California offices

I don't care about political aspect of it.
Just the financial part of it.

I don't even care about the censorship but all the trannies bullying virgins on here has really made me never want to touch a playstation ever again. It's so distasteful

Won't be hard for xbox or nintendo if sony keeps forcing devs to censor their games


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Finance and politics have a very strong connection with each other, user.

>only Americans actually buy them
That's their own fault though. Microsoft refuses to understand that USA is not the only country in the world.

Microsoft will easily stop them

If Microsoft can undercut Sony's pricing for the PS5 (probably $500-550) with the Xbone2, and NOT cock it up by trying to emphasize media again, then they've got an in to potentially be the FIFA box of Gen 9.

Can we shut the fuck up about the censorship for the sake of this thread? The only people that care are whiney pedos on this thread. You fucking retards don't effect sales, censorship discussion whatever your views is irrelevant to this thread.

If you think Sony's censorship has any negative impact on its bottom line, you need to get your head out of your ass, go outside, and realize people don't pay attention outside of Yea Forums

Was never relevant in the first place

oh yeah the platform singlehandedly matching the whole console marketshare ist not relevant

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microsot tried to sell the thing to japan, they just don't fucking care. as for europe, the 360 made a dent here in the uk, can't say for elsewhere.

yes we've been talking about mobile games eating up console share since the ps1.


Niche fanservice weeb shit is totally a giant market.......

I bought an Xbox to play with my friends and its such a chore to navigate the interface is just fucking atrocious and your bombarded with adds

Only ever play the odd game with them every now and then

Sony is gonna come in lastnext gen ..Nintendo is a fucking powerhouse and already planning for the next switch and microsoft will have the most powerful console next gen along with all the studios they bought they will have exclusives out the ads and good ones meanwhile Sony will have the weakest console with 1 exclusive a year and sony thinks that if they pander to sjw crowd they can win lol fuck sony and fuck there censorship and fuck thier leftist sjw bullshit propaganda

>PC not relevant
>Gets all games and even exclusives
Ok so(n)yboy

they'll just bloat and tip like all big companies do.

Yeah and they're still making money.
"Get woke get broke" has gotten BTFO several times.

shut the FUCK up sony pony
It may be irrelevant outside but i will never allow someone on this shithole to praise this piece of plastic trash ever again. if you play on playstation you belong on trannyera

>consoles are dead

They are censoring everything you fagblaster not just fan service games

switch has already (or is near to) outselling the ps4 in japan in under less than half the time on the market. sony is dead in japan and we're talking about one of their most successful consoles of all time with their highest ever rated games library. if sony can't compete with nintendo with all of that then they won't be able to compete for shit next gen.

Keep coping and trying to sweep the censorship under the rug, Californians will kill Sony for their political interests.

I was stupid enough to think Halo 5 would be good and bought the Bone. Its interface was so atrocious it drove me to build a PC and sell all my Bone games, and eventually buy a PS4 for exclusives. I fucking hate the Xbox One, it's painful to use

>the latest God of War
>boss fights
Ask me how I know it's fake.

Because Japan is the second-largest market in the world outside of the US?
You realize that Europe is an entire CONTINENT, and it can't even compete with the US and Canada ALONE when it comes to games sales, right?

Snoytards SEETHING at this post. I can't wait to see how they cope when they get more walking sims while xbox has real games next gen

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>war on all things anime
that is wrong though

Sony will stop themselves. They're self destructive.
>Console always launches with problems
>Poor track record of account security
>poor track record when it comes to their OS
>lack of a library for the third gen in a row
>What little library they have are movie games
>Shitty overpriced peripherals
>Now going nazi sjw levels of censoring

Sony first-party only makes walking simulators now
PC is relevant enough where most big games are getting a port now
I only care about the PS5 being big enough in Japan where they're willing to self-censor themselves for Sony versus going with switch

PC + Switch + censorship will fuck over Sony

Remember when everyone bashed nintendo for censoring their games?
Why is it okay when sony does it?

based xnigger, dab on sonys corpse

Shut the FUCK up. Just shut the fuck up. You are so goddamn STUPID! Find something else to be upset about and actually discuss stuff that affects Sony's sales, you piece of shit retard!

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No they're not get your facts straight.
They're only doing this to small Jap shit that only sells with fanservice.
DMC5's censorship has already been patched out because Capcom said so.

PlayStation and Square Enix has a license to make or sub any Marvel Game. For those who thought Spider-Man was a one and done then proceeded to eat crow when Iron Man was announced, you haven't seen the end. There's so much more capeshit in the pipeline exclusive to PlayStation, that murdering Xbox would be as easy as announcing a Venom or Captain America exclusive.

>Literally no one gives a shit about weeb games that barely break 10k.
>no one is going to take your games away guys!

>K-keep it up bro

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>Who can actually stop Sony in the next gen?

I'll answer that Mr Paid Shill

Sony have fucked themselves

>No PS1, 2, 3 BC
>No 4K Player

Send that feedback to your higher ups, tell em i bought a PS3/4 on the day it came out but wouldn't touch 5 with an aids invested tranny that they love to promote

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Uhhhhh God of War had lots of boss fights?

They are either in full support of Sony's censorship, or dumb retards

Yeah but they were fags and tried to get something as stupid as a butt censored.

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>muh marvel
Only literal children and manchildren like that shit

The truth hurts doesn't it

can you trannies even say what games PS5 will have yet...

So the video games audience.

not even e3 2013 could kill xbox. we're talking 40-50m consoles sold with barely any 1st party. it sold triple the wii u which was nothing but 1st party exclusive.

Nobody gives a fuck about superhero games ..people talked about Spider-Man for what like 1 week and that was because sony only releases 1 game a year lol

>One Wired article completely destroyed years of Xcuck and Nintendildo posturing and preening in a single morning

Consoles are dead there.
Only gacha mobile shit sells.

ps4 didnt have any of those and still won


the shitch doesnt even have the fucking virtual console

Keep telling yourself that
Go back to resetera with everyone else that think censorship is okay

*Makes billions in the box office*

so another generation of 24fps?

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I'm not even pro-Sony you fucking idiot. I'm just sick of the same irrelevant discussion infecting and ruining every single thread.


get that through your thick skull, you mouth-breathing troglydites. I'm not arguing that it's not bad, but it's not going to lead to their downfall and if you think it will you have no grasp on reality

>Halo Infinite biggest budget for a vidya gaem ever
>Gears 5 the best looking game of the generation
>Forza Horizon 4 new maps
>Fable Reboot teaser
>Killer Instinct 2
>Ori and the will of the Wisps
>Ninja Theory Bleeding Edge gameplay
>Banjo from Playful

meanwhile at Sonys conference:

Attached: xbros1.png (488x663, 102K)

>360 was dominating
not a chance. 360 dominated up to the turn of the decade, then PS3 started getting all those 360 exclusives as "complete" editions with more content, for cheaper. bluray was becoming more commonplace as it had won the hd-dvd/bluray war, and the ps3 slim was out. PS3 and sony made a recovery with smart decisions to repair the damage they'd done to the brand.
microsoft has shit out a mid-gen refresh that was accompanied by 0 new games to make use of it, a brazen marketing campaign that paid off at least a bit, and has continued it's work in fucking the consumer with always online, always digital practices like the games pass and the new sad xbone.


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I'm not saying it's ok.
I'm saying that it's not having a major effect on them.
Incel weebs are a tiny minority of gamers . You need to accept that.

Resetera had a post that explains the censored situation well.

>I'm not even pro-Sony
>Even formats your post like a retardera tranny

I would say Sony will fuck something up with PS5 that would fuck any other company over, but Sony fans are retarded cumguzzlers.

>Too expensive,too difficult

Why do people pretend like consoles aren't expensive?

PS4 at launch $399.99
having ps+ since launch 50*6 = $300
optional console upgrade $399.99
controller $60

To have had a ps4 with ps plus from launch you're already at 700 dollars (no tax) without a game or a controller. if you decided to get a ps4 pro, for 400 dollars lets say you sold yours for half the value, you still paid 900 Plus tax for the generation. Not even bought a game yet. That's 4/5ths the way to a computer, 3/5ths the way there to a whole new set up (keyboard, mouse, speakers, monitor should you need)

then you can use those pc parts as a base for your next computer and keep peripherals saving you even more money. I just have a Decent gaming pc, because i feel like i can't afford to have consoles.

Because they are pandering to leftist liberal sjw propaganda and brain washing stupid Americans that dont know how to think for themselves ..omg a lead female superhero movie that's so cool I gotta see that so I can talk to all my white friends at starbucks hope o don't forget my iphone so people know how cool I am lol


There will be no 8k and there will be no raytracing.
They want to sell these things for around $500 and you'd need at least a 2080 or something to do EITHER 8k or raytracing, you can't do both.

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>having PS+ since launch
I've had PS+ since 2011 and it's cost me $20 each year, what the fuck

>pc gaming
>9gag and redditfag tier PC masterace neckbeards

>nintendo gamers
>soeyboys, manchildren, smelly smashfags, and pokecringefags

>xbox gamers
>trailer trash and crickets

>playstation gamers
>highschool jock chads, normies playing fortnite and just the normie audience in general

PS will be the winner as always

Quick rundown?

>Literally no one gives a shit about weeb games that barely break 10k.
You barely even hear about this in click bait articles. The average consumer just doesn't care.
weeb games are the FIRST and easiest target for the new policies, the sky is the limit next, soon you will see any sort of censoriship on multiplatform games (Like those nice light beams on DMCV) releasing on PS4/5 while everyone else gets the regular un-altered version, pretty much just like games releasing on china, the game has to go through a regulation process first and if the government seem it problematic they can outright ban it just like sony is been doing recently because
>muh platform muh rules
this will def hurt them in the long run as it will either limit developers creativity freedom or simply give them more work to deal with like adding like beams, removing content or modifying the game to make fit sony's new agenda consequently dropping 3rd party devs trust in sony

TL;DR: pray that PS5 is not a flop and movie games can keep it relevant, if they have install base, jap third party devs will have to deal with the policies

literally nobody cares about any of those franchises, they're soulless games, the embodiment of corporate trash, made up franchises with no artistic uniqueness or innovation

please make the world a favor and kill yourself

Plus Japan makes Japanese games which is all I really care about. So yeah they're relevant.

Fine, keep living in lala land and ruining the thread

Sony is going down the shitter whether you like it or not. The writing is on the wall; Sony is in the hands of incompetent California scum.

>reply to the whole post
>can't even quote properly

stay lurking.

guess what happens if microsoft gets their console out before sony does and sonys burned all their bridges in japan

sonys raytracing is probably more marketing than the real deal

rays are being already cast for all kinds of operations holding my hand into the fire that this raytracing will not be even comparable to the rtx one

Oh I forgot Days Gone and all the other cinematic movie games where you run around in forests are the definition of soul.

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don't forget the fact that console games, especially digital console games, cost more than they do on pc

>Sony is threatening third parties to keep quiet about censoring games, or they'll blacklist them

Just like when Nintendo bullied third parties in the NES-SNES days.

amazon.com/PlayStation-Plus-Month-Membership-Digital/dp/B004RMK5QG/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=playstation plus&qid=1555694340&s=gateway&sr=8-1


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>Burned all bridges
Are you still waiting about censorship or are you making another point?

>Quadruple A "AAAA"
always gets me

Consoles are an outdated idea from the 70s and the time of Pong. We no longer need to buy a big bulky box just to play one game because we now have a big bulky box that does that and we can use it for work and the internet and other things (aka a PC). Now that PCs are affordable things that everyone can buy and can buy pretty good ones for cheap, there’s no reason to have a console anymore. You can hook up PCs to TVs. You can plug controllers into PCs. PCs already do everything you need.

My prediction is that Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft will move away from selling consoles and will start doing the online store business model more (Microsoft is already doing this) which unfortunately also means shit like EGS exclusivity will not be a first and there will be more of this coming.

people underestimate the lead that sony has, when you basically get a whole generation to run wild you really get ahead of the competition

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>hurt their c reative freedom
this is the only accurate argument in your post. But ultimately, it doesn't matter.
Are you forgetting how despite nintendo's fucking hardcore censorship and editing of titles during n64 and before, every 3rd party dev scrambled to be on THEIR platform and not sega's? Sales are the only thing that will change a dev's mind, because money is why they make games in the first place, their creativity takes a back seat to that, unless they're indie. Censorship isn't something devs really care about, because next gen when these policies have existed for a fair shake, people won't make games that risk being censored, they'll have just adapted and make games that are pre-censored or don't need to be censored at all.
>hurrdurr still censorship
who gives a fuck. If they really cared about that creative freedom they wouldn't be on a platform that restricts them. But they are. You literally can't blame anyone but them for that stupidity.

See what I mean

Ps4 is for minorties that like all the leftist liberal propaganda bullshit ..ps4 is for stupid simpletons that cant think for themselves

We all know that sony is sonys biggest enemy. They are well on their way to fuck everything up again.

More like
>PS gamers
>8-14 year old kids, beta cucks, and eurotrash

>normies playing fortnite
by normies you mean little kids, right?

yes also buying options.there are key re sellers that i use like cdkeys to buy games. as much as i wanted to play resident even 2 and devil may cry 5 i wasn't paying 89.99cdn for it. still bought them both off resellers for 50 cdn

ps4 just attracted all the trannies because its the most popular, if switch sold 95m units like the ps4 the trannis would be gawking over switch

Those kids grow up to be regular well adjusted sexhavers unlike the Nintendo camp thats still clinging onto animal crossing and other gay shit into their 20s

Attached: winnin.png (959x739, 508K)

>Are you forgetting how despite nintendo's fucking hardcore censorship and editing of titles during n64 and before
yet they released a second party title called conker's bad fur day which ironically got censored later by microsoft

There are people on Yea Forums that believe this

Microsoft E3 2019
>Xbox Scarlet, two new consoles in same style of Xbox One S and Xbox One X.
>Xbox Scarlet games playing natively on PC
>Many BC titles on PC including Xbox One, Xbox 360, and OG Xbox, expected to launch October 2019
>Xbox Scarlet game development will allow games to be sold on Xbox One/PC at discretion of publishers
>Xbox Game Pass expanded - day 1 first party/second party games, third party AAA games a couple months after launch, indie games all the time
>More studios acquired, expect at least 3 announcements
>Xcloud detailed, stream from your xbox console to your Windows/iOS/Android device. Microsoft will offer streaming from Microsoft Azure by end of year 2019.
>Play Anywhere now applies to everything. If you own it digitally, download it to your Xbox or PC, or stream it to your Windows, iOS, or Android device.
>Xbox Live Gold will continue to offer the best complimentary games for subscribers each month.
>New Xbox controller variations. Standard, Elite, and Hybrid
>Halo Infinite
>Gears 5
>Fable RPG
>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Rocksteady DC game
>Harry Potter RPG
>Killer Instinct
>Splinter Cell Reboot
>Ninja Theory’s Bleeding Edge
>More than 30 games shown off

Meanwhile at Sony E3 2019

Now compare the lead PS2 had over Xbox/GC to PS3 vs 360/Wii. A lot can change quickly

>Literally no one gives a shit about weeb games that barely break 10k
Assuming it isn't a biased policy it'll affect ALL games on their system making games like GTA difficult to put on the ps5 if they decide to keep things like hookers and what not. If it is a biased policy they can get sued for it and one could easily spin it into a racism angle.

>censorship is not relevant and doesn't matter because I say so

Remember when Sony tried to copy Nintendo Direct and failed miserably?

>Those kids grow up to be regular well adjusted sexhavers
You know Fortnite is on switch as well, right?

Attached: 1555646420774.png (1204x204, 64K)

That sly wink to Insomniac in Endgame with Rocket and Tony tho

fifa is on switch too yet PS4 is hailed as the fifa console i dont need to tell you why that is

Cry more faggot.

>zoomers will grow up into "well-adjusted" adults

MS could do it, but I'm 90% sure they're going to go retarded again like they did with the Bone at the reveal. Streaming and shit. They also don't have any support from the japs so it sucks for me personally.

Everyone has been more than alright with what they've said about the PS5 (SSD, backwards compatible, not hardware from the last decade), what are you talking about? They're on their way to making a system better than the PS3 and 4, not the opposite.

financially it was shit but culturally the PS3 clung to relevancy because of the explosion of COD

Those threads literally exist because you keep replying. The average shitposter doesn't care about you, your favorite brand or whatever the fuck you like, but you are obviously signaling to him that it gets to you. It's only normal that he would keep using the most effective method to piss you off.

Switch owners are grown ass adults living off nostalgia vibes because Nintendo is og in the video game world ..ps4 are filled with trashy dumb angry minirorties and young kids who think there grown up and sony is brainwashing then with all their liberal propoganda in their shitty movie games

>believing anything a tranny says

>sells games at 60$ that never go on sale or get price reduction despite being several years ago and looking worse than their playstation, pc and ms counterparts
>uuuuuuh guys why is nintendo losing REEEEEE

i hope microsoft manages to buy that shit soon

they wont endup like this i can bet you that much, do you know where the ps4fags are in this pic? in the background with their dates.

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because the install base has shit taste?
yeah, I've known that from the start, that explains why more deserving games such as bloodborne havn't sold anywhere near as well.

Resetera trannies are only mtf though.

Last time I checked they've lost all the support on Yea Forums. The specs will probably skyrocket the price aswell and by god I hope they try to bundle their piece of shit with a VR headset to push it to 600 bucks. The shitflinging will be glorious.

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Xbox is the dudebro chad console you underagefag. It's the most social, so naturally it is the most normie.

They always fail miserably when they copy Nintendo
Smash clone? Flop.
Waggle? Flop
Kart racer? Flop

california and their love of hiring pink haired retards

I thought people hated the 343 halo games and nuGears? Also PCfag here, Obsidian went to dogshit since New Vegas and Outer Worlds looks like shit, so I wouldn't put much stock in them delivering much. Deadfire was full of sjw shit. Also:
>Quadruple A "AAAA"
wut? First I've heard about this.

xbox was for trailer trash monster sipping DC shoes tapout wearing people, xboxfags most of them became ps4 fags because xbo flopped so hard

no its because switch has shit graphics

Well Sony is rapidly losing money so I wouldn't be surprised if they bought them sometime soon.

Not only can nobody stop Sony right now they are poised to start making computers again. Imagine if the PS5 had a safer set of VR goggles than anyone else better for the eyes and a OS ?

Sony needs to make a gamer cell phone.

Actually, nah. Everything good the way it is let's see what MICROSOFT drops for the next Halo. If it's Minecraft/Destiny/BattleRoyal on a premium box with AR/VR for under a hundred dollars it's going to be weird.

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>no its because switch has shit graphics
Or, you know, fifa is a shit game.

>best version of Outer Worlds in native 4k and 60FPS and possible sequels are exclusive)
It's on PC so no.
Lmao the fucking state of snoybois.

i dont give a fuck about fifa but hey it moves units, you just stay seething in last place thanks

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>they are poised to start making computers again
You don't really believe that do you?
The only tech based part of their company that isn't failing is PlayStation.

>next gen console is close to beating last gen console nearing the end of it's life cycle


>In a bad place right now and only American's actually buy them
Yeah, right now. No one knows what they will pull with the next xbox though.
>Switch is doing well but it now panders to a different market now
Yeah, the market of every single person on this planet. Switch is aiming to become the next wii/ds, trying to get both casual and hardcore players.
Of course people with switch often are videogame enthusiasts and actually buy other consoles too or a PC, so it does not negate ps5 sales.
>Was never relevant in the first place
Now you're delusional, as with Xbox, who has a PC often does NOT buy PS, since they all have the same games minus certain exclusives, but if this gen is anything to go by, Sony exclusives are far from being "must-have".

Yeah, that's gonna backfire hard.

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Those actually look more like nintenchads to me.

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At home playing video games because women dont like videogames you fucking idiot ..go ahead go on your first date and tell her how much you love videos game ...lol


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Sauce on that?

Yea Forums doesn't matter

no one wants to associate with nintendo pajeets

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oh man

i want an isabelle dakimakura

>next gen console with a fraction of the game library, more expensive and just a port machine of 7th gen games is beating a console which is cheaper, more established and has actual current gen game support like multiplats

wow ok

>support on Yea Forums
Who gives an ounce of a fuck? I think the PS4 is a bad console, Yea Forums absolutely fucking hates it so hard they're pissing blood and it's still going to pass 100+ million soon.

the normalfags that are heavy into this shit were really happy with what Cerny said about the PS5, that's what matters, not a place like Yea Forums that's going to hate Snoy no matter what they do.

>backwards compatibility , physical and digital
>VR forward compatibility
>Death Stranding as a launch title
>enchaced modes for all PS4 games
>Days Gone, Ghost of Tsushima, TLoU2 2019 and more PS4/VR games to be announced with State of Play

Good, then fuck off and take your shill thread with you.

stop talking out of your ass retard, pull up country popularity by Yea Forums or steam, grab your calculator and you'll see Europe is in the top 3 for sure. AZNs don't matter was we bombed them to show who's the master culture.

They keep trying to be Nintendo, but Sony doesn't have a Soul. So everything fails. The PS move was superior to the wii, tech wise, but no soul fucked them over. Same with the Vita. Superior in everyway, but no soul. Sony feels so corporate and cash grabby in most cases.

Sony itself, just like with the PS3. Get ready for another nogames machine at $599 US dollars.

with this whole post you're just admitting that you don't care about the quality of the service being given to you and you're just happy that the faceless corporation that you're giving money to is making money
are you sonyfans just mass-produced robots made by investors to blend in with society and mindlessly defend a corporation?

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Based retard. This is why nobody likes snoybois.

Nintendo needs a head start on next gen lmao

wow and you guys call snoys 3rd worlders

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It's called the Switch.

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>No one knows what they will pull with the next xbox though.
They're going to come out at the reveal and focus on streaming and it's going to flop hard.

I dont understand how sonys gonna deliver the specs on a reasonable price point.
Nintendos breaking even in terms of hardware costs and ms has deep pockets.
How the fuck are they planning on making money from ps5?

why would modern snoyboys care about kiddy video games?

>all those pics of guys playing 3DS in public
Why is this so funny to you Sonyboys? We don't make fun of you when you watch movies in public.

>show an image of 6 soccer chads playing switch
>can only come back with 1 cherrypicked example to "get back" at me
lmao, fucking loser

>They're going to come out at the reveal and focus on streaming and it's going to flop hard.
that's exactly what sony are leaked to be doing though. they also will be talking about more ps plus subscriptions called ps plus premium


sony will be the true bottlers here if they keep with this reveal

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GTA 5 made 6 billions, that mean is the best GTA by your logic retard? i hate NPCS who think popular mean good

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Microsoft is actually looking pretty strong for next gen. They bought a bunch of third parties and seem to have a pretty good grasp on the market.

There's only two actual non pc gaming options now, sony and nintendo, and nintendo can't do a lot of shit sony's hardware does so they don't even have real overlap.

It's a golden age for idorts, bad time for the xbox.

>ape escape invented remote control cars and tanks

lol nintendhoes eternal incels

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thats not what the video is implying you brainlet - it's that there is too much overlap between AE3 and MO for it to be a coincidence

watch this entire video and tell me you think its a coincidence

I showed 6 athletic soccer players playing switch
you've only shown 2
actually not even that, neither of those people are playing a nintendo switch
man you're really losing it

Once again
>appeal to majority

People don't hate them, nuHalos just aren't as good as the earlier ones but overall they're still good games.

And Gears 4 was basically just a test game for the devs which is why it does literally nothing new and still plays like all the other Gears games.

At least in 5 they're going away from small corridor level design and add a few new gameplay mechanics.

>BC Physical and Digital
Likely PS4 only. I guess it will be nice to play those 4 games and 7 movies on the new system
>VR forward compatibility
Does it matter? PSVR is limited by peripheral performance and not system performance
>Death Stranding
Walking simulator played to the tune of gay hipster music
>enhanced modes for all PS4 games
this is absolutely false. Maybe some will be upscaled, but "enhanced modes" are retardspeak for post processing which will only be enabled on a case by case basis.
>Gays Done, Ghost of Tsushima, Last of Us 2 and more at State of Play

>thats not what the video is implying
It clearly is if it's treating every other game with the same thing as plaigerism

>l-look at these soccer players who did this paid promotion for nintendo I-i swear we arent incels

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>It's on PC so no.
You mean in the Epic Store hahahaha

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>Sony becoming increasingly arrogant as a new console generation approaches

Golly gee, I wonder if this has happened before and if it had any consequences...

>Literally no one gives a shit
How about Sony holding the fucking hardware you purchased hostage unless you pay a reoccurring subscription fee?
Or how they increased the price of all their supplementary offerings and services, including said subscription?
Or how you can't even play the games off of the physical media anymore, making installs obligatory. Eating up your storage memory and forcing you flip flop installed games whenever you want to play a game. While still forcing you to enter said physical media to play said game, in spite of the entirety of the game being ran from the memory.
Or how about how they have like no fucking games that you actually need their system for? The PS4 took two fucking years to get Bloodborne, and then like an entire console generation to get Spider-Man, God of War, and Horizon. With fucking nothing in between.
And from what we know so far, absolutely nothing points towards the PS5 being any different. Its launch games appears to be what is already slated for the PS4 for crying out loud, in addition to some PS4 to PS5 remasters that are bound to happen. Like Spider-Man, going by their PS5 tests of the software. And that's in spite of the backwards compatibility.

Sony even said it themselves. Fewer but bigger games. I can't even imagine the draughts.
>b-but multiplats are games too!
Yes they are, but the PS5 is not needed to play them so why the fuck should I bother with the system?


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>that's exactly what sony are leaked to be doing
There's not a single syllable about a rumor that the PS5 will have streaming in that article. Why are you making me read fake shit on a Friday?

soccer has been scientifically identified as the gayest sport

>he thinks actual Japanese are seething anime otakus
Get a load of this delusional weeb. Even your dreamland hates your kind.

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>p-paid promotion!!!!!
lol you're so desperate to be right
crazy that soccer players like to play soccer games, amirite?
what other system would they be able to use other than a switch to play fifa on a plane?
these are some intense mental gymnastics you've got going right now
cope harder :)

I can't wait until the PS5 is worth getting 2-3 years after launch.

Halo Infinite will also have a BR mode in multiplayer, that Slipspace Engine really is something.

>How about Sony holding the fucking hardware you purchased hostage unless you pay a reoccurring subscription fee?
What software is that?

I think you outed yourself as a retard too soon.

What's WWF then?

>names censored
redditors are the biggest shitposters

i remember when you snoyboys claimed they were just censoring VNs

the article was about more ps plus subscriptions. more cancer that will backfire for sony

Wow two of the most common things in video games to date!
Also did you know previous Mario games already had those elements?

and they have

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you honest to god think those fucking faggots touched those switches after the photoshoot KEK this is mt everest cope

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>How about Sony holding the fucking hardware you purchased hostage unless you pay a reoccurring subscription fee?
>Holding hardware hostage


Death Stranding isn't THAT far off, I hope.

>nintendo panders to a different market
Yeah, children with autism LOL

>everywhere else
Reminder that all of Europe is not like the UK.

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If every other game has that much overlap, sure. But every tank game doesn't also have remote controlled cars. And that's just one example. Every extra layer of overlap makes it less and less lilely to be coincidental.

If you see that any other way, you're delusional.

>comparing the gameboy which came out in 1989 to the Ps1 which came out in 1994
>comparing $100 handhelds to $300-$400 consoles

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Name one, then.

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Pay money for the PS4. Including its networks card.
>lol not allowed to use the networks card unless you also pay for ps+ lmao
Yes. Holding hardware hostage.
>paid isp money for their internet service
>paid sony money for hardware that is able to use said internet service
>lol no better pay up extra because we want even more!

you can play fortnite, the most popular game without buying PSplus, lol coping nigger

The only Jap games that sell are the ones that pander to Western audiences.

Attached: Not_on_switch.jpg (1280x720, 204K)

>Not being able to use an outside service unless you pay for it means they are holding your entire hardware set hostage

Yeah, you definitely outed yourself as a retard way too fast.

You gotta string people along first.

Yeah that's bullshit but all consoles do this. It's normalized now, the norms don't care.

>these soccer players like soccer, so they must like fifa, and they're seen playing switches because it's the only way to play fifa on a plane
Just admit you've lost already, it's embarrassing to watch you desperately cultivate some headcanon just deny literal photographic evidence because it hurts your autistic narrative.
There is nothing to argue here, you lost, and you've been reduced to nothing but a babbling madman throwing a temper tantrum.

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>Nintendo panderos to a different market.
People who play videogames.

>posts capeshit
okay soeyboy go prep your wifes bull now

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He's right you know.

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>Can use online for everything but playing games and storage without the sub
>Can't differentiate between products and services like a 5th grader who hasn't had a basic econ class yet.
>Uses the fucking retarded "BUT I PAID MY ISP!" argument

You couldn't reason your way out of a paper bag without trying to eat the damn thing.

>outside service
What outside service? You can't play P2P online games without paying Sony money. You aren't buying a service.

Holy shit, dude. Like, some of those examples could easily be coincidental, but a lot of it is pretty shameless. Like nintendo even ripping off that melody.

Anyone who says it's ALL coincidental is just kidding themselves.

>an outside service
What fucking service? The only service in play is the internet service that the ISP stands for.
Can you give me a single fucking reason for why I can't play fighting games online through fucking peer to peer connections, unless I pay for Sony's subscription?

>they wont come for me

>clinging to the random reaction file
I know this is your way of escaping the topic and trying to change the subject because you got btfo so hard by what was written, but it won't work here.

None of the console online services are pure p2p. Bare minimum you have matching and backend stuff connecting to games run off an outside service, but you have to know just the tiniest bit about how this stuff works to know that so I'm not surprised you don't.

>smug anime poster is wrong
like fucking clockwork

>trying to arguement with fallacies and logic on Yea Forums
time to go back capeshitter >objective home console sales are wrong
based westcuck

This slew of articles praising Sony to high heavens read like Juche propaganda.

Gotta wait longer than the minute if you want to samefag convincingly.

>snoyboy pretending to hate capeshit to fit in
It's too late, we all already know your tastes, you can't hide it from us.

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>weebs rise up
your time is done sjw

bitch please my ps4 is collecting dust i just fucking hate you nintendhoes

It sold the most of all those 4 games.

>automatically assuming i'm murican
rent fucking free

Imagine being proud of normalfaggotry.

I know you won't believe me, but I only posted . Regardless even if I did post both, it's still fucking correct.

Imagine being proud of inceldom

>rent free
faggotmutt spotted

>imagine having sex
you'll just have to keep imagining i guess

>paying $60/year for matchmaking

Dude, you clearly never touched a PS4 in your life.
For one thing, the games are only partially installed, and you fan easily hook up ANY external HDD to your PS4 for extra storage. Most places sell a 1TB drive for under $100. Just grab a few with your next tax return, and bam. Set dor life.

The rest of your post is SO fucking stupid, I couldn't even read it all. Made my head hurt.

No really. Fucking Fortnite? You fags are defending FORTNITE?

There's latency so posts that are exactly a minute apart are unlikely to be the same poster

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It's not even correct. You have no idea how this stuff works.

>I rather be cucked instead of being a chad
What the fuck did I just read? Are Sony fans betas?

i dont like fortnite but i dont like soeyboys more so...

not him but
>1TB drive for under $100
i just bough an internal 4TB HDD for 130$ why the fuck is an external HDD so expensive?

>Bare minimum you have matching
No there are games that allow for true P2P where you can enter ports and IP addresses.

I hate the movies, love the old comics and the games. The only shit that's trash are the movies and most comics after like 1995.

Because they can.

There's so much price fixing going on with the pc hardware market it isn't even funny.

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Name the console games that do this.

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They aren't, you regularly see 8 and even 10 tb drives on sale for under 150

Okay but why analvore? Is this a fetish thing? I'm concerned.

dumb user, youre supposed to put light beams on it

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>you have matching and backend stuff
You think that actually justifies having to pay for playstation plus?
Do you actually think the money is even going towards the servers and is needed to keep them running? That's not even remotely true.

>No, there is outside service involved, it's these things

Can you have this discussion like an adult?

Playstation will sell better than everyone else because it managed to do something that neither Xbox or Nintendo can do to save their lives, that is: be popular in both west and east.
Nintendo is very popular on the east and surely has a dedicated fanbase on the west but it is a total failure between the west masses(casuals) thanks to no third party support. Xbox is very popular in the west but needless to say is very unpopular in the east, not even a small but dedicated fanbase it can get there.

bunch of faggots that leave theirs team also


What's with all the people so desperately defending the very worst traits of Sony in this thread?

I wonder if the devs were just going overboard on decensors to fuck with Sony

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Bootlickers. They call themselves "chads" but they have no backbone and are forced to defend the shittiest business choices Sony has made just to feel superior. It's like having a gun pointed to your head being forced to say things you don't want to say.

>Players instead of Gamers
this upsets me more than the fagshit

I dont think ps5 will sell poorly but they will struggle because manufacturing these consoles is too costly.
I wont be surprise if they give up on consoles after ps5.

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>tfw PS5 will be launched with a Bloodborne level game by Myahacki
>possibly even another Soulsborne game

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Wojakposting won't change the fact that Sony has gone full on LGBT/SJW.

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The PS4 was a mediocre hardware that introduced paid online and did not get games until 2-3 years into its lifetime. The only reason it got off because MS was that fucking incompetent.
I bought it on launch day and clearly remember that every single tuesday there was multiple hour long PSN maintance and casuals kept complaining because there was no sign of a new Gran Turismo or any game really. It only got decent with the Slim around 2016, more than 3 years into its lifetime.

Whatever company offers better hardware and cheaper price will win next-gen

Wonder if this odd couple formes by MS and Nintendo could affect Sony in any way?

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>implying they would want to lose more money by offering better hardware at a lower price point

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>S I X H U N D R E D A N D N I N E T Y N I N E U S D O L A

Here's the difference. One was a planned parade by a company. The other wasn't. Nintendo stated they stay out of political business.

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Normies buy whatever their friends already own so Microsoft could still win and Nintendo was already out of the race before it even began.

Censorship, im not buying a sony console ever again. last one i had was a ps2 and vita anyways

Jap games are shit anyway. Based Sony

I mean thats the reason the PS4 took off. it was cheaper and had better hardware.

Nobody. Normies will eat this shit up like they did the PS4.

Those were Nintendo employees by themselves. A nice gesture.

Sekiro is a japanese game. Is it shit?

imagine seething over a small easter egg

you are too young if you think nintendo is apolitical



That's my prediction, only Nintendo and Microsoft will continue console gaming.

What is Nintendo's ideology?

Sony arrogance basically guarantees they will fail, along with this Microsoft know they can’t afford to fuck up again

Those are just cute statements theyve made in the last few years you must be forgetting how much censorship and controlling nintendo used to be with developers and ESPECIALLY releases in the west complete totalitarians

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You're all a bunch of pro-censorship faggot cucks, just like the Californians that own Sony now.

What you said that they have mediocre hardware.
Im 99% sure they are lossing money making these consoles at that price points.
You cant expect them to make better hardware without raising the prices.

None. They just want their fans to have fun. They really don't care what you do or who you are as long you just enjoy the stuff they publish.
Times change.

I guess we will have to see thier E3 presentation before we can judge I'm sure it'll be good

You are just making a giant deal out of nothing, those anime games can be ran on some fucking potato PC with intel HD just play them on there

Bill is still the second wealthiest man alive, he can have as many failing projects as he wants.

Funny how you censorship niggers werent squeaking about nintendos censorship and controlling back then huh?

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Holy shit... no one said incel or seething until after you posted this...
dude... are you a wizard?

I don't think that was politically motivated though. It was about maintaining a squeaky-clean family friendly image, not about fighting "toxicity"

Should i buy ace combat? Its on sale

>You are just making a giant deal out of nothing
Fucking DMC5 got censored and that's not an "anime game". Shut the hell up and stop sucking up to your corporate masters and GROW A SPINE. Sony is run by fucking jews and feminists now. End of story.

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You know, I've been on Sony's side since PS1 as well.
But they just don't care about having good exclusives anymore. It's all walkie-talkie cinematic shit.

I thought Bill Gates abandoned Microsoft years ago?

do you like the series? have you played the other ones?

The censorship, the leftist policies and the moving of the Sony HQ to California is a huge deal user. If you ignore this then you are an idiot.

When we look at their last mayor releases which featured: mandatory crossdressing to get into a village, a wedding dress available for a male plumber MC, dressing up Yoshi in a summer dress in trailer it's promoting diversity and tolerance.
Good for them.

It was better than the Xbox One hardware but overall it was extremely mediocre.
Both the original Xbox and the 360 had hardware before it was available in PCs and the Cell was a unique architecture even if it ended up being a failure

>Im 99% sure they are lossing money making these consoles at that price points.
Not true anymore, both Sony and MS makes money from sales since 7th gen

do you think games with little girls being lewd is family friendly? get a grip

by the time PS2 came out all the noncasuals were playing imports on their modchipped ps2s but you wouldnt know shit about that because youre a zoomer

You guys didnt give a fuck about those games until they were censored and now want to pretend you do because its sony

At the end of the day Nintendo are Japanese in Japan, there is no politically charged motive behind any of those things. Who is Sony now?

>The average consumer just doesn't care.
god you niggers are delusional. sony had such a marketshare and foothold specifically because they were the only console platform to offer more than a couple jrpgs and japanese games.
they're going to lose a lot of consumers, and there's no way around that.
i now get more jrpgs on pc than i did on ps3/4, and either they're uncensored or they can be modded to remove censorship. there's no reason for me to ever buy a console again, or any jrpg fan

>games with little girls being lewd is family friendly? get a grip
what the fuck are you talking about

do I need to remind you that snes mortal kombat didnt have fucking blood because of nintendos censorship

>Who is Sony now?
The winner of this generation in term of money.,

It's true that I didn't care about those games before they were censored, the act of censoring is the issue. None of those fucking M-rated games should be censored. Sony is censoring things because they are in California.

Not at all. I like the soundtrack tho

>getting this mad about jokes

all those games can run on ancient intel HD laptops, you're just seething for the sake of seething

Fuck off censorship station 5 shills.

Best games are STILL coming out of Japan, that's why

>Average consumer
>giving a fuck about jrpgs
What is wrong with you?

I'll keep that in mind if I ever get a time machine.

What the fuck does that have to do with what I just said? Let me spell it out for you. SONY IS NOW LOCATED IN CALIFORNIA. SONY IS NOW RUN BY LGBT FAGGOTS AND LEFTIST SCUMBAGS. They are censoring games that are rated M which makes the fucking ESRB rating pointless. And you are defending their actions? WHY?

>Appeal to money

I tell you, I tell you, the moving of the HQ was the nail in the coffin for Sony.

>small ester egg
>there are dozens of rainbow flags all across the map

I have literally never paid for PS+ at all nor for another controller.

It doesn't matter if it can run on another platform, Sony is still censoring them.

because its their platform and they can, those games can be played on PC

>I-It can be played on PC!
No excuses. Take the L and admit Sony fucked itself by relocating.

I mean is there any sources that say that they make money from these consoles?
Even if they generate profit, i cant imagine them making a big buck out of consoles alone.
Its an up hill battle for them it seems.
Also xboc has more comp power than ps4

>take the L
yuck a nigger please dont buy a playstation i dont want you filthy hands on the DS

Lol enjoy your censorship, lgbt and poc faggot

>because its their platform and they can
They can. They shouldn't.

So you're calling people niggers now, then how are you okay with Commiefornia Jew faggots fucking up your favorite console?

i dont care about incel games

go cry about it somewhere else

enjoy being a smelly smashfag

>This entire thread
Sonyfags have no balls. No backbone. No spine. I'm disappointed in you all.

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>waaa incel games

The bottom line is, Sony is in the hands of California now. Have fun with that.

imagine jerking off to a videogame, just go watch porn on your phone like everyone else its free and everywhere

Nice strawman, I don't even like smash faggot. In fact I primarily play my games on the PS4. I can't defend Sony and neither should you. Fuck them, I'm never buying another one of their consoles again.

Not once have you addressed the fact that Sony is in California. You're either delusional or in denial.

>n-nice try fag im a sonyfag to b-but even i cant defend this hahaha fuck snoy

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>another entire generation of 24/7 crying about Snoy because Nintendo are retarded and MS are dead
How much do you think I would have to pay Hiroshimoot to make a /pc/ board because I don't know if I can deal with 7 more years of this.

This guy has the right mentality.

Attached: 1480649191025.jpg (500x500, 34K)

Sony is in Tokyo, playstation is in california

>pc board
just fuck off to 9gag or reddit then

Do we play games on the Sony station, or the Play station?

Cognitive dissonance, you can't even imagine that someone who owns one of Sony's products would criticize them

there are lots of tech companies in california, its a democratic state but you are seething pretty hard not gonna lie

Doesn't make it any better. They moved to Sam Mateo.

its a poorly written falseflag is what it is

themselves, like with PS3 by releasing an overpriced hardware

>i-its a democratic state

lmao holy shit you are dumb

>censorship is going to kill the pla-

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Over 300 hours in Bloodborne bruv

How many times is this going to be posted?

I don't get this mentality that if you say even 1 bad thing about Sony's business practices you're a fucking toddler. Am I supposed to just bend over and eat up everything Sony does without question?

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There is actually a very easy answer.
Sony itself, success breeds hubris, hubris cause mistakes that can make people rather have nothing then dealing with you.

until you get it through your thick skull that sony is #1 and will remain #1 for the foreseeable future

He seems to genuinely believe that sales completely negate any of Sony's shitty practices.

lol nintendo shuts down all the cool fanprojects and you guys dont care beacuse its their property

but if sony censors some pedophillic shit on their platform which is their property you lose your fucking minds haahhaha

Starting to believe the guy is a shill or a troll, nobody can be this dumb

how about we troll playstation up to the point the move out of california?

>Sony, a huge corporation.
>Leftist. A leftist corporation.
You guys are dumb.

EA makes a shit ton of money too. Are they #1?

EA is the reason sony is winning because of the success of fifa. I dont play their shit but i like them

No one can stop Sony

At the end of the day, they are currently the most powerful console brand when it comes to gaming

PS4 will most likely sell over 110 million consoles lifetime sales

Sony has several upcoming games coming up and console exclusives that will make people buy it such as Ni Oh 2, Ghost of Tsushima, Days Gone, Death Stranding, TLOU Part II, Left Alive, Persona 5 Royale, Code Vein Catherine Full Body, 13 Sentinels, Granblue Versus, Granblue Fantasy, Project Prelude Rune, Project Awakening, Babylon's fall, etc etc

Xbox has been doing good lately but they still have to catch up a lot, i don't see people buying Xbox consoles as people buying PS4 consoles

Nintendo is doing their own thing, Sony doesn't consider Nintendo a competitor, Nintendo is just looking for another market.

People who are shouting MUH CENSORSHIP doesn't realize that most people don't care about it.

Sony was a genius by revealing PS5 details earlier than MS, they stole MS thunder, now what is MS gonna do? Announce several next gen console models that will confuse the customer? They don't even have Japanese third party support

Sony has the next gen in the bag.

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>They make money so I like them
You disgust me.

pretty much dis

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yeah so what, you wont catch me playing those games but they sure do make money

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This is the ending of Evangelion, right?

It's not even the typical Jap games.
It's the incel fan service ones that barely break. Yes no one gives a fuck about garbage that barely breaks 10k sales.

The self-destructive Californian faggots will definitely stop Sony

Based Mexican Rin poster

How long can the video game division carry on Sony and the rest of their failed endeavors?

Get Mammon's & Sony's poz-infested dick out of your mouth

That doesn't make any fucking sense. You're literally admiring a company simply because they make money. And you are aware EA is one of the most despised Western dev teams in history right? Remember Mass Effect 3?

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How delusional can people on this board get?


well they publicly admitted that playstation is the sole reason they are in the moderately healthy position they are now. if they fuck up next gen and they don't sell another 100m ps5s then they will have to go back to selling off their shit again.

>reducto ad absurdum

>Switch is doing well but it now panders to a different market now
You're right, Nintendo makes video games

>Was never relevant in the first place

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Because you see everybody talking through their Sony Ericsson's phones, and watching Dancing with the Stars on their Sony's tvs. Remember Spiderman and those fantastic Fantastic Four movies that draw hundreds of millions of spectators?

I'm guessing you think George Soros is a paragon because he's rich

>Literally no one gives a shit about weeb games that barely break 10k
Sony used to. They praised these games as an important part of their diverse ecosystem. They were especially important when Sony was in the dumps last gen and PlayStation was the only platform those games were on.

Capitalism baby.
Don't hate player, hate the game :^).


Remember Dead Space? Battlefront 2? The lootboxes and microtansactions? The silent deaths of the other dev teams they bought?

One or two more gens. The streaming "revolution" is inevitable and will happen regardless of whether the consumers want it because they can just replace us when games are that easily accessible.

>>>Many BC titles on PC including Xbox One, Xbox 360, and OG Xbox, expected to launch October 2019

no because i didnt play any of them

>weebs btfo'd by fucking trannies


So you think just because you didn't play them, it's still okay for them to pull this shit and fucking over their consumers?

At this point is clear that you are just fishing for (You)s

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ya ofc

I will admit that I am a little worried that Sony will get cocky again with the PS5 like what happened with the PS3 but that doesn’t look to be the case so far based on the very little info we have on the system

Does PSNow ever go on sale?

They don't really seem like they know what they're doing other than 'MORE VARIED CONSOLES'. The Xbox One X came about almost two years ago but no specific game was made for it to take advantage of its power, just existing games got upscaled. I hope all of their studio-buying actually does something for them.

As you said, Switch is doing fine right now, and rumors are floating around of new models even though they claimed otherwise months ago. Nintendo will always be there, do they even really 'need' to compete with Sony?

I honestly don't know what to say here, most PC players, no offence seem to try to play the 'both sides' card, they cry and bitch that 'WOW LOOK AT HOW BAD THOSE TEXTURES ARE ON THAT GAME, THAT SUCKS, I SPENT SO MUCH MONEY ON THE BEST GRAPHICS CARDS, THIS IS BULLSHIT' when when you call them graphics whores they get assblasted. So no comment on them.

This isn't as much of a problem at first glance, its not like there were 50 japanese games announced and all of them have chicks in skimpy clothes or nude or bikini armor. At least the MUH VIOLENCE from western games is still there. Some studios are annoyed by that but they'll manage.

Sony has been in this for a while, after the stuff the ps3 went through they'll most likely take their time on stuff and never make that mistake again. I think Cerny literally said he was working on ps5 for up to like 4 damn years. So whatever its going to be like it will probably do as well as ps4 did.

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Is it alright for them to start pogroms and work people to death in gulags to pay lootbox debt provided it doesn't personally affect you? Is it alright for them to make usury legal and take over the central banks provided you have your creature comforts?

Literally what the fuck else could they do to innovate? It's just gonna be PS4.5

>They don't really seem like they know what they're doing other than 'MORE VARIED CONSOLES'
You're stupid

thats a big exaggeration

>PC controls half the market
>not relevant

Not much if they keep playing it safe and invest in first party games honestly.

They badly need to keep making them though. Can't be resting on laurels or fortunes when the market is this competitive year by year nowadays.

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Well, you seem to think companies are justified in whatever they do provided it makes them money, so I was testing the waters a bit.

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put your grasses on nothin will b wron

What do you think? Do you notice those snoytards keep sliding the censorship under the rug all time?

Xbox One S, Xbox One X, Xbox One S Diskless, 'next gen' Xbox even though the one X is powerful enoguh and they didn't announce any new studios until last year's E3, a year after the xbox one x came out. You can only suck their dick so long buddy

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Bread & circuses


Xbox One S and X are no different than PS4 slim and Pro. Diskless is a budget redesign not unlike the PSone and Wii mini. There's only two versions of Xbox Scarlett, Lockhart and Anaconda.
>the one X is powerful enough
except it's got a too weak CPU for 9th gen gaming

>opinion of obvious snoytard

If Microsoft and Nintendo did this, these fags would be up and arms over it.

Next gen Xbox is just two consoles, Xbox One S is just a Xbox One Slim, Xbox One X is just an Xbox One Pro, Xbox One SAD is just the budget console released at the end of the gen.

*blocks your path*

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Believe it or not, but some people play games that don't have naked anime lolis in them.

>implying I was going to buy it anyway

>unironically bragging about having nuObsidian