This shit just popped up when I turned on my PC

This shit just popped up when I turned on my PC.

What are my fellow Windows 7 users doing next year? Personally I've been wanting to install Linux for a few years now, and was just too lazy to go through with it; I guess this will finally force me to do it. Maybe I'll dual-boot Windows 10 if I really want to play a game that refuses to run on Linux.

Attached: w7.png (1140x720, 192K)

Other urls found in this thread:

And keep using it till a proper windows version comes out, if not patched up LTSC it is if a game really needs new windows features.

Still W7 will my main OS because W10 sucks and badly.

Just dualboot Linux mint cinnamon (Linux for retards so its easy to use) and Windows 10 LTSB or LTSC.

Install Ubuntu

>Maybe I'll dual-boot Windows 10 if I really want to play a game that refuses to run on Linux.
The best approach next to VM + GPU passthrough.

Install gentoo

I unironically think I am going to retire from personal computers. I live Windows 7 so much, I dont want to switch to the new crap. Probably just going to get an iPad, become a normie.

Okay why everyone hates w10?
It's pretty good IMO.

What makes Windows 10 better than Windows 7?

Why would I need M$ support to keep using W7? It's not like I've had updates enabled in the past 5 years anyway

If you don't want security updates then I guess there's no reason to switch.

Worse performance than windows 7, this time the data logging(telemetry) uses a huge amount of resources, forced updates in the home version, if you want to disable something you have to go through registry edits and group policy, config menu is horrible and microsoft is still trying to force it over the control panel, each version keeps getting worse, forced updates break computers like you have no idea, see 1809 update, no 16 bit program support, etc.

In order to get a proper install you have to pirate a enterprise version that comes without all the shit that makes windows 10 bad (LTSB and LTSC Enterprise versions) because the Home and Pro come with a huge amount of shit you dont need at all, example cortana or the windows store.
Meanwhile with windows 7 you just install Ultimate, 4.5 net framework and drivers and you are good to go.

It has official support from Microsoft.

Jokes aside, there have already been a few games that are only playable on W10. Expect there to be more. DX12 performance is slightly better in some games but not enough of an improvement to say W10 is better. So really, the availability of games is the key factor here.

So Windows 10 is better than Windows 7 in the sense that Epic Games Store is better than Steam, i.e., it's bad software that's required to run good software because people got paid money.

Attached: 2.png (765x699, 178K)

Well, standards change, you know. It's easier to release a game for 1 operating system than 2. It'd be ridiculous to expect W7 to be supported by games forever, it's a 10 year old OS after all. You wouldn't expect to be able to play new games with XP, right? I don't think the comparison to Epic is fair because this is just the nature of things. There aren't many titles that can't be run on W7 but it's perfectly normal that there would be fewer and fewer of them as time goes on. Install a Linux dual boot if you don't want to use W10 for extended periods.

You know what you have to do now

Attached: 1610933_1027466693972782_5550181289907203251_n.png (482x424, 134K)

Just install Windows 8.1 with Start 8.

>windows has no more updates
>oh no what am I going to do quick I need windows 10
Who the fuck even has updates unabled

8.1 was discontinued first than 7.

This frog knows whats up. Total control over his OS. He spent 20 hours customizing every aspect of his system to reduce boot time by 0.3 seconds and reduce memory usage by 2MB.

Unironically Install Gentoo

>C-canonical is my friend!

There are some structural changes for example how certain APIs can now make kernel level calls for improved performance. But in typical wangblows fashion they're mostly a) poorly implemented b) security risks because of a and c) most of the performance increases are gobbled up by absolutely negative brain mass moves like start tiles. 10 is the first version that tries to be structurally different than 3.1 in any meaningful way, which isn't necessarily bad it's just.. everyone's really out of practice

I don't have any of these problems running the latest version of windows 10.


Going to Ubuntu in 2020. Proton and Lutris have made massive improvements to gaymen. There's little reason to stick to winblows now.

So is Microsoft going to make a new Windows 7 after realizing that half of the their user base still uses 7 even after being offered and even forced to take 10?

Who gives a fuck, it's only (((security updates))) and 'troubleshooting'... yeah right, as if windows even helps you out in the first place with technicals

Dont completely disagree with you but MS announced a couple weeks ago that they are abandoning forced updates with the May 2019 update.

Really I don't know why MS doesn't just make a minimalist version of Windows that only receives security updates without any bloated features.

>compromising your glorious 7 with updates
Just update to w10 you fag, since you obviously don't care about telemetry.

Keep using 7. Literally nothing will change outside of lazy devs possibly dropping support or getting paid by Microsoft to break their games on 7

They lied or just new sites only lied to people for reading the release notes wrong.
All it does is that it will just remove the upgrade now message for versions from windows to windows, example if you are still in 1609 it wont bother you anymore to update to 1703, the normal updates will still be forced.

literally never done a windows update ever
how will this effect me?
it wont

Just keep using Win7 who the fuck cares

Just like it won't affect the russians that control your PC. Let's hope they only use you to make altcoins.
Need a business license (or you know where else to get it)

Attached: file.png (651x208, 24K)

I'm not updating unless games i play require me to. Anything above 7 is intrusive and has privacy issues that i will never be ok with.

Attached: v8511s4d7cfz.jpg (554x555, 20K)

>using more than 300mb of RAM for the OS

Attached: 1554805649638.jpg (599x605, 155K)

nice meme

>Really I don't know why MS doesn't just make a minimalist version of Windows that provides absolutely no money after it's sold.
Think about it

as a result of decades of HR mismanagement, MS want windows to be an advertising platform

I bet you take pride in your package count as well.

You mean the one where they let you push the updates back by 30 days before it forces them on you anyways?

>I'm not updating unless games i play require me to

that's gonna happen real fast among the big-name publishers after ms discontinue 7. any excuse to support fewer platforms

>being a ramlet


Staying on 7. Printers still support XP because they know there are plenty of customers who still use it.

Developers will still support Win 7 because they know plenty of customers still use it.

Even motherboard manufacturers give you what you need to run new CPUs on 7.

It will be another 10-20 years until 7 is abandoned and who knows what will be available by then.

I've heard nothing but bad things about Win 10. I don't know why I'd switch from 7 to that shit.

It wont if you have Common sense, mostly are network related and business related security updates.
Only with Windows 10 1809 updates matter since its a broken version of windows that updates have been slowly fixing.

So bad games won't work on my PC. Sounds good


Attached: gentoo.png (750x1000, 304K)

DDR5'8'', when will they learn ?

install 8.1 + classic shell and get another 3 years of not caring about win10

You have to be completely fucking retarded to think lack of "support" means you cant use the OS anymore.

>not using ATM/cashier operating system on your gaming machine

Attached: 12321323123214.jpg (1920x1080, 758K)

what's the catch?

why would I lie on the Internet?

>What are my fellow Windows 7 users doing next year?

there's always a catch

>two hidden desktop.ini files
>that fucking mess of image files
Clean your shit

>why would I lie on the Internet?

Attached: 1279565414508.jpg (400x400, 29K)

It's harder to find. There you go.
My Cathedral looks beautiful now, thank you.

Attached: 12321323123214.jpg (1920x1080, 713K)

>why would I lie on the Internet

Attached: 1527627158851.jpg (300x162, 5K)

Honestly dude, I just dual boot. That means running two operating systems on one computer.
It sounds complicated, but it's never been easier.
Windows for games, Linux/macOS for literally everything else.

middle finger and kys uronically.

>I guess this will finally force me to do it.
Experiment with your GANOO/Linucks distributions of choice in a VM before that time comes.

>rebooting just to play a game

Linux is shit for games.

While that is the right way to go, I'd consider taking Mint over Ubuntu.
The people behind Ubuntu have made a few MS-like "mistakes" in the past, and you'd want someone to protect you from that.
The Mint people take Ubuntu as a base and improve on it.
For example Steam runs without any additional problems whatsoever compared to Ubuntu.

>total control
You're thinking of gentoo. Arch babbies just copy-past terminal commands they don't understand and then wonder why their system breaks all the time.

This. The only reason Windows exists is to make money. Moving windows to a software-as-a-service model is only the next logical step for a corporation.

friends don't let friends use open sores

Attached: 1505423834951.jpg (1920x1200, 617K)

if I turned off windows updates years ago how would this even affect me?

My computer is fast enough that the reboot is less of an inconvenience than using Windows as a daily OS.

you and your bitminers will carry on as usual

Attached: 1501594711538.jpg (940x627, 93K)

I like how it shows an old Thinkpad that probably can't even run 10

>Anything above 7 is intrusive and has privacy issues that i will never be ok with.
>uses Steam

Surely it's not a mistake. I think the point of the image is to say "look how fucking old your operating system is" so that you feel stupid for not upgrading. They have to resort to such tactics after failing to make a better OS for the past decade.

If only they hadn't taken Win 10--which started OK, mind you--and fucked it up.


Attached: crybaby.jpg (529x345, 11K)

Attached: Zed.jpg (813x545, 110K)

I hear Windows 8.1 is actually good after they unfucked it, is it true?

nobody mentioned steam rice nigger

Don't worry, user. I never liked the old thing either.

everyone hates that you are still alive

>went win10 when it was given for free
>downgraded back to win7 after a year
>lost the key to the free win10 version
So guess I'm going to have to pirate win10 if I ever want to upgrade

At least old thing didn't spy on you, put ads on your start menu and come jam-packed with bloatware that reinstalls itself every update

Generally speaking I don't use steam. I still play mostly older games so i have no need to run their application



Do you get off on pretending to be ignorant?

Saying it's better because it's the new thing is exactly what they want you to think.

>What are my fellow Windows 7 users doing next year?
Life goes on as always.

I have had ALL Windows Updates disabled and combed through with precision for almost a decade soon, and that's not gonna change.
There is zero reason why a 64-bit OS would become obsolete overnight. Especially when DirectX11 is still the dominant graphics API, Vulkan is dominating DX12 as we speak + an open-source & platform tech, not to mention DX12 got ported to W7 just weeks ago.

>b-b-b-but your security fäm!!!
Fuck off. I got a 3rd party A/V software, and my browsers are loaded with NoScript, uBlock Origin, and my own common fucking sense. Not to mention hackers are less and less likely to attack civvies, especially those on a decade old hardware and software.

...Now, when the W7 Ultimate finally becomes COMPLETELY obsolete, which won't be for another 5-10 years, I have already been dual-booting it with a Leenux distro of my choice for a while now. Probably mostly immigrated completely on it even.
At the moment, the Manjaro distro seems quite attractive.

Continue to use 7.

>there have already been a few games that are only playable on W10. Expect there to be more
You can just play them on console you know.

Guys, what if... you just disable the telemetry stuff?

9/10 autistic security fags have literally nothing of importance to hide and only use shitty OS to get /g/ approval.

Nah, I use W7 because W10 offers me literally nothing.
Especially with things like Vulkan offering vastly superior performance increases to DX12.

the "nothing to hide" meme is so stupid.
Let me ask you a hypothetical.
You have nothing to hide in your house, no drugs/illegal weapons right?
if so would you be ok with having searches happen on your property whenever the police see fit without your permission?

Attached: 1552086025197.jpg (945x945, 57K)


>user has less power
>telemetry out the ass. Not just from privacy standpoint but also performance impacting. Needs third party scripts/programs to get the system to behave
>any "new" features are things third-parties have provided for ages but now with less control, features and half-assed implementations that will never get fixed.
Better in what way?

No, but it doesn't happen either way.
Microsoft isn't looking at your trap porn collection.

Probably not related, but here's my current setup, just because I recently switched from Windows 10 to Ubuntu 19.04 Proton
>Xbox One X for new console games and chilling on the couch
>Switch for portable play, and couch play
>PC with Ubuntu for smaller indie games/games that NEED to be played with a KB&M.

Attached: maji.gif (100x100, 548K)

imagine being this stupid Microshill slave... holy shit!

So no your not ok with it then.
i rest my case.

this is what i notice also.
its a bunch of fucking retarded addicted to one online forum or another and they want good boi brownie points by using outdated this or that.

It has the same support date as Windows 7

>tfw stuck on whether or not I should get windows 10 on my 3 year old machine because it can handle it, or go out and get something brand new, even though the tech upgrade would hardly be noticeable

>people genuinely use linux
Wow, and I thought it was a meme.

Attached: 1548545546360s.jpg (208x249, 6K)

Anyone claiming they got nothing to hide should post their home address, social security number and the credit card information online, and set up a live-stream camera in their toilet + shower.

>he didn't switch his cathedral to the burned notre dame
you had the opportunity and you missed it

Telemetry, which is just used to improve the OS and does not contain any personal info, also exists on 7.

It is a meme and they fell for it.

Stick with Windows 7. Seriously.
Or, if the thing has W8, update it to 8.1.

Ok brainlet. A majority of the internet and major companies using linux based shit.

I'm pretty sure all the data is anonymised, AND you can opt-out of tons of it - I recently installed some Windows 10 update and it gave me options to opt-out of lots of data things. I think I opted out of some, but not others, because I figured if I'm going to see adverts anyway, they might as well be relevant to me.

In fact here's an article showing you how to turn off ads and stuff, if you're really that bothered:

But honestly I'm not sure if I've even seen any of these things - e.g. I do see "tips" on my lock screen, but they're not really ads. It says like "Discover What Windows 10 Can Do For You" in this tiny bubble, and you can click it and it will take you to the Microsoft Store. But it's pretty easy to just ignore it.

Also pro-tip - it doesn't "spy" on you, no matter what your paranoid schizophrenia says. Do you honestly believe that Bill Gates gives a shit about what you had for breakfast, or your "Merry Christmas" email to your grandma? What makes you so special out of 7 billion people on this planet? Why would anyone give a fuck about you?

Literally this.

Is this a shopped thinkpad?

Do have valid proof that back up that claim?

>I'm pretty sure all the data is anonymised
How can you tell?

>A majority of the internet are using a windows emulator
yeah, nah brah

Attached: 000.jpg (462x490, 40K)

>What makes Windows 10 better than Windows 7?

it can boot from a VHD file

Saying windows 7 is better than 10 because it has exclusive games is like saying being mugged and strangled by a man with a knife is better than having money. They could have easily released DX12 on 7 but they refused to because they know nobody wants their shitty OS otherwise

>Generation Z
That's a millenial though, Generation Y.

just install windows 10 ltsb or enterprise, that way you don't have to deal with all the apps shit.

He doesn't have to prove shit since it's so obvious. Android phones are the most common way to access the internet, and Android phones run Linux.

If I install W10 on a PC that has W7 on it, do I have to reinstall everything like it's a clean install or does it keep your programs and shit?

How about I don't touch anything 10 related at all?

Both programs and shit is kept, my friend. Welcome.

>no valid proof
okay thank you

Shitty analogy. They collect stats data for insight in future development. Its like you filling up survery constantly without requiring any input from you. The only real annoying thing in that is when theres a bug in their telemetry code wasting your precious time working around it

I wouldn't be so sure. The vast majority of them are probably anime-watching paedophiles with illegal shit on their hard drives. THAT'S why they care about "security".

I'm pretty fucking sure the police DO have the power to enter your house and search it if they think you're doing something highly illegal (probably they will need a warrant from a court, but the point is they don't need your permission).


Why don't you just delete the CP from your hard drive and then you won't have to worry, you degenerate fuck? Or better yet, be a fucking normal person instead of being a fucking degenerate in the first place?

Yeah I guess that is an element of it too. "HEY LOOK GUISE I'M PART OF THIS SUPER SPECIAL SEKRIT CLUB, WE'RE SO KEWL BECAUSE WE USE THIS SHITTY OUTDATED SOFTWARE". And they think they are "sticking it to the man" by not using a piece of software just because it gives you the option to buy Office, if you ever wanted to. I mean sure, go ahead and use your shitty outdated software and get every virus under the sun, that's fine with everyone else.

>Android phones run Linux.
Can you run linux programs on it?

My samsung s4 hasn't been updated with security patches for many years now

The virtual desktop feature is nice. Built in game recording is nice. Proper support for changing the DPI is nice. Probably many other nice things but you get the idea.

Why do you assume people have to be doing something illegal for them to be concerned about these things? Projecting?

dx12 and gsync for my freesync monitor desu

Companies tend to have more foresight and think more long term than plebby consumers, of which there are a lot in this thread.

You have to force stuff on the consumer, and make them like it.

In a few years, all of you will be using Windows 10, and not waste any thought on telemetry, windows 7 benefits or other complete nonsense anymore.

Like Vista and 8?


>doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're"
>can't use punctuation properly
>can't capitalise letters properly
>is so fucking brain dead that he genuinely believes that people at Microsoft are spending their waking hours reading through his mundane emails, such as his Twitch notifications telling him that his favourite streamer is online, or that "Happy Birthday!" email from his grandmother
>is too stupid to realise that he is actually a phenomenally uninteresting person and certainly not worth spying on compared to the 7 billion other people on the planet

Attached: illuminati.jpg (640x640, 167K)

>This shit just popped up when I turned on my PC.
This didn't happen, but if anything "pop's up" then you're not using your computer correctly.

Attached: 1511822980679.png (627x551, 293K)

Windows XP is the thinking man's choice.
7 is for zoomers who aren't actually in on how easy it is to exploit.

Literally nothing will change. You could install Windows 7 SP1 from an old ISO with no internet connection and in 10 years your PC will still run the same. Don't fall for the fear mongering from Microsoft and their cronies. Don't download shady software, don't visit shady sites and don't open questionable links. There, you just enabled decades of safe browsing without the need for ((((security)))) updates or even antivirus bogging down your PC.

Has this tactic ever worked?

Yeah because Microsoft totally knows your home address, social security number, credit card information, and watches you go to the toilet and shower, when you install Windows 10. And they totally use this information for nefarious purposes, like random criminals on the internet do. In fact it's well known that Microsoft will just take all the money out of your bank account, and will post videos of you taking a shit directly onto the Facebook profiles of your dearest friends. The only reason you don't hear about this is because the entire media is being paid off by Bill Gates. The government is in on it too. And aliens. Don't forget about the aliens.

Attached: brainlet6.jpg (645x729, 77K)

Isn't that meant for like, ATM machines and shit? If you're getting W10 for gaming getting LTSB is pointless because it won't support the shit needed for gaming meaning you'll have to pay to upgrade it to a regular W10 installation.

>If you're getting W10 for gaming
Luckily we're on Yea Forums

because its true most of the time. your special snowflake ass doesnt make everyone else become you, idiot.
its fucking common understanding that if someone is making a big shit about something its because they are scared. did that part of life just not make sense to you?

Windows 7 users:
How many of you unironically believe in /x/ tier shit like conspiracy theories, religion, super natural events etc?

Manjaro is based. I installed Manjaro with gnome to do my webdev work on my main laptop since my MacBook has gotten really slow, and now I only boot windows for games.

If it wasn't for Uplay and windows Mixed reality not working on Linux I'd be Linux only desu

Funnily enough it's actually a full-blown experience minus apps and other pointless shit and no forced updates and reboots.

Unironically Linux Debian. It's time to take the plunge.
Sure i'll lose a sizeable chunk of my games but that'll teach me for playing PC where people are apparently allowed to force me to do stuff I don't want.

There is an unfortunately high number of degenerates on this website, and this degeneracy often seems to overlap with an excessive, irrational, and unfounded fear that companies and/or the government are spying on every waking moment of your life and watching you take a shit.

The paranoia is hilarious for a layman like me. But from a clinical perspective it's probably quite worrying. I would suggest going to see a psychiatrist. I'm not even joking, I've met paranoid schizophrenics who believed they were being constantly spied on / watched, and it's very similar to the delusions that autists on this website believe.

Is it me or are 10 apologists getting dumber?

i havent updated my w7 machine since like 2015

So what's the catch?


based and sevenpilled

Don't accuse me of that, i'm a proud Vista user.

I'm staying on 7. Fuck Microsoft and fuck Windows 10.

>Has no counter argument so had to ad hominem
You can do better than this user.

Absolutely nothing. Just that MS doesn't want you using it precisely for aforementioned things but can't exactly just pull it away without pissing a lot of customers off.


Nigga, pretty much everything spies on you these days.

Does it really matter if you see more relevant ads when you do a Bing search? You don't even need to use Bing. Just install Chrome, or Firefox, and use whatever search engine you want.

Okay here's perhaps the worst thing I've found about Windows 10, and it's not even hugely bad, because I didn't notice it for a while. Basically I went to free up some space, and I noticed a couple of games that I hadn't installed. Candy Crush Saga, some other game like that. Turns out Windows 10 installs them, I guess maybe because they have microtransactions which Microsoft takes a cut of? Anyway, I just uninstalled them. Simple as fuck. It's like how older versions of Windows came with Solitaire installed. Although I don't know in those cases if you could even uninstall Solitaire - maybe you could but I can't remember.

Seriously, Windows 10 is not "full of ads" like autists will try and have you believe. If you're really that worried, boot it from a USB drive or a DVD or something to try it out before you install it. By default you might see an icon for Candy Crush in the start menu, and a link to buy Office, but you realise you don't have to do those things, right? And you can delete those icons from the start menu. It's really not as bad as the autists are making out.

This. Even Yea Forums is spying on you. You think Hiro isn't above sending posting/IP data to advertisers for extra money?

Arch or Ubuntu?

Funny you mention Candy Crush because a common complaint people had/still have is that they uninstall it but it keeps coming back. Presumably it's in every update, and since W10 users can't customize what updates to receive people just have to deal with it and keep uninstalling it over and over.

>that is even a question

i deleted it when i first got my pc. it NEVER uninstalled itself back on this.
you are unironically pushing "fake news"

>Literally this
W10 is strictly worse than W7 tho

it never installed itself back*

>There is an unfortunately high number of degenerates on this website, and this degeneracy often seems to overlap with an excessive, irrational, and unfounded fear that companies and/or the government are spying on every waking moment of your life and watching you take a shit.
>The paranoia is hilarious for a layman like me. But from a clinical perspective it's probably quite worrying. I would suggest going to see a psychiatrist. I'm not even joking, I've met paranoid schizophrenics who believed they were being constantly spied on / watched, and it's very similar to the delusions that autists on this website believe.
Information is power you troglodyte, stop arguing for people to give it up theirs simply because you enjoy getting a companies dick in your ass.


Attached: weird al tin foil.jpg (849x761, 66K)

Okay, keep pretending that your lies are fact.

How do I into Linux or OSes as a whole? I've always been interested in how they work and how to work them, but I'm an utter retard when it comes to it and I have no clue where to start learning about them.

It's alright if you
>don't require Windows-only software
>don't mind the command line
>don't fall for the minimalist meme

It generally made older games more difficult to run. I had to manually download and install a bunch of shit even to just run AoE3 properly and I never got the portraits in Armies of Exigo to work. So I just conveniently went back to W7 when I was getting new parts for most of my computer anyway. W7 isn't without its faults in that regard either but it seems to be at an advantage.

Really? What W10 version are you using? Maybe it's specific to a certain one. I remember someone even came out with a hotfix to delete it permanently because the normies kept freaking out about it.

Arch for more /g/ rep.
Ubuntu in every other case.

>doesn't know what a pop-up is
>incorrectly uses an apostrophe when trying to form the third-person singular simple present indicative form of "pop"

Attached: brainlet.jpg (640x723, 30K)

Just download Ubuntu. It just works for the most but Linux is such a mess that it won't be long until you have to do some sweet talk in Bash. Then you learn.

im using my pc right now. i keep attention to whats on my computer and also DO updates

There are still games I can't run on W7 because they were designed on XP or earlier and I guess nobody gives a shit about them because they're random japanese shit I downloaded in like 2001. Shit happens, but the more people use an OS the more likely there will be enough demand to fix those issues.

That being said, why isn't there an "XP box" or "W7 box" like Dosbox that lets you run an old game in a virtual environment it was designed to run in?

>I genuinely believe that Bill Gates is personally watching me every time I take a shit just because I installed Windows 10, but no, it's OTHER PEOPLE who are dumb.

Attached: brainlet2.png (800x729, 48K)

>What W10 version are you using?
Fun fact: ALL versions of 10 come with Candy Crush & CO. Even SERVERS. Enterprise and above just respect the setting to stop them in group policy.

He's a technologically inept normalfag so he probably just deleted the shortcut and thinks that uninstalled the game.

I like it. Boot up time is very quick over here. Not even using good hardware.

>yeah, fuck Microsoft, even though I'm using their software!

Attached: edgy kid.jpg (600x899, 51K)

Then you have had Candry Crush reinstalled multiple times. You can't just say facts aren't true.

Windows 10 home. Version 1803. installed 6/28/2018.

when i first booted up the computer one of the first things i did is delete unwanted apps and not once have they installed back.
i turn off my computer every night. whenever a update is asked, i let it do it.

So you deleted the start menu shortcuts and think that removed the files themselves lmao

like i said i keep attention to whats on my pc. not sorry if that bothers you

You might try changing your tactic. It's merely annoying.


Just uninstalled both myself. Seems to have worked just fine. Maybe you have some old info?

nope. i deleted it entirely. not sorry if you cant understanding that.

I'm going to keep using Win7 until my current PC dies. It's not even four years old and can still play everything I need it to, so I have no reason to change it.
>muh security patches
I haven't installed a Windows Update in years. For all that it's worth Win7 could have stopped getting security updates already.
>but your security
Is not in danger because I only use my PC for playing games. I use my phone or work PC for anything involving my bank or e-mail or anything that I wouldn't want compromised.

>you have to use group policy editing to get rid of fucking candy crush
What the actual fuck? This is like having to take the engine out of your car to change the air freshener.

Win 10 education here, ver 1809, I don't know if I uninstalled it after setting up the system or if it just wasn't installed at all, but it's certainly not on here now

So you're just lying then?

>*glug glug glug*

But user, you don't have to do that because some random user on the internet stated that you don't, with no proof, in spite of the well established fact that you do.

Welcome to Modern software development.

not even a little bit.

what brand of autism is this

>there are people that don't use Windows 8.1 with classic shell

Like this guy - - I have not noticed it coming back.

It's newer, it's more powerful, it's more secure, it has better instant search, it has this cool task view thing which lets you see things you had open recently, it has multiple desktops, it has DirectX 12 (some DX12 games can be played on Win 7, but not all), and it doesn't look like it was made ten years ago.


Attached: arch linux guy.jpg (1024x609, 465K)

>Isn't that meant for like, ATM machines and shit?

Is ChromeOS worth anything at all?

Honestly hackers would need to have to find an exploit to RAT/keylog W7 computers instantly with just an IP address if they want people to change. In before Microsoft hires hackers to do just that so people are forced to upgrade

Well, you are, since youre wrong.

It's only for sale for enterprises, meaning the average user would have to pirate it if they wanted to use it.

The way things are going, I'm going to stay on 8.1/linux and just play more games on console. I don't really like FPS, RTS, or simulation games, so fuck it.

It works well for what it does but I find it unlikely that you will not at some point be a bit unsatisfied with not being able to use some kind of program, tool or utility. Ran it for a while on a normal shit computer but I don't think you should unless you really need a PC for internet stuff and are on an extreme budget.

No, its bindded to your Win7 Key. You activate 10 with your 7 key that you did the upgrade on prior if you ever decide to do it.

Maybe you should delete that post, don't want to give them any ideas

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I don't. I stick with 7 because I like its actual UI and format as opposed to 8, 8.1, and 10. I did the same shit with XP after Vista came out. I'll move onto 11 or XXX or whatever the next version is called if it's similar in UI/format to XP or 7.

Well what is it then because MS doesn't want anyone using it for desktop/every day use? Not even enterprise customers.

keep being socially needy

It's pretty good for taking notes in class if you have a chromebook since the battery lasts a good 8 hours.
Newer chromebooks let you use Linux and Android applications which is pretty neat.
Can't see myself continuing to use it after graduating though.

Candycrush guy here. Looks like it was more that people found out they couldn't just remove it with add/remove programs. I don't know what the normie version of W10 looks like but I guess they couldn't navigate to the directory and click the uninstaller? Or maybe there wasn't one?

Which literally has no effect on it.
>more powerful
Offset by the higher overhead.
>more secure
Irrelevant on a gaming machine.
>better instant search
Nope, the search has constant overhead rather than only when you're searching, making it worse.
>cool task view thing
Irrelevant for someone who already knows how to operate a computer.
>multiple desktops
Irrelevant and redundant.
Which so far has been a meme.
>doesn't look like it was made ten years ago
I thought you were listing reasons it was better and not reasons why it's worse? Why would having a shitty, oversized mobile UI be a positive trait?

Install 8.1 and classic shell. More or less the same as XP if you do that.

Or you can just buy a cheap key from the people that bulk order it for enterprises.

Its basically an enterprise desktop version with long term support that MS rolled out because enterprises demanded it even though MS didn't want to... because it dosn't include the Windows Store, which was THE fucking reason Win10 exists.
Its a full blown desktop Win10 with security updates but without (most) of the retard shit that comes with Win10. If you're going to use 10 there is zero reason not to use LTSB/LTSC.

>accuses someone of lying but has no evidence whatsoever to support his side of the argument

Attached: brainlet3.jpg (235x232, 10K)

Loonix mint is fucking shit though, use kubuntu instead if you want gaymes, if you're want just fancy shit use arch/i3 or install ubuntuw budgie

It's for atm machines and shit
It doesn't get any updates at all beyond security stuff, if you want a newer version you have to reinstall the whole thing

There's also a workaround to load the Windows Store into LTSC if you really want to play AoE1 Remastered or whatever.

>Yeah, f-f-fuck Microsoft, that's why I use their software!

Attached: ow the edge.jpg (400x366, 29K)

I haven't installed a single Windows update since 2014 and never got a virus or major software issue. Nothing will change just because support ends.

8.1 drops support in 2023, right? Might consider that once I build a new PC next year.

>What are my fellow Windows 7 users doing next year?
using windows 7


>implying two completely different generations of ANY products are immediately comparable or equal.

its good to be aware. lots of people who complain downloads sketchy shit. most likely attempting to "find" free software

Well if a new W10 feature in 2023 is for it to come to life and suck your dick then yeah I guess LTSC users are out of luck but otherwise I think it'll be fine.

>8.1 drops support in 2023, right?
Who the fuck cares?
Meaning: who the fuck cares of MS's """support"""?
There will be people using W7 up to 2030 at this pace, all thanks to MS fucking everyone in the eye and ass with their latest shit.


Yeah sure, it's still intended for machines that should just run 24/7/365 with one or two dedicated functions

why doesn't Yea Forums use windows 10 ltsb? it's windows 10 but without the forced updates.

Just switch to Linux. Thanks to shit like Proton I won't even need to dual boot soon.

>Hello ladies, did you know I use the GNU/Linux operating system due to my personal differences with the latest release of Windows? You see I have a personal collection of illegal pictures of underage children and I couldn't risk anybody finding out, even though Windows 10 only really collects anonymised usage data.

Attached: tipping intensifies.gif (460x600, 583K)

Its a normal enterprise version without shit.
W10 IoT is the one for ATM machines.

how do i get ltsc?

I don't want windows 10 the interface is garbage.

Nobody wants linux for games and you know that.

>>Hello ladies, did you know I use the GNU/Linux operating system

Attached: bran.png (688x684, 429K)

Gawd, it's not like I HAVE a collection like that but it's the principle you know? I myself don't really care but pedos have rights too you know?

google "ILLEGAL PIRATED WINDOWS DOWNLOAD" and click and run as many exe files as you can.

Microsoft shills out in full force today I see. I certainly hope they're shills anyway because I shudder to think how braindead a person has to be to willingly suck so much corporate cock and not get paid for it.


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I don't think I'll be switching from W7 anytime soon, it literally just werks.

>because I shudder
weak faggot

That's what XP users thought...

Doesn’t this just mean there won’t be new security updates? It shouldn’t make W7 unusable

It's not "pretty good", but it's not as bad as everyone make it seem.
I only use 10 pro because i really like fh4

From the /g/sqt pastebin.
>A less shady source than a pastebin link managed by /g/
Use rufus to move the ISO to a USB.

When you install it install the last cumulative update manually, it contains all the updates released.

Then in group policy change telemetry to security mode, disable defender and set updates to manual download and manual install.

Until devs stopped making their software XP compatible were they wrong?

>Okay why everyone hates w10?
Shameless data mining of users is their business model now
When people called them out on their bullshit they refused to listen.

The trust is fucking gone and will never come back. If it wasn't for vidya I'd abandon Windows completely and just switch to Linux. But as it stands I'll probably have a Win10 partition for vidya (and nothing else) and a full disk encrypted Linux partition (just in case those Microsoft shits try to scan it somehow)

>any thread anti-winblows appears
>micropenis shills activate
You people are so predictable. I hope you at least get $0.01 per post.


Windows 7 embedded standard is free for everyone (select program compatibility during install)

And its lifespan lasts until 2021

All you need is a simple CD key during installation, and those are easy to find with a simple search

How vulnerable is Windows XP? I found an old laptop from 2003 with XP for $40 at a flea market

Also you cant activate windows 1803 and newer(LTSC is 1809) with microsoft toolkit, you need to use KMS_VL_ALL.

put puppy linux on it

it's vulnerable to spectre, meltdown, etc.

>Runs everything as admin by default
>autoruns can be created and modified without admin rights
>No browser support anymore
You tell me.

Why go through all this trouble for windows 10 when embedded standard is free? I thought /g/ was supposed to be tech savvy

Still can run Firefox 52 on XP which basically supports everything... for now.

>god I love linux cock so much mmmm yes put it into my mouth daddy

What they announced is that the "check updates" button will no longer cause you to jump ahead to feature updates that you otherwise wouldn't have gotten yet if you let the automatic updates system proceed on the regular rollout schedule..
It's just removing a "feature" that was based on the idea that people who push that button probably want new & shiny things right away.
Other than that, nothing's changed.

Why go through the trouble of installing windows 10 at all when you can just install Linux?
Because W7 has shitty modern hardware support, Coffee Lake and Ryzen 2nd gen have problems with it.

If your computer is using Ryzen 1st gen or a Kaby lake CPU or older you should be using Windows 7 when it comes to desktops, when it comes to laptops you are forced to use W10 because either it wont install (Even if you add AHCI and USB drivers to the installer) or it just wont have driver support for important stuff like the touchpad(Hi ASUS) or for wireless (Hi HP with your shitty realtek bullshit).

>see GWXconfig.exe and CompatTelRunner.exe pop up on task manager
>nuke those fuckers
>no message about support ending
Eat shit, Bill

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Curiously, why are you mentioning Bill? He no longer has ANY stakes at MS.

Windows 10 is pretty good once you get rid of the bad features

Attached: desktop.png (2560x1390, 1.56M)

>He no longer has ANY stakes at MS
>literally owns more than 100 million shares
Hitting retardation levels higher than capacity here.

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>Cancer isn't that bad as long as you get the chemo

Hopefully you are feeling much better about yourself

Wtf I'm using windows 7 embedded on my laptop right now

But I did have to use a usb 2.0 port on the back, but you could always burn a CD to get windows on your laptop. Dont tell me you have a laptop with no cd/dvd drive?

do you feel better that you replied?


Already running Windows 7 + Mint in dual boot. There are many things which I fucking love about Linux. The system is snappy as fuck, for example. It boots even from a HDD pretty fast and opening and closing programs happens instantly on my shitbox. The terminal is great for many things. Smal terminal programs which do one thing and exactly one thing like cmus are what I was always looking for.

That said, the overreliance on the terminal also has some serious drawbacks for normal users like me. I want GUIs for things for programs with potentially harmful functions. Like SpeedFan which easily lets me control my system fans on Win, instead I got fancontrol which involves a lot of terminal fuckery. Same with the amdgpu drivers. The driver performs well and is stable as a workhorse, but again no easy GUI like Wattman on Win to do advanced stuff.

I hope Steam meming Linux so hard will change some things.

This is what Windows 7 faggots say because fuck security LOL

Would a windows 7 key work for LTSC the same way it would work for activating standard W10?
>This update enables reminders about Windows 7 end of support.
>If automatic updates are enabled, this update will be downloaded and installed automatically.

Why should I switch to 10 ? 7 works perfectly fine for me. I got 10 at work. Incredibly shitty OS.

No one is that stupid. Badly tested updates are what is the issue.

>Dont tell me you have a laptop with no cd/dvd drive?
Welcome to most if not all modern laptops.

LTSC is activated only through KMS so no, just run KMS_VL_ALL with LTSC.

LTSB/LTSC has to be activated by KMS. Dumb, I know, but its fairly easy.

Can I get it to look like W7 in some way to satisfy my autism?

I tried 10 and had it on my laptop. It worked so bad every time I describe my experience in a lengthy post I'm always accused of making shit up. I later upgraded to 7.
My exposure to 10 nowadays it's through university computers and it's always a struggle to complete the simplest task because it's just bad. Just downloading, installing and setting a web browser different from IE is a hassle full of ads for IE and hurdles to stop you from making the change. This should not be a thing on the OS level.

I'm thinking of dual-booting linux and maybe trying gaming on it via the Steam Proton thing, but I'm also thinking of upgrading my PC soon. How important is Vulkan for Linux gaming, and how much better are AMD cards when it comes to Vulkan? I've got an R9290 at the moment and was thinking of grabbing that new 1660TI but I might hold off for a new AMD card if Vulkan's a big deal.

Modern workstations still come with dvd/cd drives

You know, the laptops for people who actually get shit done and don't have makework jobs and pointless degrees

Your job is to burn CDs on the go? What the fuck.

Nvidia does Vulkan,too. And it's good.

It's fine as a web terminal but it's it's selling point is that it does so little, there's not much you can break.

People with actual jobs still use CDs and DVDs

Yeah too bad we are in a board related to videogames where nobody will own a modern workstation laptop, also modern mobile workstations don't come with DVD drives anymore.

You keep telling me. I'm just trying to figure out what for. Lunch time movie break? I mean there's netflix but if you want that BR quality...

>linking to images on an image board

Attached: wojak hmm.png (645x773, 11K)

>also modern mobile workstations don't come with DVD drives anymore.
P71 has an ultrabay, which can be fitted with a DVD drive

Try again friendo

P72, no ultrabay.

I tried my best to remain on W7 but after an upgrade it was impossible due to it not having certain USB3 drivers

I went with the W10 LTSB and it's not as bad as I expected. Can't imagine using this OS with all the bullshit it usually comes with though.

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For software and data storage you retarded mong.

you could just migrate to Pale Moon x86, and enjoy a truly modern browser.

Hiro's blocked most of the EU from posting pictures.
Gotta make do with text and hyperlinks.

Ever heard of USB drives or networking?

>using a CD for data storage

Dell Latitude ruggeds still come with dvd bays :^)

>I'm just trying to figure out what for
To OWN the media they purchase, and not be tied to fishy, paid online services, that change their rules, pricing and even offerings every other day, potentially removing the series in the middle of your binge-watching.

Same thing with games. Physical copies ensure access and prove ownership.

Discs take barely any space, and there's fucktons of players still around.

so people over the age of 55?
like the other user said. usb can hold even 1terrabyte now.
most software is online to download. the cd has to be so fucking old that it holds a software that wouldnt even help in modern worklife

While they are neat (Even when importing a Panasonic rugged laptop would be cheaper) they aren't workstations.

Install GNU/Linux my guy. Ubuntu is a nice beginner distro. It's what I usually recommend people. I use Debian Sid myself, which Ubuntu uses as base.

Thanks to Wine, DXVK, Lutris, SteamPlay, and all the native Linux titles available nowadays, you will be able to play practically anything you want, and that's not even including console emulators, which run wonderfully under Linux as well.

The only games that might give you problems are incidentally the ones not even worth playing in the first place - ie, the ones that have annoying copy protection middleware and the ones that have poorly coded anti-cheat software like EAC.

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use windows 7?
I haven't updated in quite a while so what the fuck does this change for me?

>he doesn't use LTO WORM tapes for storage

>the cd has to be so fucking old that it holds a software that wouldnt even help in modern worklife
What the fuck are you babbling there, fucking zoomer?
You can put what ever you want on discs. And if CD ain't big enough for your purposes, you can up to a DVD or even BD.

I got tons of my DL'd anime and films burned on DVDs, with necessary 32- and 64-bit software and instructions bundled with them, just so that no EU internet ban or sunflare storm can delete my shit.

DVDs got discontinued ages ago when it comes to business use, not sure why you are discussing they are still important in modern devices.
The only old things that are still used in new devices are RSR-232 and VGA ports.

Experiment with Proton through Steam, apparently it’s quite good now.

A time will soon come when the idea of Windows games not being available on Linux completely ceases.

And it's not like this wannabe boomer needs to have a fucking disc drive in his laptop even if he thinks owning discs is worth something. You can have an external in your drawer or in whatever monster case you're sure to be dragging around if you have a 17".

>What the fuck are you babbling there, fucking zoomer?
i know for a fact im not addicted to Yea Forums like you obviously are.
did you know you can put whatever you want on USBs?

Tech illiterate here, why would you change OS just because there's no more support?

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you dont have to. its just news. not a demand

But what changes after a company stops giving support to OSs?

ask me about USBs. lets keep this reply line stable

I used XP until 2014 and the last update I had installed was SP3.

It means that you obviously won't get any new features but that was already done. So what it means now is that you also don't get any fixes if russians figure out how to add you to the botnet or if something major breaks.

No support means no critical security updates anymore. Shouldn't be much of a problem if you use your PC as a gaming console though. More serious is the dwindling support from developers.

>Okay why everyone hates w10?
Have you been living under a rock or something?
It's terrible to the bone, in every single way.
The fact that it spies you, advertises crap to you nonstop, its EULA practically makes you and your machine a bitch to the MS, and the official updates tend to break and/or reset everything makes it a dangerous to use in many situations.
The shitty backwards compatibility, butt-ugly visual design, fact that it has 2-3 different systems with different GUI designs stacked on top of each other (all which may break down on their own, separately) are just icing on the shit-cake.

I suffered with Wontworks 10 for ~6 months, with every week being pain in the ass. After that, I upgraded to Windows 7, and life's been good.

Over time security holes get discovered. These get patched in security updates. No updates means your system gets more and more vulnerable over time

>literal non-argument topic switch
>you know you can put what evevr you want on USBs?
Yes, I do. And ?

>Yes, I do. And ?
its better than CDs

how long today have you been deep into replying on Yea Forums topics because its starting to show with how easily irritated you are

Kill yourself you giant man baby

Only in some ways.
Solid state storage systems require power hold the data, which slowly gets used up. Discs don't have this problem, and as long as there's good enough optical reading hardware around, the data can be extracted.

Also, dunno about you, but to me USBs flash drives are EDC items, while discs are permanent recordings.

>Only in some ways.
every way actually. especially more so if you get an external harddrive like the big boi you want to portray

I had better fps in 10 than 7, one of the reasons why I didn't install rollback the upgrade.

>Solid state storage systems require power hold the data, which slowly gets used up.
Not a problem since 2013.
>Discs don't have this problem
What is disc rot.

Rotational velocidensity is a much bigger problem than USB drives dying. But whether you go disc, disk or drive, all of these run the risk of being lost, broken, failing, burning up or what fuck ever, and need to be backed up.

Well this guy is

Can I get some computer store to install LTSB for me? I'm literally too much of a brainlet to follow all these instructions.Or is it "illegal" because Microsoft doesn't want home users to own it?

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>It's pretty good IMO.

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MIMO, too. I don't know what the complaining is about. Installed day none and never had an issue.

Just use linux.

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Its Windows for business, You can buy it online as far as i know, or just pirate it you fag

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You download the iso, download rufus and run it.
Then you press F12 to select your USB and click install, how hard is that?

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>but after an upgrade it was impossible due to it not having certain USB3 drivers

The upgrade removed USB3 drivers? Why didn't you roll it back?

No because that's simply not true. Win7 is the new WinXP, I know Vista was traumatising to you paranoid idiots but 10 is as clean as WinXP SP3 back in the days in its current state for most users.

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where to find a legit key for sale? just random key sites on the web?

dumb anime poster

LTSB doesn't support newer processors so I wouldn't get that if you're making a new PC. As usual M$ finds a way to screw people over.

Isn't it just like with Win 7 where you have to find a workaround?

What a sexy thinkpad.

Windows doesn't "support" it. So it's like with W7 obsolescence. If it fucks up and it's a windows issue, then they don't give a fuck.

>still using outdated trash

>always been paranoid of viruses and shit
>this warning comes up
It's been like 3 years. Surely users have found a way to strip all the junk from a normal W10 installation right? I can use it like W7 just like I can use W7 like XP, right? Right?

Attached: snowisokayIguess.jpg (462x420, 105K)

>What are my fellow Windows 7 users doing next year? believe your computer will suddenly stop functioning next year?

Attached: 4L_U3y07i09.jpg (1224x471, 150K)

It's time to leave the dark side user.

Attached: f2711ccb12159f26c6dadc9117a603e67b5fdee3.jpg (1024x768, 507K)

(and all other replies like it)

OP here. I never said you have to stop using Windows 7. I asked what you guys are doing and "keep using Windows 7 without security updates" is a valid answer. I'm switching to Linux, in part because I personally would rather use an OS which actually gets security updates, but as I wrote earlier, I've been meaning to switch to Linux for quite some time. If I were against the idea of using Linux, I'd probably just keep using Windows 7.

You can disable all telemetry from w10 pro, but that's not enough for spergs.

So according to this W10 Enterprise is the only edition that allows you to access LTSC (the meme version that's barebones that autists say is the only way to run the OS) should I focus on getting that over Pro?

>he believes he can save himself from the endless hordes of boot sector viruses and trojans
protip, it isn't random people attacking your unsupported pc, its Microsoft and google themselves who are trying to protect their servers from being compromised by your rogue pc

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When XP died we had 7 so it wasn't a big deal, but now we have nothing to replace 7 with.

But we do.

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>Bruh just spend like 10 hours of your day troubleshooting shit for your meme OS like the rest of us
Every time with you linux fags.

The absolute shit of wincucks.

i have 1 windows laptop for normie stuff and 1 linux laptop for other stuff

dont see why this is hard for people


>Implying I've installed an update for windows 7 since the telemetry/windows 10 upgrade scandal

Year of the Linux Desktop when

>he doesn't have LTSC 2019 on standby already
Why has this board become infested with zoomers?
I bet you also don't pirate your media or build your own PC.

Attached: de15df26e9bf61c4f5672a08dc60a50b.jpg (499x481, 28K)

6 months ago.

>he's still stuck in 2010
Babby distros are idiot proof.
The only people that run into problems are arch or, god help them, gentoo kids who picked them because they're "hardcore" and have no idea what they're doing. In most cases, they aren't even fully utilizing it; just copy pasting shit from guides and bloating it up like the n00b distros they shit on.

>caring about being spied on
Basically admitting to being a criminal. Enjoy not playing any game worth a shit with your shitty ass linux, idiots.

My dude. 5 years and counting.

So you're telling me, right now, that I can install Mint Chocolate Chip or whatever the fuck, download any game on Steam and run it with literally zero problems? Any mainstream graphic editing software that I use for work like Maya and Zbrush with literally LITERALLY zero problems? Using an OS that is only officially supported by a handful of tech companies?

Attached: ken.png (387x315, 275K)

same but it's more like I don't really give a shit. 7 didn't seem like anything amazing when I used it and in fact all that aero shit is ugly as hell. I do have LTSB but it's more like "7 was fine, this is fine too".

Attached: 1555473296772.png (273x273, 123K)

install 10 LTSC, it's one of the best windows I've ever had.

I used to dual boot Linux and windows, then a kernel update broke my graphic card drivers, I fixed it, then it happened again some months later and now I just have windows cause I can't be assed to deal with open sores bullshit anymore.

>What are my fellow Windows 7 users doing next year?
downloading the pirated security updates that other good goy pay for. You do know about the paid updates, right OP?

Attached: 4129050i.jpg (600x600, 85K) there a way to fucking ALT TAB TO YOUR FUCKING DESKTOP on w10? Because that's currently my main issue.

Inb4 windows key + D: no, fuck off, I want alt tab.

Prove it.

Someone please answer this man.

not possible, but you can go directly to your desktop and refresh at the same time clicking on the button in the down right corner. If your fullscreen, you cant do shit unfortunately


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Install Gentoo

>So you're telling me, right now, that I can install Mint Chocolate Chip or whatever the fuck, download any game on Steam and run it with literally zero problems?
That's actually closer to true than it has ever been before, with Valve allowing all games to run on Linux using this Proton shit.

But no, obviously not every game on Steam will be 100% compatible with Linux. Not every game on Steam is 100% compatible with any single version of Windows either; some don't work right on Windows 10 without lots of tweaking, and I'm sure there are some newer games that won't run on Windows Vista or whatever is the oldest Windows which Steam still supports.

Nothing is idiot proof when it comes to troubleshooting, there's no way to not get into a terminal rabbit hole if you ever have any issues even in Ubuntu.

UX has never been a strong point of Linux.

windows 7 sucks!

Oh noes. Whatever will I do without my "security" updates that I never got anyway after installing 7?

I did specifically think about alt tabbing when playing a full screen game, yes.

>Any mainstream graphic editing software that I use for work like Maya and Zbrush with literally LITERALLY zero problems?
If you're using your system professionally for graphics work, especially 3D you should probably look into Crossover from Codeweavers, its what Pixar uses to enable employees to run certain Windows-only software they might need in their entirely GNU/Linux production environment.
Its essentially a beefed up commercially supported release of Wine with tech support. Its also the same company Valve partnered with for Proton.
Is still the best resource for finding out if a game you want to play is compatible with Proton.

For any kind of gaming or professional use, you'll probably want to run RedHat/Fedora, or Ubuntu since they're the most common Linux distributions for professional workstation use, and PC gaming respectively.

That's why you buy AMD for Linux, Nvidia just isn't going to be a good experience if you want to dig into your system at a low level and do stuff like build your own kernels as soon as they become available.

Based chink bitcoin miner user

You simply got to be a false flagger.
It's better than Me, 8 and 10, but that's about it.

Implying i will ever switch to dogshit 8 and 10.

>At least old thing didn't spy on you
Remember "xp Antispy"?
Don't worry, I'm not thinking Android or iOS were any better, but Windows was fucked from the start.

>Meanwhile with windows 7 you just install Ultimate, 4.5 net framework and drivers and you are good to go.
They recently shoved DiagTrack into one of the monthly updates. I only noticed it because it started raping my HDDs all of a sudden. As far as I'm concerned even 7 is FUBAR and I'm not installing a MS operating system on any actual hardware (as opposed to a VM) ever again after I get fed up with current install. Used their OSes since MS DOS 2.x.

>Fallout New Vegas
I may be able to run these games by default, but can I run them with loadsamods? I'm talking ENBs and sexlab shit out the wazzu. I want to load up Mod Organizer and mess with shit and boot it up and play a very pretty version of these games.

Can I do this on Linux, just as easily as on Windows if at all?

Personally, it's Google that you guys should worry about. Microsoft is dedicated to keeping all of your personal information safe and sound in your hands only.

Attached: 23251001.jpg (997x2048, 396K)

Are you fucking serious W10 doesn't have alt-tab? What the fuck?

Read better you fucking brainlet. It doesn't have ALT TAB TO DESKTOP.

Attached: 56711091_615681388904678_1491274531354968064_n[1].jpg (700x700, 28K)

Wait so if I get Linux for free I still gotta buy all this other stuff?

i was on windows xp until 3 years ago, and it still works with steam this day

forced upgrading is a meme

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Thanks for chiming in Bill

Didn't he sell his share and all? Or only stepped down?

Not sure, iirc he wasn't really running things for a while. He just showed up to eat two weiners at once, who's in charge now, DEVELOPERS?

Literally all that changes is when russians find new holes, they won't get fixed
Not like that matters anyways, microsoft is literally forced to make more security updates upon a fucking huge hole being discovered because like 80% of all business operating systems and servers like the entirety of most hospitals, fire stations, and police stations still use windows 98 and XP and at most vista. Which is what happened when Wannacry leaked and over nearly the entirety of britians hospital systems got supremely fucked
>bro it works fine you just gotta install shit from twelve websites and troubleshoot it and then download the fix for the fix and then sacrifice a lamb in your closet and pray to lord xenu and it just works totally great platinum score!

The absolute state of Linux tards. This shit isn't remotely ready for regular consumer use. It's certainly better than what it was before presumably, but people saying this is easy and pain free are lying cunts. The best you can say is it's good for browsing and email shit but the second you do anything specialized you're diving into tech support hell.

I'm a retard when it comes to OS, but my PC has had windows 7 for 8 yeas. I'm pretty sure apart from when my friend first installed it, I've never once updated in the following 7 years. Will PCs no longer be usable after this? Why is everyone so scared?

>He just showed up
Pretend I'm living under a rock (no social media accounts) for a moment. He just did what?


Because once hackers know W7 has no defenses anymore they'll go ham on creating malware and we're all fucked.

It can be removed though, and multiple updates have it.

There is nothing to be afraid of as long you have common sense when it comes to handle malware.

It's not the root of the problem. The fact they shoved it into an "important" "monthly rollup" is. I don't trust them. I mean, even less than I already did.
Also, have fun disabling AeLookupSvc post SP1.

If you're using Linux as a professional workstation, yes you might want to buy Crossover if there is any Windows-only software you need to run since they provide official support for professional applications that aren't native. Quite a few of the pro 3d applications like Maya provide native Linux versions because many shops have their entire production process on GNU/Linux. So you may not even need it.

Proton is fully free having been funded by Valve who also employs the primary developer of DXVK.

It's all fun and games until someone discovers a simple webpage or email exploit and it never gets fixed because your OS is dead. Everyone already knows not to download hotporn.avi.exe.

Any kind of invasive Windows-only "Anti-Cheat' malware is of course going to cause problems.
Unfortunately that's on Valve for having allowed it for Windows games in the first place.

So what can I personally do to convince Yea Forums to switch to Linux?

Updates breaking shit, updates fixing said shit while breaking more shit in the process without giving two shits about when you want to update based shit

I switched to using GNU/Linux about 4 years ago and haven't looked back.

No, Microsoft is going down once a suitable alternative comes up.

Not a problem anymore thanks to adblockers.

When will Microsoft rename "Windows 10" to just "Windows YY/MM"?

If there was something that flawlessly and universally emulated windows 10/7 programs in Linux then I'd switch. As of now only piecemeal solutions exist, and that's not good enough. Give it a few more years of more things natively working on Linux combined with better Windows emulation and people will probably switch on their own. Being free is a big motivator.

As of right now, dual booting W7/10 and Linux Mint is probably the farthest I'll go. Having to restart to switch sounds like a pain in the ass though.

Attached: 1529302448174.jpg (984x738, 134K)

The absolute state of schizos. Have sex and take your pills

top of the line hardware already cannot be used on windows 7 without awkward workarounds that will break with driver updates

I feel like W10 is the line in the sand for the future of software development. If enough people buy into it then the idea of a corporation controlled digital future is all but assured. If enough people don't then maybe now's the turning point where all OS's become open source simply because that's where the demand is.

You say that like adblockers are foolproof as well. What happens when they drop W7 support too?

thinking I should bite the bullet on windows 10 and buy it, I already have 7 as it is and have the OS disk which I bought in case it becomes rare and non existent. Also use xp mode on to play old games like fallout 1-3 through virtual PC so I dont have to buy XP again and just use 7
Anyways I feel as if the move to halo to steam shows that most the people on steam have older software like 7 and the movement of windows 10 objects into that store show that they still support these users and will make it an incentive to buy windows 10 if you have 7, so I end up might having to

I want to believe you, but I'm still skeptical.

Granted, I don't know shit about Linux (yet), nor do I have any working knowledge about how to run shit through Linux. I'm sure it's much MUCH easier now than having to rely on terminals and practically typing in cryptic code shit, but I can only imagine getting a Windows game to work in Linux is a feat in of itself. To add mods (like scrpit-dependent ones like skse, and graphics card utilizing ones like ENBs) just adds a whole shitton more into an already delicate balance on a non-native, non-windows device.

Look into Linux with GPU Passthru. If you have a two+ monitor setup, just run Linux and have your windows of choice in a VM with full graphic support.