What do you want to see in gtaiv?

What do you want to see in gtaiv?

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VI* i fucked up

a Switch port, rockstar are being retarded for avoiding it

A fun game.

Liberty city.

I want it to not exist and for them to make bully 2 and agent instead

They do just fine without it.

Less misogyny, less racism, less drugs, playable female characters

Also Manhunt 3

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I know, I'm retarded

poltards are so damn cringey lmao you're literally obsessed with that dumb shit


>less drugs
Liberals aren't against that, not believable/10

I honestly prefer a GTA SA+VC remake(proper one)

I don't like the nu-gta, very very unfun nowadayz

>Chinatown wars drug dealing mechanic
>Drugs have physical properties assigned to them and you can lose packages during transport, it also gives incentive to buy bigger properties to store them
>Environmental destruction
> 2-3 major cities (Liberty City/LV/VC)
>Max Payne 3-tier movement and gunplay

>better writing
>more absurd fun missions like in San Andreas or Gay Tony
>just 1 protag
>less scripted missions
>more freedom to accomplish objectives in missions
>more walkable interiors
>more easter eggs and weird shit
pls rockstar, don't fuck up again

I want it to be console exclusive for 3 years and only to come out on PC so they can milk the online mode

no white people

1 protag, not black


Community servers, something like SAMP

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If it's not set in Vice City (it doesn't have to be retro 80s. I think modern day would work just fine if they expand it beyond Miami and include like the swamps and shit), then it should be set in Texas. They could even make it related to Red Dead lore by just making it modern day New Austin.

>set in london like the original
>play as mudslime fresh off the boat
>cockney voices everywhere
>you're part of a shitty joke terrorist organisation ie Four LIons
>rusty guns which backfire half the time
>lots of moped robberies
>gang system similar to SA
>main plot is planning to blow up big ben or some shit


It must be set in Vice City, it's the perfect opportunity to use VIce City

I want a Vice City remake.

NOT a city or state that has already been featured.

Non-burger here. What is interesting about modern day texas. GTA is always set in an iconic city Texas is only known for cowboys

modern day rdr duh

But there is nothing to parody or spoof which is a massive part of GTA. People outside of US don't know anything about it so it can't be spoofed like LA or NYC

I wanna see GTA in smash bros

>gta iv

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Grand Theft Auto VIce city

People know enough that Texas has a bunch of cowboys and rednecks

Fuck yeah I want Swamp Boats

I'm sure theres a dirty south/trill/crunk demographic out there, though it would just be southern SA at that point.

A censored version on the PS5


Plus a DJ Screw/swisha house station would be awesome.

Las Venturas in the 80's, working for a mob casino.

A female protagonist.

Remove auto aim entirely, put in more stats, main character has only one friend, and it's your own custom made character. Stealth will actually function now, for and against the player. The map size will be reduced but will be packed full of an active world.

Online vehicles require gas.

>online vehicles require gas
you can just jack cars, makes no difference.

The online mode for 5 was too convoluted and the matchmaking sucked dick, they need to embrace a simple server browser

>Online vehicles require gas
Just make a RP separate gamemode on online

for the missions to not be complete snoozefests
something to do in the open world that isn't fucking yoga

70's liberty city, and you're a cop

Destructible environments but I know it won't happen.

GTA V kinda has destructible enviroments, i imagine VI would only upgrade on it


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Bring back the dark and realistic mood of GTA 4. Set in Chicago, more gangs, destructible environments, and have drug dealing mechanics.

Oil, Mexicans, liberal hipsters in Austin, slabs (basically the Texas equivalent of a lowrider), chopped & screwed hip-hop, purple drank, the Gulf Coast, rednecks in rural areas, sports, the small pocket of punk rockers, etc

70s* but yeah that would be dank

>dark and realistic mood of GTA 4
No, fuck this boring grey shit

So Los Santos?

Female PC

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pls no

Lmao do you think your piece of plastic could even handle gtaV?

Gta 2 sequel


It's not quite the same. There's nuance. It's like saying London and Manchester are the same because they need a loicense to do anything.

ah yes, so original in late 2010's games....

Burger here. I want London in the 70s. Parodies could work since London is very recognizeable outside of England

No online.

Set it in Mumbai.

>main character uses poo launcher
>big baddie is a giant shit monster

Bully 2 is definitely in the works. It'll probably come out before GTAVI is even announced.

A semi memorable story/game and one fucking character, not 3 retards.


I don't give a fuck about Las Venturas or Vice City

I want to own a fucking penthouse and run a pyramid scheme

PC version releasing at the same time as the console version.

>GTA V kinda has destructible enviroments
How so?

If they decide to put more ridiculous shit in the game, I hope they make it more like fast and the furious and less like saints row. Ideally they keep the scope smaller

Just TLAD Remastered with more missions please.

I think people refer to destructible buildings when they say that, not just fences and small props that can be destroyed with a vehicle or gunfire.

But then who will beta test for us?

a return to the glorious top-down perspective

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>one main character
>non-linear missions, remove mission areas
>character progression/customization, bring back fighting styles
>replace shitty hidden collectibles with unique weapons, costumes
>no more omnipresent cops, allow me to have fun ffs

Some concrete walls are destructible


Since the Xbox 360 and PS3 could, then yeah, near enough. The ARM CPU is pretty anaemic, even compared to the bargain basement Jaguar cores in the quadruple and the bone, but it the conversion should be possible.

GTAIV style car handling

>implying they wont make a fairly okay sp with terrible writing and literally no more content ever
>implying they wont put all their assets into a horrendous cash grab mp that normalfaggots will eat up

As if fucking rdr2 wasnt enough proof
they know the formula works so why would they stop? Fuck rockstar of david

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>Concrete walls

No, those are fences.

>no more omnipresent cops, allow me to have fun ffs

This. Cops shouldn't be just grist for the mill, make individual cops more threatening and stop them from spawning infinitely, just around every corner you approach, so that evading them is actually fun and rewarding, because hosing 50 waves of cops with bullets just to move 10 feet down the sidewalk is nofunatall.

"LE EPIK POWER FANTASE" got tiring after like 5 minutes.

i would unironically want to go back to LC... It feels like home. although I did enjoy VC a lot, but that's because of the chars and story...

have sex incel

>Fuck rockstar of david

More like shylockstar of david.


Why would you want to downgrade the handling? IV probably had the worst out of any game.

>No, those are fences.
There is like one concrete wall in LS that is destructible because it was used on the story mode


>vice city
>1 protag
>better gun designs
>better car designs
>a more alive city
>better ai
>samp multiplayer
>official well done rp gamemode

bring back all the character customization from SA but go farther with it
like being able to get plastic surgery or become trans

>like being able to get plastic surgery or become trans

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everything they took out in the shit show that was V
>car damage
>euphoria physics
>police that patrol and don't spawn out of thin air behind you
>building interiors
>missions that aren't scripted shit shows or fetch quests

I just hope that they don't focus too much on "8k 500fps Super Ultra HD Hyper-Realistic" graphics and use that energy to filling the game to the brim with content. I'd rather have an okay looking game with billions of things to do and see than a really pretty game with nothing to do but drive around and complete missions.

switch is for bing bing wahoo games, GTA is for grown ups

and have side quests that become available from it
>working out causes you to develop some muscle but unlocks a mission to find a steroid supplier to become really jacked
>getting really fat can cause your character to randomly have a heart attack and die
>playing sports increases stamina and lets you meet characters and unlock missions you won't otherwise find

fuck that shit no

>What do you want in gta iv
>Liberty City

Based 2008 anons

>They killed off a potential synthwave station in V


Can't name a more unfun city. Only place i remember from there was the statue of hapiness

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>Remove auto aim

Zoom zoom isn't going to like that

this, huge wasted opportunity if they don't do that

i can already see what the ultimate edition will be when they rerelease the game with all DLC and higher rez graphics
>GTA VI: Complete Edition

>modern rockstar
>a fairly okay sp

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Why is she being driven by the Persona 3 protagonist?

thats actually fucking perfect the fuck
probably so perfect that they won't do it

2 cities 2 different time periods 1 protagonist that shows him as a young drug dealer in 80s VC. Gets out of prison after serving a long sentence and moves to LC or LV to restart his empire

that's Mafia

I'm happy to lose it all if it means i don't have to put up with the god awful driving in iv. Even V was better than that. But really I think they need to look back to their older games.

if they actually tried that could be cool
>becoming trans allows you to jobs as prostitute & stripper and gives you the ability to use your phone to #metoo any male character in the game
>also a vampire-like mechanic but instead of blood you need to constantly get plastic surgery as your body is gradually degrading over time

>Or become trans


I replay that level in Battlefield Hardline just for that.

I wasn't expecting this in Parallel Lines, less so that you can switch any time postgame

Too much talk about locations in this thread, not enough about new mechanics

He obviously means being able to switch gender, but that's unrealistic so they probably won't do that.

>tfw you just know they're going to exclude hookers/strip clubs

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yeah lets just have fucking full on lock on mode with instant locking like in gta sa

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that would be fun af

I want them to go out of America into Colombia, Pable Escobar shit playing around the same time Escobar was alive. You play a similar person to him. After a while you traffic your drugs to Miami and it can kinda redo the Vice City thing in a way along with Columbia cartel shit.

payne shooting
fully functioning mp

never ever

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cringe and yikespilled

>metoo is a 1 hit kill

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